4.2- We Gotta Tell Her
I need to stop starting chapters with CAS shots, but this is what happens when I download a f*ckton of new CC (mostly from TSR and the awesome Kiara Zurk). I gave Gamora a second everyday outfit, and the pic of Easton is because he's beautiful and also to show the genetics. Now on with the chapter.

Wanda: Yeah! Being a NTH is great! All I gotta do is sit here and troll all day long.
That's a good thing though, because it is her daily task.

Easton: Hello, losers! It is I, Easton Franklin, ready to rock this ISBI.
Scarlett: *rolls over and grumbles* Babe, get your hand out of my Z.

Easton acquaints himself with Scarlett's family.
Ethan: Hey. Guess what. You should have glasses and a moustache.
Easton: ...you're a weird teen.

This is all the ghosts do. That and break my shit...but I don't want to let go of them.
I may start releasing the spouses, but I'm never letting Amanda go.

Cecil: Plates are the best.
Gamora: Bowls.
Cecil: Plates.
Gamora: Bowls.

How does he still look good like this?
Scarlett, you lucked out.

I have a strong feeling that by the end of this chapter, we'll have no more Kezia...

Ethan: School sucks.
Gamora: Well...I'm growing up.
Galactus: Guys! We have a lawn! I didn't know that!

Galactus: Living the life!

Wanda: Yeah! Being a NTH is great! All I gotta do is sit here and troll all day long.
That's a good thing though, because it is her daily task.

Easton: Hello, losers! It is I, Easton Franklin, ready to rock this ISBI.
Scarlett: *rolls over and grumbles* Babe, get your hand out of my Z.

Easton acquaints himself with Scarlett's family.
Ethan: Hey. Guess what. You should have glasses and a moustache.
Easton: ...you're a weird teen.

This is all the ghosts do. That and break my shit...but I don't want to let go of them.
I may start releasing the spouses, but I'm never letting Amanda go.

Cecil: Plates are the best.
Gamora: Bowls.
Cecil: Plates.
Gamora: Bowls.

How does he still look good like this?
Scarlett, you lucked out.

I have a strong feeling that by the end of this chapter, we'll have no more Kezia...

Ethan: School sucks.
Gamora: Well...I'm growing up.
Galactus: Guys! We have a lawn! I didn't know that!

Galactus: Living the life!

Hey Scarlett.
BTW, you have to have children.
Scarlett: WHAT? *starts hissing and acting insane*
Easton: Er...
Scarlett: SCREW THIS.
At least you got a promotion.

Wanda what are you doing?
Wanda: This is how models pose, ain't it?
I had no idea that 'devoid of a soul' was such a hot thing in the fashion world.

Scarlett: Today I got a...promotion! Ehehehehe!
Easton: Whoa. WHOA. I'm the evil one here.

I approve. +5.

Scarlett: HA!
Easton: You got me! No!
Gamora: Hi. I'm pretty but I'm f*cking useless. I've been on this thing for three hours!
Easton: REVENGE!
Scarlett: You love me too much. ;)

I guess all that cleaning she had to do as TH made her learn something. Thank you, Wanda, because Scarlett has zero time to do this crap.

Scarlett: Screw this crap. Why don't these lazy assholes cook themselves?
You were a lazy asshole once. And also, it's the TH's job.
Scarlett: Blah blah blah. I have to do everything, don't I? Bring in money, make food, clean up, have kids- I don't wanna have kids.

Scarlett: Well. They can eat my secret ingredient too.
Earwax salad is Scarlett's specialty. I'm not letting her cook on the stove until she gets to level 3-4.

Kezia's kid Nyla had twin boys, Darian and Chandler.

And Arianna had twin girls, Susanna and Tiffany.

I'm proud of Wanda, that's two things she cleaned today.

Wanda: I'm freakin' awesome.

Amanda: EXCUSE ME, I'm trying to break this.
Don't you dare.

Gamora noticed Amanda's ghost and HER EYES.

Amanda: Boy, you do know your sister probably spat in that salad.
Ethan: *sigh* But it's all I got.

Wanda: I was a great guardian, wasn't I Gamora?
Gamora: Actually, you sucked...you just sadden me.
Amanda: Oh snap.

Gamora: So how do you like the dollhouse?
Galactus: I-I don't play with it. It's always broken.
I've given up on fixing that thing until Cecil dies. Which may actually be quite soon...

Easton: Ugh, who smells? Is it you, Scar?
That's nice.

Easton: I am one suave guy.
Eh. Skill up and we'll see.

They're keeping the romance alive...
She hasn't yelled at him yet...but she's basically nocturnal, it seems, because of her career, so they rarely interact.

Gamora: My boob hurts...

Gamora, perhaps if you cleaned it would be a little less stinky in the dining room.

No, Easton! Not you! I had such high hopes...everyone else is addicted to that thing...you could have been great...

Wanda: Hmph! I was supposed to relax after a hard reign as TH, but noooo... my daughter had to go and get a stupid job, and no-one else does jack-crap, so I have to clean now...
Does my pride for you help?

1. Ghost texts! Still can't get over it!
2. Nat, that's his brother. Of course they're friends.

Le gasp, Ryan. Haunting an Easter egg. How scary and badass.

It does seem like Wanda has decided to bury the hatchet with her father.
That's nice, considering that in about two and a half sim weeks she's joining him.

Ryan: *cute face* I did good?
Yes you did.

Wanda: This is how to be a star!
Gamora: Ooh!
Ethan: *offscreen* *coughs* She doesn't know jack crap about that!


