Tethys: Damn, all these calling cards and nothin' to show for it, huh?
Yay, we start this week with our heiress being depressing.
And here's her favourite middle child helping out around the house.
Ursa: Um, I'm her only middle child, you made me do this which clearly means I'm the least favourite. Of everyone.
Ursa: And here comes the true favourite. I bet you don't have to do stupid yard-work, right Sol?
Solstice:...I'm mechanically not allowed to. Can't I have just one sandwich in peace?
Ursa: Sure. Sure. I'll plot my revenge.
Solstice: C'mon you're not doing shit, we know it.
Gen 2 is still kicking about.
Bearcula: He's actually punching me. It's not a big deal.
Mercury: Yes it is! You're in agony! I'm strong!
Mercury: Now keep my husband alive you bastard I'll MISS HIM-
These kids are quite lucky. They can have a nice relaxing float on their private pool before school.
Antares: I know. It's adequate. Now leave me be I'm also plotting.
Ursa: You're a little brat and there's nothing you did to earn your title except be born you useless little-
Solstice: Oooh I'm Ursa, I'm obviously jealous and I'm gonna be kicked out on my ASS-
Ursa: I'll kick yours first.
Calypso: Yeah. Fight a child, sis. You'll look real good.
Ursa: Ooohhhh when you grow up tho.
Tethys: Oh Dad. I'm worrying about you and those knives.
Chase: Well don't. I'm as sharp as ever dear!
Tethys: I know. But they're sharper. Seriously. Antares was sharpening them next to some kid to threaten him or something.
Chase: Wow your children really are something-
Tethys: You raised my brothers. And I'm self-aware enough to also say, me.
Chase it's too late your lifebar is sparkling.
Chase: Well fuck, you were right. That or you cursed me.
Why spawn in Solstice's room tho?
Grim: I know the child must be at school. But her carpet is white. I shall leave a black stain on the carpet so she KNOWS just WHO came for her pathetic grandpa!
Mercury: O h GOD there really is nothing under that hood. Antares you owe me 20 bucks!
Chase: Honey I'm dying over here.
Grim: OMG shut up and let me work.
Mercury: WHY would I-
Because this house is too full and it's getting on my nerves. Sorry guys.
Calypso: Grandpa's gone and he was the only real creative around here.
Ursa:...And there's still not enough house slots for a dog.
Solstice: You mean cat. Though I miss him too.
Calypso: You hardly knew him you little brat!
Antares: Well I won't be sad alongside all these WOMEN! My pain is so much deeper than-
Deanna: Boy you got a big storm coming. Stop spouting that shit. And Calypso! Shower!
Calypso: *sniff* Yes Grandma.
Deanna: You will all deal with your emotions in a healthy way and you'll do it now!
Ursa brought home a friend. This is Grady Spear, son of Tethys's first girlfriend Janet. They broke up so Tethys could hoe about over a difference in pet preference. Teth loves cats but Janet loves dogs. 'Twasn't meant to be.
Maybe this is the guy for our Dog Lover Ursa.
Merc is really missing his husband, poor guy.
Mercury: This pillow! He hit me with it once when we were teenagers, and it almost smells like that cologne we used to wear!
Solstice: Oh GOD, ANTARES, I can smell you from over here, jeez!
Antares:...Heh. Bathe in my musk.
Ah, siblings.
Mercury: *sniffle*
Antares: Uhhh...hey, Grandpa, you're totally the best athlete and I need your wisdom for my skinny bird arms-
Mercury: In a minute. I'm too busy *sniff* grieving and being lonely.
Antares:...That was my best shot at making him feel better. I got nothin'.
Umbriel's here.
Umbriel: Haha you two suck at that game.
Ursa: Oh my GOD Umbriel shut up and stop ruining this for me!
Grady: Ruining what? I'm still having fun. Wanna come join?
Ursa: Yeah, sure, let's go ahead and get beaten by Miss Renaissance Sim-
Grady: Y'all have some unresolved issues huh.
