Azure: I sense...a change.
Solomon: Yeah yeah whatever gal, let me beat you in chess now.
Jude: Hey, that kid seems normal! I'm liking this. You're my favourite now, Azure.
Azure: Not that normal, he made out with my sister!
And here's Gen 2 heir Cybil as a-
Cybil: Bit busy here.
Chaim: Wow I love this room it's so big and empty.
Cybil: Blame the watcher not me. This bed is bitchin' tho.
Chaim why do you look so SAD?
Chaim: I've made a huge mistake...
Cybil: Honestly, you bring out ONE-
Anyway here she is all madeover and stuff. I think she's cute. Oh, and Ophira's moved out. The house was too crowded.
Sanjiv: -yes we DID have a honeymoon, and there's so much to see in this world, dear Thirza. You should try it some day.
Thirza: I have watched you shit yourself don't @ me. I know you're trying to be brand-new but I still see my poor sad little brother.
Chaim: Why is Cybil making me do this? And why are her sorta-ex and sister basically making out in here?
Solomon: That's not what's happening. This is not how you kiss.
Azure: Just on the cheek?
Solomon: That's my ear! Please don't lick my ear...
Solomon: That was really weird in there Azure! I know Cybil said whatever but that does NOT mean I like you like that!
Azure: But I just...I was trying...
Sanjiv: Cybil said what now?
Cybil: Hush and watch the show with me, brother.
Azure: What are you smiling at ADRIAN?
Adrian: Your sad life makes me happy to be ignored.
Tosca: So, Cybil. How are you feeling about your new responsibilities? Can we expect that boy Chaim to move in anytime soon?
Cybil: We can wait for that-
Tosca: Because I want grandchildren!
Cybil: You know Sanjiv's married?
Tosca: Does he count?
Sanjiv better count, because this isn't going great.
Cybil: I see a crab! Let me get it! RAAARRGHHH
Chaim: What is she DOING? Seriously, Pink Blarffy...huge mistake.
Cybil: It was a little joke! I'm not that twisted.
Azure: Mmm, not so sure about the way I will definitely be remaining single, listen up-
Cybil: Clearly my leftovers are not suited to somebody like you.
Azure: Yeah your taste in men is questionable. This one's Mean, Solomon is Evil...
Cybil: And yet I can handle them.
Chaim: Are you even listening to me? Dammit Cybil!
Jude: 10pm and you're still here? I guess you're staying...
Chaim: NO! No I'm not! What is WRONG with all you people?
Jude: That's more Tosca's domain, go to her for questions.
Cybil: *pissing to assert dominance*
Solomon: OHMYGOD I have to leave immediately!
Cybil: Good.
So Tosca's gonna get the first of her grandchildren.
Cybil: See? Sanjiv can do all that. I don't need kids yet.
Tosca: I want four grandchildren. But that's beside the point. You need five kids, them's the rules.
Poor Thirza's very concerned about her exam.
Thirza: I know what this *retch* looks like, but I'm just nervous! Not like I've ever had any...
THIS on the other hand.
Cybil: Oh God it already smells bad and the flies! *hack, retch* What's wrong with me?
Cybil: I'm fucked! Where did this confetti come from?...Throw all the confetti you like, world, I'm still fucked!
So after ONE WooHoo with Chaim she's having a kid. Great.
Azure: HA! I see she got fat. Maybe I can go ABOVE her leftovers.
Cybil: Dad I kind of need to tell you something.
Cybil: I have not fallen behind on my exercise routine AZURE and I'm not fat.
Jude: Who said that? You're a very healthy weight...maybe just a little bloated.
Cybil: Nope. I'm pregnant.
Jude: By that boy?
Cybil: Nobody else, Dad.
Jude:...Someone's gonna die. Where is he?
Cybil:...I've been a lifeguard since I was fourteen, what are you talking about?
Chaim: Oh, my bad, must have got the wrong person-
Cybil: There's something else-
Chaim: Bye!
Cybil: I can't believe I've done this! It's a travesty...I lost my seashell to a hermit crab!
