Perfect Genetics - Gen 2, Week 2

Deimos: Look at you. In your gilded cage. Or...plastic cage. Pathetic.

Phobos: At least the adults love me!

Deimos: They pity you.

Phobos: I love not bathing in mud.

Felix: Weird time to bring that up but good for you, kid.

Bath-shower was finally replaced. It now runs clear water.

Felix can be a good grandpa.

Felix: You made me.

Phobos: Go faster horsey.

Felix: Dear lord my son's raising idiots! Look at my arms, Phobos, I'm clearly a bird of some sort. Ooh - a griffin maybe?

Felix: This book is so...simplistic. In my day-

Phobos: I don't actually understand it, pls repeat.

Deimos: Idiot.

Phobos: You tell me then.

Felix: You two can keep fighting, it's character-building.

Deanna doesn't do all the work, in fact-

Mercury: What was that? Yeah, Mum's at work.

...anyway, Mercury is actually a pretty decent father.

Mercury: Excuse me, I'm an awesome father. Look at me cuddling this child who has no hope of taking over my legacy.

Rigel: Is that...impressive or-

Deanna, as well as being super-Grandma, is crushing her career. She's got a promotion.

Deanna: Naturally. Now where are the little munchkins?

I think they're on the potties together.

Seiji: What the hell do you want, lady? Get out of my face!

Deanna: This one, he deserves it.

You were gonna drink from him anyway.


Now that Felix's lifespan has been extended, he does actually need a place to sleep. So I built him the 'Granddad Shed', where he can have time away from the grandkids and practice his charisma. We're still slogging away at Friend of the World.

Merc is home.

Mercury: Make me stronger, O disparate voices!

You could start by actually using the weights.

Chase is home too, and he's been promoted!

Chase: Nothing more metal than shattering your elbow in a wall. Literally. You'd have to get a metal-plate replacement-

I wonder why they don't want you to practice comedy.

Anyway he needs a bit of music skill for the next one so he's doing this.

Cousin Emil's having a baby...with a woman who is NOT his wife.

By simply existing, Deanna completed her Master Vampire aspiration. I got her started on Musical Genius and she immediately did one and a half milestones.

Phobos: Whoa, do you mind, I'm at the most private moment!

Deimos: We were doing it together before, you can smell the evidence!

Phobos: We were in it together then, now you're just awkwardly watching!

These two are a little dynamic duo, raising themselves and all. Deanna helps when needed but they're pretty good at skilling themselves.

Deimos: Just me and Bowly.

Phobos: Hey!

Deimos: Did someone talk?! Is that you, oh empty soup bowl-

Phobos: I know you can hear me.

The other twins had a birthday.

Tethys: Wheee!

Mercury: I don't think Batman wears sunglasses, sweetie.

Tethys: Hold me!

Mercury: And he's not that clingy.

Tethys: But I am!

In a mini-tradition, Tethys rolls Clingy like her similarly-coloured brother.

Rigel: Oh frick, what if I fall-

Chase: I'll catch you!

Rigel: All the way from over there?

Hard to tell from this image, but Rigel is silly.

He is also the cutest baby ever. I mean holy shit, that little face.

The bigger 'story' is Tethys coming out as a perfect PG heir. Damn Mercury really came out the gate swinging with these heirs.

And now he can go back behind the gate because no more KIDS.

Four toddlers. I don't think I've ever had that many at once in any of my games. This is gonna be a day and a half of hell.

Mercury: I'm gonna use your existence against my dad until the day he dies.

Tethys: Oh brother, I can already tell you're weird.

Mercury: Nonsense, I'm amazing. Why don't we go flying then?

Mercury: Haven't I made some wonderful children?

Chase: We did, Merc. I carried three of them in my body.

Tethys: Really? In the hole?

Rigel: Yeah sis it's easy.

Tethys: You're not better than me, daddies love me more!

