1.9- Marriage Plans
This is what I did with Amanda's promotion money! We now have a landmark two bathrooms in this house! Thank the LORD because I was scared that someone was gonna pee themselves.

Amanda gets straight on the gross bathroom.

Noah does the dishes.

Ryan is still talking and Sel is just like 'I'm so done with you' and gives him major side-eye and walks off.

Just like the day they met! (Except they're at home and I changed Amanda's hair. Also they moved in together and had three kids and all of that shit...)

Ryan: So I was thinking, we could rob people by just asking them nicely! Get that cash by asking them NICELY.
Sel: *pouts* I don't want to be here.

Noah's been doing his extra credit and looks pretty proud of himself. I think he's earned that right. He's the only kid who does their homework!

All children are in their beds at 9.30. This is good.

Thanks Don. Amanda didn't get round to cleaning the shower because everyone kept kicking her out to use the loo. -_-

So romantic, just being all cutesy right next to a broken fridge while standing in water. They could probably get electrocuted.

BFFs forevsies! Finally finally finally. I might start making headway on Amanda's stupid aspiration.

SURPRISE! I kind of regret this already. My new mod could get rid of it, but I decided I wanted another Amanda-Don baby, and I'm not sure if that breaks rules anyways. My mod says it's a girl. Another Sel? OH JOY.

It's the next morning, and Sel, just because the fridge is broken does not mean you have to eat so slowly and pathetically.

Poor Amanda. She's hungry and morning-sick, but I'm making her repair a fridge.

Noah: You see what I mean Ry?
Ryan: This isn't my bulgy eye trick, I'm just scared.
Sel: Pancakes!

Yes Sel, look ashamed. You didn't have to walk in on Ryan. You didn't have to. Neither your bladder or hygiene was in the yellow. Shame on you, now both of you are embarrassed and will get nothing done

Amanda: I am done with this grilled cheese thing.
Grilled Cheese: Ouch girl, I'm done with you too.

Sel: And I told her, it's not like I punched you or anything! I just bit you, kicked you and pulled out a bit of your hair! It's not my fault you can't take it! It was so funny though, she was CRYING and everything!
Noah: So. True.
I love that all the kids get on so well.

Ryan: The sink is my only friend.
No it is not. You have four loving(????) family members.

I'm doing this. I want to get those +5 points, dammit!

Don: Shiny.
OK, so they have £12 and I can't even afford a wedding arch or anything. I want the arch for at least 10% dignity. Obviously I at least want some dignity to it, so Amanda is going to paint and then we will do the wedding!

Arch? Check. Wedding outfits? Check. Queasy bride and groom who doesn't want to look at her? Check...?

Awww...I was gonna get the kids to come over but it was too much effort. They can come watch if they care that much.

Wedding spam.
Also +5 to me for aspiration level two.
Also no kid came to watch. Thanks guys. The only kid present was the unborn one, and she didn't even have a choice with it.

I've forgiven Sel and Noah because this is adorable.

And now I've forgiven Ryan.

A better view of the bathroom downstairs (the only thing downstairs IS the bathroom). It's just 'cos now I'm super fancy and put lights in and everything...actually we have £33 so wallpaper is also on the list for this little bathroom.


Sel: Ryan, it's a GOOD IDEA.
Ryan: If I look away she's not even real.

Ryan: Guys! Guys! I wanna talk about rain! And clouds! That's fun, right?
Sel+Noah: Bye bro.

You kids and your selfies. Sel and Noah are especially bad.

More dates for Don and Manda. That's because this aspiration requires so many of them.

I made her share the big news and now they're doing jazz hands.

Amanda: It's so pretty!

I got bored because I was getting nowhere with the minor goals and quit the date thingy because they got a silver and that was all I needed. I think I have time for another one...

Amanda: Ehehe I'm ticklish.

Yes, I'm doing this again. At their house. There's only ever time for things on weekends and it's Sunday night, so it needs to be done.

Blah blah blah. I'm getting bored of this. I'll knock off the gold ones next weekend.

Um she's the one who's pregnant, just saying.

Malcolm Landgraab: Oh my God what are they even doing? I can't even look.
He is a snobby little bitch but I'd also be confused if I just saw people doing a date thing right in the middle of the road.
Again I quit the date because we got the silver and I got bored. Also Amanda's needs are low, but she did complete her third milestone. +5 points for me!

Ryan is just so excited by this big old 90s computer that gives off no fun. He's so much happier than Noah and Sel. Which is weird, considering he was the most neglected as a baby.

Amanda: So, Cheese, what do you think? Is this a good way to flirt? I think I look good.
Amanda, your son is trying to sleep behind you. There's a perfectly good dining table to do this at too, you know that.
Amanda: It doesn't matter. I'm hot.

Made the bathroom-basement more like a bathroom in a tiny basement. Also added two chairs to dining table and moved it over. Date rewards are great!

Let's end this chapter with Sel being forced to sleep in her parent's bed because Don and Amanda are stupid and sit on Ryan's bed (so he slept in Sel's bed) while there is a perfectly good dining table which is closer to the fridge anyway. But on the bright side, Don goes back to work and should definitely get a promotion, and Amanda completed the second level of her aspiration.
Score Sheet- 10
Single Births (3) +15
Aspiration Tiers (3) +15
Pass Out (3) -15
Self Wetting (1) -5
What mod do you have that tells you the gender of the baby?