Perfect Genetics - Generation 3, Week 5


We start with Umbriel in a phase.

Solstice: Her whole life is a phase, she's a Great-Aunt Tucana throwback.

Umbriel: Don't you dare I'm 100 times more put together than that old broad.

Shaina: 100 times zero is still zero though.

Freddy: Of course I'm single! Why else would I shoot my shot like that?! We're not all like your slutty granddaughter!

Deanna: You still slept with her first, dude.

Antares: Well, hello Blair! Welcome to my abode. Or should I say commode?

Blair: Goddammit! I thought you'd be older too!

Antares: Is that why you showed up with no shirt on?

Blair:...Maybe! Shut up!

Antares: Hey, I have no problem with that.

I do though. MC Dresser, the power is yours.

Blair: And this beach top was really the only thing you had spare

Antares: Yup.

Despite the slight creepiness I kinda ship this? We'll see when Antares grows up I guess.

Deanna rolled the whim to WooHoo Freddy. And who am I to deny the backbone of this legacy?

Freddy: You may have renounced vampirism but you're supernaturally beautiful~

Calypso: Hey, dad, I'm supremely uncomfortable with this.


Deanna: Scarring your kid for that? It wasn't worth it, was it?

Freddy: Idk, I thought it was.

She got an uncomfortable moodlet lmaoooo

Blair: Oh God why is that cat so mean I didn't do anything!

Deimos: Heh. I'm more like him than my sister. Speaking of, I got married everyone. Do you care-

Ursa: Clearly we don't, Show my whole makeover instead.

...Nah. They'll see it in time.

Eirene's here to visit.

Eirene: Ah. My fool of a mother, feeling mortal discomforts. I have no sympathy for you.

Deanna: Wasn't asking for any, really just trying to make a sandwich. Y'know, at least I can eat a sandwich now.

Tethys: Do you mind? 

Grimm: Hey I have to live here I can use your floor-

Tethys: Not you! You can use your damn bed. I'm talking about Eirene. Come on Aunty I don't know you like that.

Antares: So. Having a good time?

Blair: Sure but I don't know why we're in someone's bedroom.

Antares: Cos this house is my kingdom girl.

Blair: Yes, you're ruling in pyjamas.

Antares: It's almost my bedtime.

Blair: Good God. Call me when you're older.

Antares entered a Rebellious phase in the morning.

Antares: Yeah up yours world! I don't have a bedtime anymore and I don't listen to the Man.

Ursa: This isn't going to help you impress that older girl.

Also Deimos's new wife got old. Guess he's not gonna have kids unless he has an affair or sneaks in a late-in-life pregnancy once widowed.

Misty: Ugh, I'd prefer the latter.

She does have a kid of her own from a previous relationship, so Deimos is a stepfather. Probably not a good one.

Umbriel: Yes and a very good morning to me, isn't it.

Ursa: That cat's on its last legs...finally it will be my time to shine.

You're not getting your own pet, if anything we'll get a pet for Solstice.

Ursa: Exactly.

She likes cats you dingus.

Tethys: Wow, I've never spent time with so many of my children at once.

Deanna: Surely that says something-

Tethys: I hate it.

Umbriel: Wow...thanks. Two mothers and neither of them are good.

Antares: Well I don't need you Mum I have my best friend Ursa.

Ursa: I'd still sell you for a dog.

I've always liked this kid's face so he got invited over. He arrived flirty.

Omari: Hey girl.

Which one are you-

Omari: Eh. Either one.

There's three now.

Solstice is upset 'cos a grandparent died so Deanna's stepping in.

Deanna: Look, you don't even need that grandparents. I came out of the void with no family and my life went great-

Solstice: The last twenty years of crying while potty-training us says something else.

Cindy: Psh. You really are lame, Dede.

Solstice: At least someone's helping me.

Cindy: Exactly. You should figure this out for yourself.

Grimm: Hey I'm watching and totally helping-

Tethys: No Sloane that's just a new scent I've been using since I hit 40, there's been nobody else-

Sloane: And I'm really supposed to believe you?

Deanna: Maybe Cindy had a point, this isn't how I wanted to max Rocket Science.