Chase: Oh, now that's not-

Mercury: Maybe a little bit.


Deimos and Phobos: *literally just trying to sleep*

Chase then literally kicked Phobos out of bed to read to Rigel...we need more beds.

Phobos: Wow. WOOOOW.

Rigel: Suck it, clearly there's priorities here!

Deanna: Oh, what happened? Sorry, my son's an idiot.

Phobos: It was...the other one.

Deanna: So what did my son do to cause that to happen?

Phobos: Do you even like Dad?

Deanna: It depends on the day, sweetie.

Dipper: Mercury...there's piss on the carpet, kids everywhere and I think this girl is trying to eat highchair for lunch.

Mercury: Well what about my lunch? A man needs to eat. Tethys! Tethys come here and have some chili.


Tethys: I'm not a dog...

Mercury: Oh don't judge me. You're over here so much I just know Lauren's raising your lot alone.

Deimos: I know why you're here. You're the last resort. Which makes me the last on the list of priorities.

Felix: Kid do you want the damn bath or not? Stop monologuing.

I don't even know why, but Mercury picked Rigel up and moved him further away from the bed he was trying to sleep in.

Tethys: Lol you really thought you were helping there didn't you?

Rigel: Of course the favourite believes that.

Mercury:She's not the favourite, I appreciate she and Phobos equally. But I love you all the same.

Rigel: Mhm, right.

Felix spent most of the evening doing this.

Felix: are tiring.

Oh yes I'm sure giving one child a bath really took it out of you.

Look at this shit...seriously. Four freakin' toddlers.

At least the older two grow up tomorrow.

I knew it wouldn't last.

Tethys: *cries* Why am I awake?

Phobos: You...woke yourself up, lesser heir.

Rigel and Deimos: Ughhhhhh

Yeah so the boys are awake too now!

Felix: Ugh, how dare you throw food on me?

Rigel: You sat here, I was straight vibing. We have a table.

MUCH later, after Tethys's sleeping issue is sorted (one of her outfits was glitchy), Deanna rocked out in the kitchen.

Deanna: I am SuperGrandma after all. These kids'll think I'm cool.

Lauren and Dipper had their son. I have a soft spot for this kid already given his name.

Pollux and his wife had their daughter. Not so sure about that spelling...

Pollux: That's what I said.

Dana: If you get Sullivan, I get this!

Mercury: Hissss...not another day! I can't do this again.

Phobos: Thank you and good morning, Dad.

Deanna: He's got a point, just come eat this sandwich.

Deanna watches over the elder two's last ditch potty skilling.

Deanna: Ah, where would you kids be without me?

Deimos: Honestly? I don't like to think about it.

Phobos: Eh, I'd be alright. Cos I'm blue, da-ba-dee-

Deanna: Don't.

Mercury: Y'know what, I think this one's my favourite.

Stop it Merc.

Tethys: No, keep it coming. I like the praise.

Mercury: Look, I don't know how we're gonna do the heir thing, but I'd totally let you cheat against your brother.

Tethys: I can accept that.

Felix: I can feel its stare behind me. Little bipedal rat.

Rigel: Haters gonna hate.

Felix: As if you don't wear those sunglasses for attention...

Phobos: Well well well brother. I've finished my skills first. I've been the superior twin from birth.

Deimos:...At least I've been doing mine without hanging off these adults!

Tethys: They do know that I'm-

Mercury: Hush, not now. Let him grow up with false hope first.

Deanna soon yote herself away from the madness.

Deanna: Right, I've quelled five tantrums, stopped three baby-fights and watched over every single one of 'em try to potty. Even SuperGrandma needs a break.

Rigel: Grilled cheese with rainbow sprinkle pls.

Deanna: You kidding me?

Rigel: Of course. Just with a little tomato sauce, of course. Ain't I silly?

Deanna: There are four of you and I'm way past jokes.

Deanna: Waaaay past them.

Chase: So y'know all those warnings about raw cookie dough...