Cybil: Right. My parents, myself and my baby daddy. Overnighter in Selvadorada. What could go wrong?...Besides I need to tell him news and it's way easier to bury a body over there, I've heard.
Chaim: What the hell, Cybil? Why'd you drag me here? I have a life, y'know.
Tosca: Woooow she really picked a winner, huh?
Cybil: Everyone shut up I have something to say.
Cybil: I'm pregnant! We're having a baby!
Chaim: *brain gears turning*...Can I get a refund?
Cybil: What kind of answer is that? And you call me crazy!
Anyway they're at the Selvadorada cantina and Cybil ran off to look at a statue. Thirza's inside doing homework.
Tosca: So how do you feel about commitment then, Chaim? One to be tied down huh? Or not.
Jude: You better be! *preen*
Chaim: If you're trying to intimidate me don't smile...those are muscles tho. Damn I won't cross you.
Tosca: Answer the question. You still don't live here after all.
Chaim: We've been together for like one day as adults pls chill.
Juan David: Wow, senor, your daughters are beautiful...
Cybil: Ooh thanks but I'm spoken for. Kinda. Eh, make it worth my while and we'll see.
Thirza: I'm clearly working, leave me alone.
Juan David:...But the father? The most handsome of all. I cannot believe you're in your fifties.
Cybil:...Well that's a plot twist.
Jude: Oooh, I'm flattered. Thank you handsome.
Thirza: Dad.
Juan David: Beautiful lady. Are you spoken for?
Thirza: I just saw you hit on my dad, this will never be a thing. PLEASE let me work.
Juan David: *shaking that Thing*
Thirza: Those hips don't lie though...
Tosca: If your dad was thinking about it I wouldn't even mind, that is an Ass.
Alan: I...what? No, you have to pay-
Cybil: Says who?
Jude, just offscreen: Says ME!
Cybil:...Fine. But one day he'll be dead and I'll come back here ALONE and you will be SORRY.
Alan: Damn she's feisty though.
Cybil: This is supposed to be SCARY why won't it work?
Alan: Because you look like alien Barbie?
Meanwhile Tosca has annoyed the entire bar.
Yellow top girl: Seriously get away from me. You're so close and you smell like grocery store sushi.
Blue cardigan dude: ROTTEN grocery store sushi.
Tosca: It's not my fault, it's a skin condition!
Thirza: My mother is an embarrassment.
Malcolm: I'll tell you a little secret...your alternative haircut is stupid!
Cybil: OW, DUDE-
Victoria: Gasp! How dare you?
Cybil: And he nearly took out my entire foetus? Do you care about that? Guess not?
Then she did a little exploration. It was...not stellar.
Cybil: OK, nobody move, I think I've got bat rabies.
Bitch bat rabies is not a thing
Chaim: I just don't know what we'll do with a baby. Especially if you have bat rabies!
Cybil:...Apparently that's not a thing. I don't know what to do either. Pretty sure that Landgraab guy gave it brain damage already.
Chaim: On top of the damage of being born into this family, yikes.
Ophira: See? I'm the second to get married!
Yeah, with the creepy old bartender from today, congratulations.
Thirza, as the single kid, gets to sleep in the kid's room.
Chaim:...And I shall watch over her! No mosquitoes will get her as she sleeps alone.
Cybil, your girlfriend and baby mama, is also sleeping alone.
Chaim:...She can handle herself?
Cybil's in the other double, go sleep there, you two are dating.
Chaim: Do I have to? She bites in her sleep, she does. And scratches. She's like a cat!
Anyway after Chaim napped on the bed next to Thirza instead of bunking in with Cybil, we started the next day.
Diego: Good morning!
Cybil: Get out of my face. It's too early and my baby daddy might actually hate me.
Anyway they had to go home so Thirza didn't miss her classes.
Cybil: Oh well, anyway here I am, let me look for jobs or something!
Thirza: This bucket is as sad and empty as my love life.
Cybil: Damn, Thirz. That's a bit harsh. That poor bucket.
