MySims Legacy - 2.8


Goldeen: Wahoooo this coffee will take me to the Gods.

Haunter: Oh good lord I share a room with that thing.

Loudred:...I'm getting too tired for this shiz.

Haunter: C'mon dad, swearing's easy. That girl Ashley at school is a c-

Loudred: To bed with you both!

The next morning...

Anika: First up, as usual. Another load of laundry for this load of slobs, as usual. Why did I choose this life.

Because you love Loudred?

Anika: He was humming in his sleep for three hours last night!

Misdreavus: This filth is unbecoming of me, how could I let it happen?

Goldeen: Who's fuckin clothes - they're mine lol.

Piplup: Oh my GAWD MUM GET OUT-

Anika: What? Laundry doesn't wait for the lazy.

Piplup: It's six in the morning.

Anika: Exactly. You're doing that Beach Life thing, I've heard? Get tanning!

Piplup: That might actually kill me if I do anymore.

Haunter: Heheh :) I have beaten your old incontinent ass to the bathroom.

Raj: HEY that's slander...also this wasn't a contest. I already had to get up an hour ago to go, THAT'S the problem with ageing. Now how do you like your eggs?

Here's a proper look at our little heiress.

Misdreavus: This is much better. Time for my morning bagel and next? Work on my childhood goals.

Sounds good.

Misdreavus: Tis'll also get me away from these idiots.

She's a Loner now.

Haunter: WELL this isn't the jungle gym I asked for, but it'll do.

Yeah I still haven't taken the kid to the park. Touch of middle child syndrome I'm afraid.

Haunter: Change that or you'll regret it.

Haunter: Thank you kindly! I will show mercy.

Kid I'm not scared of you, I just want you to complete your aspiration.

Emmalyn: Hello there little boy :)

Haunter: Uhhhh

Why is she FLIRTY? Let's get him out of there.

Back at home, Loudred throws an incognito costume party...

Goldeen: Gotta look good - Piplup what?

Piplup: Dad says you can't live here if you don't come to this party.

Goldeen:...Wait, really? He's just my brother! My parents are the ones who-and they're gonna die soon. Fine.

Anika: Piplup you're stepping on my feet.

Piplup: *muffled* Not my fault...robot costume...

Anika: Ugh. Fine. Beat me at chess then, come on. 

Goldeen: Just try to kick me out after I put this horrible thing on, brother.

Loudred: Kick you out? Why I never!...Maybe when you're a YA but that would just be to one of my siblings. I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

Goldeen: OK, well Piplup said-

Loudred: You got bamboozled by Piplup? Now who's the clown?

Goldeen: Both of us, silly!

Loudred: Attagirl.

Loudred: So you're a space captain then, Mum? What a fun costume. I think Latias said something about-

Mariska: Yes, yes, I know. I impersonated her over the phone and grabbed this thing. We're almost the same size.

Goldeen: Oh, this'll be good.

Loudred: *sigh* Why do I invite my family to this stuff?

Loudred: Hey look we're all clowns.

Anika: You are so lucky I love you.

Goldeen: I don't. I'm gonna post a picture to social media.

Loudred: Hot damn! Piplup wins the party, I've decided.

Haunter: That never happens, huh? Lemme get my paint-

Piplup: No colour is obnoxious enough to ruin this costume. Now get out of my way.

Loudred: He should wear that all the time, he'd be so cool.


Misdreavus: I am OK with existing in the shadows. They can have their party. Those costumes are unbecoming and look very...sweaty.

Anika: Toxiii I'm trying to serenade my husband over here-

Toxicroak: Hah, I think he's busy listening to dad's old line cook stories.

Loudred: No way! The whole onion?!

Raj: Soooo...are we double-dating and you're suggesting I kiss my wife? Cos I'm not kissing you, mate.

For the next activity of the day, a dinner party was held.

Knox: Parties like this are so unfriendly to the environment-

Loudred: Dude I didn't invite you?

Misdreavus:...We're the only guests. We all live in the same house.

