Anika: Ah...this pregnancy must be hitting, 'cos these weird onion bagel experiments Mariska made smell GOOD to me.
To recap, last time Gen 2 heir Loudred and his new wife Anika found out they were having a kid, just before Loud's parents found out they were also having one. Fun!
Toxicroak: Well, Council of Spares! How are we doing today?
Zubat:....:) I have a GIRLFRIEND. Almost. I chickened out of asking.
Latias: Obviously you did, now stop bragging about your love life.
Toxi: So guessing the visit to Aaron or whatever last night didn't go well?
Latias: Arjun and not really.
Mariska: Nearly puked into my pillowcase, hashtag pregnancy things! What a fun story...seriously I've done this too many times to care.
I know dear.
She then really did throw up.
Mariska: Ugh...pretend you didn't see it. Or hear it. Witness anything in general really.
Zubat:...I can still hear that sound in my head, Mum, ew!
Mariska: And you think you're good with women.
Zubat: Stink lines appearing in 3...2...1...
I'm at a loss with what to do with Anika today. She's got all her skills for work and her aspiration is Successful Lineage so there's no work to be done on that yet. So...Autonomy Anika runs free.
Anika: I bet that A, Latias will just love unauthorised borrowing of her tools, AND that B, I'll be great at this!
A stinky Raj maxed writing.
Raj: I am a cookbook genius, master wordsmith and-
Go shower.
Zubat: Ay I bet that ivory ticklin' works wonders as an aphrodisiac!
Mariska: You sound like a cheesy douchebag! The smooth jazz is overtaking us all!
Loudred: And I am tuning you idiots out, what the FUCK.
Zubat: So how're you doing? I thought we could steal some of the leftovers and eat by the sea-
Hallie: Oh Zubat, my mum just died!
Zubat: I...uhhhhh...
Hallie: *sniffle*
Zubat: Oh God what do I even say?
Tatum: Damn you a hot momma!
Anika: Oh please, I'm married!
Tatum: I'mma look tho.
Loudred: *just wants some bloody peace and quiet*
Hallie: Come on Zubat. Why would I want to make out with you at a time like this?
Zubat: #guns.
Hallie: Are you even listening to me?
Toxi: Big fail, older brother, big fail.
Loudred: I love smelling smoke over a piano and - wait. Shit. LATI, HELP-
Tatum: Any reason you're hovering here?
Zubat: Just need to, uh, check my email. Are you single?
Tatum: I don't have time for this.
Toxi: You might think my sister-in-law is pretty, but so are you.
Tatum: She is but you're not so bad yourself, Toxi.
Toxi: Well. I have been called the ugly ducking of the family.
Tatum: That's just rude. Give me names now.
A couple of flirts later...
Toxi: Screw your homework and hang out a bit longer if you want.
Tatum: Well fuck it I do want.
Anika: Ooh, teen romance in the air. I remember when Loud and I were like that...
You are still like that, you two were just making out upstairs.
Anika: What, no-
Tatum: You're pretty neat, Toxi.
Toxi: Thanks. Would you mind if I-?
Tatum: Holy shit!
These two have actually been friends for ages because of Toxi's aspiration. But they're a cute couple. Together they gave off such strong lesbian energy that I had to try it.
Help they're so cute.
Mariska: Well, not right in front of my chicken....dammit I sound like my husband.
Latias came back from her first space mission.
Latias: Hisss, that little shit of an alien better not have tried to stowaway!
Raj: I dance for fun and distraction from my daughter showering with someone else next door...dammit, didn't work! Maybe cos I reminded myself of it. Raj, you silly creature!
Mariska for shame.
Mariska: I'm uh, using it as a mic! *gulp*
Loudred: Won't you take me to...*hits chord* Funkytown?!
Seriously the most interesting thing about Loudred is thinking of the songs he could be playing.
Loudred: Your fault for chaining me to this instrument. I would like to be a free party boy myself.
Toxi and Zubat look really similar actually.
Toxi: Ew, no thanks, I don't wanna be in the same boat as that thing.
Zubat: Low blow Toxi.
Toxi: I mean at least I have a girlfriend now.
Zubat: OK, can you stop? Mum-
Mariska:'t care.
Toxi: We can at least agree it's ridiculous that we're getting another sibling.
Zubat: That we can.
Raj: mmmm, the sight of my
Mariska: OK everyone, I think I'm going to chunk.