Solstice:...see, and when anybody comes over I will put on my smile, and shake their hand. 'Hello, welcome to the ancestral home of the Sutherlands.'
Umbriel:...Right, that's not both boring and overkill at all.
Calypso:...Gotta point. Sometimes I still think it should've been me.
Mercury: You've been doing that homework for three hours and you want to lead this family.
Calypso: Grieving my ass.
Solstice: Assorted family! You'd be letting us down if I was doing this greeting for real.
Ursa: Good game from an even better human!
Grady: I mean I hardly know you but thanks.
Ursa: Hey, you've seen my family, you know my standards are kinda low.
Solstice: My turn to say something nice. Grandpa, I'm totally gonna do good with your legacy.
Mercury: *sob* What's the point without your other grandpa?
Antares: Fail, little sis, epic fail.
Ursa: It's official, this is my Cinderella arc.
Calypso: I'd rather cook with you, this homework is really hard.
Deanna: And this conversation is so Merc-centric. I'm grieving for Calvin too.
This is Edison Goth, all grown up.
Edison: Well I've recently turned teen, haven't seen Solstice in a while and -
Yeah she looks the same. Her birthday's in 2 days lol.
Edison: Hello all, I'm Solstice's friend-
Solstice: He's a Goth and Umbriel...what was it?
Umbriel: I chaperoned you guys for some weird little legacy-marriage-merger meeting, the idea of which is now even creepier.
Solstice: Well, when I have my birthday-
Calypso: Dude take a hike, I'm surrounded by people and I'm still stuck on this homework! Enough!
Mercury: Damn I bet this guy has money, look at that suit.
Ursa: Granddad. We have money. Umbriel's currently living in our second mansion.
Deanna:...Actually he kinda looks like that guy who sells CDs outside my job.
Meanwhile somebody ELSE showed up.
Antares: Blair. You kept the beach top!
Blair: What can I say, I look good in it.
Antares: I can't disagree.
Solstice: See look he has dance moves.
Edison: You gotta feel the MUSIC man-
Umbriel: We have a whole living room, can you do that somewhere else?
We end the night with Mercury having an extremely sad workout.
Mercury:...But really, what is the use of staying swole without my man?
Tethys is home, and about 1/10th of a bar away from a promotion.
Tethys: Gimme a break my father just died!
Umbriel got pregnant.
Umbriel: That's why I left the family gathering earlier. To get RAILED...also because they were pissing me off.
Meanwhile Tina Tinker, who died here a couple weeks ago, is killing it on violin.
Tina: Yeah, well that dickhead downstairs is trying to concentrate.
Exactly, so stop PLAYING.
Tina: Why not? He threw a plate at me when he saw I wasn't his dead husband.
Gen 3 has started dying off already. This was Tucana's eldest son.
...Meanwhile Gen 3 is also still being born, thanks to the vampiric lifespans of some of the family.
Congratulations to Eirene (known child-hater) on her new twins!
Tethys: Whaaaat? He was my father and an influence on my life-
Deanna: Yes and you're grieving so heavily you had to put on your lingerie.
Antares: Oh God I don't wanna see it!
Antares:...Seriously, why is she this way?
Deanna: Eat your eggs, dear.
Antares: I can't I've lost my appetite.
Calypso: Didn't you basically raise her? And everybody else who grew up in this house?
Deanna: That's...not up for discussion-
Solstice: Oh God is that my future?
Deanna: I dunno but I'll be too dead to see it most likely!
Calypso: Ugh, birthday time I guess.
Mercury: *sniff* Chase made this clam chowder-
Calypso: Nope, that's definitely GreatGrandma's recipe.
Mercury:...This was Chase's favourite food-
Calypso: No.
Anyway here's YA Calypso in her everyday things. She'll be set free to live with Umbriel.
Calypso: Joy. Umbriel and her new screaming thing. Bet she makes me prep baby stuff.
Fine, you can stay and do all the chores here.
Calypso: I'll go.
Tethys: Heh. I heard them all shit-talking me this morning. But I have clay now. So there.
Mercury: Boohooohoooo Chase.
