7.3 - Summer and The Spaceship

On a bit of a roll here! Anyway, here's Summer, rebuilding her rocket.
Summer: It's built. I'm doing upgrades.
For what?
Summer: Landing stabilisers.

Summer: Up up up and away!
Bye bye.
Summer:...I don't wanna die.
Pretty uninteresting trip she had. She didn't crash, but she also didn't find rare aliens. (Like she did on that trip that we did crash). (Side note: She took two more trips during this chapter and NOTHING happened).

Danika: First I die, then the dollhouse is broken! Nothing goes right for me!
Well, you are a dead child. So in terms of 'things going right' you're basically in a negative balance.
Car Beds: Hahaha! Hahaha! SUFFER.
Seriously, is it just me who thinks those things look evil?

Summer: *lunge* RAH! *back to normal* HA! Of course I wouldn't bite you, Mother... Mum?
Glass: SUMMER-
Quinton: Oh you're going down, daughter.
Summer: I'm not scared of her.
Summer: OK maybe a little.
On another note, the final party for milestone 3 is being held at a random apartment in Uptown, with a bunch of random people! Yay!
Also Q's back on bar duty, sorry Q.

THE FIRST THING someone did at this party is throw away random trash. Great start.
Aahana what.
Aahana: My bin is full.
You couldn't empty it?
Aahana: Nope.

AND I'M...DROWNING IN IT! *cue wedding march tune*

Paolo: I have never seen this woman before.
K moving on.

Hey Stefanie.
Stefanie: Me and my fabulous self cannot even-
Evade Summer. You can't evade Summer. Our little vampire is thirsty.

Ashby: Yeah, I'm a yoga instructor. And I'm reeeeal flexible.
Samson: Mother help.
Aanya: You called?
Ashby: Hi, Mrs McCall. Now, Sammy...where were we?
Samson: At a time where you and Mum leave the bathroom? I gotta pee!
Ashby: No such luck, honey!
Aanya: Oh toughen up, son. She's pretty and doesn't look like a total waste of space. Go for it!

Norma: Yeah, remember, we went to Miss Candy and got some of her...y'know, candy *wink*, and we went all night!
Paolo: That never happened - Miss, Miss, help me!
Ashby: Hehe. Nah.

Norma: I've been very rejected...you wanna 'console' me or-
Samson: Nope. MUM!

Stefanie: Ha. Caleb's going to fire your f*cking-
Summer: Wait for it...

Joaquin: Poor baby! Did a fox bite you? Did a fox bite you?
Or maybe he's hungry? Just a thought.

Aubrey: See? You can totally stand up to your mother.
Kingston: I don't know...
Summer: Move it, I'm getting drinks.
Bella: Bitch please.

Summer: You can outstrip Elin!
Margot: Really? Do you truly believe that?
Margot:...Thanks anyway, I needed that.
Paolo: Do you see her? Where is she? Yell 'ginger root' if you see her!
Summer: Will do!
Paolo: I'll hide under the table.
Margot: How is that going to work? Peon.

Ashby: I would kill off Ashbira for that drink.
Daya: I'd kill the both of you. Even if I didn't get it.
Kingston: Is that an alcohol? It's preeeetttyyyy.

Paolo: Eep no! Time to hide!
Ashby: Lol.
Daya:...We can see you.

Aahana: And I smashed the stupid dollhouse!
Ashly: Remind me not to invite you over.

Jordon: Stop! Stop stop stop!
Aanya: What?
Jordon:...Hammer time.
Aanya: Get out of my sight.

Aahana: Who's the dead child?
Summer: My daughter. Kind of. I never birthed her. She came from one of those well things.
Danika: I have a new family now! They gave me chips!
Summer: Actually...I sorta stole these out of the fridge. I do not own this house.
Danika: Good enough.
I foresee a lot of this. Luckily Danika isn't a genetic Sutherland, so doesn't have the tendency to go round acting crazy and making an ass of herself.