Deanna: Seriously can he do that nowhere else?

Tethys: Check out these dance moves, twinny!

Deimos: Nope, Rigel's stuck in the highchair. Think Grandma is glitched.

Tethys: Oh...well you're not whiny and blue like Phobos...I wanna say Dean?

Deimos: ...Wow. Y'know, tonight I get bigger than you, so you better learn respect, little sister.

Emilia: Nice room, does it belong to some gay porn star?

Deanna: *sigh* My son redecorated when he and his husband moved in here...

Emilia: That doesn't answer the question.

Deanna: My son is no pornstar you dried up crone!

Emilia: I was joking-

Deanna: He is an ASSHOLE and this wallpaper is TOO MUCH but he's NOT THAT.

Rigel: No! Away with you! I was in that highchair for TWO HOURS-

Deanna: Well there's only so much I can do, there's a whole FOUR of you-

Rigel: Excuses, excuses.

Deanna: Look, if you're trying to escape your own baby, I've got bad news for you...though Merc's four are asleep now, so...

Pollux: Yeah, well TaylER doesn't sleep, so good enough!

Felix finally maxed his first skill.

Felix: And it's cooking. That was one of my prime goals in life. To be a really good cook.

Eh, it's something.

Felix: We need help. No not with the cooking. I don't care if that's in your training scheme, I'm the cook around here!

And he's already let it go to his head.

But we're getting a butler. I finally got Vintage Glamour. They have so much money, and too much to do.

Butler's here already. This is Advath. He looks like he's on amphetamines.

Advath: Nonsense, this is my academy-instilled pep!

Already going great.

Mercury's home with a promotion.

Mercury: Mum's too good, why is she always letting her victims use our pool.

I think she forgot Emilia was still hanging around tbh.

Chase: I never have to play the violin again!

Chase got promoted into the Comedian branch of his career, so good for him. Just in time to age up his clone, I mean Deimos.

Chase: Please grow up and lessen our suffering!

Deimos: Way ahead of you Father. Why won't it work, work, go!

Looool his eyebrows.

Pollux, background: She said those little rats were asleep...

Tethys: Who are you calling a rat, rat?

Mercury: Heard a noise, is that Tethys? What does my precious little girl need?

She's the only one he autonomously does stuff for, I have to make him look after his boys.

Pollux: Goodbye kid and good luck with growing up here. Now goodbye, I can't stand y'all's existence,

Deimos: Uh...thanks. I just want somebody to fix this hair.

Chase: *gasp* That was MY hair when I was your age!

Deimos: Heheh...please can I get some food.

Phobos: In your dreams, punk.

Deimos: I'm gonna change the hair, OK!

Chase, somewhere: *sniffle*

The hair was changed. Here is Deimos, now a loner (big surprise for Mr Independent over here) and a Rambunctious Scamp. He continues to look like a mini-Chase.

And here is Phobos, who is a Mean Social Butterfly. I'm getting cruel popular kid vibes from this one.

Phobos: Been done, I'm much better than that.

Anyway, he's not quite a mini-Mercury, so yay, genetic mix. I honestly expect nothing but total cuteness from every single one of these kids given how they look so far.

Phobos: Excuse the smoulder.

Deimos: Get out of my face, you weirdo.

Phobos: You came over here. I would have been happy to bask alone in my glory.

Deimos: God you're exactly like Dad.

Phobos: I know and that's why I'm the only one with a chance of being heir.

Tethys: Granny, you're the only competent person in this household.

Deanna: I know, sweetie. Us girls really do have to stick together.

Deimos: God WHY I just want to be alone.

Phobos: And you walked in on me naked?

Deimos: Right, that too!

Phobos: Get out, we have another bathroom.

The next morning, I realise Advaith can be used to take care of the kids.

Rigel: Yeees, smell my excrement slave!

Advaith: Actually I get paid quite a good wage-

The older boys are doing their homework.