Zubat: So go to the bathroom.
Loudred: Stop reminding me that you and Anika are having babies at the same time.
Mariska: Haha fuck yeah I'm winning!
Lati: Mother that's the loading screen. Did the fifth baby unscrew your brain?
Some time later...
Mariska: Here's your answer. It's not an unscrewing, it's being born like that! And you were too!
Latias: Gasp don't make me face this reality.
Raj: Haha aw snap.
What a great husband and father.
Sawyer keeps giving Loud these ~looks. And yet I invite her to our parties.
Sawyer: Damn his wifey isn't around huh?
Summer: Daughter I'm disappointed. Both of you are gonna be parents and that ship sailed.
Loudred: That ship was never a thing I've never been into you!
Mariska: Wow, that shirt again?
Raj: 'Riska you're hot enough for the both of us.
Latias: I suddenly regret everything.
Loudred:...But you aren't bad looking and you're less whiny than Anika.
Summer: Son I'm disappointed in you.
Loudred: Summer we never once had that relationship-
Cassidy: Wow I always knew men are trash.
Jerrica: You say, extremely pregnant.
Raj: Do we know you, young man?
Jarvis: Um, not really, but-
Raj: Not to worry. So, how old are you, I have some single children.
Toxi: Dad, my girlfriend-
Jarvis: Uh...I've seen those two at the school and I'm 24.
Raj: Latias could always use the company.
Zubat: God this is embarrassing to watch.
Toxi: Just get away from me you smell.
Anika got promoted.
Anika: I'm a real teacher now...and I am the main authority over those little shits, God that's too much pressure.
Toxi: Heyyyyy how are you doing?
Macy: Um, I'm OK Toxi, you're such a great-
Toxi: Friend!
So somebody invited Loud out and I let him go.
Loudred: So are you humour or hijinks?
Toxi: Please shut up I really need to do this sociology report.
Loudred: And ain't observation a great way to get a good grade?
Then he lit off a firework behind the toilets.
Loudred: I think the smell of smoke beats the smell of old sewage. Plus, pretty lights!
Back at home Mariska has maxed mixology.
Mariska: Mmmm...old chilli.
We all celebrate in our own way.
Macy: Ugh, you're picking Jordan? Really?
Brandon: Hey I still remember stuff from my violin lessons when I was eight.
Zubat: Toxi get your friends together please.
Toxi: Acquaintances at best.
Anika: OWWWW Zubat I think it's happening.
Zubat: I...have no idea what to do LOUDRED
Loudred: *obliviously playing piano*
Anika: Well. Welcome to the world, little one. Without your father.
Loudred: *banging out the chords of Someone Like You*
This is Piplup, a boy and automatic spare.
The next morning...
Loudred:...I have a son.
Toxi: Damn I thought you wanted the other kind.
Loudred: Gender is a spectrum, Toxi.
Toxi: STFU you know what I mean.
Loudred: Killing me softly with his song, killing me - oh crap, let's not make that mistake again!
Anika: Well that's definitely Mariska screaming up there.
Zubat: All in favour of ignoring this?
Toxi: Ay ay!
It's a blue baby girl. This is Goldeen and I guess she'll be cute, but I'd still rather she didn't exist.
Notice how Mariska had her in Lanika's room because I didn't design the new Gen 1 room for a flipping baby.
Latias: *sniffle* Everybody's having babies and I....I'm gonna die alone! Oh SOB-
Loudred:...I was never prepared for you to have emotions, Lati. Gimme ten. Fifteen. The whole day?
Lati: Ahhh, never mind. I'm a boss-ass bitch and I can lift...several pounds!
You also should use more deodorant.
Arjun: I'm here why?
Loudred: You wanted to hear more about the musical stylings of yours truly?
Arjun: Try again?
Loudred: Seriously, you definitely messaged me about your interest in the violin...unless that was my parents' old neighbour Arun. That might be it. Oops.
Arjun: Great. Oh shit is that her?
Latias:..I think I'll leave for work early.
Raj: I can smell the spices on this fork, just beautiful!
Because they've finished their skills and shit, Marajka get to do stuff like this all the time.
Raj: Yep this is definitely where I wanna be...the drink could use a little ice though.
However they are still raising children.
Raj:...Toxi I'm worried about your level of reading comprehension.
Zubat: Well that seems like your failure.
Raj: Look when you're four kids in some things fall by the wayside.
