Perfect Genetics - Gen 2, Week 3


Deanna: Oh NO he passed out how horrible - lemme just clean that blood there, I get nosebleeds-

Bitch no you don't. Who are you even trying to fool?

Alsephina remarried. This is a grandchild of Travis Scott and Summer Holiday.

Alsephina: Ayyyy getting my cougar on.

Harley: Just how old are my stepchildren?

Rigel: Is it a hate crime to slap a servant?

Advaith:...Yes, sir. Immediately, ma'am. Butler voice, butler voice.

Rigel: Why won't he LEAVE I need to pee!

Advaith: Magic is happening here young man.

Chase: Hi kids. Sorry I was out of the loop yesterday, I was practicing my comedy.

Phobos: Lol wonder how well that went?

Tethys: Tell us a joke then.

Chase: I...uh...

Phobos: Good lord why is this your chosen path?

Deimos: Can you maybe wear clothes, Dad?

The Scamp boys/non-heirs are skilling.

Deimos: The full scale of your peasantry is on display from up here.

Rigel: Gesundheit.

Advaith: GesundRIGHT

Rigel: Why are you in here? I'm uncomfortable with this. Go clean a sink.

Yes please DO

Deanna: You two really can't do that somewhere else? There's a child here.

Tethys: It's OK Grandpa's face is worse to look at.

Felix: This face made you, little girl.

This selfie is probably my favourite in all my games for 3 reasons.

1. Phobos's fake innocent look
2. Aarav like 'haha yeah this is fine'
3. Plus his hair not even fitting in the frame.

Phobos: Well good it shouldn't spoil - I mean, that's a shame, first friend!

Aarav: :/

Chase: I'm getting MARRIED today!

Felix: Eh, it's a trap.

Chase: Well OK boomer, could you at least put on real clothes?

Felix: You're coming after me when our hired staff has been in swimming trunks all day?

Advaith: Haters gon' hate.

Deimos: Ugh, strangers. And of course there's mini-Chad in the background already hamming it up.

Rigel: No, just hungry. See Watcher? Put FOOD in my MOUTH.

Here's Pollux looking like a nerd.

Pollux: It's just upsetting. They could have given me notice so I could go shopping...also I'm on fire. That's the main thing. I'm on fire.

Mercury: Well hello family, welcome to the greatest nuptials of your life!

Alberto: I've never met you in my life.

Julia: I don't know why my stepdad couldn't come to this, Mum...

Alsephina: He's playing COD with the boys OK?

Julia: Good God.

Mercury: Enough of that, attention to me please!

Alberto: You guys are so adorable...

Chase: I feel awkward. Can we move? Who even is this guy?

Mercury: Dunno the Watcher said we should invite him.

Lauren: Why is Dipper late? We live together.

This is Dora, Tucana's second child.

Dora: You thought I looked exactly like her? Well sucks to be you I have a different nose!

Yeah she's not very fun.

Alsephina seems to have some unresolved issues with her dad.

Felix: Don't they all. This is why I need a beer.

Uh oh the girls are fighting.

Vela: You shut up you ignorant child! I've been doing this longer than you've been alive.

Eirene: And I'm doing it better! Blue? Are you a mermaid? What kind of outfit-

Vela: Says the woman dressed in a grandma dress.

Eirene: Ooh, sick burn. What's the point of those shitty net gloves it's not 2006!

Vela: It's so I don't leave fingerprints on victims you idiot.

Eirene: Just drink a plasma pack, it's better for the world and your health-

Vela: Despite your red and black look you're nothing but show. I will crush you-

Eirene: You wanna go? You really wanna go? I am not afraid to ruin Mercury's wedding. I hate him.

Vela: Well we've got that in common then!

Tethys: Awww snap. Hey Uncle Pollux aren't you supposed to keep them in check?

Pollux: Shhhh child let me have one day off.

Chase: Oh WOW Merc look at that, your brother wore shorts to our wedding.

Mercury: I'm just going to ignore him.

Dipper: I'm missing COD with the boys for this?

Chase: How are you married, man?

Mercury: I love it when you get feisty, babe.

Chase: He's just so STRAIGHT.

What are you up to, Rigel?