Phobos: Haaaahahaha I kicked Deimos into the shit room!

Deimos: 'S fine. I mean it, I'm not like that dog surrounded my flames. More like a happy boi surrounded by empty space, and a cool spy map I probably shouldn't have access too.

It's decorative.

Deimos: That's just what they told you.

Mercury: All four kids are quiet. Do you know what this means?

Chase: Ooh, yes please.

Mercury: I've gotten really strong lately-

Chase: Mercury I want to have sex with you but don't rub your bicep on my crotch again, it is not hot!

Felix: I can't hear the pitter patter of tiny feet, or the sound of kid's laughter! Incredible, De, let's celebrate.

Advaith: Is that how the older generation woos their ladies?

Deanna: That's a little inappropriate, Advaith...

Frelix: Well it works! We still have sex, don't we De?

Deanna: ....Sure, whatever.

Advik: Why would you say that? That's my dead granddad you're talking about!

Phobos: And I'm sure he was a wrinkly sack of useless like all granddads.

Felix: HEY

Tethys: On my way to bother a bitch...


Kalamainu'u: Just get out of my face you freak of a child!

Phobos: Wooow you really got me there.

Phobos is still bad at making friends.

Mercury: Just get out of here, kid! I don't have time to listen to your whining.

Advik: But Phobos said-

Mercury: Phobos is an idiot and should be ignored. I'm the bigwig around here. Speaking of hair, if you ever wanna come here again, don't steal my style!

Tethys: Looool who is that this place really is chaos?

I know Tethys.

Connor: What? Don't mind little ol' me.

Advaith: Kindly exist the Master's house - oh SORRY Tethys.

Tethys: And I nearly got dropped!

Deanna: What's the point of being skilful and awesome if all I can do with it is help out a house of idiots who don't appreciate me?

...Dunno, Dede.

Deanna: Whatever. Which one of these kids needs me now?

Felix: Hey there Channing.

Channing: Hi, just here to meet my nephews and niece-

Felix: You think you're muscly? Well check out these abs!

Channing: Right, great Mr Sutherland-

Channing did get to meet one of them.

Phobos: Hi there Uncle. Your hair looks like garbage.

Channing: Why, that's just a lil glitch-

Phobos: So does your personality.

Advaith and Channing: What's with that random trash pile?

Channing: Well you're the butler, dude!

Advaith: As if that would matter.

Channing: Doesn't it?

Channing: Mrs S. Young as ever! Tuca is how old now?

Deanna: Fifties-ish. One day she and all my children will die. Except from well, the twins dodge my calls, and there's Eirene but she won't even hunt with me-

Chase: Come onnnn bro you said you'd watch my comedy routine.

Channing: Well I heard the bit about airplane food and now I'm done.

Deimos has been the ignored twin today. This is because he's easier to skill and just goes around being a Scamp.

Deimos: Suits me. Now I'm gonna make Chrome forget everyone's passwords!

Maybe he's actually a bigger monster than Phobos.

Advaith: How dare you even ask that? My blood will be kept in MY BODY-

Deanna: Dude it was just being courteous, this is happening.

Advaith: Not on my watch!

Deanna I command you to give me a vein!

Advaith: Yes...Mistress.

Deimos: Y'know what, I'm not even gonna ask.

Deimos: Nope, still not getting involved.

Deanna: *slurp*

Chase: So, Phobos, you see Grandma's dinners are different to-

Phobos: I don't care.

Mercury: *smirk* Classic Mum. If that butler even thinks about hurting my Tethys-

And Rigel.

Mercury: Yeah, I totally know a Rigel. Big hair, always in a pantsuit-

Your son, Merc.

Mercury: Hey. Hey Chase. Look how swole I've got. Look.

Chase: *literally just trying to sleep in peace*

Rigel: Monster's still here.

Tethys: Nightmare's not over yet. One, two, three, stink him out!