I had her be a freelance writer. I've never done that and she's a bookworm after all.
Cybil: A clickbait article? Perfect! I am clickbait after all. You think I'm just a cute face? I'm so much more! Why have Russian bots when you could have me?
Adrian: Are you gonna bring me on your next vacation? Please do. Azure can't cook for shit and she cries all the time.
Cybil: I'll think about it. Maybe if you wriggle into tiny fire-ant-filled spaces for me when I'm exploring.
Adrian: You'll need help with that, you blimp.
Thirza: Hannah...I didn't think you'd come.
Hannah: I almost didn't. But it's good to see you.
Thirza: You're not mad? I thought that's why you were avoiding me.
Hannah: How could I be mad? I was embarrassed!
Cybil: Yeah tbh that was a ker-freaking HUGE overreaction to being called hot or whatever.
Hannah: I've missed talking to you Thirza. Nobody understands me like you...
Thirza: Haha...yeah. I've missed you too. All I've wanted to do
Cybil: Come on, Thirz, pull it together. You're so pathetic you're making me care.
Thirza:'re still really hot?
Hannah: Oh my gosh, Thirza, of course you can say that.
Thirza: Yeah, it's a pretty innocuous compliment.
Tosca: Y'all gotta do this right by my fridge, huh?
Hannah:...Holy shit why DID I ever resist this?
Thirza: Yesssss
Ophira: Hello Chaim. I heard you're having a baby with my sister.
Chaim: Indeed. But that other sister of damn!
Ophira: Oh wow, you're scum. You two might deserve each other!
Meanwhile these two are about to bang in the shower.
Thirza: You ready to rock my world?
Hannah: Hey, don't hog all the pleasure.
Hannah: Actually I gotta go...
You are really annoying me woman.
Hannah: Hang on. Wait. I was supposed to do something.
Yes, you were supposed to do THIRZA. They were in the bathroom ready to strip off and this bitch just starts walking away.
(Eventually she did)
Jude: So. Everyone. Ophira had a wedding.
Azure: Oh *sniff* she did? Not it's just me and Adrian...
Jude: Well the man will be dead in about two weeks, he is very old. All of your and Cybil's choices have been terrible but they've been age appropriate at least.
Ophira: Dad please we have company.
Hannah: Nah, I know you all well enough. So I'm guessing I rank pretty good in this list of your daughters' lovers?
Adrian: If anyone says one more thing about love and romance and daughters I will PUNCH
Why does Saniv always come here in a rage, like damn.
Sanjiv: CYBIL!
Hannah: You guys say her name in that tone like, a lot.
Sanjiv: I was supposed to have the first grandchild! Now it's like a race between us!
Hannah: Dude you're not doing anything, you ain't pregnant.
Cybil: Isn't it sad? One of your gorgeous talented sisters stealing your thunder again. You were so close to an undivided win, dice.
Sanjiv: You're really poking the bear here, Cybil.
Cybil: Awwww, is baby in a bad mood?
These two are actually good friends. They're certainly getting on better than anybody else Azure's tried to befriend.
Colleen: -No way are you the ugly one! Look at you!
Azure: It's true. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. I feel as if I might be unlovable.
Colleen: Well don't be dramatic, we're only just in high school!
Saniv has calmed down. Maybe it's Jude's influence, he's the better parent.
Sanjiv: Certainly! Thanks Dad, that really helped.
Jude: Just be happy with what you've got! Yolanda's wonderful. Between you and me, I much prefer her to that Chaim.
Chaim: I mean you hate Chaim so it's not that big a deal...but I'll pass it on.
Chaim: Sutherlands! There's a Straud offshoot at your door. Will I deal with it? No. Will I holler at her and her massive schnoz? Certainly not.
Kaila:...Ouch, dude.
I see why Jude hates you, Chaim.
Way to have a child the father won't even get to see grow up, Ophira.
Ophira: Who says this is for him?
Oh, and Thirza finished her second term with another round of across-the-board A-pluses. Last term now!
