The Name Game - 1.5

Sanjiv's straight vibing on the rocking chair.

Sanjiv: Yaaaay there's another one to keep them away from me!

He remains our grumpy little independent boi.

Sanjiv: Do I look grumpy to you right now?

Cybil as the new toddler needs to be trained.

I love her little face.

Cybil: Can't believe I'm already being outshined.

Tosca: So. I guess by now I'm just a pregnant belly, lacking a face.

Tosca: NO, in the potty! In! Why are you all like this?

There's your face.

Tosca: Thanks for picking a good moment then...

Cybil is already dramatic.

Cybil: I've been abandoned! *cries*

Tosca's bathing your brother in the next room, chill out.

Cybil: Left to the wolves. Ditched. Been cast out. 

Cybil: At least you came back, Sanjiv.

Sanjiv: Do not disturb me, I'm right in the middle of a story-

Cybil: But where's mum and dad?

Sanjiv: I don't know!  Somewhere kissing again probably. Leave me BE.

Cybil: Well sor-ry.

So he's right.

Tosca: Yes Watcher, he is the right man for me.

Jude: You only just decided that?

Thirza: An A, just as I deserve.

Ophira: Lol Cs get degrees.

Yeah but you're gonna get an A.

Thirza: She's just feeling inferior.

Sanjiv got tired of dancing really quickly.

Sanjiv: Cybil you sheep.

Cybil: I'll cry once you outstrip me in skill.

See what I mean? Grumpy little boi.

Cybil: Eat my dust - *cough cough cough*

Sanjiv: Lol no I'm good.

The older girls spent most of the night playing chess. They're both Whiz Kids. First aspiration for Ophira, second for Thirza.

Ophira: It's getting dark. And almost cold, which is weird considering we live in the tropics.

Thirza: It's still calmer out here then in.

Ophira: It's kind of windy though! What if there's a storm?

Thirza: There won't be, we don't have Seasons.

Jude needs charisma so the vampire visitor is being talked to instead of sent home.

Jude: Hi, welcome to our home-

Caleb: Oh really? It is so good to be invited in and just accepted...I'm actually very modern and only drink plasma packs, but nobody trusts me! Thank you kind sir!

Jude: Hell yeah man, I definitely wanna know you personally!

Jude is Mr Fanservice. It's official. He's got that Dorito-body coming along nicely.

Jude: I'm not a blank-slate piece of meat!

Of course not, you're also the family repairman and breadwinner!

Thirza is trolling one of her siblings.

Thirza: What? It's never too early for her to learn addition.

Cybil: Let me sleep!

Thirza: Also the outside table is covered in plates.

Sanjiv: How DARE you suggest that? As if I want your sandwich!

Thirza: Wow Mum, you're a natural at this parenting thing.

Tosca: Both of you shut the hell up!

Jude's usually better but maybe not today.

Jude: OW, Cybil when was the last time someone cut your nails?

Cybil: Never! Hehehehehe!

Kid: Hi my name is Conner. I stand outside your lockers after every lesson-

Ophira: Glad to know someone is giving me the attention I deserve.

Thirza: Dammit didn't anybody teach you not to talk to stalkers?

Ophira: Lol nobody taught me anything.

Tosca: I might miss this. Pregnant rocking by the sea while creating a fabulous knittable.

Ah, she's going sentimental on us.

Tosca: What - no - crap. But I won't miss the puking or bloating and...what was I thinking? I'm glad this is the last!

Sanjiv:...What are you doing Uncle Tris? And who's that?

Conner: Hopefully you'll call me 'brother' one day, little man-

Tristan: Push! Em! Up!

Jude: I've given up asking questions. I'll just look at the sea. What a lovely sea.

This is the face of a man who's ready to have less to do.

Jude: What? No! I love looking after little Sinjin-

Sanjiv: Uh, that's not-

Jude: Oh whatever. I have to go to work anyway soon.

'Sinjin' has grown up into...a male Tosca with different colouring. Yay.

He's a Whiz Kid Glutton; this kid is never gonna lose the chub, is he?

With the birthday done, Tosca packed up her three eldest and took them to her brother's house.