Solstice: Oh boohoo, surely after the bleventeenth maxed skill it doesn't matter.

Deanna: Yes it does! Why couldn't you do this, Teth?

Tethys: I have bigger problems, my girlfriend just stormed out on me!

Solstice: I mean you've brought this on yourself.

Ursa: You know you can come a bit closer and help me brainstorm a recipe.

Calypso: Yeah I only left my room to listen to music while doing this. Aspirations, y'know.

Ursa: I wouldn't actually. From the start I've been directed away from my goals.

Calypso: What are those again?

Ursa: Petting all the dogs.

Antares is absolutely storming towards his second aspiration. He needs like four levels of motor and he's done.

Antares: And I'll look cool while - *cough, splutter*

Solstice: So. Are we trying girls for friends then Umbriel?

Umbriel: I'm wanting to raise my comedy skill actually.

Gemma:...Well thanks. Your jokes are pretty terrible.

Solstice: Well yeah lady, that's why she needs to practice.

Umbriel: Um...I'll feed you?

Ursa: This isn't what I wanted.

Gemma: That girl makes me sad.

Rigel: Still your charming self, Umby?

Umbriel: Shut up Uncle Rigel.

Umbriel: When i begged to get out of the house I didn't mean to chaperone my sister on some creepy arranged-marriage kid date.

Edison Goth: Wait this is a what? But girls are icky.

Solstice: See. I'm definitely a real heiress!

Hush kids, just befriend each other. And if it's that bad I'll find somebody else.

Solstice: This isn't so bad. You seem a pretty adequate human so far. I'd rather a cat but...oh well.

Edison: Ugh I don't even LIKE strangers.

Solstice: Understandable. My sister Calypso is similar. The great thing is that soon, we might not be.

He's actually a Music Lover so I don't know why he was so pissy. Either way, he got over it.

Edison:...well I know a thing or two about legacies, you see. Comes with the Goth name, even if Dad is a forgotten offshoot and we're all crammed into a small townhouse.

Solstice: Well I'm the main little tree. Lots of pressure. But also, way more space. I have cool toys.

Edison: Is this a playdate invitation then?

Solstice: Maybe :)

Edison: This is my little niece, Valentina. We're not friends.

Solstice: Should I call you Uncle Edison?

Edison: No.

Valentina: Why do you hate me, uncle?

Edison: Cos it's weird.

Umbriel: *still grumbling about chaperoning*

Edison: What about my hairstyle, Solstice? None of it is in the frame and I spend a lot of time doing-

Solstice: This picture is more for me, Uncle Ed.

Edison: I'll end you.

It was getting to nighttime so I had both girls go home.

Honestly Edison is one of the only kids I found who is cute, unrelated to the family and doesn't have the forbidden hair colour. But Sol's still got ages so things could always change.

Ursa: Do you MIND half the house is in bed and you're still here, take a hint already.

Gemma: D: But I'm so close to beating your mum's score in Blicblock.

Ursa: No. You're not. She's a professional.

Gemma: Umbriel's then?

Ursa:...Well kinda, but just get out!

And now Phobos and Mckenzie are going for a second. Good. Their first son Lyle is kind of cloney if I remember correctly.

Phobos: That's the purpose of this legacy, and it took me one go instead of Teth's FIVE-

Yeah yeah. Also for some reason after this I looked at our chaotic family tree and counted about 35 of Deanna's great-grandchildren. What's one more?

And Teth maxed gaming.

Tethys: I'll make sure Phobos knows where to stick his gloating, what's done is done.

Speaking of brothers...

Rigel: -what say you, tiny octopus? Kid 3 or no?

How about first, you go be with your wife, pretty sure your second is about to come out.

Rigel: Wait shit I knew I had to do something tonight.

He left before this notification dw.

Nice name choice guys.

Hi Felix.

Felix: It's never too late to pick up a new hobby, even after life..and shit is that the time?

Umbriel: It's actually just 5.30 but yeah, get out of here, your terrible rendition of 'Yankee Doodle' is distracting me from my socialisation practice.

Ursa: Taking a selfie while pretending to be studious is the same as studying, right...ooh, dog pics.