These two start work in the afternoon. Before that they'll do a lot of fat nothing I suppose.
Calypso: Just *shudder* made small talk with my sister. She spread random gossip about Cousin Madelyn and has asked me to knit all the baby clothes for this new baby. However, debugging those plants was even worse than that sounds, so I'll be off now.
Godspeed, Calypso.
After school I got Antares to the gym, which completed his first milestone.
Ursa: Aha. There we go.
Crystal: Sorry dear, I'm barely into my first set of intervals-
Ursa: Oh, it's OK. I'm just watching the TV.
Knox: Could you...watch from somewhere else? I'm feeling rather uncomfortable.
Crystal: Put on a shirt then, hippie.
Solstice stood outside and talked to strangers.
Clementine:-you pretentious little bitch, acting better than me when your outfit is wrinkled and you don't even have real pearls in your hair!
Solstice: Say, what's the big idea?...Seriously what did I do.
Ursa: Just put on my gym clothes, that counts for something.
Crystal: It really doesn't. Apparently this guy knows you-
Phobos: Yeah that's my niece, Arsula.
Ursa: That's not my name-
Crystal: Well could you tell him to stop explaining to me how best to run? I literally work at this gym.
Antares: Hey girl nice haircut it kinda matches mine.
Blair: My fade is way less douchey than yours and you know it.
Antares:..My hair is cool.
Blair: I mean...thanks.
Solstice retreated to her bedroom to play games.
Solstice: With my very own computer - hey suck it, if you'd picked up the health pack we'd have won, this is your fault...maybe you sound like a little girl!
I'm imagining she's online right now.
Deanna: Ooooh look at me I'm a mask of Khaas I'm so serious - *purses lips*
She's a very good and serious freelance archaeologist.
Solstice: And actually, I shouldn't even have to eat nuggets. I deserve the finest charcuterie, cheese and wine.
Blair:...Wine? Aren't you like seven?
Solstice: Bitch I am eleven, and why are you even here-
Blair: Playing hard to get to be honest, but don't tell him.
Solstice: Well Antares went up to the workout balcony yelling about guns. Think he forgot you.
Solstice: So you can leave. Clear my plate on the way out pls.
Antares: What? I miss the cat. He was such an asshole.
Even later...
Tethys: Aaaahhhh I am wailing out my sadness for my departed father.
Mercury: Jesus Teth you're milking it a bit aren't you.
You can talk.
Also soon after this their moodlets ran down, so they will now actually Be Productive.
Tethys: Oh, Grimmy. Not even death could stop you eating that off-brand kibble we bought in bulk for you!
Deanna: What are you on about now, Teth?
Tethys: He's right over there! You're the one always bringing up Grandpa.
Ursa:....You never changed my swimwear.
Um...wait for Solstice?
Ursa: I swear to God-
Mercury's back to normal.
Mercury: Now damn, who is that older sex bomb in the screen there? *wink* Chase, if you're out there, I can be into ghosts too!
Glad he's coping.
Solstice: OK, more practice. Hello. Welcome to my ancestral home. Please don't touch the cannons, and ignore the weirdos in the corner. Yeah, that should do.
Tethys: Sooo apparently you want advice on how to lead the family and I should 'actually do some parenting'
Solstice: Both are true, go on.
Tethys: How about we start with representing the Sutherland name well or something?
Solstice: Oh hell no I'm not listening to you.
Tethys: Come on, I'm a respected streamer and competitive gamer-
Solstice: Who's my father?
Tethys: Some dickhead called Ferrero, now listen-
Solstice: It's definitely Felipe. I was testing you and you failed.
Blair: You wanted to see me?
Antares: Hell yeah, you look...Blair-y good.
Blair: Right. I came all this way for that? You're paying my Uber if you don't figure shit out.
Calypso: Ooooh I'm actually glad I came over to see this mess.
Antares:...She went inside so that's a start.
Paolo: Outta the way dude MOVE I'm literally about to be on fire!
Yeah, so Deanna's club is here.
Alberto: *wheeze*
Antares: He's killing the vibe...wait, wait you don't think there is one.