Thirza: Shush I'm doing homework.
Cybil: Mother. Clothes please. My boyfriend is here.
Tosca: Well seal that deal, get him to stay and he'll be seeing this all the time. He can get used to it.
Cybil: Or you could WEAR CLOTHES.
Cybil: Right. You seem happy to see me for once. That's good. Look my parents are nagging me and we are having a baby so...
Cybil: Marry me? I found this sweet ring on the beach. Lookit, it's even got a little pink heart and stuff. Seriously how long are you gonna make your pregnant girlfriend kneel?
Chaim: Yeah sure.
Cybil: :| Awww the heart's floating away and stuff...
Anyway he lives here now. He is the kid of Penny Pizzazz and Don Lothario (feel like it's been enough generations for that to not be weird) and also has a kid of his own somewhere else. He's currently Level 2 in the Law career...
He is Jealous, Mean and an Insider. Real winner there.
Chaim: So where can I put my suitcase?
Cybil: Anywhere. My room is big and empty after all. Like my soul.
Chaim: That...doesn't make sense.
Tosca: Hey, Cybil, just because your mans is about to become a dad doesn't mean he has to dress like a forty year-old.
Chaim: This is my work uniform.
Tosca: Oh shit. They must hate you there then.
Cybil: Oh, definitely. All he does is make coffee and buy lunch. Sometimes they don't even reimburse him.
Cybil: OK, so this graphic goes there and we need three lines - what the hell is going on behind me?
Tosca: It's just 9am but you wanna...head back to bed for a bit?
Jude: Hell yeah.
Tosca: Throw me round like a ragdoll bby.
Cybil: How are they having a better time than me? I'm young hot and in my prime!
Jude: So...I see He has moved in.
Thirza: Not thrilled, are you?
Jude: To be honest, I would have rather your Hannah.
Thirza: She's not mine, Dad. Who am I, Cybil? She's her own person and that person...hasn't texted me today. It's fine. Yeah. Fine.
Adrian: I wanna be the very best!
Ophira: Shut up I'm over here regretting my life choices.
Adrian: Good. I'm glad you're regretting something. Next time try thinking about when you SHOUTED AT ME THAT ONE TIME
Seriously Sims hold grudges for a realllly long time with this Sentiments system.
For one of her work tasks Tosca is giving an Energised Speech to nobody.
Tosca: Come on let's steal suitcases of money from those billionaires...nobody? Well I'm in a swimsuit and I'm single *wink* Wait no-
Tosca: I know, r- you're being sarcastic.
Thirza: Sigh. I don't know why I have to bring them. Anyway I'm off tutoring, if you guys get arrested I will not be providing bail money.
Cybil: I don't wanna be here either I"m in pain and feel shit.
Chaim: Speak for yourself I feel as good as you look!
Azure:...Who are you talking about?
Gavin: Oh Gawd...have you ever felt loss, miss?
Azure: Fam my whole life has been one big L. Beat that.
Gavin:...My dad died.
Azure: Oh. Oooof. Awkward. Let's forget that happened.
Tosca: So Chaim...are you gonna use that loo or just stand there like a creeper?
Chaim:...Uh yeah. Use the toilet. That's why I was waiting there.
Tosca: What an odd man.
Adrian: I really wish my mother wasn't sleeping here like a hobo. We're not even that poor anymore.
Cybil: Well. I'm about to become a mother.
Jude:...Yep. Hope you're ready.
Cybil: Oh absolutely...not. But then again that's what the parents and Thirza are here for right?
Azure: Sisss your kid's gonna be screwed.
Cybil: At least people will pay attention to it.
Azure:...Seriously. You and Chaim are gonna create a wacko.
Cybil: OK OK I take back my sass I am not ready! Aren't babies supposed to be pissing everywhere?!
Chesmu: Not on your life, Mother. I have class.
Everybody meet Baby C. I'm trying to do a matriarchy but if he's really cool or Cybil has 4 more boys somehow, he'll give us four letters. So there we go.
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