Welcome to the jungle!
Cybil: Hiiii handsome. Do you always lack a shirt or-
Tamati: Sometimes you lose clothing running from the jaguars-
Jude: Please, I can see your Billabong vest hanging on that bench.
Cybil: Oooh an arte - nope, just a really crustified sock. Ew I wish I had people to do this for me.
Jude: Well. This isn't great.
Cybil's doing better.
Cybil: I have BECOME the sun!
Jude: I am straight-up not having a good time here!
I feel bad for taking him but nobody else has skills as good for adventuring as he does.
Jude: I am very tired and would like to go home!
Yep, fair enough, off you go.
Also this annoys me because Cybil needs to defend herself against Natural Dangers for her aspiration, and she's not running into any!
Just as I say that Cybil got swarmed by bats.
Cybil: And outmanoeuvred them. Could it be that I'm better at this than Dad?
He's like 80, that's not an achievement, Cyb.
Cybil: I'm a single mother of five with voices in my head who's still getting rejected to write biographies for the worst people, give me this.
Anyway she's onto the final tier of that aspiration!
Temple time.
Cybil: If I may pull your weapon, hohoho-
Skeleboi: Bitch I think the fuck not.
She avoided the curse...
But not this one.
Cybil: You win some you lose some. I'll get an antidote later if needed.
Attagirl, let's keep going.
Cybil: Yeah you guys are really making this difficult, huh?
Skeleboi: Leave my spear alone!
Luckily she avoided a couple more curses and made it to the final room. Yay, this is rare chest number one!
Cybil: Out of three?
Cybil: And there's only ever one of these per - oh goddammit!
Azure and Thirza both had daughters. Second for Az, first for Thirz. Anyways, we're back home for a bit before we set off on Cyb's second vacation. It's still only Friday so plenty of time to knock a second chest out this weekend.
Impreza: So if you die, do I get your room?
Jude: I'm not gonna die, you morbid kid!
Impreza: Well sor-ry, this is me trying to look on the bright side!
Jude: Jeez I'd hate to see you pessimistic.
Berwyn: Damn you even dance gloomy.
Impreza: Still better than you you stunted hipster.
Berwyn: Hey...I'm a hipster on the cutting edge of popularity!
Luzija: Get me away he is not helping at all.
Yven: Should we count each line in this wall? I think we should!
Luzija: This is why I work alone.
I worry about this boy.
Yven: Lol what's this thing? I only know the call of the needles. OhHEYO dead grandma!
Tosca: Again, I'm still alive!
Cybil: So you really are magic, hm? Good, then you should give me some sweet revenge. Let's go!
Chaim: Oh, FUCK-
Cybil needs to activate relics 5 times...here we go.
Cybil: Told you I had a gift for you. But gifts ain't always nice, are they, oh scumbag ex of mine?
Chaim: That's brother-in-law to you!
Cybil: More fool my sister. Bye bye now!
Mabel: So welcome to my parents' rental or whatever, it's got some romantic aura going-
Cybil: To the jungle then, Dad?
Jude: Yes please!
Cybli: YES! I didn't lose the stupid machete for once!
Cybil: Just call me Cybil Indiana Jones - Cybliana Jones! I'm DONE...with this area.
Yeah you got a lot more to go.
Jude never seems to have a good time.
Jude: I survived eleven toddlers in my house, I got to the top of the sports league - I will NOT die to a bat bite!
Jude: Drat, not again. Hey Cybil-
Cybil: Keep finding those paths for me Dad, love youuuu~
Cybil gets the good end of the stick, always.
Cybil: Another Sun blessing? Oh Belomisia, you shouldn't have!
Apparently somebody had a party here.
Cybil: Well I wish they'd cleared out the damn traps as well.
Cybil: Wow Dad that is a pretty nasty infection. I almost feel bad for making you help me with this.
Jude: Soooo can I go?
Cybil: Almost.
Cybil: Iiiiii feel like I may have - what's the phrase- 'done fucked up'. Maybe it's karma for forcing my elderly father on a gruelling no-sleep jungle trip.
But it worked out for her in the end.
Cybil: As it always does.
Chest number two!
It was Chesmu's birthday in a few hours so I brought him along in the morning.
Chesmu: Beautiful Sloane! I bring you good news, it's my birthday!
Sloane: Good I was starting to feel like a creep. Also ignore my feet, I got the call and threw on the first shoes.
Chesmu: You're hot no matter what bby.
Sloane: Yeah you should come live with me. And I don't want to kiss you with...that going on.
Cybil: *hiss* How about you fuck off then, you stupid round table?
Chesmu: AH my mother, the ultimate mood killer.
Chesmu: So I'm gonna shower...unfortunately there's not a lot of bathrooms in this rentail-
Sloane: HELL YEAH I'll join you in that shower.
Cybil: Heh heh heh that's his gift taken care of.
Jude: You didn't need to say that out loud Cyb.
Yven: Just drove my baby sisters to the jungle, good knitters! Look at these guns!
Berwyn: For a second I thought I wouldn't make it to my teen years.
