Something about Cybil's old hair was bothering me so I changed it.
Cybil: Yeah! Do you like it, son?
Yven: Mother I'm an hour old I don't KNOW.
Cybil: You give me that attitude and I might just take off!
Thirza took a bribe. I considered it and decided it would be in her nature.
Thirza: You do know how little of a fuck I give?
Chaim, like I have said, is not a bad father. Just kind of dumb sometimes.
Chesmu: You promised a story!
Chaim: I know, take a raincheck, your dad just needs to work for his family.
Chesmu: I know everybody else here makes more than you you scrub!
Jude's still doing his artwork.
Jude: Ah, me in my glory days. An accurate self-portrait.
Jude:...It's deconstructed.
Thirza: Why do you insist on rubbing salt into my wounds?
Adrian: You wanna play? Ok then. Yo, Cybil, come get your kid!
Chesmu: The men of this family...disappointing.
Adrian: Well what are you, little man?
Azure: Oh Pink Blarffy, why hasn't he proposed? You said getting pregnant would be enough!
Pink Blarffy: I didn't say-
Cybil, inside: Heh. Well, it worked-ish on Chaim.
Jude: Hot damn, I still got it!
Thirza: Sure-
Tosca: We'll be in the bedroom for a bit, watch your sister.
Thirza: Gross, guys. Also, Cyb's twenty-six.
Tosca: And?
Thirza: Yeah, fair.
Azure: All men are trash. Even your sweet little face is a lie.
Chesmu: Mhm, let it out Auntie Azure.
Azure: Well if it isn't Little Miss Perfect,
Cybil: Good to see you're acknowledging reality, what's got up your ass?
Chesmu: I don't care, she took it out on me!
Cybil: Leave my sons alone, Az. I want them to grow up a little less twisted than us.
Azure: Fat chance.
Cybil: Yeah who am I kidding.
Chesmu: Good lord.
Azure: I'll make it up to you! Playtime with Auntie Azure, isn't this fun?
Cybil: Don't be such a baby. Yeah, same rental as last time, you know us, the family of blue-skinned people-
Azure: Another vacation for you lot? Now that I have my Selvadorada man I can stay back and babysit.
Cybil: You jump between moods like a frog and lilypads, no you're not watching my children.
Cybil: Ah, beautiful Selvadorada!
Tosca: It's mosquito city here.
Thirza: This place has WiFi, right?
Adrian: You guys aren't gonna forget me at the market again, are you?
Micaela: I think I got in the wrong cab, y'all aren't my family.
Thirza: Lucky you, kidlet.
Cybil: What the FU - portal's open, I guess! C'mon Dad, let's go, we can sacrifice your life! You've lived it!
Cybil: Ahoy ahoy, where the fuck are these artifacts?
Jude: Not the bees, not the bees - also I think that there scorpion stung me and I'm in a lot of pain. Was there a donkey?
Yeah this is going like, badly. We also lost 2 machetes. So it's to the marketplace to get new stuff and hopefully find Jude an antidote. I actually don't want him to die and Cybil doesn't either.
Cybil: I do need more kids.
Cybil: But first, dinner.
Cristobal: I'll take any kind of orders from you, mamacita.
Cybil: Uh, none of that, give me my arepas already.
Pablo: Enough, I'm definitely not your wife old man.
Jude: Heh yeah...I need help.
Can't find an antidote here...
Come on Cybil, you can flirt with people later.
Gabriela: Buy my stuff!
Cybil: Voulez-vous couchez avec moi?
Patricio: Get a room, freaks.
Cybil: We'll get your...mum's! Yeah, threesome vibes-
Chaim: Too far, Cyb.
Turns out you can ask locals for the antidote, yay! But only if you have bone dust, which Jude doesn't. But Cybil does.
Cybil: I can't believe you're making me give up my precious bone dust.
Pablo: Yeah the recipe is like $500.
Jude: Does it look like I give a single solitary flying fuck?
Tosca: Ah, my eldest and youngest, such a wonderful bond.
Thirza: You kind of look like me, Sure I'll help you with your homework.
Adrian: Thirz I'm your brother, remember?
Thirza: Wait you left your wife and kids?
Adrian: The other brother.
Tosca: It's Ariel, silly!
Thirza: We do have the hair.
Adrian: OH DEAR I just saw it all! The full package!
Chaim: So? It's not like people haven't seen it. Your sister, for one-
Adrian: You're making it worse!
The next morning...
Jude: All this ache from doing nothing? Old age really isn't my thing...
You were nearly poisoned.
Jude: Oh right, yeah, almost forgot that part!
Thirza: Cybil put on some real clothes.
Cybil: Make me. What're you gonna do?
Jude: Goodness, girls, how old are you?
Adrian: Y'know I really think he forgot, the old codger-
Jude: Shut it.
Thirza: I shouldn't be so harsh. I get what you're going for! Trying to tempt him into wedding bells.
Cybil: Nah, not really, I'm just following the vibes.
Thirza: That means nothing. Even more nothing than the legality of your relationship.
Chaim: I heard my name, ladies.
Thirza: I'm pretty sure we didn't actually say it out loud, Chaim.