They live with the Kealohas. Contrast...

Makoa: *kiss*

Kala: Well then...

Ophira: You good, Aunt Kala? Please don't hit me.

Sanjiv: Hey, Uncle Tris-

Tristan: Who's this kid then?

Tosca: Sanjiv, my middle child. He's just had a birthday.

Tristan: Who?

Kala had hers too.

Kala: See kid, I'm not the only one who can have a birthday!

Sanjiv: It wasn't a competition, was it?

Tristan: Great. My wife is not only old, but is also alienating my nephew.

Sanjiv: You didn't even know my name!

Tosca is taking care of her new niece Jaqueline. 

Tosca: N'awww your parents are disasters.

Jaqueline: *cries harder*

The real reason for the visit is so kids T-S can meet their cousin.

Mason: I guess you like Wonder Woman then?

Thirza: No.

Mason: So what do you like?

Thirza: Nothing you'd understand.

Hailee Kealoha: You're kind of balloony...

Tosca: Oh no not me. But everybody loves to hear that...say it to all the women you meet. Especially your mother.

Hailee:...OK. Who are you anyway?

Tosca: Call me the Ideas Fairy.

Trhiza: Why yes I DO take payment to do homework.

Mason: Neat. You're the coolest cousin ever Thirza.

Ophira: Seriously? I'm right here.

Sanjiv: What do I get to say nothing about it to the principal?

Thirza: You get jack shit and the threat of a punch in the mouth once I grow up.

Tosca has to do this for her aspiration.

Tosca: See? Look at this bro. Look how good I am at knitting. Now how do you feel about not taking that gift?

Tristan: It was a toy, what was I gonna do with a toy?

Tosca: You have kids!

Tristan: Oh right.

Nani Kealoha: See what I mean Dad? There's some weird KID in the bathroom,

Makoa: That is weird. Child, explain yourself.

Sanjiv: I'm Mason's nephew. Sanjiv? He said I could use it!

Thirza: What's burning? What did you do?!

Ophira: ME? I've been standing there the whole time. Ask Mr Mermaid over there!

Mason: That's not even a real stereotype!

Thirza: Our mother's a mermaid you moron!

Ophira: And she's crazy what's your POINT!

Nani: Uh...guys, a little help?

Nani: Oh GOD I've fucked up so hard!

Sanjiv: You're all gonna dieeeee!

Tosca: Wow, I leave for one swim...

Mao: I know your home might burn down, sir, but you are FINE.

Nani: EW

Makoa: Not the TIME!

Luckily Tosca saved the day.

...Poor Sanjiv.

Tristan: Get out of here kid!

Sanjiv: Uh...what...but Uncle Tris...

Tristan: Out! I'm gonna have to wash the sheets now, goddammit!

Cybil: Ugh, you guys had all the fun today!

Thirza: There was a fire, Cybil.

Ophira: We nearly burned to death.

Cybil: That would have at least been a story!

Thirza: What are we betting with then, San? McDonald's tokens for you?

Sanjiv:...That's a bit harsh, Thirza.

Thirza: What are you gonna do about it, supersize me?

Sanjiv: Y'know what Thirza? When Dad punches that bag he thinks of you.

Jude: Don't bring me into your bickering, children.

Thirza: At least he thinks of me, Sinjin.

Jude: I'm SORRY I was TIRED.

Vlad: I've heard you entertained the Vatores.

Jude:...We chatted for 2 hours on my porch the other night.

Vlad: Would you be open to any other vampiric visitors?

Jude: Maybe. But definitely not you. You look like a stick of liquorice in a Halloween mask.

Tosca: I get a *squawk squawk* baby this time, yes?

Hopefully. We're 0 for 4!

Ophira: I can' believe I'm losing against myself goddammit! This is all our fault - wait.

The kids aren't in good moods, due to yesterday's fire.

Thirza's playing with Cybil. There's no way she'll get that second aspiration so she can have time off.

Thirza: You have no imagination.

Cybil: Well I'm only Level 2.

Get you a woman who sweeps you off your feet at 9am.

Jude: But what if she drops me - I've got a lot of muscle weight!