Impreza: Several seconds.
Yven: Oh come on it wasn't that bad! Smile for the camera, Preza.
Impreza: Fuck off.
Sloane: Now I know my mother has history with your family, but Chesmu and I do want to get married-
Chesmu: Yeah Mum I'm gonna beat you to the altar.
Cybil: Well I'm not in that race, son, congratulations! May you make many witchy babies.
Yven: Y'know, you're pretty cool, Sloane. I always wanted a lizard SIL.
Sloane: Uhhh...thanks Yven.
Berwyn: Wow! I'd rather look at trash.
Chesmu: Hurtful, sis.
Cybil: Damn, I'm old now, aren't I?
Sloane: Tell us something we don't know, Mrs S, hahaha!
Cybil: Watch out bitch, I can and will be teh MIL from hell if you push me.
Chesmu: Yo Yven, I kinda hear your knitting spirit now.
Tosca, home and watching Luzija: I'm ALIVE!
He grew up Erratic. No take-backs, Sloane. The house is hella laggy so hopefully moving him out helps.
Back at home...
Chesmu: Let's make this shit legal, Sloane.
Sloane: Already was as of like, an hour ago. Oh, keep ignoring my feet.
Chesmu: I'm not into feet, just please give me your answer.
Slaone: Oh. Yes, obviously!
I don't care quite enough to give them a wedding party, but they can have a fancy beach elopement.
Sloane: My dear Ches-
Chesmu: Lovely lizard lady. Will you be mine?
Sloane: Wow, I love you so much that you calling me that doesn't even register. And I'm already yours.
Sealed with a kiss!
Sloane: Hey look Ma, I married Thirza's nephew. I'm pretty sure this one's outliving ME!
Hannah: Good for you, it'll save you some heartache.
Heather: So are you gonna follow me on Twitch, or what?
Gregory: For the last time nobody cares about your let's plays.
Back at home, Cybil's playing with relics again.
Cybil: What harm can it do? Apart from making me even more unstable than before. Or killing me. Or-
So she tried it on someone else.
Lanuola: My lord, I feel very faint.
Cybil: Oops.
I wasn't paying attention and built a Death relic instead of a Watcher relic. Oops indeed.
Cybil: Welp, time to run.
Luzija: I'm so sick of all you people! One day I will rule the household!
Yven: Aww, that's what they all say. Now would you like pureed apples or pears?
Luzija: Please Watcher give me my birthday!
Impreza: Oh my gawd I don't get any of this.
Tosca: Eh, maths is overrated. Go to teh school of vibes.
Impreza: Well if it was available, I would.
Yven:....Spirit fo the Needles? Is that you?
Tosca: Yeah, it's Grandma, I'm just trying to eat dinner.
Sloane got another stepfather.
Sloane: This is the second.
And so did Ophira's kids.
Odell, Opal: Also the second!
Cybil: Aww you are just beautiful, dear statue. Aren't you? Hey! Speak to me! I know you can do it.
Yven: And she says i'm cracked.
You're birds of a feather, you two.
Cybil: Haaaaaaa well at least I know my mother is ali - don't look at me like that!
Impreza: Good God your stitching technique makes me sad.
Yven: Everything makes you sad, you weenie.
Tosca: Don't listen, she knows nothing - go AWAY! That statue is mocking me.
Impreza: ISBI.
Tosca: Now that brings me back!
Yven: Spirit, stay with me, show me the ways of the Jumper.
Yven: A successful sweater, spirit Grandma! I love you!
Tosca: Love you too, dear!
Luzija: You guys should do something about that.
Jude; Now sweetie if we properly dealt with all of the delusions in this family we'd never get sleep!
Both Cybil and I were eager to make up for cursing that vendor, so we're doing Wealth blessings.
Jaqueline; Good, I need the money.
This is Cyb's cousin - Tristan's daughter with Kalamainu'u Iona. Pretty, isn't she?
Josca were acting like stupid kids in love. Despite their rough patches they can still be cute.
Jude: Ah, we'll always be those dumb kids at heart.
Tosca: Just admit it, you totally fell for that buzzer prank! Again Ten times now, is it?
Jude: Ohhh, sure.
I think you'er faking Jude, you're a pretty smart man.
Tosca: And what's that Watcher saying now?
Jude: Ignore her.
Luzija: Preza's right, your knitting is pretty bad.
Yven: Oh hush, I am using the knowledge of Grandma's shade.
Luzija: Grandma's a person and she's right there, swimming.
Yven: Ah, you see her too. Learn from her, Lu, it'll make you happy.
Luzija: Mhm. Now can someone clean this potty?
It's Berwyn's teen birthday!
Berwyn: Yep. Singleton birthday parties are the hot new underground thing. Definitely don't feel unloved. Nope.
She's a clone of her mother aside from a slightly pointier eye shape I think.
Berwyn: Dammit, here I was trying to be different.
Don't worry, I'll Shoreditch you up.
Berwyn: I'll work with that!
She got the Cheerful trait and the Musical Genius aspiration.
Berwyn: I'll be a goddamn innovator.
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