Rigel: Sis you're a genius!

Advaith: I'm so tired and achy and sick and WHY did I work for this family?

Advaith: Yay. Good smell!

Rigel: Yes. That was the reaction I wanted.

Tethys: Hold on, reinforcements are coming.

Chase: Well, could've guessed any grown man who voluntarily gives up a personal life to serve people is a weapons-grade freak.

Mercury: So Chase is with Tethys. How sweet, let me just go check on them-

NO. Your son is hungry in the nursery, help him.

Mercury: Ah yes, him.

Advaith: Hi boys!

Mercury: Sure, just interrupt us having a personal conversation-

Chase: Told you. Weapons-grade freak.

Advaith: I'm right here.

Rigel: And they're right about YOU, what's your point?

Mercury: Damn, I know how to get us going!

Chase: Enough, Merc. What am I, chopped liver? Did I do nothing in that bush? I found that really nice feather-

Mercury:  Of course not. You're more than that. I'd be like, way worse and less amazing without you-

Chase: Really?

As usual, the one who whims it gets to do it.

Chaes: Marry me Merc!

Mercury: Uh, sure.

Romance of a lifetime.

The boys are now happily traumatising their youngest set of twins.

Tethys: I'm disturbed.

Felix: Can't believe I have to be the responsible one...

Tethys: I'm not happy about that either.

Rigel: I'm gonna just distract myself with the power of dance.

Chase: So uh...what's going on? Maybe Felix isn't allowed to look after you two by himself anymore.

Rigel: I don't think he even did anything...

Tethys: Why can't I just keep my pee INSIDE the potty? I suck!

Felix: I miss my dead friend Luna! Anyone remember her?!


Maybe he's crying about Luna, or maybe he's crying about the life that he never even wanted.

Felix: Nine kids...superseded by my own wife!

Mercury: Ah, my precious Tethys is safe! And that other kid she seems to like is happy too...

Your SON, Merc.

Seriously he plays serious favourites. Chase does too, though not as bad.

Chase: Y'know what they say, if they don't eat your breakfast burrito in the morning, just have it for dinner.

Chase ew that's been in the microwave all day.

Advaith: I'm actually making a pie-

Chase: Sorry Advaith I trust nothing about you.

The older twins have been pretty boring today.

Phobos: Says you. I've just made sure PrincessPony13 can SUCK IT.

Rigel: Why are you here, monster?

Tethys: Do you mind? We have a dining room.

Rigel And that was my GNOCCHI.

Advaith: I do say this is dust!

Felix: Mind not breathing down my neck?

Advaith: You guys say stuff like that a lot. Almost as if you don't like the person you hired.

Felix: No. It's not personal. I don't even want my family this close to me. 

Mercury: Say toilet!

Tethys: I know you're trying your best but I can barely see the flashcard. Even the monster would be better at this.

Mercury: Sorry about Granddad-

Tethys: No.

Mercury: Aaron or whoever the butler is?

Tethys: He's weird. Helpful. But weird.

Boys are home for the weekend.

Phobos: Wheeee! I'm better than all of you!

Deimos: Hahaha I just love that you're all in the same room as me, the loner. I totally don't want to be by myself-

Tethys: This is our nursery you moron. You have a room.

Advaith: Stop ASKING me, you evil witch!

Deanna: Stop treating it like a QUESTION, puny human!

Deanna: So, Advaith's just having a nap.

Phobos: Don't care, can see the bite marks, just give me all the answers to this music theory worksheet please?

Mercury: Crap, I'm Starter! Pressure! Is this how normal people feel every day? It's almost like I'm not the most competent person in the world!

Felix: And then there was a high speed chase! Lasers, portal guns...uh, shooting-

Deanna: Yes dear...oh for crying out loud who keeps leaving old burritos in the microwave.

Phobos: One day I'll be a vampire and THIS TALLL-

Deanna: Curry favour with me first then, little Phobos.