Rigel: Listening to Auntie Lauren talk about her life. It's very interesting.

The worst guest of all is Deimos.

Deimos: Bite me, I literally don't care.


Alsephina: So my eye makeup isn't perfect! What do you know anyway?

Felix: Either do it properly or don't do it, you look like a raccoon.

Dipper: Oh damn, is this how it feels to be the favourite?

Felix: Don't EVEN little man, I'll get to you next. You and your shorts!

Dipper: :( I thought they were chic.

Mixologist FINALLY showed up.

Bronson: Y'know what they say about the bartender and the bridesmaid...

Alsephina: That's not a thing, and I'm not a bridesmaid. Just give me a can of something. Sealed. I don't trust you to open it.

Deanna: Yeah this is already turning into a disaster.

Mercury: Sorry about Dipper and his shorts.

Chase: I'm over it. Deimos is in the pool so we should perhaps worry about our own.

Mercury: For now let's just get married.

Alberto: I just love love.

Lauren: Why won't he come near me...

Deanna: Just smile and look ahead, smile and look ahead....

Lauren: Things have been different since we had the kids-

Rigel: Why do I have to stand by Auntie Lauren?

Mercury: As has been destined, I'm about to marry the crap out of you, Chase Bheeda!

Chase: Put the ring on you weirdo.

Mercury: Yay I also get a ring.

Chase: As you deserve.

Mercury: Well of course. We both do. We're goddamn awesome and that's why we're marrying each other.

Chase: Also because of love and the kids and stuff.

I kind of forgot the vampires can't really watch. Sorry guys.

Pollux: Whatever. I didn't care. I only came because she did. And we have a situation.

Vela: OMG I'm so random. I can't believe I just did that.

Pollux: What kind of sociopath divorces someone by text?

Vela: Have you met me?

Literally happened in the middle of the vows. Oh Sims.

Vela: Maybe I shouldn't have done this by text. Fucker put garlic everywhere, I bet.

This is what all of Chercury's kids were doing during the ceremony.

Rigel: Those socks and Mary Janes are not doing it for you.

Dora: Wow you really take after your fathers huh.

Phobos: How about you watch, Teth? Turning away won't help your campaign for heir.

Tethys: We both know that's not how it works. Dora that dress is drab, you might as well be wearing a paper bag.

Deimos: Awww snap.

Dora: He's wearing stripy swim trunks!

Rigel: Yeah but I almost respect that. 

Deimos: Grandma isn't the drink gonna make you sick?

Deanna: Well,  I said I'd talk to your Auntie Lauren and I need-

Deimos: I get it. And, I'm out.

Deanna: Thanks.

Lauren: *sniffle* It's really hard when you give your all-

Deanna: Run while you can, child.

Eirene: Hah! I win. Without even lifting a wing! You're divorced!

Vela: Please. I'm saddened you think being married to a thumb and tied down with his child is anything but a loss. What a sad little life, Eirene.

Eirene: Memes aren't gonna make this better for you.

Pollux: Sigh. I'll just break up the incoming fight.

Eirene: Whatever I'm out. *smoke bomb*

Pollux: Yayyyy you didn't try to kill her. I'm so proud! Anger management confetti!

Vela: If you're trying to avoid my anger, fuck off with the confetti.

WHY are you all IN HERE

Felix: So I said to the dinosaur-

Alsephina: See dear? You're better off not knowing him.

Alberto: Alright alright, Aunt Seph, we get it. You have daddy issues.

Julia: I think you need therapy, Mum.

The vampires are all hanging out together.

Vela: I might miss him. Having a regular bloodbag has its advantages.

Eirene: Duh, why do you think I got married?

Deanna: Maybe I didn't model the best relationship for you girls.

Pollux: No shit, Mum.

Deanna: Eh. Well. Vela just hire a butler if you've got the cash. Expensive but convenient.

Eirene: That's barbaric.

Vela: Pussy.

Mercury: Who said you could eat our food?

Alsephina: Bite me.

Felix: Sure, I'll get one of your little sisters right on it!

Alsephina: That would be the first thing you've ever done for me.

Felix: You're eating my food.

Mercury: The butler made that actually.

