The Name Game - 1.10


Ophira: Ready for my closeup!

After a bunch of different outfits I settled on this for her YA look. She got the Bookworm trait so I think a slightly nerdy beach-girl look works for her. She's also working as a Style Influencer starting tomorrow.

Azure: Not sure if I like this more or less than School Azure.

Thirza: Yeah aren't you supposed to be at school?

Azure: Eh. I split into two so I could get stuff done at home. Sanjiv did it too!

Ophira: Notice anything different about me?

Cybil: Tacky dye job? A cheap resort's old curtain as a dress? 

Ophira: You and your freak chin can shut up. I'm an adult now.

Cybil: Nice, enjoy the rent and kale then byotch.

Ophira: Actually Mum says I can stay around and build my career for a bit-

Cybil: For heaven's sake. First Thirza and now you? Why can't you people just leave, I want my own room. And what did you say about my chin?

Thirza: Ah! You too then? Just tell me how you got out of school then!

Sanjiv: But am I really here? Az has already explained herself...also you look drunk. Are you drunk? It's 12.30pm.

Jude: Reliability 9 my ass! What is this nonsense? OW my fingers! How dare you, sink?

That's not gonna help, just fix it you moron.

Thirza: Adrian! My sweet little brother who could basically be my son! Everybody in this house is a moron, and don't you forget it! But I'll learn you soon enough! :)

Adrian: Uh thanks but I'm tryna sleep.

Thirza: HOW DARE you attempt to defy me? Don't ever talk to me, or my son, or my son's - wait, I have no son. I have no boyfriend or anything. Hannah chose an old man over me. I'm alone.

Adrian: Sis please work that out somewhere else.

Thirza: But anyway...dollhouse smashing!

Gino: Hey there Mrs S! Your house still the cool house, your daughters still foxy? 

Tosca: And pointe, and pointe...Sanjiv did you say something?

Gino: Pretty hurtful she thinks I sound like that fool.

Thirza: Go away kid.

Gino: I'm seventeen! And I love a woman who breaks dollhouses, how about we see where things go bby

Thirza: Seventeen's a child. Go harass Cybil.

Adrian: Why here, why me? Oh my God.

What's with the engagement-looking ring I gave Cybil?

Cybil: Trust me. No way. Solomon's not that hot a commodity.

Ophira: I'm looking for pretty girls...oh there you are sis, I'll keep looking.

Tosca: Girls? Is this a good plie?

Cybil: I do not know how the fuck I'm supposed to help with that.

Azure: Is our status in the family just due to birth order and our parents' fatigue, or are we really just that uninteresting?

Adrian: I see block.  I play with block.

Azure: Well I know the answer for you, little man.

Gino: Azure! Talk to the hand 'cos the head ain't listening.

Azure: Sanjiv what do you want now?

Gino: Why does everybody think I sound like him?

Adrian: Maybe you're the uninteresting one.

Cybil: For the love of GOD GUYS let me sleep!

Adrian: Aha now you know how it feels!

Gino: FINALLY she left and now I can do this! RaaaahhhVENGE!

Cybil: *zzz* Nooo Godzilla stop why are you here? That was a nice building.

Gino: Finally! I'm in her dreams!

Jude: Look at us! Being creative by the nighttime sea and still in love as ever.

Tosca: you think I could be a dancer?

Jude: You can do whatever you want! But if you're gonna start a subplot bring me too pls!

The next morning...

Cybil: Let's share some breakfast and get some screen time little brother.

Adrian: Seriously? We're not the same. You might be coco-nuts but everybody knows it at least. What do they know about me?

Cybil: Fam who knows. I barely know anything about you Aiden.

Sanjiv: OK! Dead again but I NEARLY beat the level, I can do this!

Azure: Loool you noob. You suck.

Sanjiv: Azure shut up and get back to staring at your wall.

Azure: It's...not my wall. I own nothing.

Sanjiv: You and me both, sis.

Ophira: What do you think of my look? Do I have a chance against Cybil with our 'numbers bet'?

Jude: Sweetie what a wildly inappropriate question to ask me, your own father.

Ophira:..Just say I'm pretty. Nobody else does!

Jude: Of course you're beautiful. You're your mother's daughter. Seriously, all of you look like Tosca. If I didn't remember your conceptions exactly I'd start questioning things-

Ophira: I'm leaving this bathroom now.

Adrian: Whee! You're not so bad Cybby.

Cybil: Yeah, well. Not a word.

Sanjiv: I had to turn around so I didn't witness this.

Cybil: Just crawl in the drain and let me do something for my favourite brother.

Adrian: Suck ittttt

Tosca: Hohohoho bath shower my man. Aren't my children just a scream? Seriously, I look at them and their lives and think about what they've become and I scream.

Ophira's doing some work from home today. I'll probably send her in the rest of the time she's with us but I wanted to see what tasks she'd get.

Her only task was to take 3 photos lol.

Jude: I'm ready for my actual closeup! Callbacks are hip, right Phira?


Ophira: Need help with plumbing? I'm good with pipes, huehuehue-

Thirza: I'm ordering a car to Britechester, wanna stop your pitiful attempts at comedy and do aspiration stuff with me?

Ophira: Sure. I know I look bomb in this swimsuit and I can get some numbers-

Thirza: You will change or I'm abandoning you on the side of the road.

They got there and it turns out the guest lectures don't start for a few hours. So they're gonna hang out at the UBrite commons for a bit.

Ophira: Wow! I've never seen a fireplace! How convenient; I'm very cold and can't figure out why.

Thirza: *heavy sigh* I don't know you.

The parents also showed up.

Tosca: Jude if you go round like that you'll be catnip for every crybaby student with daddy issues.

Jude: Uh...maybe? But it's fine, all that's there is that guy. What happened to him?

