Ophira: Oh Sam, I miss you...and even more, I miss somebody reminding me how awesome me and my life are!
Adrian: Surely that knowledge should come from within?
Ophira: Oh shut up, what do you know?
Adrian: Well, you can't say I didn't try.
Chesmu: Mwahahaha. Auntie Thirza forgot to lock the door! I've already spilled a full juicebox!
Adrian: Y'know I thought I was banned from cooking after last time!
If you can't figure out how salad is an exception I'm banning you from life.
Chaim: C'mon. I'm gonna marry your sister eventually. But before that happens, haven't you ever wondered-
Thirza: UH, not REALLY?
Cybil: Sorry what.
Darius: Ohohoho I smell drama a-brewing.
Cybil: You'll smell your own ass cos I'll kick your head up there-
Chaim: Get a load of this!
Thirza: No thank you.
Cybil:...after I'm done with him!
Chaim: How dare you trick me?
Thirza: You started this all along!
Chaim: It's not like you rejected me that strongly!
Thirza: That's 'cos I'm LONELY! And I would never actually.
Chaim: Oh really?
Cybil: What the FUCK are they yelling about in my BEDROOM?! I will CHECK - after I piss. Stupid baby. Hey, Uncle Darius, would you-!
Darius: Sooooo....what's good?
Chaim: OK, OK. Sorry I got mad. I'm just saying there's always been a vibe, hasn't there Thirz?
Thirza: I don't always hate you, it's true. And you were nice about the Hannah thing.
Chaim: Good enough to me.
Thirza: You're a shitbag. But a cute shitbag. Gah, I can't do this to Cyb.
Darius: No, you can't. Seriously she's blackmailing me, if you do that's my old nudes all over the interwebs!
Thirza: Uncle Darius I don't care, ew.
Cybil: SORRY PINK BLARFFY, I need some fucking PRACTICE!
Thirza: So Chaim...
Chaim: Thirz...gimme one shot.
Cybil: I am right here!
Thirza:...She's always been a brat anyway. I should have been heiress all along.
Cybil: Fucking dead to me!
This is Chaim's fault, ish. A few flirts in and he whimmed to WooHoo with her immediately. I went for it to see if it would actually work, and...
Thirza, thinking: God it's so long I need someone to scratch that itch.
Chaim. thinking: Sweet I'm gonna win that bet.
Ophira got pregnant by a rando while all this was going on.
Chaim: Maybe I'll stop having that dream now.
Thirza: Sorry what?...Yeah, I can't talk.
Cybil: Wake up dickwad and help me pack your suitcase!
Chaim: What a beautiful morning to - oh shit, right.
Cybil: Indeed. You're lucky you're father to my children or I'd end you :). Get packing.
Chaim: Wait you're serious? Oh Cyb, it wasn't supposed to go so far! Please, you're my only-
Cybil: Aw. You're so pathetic I almost want to change my mind. Almost. Seriously, get packing or I'm waking up Dad. And telling him everything. He's got a lot of muscle for a 70yo and hates you, so-
Chaim: Not that, anything but that. I'm leaving, OK?!
Because of Jude's maxed fitness he can 'Practice Fighting'.
Chaim: This doesn't feel like practice!
Jude: It's a misnomer, asshole! Eat these hands for breakfast and don't you dare take anymore of my hard-earned food!
Cybil: Thanks for beating him up a little, Dad.
Jude: No problem, dear. I've been waiting so long to do that!
Cybil: But this only happened last n - right.
Cybil: I can't believe you did this to me, Thirz.
Thirza: Well I'm not your biggest fan, and it's not like I ever really had a moral compass. Neither do you.
Cybil: That's not the point - God you two deserve each other, don't you?
Thirza: Oh please, as if I could live with this idiot full-time.
Chaim: No way could I handle romance with this harpy!
Thirza: Well!
Yven: I see that suitcase mother. I knew it, you lied! I have to move out to make room for that thing in your stomach!
Cybil: It's for your father. Because he's a cheating bastard. Happy?
Yven: Glad I get to stay and all but...no?
Cybil: Neither am I kid, join the club.
Cybil: Come on, hurry up, get out of my sight.
Jude: Yes PLEASE.
Chaim: Fine, fine. Bye kiddo, tell bye to your brother, Chess Piece, and I might be back at some point.
Cybil: Sigh...how has my life led to this?
Tosca: Sigh, I sense another romantic issue a-brewing.
Ophira:You betcha, I'm pregnant and the guy won't call me - another?
Tosca: Didn't you hear? Cybil finally got rid of Chaim.