Margot: If you are to stray from Elin's path, Kingston, you must find new people. We will shun you.
Kingston: OK. Hi Summer C!
Summer C: Just Summer.
Kingston: Hi Just Summer! Anyway, how does this sound? 'MUM! I won't pick up your stashes anymore, and I'm not going to put a microchip in that guy! I will not do your dirty work!'
Jordon: That sounds like your swift and terrible death, son.

+5! Woo!
Then I looked at what's next.


I don't know why this only just occurred to me, but the perfect job for Summer is Social Media. She seriously needs a job; I can't have her throw parties all the time, she barely needs sleep and I often have nothing to do with her. That's why I'm making her mess about with the rocket so much.
Summer: Er...what should my Simstagram username be?

Q got old.
Quinton: OW. Not good. Not good.
This means he's going to die in TWO WEEKS.
Nope, nope, nope. This bunch of pixels has been alive in my game for what...almost a year? I cannot. And it still feels like we just lost Ida.

Let's just focus on something else.
Danika: I can't see!...*smile* I kind of like that.
Except now it's time to go to dinner with Summer's sisters. She got invited after all.

Delphina: It's safe to say that I'm dominant!
Bella: MMMPH! Mmmm! *cough* Ohhh I hate your family!
Delphina: Hehe. I WIN.

Fabian: Anyone seen Daya?
No. She's supposed to be here but she's not. And...oh, you're that kid who harassed her that one time.
Fabian: Nonsense. I have a special drink all ready for her.
Fabian: Why are you looking at me like that? I just mean that I used the good vodka!
I'm not sure if I believe you.

Daya: This is water. I got it out of the tap. Do you think I'd drink anything Fabian gave me? No siree. I'm not stupid.
Daya: Say nothing.

Summer: Wow! You're looking amazing!
Fabian: Why thank you.
Summer: And so clean!
Fabian: I have stopped visiting Miss Candy...
Summer: Super, super white!
Fabian: Uhhhh....
Summer: Stop interrupting me! Don't you know it's rude to barge in on a conversation to which you were specifically not invited?
Fabian: But - I - what?
Summer: You are not my friend, Fabian Pham.
Fabian: Fair...
Summer: And you're definitely not my-
Fabian: Oh don't say it.
Summer: Fam!
OK, it's 9pm and knowing how long it takes to eat at a restaurant in this game, we should just go. Say bye to your sisters, Summer.

Summer: No! I just got to know this wonderful bar here!

Margot: Give - give me my phone back!
Ashby: I'm going to take 100 selfies. And they will NOT be in a burst!
Margot: Oh come on...
Daya: HA!
Fatima: Could you a-holes move...? Some people have jobs around here!
Margot: Hey, some other people are paying customers, lady!
Fatima: You idiots haven't payed for shit!

Summer: Jasper! Get over here!
...What are you doing?
Summer: You know what. Anyway, Jasper, you're not my dumbass uncle, are you? Of course I won't drain your energy and blood. I have a surprise. Get your ass over here.

Summer:...So I've discovered you used to hunt the endangered crabs of Windenburg. Sometimes even pull off those legs. Cruel, Cantrell, very cruel.
Jasper: Is this-
Summer: The surprise? Oh yes. SURPRISE! I'm blackmailing you, sweetie! Media attention is all on those little beasts. You'd be dragged through the mud. And isn't dear Summer C an environmentalist? Divorce is more expensive than what I want.
Jasper: What do you want?
Summer: Some money.
Jasper: You're a wealthy heiress! What could you need?

Summer: Satisfaction.
Jasper: Why! Why! You saw! I have nothing! My sister, our families and I are all crowded into one little townhouse! I work as a waiter! I have nothing for you!
Summer: There will always be something, Jasper. Fork it over.
Jasper: Please...
Summer: Pleading won't save you. I'm an insane quarter-alien vampire who throws torturous parties, drinks so much blood from people that they pass out and blackmails them with no mercy. I've been to f*cking space and assisted several aliens in battle. Do you think that's going to work?