Tosca was teaching Cybil to dance when Baby A made itself known...

Tosca: Jude honey make sure she doesn't slip.

Jude: She wouldn't, would you now Cyb?

Cybil: Yeah Mum.

Tosca: Well I've ...made a puddle.

Cybil: Ew! You PEED? You said adults can't do that!

Tosca:...No. You'll understand when you're older. Hospital?

Tosca: Not a hospital!

Couldn't be bothered. Daycare is annoying. So get it out. This is the last time.


Jude is running around like a ninny even though he's a father four times over.

Jude: Oh GOD can we even afford five? What if there's more? What if we have to spell out SUTHERLAND?

No, you don't have to do that. Last one, pinky-swear.

Tosca: Have fins kid, please!


This is Azure, final baby of Generation 2. Another oestrogen-filled generation of Sutherlands. RIP Sanjiv.

Cybil: There she is. My replacement.

Tosca: Don't be silly, what if she has fins?

Cybil: Then she'll be the special one, the step up?

Tosca: Very good! Now let's play!

Sanjiv: Uh...go away Thirza, we're playing.

Thirza: You two need all the help you can get.

Ophira: We really don't. Why, I just outstripped you in Mental skill!

Thirza:...Fake news?

Cybil: Look, I can duck under the fun rails!

Tristan: My sister really has too many kids.

Cybil: Fun, right?

This is ALL these two do.

Tristan: God you kids are bad at chess!

Ophira: Why do you keep saying that?

Sanjiv: We can't be that bad.

Ophira: Nah, Uncle Tris is just grouchy. He needs his nap.

Sanjiv: More like he needs to crash on our ugly pink couch.

Ophira: We know alll about your marital problems!

Tristan: You kids think you're funny?

Ophira: Uhhh...yes?

Dick move, Tris.

Cybil: Let me out of here!

Tristan: Nope, you have a mother!

Cybil: Well what is she doing?

Tosca: YAY I made a onesie!

Some other kid showed up. This is Skyler.

Sanjiv: you know me, or my sisters..or?

Skyler: Dunno you. I know Ophira though. And I know she has a beach house. Didn't believe her, she gave me the address and boom.

Sanjiv: She really would do way too much for clout.

Skyler: Right?

Tristan is back.

Tosca: Are you ready to stop being such a dick to my kids, Tris?

Tristan: Which one?

Tosca: Cute. Now let me through, the baby's crying.

Tristan: Baby...?

Tosca: I know her name, OK...gimme a second.

Jude is home, and a little grumpy.

Cybil: Really, during MY bath?

Jude: Well if they'd give me that damn promotion maybe we could build a second bathroom!

Tosca: Breeaaathe, honey.

Sanjiv: Sooo...wanna play, Phira?

Ophira: Oh Timmy, nobody here understands my true value.

Sanjiv: Did you even witness how Uncle Mason treated me the other day?

Ophira: I dunno you probably deserved it somehow, Sinjin.

Thirza: I think this family is one big jack-in-a-box joke, Pink Blarffy!

Blarffy: You tell 'em sister.

Thirza; And pray tell why am I skipping school?

Relax, it's your birthday and you still have your A, now let's grow up.

Cybil: Eating off the floor like an animal? Never has a child of this family been so disrespected!

These girls are complaining while their brother goes by Sinjin half the time lmao.

Cybil: Well, he's always been lame.

Do you want the fruit or not?

First Gen 2 baby growing into a teen, woot woot!

Here's our Thirza. She aged up with the Lazy trait and the Academic aspiration. She's gonna sit around reading books her whole life, isn't she? But anyway, she can't do uni yet so she will be making money for this broke ass family.

Thirza: Amazing. And not exploitative at all, may I add!

As is fairly obvious even behind the red hair and glasses, she's a clone of her mama almost exactly.

Thirza: essay. My favourite.

Jude: What kid looks her happiest doing homework?

Thirza: Dad the only other option is helping raise my shitty little siblings, don't be surprised.

Cybil: I wanna go on adventures with you, horsey!...Even with your weirdly small head.

Might just be the angle but this horse toy freaks me out.