Toxi: Wow thanks.
Rin: Ay you guys have the good vodka.
Toxi: So do random strangers come in and drink here now or-
Mariska: Who cares? I'm winning!
Toxi: At least you're past the loading screen...that's definitely a 50cc AI tho.
Loudred honestly just lives in his own little world.
Loudred: Turn down for what? Nothing!....Wait, I am now a father.
He's actually a good one even if I don't capture it. Mainly 'cos he's home all day so he can always take care of Piplup's (and Goldeen's) needs.
Anika: Mmmm I just love the smell of dirty plates in the evening! Especially when half of you people didn't even work today!
Raj: Sorry Anika, it's kind of just how we are at this point.
Rin: Or you could try to improve as people.
Raj: First of all Mariska says that's for suckers, and second of all Rin I saw you swigging vodka at 2pm, don't test me.
Hallie is here again. I figured our boy Zubat deserves another shot to not fuck it up before he grows up tomorrow.
Hallie: -I am sorry I was so hard on you the other day, I know you were trying to help in your own clumsy inept Zubat way.
Zubat: Um, thanks? Anyway, we're both growing up soon and... why don't we give things a try?
Latias: On the bright side, I got promoted. Unfortunately my next shift is in ten hours.
Hallie: I simply can't do it. He's too inept. There's no other way but to end whatever it was.
So I guess Zubat fucked it up. He's on his own with MCCC then.
Goldeen: WAAAAAh change me I am SMELL
Mariska: I may be too old for this shit.
Anika: AYO, I am the bomb dot com mom, amirite?
UH what. We'll see about that.
Anika: Well I'll stay confident!
You should go to sleep.
Anika:...You are probably right, random voice!
Loudred: My wonderful son.
Piplup: Heh...forehead kisses.
See? Good Dad Loudred.
Latias: Haha NO you shut up, it WAS a good workout! I'm doing good, so good. Be quiet!
Raj: Coffee machine repaired!
Mariska: Yeahhh there's my handsome husband. How shocked did you get?
Raj: Not at all baby!
Mariska: Wow you really are having a good morning!
Loudred licensed his first piano song.
Loudred: Hell yeah gonna finally earn my own money!
Loudred: Hey, how's it going, who're you looking for-
Laila:...Is this the funeral home?
Loudred: Why does this keep happening I just want friends to party with.
Laila: I mean...that's not *sniff* off the table, maybe later.
The teens are back and they're not feeling great.
Toxi: I can't believe I got yelled at in front of the class...I was only trying to help her.
Zubat: Well next time cheat better, Toxi, duuuuh.
Toxi: Well aren't you helpful?!
Because aspiration goals we're holding a party at the Bheeda's house, for Zubat.
Loudred: 2 in 1!
Zubat: Always glad to be an afterthought.
Harry Lewis: Why exactly are you people using my house?
Arun: Hey pipe down Harry you're only the guy who moved in to mooch off us and our daughter.
Harry: I have a JOB-
Cassidy: You're a part-time barista.
Toxicroak: Holy sh - OW-
Yuka: Come one, come all, my food set this girl's mouth on fire! Ain't that a USP!
Anyway that's all that happened 'cos Arun was a butt about using the stove, so Zubat's growing up at home.
Zubat: I'm reaching adulthood!
Raj: Hmm...wonder if this omelet is still good.
Anyway he was kicked out into the time stream with his new trait of..unflirty. This is the dorkiest Sim I've ever seen. Good luck Zubat!
Back at home...
Anika: This child has made a spelling mistake. I will circle it a LOT so she always remembers.
Mariska: Hiss, take your perfectionism away from me!
Anika:...That is too pointed to be another 'Riska Rant.
I moved stuff around and got Loudred a real piano.
Loudred: It's like taking the DJ booth out of my keyboard. I already miss that tinny electronic sound!
And Piplup had his birthday.
Piplup: Yay....Mama! What should I do?
Anika: Thought you'd demand something.
He's Angelic.
Lati was on the weights for ages and came out with some killer abs all of a sudden.
Latias: Ab muscles pushing through tires you out. Also makes you need to pee apparently. I'm going to bed. After I pee.
Goldeen: You will love me and despair.
Mariska: Oooohhhh no.
So of course Goldeen, the baby who I didn't really want, grew up fussy.
Goldeen: If you're unwanted, make enough noise to get that attention anyway!
I may have created a monster.
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