Jasper: Well, fine! Here's the details to my only savings account! I hope you're happy, you stupid blue slut!
Summer: Now you've done it. *starts to change forms*
Jasper: I forgot you're...
Summer: Yes. You did. I'm not going to go easy on you, Cantrell. That was rude and inaccurate. I haven't even kissed a guy yet. I'm a tease, get it right.

Summer: HAHA! You ridiculous bitch! Who fights a vampire?
Why are you in a roof?

Jasper: *cough, choke* You fought me!
Summer: So I did. Now get out of here with that little tatter of dignity that remains within you.

Summer: Oh FFS - out.
Jasper: How did I get here?
Summer: Out. You're concussed.
Jasper: Concussed...can you help-
Summer: Nope. Out.
I only did that because she had a whim, lol.

Ashby got married. Good for her.

Summer: Hey Granddad.
Bronson: Oh. It's little Summer. What have you been up to?
Summer: Well...I fought a guy, blackmailed him, and have exploited the blood of Matt and Kale! And I'm a vampire now.
Bronson: *muttering* You stay away for one week... *normal voice* Nice. I think you're my favourite now.

Oh hey Rachel. Congratulations.
Rachel: -__-
Guess who isn't dead?
Rachel: MY HUSBAND. FINE. But I thought for sure he was going to be! Anyway, he's going to die SOON.
Not yet though.

Summer: *hits* Dammit WORK!

The next morning...
Glass: Danika? Where did you go?
Danika: I went downstairs already!
OK Glass, just because Q is old and senile doesn't mean that you have to be senile before your time.
Glass: *shrug* I have eight days. It's not that far off.
Pls quit reminding me.

Glass: There you are! How do you teleport so quickly, little Dani?
Danika: I...I walked.
Glass: But that can't be! You suddenly appeared right in front of me!
Danika: Well you were facing away from the hallway.

Summer: RAH! I'm scary! Even in this form! Er...*growl*
Nah, sorry, you're way creepier in your dark form.
Just read your book.

Ernesto: OUT OF THERE. I want it!
Hugo: You snooze, you lose.
Hugo: *sigh*
Both of you get your butts back upstairs. ..It's party time again guys!

Summer: Whoo! Go parties!
Pamela:...I really hate dancing.
Glass:...Well that lady is having fun.
Annabelle: Break it down! Break it down!
Summer: Don't draw attention to her, Mother, she's putting everyone off.

Saya: *head droops* H-how are you so energetic...
Summer: Please, we all know why.

Candy: So, from sexy maid to sexy maid, would you like some of what's stashed under my apron?
Caleb: Nope. Last time I dabbled in substance abuse, I woke up in bat form, trapped between broken rafters in an abandoned pet shop. Stefanie was furious.
Yeah...sure it was just that.

Victor: I still hate dancing.
Pamela: Yeah...me too.
Now your eyes meet...and KISS!
Pamela and Victor: Stop it, we're married to other people, stop.

Aahana: Again?
You're my favourite townie.
Aahana: *sigh* Can I just read a book?
Summer: NOPE. Get over here, dance, and join the conversation!
Madalyn: I hate this side of the family.
Aahana: You're part of this family? *snigger*

Wow Rachel! I didn't think you'd show up because-
Rachel: My new twins. I get it. But I figured I'd let my husband bond with them before he dies, y'know...

Summer: Knock knock...er, urinals?
Pamela: You don't know what the hell you're doing, do you?
Destinee: Lucas.
Lucas: Destinee.
Candy: Well what if I don't want to sell you those, Hugo-
Summer: Noooo...
Pamela: Your failure is hilarious. Keep it up.
Destinee: So how's it feel ditching me for one of my relatives?
Hugo: Just do your job!
Lucas: Good, actually. Zara is perfect. How is your little biter wife?
Candy: -well it's not a job, Hugo, and I'm not obliged to do anything-
Destinee: She's perfect.

I don't really like Lexie, as you all know, but I am glad she got to live long enough to see a grandchild.
And he's called Steve!
On the other hand, I didn't get any pictures of the end of the party because I was making a mad dash to do Summer's work from home stuff.
So ends this party. It's a little anticlimactic. Ah well.