Gamora: SISTER. Listen to me! I'm talking!
Wanda: That's very true, but I'd like to finish my conversation with the table, thanks. It's rude to interrupt.
This is actually something you can do...talk to an inanimate object and someone else at the same time.

Ethan: You look like a llama! And you have the brains of one too!
Galactus: *sniffs*
Easton: Wanda, why are you talking to that bowl?
Wanda: Eh, it's my favourite! I'm insane, ya know!
Easton: Oh, I'm insane too. I was just wondering why you wouldn't talk to that plate instead. Plates have nicer temperaments.

Someone's actually using this pool. It makes me sad how little they use it.

For an old guy, Cecil's still pretty boss.

Cecil: I'mma own these vegetables!
Autonomous cooking? Of salad? Whaaa? I love you, Cecil. You cooked autonomously and picked something that won't burn the kitchen down.

Is this like his pre-work ritual or something? I believe so.

Come on Cecil, not you too!
Cecil: What? Scarlett said I could find the best secret ingredient in my ear if I just reach around and...ohhhhh.
Exactly, gross.
Cecil: Meh.

Wanda: I just don't know whether to trust the shower...or my daughter's new husband...

*cries with joy* Wanda is actually my favourite ex-TH, if we go by the way she's acted on free will so far.

Gamora and yoga.

Yeah...I forgot to get her a cake. Whatever, I got to keep her around a bit longer. Sayonara Gamora, it was fun having you around.
She got the Foodie trait. Bye-bye!
She's gone to live with Pietro and his family. Steve lived there too, but for about four hours because then my mod married him off to his step-something (Noel's widow Brianne).
Also, Easton got a promotion. I am very proud.

Galactus: I am gonna quit school to become a CHICKEN.
Wanda: Alright, I support y'all wit' whatever ya want to do.
Ethan: Oh come ON.

Easton: Boy, shut up or I'll punch you!
Ethan: Er...that's assault.

Ethan: Get OUT of me! Your pens are stabbing my nipples!
Easton: I may not be punching you, but this hurts juuuust as much...

Galactus is actually cute...

I got the digital deluxe upgrade. Look at this laser light show! Me like.

Oh Scarlett, you and your cooking.

Galactus's birthday already!
He got the fabulously wealthy aspiration and cheerful trait.

Galactus: Gotta show off the guns.
At least you have some.
I forgot to get pics but Ethan also grew up (w the Romantic trait), so he's moved out too.

Galactus is pinkified...and also I'm keeping him. I wanted to move him out...but I just couldn't. So here he stays.

Galactus's first action is to work out. He is active.

That concludes Gen 2; they're all dead now. Shame.

Galactus: Sparkle!
Hamburger cake!

Wanda: EW. Why's it smell?


Galactus discovers dancing! But he's dancing in the 'party room' with the llama.
Llama: WOO!

Easton is kind of boring sometimes. All he seems to do is stare at things, stare into space, dance, mourn at the graves and occasionally dance around a bit.

Galactus: I'm preeeeetty hot.

Steve is a good spare. He comes over nearly every day.

That's weird...I screamed at first because I thought it was Nyla, but then I remembered that it's Evelyn, who is Sel's kid. This is still weird, but not as much.

I'm very happy with this. I spent a while trying to get them together when Wanda was still TH. Now they're YA and married...

Pietro's kid Wesley, who is YA already, married the kid of Eva-the-mean and some dude in a hat.

Kailani got herself knocked up again, and Ethan got this woman knocked up. Don't be a Pietro, Ethan.

Well done, Sel's widower, well done. You're about to die, well freaking done.
I bet the girl remarries the second he dies.

Don't you DARE break anything.

Amanda: You really don't treat this fancy house well. If I was still alive...
Stop guilt-tripping, Scarlett is busy and everyone else is a lazy arsehole.

Wanda: This is a strange cake...

Blarffy: HEEEELLLPP......!
Amanda: *haunting* They can't take care of their things? I will take care of their things!
Sounds like my mother, but not this supernatural.

Galactus: This hurts...
Oh come ON, that is barely a stretch.

Galactus: Woohoo! Violence! Punching!

Galactus: Yeah! Go gloomy antihero arsonist! Set the house on fire!

Cecil: *death stare* Screw you, BOY.
Easton: CAKE.
This is the only thing in the fridge...Scarlett has zero time rn.

They rarely spend time together so this is sweet.

Elektra=Supportive Auntie

Ethan: Mum, you're like a bug that needs to be squashed.
Wanda: At least I'm a better troll than alla y'all.

Yaaaas Easton.

Derek's daughter was born.

Easton: Mwahahahaha!
I sorta forget he's evil.

Yes Galactus. Thank you.

Everyone's doing autonomous cooking...!
I'll enjoy it while it lasts. -__-

Scarlett has new swimwear. Part of my CC binge from before this chapter.

Pietro got old WTF.

Scarlett: Soooo...kids.
Negative test. You escaped this time...but not yet.

(Ryan is epic.)

Sel's son Pawel as a teen. It's a shame she didn't live to see him grow up.

Elektra's daughter Tia as a teen.

Arianna's daughters Susanna and Tiffany.
Both are super-cute.

Nyla's twin boys.

Santos's stepson Theo. I wish he'd have a child with his wife (Shawna).
Score Sheet- 85
Single Births (10) +50
Twin Births (1) +10
Aspiration Tiers (26) +130
Aspiration (4) +40
Grade A (1) +5
Randomising everything for 1 gen (2) +20
Every 100,000 simoleons (2) +40
Pass Out (33) -165
Self Wetting (9) -45
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