Vela: Pollux, you're stifling us. If we want to fight, we fight.

Pollux: Just don't do it at a wedding.

Eirene: Who are you to boss us around? Your twin just lost a bloodbag and that's hard!

Phobos: Awww snap they're gonna turn on you.

Eirene: Stay out of this, kid.

Vela: That is what we were doing though.

Pollux: Can you maybe not do it?

Phobos: No, please do. Someone get me some popcorn!

Pollux: See, little man? This family is a mess.

Phobos: Don't even. I'm a mean machine and I'm only treating you nicely due to my goals in life.

Pollux: Of course my brother's kids are weird.

Dipper: You've been punching down at me for too long!

Phobos: At least he acknowledges his low place on the totem pole.

Pollux: Ha!

Chase: Wedding night, huh? You wearing the good underwear?

Mercury: Mmm yeah you're gonna see all this bodyodyody-

Julia: Mum? Should we finally get out of here?

Alspehina: Yeah, starting to think coming was a mistake.

Julia: Coulda told you that this morning. I'll get an Uber.

And with that the wedding is over. We got a gold medal which is neat.

Phobos: Really? Right in front of my salad?

It's clam chowder.

Phobos: My point still stands!

After everybody went to bed I had De and Felix fulfil some whims. They do actually still love each other...I think.

Deanna: You really want to?

Felix: Yes, obviously-

Deanna: It's just might get a heart attack.

Felix: It's worth it to be close to you.

Deanna: Oh that's actually sweet!

The next morning I realised I'm dumb and Deimos completed his aspiration at some point during the wedding. 

He got Artistic Prodigy because IDK nobody's doing that one rn.

Felix: I've earned this rest.

Here come dat boi.

Mercury: Trololololol-

Felix: Don't push me. I'll kick you. I swear. I'm not afraid to give my son brain damage.

Felix: Why do I have to help you again?

Tethys: Don't be a bitch about it. If I'm smart, that's our legacy secured!

Felix: You know you have a brother, right?

Deimos: And what are we, chopped liver?

Rigel: Ew I'm not like you, you peasant. 

Deimos: We look pretty similar.

Rigel: But you lack pizzazz.

Mercury's been working out all day. He's officially Built.

Mercury: Reached that long ago bby. Pump that iron!

Pollux was happier at the wedding. He's not having it today.

Pollux: Kid get out, why did you even follow me in here?

Phobos: D:  You don't even know my name!

Pollux: Yeah I have way too many nieces and nephews for that. I don't even remember my own kids.

Deanna: Sorry about Pollux.  He got screwed up along the way by the everything about his life.

Phobos: Yeah, guy's a mess. And he has to stay like that forever.

Mercury: I know it's hilarious.

Tethys: Jesus H. Christ what is wrong with you two.

Tethys: But Grandma, you were responsible for starting all of this, at least partially. If you'd never married Grandpa like a wise person-

Deanna: Well you wouldn't even be here then, would you?

Tethys: And? I can't be bothered by not existing if I don't exist. You just got Tethed and now you're deleted.

Deanna: Uh, no. Tethed is not gonna be a thing.

So. Advaith the butler got stuck in one place and had to be teleported out, which removed his status as Sutherland butler.  So, goodbye Advaith the not butler. They probably won't miss you. Except De, she's enjoyed having a bloodbag.


Advaith: *sniff*

We have someone new now.

Advaith: I can't believe you could just replace me-


Yuka: Huh. I do declare those are plates!

Are you going to

I don't know, Clean them?

Yuka: God I hate this family already.

You haven't even met them.

Yuka: I met some weird blue girl standing there baring fangs at me!

That's Eirene. She's doesn't live here, plus she's actually harmless, the scary thing is part of her brand.

Rigel: Dad you're being way too extra, it's 6am.

Mercury: You can never be too extra when you're this cute. Now a secret. The Watcher thinks you're the cutest of the kids, extra too.

Rigel: Uh...thanks but I'm probably just gonna fall asleep in this soup instead.

Rigel: Actually, I refuse to be an object. Instead I will be STRONG.

Chase: Holy SHIT you\re looking good. Almost wish I married you dressed like that and not in the the stuffy tux.

Mercury: You're absolutely right and you should say it.