Cybil: Why are you looking at her I'm wearing the good underwear.
Jude: Still don't trust this man, I am fucking WATCHING.
Thirza: You're not really the commitment type, are you Chaim? I know you've got another kid about town-
Chaim: I'll marry her eventually. When I can be arsed, y'know.
Thirza: You're proving my point.
Anyway time to explore.
Cybil: Yup, just gonna leave those two and their banter alone.
Jude: I may be 63 but I will fuck him up for you, Cyb!
Cybil: Thanks Dad!
Cybil:I probably should have done this yesterday instead of my ancient father.
Is that conscience I spy?
Cybil: Ew, never.
Cybil: See he's back on machete duty and I probably just robbed someone's grave lmao.
Jude: Anything for my wonderful daughter! *sweats* *creaks*
Cybil: Good bees, get the flower. Geeet the flower. Oh, and get your friends away from my dad if you've got the time.
Jude is not having a good day. He was sent home leaving Cybil to carry on by herself.
And then this woman popped out of nowhere, made some freaky blue shit appear over her head and started putting the moves on Cybil,
Valery: Caught any jungle fever?
Cybil: What a horrible line, I have a fiance.
Valery: Oh, I'm sorry-
Cybil: Did I say to stop hitting on me? I like attention.
She reached the temple, but honestly why.
Cybil: Nah I can do this, I got that mermaid blood in me.
That's a nice thought and acknowledgement of your heritage and all, but you are 100% a human.
Cybil: Why am I blue then?
...Long story.
Cybil: Flashing red beacons are normally bad, right?
Cybil: Nothing ever works out perfectly for me, ffs.
Adrian: This is the weirdest coffee substitute ever.
He's been brought in to dig up all the dig piles in this temple so Cybil can focus on making it to the end.
Adrian: Grunt work then. As is my lot in life.
I'm not gonna feel bad for you.
....I'll feel bad for your sister.
Adrian: Why she gets all the atten - CYB YOU'RE ON FIRE
Cybil: I know you moron, and poisoned too, the pain is UNREAL!
Adrian: So you wanna go home then?
Cybil: What do you think?
Back at home, Thirza completes her aspiration!
Thirza: ZOMG guys I did it, I am a truly persuasive academic-
Tosca: Be that way in a different room!
Jude: We're very proud dear, but-
Lazy Sims need their sleep.
A few hours later...
Chaim: Ughhhh I know it's your birthday but I hate that guy in particular.
Adrian: What did I DO?
Chesmu: Can I just blow out the candles this is already late.
Chaim: Also your mother is poisoned.
Chesmu: Surely that's more important-
Chesmu: So about this poison? Whatever, I need a makeover before I can even begin to consider my mother.
She'll be fine. Anyway, Chesmu is a mean little thing with the Creative aspiration.
Cesmu: Woudln't you be 'mean' if you had to deal with that lot?
Cybil: You can see I'm poisoned.
Pablo: I can see that irresponsibility runs in your family, girl.
Cybil: Ohohohoho my dad is the responsible one here.
Pablo: Dear God. Anyway I'll give you a loyalty discount. $495.
Adrian: Yeah, I'm good at these jokes, I'll be popular one day!
Cybil: Neat wall.
Chaim: Neat floor and nice ass.
Cybil: Oh you.
Thirza: Do you people fucking mind?
Cybil: Oh LORD who's that playing with our trash?
Chaim: That's our son, Cyb-
Chesmu: Christ Mother I'm taking out this trash, ands I'll shove you in teh bag if you don't get your shit together.
Cybil: Nonono, we left our son at home in his crib.
Chaim:...We've had two children. Two too many.
Chesmu: Ladies and gentleman, my damn parents.
One last bit of exploring before hometime.
She found a treasure chest which is cool. We still don't have any relic pieces which is annoying tho. Guess there's always next time.
Chaim: So tell me about this outfit, Thirz-
Thirza: Dude. It's the only thing I wear, I bought it while wine-tipsy over my not-even-ex. You know the story.
Yven: Nice to FINALLY see you again.
Cybil: Oh don't sass me I've been busy with my life's work.
Yven: Eh, whatever. Get me a bottle and we cool.
Cybil: You think you have leverage here?
Adrian interrupts this pointless argument with-
Adrian: Aaaaah fire! Guys help, help!
Jude: Tosca! Aim at our son! He's on fire and could burn to death, why are you spraying it over there?!
Tosca: Sorry my hand slipped!
Adrian: Motherly l - AAAAH
Yven: What's happening out there?
Cybil: Your uncle being a complete and utter idiot.
Yven:....OK. Can I have that bottle?
Chesmu: I'm gonna social distance from them.
Thirza: Ha nice one, Cyb, you're blinding him!
Cybil: I'm also working on my guns.
Yven: Give me nutrients!
Tosca: You remind me of my daughter, y'know...
Yven: This is no time to lose your mind old woman.
Yven: Wow the care quality here is not high.
Chaim: Was there something I was supposed to be doing?
Yven: At least that one can cook.
Jude: Nuh-uh kidlet this is my spaghetti.
