MySims Legacy - 1.5


Just opened the game and Latias is mad.

Zubat: What's the deal, sis?

Latias: It's all their fault! Them!

Zubat: Who?

Latias: But you guys will help me, riiiight? :D

She seriously scares me a bit.

Loudred's a little more normal.

Loudred: Heeeeyy girl, let's talk music.


Loudred: Or we can eat a bunch of the cake my parents left in the fridge, they're both at work.

Anika: OK sold.

Zubat: You wanna tell me a story? How bout I tell you a story, tough guy?

Hawea: I need to retire.

Raj is home.

Raj: Should probably apologise to Zubat for dumping him with a stranger and running...

Nah he's cool.

Seriously I thought it was cute that Raj got home and picking up Zubat immediately appeared in his queue.

Raj: Whee let's go!

Mariska: Lol what if he pukes on your face.

Raj:...Don't say that!

Zubat: I just had dinner.

Latias: So did I. And I'm doing all the dishes but you're not noticing that now, are you-

Well OK.

Mariska: It was a passing thought!

Raj: :D

Mariska: This is the last one I PROMISE

Mariska: I know you're all about the big family but no more after this, OK?

Raj: Yeah, works for me. I have a limit y'know.

Mariska: Limits are for pussies.

Raj: You send mixed messages sometimes honey.

Latias: Say it. Say it Loud.

Loudred:...Fine. Mum, don't kill me, but did you have a big dinner?

Mariska: I'm having another baby is what's going on.

Latias:...This isn't ideal.

Mariska: It'll be fun! You guys'll even be old enough to help out when they're a toddler!

Latias: No fuck that. Count me out.

Loudred: It might be fun. The baby can listen to me jam out!

Mariska: Get better at the violin first, son.

Latias: OK. I'm done now. Leave me alone please.

Raj: I sat down five minutes ago and what did I even do?

Latias: I don't have to explain it to the scummy likes of you!

Raj: That's just disrespectful!

They're on 'Unpleasant Conversation' again. Sigh Latias really doesn't like her father for some reason.

Oh and the neighbours are being loud again.


Mariska: In, out, I will not beat up the Benalis, in, out, 1,2,3-

Hey Mariska maybe you SHOULD beat them up! Talk about projection...

Mariska was running, Latias was playing chess, Loud was drawing and Zubat was straight-up asleep - until THEIR noise. Raj? He was waiting in the hallway hoping they would stop their LOUD SEX.

Actually Summer's cool. Salim can go fuck himself.

The next morning...

Loudred: Sunshine and glitter and sparkles, oh my! *jazz hands*

Latias: Who's that picture for?

Loudred: Oh that's rich, Lati.

Latias: The fixing gnomes are real, Loud, you'll see.

Latias: And you know how they'll fix you? Carving your head up.

Loudred: You won't scare me! Where do you even get this stuff?

Latias: My own beautiful brain.

Loudred: I think I know where you get it from, Lati...

Mariska: Shush son! The gnomes are real! How else do you explain that fixed speaker?

Loudred: Maybe dad fixed it?

Mariska: He was in bed before me!

Latias: The gnomes are benevolent, Loud, nothing to be afraid of.

The toddler unattended with a bowl of food in this very white a little scary.

Zubat: No need to be afraid. I've only dropped a QUARTER of it! There's fun stains too!

Latias is tied to the chess table again. Best way to do mental skill without setting a fire, given that there's no space for an observatory or anything.

Latias: Come on pieces, don't let me down. I can't lose to myself again!

Summer: I am sorry about everything last night, maybe we can have an apology jog and-

Mariska: Bitch who apologises with exercise? No thank you!...Also we've got work. Unless you want to hear Lati speaking in tongues or Loudred talking about chord patterns, go home.

Today Zubat got to go to daycare 'cos I wanted to take the twins out. That's the problem with apartments. They don't go OUTSIDE.

Sawyer: This is nice! Anything to get away from my asshole stepdad!

Loudred: Yeah that guy really is a dick.

Anika: That's....something!

Loudred: I am the FUNKIEST CHICKEN, check out my moves!

I may have found the Gen 2 spouse? They're like seven so maybe that's creepy. But, autonomous hugs. My sim-kids never do this unless they're siblings.

Anika: You're actually cool, Loudred. You don't half-ass conversations, for one thing.

This left Sawyer and Latias to pair off.

Sawyer: So what do-

Latias: Hey look, I'm already winning, get racing and get good, Sawyer!

Alondra: Yes! I, the captain, have made that cannon shot!

Latias: Meeeehh, I'm Alondra and I think I'm IMPORTANT-

Loudred: I was 100% not meant to take this spare key, but I'm gonna give it to you! Come by any time!

Anika: Wow, OK! Your apartment is pretty sweet.

Loudred: I know, right? Great acoustics, maybe you could come listen to-

Anika: Don't push it.

Latias: Nice lipstick, Patrick.

Patrick Pancakes: I know, it's kinda punk, right?

Latias: How punk can you be in sweatpants?

Patrick:...My mum wouldn't let me get the ripped jeans.

Back at home Mariska made the final dish needed to max Gourmet cooking. We've just got Baking and Mixology left. And all those food prints.

Mariska: See that is weird, isn't you hang up!

Latias: Gotta pick this noggin!