Goldeen: Unfortunately.

Raj: *stares into middle distance*...I'm gonna have to cater this shit aren't I

Anika:...Yeah I love Loud but I don't love his parties anymore. Just let me have this.

Someone, outside: Hey everyone, dinner's ready!!!

Anika: GodDAMMIT-

Misty: Gaze upon me, world. I am a rebel...please don't make me go downstairs.

Goldeen: But don't you understand? The world is full of spiders, watching our every move.

Piplup: Oh my God don't say'll scare Dad.

Loudred: Nope that doesn't *shiver, sniffle* bother me at all!

Party wrapped up pretty quickly, and got Loudred a gold medal.

Saturday ended with this.

Haunter: WHEEEEEe

Toxi is pregnant again. This guy seems pretty cool-looking. Maybe she'll have a spellcaster baby.

Misty is starting on her piano practice. She's doing the Creative aspiration and....

Misdreavus: I sound terrible AND grandpa won't get out of the damn bathroom!

Lmaoooo Piplup's tanline.

Loudred: I pretend I do not see it.

Mariska, probably: *snicker*

Piplup: Does anyone have a sleep-shirt I can borrow?

Misty: And so. I must dodge the idiots to make it to the bathroom.

Mariska: Come on my grandsons. Dance with me! Do the hokey-cokey and turn yourself around.

Haunter: Absolutely not.

Piplup: Being beach, being relaxed! I don't do choreo!


Raj: Woo yeah, let's go, oontz oontz oontz!

Goldeen: Yeah my dad is losing it.

Elliott: That's a shame girl, wanna make out?

Goldeen: Sure.

Misty: I support you, Haunter. Throw paint at his head. Drive the Stranger away.

Haunter: Now get out my way! *smacks Loudred with the squeegee*

Loudred: Oof...ow...haHA I'm still crushing it!

Raj: Let your old man show you how it's done!

Loudred: Dad please you weren't even cool before you turned 80.

Mariska: Now, tell me boy, what are your intentions with my daughter?

Goldeen: Oh my God, Mum...she doesn't actually care, she's trying to troll us.

Mariska: Never. I'm an excellent mother and you know it, Goldfish.


You'd think there wouldn't be so many passers-by on the Windenburg island but...

Joy: What if I pissed in their flowerbeds?

Haunter: Ugh, can they not? I'm gonna throw water on them, is that cool, Mum?

Loudred:-no you're perfect, Anika. My dream girl. I'm so lucky to have you and our weird children :)

Anika: Awwww Loud...

Loudred: Plus I never get tired of seeing you shake that thang.

Anika:...Love you too, dear.

Haunter: GROSS. Taking that as a yes, by the way.

Loudred: Is the boy saying something?

Goldeen: HEY. We kiss and you immediately take out your homework? Do I mean anything to you? Who are you cheating on me with?

Elliott: We're not even official!

Goldeen: So you don't deny it.

Elliott: Nothing to deny and of course I wouldn't!

Goldeen: So stop ogling your homework and look at me!

Elliott: C'mon I can't fail English again.


Piplup's little 'friend' Charlene grew up to be not so little. Decided to invite her over to see how they interacted as teens.

So far not good.

Charlene: Ugh you're paying all my lunch next week.

Charlene: Heyyy! Went a bit hard on the self-tanner, huh?

Piplup: Alas, all natural. The sun is a persistent beast.

Charlene: God you are such a nerd.

Haunter is in a bear phase. This doesn't bode well for his skilling.

Haunter: And -ohhhh crap my centre of gravity has really changed! No damn grip with these paws.

Piplup: Wow, your art really is good, and I am interested in it. Never talk your skills down.

Charlene: Oh, that's actually very nice of you...

Loudred: Who is this smooth stranger in my son's body?

LMAO his little head behind the TV is sending me.

Oh Piplup...

Piplup: See, I've actually changed from what I was in grade school. My shirt's pattern is 20% more fun, and this belt is an unconventional twine-

Charlene: You look like a baby boomer on a beach for sex tourism, now shut up and pick a movie.