Manuia: Help...meeee....

Tosca: Seriously put on a shirt.

I didn't know there was a beach here. Thanks for showing me Ophira.

Felix Psyded: Pish posh! In my day we would have never opened the beach to the...ugh, public, and certainly not for a trashy girl like that!

Ophira: Hey dude about about you stay PsyDEAD.

Felix:...Just punderful.

Sanjiv: Hell yeah she's funnyyyyy

Bailee: Dude you smell like weed. Do you even go here?

Kalama: Wow! My biggest audience yet.

Bailee: Damn, and this might be unprofessional, but in all my 2 days of teaching I haven't heard anything sadder.

Hawea: I spy with my old squinty eyes some very familiar people!

Sanjiv: I suddenly feel a chill.

Cybil and Tosca: *hackles rise from across the room*

Thirza has just got out her exam when this guy contacts her again.

Thirza: Wolfgang please. I'm way too old to think you're cool now.

Wolfgang: You're younger than me!

Thirza: Which was why the way we talked when I was a teenager was weird, no thanks bye.

Gino: I must celebrate the beautiful creature spotted in our UBrite ocean! May she delight in our land music!

Ophira: Dude that was me and I'm leaving.

Manuia: Well hey girl. Love the hair, love the outfit.

Ophira: Why thank you! Suck it Thirza I know I look great.

Kalama: Meh. He's only saying that 'cos he's horny.

Ophira: Who wouldn't be for this?

Manuia: Something kinda stinks...

Cybil: Yeah! Use different bodyspray dude.

Kalama: Girl...I'm sorry. The delusion. Sniff your own pits.

Ophira: Sorry about my siblings. They're unseemly, please don't judge me.

Tosca: She does know she's the one in a swimsuit, right?

Azure: Since when were you a beacon of sense Mother?

Yolanda: Finally! A real date with Sanjiv!

Kalama: If this is your idea of a real date your life is very sad.

Yolanda: Oh whatever! I'm just glad it's not at that tiny beach shack...oh, hi Mrs S.

Tosca: Sure just denigrate the house my husband and I have spent years improving.

Manuia: Why am I still here?

Blond guy: Ah...young love.

Tosca: Haha yeah my son can get it.

Kalama: Uh.

Karim: Am I the only one who thinks that I signed up for debate, not to watch teens-making-out?

Back at home Azure grew up.

Adrian: Humph my sister is a shiny glitch-monster.

Azure: But I still look hooooot.

Tosca: You look like me.

Adrian: So not hot.

Tosca: Where did you get that mouth?...I'm so proud.

Adrian: And I'mma head out. No thanks.

Thirza: Of course I'm still alone...oh Hannah, was I really lower on the scale than some old spellcaster dick?

Sanjiv: Please ignore my whiny future spinster of a sister and shitty unexpected little brother.

Yolanda: We're only together because I mostly ignore your family, Sanjiv.

Yolanda: Yeah your stove isn't clean enough to eat off.

Sanjiv:...But it's the last slice of bread :(.

Here's Azure's makoever. She became Lazy like her mother and two of her siblings. I think. I made her look a little artsy 'cos she got hte Painter aspiration.

Jude completed his aspiration.

Jude: I'm gonna live forever!


Sanjiv is clearly testing the love of Yolanda here.

Yolanda: Hahaha he's gonna choke. Save a sandwich for me next time!

Sanjiv: I told you it was the last of the bread!

Yolanda: Hmmm...yeah, alright. You owe me one tho.

Ophira: Notice you're losing screentime. May I call you Azure?

Cybil: Azure is forgotten. I'm actually being productive. I see you're wearing clothes for once.

Ophira: A swimsuit is clothes, and it works on men!

Cybil: Yeah, desperate debaters with ugly mountain-man beards.

Ophira: Please like your choice of men is so great. Remember your obsession with Chaim?

Cybil: Whatever you're clearly about to fall asleep.

Ophira : What do you mean by that?

Cybil: Besides at least Chaim is cute. 

Ophira: True. By the way, we're still cool if I ever-?

Cybil: Except you won't. I would.


Jude: F this shiz, I'm out.

Adrian: Censoring yourself doesn't help, I've heard more swears than a sailor.

Jude: I can't do this. Why is he whinging? Puddles are safe, puddles are consistent. Kids are not.

Adrian: Thanks.

Tosca: Oh nonononono say it ain't so. Your brother is broken?

Jude fixed it like an hour ago dw.

Thirza, somewhere: There's some other brothers who are broken, namely mine.

Thirza: But never mind! A little birdie told me good news last night...literally. I read it on Twitter.

Hannah: Damn can't these people let a girl sit.

Thirza: Yes yes, very sad your dinosaur of a baby daddy died. I love kids by the way! After all I helped raise five siblings! So like I could definitely help you-

Jude has the face of a man who is done.

Jude: I was hollowed out two kids ago, just blow out these candles and be done.

Adrian: Yay! Screentime!

Thes two actually look alike. Yay Jude's genes for doing their job.

Six kids in.

Thirza: Despite that huge baby boulder hanging off you you're really pretty. Like realllly pretty.

Hannah: Why thanks but I don't think I'm ready yo move on-

Thirza: Who says that? I didn't say that! A friend can call another friend the hottest girl she's ever seen - wait, what?

Cybil: I haven't had enough sleep, got extra homework and I had to sit next to him on the bus!

Sanjiv: It's not my fault! That Gino kid is a bastard!

Azure: Blessed be Satan of the seas, filling me up with-

Cybil: Don't finish that sentence!

Here's kid Adrian.

Adrian: The sink is my friend now. No more siblings. I only love sink.

Good for you. Anyway he's Active with the Social Butterfly aspiration, but since that one is annoying and it won't even count for points I'm not doing it. 