Solstice: History shows that there should be another budding Whiz Kid ready to lose to me. Where are they?

Um, not coming out of your mother's womb, thanks. Tethys is closed for business.

Solstice: This hardly seems fair. I want to feel something.

Ursa: Elbow pain? What elbow pain. I am too focused on being the CHEF-

Deanna: Well you took to that. Good, 'cos no way was the dog thing gonna work out.

Ursa: I'll still need your help cleaning, spilled some juice in the dishwasher.

Deanna: Goddammit-

Antares: Hello? I'm over here being better than all of you.

Deanna: Oh wow! Catrin, Antares' mother I assume-

Catrin: I dunno which one it is but this midlife crisis is kinda hitting me in the guilt-box-

Freddy: I'm here for a mediocre hookup again!

Catrin: Dude Tethys moved on from us a while ago, I'm pretty sure.

Deanna: Yeah, God Freddy get with the times.

Freddy: I saw that child in the window and her FACE is pissing me off, get her out of here!

Deanna: Y'know I really can't do that-

Catrin: I don't immediately see a kid who looks like me? Computer time.

Freddy: Yeah this is actually the right way to start a blueprint, you should really listen-

Deanna: Dude come on you know I maxed the career...can't believe I still want to sleep with you.

Freddy: Wait what now?

Deanna: Put the tablet away you dumbshit, where did you even get that thing.

Catrin: Hey, so by process of elimination I've figured out you're the one.

Ursa: Well! Very nice to meet you too Mum, glad for the enthusiasm. How did you NOT KNOW-

Catrin: Don't blame me there's a ton of you guys!

Ursa: I guess that's true. And they really do treat me like a middle dreams have been trod on for years, you see.

Catrin: Yeah, sorry and stuff. Wanna play some catch?

Ursa: Is catch supposed to fix...yes I'd like that.

We don't have catch so they played foosball.

Solstice: Who's a good're a good cat. You know, I might love your species but I will still own you one day.

Grimm: Nice try I'll be dead before that.

Solstice:...Then I will own your grave.

Freddy: Ugh kid, get out of my way.

Antares: *smack* This is my pool not yours you dickwad, get out or...

Freddy: Ew, why is it WARM-

Antares: Oh yeah. I needed the loo. That's for stealing my look.

Also it seems like Freddy isn't a mermaid as I first thought.

Umbriel's been in a rebellious phase also. Luckily she mostly does stuff on her own (though I did make her garden, cos now nobody does it and she could use the skill)

Deanna: Thanks for doing that nonsense, dear, I couldn't be bothered and you're doing a nice job-

Umbriel: Hmm. Well maybe next time I am not doing it.

Deanna: Yeah s - what?!

Chase: Who are all these random teenagers in my daughter's yard?

Your grandkids. Sorry dude, but you could visit more often.

Chase: Or they could invite me. I'm a top entertainer and would be famous if we had that pack.


Tethys: Hey, there'll be space for you and dad once Umbriel moves out. I can give her your house.

Chase: Right, but surely that makes nine-

Tethys: C'mon Dad I know you're not long for this world, it'll be back to eight in no time.

Chase: Thanks dear.

This kid came over also.

Colby: I mean c'mon it's hard being a budding evil schemer when you've got the shiny glitch. Nobody takes you seriously.

Ursa: Heh you just admitted it then.

Colby: I have the evil trait, yeah. Not always easy.

Umbriel: Ooh you're pretty interesting then. Tell me more.

Umbriel stop showing interest in douchebags.

Antares: Can't touch this.

Wouldn't want to, you look deformed.

Antares: It's just an illusion. In reality I am the second of the generation to do 2 aspirations in childhood.

Umbriel: I...don't know how to deal with emotions.

Colby: *sniff* Umbriel, it's spreading. How can I ever be taken as a threat?

Antares: So. I've done what you couldn't. I'm better than you. Weep.

Calypso: I haven't cried in over ten years, and I'll still kick your ass in chess.

Antares: I won't play you.

Calypso: Then I'll kick your ass, I have 2 feet of height on you and knitting needles are pretty sharp.

Antares:...This isn't over.

Solstice: So are you just gonna sit there all night?

Calypso: Hush I'm trying to fake solitude.