Megan: Why were you talking to my father?
Summer: I just need a little something from him.
Megan: Do what you will.
Summer: I didn't need your approval, little cousin.
Megan: Hmmph...
Summer: HA! You have no authority.

Oh, it's just like old times. Haha, geddit, OLD times. Because Matt is old now. (
Ida: Here I am, defying all the rules of ghosts in this game, to tell you that you look stupid as f!
Matt:...I still miss you?
Oh get in the house, you turd. Summer needs drinkies.

Megan: I just wanted to use the observatory!
Summer: BUT WHY? Don't you know how many of our ancestors have had sex in that place?
Danika:...Did not have to know that.

Danika: Matt's knee, what is 4x4?
Matt: Moony says 12...my knee thinks 21...
Summer: You're stupid.

Summer: Hehehe this kitchen is a shithole that I must clean, right?
Later, dear. Later.

Nice party outfit, Rachel.
Rachel: *fake smile* Almost as nice as the funeral dress I'm planning on wearing very soon.
It's dinner party time, which means it's time for hastily put-together food and salty guests. Like Rachel, who is basically the Dead Sea at this point.

And a party's not complete without Candy.
Aahana: Yes it is.
Candy: Chill...there's nothing on me!
Aahana: Literally.
Candy: Why, this is-
Aahana: An ensemble completely unsuitable for a woman of your age.
Candy: But your clashing florals, honey.

And apparently, we can't have a nice dinner party without that one guest using our sauna and spending the rest of the party in a towel!
Rachel: Your sauna sucks! Can't you clean the old ladies out of it sometime?

Pamela: BITE ME. I think someone should prioritise the removal of the whining bitches!
Make that two guests.

And everyone decided to eat up here!
Summer: This is only like the fifth-worst dinner I've ever had.
Pamela: I had my wedding meal in the crawlspace of my house. Long story.
Candy: *'subtly' gestures to self*
Summer: *snort*

Glass: What the ever-loving heck, Rachel?
Rachel: What? Always bring spare clothes, amirite? Also I got my other ones burned on the sauna rocks.

Candy: So I need some help...
Rachel: Are you kidding me? I have kids!
Candy: You just had them, right...
Rachel: Well, yeah-
Candy: Excellent! Hide the contraband in the nappy bag!
Rachel: Er-

Daya adopted a faceless child.
Cassandra (wife): What? No-! His icon just didn't load yet.
It's more fun this way.

Caleb and Stefanie are trying to fix their relationship with a baby (because that always works).
Zara and Lucas are probably fine and just want another kid.

Poor Del is a widow now!

Oh goddammit.
Pamela: And at last I see the light...and I can leave this terrible party!

Oh ladies I just love your reactions to death.
Candy:...Why'd you stop dancing Rach?
Rachel: At least my husband can have a friend on the other side!
Ida: Well we don't want her there if she's going to wear that awful skirt!

Rachel: Maybe Aunt Ida has a point about the skirt...
Ida: Of course I do.
Candy: SHIT am I just high or do we really have a Grim Reaper here?
Grim: The one and only, baby.
Ida: Shut up Grim. Candy, where have you been? This turd has always been a thing.
Candy: Honestly? I've been on my roof.

Glass: Q?
Ida: I weep for you stupidity, awful daughter-in-law.
Madalyn: But what if it is? I loved - OK, well I didn't hate that guy, and that's as good as it gets with the people I know!
Grim:...WOW that's sad.
Madalyn: I know right.
Ida: OK now I'm weeping for real.

Candy: Well HELLO handsome.
Quinton: *snore, cough*
Q's seen better days, honey. And why are you still in here? The party ended an hour ago.
Candy: It's always a party with me, no matter where.

Glass: *growl* That's MY husband. MY Q.
Summer: Get her, Ma...just not too much, she keeps my parties going.

The next morning...
Danika: Salad for breakfast is my favourite thing!
Glass: What ARE you, child?
That one child who truly enjoys salad, it seems.