Chase: 'S why I did.

Mercury: So, got any jokes?

Chase: horse walks into the Goth Manor-

Mercury: You might not be funny, but you're the best husband ever and I love you-

Chase: Aww th - wait what do you mean I'm not funny?

Mercury:'s just not one of your strong points-

Chase: I'm Level 7. I'm a professional.

Mercury: Oh. I forgot about that,

Chase: How are you so self-centred that you forget your own husband's career p-

Mercury: Um...sorry, wanna bang? I'll lift you up bridal style.


After a generation and a half plus one youth potion, Felix has succeeded.

He's doing Nerd Brain now since he was a scientist and can maybe build the family a rocket.

The kids are doing great as we can see.

Phobos: You snooze you lose!

Tethys: You are not inheriting his house, and you sure as shit aren't inheriting a million Simoleons!

Phobos: Doesn't matter, none of those dummies know how to count.

Tethys: And you wonder why you can't make friends. You're not even a good liar.

Rigel: Yeah. So. I've been stuck the whole way home with these two idiots and Eeyore over there.

Deimos: I really wanted to win that spelling bee...

Matt: Why are you staring at me? You prejudiced?

Darrell: No I just think your ugly ass pink wig is ugly and fake.

Matt: Le gasp!

Meanwhile Phobos saw an opportunity to make his last friend. This kid is a Landgraab and he's adorable. Little blond Harry Potter-looking child.

Phobos: Bullied? Tired? Sad? Don't worry, I'm here.

Liam: Well I'm actually sad about my grandma dying but you're kinda neat. Alien?

Phobos: Nope, just a regular old special person.

Liam: Actually seems like a contradiction but OK, I need friends.

Phobos: Sure you do, and that's why you're going to be mine.

Anyway it worked and he finished the aspiration, woooo.

Deanna: Well, hi!

Julia: Are you the Gardners? You see, I get confused in my old age and-

Deanna: Bet that's why you're wearing that outfit. Zing! Anyway, yeah, it's me, come in.

Mercury: He's a model...hey maybe that should be my next job when I leave the pros behind.

I should have never let you work out, it's inflated your ego even more, go inside and do work things.

Chase: So how are you kids doing this fine morning?

Tethys: Ugh.

Deimos: That's not very heiress-ish of you, Teth.

Tethys: Bite my ass and choke on it.

Phobos: Wow twin I didn't know you supported me so-

Deimos: Tbh I don't, I'm stirring the pot.

Phobos: That's a very me thing to do! You're learning from the best.

Phobos:  -so the hot glue gun just exploded and I think she went to hospital.

Mercury: Woooow interesting story. What happened to you that day, Tethys?

Tethys: I got a paper cut.

Mercury: She got a paper cut. That's quality.

Tethys: Guessing I'm still your favourite?

Mercury: No. I'm my own favourite.

Phobos: That's actually kind of iconic.

Tethys: Hush, unloved one.

Meanwhile, Rigel.

Rigel: Firing my laserrrrrr

Mercury: Well HELLO new shirt, somebody's wearing you well.

The jacket made him look too bulky so I changed it up.

Mercury: Good, none of this should be hidden.

Chase: Y'know babies? What is up with those shits? I had four and it never gets easier. Like, why won't you take the bottle? It's food, who doesn't like food. I think you like food!

Aileen: Excuse me. This isn't a comedy club and I didn't come here to be personally attacked.

Chase: Then you should have worn a different sweater!

Felix: Wow! So nice to finally meet my daughter-in-law.

Jayden: Uh...I don't think you're Tanner's father.

Felix: Who's Tanner?

Caroline: Hey, sister!

Felix: Are you related to my DIL?

Jayden: Maybe! Tell me her name.

Felix:...I don't know it.

Caroline: Fuckin' wow, dude.

Felix: My son. Aldebaran. Are you married to him?

Caroline:....Ohhhh, Aldebaran! That would be Kaci's husband. She's not here today.

Felix: But I swear it's one of you two ladies in that picture he sent my wife.

Caroline: We're triplets, silly!

Red Man: Surely that was a foregone conclusion when 'Kaci' was mentioned.