Solstice: Awww still jealous of my kickass room?

Ursa: I've been trying to befriend Grimm. It's the best I got. Unfortunately the little shit is running away from me.

Exactly, so shush and learn the cooking skill, you're a foodie too.

...Seriously? Gen 2 are still having babies. Damn.

You couldn't have done this when poor Rhett was a bit younger, huh Eirene?

Antares: So. Remember who we agreed to pull a prank one day?

Ursa: Well, I said 'my grades aren't secure yet, so no' which still holds true.

Antares: Aw c'mon. I'll even involve an animal. Probably can't be a dog, but...

Antares: What say you?

Ursa: Come on, you are 11 and I need to get it together. Pranking won't help.

Deanna: I must say, I've never seen someone dance so unenthusiastically, and I've known some cynical sum'bitches.

Calypso: Eh. Ran out of yarn so what else can you do?

Deanna: I don't know, clean up that disgusting bathroom?

Calypso: You could rehire a bloodbag, I mean butler-

Tethys: Got news for you Grimm. Once I kick my eldest daughter out you won't be the only senior citizen about.

Grimm:...Great. Just keep your weird fathers away from my litterbox.

Deanna: This is for that idiot Freddy's mansplaining, and this is for my lack of a good workout outfit-

Vela: Run faster than me. I dare you. I have your kids.

Peyton: Oh say it ain't so I'm on my last legs myself.

Deanna: Hey now. You're both my family. Vela stop messing with the man. You see, she's just playing villain again.

William aka Catboy: Now Deanna said to leave but I wanted to celebrate your birthday, my dear Umbriel-

Umbriel: Ugh stop knowing things about me, you're not invited!

Antares: He was waiting 'til you were legal.

Umbriel: Yes I KNOW-

Solstice: He must really like cats.

Antares: Or pu-

Ursa: NO. God this this what I sound like?

Solstice: Sometimes.

Catrin: Well hello there. Where did you and that hair come from, little boy? I don't remember seeing your mother twice. 

Solstice: That's OK, nobody does.

Antares: I have a different feisty redhead mother, though I've heard she went grey.

Catrin: Well. I'll hang out with you, you seem way more fun than my drip of a daughter.

Antares: Ursa is my best friend...but you're not wrong! Ha!

Solstice: Ugh I want a fun redhead mother.

Deanna: I'm your grandmother, not a miracle worker, now do your homework.

Umbriel had her birthday.

Umbriel: Wow! I look the exact same!

Idk I'm seeing even more of the Lilith Vatore genes. Either way, Umbriel got the Outgoing trait, adding to Geek and Self-Assured, and switched houses with her grandfathers.

At the same time Tethys completed her second aspiration.

Tethys: Take that computer I am the WEBMASTER.

Chase came first.

Chase: Babe come over we have to move back into this fuckin place. The Watcher reeeallly wants us to die here.

Chase: See, I didn't even need to come back! Catrin's got it covered.

Solstice: If I stay on the ground she'll give me biscuits.

Chase: You have it under control. Though even Merc might call this cruel.

Rigel: Sooo...conspiracy theory idea...that kid of Tethys' is actually MINE. We look prettttyyyy similar!

See this is why I need to pay attention to NAPs. I hate the Juiced one 'cos all it does is make the sims have these stupid expressions on.

Antares: Do you have to do science in here?

Solstice: Don't worry. I've done this like half a time. It was abortive but I've got it down now.

Antares: C'mon Soli. Can I at least use your bed?

Solstice: Not on your life, brother.

Ursa: Heard you've been trying to replace me.

Catrin: You heard right. Are you SURE your mother isn't confused with her affairs, cos those little siblings of yours are fun-

Tethys: Um I think I can keep track of my children, there's like three-

Mercury whimmed for a backflip and..bless his heart but he's like 70.

Mercury: FUCK

Yeah, that's enough of that. Go help your daughter skill logic.

His mother Deanna is of course about 30 at this point due to her vampire adventures.

Deanna: Well he may have moved back in but I'm still the boss and he better know it.

3 generations (plus one cat) all together, how nice.

Rigel: OK maybe Averie was right when she told me this 'wasn't easy'.