Glass: I just drank four cups of strong coffee and I can hear my own heartbeat.
Quinton: Well that was a mistake.
Glass: No shit. I'm gonna go lie down. I think my heart's gonna explode.
Quinton: Don't you have work in less than an hour?
Glass: Oh f-
She later went to work feeling like absolute shit.

At the Fashion District, a place Summer must go and meet Sims for her Social Media work...
Destinee: *singing* Cows...cows and horses...rakes and hay, country shit. *normal voice* Haha. *singing* I mean actual-

Summer: Yo. I have a work assignment. Hi.
Anvi: Is that how you always greet people, or am I special? *wink wink*
Summer: Lady, you're like my...ex-aunt. Get it together.
Summer: Yeah. Now, I repeat, I have a work assignment, hi.

Akira: Heeeeeey girl.
Summer: Now I don't have a problem with any greeting from this guy!
Who is the husband of your sister's baby daddy, let's not go there.

Summer: Aw. You never let me have any fun.
Akira: Well I say my Nash should have waited for you, if he was going to..y'know, make a Sutherland child.
Summer: Um...yeah, let's get this over with.
Not so hot now, huh?
Summer: Shut up.

Quinton was also brought, he just spent an hour and a half gawking at a talking toilet.
Now he is doing something!
Quinton: *singing* On my boat, sipping champagne, with a...lovely blue half-alien named Glass, who is my wife, who I love and have four kids with, definitely not one of those music video bikini girls-
OK, too much detail.

Summer: Well well well...two of you. You get my face, and you get-
We get it.
Max: Hi, Summer's face!
Akira: I am OK with this.

Max: HAHAHA! You're one of those 'people' that drinks blood.
Summer: I could drink yours, Mr I'm One Of Those People That Needs To STFU.
Darin: BURN.
Max: How about you don't mess with the man making your drinks, sweetheart.
Summer: But what if I don't order any, darling.
Darin: Weirdest relationship ever...
Oh honey no.

Darin: Oh, yeah, baby, let's-
Quinton: Who are you?
Darin: I think I'm in the wrong bathroom...
Quinton: Only one...maybe you got the wrong bar?
Darin: Aha. This is the Arts Quarter right?
Back home...

Who is this? He's cute.
Frederick: I'm a teenager.
So am I, everything is fine.
Too bad he'll be too old for anyone in Gen 8. Also he has brown eyes and those are never happening again in this family line, if I can help it.

Summer: It's that time again!
Quinton, in the bathroom: Oh no...

Danika: Dude. This isn't a PJ party.
Akira: It's a party no matter what I'm wearing. Which, hopefully at the end of the night, will be noth-
Danika: Don't wanna know, don't care. BYE.

Summer: My ghost child is right. Your outfit sucks.
Akira: So where would you like me to put it?
Summer: Just keep it on your body, goddammit.

Anvi: And look what Miss High-And-Mighty Pancakes is wearing.
Eliza: I feel fabulous, who cares?
Anvi: Not me. I have zero f*cks left to give.
How's the kid?
Anvi: Fine. But my husband Sideburns really dislikes him. I wonder why.
Eliza: And apparently I'm the low-down one.
Anvi: Aren't you married to a man you don't even like?

Danika (within earshot): I don't think I like relationships.
Congratulations Anvi, you've ruined a child.

Dina: OK, you're stuck here again, just dance through it...ho-ly SHIT.
Amara: I'm not amused, game. I'm really not amused.
Dina: *stifled snort*
Amara: Fix me.
No. Later.

Everybody meet Darin, a new guy!
Again, would have bred him with someone (Summer, he's a YA so it's fine) if he didn't have brown eyes.
Darin: Well...I guess that, and I'm married.
Paolo: HA! You think she cares about that?
Took the words out of my mouth, Paolo.

