Ophira: Ready for my closeup!
After a bunch of different outfits I settled on this for her YA look. She got the Bookworm trait so I think a slightly nerdy beach-girl look works for her. She's also working as a Style Influencer starting tomorrow.
Azure: Not sure if I like this more or less than School Azure.
Thirza: Yeah aren't you supposed to be at school?
Azure: Eh. I split into two so I could get stuff done at home. Sanjiv did it too!
Ophira: Notice anything different about me?
Cybil: Tacky dye job? A cheap resort's old curtain as a dress?
Ophira: You and your freak chin can shut up. I'm an adult now.
Cybil: Nice, enjoy the rent and kale then byotch.
Ophira: Actually Mum says I can stay around and build my career for a bit-
Cybil: For heaven's sake. First Thirza and now you? Why can't you people just leave, I want my own room. And what did you say about my chin?
Thirza: Ah! You too then? Just tell me how you got out of school then!
Sanjiv: But am I really here? Az has already explained herself...also you look drunk. Are you drunk? It's 12.30pm.
Jude: Reliability 9 my ass! What is this nonsense? OW my fingers! How dare you, sink?
That's not gonna help, just fix it you moron.
Thirza: Adrian! My sweet little brother who could basically be my son! Everybody in this house is a moron, and don't you forget it! But I'll learn you soon enough! :)
Adrian: Uh thanks but I'm tryna sleep.
Thirza: HOW DARE you attempt to defy me? Don't ever talk to me, or my son, or my son's - wait, I have no son. I have no boyfriend or anything. Hannah chose an old man over me. I'm alone.
Adrian: Sis please work that out somewhere else.
Thirza: But anyway...dollhouse smashing!
Gino: Hey there Mrs S! Your house still the cool house, your daughters still foxy?
Tosca: And pointe, and pointe...Sanjiv did you say something?
Gino: Pretty hurtful she thinks I sound like that fool.
Thirza: Go away kid.
Gino: I'm seventeen! And I love a woman who breaks dollhouses, how about we see where things go bby
Thirza: Seventeen's a child. Go harass Cybil.
Adrian: Why here, why me? Oh my God.
What's with the engagement-looking ring I gave Cybil?
Cybil: Trust me. No way. Solomon's not that hot a commodity.
Ophira: I'm looking for pretty girls...oh there you are sis, I'll keep looking.
Tosca: Girls? Is this a good plie?
Cybil: I do not know how the fuck I'm supposed to help with that.
Azure: Is our status in the family just due to birth order and our parents' fatigue, or are we really just that uninteresting?
Adrian: I see block. I play with block.
Azure: Well I know the answer for you, little man.
Gino: Azure! Talk to the hand 'cos the head ain't listening.
Azure: Sanjiv what do you want now?
Gino: Why does everybody think I sound like him?
Adrian: Maybe you're the uninteresting one.
Cybil: For the love of GOD GUYS let me sleep!
Adrian: Aha now you know how it feels!
Gino: FINALLY she left and now I can do this! RaaaahhhVENGE!
Cybil: *zzz* Nooo Godzilla stop why are you here? That was a nice building.
Gino: Finally! I'm in her dreams!
Jude: Look at us! Being creative by the nighttime sea and still in love as ever.
Tosca: Mhm...do you think I could be a dancer?
Jude: You can do whatever you want! But if you're gonna start a subplot bring me too pls!
The next morning...
Cybil: Let's share some breakfast and get some screen time little brother.
Adrian: Seriously? We're not the same. You might be coco-nuts but everybody knows it at least. What do they know about me?
Cybil: Fam who knows. I barely know anything about you Aiden.
Sanjiv: OK! Dead again but I NEARLY beat the level, I can do this!
Azure: Loool you noob. You suck.
Sanjiv: Azure shut up and get back to staring at your wall.
Azure: It's...not my wall. I own nothing.
Sanjiv: You and me both, sis.
Ophira: What do you think of my look? Do I have a chance against Cybil with our 'numbers bet'?
Jude: Sweetie what a wildly inappropriate question to ask me, your own father.
Ophira:..Just say I'm pretty. Nobody else does!
Jude: Of course you're beautiful. You're your mother's daughter. Seriously, all of you look like Tosca. If I didn't remember your conceptions exactly I'd start questioning things-
Ophira: I'm leaving this bathroom now.
Adrian: Whee! You're not so bad Cybby.
Cybil: Yeah, well. Not a word.
Sanjiv: I had to turn around so I didn't witness this.
Cybil: Just crawl in the drain and let me do something for my favourite brother.
Adrian: Suck ittttt
Tosca: Hohohoho bath shower my man. Aren't my children just a scream? Seriously, I look at them and their lives and think about what they've become and I scream.
Ophira's doing some work from home today. I'll probably send her in the rest of the time she's with us but I wanted to see what tasks she'd get.
Her only task was to take 3 photos lol.
Jude: I'm ready for my actual closeup! Callbacks are hip, right Phira?
Ophira: Need help with plumbing? I'm good with pipes, huehuehue-
Thirza: I'm ordering a car to Britechester, wanna stop your pitiful attempts at comedy and do aspiration stuff with me?
Ophira: Sure. I know I look bomb in this swimsuit and I can get some numbers-
Thirza: You will change or I'm abandoning you on the side of the road.
They got there and it turns out the guest lectures don't start for a few hours. So they're gonna hang out at the UBrite commons for a bit.
Ophira: Wow! I've never seen a fireplace! How convenient; I'm very cold and can't figure out why.
Thirza: *heavy sigh* I don't know you.
The parents also showed up.