Cybil: Never mind! You're still good! Adventures forever!

Tosca: Guess what, Azure! Mum has a new job!

Azure: Weird time to tell me this but OK.

Tosca: What? You're number 5, I'm basically a pro at this breastfeeding thing.

Jude is getting that last bit of skill in for his own job.

Jude: That's right! Get in the zone, Jude. This punching bag is our financial instability.

He wants that promotion. Things will be better now that Tosca has her social media job. I should have probably given that to her from the start...oh well.

Ophira: Look who has a friend coming over. Not you, that's for sure!

Sanjiv: And I've told you that Conner kid is a stalker. He asked me for a lock of your hair today.

Ophira: You're just jealous.

Sanjiv: Not of him.

Conner: Aloha friends! Ophira, I mean. 

Sanjiv: Seems kind of offensive to assume we're Hawaiian.

Ophira: Shut up stop scaring away my friend!

Sanjiv: Stalker.

Tosca, jogging in the distance: Watcher WHY

Conner: I see the potty has been used! I will clean it up!

Jude:'s quite OK, kid.

Cybil: I'm feeling a little creeped out.

Thirza: This is bullshit.

Well, for some reason the game won't let you have a PT job and go to high school (might be a mod issue) so it's odd jobs and collecting for you.

Conner: No wonder Ophira shuns your affections when you eat like that.

Sanjiv: *chokes* That's my SISTER dude what the HELL

Thirza: Seriously? All I need to do is take 2 pictures with my cellphone and I get $100? Damn that's easy  money.

And this is why we respect odd jobs in this house.

I just love Thirza's face. 

Thirza: That's because it unfortunately belongs to my imbecile of a mother.

ThirzaL Dad, sink's broken.

Jude: You're old enough to sort that.

Thirza: But all you're doing is talking to a mirror.

Jude: Gotta practice my interviewing skills for my fans!

Thirza: You don't even have fans yet, you're still a rookie!

Conner: Mr Angel your daughters are beautiful specimens...

Thirza: Who is this kid and can I punt him?

Tristan: Seriously? Nobody will offer me a distraction from my problems?

Sanjiv: Oh, Uncle Tris, it must be so hard to be denied hospitality by your family. I wonder how it feels.

Tristan: Oh whatever kid.

Conner: My admiration for you is as strong as the suck of a vacuum cleaner.

Ophira: What a terrible metaphor, he ain't the brightest bulb...

Conner: I can do better, my lady. How love is purer than a vacuum-sealed-

Ophira: How about we move away from vacuums?

Thirza: Mum...why?

Tosca: Sorry, hand slipped. You're like a little mirror...a skinnier, younger one with cooler hair...

Thirza: There's no need to be jealous. I don't have your - ow- knitting skills, and, uh-

Tosca: I suppose you're right. Nobody can be as awesome as me!

Thirza: Mum the plate.

Cybil: Why can't I wake up my siblings! Life is so unfair!

Like I have said. This kid is dramatic.

Cybil: Nope, this is justified! It's not even a weird time, they should all be awake to entertain me at 2am!

Ophira: I would rather die than watch the trainwrecks I call siblings.

Sanjiv: *noms potato*

Thirza: What? No, I have good moves, watch me go!

Tosca: Y'know what's better than knitting while pregnant on this chair? Sitting on this chair, not bloated and nauseous, while doing nothing but eating parfait! It's parfait!

Tosca's here for her job today.

Tosca: What's with the llama fetishists? What kind of job assignment is this? Tell me I don't have to talk to these freaks...

Tosca's next assignment is to talk to people in the Arts District.

Tosca: I'd literally rather never make money again than do this.

Baaoko: Ah, you're sweet for indulging an old comedian. Two lesbians and a penguin walk into a bar-

Tosca:...This lady isn't even wearing pants.

Anaya: We're showing off the same amount of legs. Fight arbitrary standards.

Tosca: But nobody's gonna see my bare ass if a breeze hits wrong!

Back at home Azure is aged up into a non-mermaid. Sigh. She also looks a lot like her siblings. Jude may be active but his genes are as lazy as Tosca.

Tosca: HEY.

This little one is Angelic.