Ophira: Poor guy-
Tosca: You spoke too soon dear, only after he had a dalliance with Thirza.
Ophira: Holy shit this family is a mess. Why do I even come round here anymore?
Tosca: Dear, I love you but it's not like you have friends out the wazoo or anything.
Jude: In my old age I can fight like that, but I definitely shouldn't-
Ophira: You know what, I'm sick of Mum being such a BITCH-
Yven: Sooo what's the word on the sandwich, Auntie Phira?
Ophira: Right, sorry, forgot we were doing that.
Cybil: The best revenge is living well and happy...and probably finding a really hot rebound, I could use that once this dumbass baby is out.
Chesmu: Tuna always finds a way. Especially when idiot uncles want to ask out girls.
Adrian: Our rivalry is a D-plot at best right now, silly.
Chesmu: Ooh, spill the tea.
Adrian: Nononono I'm not doing Cybil's dirty work this time, not after last weekend!
Thirza:...Cybil how did you even get Ritz crackers in this motherboard?
Cybil: Less asky, more worky please! This is your life now. You'll be repaying me forever.
Thirza: Yeah. I know.
Adrian: Wow Cyb you seem almost happier about this than you were sad about your break-
Cybil: Adrian zip it.
Azure got stuck in labour so I took pity on her and let her push the kid out.
Auzre: Lucky m - OWWWW
She had a little girl who I called Amara.
Back at the main house things are of course still a damn mess.
Adrian: Pick up the trash after you repair stuff, you tramp!
Thirza: Mmmm, listen, I may have made a big-ass mistake but that doesn't give you clout and I also still have my job as a judge. So watch out, dear brother.
Adrian:...I'll grab it.
Chesmu is the only one who is happy.
Cheesmu: You know me. I'm that mean art kid, living off chaos and craft glitter.
You do you, get that aspiration done!
Chesmu: On it chief. Someone's gotta accomplish something in this family.
Their skills aren't the problem, it's the everything else.
Chesmu: A boy can dream.
Jude: Thirza you do know you've ruined this family?
Thirza: Like it was ever functional.
Yven: I want a bowl of cereal, don't go too heavy on the milk, and orange juice - make sure it's without bits-
Adrian: I can't wait to move out.
Yven: Feeling's mutual, at least give me breakfast before your ass is on the street.
Tosca: Oooh yes please, and we can use the -
Jude: Living room, Tosca. We'll discuss this in another room.
Cybil: Well. My elderly parents get more action than me, fucking A.
Yven: Mum can you-
Cybil: Not nOWWWW, your sibling is coming!
Yven: I knew it. I knew this rejection would happen.
Cybil: I'll do it later, just sit tight!
It's a blue baby, and the first girl of the generation. This is Berwyn.
Berwyn: I sense I have been born into a Mess.
Cybil: No, it's fine! I mean, sure, your dad's a cheating idiot, your aunt's a traitorous slut, Lord knows your grandma and I have a few screws loose...y'know what, at least you've got my dad.
Berwyn: That's not a good ratio!
Jude: So do you think these kids have got a shot?
Tosca: A shot at what, daddy issues?
Jude: I'm trying to look on the bright side here.
Tosca: I warned you the day we met, I'm pretty sure. Sutherlands - we rarely turn out well.
Chaim: Morning beautiful.
Cybil: Do you remember nothing that happened yesterday?
Chaim: No, I do-
Cybil: So I assume you know why we're broken-up, and what it was like to fuck my traitorous sister.
Chaim: Yes, and it was -
Cybil: Don't. I'm getting Yven, you can take care of him.
Chaim: WAIT you had the baby?
Cybil: Clearly. I wonder about you sometimes, Chaim.
Adrian: I can't believe you.
Chesmu: What? That I wouldn't smack you when I got the chance?
Adrian: I didn't think you were that tall!
Chesmu: So as well as lacking a brain, you lack eyes, very cool.
Jason: Hey guys, wait for me!
Chesmu made a friend at school. This is Jason, a very late-in-life baby of Sergio and Siobhan Romeo (nee Fyres).
Tosca: Arthritis hasn't caught these hands! That's the beautiful thing about this hobby. When in doubt, knitting!
Jude: This is great cake but I feel like I'm missing something.
Oh for FUCK'S SAKE it was supposed to be for Adrian! Go make another one.
Chaim is still here.
Chaim: You said doin' it with Thirza was a good idea and it would get me over my doubts, Pink Blarffy, how dare you?!
Pink Blarffy: You're putting words in my mouth! I'm a children's toy, why would I EVER-?