Blair: Nah. I know I can be pretty defensive and acerbic. But I wouldn't talk to you if I didn't want to, Antares.
Antares: *goes in for the hug*
Blair: Uh, yeah I guess.
Vela: Ah, young love. What a pile of crap.
Antares:...Seriously I made the right choice giving you that beach top!
Blair: I'll never wear anything else. Seriously.
Vela: Enjoy the sag then. OR I could bite-
Antares: Auntie Vela! Please!
Um. Paolo. What?
Tethys: Yeah, you with the bs and...something else. What are you doing?
Paolo: You can't see me, I'm a vampire, I don't have a reflection.
Tethys: Yeah but I did just turn around.
Solstice you have a whole room. Plus there's Umbriel and Calypso's which is empty now.
Sostice: Yes but my siblings must know their place. It especially annoys Antares to see my correct brown hair all over his pillow.
Blair is also being frustrating. She thinks now is a good time to go.
Blair: What? One kiss and that's all he gets for today. You know it.
Ursa: HEY, SO, apparently your mother's part of my great-grandma's exercise club and used to date my mum isn't that funny?!?
Grady: I know the first part. I got a ride here.
Ursa:...The second part?
Grady: Idk, my parents don't talk about what they did before me I guess.
Ursa: God I wish that were me.
Antares: Wow who's that bemuscled hunk over there? What are you looking at, microwave-
Hhhhh the men in this family.
This is your fault, Felix.
Solstice: Woooo one step closer.
Antares: And look at me, not caring. That'll teach you for leaving hair all over my pillow, Solstice-
Solstice: I'm good to celebrate by myself...let's go!
Solstice: Come on, my first step into near adulthood and I'm dressed like this.
Yeeeaaahh let's get you to CAS.
Solstice: I'm ready for my closeup, Grandma.
Deanna: I will not abide.
Solstice:...Fine. Can't believe you have better abs than me.
Obviously this is not her everyday. We'll see that when she cooperates.
Antares has bulked out.
Antares: But not enough. And I won't get there eating...*shudder* chowder.
Uh-uh, you will not be a white rice and chicken gym bro. Eat your dinner.
Antares: You think you're so cool, just 'cos you can sit and do homework in a swimsuit. Well up yours, I'll do it better.
Solstice: I won't have such talk in my home, brother.
Her aspiration is Mansion Baron and her trait Genius, by the way.
Antares: Getting all high-and-mighty...you think you're better than me?
Solstice: I know I am.
Antares: Well I'm a pilot now, did ya hear? Maybe I'll crash a plane into your precious house.
Solstice: HA! You think you can keep on target when you can't even keep one girl's attention?
Antares: HEY, low blow-
Solstice: You were talking about murder-suicide!
Janet: Son hurry up, I'm your ride and I want out of here.
Grady: mmm...in a second...
Janet: Stop staring at that Ursa girl's ass!
Grady: What? I would never.
Ursa: Well you're certainly invited to. Solstice called me flat.
Grady: Really? Why?
Ursa: Spite?
Grady: Sounds like her-
Grady: That is my mum I really do actually have to go-
Mercury got to the top of his Athletic career, FINALLY.
He is now a Hall of Famer.
Mercury: Well I retired from actually playing long ago, but I get my picture taken, my name in the stars, and way bigger appearance fees.
Mercury: Antares my BOY! You have finally gained muscle! You just may well turn out to look like me.
Antares: Who says that's a worthy goal?
Mercury: Oh you wound me! You're being so mean, I love it.
Solstice: Um, hello Grandpa, it's me, the actual heiress, and-
Mercury: No time for that, Soli! Let us celebrate your brother.
Antares: *whispers* Suck it.
Tethys also topped her career today.
Tethys: Ugh, who do I have to share the victory with? Fuck that!
Your father. You sound like him.
Tethys: UGH
What the - out.
Paolo: But coffins are so hard on my back-
This is not your bed. Or your HOUSE.