Tosca: Jude if you go round like that you'll be catnip for every crybaby student with daddy issues.
Jude: Uh...maybe? But it's fine, all that's there is that guy. What happened to him?
Manuia: Help...meeee....
Tosca: Seriously put on a shirt.
I didn't know there was a beach here. Thanks for showing me Ophira.
Felix Psyded: Pish posh! In my day we would have never opened the beach to the...ugh, public, and certainly not for a trashy girl like that!
Ophira: Hey dude about about you stay PsyDEAD.
Felix:...Just punderful.
Sanjiv: Hell yeah she's funnyyyyy
Bailee: Dude you smell like weed. Do you even go here?
Kalama: Wow! My biggest audience yet.
Bailee: Damn, and this might be unprofessional, but in all my 2 days of teaching I haven't heard anything sadder.
Hawea: I spy with my old squinty eyes some very familiar people!
Sanjiv: I suddenly feel a chill.
Cybil and Tosca: *hackles rise from across the room*
Thirza has just got out her exam when this guy contacts her again.
Thirza: Wolfgang please. I'm way too old to think you're cool now.
Wolfgang: You're younger than me!
Thirza: Which was why the way we talked when I was a teenager was weird, no thanks bye.
Gino: I must celebrate the beautiful creature spotted in our UBrite ocean! May she delight in our land music!
Ophira: Dude that was me and I'm leaving.
Ophira: Why thank you! Suck it Thirza I know I look great.
Kalama: Meh. He's only saying that 'cos he's horny.
Ophira: Who wouldn't be for this?
Manuia: Something kinda stinks...
Cybil: Yeah! Use different bodyspray dude.
Kalama: Girl...I'm sorry. The delusion. Sniff your own pits.
Ophira: Sorry about my siblings. They're unseemly, please don't judge me.
Tosca: She does know she's the one in a swimsuit, right?
Azure: Since when were you a beacon of sense Mother?
Yolanda: Finally! A real date with Sanjiv!
Kalama: If this is your idea of a real date your life is very sad.
Yolanda: Oh whatever! I'm just glad it's not at that tiny beach shack...oh, hi Mrs S.
Tosca: Sure just denigrate the house my husband and I have spent years improving.
Manuia: Why am I still here?
Blond guy: Ah...young love.
Tosca: Haha yeah my son can get it.
Kalama: Uh.
Karim: Am I the only one who thinks that I signed up for debate, not to watch teens-making-out?
Back at home Azure grew up.
Adrian: Humph my sister is a shiny glitch-monster.
Azure: But I still look hooooot.
Tosca: You look like me.
Adrian: So not hot.
Tosca: Where did you get that mouth?...I'm so proud.
Adrian: And I'mma head out. No thanks.
Thirza: Of course I'm still alone...oh Hannah, was I really lower on the scale than some old spellcaster dick?
Sanjiv: Please ignore my whiny future spinster of a sister and shitty unexpected little brother.
Yolanda: We're only together because I mostly ignore your family, Sanjiv.
Yolanda: Yeah your stove isn't clean enough to eat off.
Sanjiv:...But it's the last slice of bread :(.
Here's Azure's makoever. She became Lazy like her mother and two of her siblings. I think. I made her look a little artsy 'cos she got hte Painter aspiration.
Jude completed his aspiration.
Jude: I'm gonna live forever!
Sanjiv is clearly testing the love of Yolanda here.
Yolanda: Hahaha he's gonna choke. Save a sandwich for me next time!
Sanjiv: I told you it was the last of the bread!
Yolanda: Hmmm...yeah, alright. You owe me one tho.
Ophira: Notice you're losing screentime. May I call you Azure?
Cybil: Azure is forgotten. I'm actually being productive. I see you're wearing clothes for once.
Ophira: A swimsuit is clothes, and it works on men!
Cybil: Yeah, desperate debaters with ugly mountain-man beards.
Ophira: Please like your choice of men is so great. Remember your obsession with Chaim?
Cybil: Whatever you're clearly about to fall asleep.
Ophira : What do you mean by that?
Cybil: Besides at least Chaim is cute.
Ophira: True. By the way, we're still cool if I ever-?
Cybil: Except you won't. I would.
Jude: F this shiz, I'm out.
Adrian: Censoring yourself doesn't help, I've heard more swears than a sailor.
Jude: I can't do this. Why is he whinging? Puddles are safe, puddles are consistent. Kids are not.
Adrian: Thanks.
Tosca: Oh nonononono say it ain't so. Your brother is broken?
Jude fixed it like an hour ago dw.
Thirza, somewhere: There's some other brothers who are broken, namely mine.
Thirza: But never mind! A little birdie told me good news last night...literally. I read it on Twitter.
Hannah: Damn can't these people let a girl sit.
Thirza: Yes yes, very sad your dinosaur of a baby daddy died. I love kids by the way! After all I helped raise five siblings! So like I could definitely help you-
Jude has the face of a man who is done.
Jude: I was hollowed out two kids ago, just blow out these candles and be done.
Adrian: Yay! Screentime!
Thes two actually look alike. Yay Jude's genes for doing their job.
Six kids in.
Thirza: Despite that huge baby boulder hanging off you you're really pretty. Like realllly pretty.
Hannah: Why thanks but I don't think I'm ready yo move on-
Thirza: Who says that? I didn't say that! A friend can call another friend the hottest girl she's ever seen - wait, what?
Cybil: I haven't had enough sleep, got extra homework and I had to sit next to him on the bus!
Sanjiv: It's not my fault! That Gino kid is a bastard!
Azure: Blessed be Satan of the seas, filling me up with-
Cybil: Don't finish that sentence!
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