Misty hasn't been out of the art room/bedroom/kid room.

Misty: Just how I like it. Have I missed anything actually good?


Misty: Thought so. A quick lunch and back to the artistic grind for me. Art should in fact be extremely structured and rigid, you know. I've made a whole timetable.

Toxi: Awww, young love is it?

Charlene: Um, excuse me lady? Absolutely not.

Toxi: I was about to say, don't trust that shit. I did and now I almost have two children.

Misty: Um, you're throwing off my rhythm here. I don't know you and you shouldn't be in my room.

Piplup: She's just being a Misty. It's actually our room. We all sleep in here.

Charlene: Huh. Sounds bad.

Piplup: It's pretty good except for Goldeen's pranks and ramblings, and Haunter threatening us all in his sleep, and the spiders-

Loudred absolutely 100% loves his wife. This is a fact.

Loudred: Would you do me the honour of accompanying me to a party?...My party, actually. But still.

Anika: We're married.

Loudred: Well I don't want to be presumptuous of your time. You have that cool teaching career, while I'm just a humble multi-instrumentalist!

Toxi: Holy crap that nanny y'all had is still alive.

Loudred: It's starting to scare me. I invite him, so that if he is truly dead, I'll know.

Toxi: He could dodge your calls.

Loudred: Nobody can resist a Loud party, and you all know it.

Haunter: I'm gonna dance over your graves like this.

Zubat: Psh. Weak-sauce, we grew up with Latias.

Haunter: OK then. You're our worst aunt OR uncle and I'll make it happen tomorrow.

Loudred: Wow, looking foxy tonight Anika! Did you get a new dress?

Anika: You KNOW I haven't-

Raj: Sin. Disgusting. How dare you flirt in public, son, I raised you better.

Goldeen: No you didn't!

Piplup: I like TV.

Goldeen: *hiss* Again with the spiders! They stomp all over me! Help me, Haunter.

Haunter: I can do some shit with graves.

Zubat: Why do I always get stuck with the weirdos?

Misty: Because it is your rightful place Uncle Zubat...I regret joining this party.

Misty: Woo! Yeah! Get in the spirit!...And I spilled the paint, crap.

Piplup: I mean wasn't that...the point?

Misty: Maybe for our brother and aunt, Pip. I simply wanted to dance with a prop. Now I have to replace this paint. I am very small and have no money.

Piplup: That must be pretty stressful.

Anika: Oh wow, Loudred! Thanks for the flower. You do know how to make me feel special.

Raj: Seriously? Offering flowers in public? You might as well just strip down right now. Kids these days.

Mariska: At least he's giving his wife flowers. Making her feel special. Just saying.

Hawea: Hey if you're unhappy, we are in the same age bracket now, Mariska-

Mariska: I will pour vodka in your eyes, don't test me.

The next morning...

Loudred: So. Pretty cool party, huh Misty? And don't worry about those paints, you just got caught up in the spirit of things. I've replaced them.

Misty: Father, please. That was unnecessary and unwise.How am I supposed to learn natural consequences of my actions?

Haunter: That shit's for suckers.

Loudred: How are you both my children?

Goldeen: Elliott still hadn't texted me back...this is bad.

Piplup: Well you did freak out on the guy for no reason. You might just have to-

Haunter: Oh hush now. don't be lame. Chase him down, demand an answer.

Goldeen: Oh shut it I'm not taking advice from a bear, or a Piplup..

Piplup: Hey how am I on that level?

Raj: What about-

Goldeen: Not you either Dad!

Anika: What the FU-

And here I thought they'd have a normal morning.

Luckily she put herself out pretty easily. Also, she just got promoted as this happened so...upsides?

Anika: I was still on FIRE!


Mariska: I love you, Raj. I know it's time today, and I promise I won't be too long, darling.

Raj: Oh 'Riska. I've had the best life with you. I wouldn't change a thing.

Mariska: Neither would I.