Tethys: Y'know, there was a time I might have LIKED to find a stranger in my bed but I'm very tired and in a SWIMSUIT for some reason, so get out before I SNAP-
Felix: Deanna wait - OOF-
Mercury, in the room: Oh my God Dad get out-
Felix: Clearly I'm trying.
Deanna: I'm gonna leave you idiots behind.
Deanna: -yes darling I know about the buttons and the light show, I'm Level 7 in DJ mixing.
Felix: Nah. NAH. Only I know the machine's true potential.
lTethys: Shouldn't you be getting back to your grave, Grandpa?
Deanna: Shouldn't you put some clothes on?
Felix: Aw, De. You do love me.
Tethys: God knows why.
Antares: Can I please just use the toilet in peace?
Felix: Hush, I threw my damn back out-
Antares: Be outside then, does it look like I care?
Felix it really might be time to go back to your grave.
OK here she is properly madeover in her everyday outfit and stuff. She is almost a Tethys faceclone, which is a shame. I think she has her dad's narrower nose? Idk.
Solstice: Someone left behind their dishes after apparently eating a full meal in the bathtub, and I am not OK with that.
Solstice: Ah, my spares. Making breakfast for me. As it should be.
Antares: *making literally one sandwich*
Ursa: Let's just add the cyanide, i mean cilantro-
Solstice: I may just go with leftovers.
Antares: *whispers* I could literally get you some cyanide tho. I met some guys round the back of our school-
Ursa: I'll stick to pepper.
For example, fitness.
Tethys: Run with me my little clone.
Solstice: *puff* *pant* You're actually pretty good at this.
Tethys: Hell yeah I am! You will have to be too. How else do you think I kept my figure after 5 pregnancies?
Deanna's club is also here. I am getting tired of them but it's taken way too long to do this stupid aspiration so I'm trying to quickly get it done before we move onto Gen 4 stuff.
Paolo: Blah blah blah, I'm Nalani and I'm a mermaid and I don't get SUNBURN-
Vela: I'll be honest, I do not know what you just said because I have been drunk since last night!
Yeah. So. Doing that was not actually...hard. Because she is our little genius I'll have her do some knowledge aspirations.
Also the house has some dumb columns and landscaping everywhere and I'll probably be too lazy to fix that for a while.
Solstice: Ready to start my learning journey!
Blair: Where is this fool I've been at the door for more than one second.
Ursa: Isn't she a peach. But at least Antares gets his girlfriend over...what do I get? More gardening.
Alberto: Damn nice top girl.
Blair: Ugh Antares, your family are really weird.
Antares: I've never seen that man in my life. Dunno why this perv is in my house.
Alberto:...Are you a YA yet?
Blair: Well yeah but that doesn't make me feel better ya weirdo.
Oh what the hell.
Paolo: Hehe. I knew tequila shots got you, Vel. They get us all.
Vela: Not the -oooowwwww - time!
Deanna: Come ON I was definitely not supposed to outlive this one!
Mercury: Oh dear, one of my assorted sisters...
Tethys: Dad you really are such a big asshole.
Mercury: Name one of your brothers.
Nalani: What's with the family squabble, a person is dead!
Deanna: Grim please, I can't ber another loss. She might have been prickly and cruel but she's my daughter. Please have mercy.
Grim: Nope, the world is better without her and both of you have had way too long alive anyway. She should have died ages ago and we know it.
Deanna: Sigh I guess we have had a while...
Tethys: That's still pretty cold, Grim.
Catboy: Hey so does Umbriel still-
Tethys: DUDE, not the time.
The Gen 4 kids did not care at all. Here is Antares...
Antares: Voulez-vous coucher avec-moi?
Blaair: You do know what that actually means, yes?
Antares: Um, duh, that's why I said it hot stuff.
Blair: Don't objectify me again and yes I would like to.
Ursa: Homework is a reprieve from my backbreaking chores. I must relish it.
Calypso: *dances like Ben Wyatt*
Solstice, in the observatory: oOooh it took a cool skyprint.
Ursa: Quelle surprise.
Tethys: Hello my gentle dove it has been..