Advaith: *gulp* Hi Mistress.

The Gen 3 boys are bonding.

Phobos: Y'know what I like? Divorce. Maybe we can make it happen.

Rigel: Guys you're blocking my way and I can't MOVE.

Phobos: I think you can.

Deimos: I want a sportscar now so I can run over your toes. Why do you all have to be here?

Rigel: This is our nursery!

Phobos: Ah, entertainment. The sound of granddad's arthritis fingers on the piano as grandma ineffectually tries to help, all with the worst jokes from the unfunniest man in the world-

Chase: One more word and I roast you.

Phboos; Well I'll say several ya turd.

Chase: You're not even unique! Tethys has your colouring AND she's the only girl!

A bit later Deanna finished her musical genius aspiration.

Felix: And I helped!

Deanna: Yes dear, by being terrible at piano.

Chase: I could make a joke out of this...

Deanna: I'm trying to have a good time, so don't.

Advaith: Ty for the help but you're kind of just pushing the water towards me...

Phobos: Oooh, no, hope you don't get electrocuted.

Cake: *signifier of toddler hell ending*

Advaith: YAY for everybody's favourite!

Tethys: Thank you monster, now hurry up and help me Daddy!

Mercury: Hang on, just smoulder with me.

Mercury: Come on Rigel, I don't have all day, I'm tired.

Rigel: Starting to feel a little attacked.

And here are the twins. They're sweet kids. Tethys has some of the Bheeda facial features, which is nice, and Rigel continues to be the absolute cutest. If this was any other challenge I'd seriously consider making him heir.

Deanna's Eternal Sadness perk has struck.

Deanna: ohmyGOD I have to live forever with you people!

Tethys: Sucks to suck grandma.

Deanna: Please tell me this little shit isn't going to take over my legacy.

Tethys: Spoken by the woman who married Grandpa.

Rigel: Thanks for helping me you weird ass butler.

Advaith: I'll win y'all over one are bad at maths tho.

Rigel: It's not my fault, there's kind of a distraction going on.


Deanna: Right, we're gonna be best friends, hurry up and speak with me so we can go back to ignoring you.

Phobos: But I'm the heir.

Deanna: You have a perfectly eligible little sister.

Phobos:...Well I'm older.

Deanna: Mmm. Not how it works. Let's just talk, sweetie.

Chase: So a duck walks into the bar....that's funny, right wallpaper? Is that funny? God I need some critique.


Ah look, our two little potential heirs.

Phobos: Sister.

Tethys: It's gonna be me. I'm the only girl and there's been two male heirs already.

Phobos: I'm cuter. More charismatic.

Tethys: Nerd culture is in, and I just beat a 45yo butler at chess.

Phobos: That's Advaith, so it's not a flex.

Felix: So...the Hare and Tortoise, huh? I can tell you the end of the story is ridiculous. That would never happen. Some people are born better than others, you can't change that.

Tethys: Grandpa I know you're talking about the legacy but you sound like a Nazi.

Deimos: I can hear you.

Tethys: We don't care.

Rigel is pictured here in is everyday wear.

Rigel: I know I'm the best. I know I'm your favourite. My siblings wish they could be me.

My housemate called him a mini0Chad and that's all I can think of now.

Deanna: Maybe I won't miss you when you're dead.

Felix: But De-

Deanna: Seriously. You're lucky I ever put up with you.

Did I miss something?

Chase: Well yeah but you're lucky to have not been present. God knows I wish I wasn't.

Yeah so I clicked on them and they were at 'Unpleasant Conversation'. Given the Erratic trait I'm just assuming it's Felix's fault.

Deanna: Good, it usually is.

Felix: DE--

Mercury: The fact that I haven't been promoted yet is Simply Preposterous!

You've had this one for like one day, please chill out.

Mercury: Chill out? Bitch have you met me?

Mercury: This is about as chill as I'll get, thank you very much.