Felix: Shut up, man, nobody cares that you think you're in Gryffindor.

Jayden:...Do you have a problem?

Cindy: Get your family reunion nonsense out of this classy garden!

Deanna: Why are they all so damn loud? It's embarrassing. Next time I don't wanna bring any of them.

The highlighted one is Aldebaran's wife. Not that you can tell who's who with just headshots.

So Penny Pizzazz apparently had identical triplets in this save.

Mercury: What in the Christ. Dad why are you smiling like that.

Felix: :D attention.

Mercury: Whatever, I guess if someone really wants to feel up your wrinkly pec they can.

Tethys: Dad. It's back.

Due to some fun glitches and replaying we're back with Advaith as the butler.

Chase: OK sweetie, just stay very still and I'll get the bug spray-

Advaith: Reel Her In?

Felix: Don't judge me, I know the hero's a chauvinist-

Advaith: Oh, not at all! I love that series.

Tethys: This is why we hate the Straights, isn't it Dad?

Chase: That's my girl.

Mercury: Hiss hiss! I'm a RACCOON!

Anyway, he's now promoted.

Orion finally married a young woman...when his ass is old (and somehow still has a full head of dark hair). Age-appropriate what?

Oh fun fact, this is the daughter of Jayden, so the niece of Aldebaran's wife. Would be awkward if this family was close.

Tethys: A bit of that and...voila! Pink steam...ooh I'm seeing stars.

Deimos: Damn Teth, warn a guy before you start mixing chemicals in his room, sheesh.

Deimos: Hi everyone. Tethys nearly killed me this morning.

Mercury: That's my girl.

Phobos: Tell me she hurt herself. Maybe at least bleached her hair by accident so I'm the only heir left? Please?

Rigel: I'm sitting all the way over here 'cos I'm too good for you guys.

Mercury:...Breakfast with my boys. I wish Tethys was here.

Phobos: Would you help me overthrow him?

Deimos: Lol absolutely not.

Phobos: I'd give you a place at my side.

Rigel: No you wouldn't. But Tethys-

For heaven's sake none of you spares are staying.

Tethys: Heard you wanna overthrow Dad and cut me out.

Phobos: You heard wrong.

Rigel: Awwww snap.

Phobos: I mentioned it as an idea. Besides, don't act so high-and-mighty, you nearly killed Deimos.

Rigel: Oooooohohoooho!

Tethys: Shut up, peanut gallery. That was an accident. He's a drama queen he's fine. I was right by the lab and I'm only having mild hallucinations.

Phobos: Seriously?

Tethys: Yeah. You guys look like lollipops.

With the kids at school things are a lil quieter.

Felix: I made you guys a wall hanging to remember me by.

Chase: That's nice, Felix.

Felix: Do you wanna pick somewhere to hang it up?

Chase: No.

You're really going jogging like that?

Mercury: If you've got it, flaunt it.

Sure, but like. The nasty wet swimtrunks chafing...*shudders*

Mercury: It's worth it, they make my butt look good.

Mercury: Wow Mum. You really are SuperGrandma, you got my warring children to come together.

Deanna: Get that smirk off your face and come help me. With a crowbar.

Deanna: Why are you guys thinking of babies?

Tethys: How are you-?

Deanna: Vampire.

Rigel: Just thinking about how as a spare I will definitely not be forced to have them.

Phobos: Oh please. That's hardly a disadvantage. I'll have people for that.

Deimos: To have the babies - like is this some polygamist shit or?

Tethys: Yeah I'm out.

Chase is just desensitised at this point.

Chase: Same shit, different day.

Advaith: Please Mistress, don't.

Deanna: Shut up, lunchmeat.

Deimos: Yay! He's passed out! Grandma must have got him really good today! Maybe she is kind of awesome.

Advaith: *snore**dribble*

Nice Johnny Zest cosplay, Chase.

Chse: Yeah not sure why they hired me as an impersonator when I look nothing like the ol' legend.

That's two aspirations down for Mercury, which I think is pretty neat of him considering he's not even an adult yet.

Mercury: Yes yes, I'm great, I know. Can somebody fix the warp in my torso.

Eirene: Yeah yeah. You have abs. Now put a shirt on. Seriously, I'm your sister, stop preening, it's getting weird.