Sloane: A good six years, Tethys. But damn, when I got that call...
Valentina: Nice decoration, isn't it? That's my mum, and there's dear Grandma Esther.
We're at the Goth townhouse because Edison invited over Solstice.
Solstice: So. I've had my birthday. I believe it's time to resume our acquaintance.
Edison: You're standing really close.
Solstice: Oh, is that a problem?
These two have no concept of personal space. Last time we saw Edison he was dancing up on Umbriel and Solstice's chairs.
Solstice: Soooo...how have you been?
Edison: Well. My mum and SIL died, which sucked hard, but those moodlets ran down.
Solstice: I thought Stefanie was pretty young-
Edison: It was a cowplant.
They're bonding nicely. I had Sol throw out a few compliments but she is still young so I'm letting them mostly build friendship.
That's what this is.
Edison Don't hurt me!
Solstice: It's just so FUNNY-
Edison: It was just a clip from a baking show.
Solstice: Haha! 'Top personal chef' and she can't make a souffle.
Solstice: Uh, hey Mr Goth. You guys are actually Goths right, cos I've been getting confused-
Aarav: Yes, yes. I know of your little legacy obsession, Miss Solstice. I hope that's not the only reason why you're after my son.
Solstice: Oh, never. Just curiosity. I've heard a little about people's parentage is all.
Aarav: My late wife had quite the youth, what can I say?
Aarav: Wait a second...is your Dad Phobos?...Interesting kid.
Solstice: Nooo, that's my Uncle. My mother is Tethys and she's no better.
Aarav: Oh, the 'conniving little sister who will steal my thunder', as Phobos said.
Solstice: Ooh, so you do know my family.
Valentino: I miss my wife...
Aarav: Yeah me too dude.
Solstice: This is getting depressing. I'll find Edison.
Felipe: I've told your damn kid to stop throwing stuff into my yard!
Aarav: Edison can't throw for shit...do you mean my stepgranddaughter? We're a very blended family over here-
Felipe: I don't know and I don't care! You! Girl! Why are you gawking?
Solstice: Hi Dad, nice to see you!
Felipe: Ohhhh hell no. No way. You look exactly like that hoe Tethys, your dad could be anyone.
Aarav: Uh...this is awkward, I'm so sorry Solstice-
Solstice: Do you know EVERYBODY in my family?
Edison: Hey, this guy is hardly your family if he doesn't appreciate you, Soli.
Solstice: Why should he? He's really just a sperm donor. He gave me his nose and literally nothing else. Fuck off, Felipe.
Aarav:...Damn! I might actually like her, son.
Edison: So do I!
Back at home..
Antares: Guess who got railed in the shower!
Ursa: You've told me twice in ten minutes, Antares.
Umbriel: Ugh, I remember carting you around as a toddler. When did you get so big?
Solstice: Yesterday. Hey, remember Edison-
Umbriel: That Goth kid you had me chaperone you with-
Solstice: More like Mum made you take me because I was seven and she's not that neglectful. Anyway, I saw him again today-
Umbriel: He got weird as a teen, right? Dancing right up on our chairs-
Solstice: Oh no, he's very nice...and cute...and I don't mind him being near me.
Umbriel: Cute and all, Sol, but just watch out. You might end up like me. *gestures at belly*
Solstice: So I am becoming more romance minded, but really? Fake dating? We all know how this one will go!
Just read the book.
Solstice: Don't you have a home to go to?
Calypso: Don't you have a bedtime?
Solstice: Um, no, I'm fourteen now!
Calyspo: Aww. Bless your heart. Also I can't go home what if Umbriel has her baby there? Fuck that.
Looks like the kids are getting another cousin. Hopefully Rigel lives long enough to see this one grow up. He and Teth aren't far from elderhood.
The adults all spent the night in the skill room.
Mercury: Who says kids have more fun?
Tethys: Yeah, this ain't bad.
Deanna: So glad to finally use this - Tina put that violin down or so help me God-
The next morning...
Antares: Thought good people like you weren't about the Evils like me, GreatGrandma.