Cybil: Oh sun of mine...what shall I write next? For some reason these clients don't consider my vibes marketable. Of course you think I'm great, that's why you're here.
Sun: Nah, we get randomly assigned. You're the worst job ever lady.
Ophira's husband died. Her twins are still toddlers, this is why we don't marry old men.
Adrian: Ooh, trash? Can I haz?
Tosca, through the wall: The tiles are upon us!
Jude: I give up on you all, honestly.
Cybil: Help me capture my little homemaker moment, Dad. Feeding my family and all.
Jude: Eggs? Nice, any going spare?
Cybil: I'm just making the one portion. For me. I live here too.
Jude: I know but - Cybil those are burning.
Cybil: Lol sorry got distracted by that bookshelf.
Chaim: Ey girl nice jammies.
Jude: HMMM
Thirza: Chaim I've had these since you were a stupid little brat kid, go mack on my sister.
Jude: Or don't. Just get out of our lives, maybe.
Tosca: *innocently whistling, eavesdropping*
Cybil: Wanna make an illicit baby?
Chaim: I mean maybe we can reconsider spelling your name, two is quite-
Cybil: No point in putting it off. It'll be illicit until my stupid little brother moves out.
Chaim:...Sanjiv doesn't live here.
Cybil: NO, the other one.
Cybil: Who can say pregnant?
Yven: P - pr- pregnant?
Chaim: Oh we're fucked.
Cybil: Oh for fuck's sake Chaim you're 34 and this kid's better at talking than you.
Chaim:...We're screwed. Seriously.
Cybil: Nah, our kids are great.
Chaim: Chesmu threatened to shove a crayon where the sun don't shine this morning.
Yven: Dad you were being a prick and probably deserved it.
Cybil: Attaboy.
Chaim: So you're getting another grandkid Mrs S.
Tosca: Yeah what's new? This is like, at least the fourth I'm pretty sure. Who's counting?
Chaim: I thought you would be.
Cybil is actually playing homemaker today, due to lack of availability of her fmaily members.
Cybil: C'mon kidlet, sit and listen to your story.
Yven: But there's a puddle there!
Cybil: Your puddle. Plus I barely notice, not after all that quicksand-
Yven; OK, OK! Just no more jungle Stories!
Tosca: Aggggh my coworkers are the fucking plague! Why would you send an old lady to that lawless place?
Relax I clicked the wrong button.
Tosca: I legit have the plague! You have cast a death sentence on your founder-
You have a mild fever, chug medicine and shut up.
Tosca: Cruel mistress.
Cybil: What did you say to me? Bitch you're not even rendered!
Cybil's authenticating some of the stuff she found on her travels.
Cybil: Well this skull isn't authentic at all, the fake bitch.
Azure's here to help with homework.
Azure: No I came to complain about the lack of a ring.
Adrian: But while you are here, I bet you did these assignments.
Azure: Sure. Why are you on the baby bed?
Chesmu: Because my line of the family is boss, Auntie Azure.
Yven: At least you're not replacing me Auntie Thirza.
Thirza: How could I when I don't car about any of you kids in the first place?
Azure: Ow...what's this about being replaced?
Thirza: Haven't you heard? Cybil's having another baby. Stealing your thunder too.
Chaim: Guess what? Dad got a promotion. I'll be providing in no time.
Yven: You couldn't provide for a paper bag.
Azure: What're you drawing there, kiddo?
Chesmu: Your face as I see it.
Azure: That's just rude!
Chesmu: Are you saying my drawing is ugly?
Azure: No - I - of course not!
Jude: Haha oh snap, he's got you there, Az.
Azure: Thanks Dad, you are ever supportive.
Cybil: Great, gotta watch out for this too...
Chaim: Ophira, heard that old man kicked it!
Ophira Weird way to bring up my husband's death but go off I guess.
Yay, Ian got his shit together!
The next morning Chaim appeared to decide that the best way to take a photo of his fiancee was to....creepshot her ass? Idk
Chaim: It's a really nice ass and the whole world should know t!
Tosca: Jude guess what, I'm almost at a million followers!
Jude: That's great darling! Who wouldn't want to follow you? Just to see all the things you do each day?
Tosca: Is that a compliment or are you calling me crazy?
Jude: At this stage in our relationship can it not be both?
Thirza left work early to age up. Annoying.
Thirza: I'm not a fan either!
Cybil: Begone THOTS!
Jude: Why are you like this honestly.
Azure: Yeah not the time, I think I'm in labour.
Jude: Abso - what?
Cybil:Well don't do it here it's unsanitary!
Jude:...God point Cyb. Let's get you to a hospital, Azure.
Cybil: Y'know sometimes I do wonder if settling down young with a man who 'jokingly' flirts with my sisters was the best option for me.
Thirza: Mmm. I wonder why.
Cybil: I mean. He does say he's joking. And I'm the prettiest one, so why wouldn't it all be a joke?
Thirza: Good to see that no matter what your idiot fiance does, you've still got a healthy ego, Cyb.
Tosca: Are you sitting comfortably?
Yven: *smacks head* Ow!
Tosca:...then I'll begin! Always wanted to say that - wait, kid are you alright?
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