Some kid came to the door and Deimos, the only kid not busy, was sent to greet her.

Averie: Uh, hi. You're not Phobos. I wanted to talk to the most popular boy in school.

Deimos: I'm his brother Deimos!

Averie: That weird hoodie kid who sits scowling on the monkey bars every recess? ...Great, hi.

They ended up liking each other though.

Deimos: And the llama said, 'Alpaca suitcase!'

Averie: Oh you're so funny!



Averie: I sense a cranky pale blue presence.

Deimos: Figures. My brother? Sister? Fathers?

Averie: He's...wrinkly.

Deimos: My granddad then.

So creepatron Felix from upstairs decided he wanted to speak to this child. He shouldn't even know she's there. Fuckin weird.

I missed it but this poor child THREW UP on the floor at the thought of Felix. What the FRICK.

Deimos: It's OK you threw up in front of me. We can still be friends!

Averie: Thanks Deimos but I think I'm gonna just go home.

Eternal Sadness.

Felix: OK. You're crying. Are you on your period, do you want chocolate?

Deanna: Goddammit Felix I'm a fucking vampire I don't BLEED!

Felix: Do you want the chocolate then?

Deanna: NO it'll make me PUKE. God you're so stupid!

The next morningggg...

Mercury: Le gASP! What if the eggs rise up against us? Tell me Chase!

Chase: Sure...if you come watch my new comedy routine. The Not-Zest Ripoff.

Mercury: Guess I'll never know!!!

Chase: Thanks for being supportive then!

Phobos: Ladida, washing dishes, I'm not here.

Deanna: Cool. I'm an extraordinary painter. What next?

Friend of the world, you've got the skills and you almost maxed out charisma when you were a secret agent.

Deanna: Those were good times. I think. Can't really remember.

Dana: Well hey there wanna piece of the Dan-bot?

Deanna: Not really, I'm here to fill a quota.

Dana: Keep telling yourself that honey.

Deanna: Dude shut up you're forty and wearing a backwards hat, you're no-one's first choice.

This girl Sage is only special because she's one of my created Sims.

Deanna: Why the long face?

Sage: Lady shut up my life is in crisis right now. Pregnant with some random baby-

Deanna: You wanna talk about chaos? Let's talk about me.

Sage: Rather not.

Felix: Just had a long workout, grill me a cheese pls.

Advaith: Please would you people just let me eat my breakfast.

Felix: Grill me a cheese! Grill me a cheese!

Deimos: I wonder why Averie didn't want to come home with me.

Phobos: Dude last night Grandpa psychically made her puke. I wouldn't go back either.

Tethys: Whatever guys. I don't care. Something smells and it's definitely Rigel.

Rigel: Not cool, Teth!

Isis: Beep beep bitch. I swear. Move out my way!

Aileen: Do it. Hit me. I dare you. Things can't get any worse.

Bike lady is Orion's baby mama. His excellent taste continues to be a theme.

Chase: Eyyyy we've got an audience member! Feedback?

Pollux: Oh gawd I was just looking for the bathroom.

Chase: You're a vampire. I live with Deanna and I know vampires don't-

Pollux: If I want to cry in the shower that's my business ok!

Antoine: I swear I wasn't trying to mug you Ms Vampire lady don't hurt me.

Deanna: God you're sad. Wanna be friends?

Deanna's still working on those introductions.

Deanna: Must I? I feel like a paedo.

Janet: Tell me more about your grandsons who live in that huge house, Mrs S.

Rigel: Well hello, older brother. As spares, shouldn't we be treated better?

Deimos: Probably but I manage.

Rigel: But we could change things.

Deimos: Yeah, no, I don't have time for this subplot.

Advaith: Tethys dear! How goes the homework-

Tethys: One step closer and I'll beat you about the head with this book. I dare you. Look at my face. Clearly I'm just waiting for an excuse.

Adavith: Why are you so mean to me? I'm just trying to help.

Tethys: What are you gonna do, fire me? Oh wait, I have that power and I will use it. So beat it!

She did it!

I'm not sure why she's done and Rigel is still Level 7 but whatever. She can maybe get a second one done.