Aubrey: Something stinks...oh wait, it's just your outfit.
Akira: OK, y'know, this is top fashion in San Myshuno!
Summer: Well I'm glad I don't live there then.
Lilith: You see, she's pretty hot-
Darin: Well yeah, I mean now I think about it, I would-
Summer: Who says I would? And I didn't ask you to wingwoman me, Lilith.
Lilith: Of course you didn't. So I did it anyway. Stop f*cking inviting me everywhere.
Candy: Yo, people. Who sees that pig on the ceiling?
Elin: Erm.

Hugo: What...what is this? It's strange.
Lilith: It's called Backyard Stuff, random dipshit.
Elin: See, cousin('s kid) Amara! I can smile.
Amara:....Sheeeesh that is f*cking terrifying.
Lilith: Oh yeah, dear. Oh yeah.

Eliza: *gag*
Jordon: So about that husband, who I heard from Anvi that you 'don't even like*-
Eliza: *retch* Bullshit. And yes, we are having another child.
Jordon: Lol.
Avani: Curses, my hand is in this sofa!
Then...pull it out...

Freaking GOLD MEDAL.
Right, all of you GTFO.
....And I missed Glass passing out because of my panicky completion of party goals.
It happened though, minus freaking five.

Old Marcus Flex looks freaking ridiculous, ha.
Summer: Ahem, sorry. Money dizzies. GET AWAY DAMN DOLLAR SIGNS. Now...
Marcus: What...

Summer: A little birdie told me about your steroid usage...back in the old days.
Marcus: Please, I was desperate, I needed a win - I was going to be kicked out.
Summer: Great. Money please.
Marcus: But my retirement fund.
Summer: But I don't care.

Kale: Damn you Summer! Why did they all like you so much?
Summer: A little busy here, Kale...
True fact: She was queued up to doubly say GOODBYE to this annoyance. Go away, Kale.

Marcus: It's preeettyyyy....
Summer: I need your blood too, dear.

One blood-drain and space mission later...
Summer: Away with YOU, ROCKET!
Rocket: But...I can't move.

Summer: *coughs* AM I DYING?
Guess who got Backyard Stuff.

Del got remarried to what looks like a mohawk nerd. Have fun.

Summer: I sense something new within me...
I did just buy you a new power...
Summer: Excellent. I feel it now...and I like it very much.
Perhaps this was a mistake.
Summer: I will control your f*cking minds. *evil smile*

The next morning...
...Starts off with me musing for 2 (real) minutes about how this fridge looks like the fridge of a prescription drug addict (who for some reason keeps their drugs in the fridge).
...Just me? OK then.
Maybe those are Q's bottle friends.
Quinton's plate: Quinton refuses to respond to that, and you know perfectly well he's more of a booze guy.

On an unrelated note, Q got new outfits and I think he looks pretty dapper.

Glass: What are you doing?
Summer: *shooting laser powers through a FREAKING WATER TANK* I don't really like doing everything around here.
Danika: Mum you're going to flood the house.
Summer: So what? You can't die again.

Pelham Le Chien. It's like you want this poor boy to be bullied.

The Command power is a lie.
I didn't make Summer make you play games, Glass. You do that on your own enough.

Absently going through the family tree when I discovered that Ashby is an astronaut, albeit one who actually has a job in the field.
How in the hell did an actual legit boss hire her? Summer's obviously an equally poor choice but she wasn't hired. She just goes to space by herself because

More scouring of the family tree, and I discover that Jasper (guy Summer blackmailed and fought, lives with Matt) not only married Summer, but knocked up Liberty Lee (who, funnily enough, Kale has a kid with...which is how I got to this point in the family tree) at some point. They're supposed to be best friends, so...awkward.

Here we have rich politician Victor as a pizza guy (which is amusing to me), the pizza girl Summers, hotdog princess Destinee...and Darin as a super-buff Death. As well as Saya the sexy maid, some scowling astronaut behind Summer...it's a costume party!
I just want a silver on one.