Adrian: I'm leaving this HELLLLL
Jude: You're an inspiration to us all, son!
Adrian: That's the nicest thing -wait if you're gonna be kind -
Jude: Nope, no take-backs, out you go!
Cybil: A little birdie in my head told me you're the one I need.
Kurt: Do I know you?
Cybil: Oh, you will.
Cybil: This is a token of my affections.
Kurt: I...accept...
Kurt: I should confess my marriage, though things have been dead for a long time.
Cybil: Lol you think I care about infidelity if it doesn't affect me? I'm off a breakup myself.
Kurt: Well we don't need to get into that.
Cybil: Ooooh you're speaking my language!
Byron (toddler): Hey so who's the lady?
Carter, child: What lady?
Cruz: So we're ignoring his blatant infidelity?
Wiki: Does it look like I give a fuck. I mean, seriously.
Cruz: No, or you wouldn't be wearing that outfit.
Kurt: My wife could come home at-
Cybil: Oh live on the edge you wimp.
Cybil: Hey, you guys have a really nice shower, good on ya. Got any snacks?
Carter: This can't be normal.
Wiki: Water off a duck's back, dear.
Cybil: Actually let me just use your toilet.
Cybil: Well that's inconvenient. Yo, KURT-
Lanuola: Guess I'll just do a little practice while I wait for the shower...whichever one of this lot is it, they are taking a really long time.
Cybil: So you got me pregnant.
Lanuola: Crazy little thing called - exCUSE ME?!
Cybil: If I can't keep someone faithful, neither can you, random lady! Toodle-oo!
Thirza: Chesmu you are my darling nephew and I love you, but...you do know you're not that good at music yet?
Chesmu: Absolutely, but if I practice next to you Mum's giving me a cookie. I want that cookie.
Jude's brother Darius had another child.
Chesmu: Oh my little sister. You and me both, we'll have an interesting childhood here.
Cybil: Don't say weird shit to your baby sister, wait until she's at least like three or something.
Chesmu: Can't handle the truth, Mother?
Tosca: How DARE you? Me and the clam chowder cannot take this nonsense!
Jude: But...I'm doing dishes! I'm helpful.
Not again, Tosca.
Azure: Ohhhhh I've waited so long for this.
Chesmu: For what, for my home to fall apart?
Chesmu: That's cold. I like it. You're my favourite auntie for a reason.
Azure: Aww! I've never been anyone's favourite!
Yven: God why are you touching me.
Thirza: I would also rather not be in this situation but life sucks, kid, now blow out your stupid candles.
Yven: I'm aliiiiive!
Thirza: On the inside, or outside?
Yven: Entirely alive and at my full potential! God I'm amazing!
He's a Self-Assured social butterfly.
Yven: All the friends will be mine.
Thirza: Sigh...I probably deserve this.
Cybil: Go on Yven, press hard through that paper to really scratch up the desk..and it looks like there's spaghetti sauce on your pillow, sorry Thirza.
Cybil: Why can't this *retch* be the last?
Yven: You. I don't trust you.
Timmy the Turtle: Bitch it has been like ten chapters since I was featured, go work on your makeover.
Cybil maxed writing.
Cybil: These freelancers have also maxed out my fucks to give, I no longer care.
Yven: Holy shit Ches, Grandma went full fish. Look behind you.
Chesmu: No thank you. Are you going to continue to waste my time or can I work on my drawing?
Chesmu: Your friend is in pyjamas, Yven.
Yven: Yeah it's not ideal.
Andy: That's 'cos it's seven in the goddamn morning, guys!
Chesmu: You could have declined the invitation.
Andy: Who am I to say no to the beach?
Andy: Does the camera have to be so close to our faces?
Yven: Why yes, how else would it capture this beautiful smile.
Andy: Beautiful? It looks like someone's stretching out your face.
Chesmu, wherever he is: LMAOOOO
Thirza: God. How low can my life get. I'm actually picking up your calls, Wolfgang.
Wolfgang: So does that mean-
Thirza: Whatever it is, no! I'll join your club and that's it!
Berwyn: Put me down, I must run free like a wildebeest.
Cybil: Oh gawd I'm already not ready to keep up with this energy.
Berwyn: WELL too bad!
Chesmu: Well. You've grown up. Good luck, little fatherless sister.
Cybil: You three have a father he's just an idiot, we've been through this.
Chesmu: I'm just saying, you're in for an interesting time.
Berwyn: What is he talking about, Mama?
Cybil: Just ignore him.
Chesmu: Can't ignore me forever.
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