Loudred: It's even weirder when the two of you are talking to yourselves...together.

Latias: Right by my face, Loud?

Loudred: But listen, I'm a quarter-way done learning the opening of Viva la Vida!

Latias:...Play it when you're completely done, mmk?

Mariska's not playing around tonight.

Mariska: OY! Wankers! You've woken up my son and disrupted a wonderful evening! Get out here and we'll talk!

Latias: My concentration is broken, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Stupid neighbours.

Loudred: I can't hear anything but my sweet melodies!

Latias: Yeah that thing's right by your face. You don't have to play fortissimo all the time!

Loudred: Awww, you know my music stuff!

Salim: God you again? I'm just practicing my DJing-

Mariska: It's 11pm.

Salim: Hardly late! You're so annoying I could just-

Mariska: Now I know you're not beating up a pregnant woman.

Mariska: Look I'm sorry, bread, you just have to be eaten. My T-rex arms agree!

Latias:...Ow, my back. How am I supposed to attend school like that?

Mariska, from the next room: I'll get the wrench, honey, this is common!

Zubat: Change me pls!

Raj: Oh...God. Yeah, you do smell!

Mariska: Thaaaank you, husband.

Raj: I know, I know, Mariska, you're too pregnant.

Raj took a vacation day to help out Zubat with his skills.

Raj: And it's definitely worth it.

Zubat: Read it AGAIN!

Summer: Don't mind me, just gonna take this fresh-baked bread.

Zubat: Who's that lady?

Raj: The least-shitty of our neighbours.

Zubat: What's SHITTY?

Raj: ...Don't repeat that.

Kids are home.

Loudred: Get out Lati! It's not funny anymore!

Latias: I think we look pretty.

Latias has a B, Loudred doesn't.

Latias: SO, Mrs Benali, if you're wondering why my dad's still in his pyjamas, it's because he's a lazy fuck. Thank you.

Summer: I...wasn't, but thanks?

Raj:'s just a phase all kids go through. She's normal!

Loudred: Speak for yourself. I'm still tryna get my liver back in place.

Summer: So you're that boy my daughter's been talking about.

Loudred: Yeah. I played one note and-

Latias: No, she was short on her bus fare, you helped and she followed you around the park. Nothing to do with your 'musicality'.

Loudred: Oh whatever, Lati, just cos you scare people.

Summer: Sawyer is a little alarmed by you, Latias.

Really. Really?

I mean she'll make it for sure. I have until she dies. It's just annoying.

Raj: Guess I'm officially 40. I feel the same though...

You look the same.

Mariska: I'm extremely angry but I'm gonna keep a lid on it and rage-bake.

Loudred: You get mad and make food? Way to play into the patriarchy, Mum.

Mariska: Oh whatever, go wish your Dad a Happy Birthday.

Loudred: Sure! Hey DAD, you're old now, have a nice time!

Aaand Latias is trying to insult Summer.

Latias: So you're married to an idiot, produced one idiot, and have another baby idiot growing up. Maybe the problem is you, Mrs Benali.

Summer:...What the hell, Latias. Do you know how rude that is?

Raj: Hahaha, she's just joking.

Latias: Sure I am.

Arun's here.

Arun: Awww yeah, let's break it down!

Raj: Now son, this is what we call cringe.

Zubat: Says you.

Arun: Lol he's got you there! 

Marajka are still going strong.

Raj: You're pregnant, I'll massage you all you like!

Mariska: Oh you! Yeah, that feels good.

Summer: It wasn't that loud, was it?

Raj: I could hear EVERY bit of that porn!

Hajar: Look dude, you're about to be on fire and every time you eat here you throw up. Just go home, vampire.

Vladislaus: I am not a vampire, I'm a cultured human!

Hi Vlad.

Loudred: Well hello again!

Cassidy Bheeda:...Do I know you?

Loudred: Mum says we used to be neighbours.

Cassidy: Right. The annoying crying babies who kept me up at night.

Loudred: Surely we can start over.

He's working on Social Butterfly. That's right, he already did Artistic Prodigy. Lati would be done with Whiz Kid but she needs an A.

Mariska: Raaaaaj I have backpain again!

Raj:...Lemme just finish this page.

Mariska: Do promises mean NOTHING to you? Why are we even married?

Raj: It's just the hormones, I'm a great husband.

Mariska needs produce for the higher-level baking recipes, and what kind of husband would have his heavily pregnant wife bend over and garden?

Vendor: Afternoon, ma'am, now let me tell you all about the-

Mariska: Chicken. Burrito.

It's the last recipe we need.

Yay! Another goal down. Now to get started on those Experimental food prints.

Loudred: So after all your Whiz-Kidding we have-

Latias: Don't.

Loudred: The same grades! This means I know the same things as you, PLUS my music.

Latias: Stop or this pencil will end up in your eye.


Latias: Go to hell, scum!

Loudred: I said that joke hours ago, what the-

Loudred went out to talk to other people.

Loudred: Sisters be crazy, right? Yelling at you, talking to chess pieces, using the demon voice...


Loudred: Anyway what's your favourite key? I'm feeling F minor today.

Arjun: Y'know, I think it's past my curfew.

Mariska: Hey, Raj? Forget what I said this morning, you're a great husband and I really need to go to the hospital.

It's a blue baby girl! Her name is Toxicroak.
