1.1- Amanda's first day
Welcome to the Sutherland ISBI. This is my first time ever blogging, so I'm sorry if my layout is screwy and other stuff, hopefully I'll get better soon. This is definitely an experiment.
So first of all, let us introduce the lovely founder, Amanda Sutherland. She is Creative, Outgoing, and of course, Insane. I think she's absolutely beautiful! Though obviously because of the dubious attractiveness of townies, the descendants may not achieve this perfection. I'm cool with that though, because Amanda is basically me if I dressed nicely, had perfect skin and hair and knew how to do a good eyeliner flick. It makes me feel bad about myself, so I need some less pretty kids. I'm going to move Amanda into an empty lot, get her a job, and see how we go from there!

So, Amanda is going to live in Oasis Springs, in a fancy-ish neighbourhood.

Amanda: I'm incredibly neutral about this. And I will not live on plain grass.
I'm getting onto that OK? Just calm down.

OK it's pretty crap. And the real kicker is that after the costs of the lot and this house skeleton, we only have £245. Time to get a job, Amanda.

Amanda: That house is niiiiiice I wanna live there.
Well you can't. YOU CAN'T. So suck it Manda. You live in the crappy lil house skeleton above.
Amanda: Aww.

Amanda got a job, and is now turned completely away from her place. I think she's looking at the pretty houses that are near her.
Amanda: One day I will live in a house like that. And I don't even have any windows, a girl can wish.
Oh, that's right, you don't, because I forgot. (You also don't have wallpaper yet) And we don't have any money to buy them! Yay!
Amanda: OK, I am on this painter job, I need windows!

Amanda: Hmm what can I paint?
You don't have any skill, so probably something crappy.

OK, she painted us a crappy blurry landscape that I sold immediately for a grand total of... £120! That is a profit of £20. We now have £265. Makes a difference, ya know. A bit more of that and we can afford a window!

I sent Amanda to the museum to get a

No, you're not, and you are not spouse material for Amanda, and neither is anyone else in this museum. We're leaving. Let's go to the gym!

OK, I swear to God, I made Amanda hop on the treadmill and Don Lothario just came right up to her and started chatting to her. Is this a sign? Should I actually do this? Should I not? Hmm, the choices.

Amanda: Dreamy.
Amanda no, it's Don for God's sakes.
Amanda: But he just came right over here and started talking to me! Does he like me?
More like he likes you in that mini sports bra you're wearing right now.

Don what is that face, you're supposed to be mentoring her, not scaring the ever-loving bejesus out of her.
That's not how you do it darling.

Amanda: Look at the goods!
Guy in red shirt: Daaaamn.
I think that's J Huntington III. It's Amanda's first day in this world and already she has the attention of two f*ckboys in town. I'm not sure how to feel about this.

And now J is staring at this chick. Good God... I think that woman is one of the married pre-made townies.
He's not mentoring her. It's not his job. It's Don's job in this save file. So really he's just being creepy. Go away J.

Don's eyes look like they're gonna pop out of his skull.

Friendship level going up- they're almost at half now because the mentoring thing really raises the friendship.
Yes, this is a slightly awkward shot of a hug. I'm new at this screenshot thing, OK!

Eliza Pancakes (or Dil's stalker- thumbs up if you got the reference) has just been hanging around (IN A TOWEL NO LESS) staring at this woman for about an hour now.

Slightly blurry shot of Amanda and Don taking a picture together.
Don: Yeah, I look good in that pic. But then I look good in every picture ever taken of me.
Amanda, you like this guy because...?

Lady being creeped-on by Eliza and J: I am done with all you weirdos staring at me work out, I'm out of here!

Don: I'm gonna do my job now, but not before taking a VERY subtle look at your butt.

Amanda: You can look anytime you want, boo.
And why are you OK with this?
Amanda: Because dreamy.
Gah. I'm taking you home now, you can finish up your paintings for work, and then you can invite over Mr Dreamy if that makes you happy.
Amanda: It does.

Really Manda, you're painting the same landscape you did before? Are you hoping you'll make £25 off it this time or something?

Amanda: Do I look all cool and intellectual like that?
No, you do not. Especially not while painting the SAME THING YOU PAINTED EARLIER TODAY.

You don't look cool like that either, you look slightly stoned. Now hurry up and paint.

Amanda: Now I can afford windows! Ah, the possibilities!
GIRL. Back the f up. You earned another 20 from that painting. We are worth £285. Windows will have to come later.
And actually now we have £235 because I realised I forgot to put in a bathroom door and had to buy the cheapest.

Amanda: Pleeeeaaaase come over?

Manda, are you high or crushing?
Amanda: Mmmm...
That didn't clarify anything.

Amanda: *squeal* He's coming over!
Amanda I don't understand you, why Don?
Amanda: Because he's the only person I'm friends with.
Oh yeah, sorry about that.

Jeez, Don is excited.
Don: *coughs* Ahem, certainly not about her ass or anything.
Yeah right.
Also, notice the quality of the shots compared to outside and in the crappy housey-bungalow thing. I'm just going to make them talk outside because Amanda has no windows and very few lights.

Amanda: *sigh*
Jeez Amanda. This is a bad idea, just saying.
Amanda: BTW, you do control me.
I definitely don't make you pull these 'dreeeeeammmy' faces, do I? Can't do that. I was doing this for a laugh, didn't want you to get that into it.

*sigh* Of course he'd say that.

Amanda: You're hella fine, I'm hella fine, let's do this!

Don: You sure like to state the obvious, dontcha?
Let's hope the kids get this kinda confidence!
Don: Um, that's not happening.
Hehehehehe...of course not.

Amanda: Yesssss he likes meeeeee

Amanda: Check me out!

I will never pause during this interaction again, it looks like she's frickin eating his flesh.

I forgot to get a shot of the first kiss, but now they're doing this (after Manda took a toilet break).

And now he's moved in!
Amanda: Welcome to my crappy housey-bungalow thingy!

She just looks so blissful. I was doing this for fun, not for real love. I am slowly warming to this idea. (Even though it was my idea in the first place)

Obviously this was the next logical step. What Don doesn't know is that we're actually trying for baby. Mwahaha.

Well Amanda has had a VERY eventful first day. She's preggers!

Don: Whaaaaaat? I guess I'm trapped now.
Don't complain, it takes two. "Accidents" happen, k?

Don: I'm happy!!!!! *cries internally*

Amanda: Babe this is AMAZING!
Don: *cries internally more*
And that's it for today. Amanda has been in the world for 12 hours and 11 minutes, and she's pregnant with a lover moved in.
I LOVE Sims logic!!!!!!!
Hope this was OK, sorry about the quality of some shots and I promise I will add more lights to Amanda's house so that the in-house shots don't look so awful.
Score Sheet- 0, because nothing bad happened.
Did you call Eliza Pancakes Dil's stalker? I got quite excited reading that reference. Ah... I watch those two play the sims and feel so much better about how terrible I am at building.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see the baby!
No idea why but I really, REALLY enjoyed this!