He won't.

Tethys: Because I'm heir and-

No due to timing you goose.

Felix: God I hate you little shits, disrupting my macaroni time. Is nothing sacred?

Deimos: Oh I know I annoy you. And I feed off it. Come on. Gimme the anger.

Felix: So not only are you some sort of demon horror, you're a CHILD.

Wrong emphasis there methinks, but whatever.

Looking for more people for Deanna to introduce herself to - and we've got some man falling over for no reason and the mail lady who would apparently rather leave than help.

Kalama: What? My shift already ran late. Mama needs her sleep.

Duane: OW my head...where am I? I feel as if I'm surrounded by cartoon birds...

See agin another example of the 'I Hate You' seating arrangement, used commonly in this family.

Rigel: Tethys. Hey, Tethys. I've gotta joke. Advaith, yell at her with me.

Tethys: Can't hear you, don't want to.

Advaith: She forbade me to even look at her.

Rigel: That's cold, Teth, but probably smart.

Finally there was a teen birthday.

Deimos: Alone, just as I like it!

Deimos: Hurry up you little shit I need to pee.

Phobos: Sure, sure. Great grandpa cardigan, twinski. And you might think you're better for being tall but-

Deimos: I don't care! Blow out the candles I need the damn bathroom.

Phobos: OK, OK, sheesh.

Chase: Wowwww. That's my son, ladies and gentlemen.

Rigel: FUCK

Ugh stupid lag. The game was not running well when I opened it after the twins' birthdays.

Rigel: Yeah sure blame it on us and not your own damn idiocy!

Chase: You tell her...and go somewhere else. You stink.

Anyway this is Phobos, potential heir no 1. He gained the Active trait, and the Soulmate aspiration.

Phobos: Yeah yeah, I'm gonna find the perfect spouse and be the perfect heir. It's a foregone conclusion.

He's also really cute. Bheeda features along with his Perfect colouring, and I think Mercury's mouth.

Deimos became Mean and got the painter aspiration. Prepare to spend a lot of time with Grandma Dee, Deimos.

Deimos: Must I? I hate people. It's kind of my thing?

Anyway he's also cute. I think he has the same face as his brother just without the winning colouring.

Deanna: *And Iiiiiii will always love-*

Mercury: I think we found something you aren't good at, Mother.

Phobos: Is somebody getting murdered? What the hell is that sound?

Mercury: Your grandma.

There we go, De. Back to something you're good at.

Deimos: Come ON grandma I don't need your help.

Deanna: Boy I just got you to Level 3 in an hour. And your knowledge of colour theory is terrible. Let me be useful.

Where are we? Selvedorada! Mercury's got a new aspiration to play with. Time to finally put that Level 3 Archaeology skill he learned in high school to work.

Tethys: This  sounds like a disaster already.

Deimos: Yeah but at least it'll be fun to watch.

Phobos: That's what you do isn't it, just watch from the corners?

Deimos: Have you got a problem-

Chase: So is the jacket too much?

Mercury: All of you shut up and let me have my moment!

Deanna: What moment? You haven't even done anything yet.

Merc: So you don't wanna come in the jungle with me?

Chase: Fuck no.

Rigel: I'll come!

Deimos: Actually I look gooood lemme take a selfie.

Deanna: *retching for some reason*

Tethys:...Did YOU eat my sweets, Grandma?

Chase: You're not taking our kid, Merc.

Mercury: Well I'm not going alone!

Chase: You wouldn't take your husband to die in the jungle, would you bby?

Mercury: Of course not.

Chase: There's mosquitos and stuff...if we both die our children shall be fatherless!

Mercury: I would never let you die to mosquitos! You are freed-

Tethys: Of course not. Because you can't. Not in this world anyway...

Chase: Dammit Teth, you blew my cover.

Phobos: Shame I haven't seen any beautiful Selvadoradans...wouldn't that be a romantic story? Met on vacation, stayed together through the distance...

Deimos: Yeah sure...ooh this carpet cleaner commercial is really interesting.

Great. You two need to go and babysit now.We're off to the jungle!

Phobos: Who are we babysitting? Just Rigel and Teth?

And your grandfather.

Deimos: That's inhuman.
