MySims Legacy - 1.9


Toxicroak: Oooh it's mooooving it's like there's an alien in there.

Summer: Your family would know...

Toxicroak:...That's racist.

Loudred: And this too! Why do I have to deal with our shitty - I can't pretend, this fight is actually gold.

Jonathan: That is my business, boy, how dare you listen-

Loudred: Well I wouldn't have if you weren't yelling it on a Sunday night.

Jonathan: Quite rich of you to tell me what to do when you hosted that party-

Loudred: Yeah, from 11 to 4 in the afternoon! We're not fucking vampires - wait, are you - 

Jonathan: Oh I don't have time for this, we'll both keep it down.

The next morning Marajka have whims so...fulfilment time.

Mariska: How is my handsome soulmate doing this morning?

Raj: Especially good now that he's talking to nice Mariska.

Mariska: Oooooh don't jinx it you know I'm incomparable.

Mariska: That asshole is knocking on the door again.

Raj: Don't worry dear! We'll freeze him out.

Mariska: But all I can hear is his KNOCKING-

Raj: We do have the power-shower on the other side of the apartment.

Mariska: Raj Rasoya are you saying what I think you're saying?

Raj: Uh, well - sorry, too much?

Mariska: HELL NO, I love the idea, let's go!

And so they did.

Mariska: Oh, bagels of onion, come together and protect our family from vampires, especially my son and heir Loudred, bitten once-

That's garlic. You're thinking of garlic.

Mariska:...O shit.

Latias: Something smells and it's definitely you, Zubat.

Zubat: Well, THANKS LATIAS, insulting me again-

Loudred: Sorry man, she's right, you stink. Aren't you having Hallie over?

Zubat: Do I actually - oh, fuck.

Toxi: Oooooh Zubat's got a girlfriend.

Latias: In his dreams.

Zubat: Would you not?

Loudred: Ahhhh, nothing like getting home to your mother making drinks in her pyjamas.

Mariska: Hey, it's for my career-

Loudred: Yeah, sure sure sure. If you're gonna be a mess can I at least have one?

Loudred: Not. A. Scratch on that keyboard, Toxi.

Latias: I told you to put it back in our room.

Loudred: Well I couldn't be bothered, how's that?

Zubat: Oh like you can be trusted, Lati - dammit!

Hallie: That's what you get for being distracted by siblings! Another round to me!

Loudred. What.

Loudred: I'm helping you win, Zubat! Brother points for me!

Hallie: Your ass is uncomfortably close to my face.

Loudred: So what are you guys playing, can I join?

Zubat: This is a two person match, Loud! Go away.

Hallie: Zubat. Zubat, are you still with me?

Zubat:...Mm guh. Good.

Latias: It's cos you touched his shoulder. Overt gesture by the way, I mean clearly-

Hallie: There was dust on his jacket!

Loudred: Mamaaaaa, just killed a man-

Latias: Not helping, Loud.

Loudred: Whatever. Look if you two like each other, just go for it. It's kinda obvious there's something.

Hallie: But...your prude of a dad's in here.

Latias: Didn't stop him playing hide the clothes with Anika in their room.

Loudred: Did you just expose me.

Raj: Now son, I give you my full support and I'm glad you're building a strong friendship with the girl...but that right there was tragic.

Zubat: Oh shut up like you can talk.

My girl Toxi did it. That means all the kids did an aspiration. YAY.

Mariska maxed out her career. Is this really how you choose to be when you reached your main goal?

Mariska: No, no I'm really happy just...can't quite believe it. Damn.

The birth announcement left out his triplet brothers, Celsius and Fahrenheit.

That's a shit joke, but come on Summer.

Second day in a row he's rolled this upon waking up. Horny jail for thee.

Raj: Eh, well...what can I say, sorry my wife's hot?

Raj: Can't wait until these kids get off to school...

You will be going to the restaurant, don't get any ideas.

Mariska: Are ya winnin, son?

Zubat: Well, I'm coming third-

Mariska: Is that good or bad? Why don't you pause and talk to me.

Zubat: I can't pause it's a live game-

Mariska: Ooh, explain how that works please.

Zubat: Mum please I know you're trolling.

Loudred: Dance is a crucial element of enjoying music and I DO love it so-

Raj: Break it down, get a load of this!

Mariska: Interesting, honey.

Loudred: Never mind, I hate dancing.

Latias: Loving this room. It's quiet...yeah that's about it, but at least I can woodwork in peace.

Well glad you're enjoying the workspace cos there's no room for this thing elsewhere.

Latias: So I saw Mum and Dad's savings account - why exactly do we not move? I know they can afford a bigger place.

Mariska: Hi Manuia, it's me! And I'm every bit the top celebrity chef I was always destined to-

Manuia:...Booth or not, ma'am.

Mariska: I'm on top of the world and I got CRAYONS.

Raj: Oooh what have you got there, it looks good, I'm always after a recommendation...

Harry:...Then ask a waiter, please let me eat my food in peace.

Eva's head: Lol I'm photobombing.

Raj: Well...looks like Christmas came with this cubed ahi!

Mariska:...I love you but shut up and eat your food.

Raj: Though of course you're the real gift.

Mariska: Flatterer.

One last thing before we go...this poor lady. Imagine getting all nice and ready for your date at the fancy restaurant and your husband shows up in that.

Max: I fail to see the problem.

Maricela: Ugh.

Raj: Nice to see that one of you kids is doing homework.

Toxi: Dad that's cos he's the only one without an A.

That's right, she got her A today.

Latias: Which actually makes him dumber than us.

Zubat: I aged up TWO DAYS ago I'm not DUMB. If anyone's the dumb one, it's Loud.