Deanna: Mmm, I got over that years ago while raising Felix descendants. Plus you're not that evil. You're doing homework.
Antares: I'm making a plot to take over from the 'rightful' heir-
Solstice: What now?
Antares:...hang on, I could just buy hair dye.
Solstice: That's no fun.
After the kids go to school...
Tethys: Goddammit I used to charm people with the drop of a hat and now I can't get one text back from my sorta-girlfriend!
Sloane is...not that into this. But she's the only fling who Tethys actually has a strong friendship with.
Tehtys: Yes, I'm lonely! Rub it in why don't you?!
Also Mercury is still kicking about. He'll definitely see gen 5 babies.
Mercury: I don't want to see that! How old will I be by then 200? Also, I have a lot on my plate. Talked some real trash during that last game tourney and they might be...coming back for me.
Deanna: But dear...there is the matter of your death, and I'm assuming this man is alive-
Vela: That can be negotiated.
Deanna:...But it shouldn't.
Kids are back!
Solstice: Hey, Ursa, guess what rhymes with Grade A? Just one day.
Ursa: Seriously why does your life have to be so easy?
Solstice:*imaginary hairflip* I was born for it, darling.
Ursa: Ugh.
So yeah, Miss Heiress already has her A. Well done Sol.
She also invited this girl over.
Charity: I make a great friend. Come closer and you'll find out.
Ursa: Well hi there! Grady! Good to see you.
Grady: Mmmmfffffhair-
Solstice chose a skill book all on her own.
Solstice: That next romance in the series is enemies to lovers, but a girl should expand her mind. Just because I have an A doesn't mean I stop learning.
Ursa: Hooray ! No more menial chores!
Well not exactly-
Ursa:It doesn't matter. At least I'll be doing them for myself!
Ursa: How about a brewski, bitches? Dog jokes!
She's a Bro now so...yeah. Honestly I don't know how that tracks. Maybe she'll be more confident. As I failed to set her up with Grady, like her older sisters before her she is on her own in the world. At the mercy of MCCC.
UrsA: Doesn't matter get me OUT-
As you wish.
Deanna: Get your annoying sister out of there.
Calypso: Can I move back in?
Umbriel: This was supposed to be my prenatal appointment, dammit.
Mercury: Come on Solstice, you know this formula!
Solstice: Starting to think getting to honour roll in one day has its drawbacks.
Ther'es something weirdly adorable about pyjamas Mercury helping her out with her homework.
Grady: Getting down to Train, hell yeah.
Solstice: Easy fucking Listening. Why are you still here, go flirt with my sister or something. Ugh.
Tethys: Well. Reading for your aspiration I see. Pretty passé at this point to be a Renaissance Sim.
Mercury: Hear hear.
Solstice: If you knew anything you'd know I'm a Nerd Brain. Also, why am I the only one doing heir-like activities out of the three of us?
Tethys: What can I say, Granny De makes great pancakes.
Eirene: Thought I should give my new twins a father. They need one parent who likes them.
That is below the minimum standard but fine, whatever. Also you could't have picked someone younger?
Mercedes: I'm here for my mother's grave. My sister and I have some dancing to do.
Tethys: Grim. Hey. Love you, but if you jump on me it's the last thing you'll ever do. Now lemme go speak to that cousin of mine.
Mercedes: You're right! Trapping her here as a reminder of what your father had instead of her...it'll torment her forever. This is brilliant! You are now my favourite relative.
Umbriel had Tethys' first grandchild, yay!
The baby daddy is married however. To Solstice's grandma (i.e. Felipe the Dickwad's mother)
See? Everybody is on this family tree if you start clicking people. Also it' looks like Umbriel's is the second extramarital baby. What a winner.
Mercury: Not even close baby. Tethys will always know I did this first.
Renaissance Sim completed! That's Merc's fourth aspiration. Pretty impressive because he lived out of the house for two weeks also. Anyways. He's now moving onto Bestselling Author 'cos that was one of his skills.
Aaand that's the end! We've got a full week exactly until Solstice grows up. So after that it's finally Gen 4 time.
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