Mariska: Let's hope there's handcuffs where we're going, wink wink-

Raj: Riska, PUBLIC-

Anika, trying to work from home: What? I didn't say anything about's just my MIL again. I'm not explaining, next item on the agenda please.

Should probably be 'get Anika an office'.

Mariska: You're sure you want to do this.

Raj: Yup. Can't think of a better thing to do.

Mariska: Fine, I mean I'm always down to clown, but let's put it on the record that if it gives you a heart attack, it's not my fault.

Raj: Of course not, dear.

Mariska: Bomb. Get your sexy ass over here-

OK I'm leaving the room.

Toxicroak: OK seriously I was just fucking here.

This means it's what? Party time!

Toxi: Ugh.

It's Lanika's adult birthday finally, so they're having a joint do.

Summer: Thought you could play without me, huh Loudred?

Loudred: Aw...come on Summer, dammit, this is inappropriate and I was just about to win and-

Laila: Awww yeah, saved by old lady ass.

Haunter: *sniff* Gimme my bearsuit or I'll jump off the pier.

Goldeen: Do it. You won't.

Misdreavus: mmmmMMFMFMM PIP MOVE

Anika: Wow this looks better than the last one.

It is. Yay for my new default cake replacement. That's half the reason you both get your own.

Anika: Tell Loudred to hurry up, will you?

Latias: Suckers, losing their youth. I'm his twin and I will have more hours of youth. Which makes me better.

Loudred: Dunno what I was scared of, y'know. I'm still young at heart, awesome as ever and I feel great!

Summer: Yeah kid it's this elder stage that gets ya.

Loudred: Choosing to ignore that.

Anika: Forget her. More than all of what you just're sexy. I wanna kick all these people out so badly.

Loudred: Once I've accomplished some Goals, Anika dear.

Here is Haunter completing his aspiration. What is it about the monkey bars that derps him out?

Haunter: Heeeh I am a master of the physical.

Zubat continues to be the worst person at the party.

Zubat: C'mon I just wanted to relieve the tension in your shoulders

Laila: Don't touch me anyway, that's not where your hands were headed and you're married, asshole!

Summer: I do wonder why we put in our appearances, daughter.

Sawyer: That's what I've been saying all these years.

Yuki: How do you concentrate here, little girl? I feel bad for intruding on your learning-

Jaiden: Anika says Misty's super smart.

Misty: Not naturally like my brother, but I work just as hard. Possibly harder, now that he's half committed to being a beach bum.

Jaiden: In my opinion there's no shame in that.

Misty: Yes. I could tell by your shirt.

Mariska: Awww snap. I'm proud of her.

Latias: Wait I thought I had longer!

Vicente: Heh, time's a bitch. Stare at my smooth skin, Lati. You'll never have it again.

Toxi: Y'all are idiots, you went to high school together. I'm the one who's still comfortably young.

Zubat: Me t-

Toxi: Don't put us in the same group.

DAMMIT RAJ you couldn't give us like a minute here.

Raj: Y'all wanna see something.

At least finish cooking your noodles!

Goldeen: Welp, looks like it's happening. Serves 'em right for having me this late.

Francisco: This is...This is horrible! I never thought sneaking in a stranger's window would end this way!

Goldeen: Hey, Grim, you might have to retrieve this kid next if he doesn't unfuck his arms.

Mariska: Godspeed, honey. We had a good run.

Piplup: Grandpa no!

Goldeen: Shit I'm gonna miss that guy.

Loudred: least we had a good paarty, woo!

Anika: Loudred. Come on, feel your feelings.

Loudred is sad too, but..

Loudred: I know you're up there, Dad! I bet you're having a great time! Much love!

As can be seen, Raj was a well-loved member of the family and a really good dad, even if his daughters didn't always appreciate that. He will be missed a lot by everybody.

Oh and here are Lanika in their adult looks.

Anika: Good Lord Loudred, I can't even look at that damn sweater.

Loudred: I can. I think it's very funky. But more than's comfy!

Misdreavus: Lmao. OLD.