Mercury: Haha! Did you really think you could defeat this awesomeness, oh daughter of mine? Even as my favourite-

Rigel: Um, ouch?

Antares: Grimm...what are you doing?

Grimm: I've fallen and I can't get up!

Antares: Oh crap we are in for a lot of death huh.

Chase: Love my grandchildren, but this is crappy in every way. Why do I have to build this?

Solstice: *snore*

Chase: Plus they didn't have these newfangled project thingamajigs when our Teth was young.

Speaking of Teth, she's working on Renaissance Sim like her dad, but can't get the past first milestone because she keeps refusing to read in favour of petting Grimm.

Tethys: Well I've always loved you my adorable little kitty, and you're getting up there! I have all the rest of my life to read those books, don't i?

Fine I feel bad now, just hang out with that cat then.

Ursa: See? I'm Cinderella without privacy! Mum walks in on me and then I have to clean. It's abuse I tell you.

Ursa: My life seriously sucks...

Mercury: Eh, don't sweat it kid. It's just 'cos you were born wrong and all.

Ursa: Uh...thanks, blue man who looks like Mum. Wait, are YOU grandfather Mercury? I thought you'd be buffer.

Tethys: D: This book is so boring!

Solstice: So...stop reading it? Can someone do surgery on this sofa and free me?

Antares: Can't, too busy being a birthday boi.

Tethys: How could I forget?

Solstice: I definitely believe you'd forget.

Don't worry. Merc is making the cake.

We'll also have to get poor Grimm to a vet.

Grimm: *slurs* Nooo I don't need no-one!

But first, Antares celebrates with his grandfather.

Mercury: Hooray for the also-ran you were so close!

Antares: Wow THANKS grandpa, here I come.

Antares: Couldn't you have waited for the makeover? This look doesn't fit my image and the hair is stupid.

Well yes. Sorry Antares.

Antares: Oh well, time to train to be a mobster or something.

He's evil with the Bodybuilder aspiration. I foresee lots of time on the weight machine with Grandpa Mercury yelling at him.


Lamar: So she just left you out here to die huh.

Grimm: Death would never take me. I'm named after its avatar for Watcher's sake.

Lamar:...Let's get you in little buddy.

Grimm: Grrrr...

On another note this is the derpiest dog ever.

Lucky: I can haz treatment?

Mercury: Back where I belong! So glad I came back to no more of Tethys' brats.

Tethys: And never was there a tale of more woe-

Antares: Mum you read one more word out loud and I'll stab you with my pencil. I will do it, I swear to God. I'm evil now.

Ta-da, makeover.

Tethys: Oooh, someone's got an attitude, huh son? Got a nice fade and acid-wash jeans to go with?

Antares:...The jeans are part of the other outfit.

Oh glitches. The mud mask Mercury put on for his bath apparently contained some hair dye?

Mercury: Yeah exactly, don't worry. 'Tis only temporary, just so I can pretend.

Ursa: What do you mean I can't read that trashy romance novel?

Antares: Ha! And Mum acted like she was reading Shakespeare.

Tethys: Hey. that was a real quote from the book. It was quoting the play.

Ursa: I don't care give it over!

Tethys:...Wait your turn! You think this behaviour is getting you a dog?

Uras: I already know I'm not getting one.

Um..why over there?

Solstice: I'm bored of homework. I'm waiting for my show to start.

Antares: You were counting down right?

Blair: SHUT

Missing us already Umbriel?

Umbriel: More that I'm missing people, and these idiots will do.

Charming. At least I can show off her makeover, which I honestly think I did a good job on.

Antares isn't finding fitness as easy as he'd hoped.

Antares: Shut up. *pant, groan* You try doing that with the limbs of stick insects.

Umbriel: Y'know what I don't regret stealing one of Grandma's tablets...


...Maybe I need to rid myself of that electrocution mod. Or at least get a different one.

Antares: Ooh, my first death! This should be fun!

Umbriel: *sob* I've been gone less than ONE DAY what happened to you?!

Antares: It WAS!

Calypso: See this shit is why I avoid other people. One day you have a sweet little brother and then it's suddenly this.