Loudred: Haters gonna hate. I prefer 'the creative one', cos all you and Lati do is play chess and video games.

Toxi: He got you there. Plus he's the heir, not you.

Zubat: Neither are you.

Loudred: Awwww, come on Dad! I've got my party clothes on, we're all doing good in school, and it's just a few cool people really! Not a huge deal!

Raj: Hmmm...fine. But your mother and I will be here the whole time, and my bedroom door is locked so if somebody loses a shirt, they'll have to wait until later to find it.


Loudred: Hey, Arjun, thanks for-

Arjun: So is Lati here?

Loudred: Yes and I'm not helping you talk to her. Sawyer! Hi. You're our neighbour and we went to school together so it would be a dick move if you weren't invited, right?

Sawyer: Yes.

Loudred:...Come on in, y'all.

Zubat: Soooo Hallie can't come, but I'll see her tomorrow. How's this for a smoulder, Anika?

Anika: It's certainly a face.

Zubat: OK I get the point. Damn why couldn't I be smooth like Loud?

Latias: Excuse me, I'm gonna go hide in the bathroom, I see that pink hair.

Anika: Anyway Zubat, Loudred was such a dork. Don't tell him I said this but it was kinda endearing. You'll make it happen, just be yourself.

Zubat: Thanks, Anika.

Latias: Haha, don't thank her, that's garbage advice.

And of course she started insulting him.

Zubat: You have been a bitch and a bully all my life, and I don't know what I ever did-

Latias: You're just, oooh I'm a pathetic nerd, I'm Zubat-

Zubat: You're also pretty damn nerdy!

Latias: I do it with style.

Loudred: Hey. Stop bumming out the vibe at my awesome party.

Zubat: How about you stop talking like a douchebag?

Loudred:...Toxi are you seriously doing homework.

Toxi: Unlike some people I don't take my A for granted.

Arjun: Got them apple bottom jeans-

Latias: DAMMIT it's kind of a nice view.

Loudred: Keep that to yourself I am your TWIN.

Poor Loud lol.

Loud ended his party with a little bit of piano.

Loudred: Sing us a song you're the piano man-

Latias: Take a SHOWER!

Vicente: And play something else!

But his NIGHT ended this way.

I'll leave you to it. Kudos for not doing it in Loud's parents' bed.

Vlad: I told you I would be back, voman! Never doubt the word of Count Vladislaus Straud the F-

Mariska: Ugh...what is this dream?

Vlad: NO! Thwarted by the cursed bulb! She is smarter than I thought!

OK clearly you didn't think much of her cos garlic is basic stuff.

Mariska: Heh heh heh pawned. Knew sleeping with a pocketful of this shit would come in handy one day.

Anika stayed the night and I don't know why these two are in party clothes, but genuinely whatever.

Loudred: So. It's our birthday today, isn't it?

Anika: Yup. So what...where is this going?

Loudred: I mean obviously I love you, and there is that whole...heir thing, y'know? So that means...

Anika: Oh my God yes, I'll move in ASAP. Anything to get away from my mother's abundance of cats and the new baby. Yikes.

Mariska: So. Girl who my son is dating. I hear you plan to move in here. In MY house-

Anika: Well just until we get it together, there's a lot going on in my family and I do mean to get a job, I love your son-

Mariska: HAAAAhaha I'm joking. I know the legacy drill, baby. You can live in this household til you die!

Anika: Uh. OK. Thanks, Mrs S.

Mariska: LIQUID CHICKENS, in you go!

We're just getting that last half-point of Baking done. There's also like 2 more Mixology points but these are just 'extra' skills anyway. I also haven't had her learn most of the Experimental recipes yet, but she's got a while and I'm sure we'll get round to it.

I mean yeah it's fine, but...why are you asking Raj?

Vicente: I dunno. Appealing to parental authority?

There! It's done. And now, twin birthdays.

Loudred: Iiiiiit's ageing up day! Are you all ready for a new head of household?

Latias: No because you will never control me!

She went first, and go the Active trait. Tbh I'm probably gonna keep her, just saying. At least for a bit.

Latias: No problem. Might surprise you but I'm not the marrying kind.

I think everybody coulda guessed that.

Loudred: Ohhh yea-

Summer: Heyyy where are the forks again?

Loudred: Don't ruin my moment and - eat with your hands, that's bread!

Finally, Zubat put the moves on Miss Hallie over here.

Zubat: *fake yawn* Wow, what a day...aren't you tired?

Hallie: Not really.


Hallie: But continue with what you were doing, please.

Zubat: Alright here goes nothing-

Anika was invited over to join her boyfriend in YAhood. It's her birthday anyway so...

Anika: Here goes nothing!

And Zubat finally kissed the girl.

Hallie: You missed most of my lips - never mind.

LatiaS: Actually Anika, there is 'something'.

Anika: Uhhhh...why are you looking at me like that? I'm not doing anything to-

Latias: This is my friendly face.

Latias: What I was gonna say is my brother's crazy for you, I"m happy for you both, and welcome to the family!

Anika: Oh! How nice!

Raj: Would never have seen that coming from our Lati. I'm so proud.

Raj: HEY  we can do our own dishes!

But you DON'T.

Anika: I'm just trying to help.

Loudred: Definitely wife material then.

Raj: Son we don't stereotype women in this house.

Anyway Anika moved in and not cos she does dishes. Loud's been doing most of them recently anyway, lol.

And here are Anika and Latias's makeovers. Anika's traits are Perfectionist, Insider and Family-Oriented, so I gave her the Successful Lineage aspiration. Latias will be an astronaut so I gave her a bit more of a 'badass' look.

And here is our beautiful heir. Loudred took the last DJ Candy trait of Dance Machine and will keep on partying.

Loudred: And I'm dressed for it, too!