Summer S: Steffie...
Stefanie: Stefanie. As you see, I am having a baby, so despite your meddling, we are happy.
Summer S: Great. I was really only here to ask you if we can bury the hatchet temporarily so we can laugh at Sebastian.
Sebastian: I look fabulous!
Summer C: WOW...
Stefanie: I accept. If you agree that my costume is better than yours.
Summer S: What, the 'stolen things under my apron' maid?
Stefanie: IT'S A BABY.
Summer S: Well your employers don't know that.
Stefanie:...Let's just laugh at Sebastian, he does look stupid as f*ck.
Summer C: I'll join you.

Meanwhile at the elevator...
Saya: I never thought Death could be so attractive.
Victor: Well I wish for the real one.
Saya: Cheer up buttercup. Everyone knows all politicians are secretly gay.
Darin: Yeah. I pull.

Bella: What? Those two? I'd rather be alone for life.
Darin: So what are you then, the hotdog bride? If you're dressed like that...maybe the hotdog divorcee.
Saya: Burn. Come on, Vic, that was a burn.
Victor: Don't talk to me.

Bella: At least I'm not dressed like Ashly.
Ashly: What? I couldn't decide which of my accessories to wear?
Bella:...So you picked them all.
Ashly: Yes!

Ashly: And Joaquin stole the clown costume.
Joaquin: But I look fabulous.
Bella: Eh.

Stefanie: Happy couple!
Caleb: Fine. But I hate this outfit you picked. It doesn't even make sense!

Caleb: See? That's a real costume.
Destinee: No-one talk to me, I came here to dance and get wrecked. Shut up.
Caleb: She wears it well.
Stefanie:...>:( She's my cousin.
Summer C: Attention, attention, happy couple not so happy after all.
Stefanie: Bullshit-
Destinee: Don't kid yourself, hon.

Destinee: Seriously. Your husband thinks I make one sexy Reaper.
Stefanie: Seriously, that's bullshit, right Caleb?
Summer C: Lol.

Anvi: But I'm the hottest Death of all.
You've been in a bathroom for an hour.
Anvi: What? I saw the baby daddy. But now I'm ready to join the party.
Yeah, we invited Anvi and Sebby because...Summer and I are nice like that.
Anvi: You say like we're all not just characters you create in your brain.

Madelyn:...Mr Astronaut, I'll admit that I find your friends unlikeable and annoying.
Ernesto: I don't like them either. That's why they're not my friends.

Aarush: And a toast to Victor, who was great last night!
Joaquin: Say what now.
Ernesto: Oooh...
Saya, somewhere: Told ya! See, he's not in denial.
Victor:...Obviously because I don't care to engage in this rumour stuff.
Saya: Suuuuurrreee.

Victor: Seriously not true-
Ernesto: Nah, it's nothing to be ashamed of, man.
Victor: Of course not, but-
Ernesto: Shhh. Shh sweetie. My number's somewhere in this suit, go fetch.
Saya: I'm right. I'm always right.
Del: *angry Death dancing*

Summer: Get off me or die.
Summer: I DO NOT.
Saya: But, ya see, I should clean up-
Madelyn: Sure, do my job, I literally do not give a shit.

Glass: Stop shouting, Q, you're ruining Summer's party.
Quinton: One, if it's Summer's party it's terrible by default, and two, it's not me.
Summer: You do realise these are just costumes?
Destinee: F*ck yoooouuuu *falls off stool*
Madelyn: What? I just provide the booze. I hold no responsibility for any aftermaths.

Caleb: -Steph I was joking-
Stefanie: Just get in the car.

Destinee: Must...get in shape...and fight...other...Reapers.
Summer C:...Craaaaazy.
Summer S: That's my aunt right there.
Summer C: I'm starting to understand why you're so uncaring and screwed up then.
Summer S:...Thanks.
Next time, more parties. If you guessed that you don't get a prize. Bye.
Score Sheet- 25
Single Births (18) +90
Twin Births (3) +30
Aspiration Tiers (58) +290
Aspiration (7) +70
Grade A (5) +25
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (4) +80
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Immortalise TH (1) +5
Pass Out (88) -440
Self Wetting (25) -125
Fires (7) -70
Fires (7) -70
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