Umbriel: Eh. I already got over it. Gonna go DJ.

Antares: I was never sweet. Stop lying.

Mercury: So, what happened while I was working?

Solstice: Well...some random lady died. Is that the opening move you're gonna use, really-

Mercury: Gimme a break I'm out of practice.

Solstice: I'm grieving!

A BUNCH of random Sutherland relations got pregnant. The top one is Eirene's son and his wife, not sure who the bottom guy is descended from. 

As I've said, the reason why I'm probs gonna have Solstice go for Edison (barring a horrible trait/fight) is cos he's one of the only cute kids in town who isn't also her second cousin.

Felix: Heard there's a new man in your life.

Deanna: See, you've been dead for a while and I've been getting lonely and touch-starved-

Felix 'S alright. I know he'll never measure up to me, baby.

Deanna: You're not wrong.

Solstice: Starting the party without me, family?

Calypso: It's hardly a party. I'm still processing that a woman died here yesterday.

Ursa: Eeeeh I'm trying to forget.

Antares: I'm not! :)

Tethys: A WHAT-

Chase what is this.

Chase: What? I just met the dude.

Pretty sure you moved out when he was a toddler or something. You definitely know him.

Chase: Eh I'm close to death and hardly know a thing.

Chase: You're really giving me your goodbyes in a bathroom.

Mercury: Pretty sure at least two of our children were conceived in a bathroom.

Chase: That wasn't a good thing either.

Ursa: That bragging little fuck-

Deanna: Those idiots at the municipal office-

Antares: My stupid skinny arms-

Calypso: Am I the only one who remembers the DEATH?

Solstice: And this is why I deserve to reign supreme. Just look at them!

I have because this legacy is entirely based on looks, dear.

Meanwhile inside...

Tethys: Ah my faithful cat Grimm, always by my side, and quiet too...too quiet? It has been a while since I heard a meow..

Yep :(. It's his time to go.

Chase: Grim c'mon man, I thought I was next-

Grim: Dude shut up I can't find the stupid cat's details...all I'm getting is contact information for the other Reapers.


Grim: Hey soul takers have friends too, don't judge.

And of course, Tethys really misses her cat. She's had the little bugger since she was a teenager.

Tethys: I wish I gave you more love, more treats, more cuddles...then again you would have been smothered by that, oh Grimmmm

Except for the treats. That cat loved his food.

Ursa invited this girl home. I tried to have them talk. Didn't work.

Ruth: Yeah, you've mentioned dogs just one too many times.

Ursa: Nobody likes meeeee

Smh she's so dramatic.

Solstice completed her aspiration.

Solstice: Onto the next one?

Mmmm I think not I'm afraid. You grow up in like 3 days.

Antares: Aha! The feline is dead! I have wrought suffering on the family, hear my wrath!

Uh, he was like 20. There is a reason you've been banished to the workout balcony.

Tethys:'re quite upset about all the death, so I assume new scenery with your sister Umbriel will suit-

Calypso: God Mum, I'll get out when I'm a YA, I mean it. Stopped wanting our damn legacy the second I got that Loner trait.

Tethys: Well good, one Auntie Vela is enough.

Deanna: Hey trust me. You'll bounce back quick from one cat and one stranger, Sol. Take it from someone who's seen most of her friends die over the past 50 years!

Solstice: That doesn't reassure me.

Deanna:...I mean, I'm still standing today.

Farrah: Heard my job's got a lot more lethal. Well. Into the circuit board I go.

Tethys feels way too crap for me to let her repair her computer, so handywoman it is. Not like we don't have the money.

Spare updates! At this point I'm only properly keeping track of Mercury's grandkids. Aside from the main legacy lot there's only four, so it's not too hard. This kid is Madelyn, Rigel's oldest and basically a clone of him. The toddler is Brayan, who maybe has some of his mother's genes.

Apparently Phobos's second baby was born and I missed it. So here's a shitty CAS shot of baby Regina, flanked by her step-cousin and Deimos, the happy stepfather.

This is his eldest Lyle, who actually has a lot of non-Phobos facial features. But he does have the skinny arm thing that his cousin Antares has.

Lyle: Doesn't mean I'm not awesome.

