Here is Sangria. I was wrong about her being a mini-Bellini, because even as a toddler I can clearly tell she doesn't have the same face. I assume there will be more differences when they grow up.
Anyway, as stated last chapter, she is Angelic and I dressed her as the little goody-two shoes that she is. Look at her. You just know she's the annoying youngest sibling who snitches on the others.
Although Rivella isn't someone who likes snitches. She'd probably send Sangria to feed Berry or clean the bathroom or something.
And here is Sprite. She got the Insider trait so I gave her Social Butterfly...joy. But it fits her well, so we can try to get it done.
So it turns out Sangria isn't a clone of her sister, and probably not of either of her mothers either. Sprite on the other hand....
(with black hair)
...I mean maybe they have slightly different face and eye shapes?
Kasey is truly the least important baby parent of this generation.
Oh and here is Ribena 'Disappointment' Woods, first child of Grenadine and Gene, and cousin to the Gen 4 brood.
At least it seems she's inherited some features off her father. That mouth definitely doesn't come from the Sutherland line.
I'm still gunning for a second child from this pair tho. Though knowing my luck they'll produce exactly one more child - a Grenadine clone without purple skin.
Last non-household member is Sierra Mims, Shayne's daughter with his ex-wife Arlene and half-sister to Rivella. She, like someone in the main house right now (cough cough Sprite), is a clone of her mother with black hair.
Anyone remember how last generation, the first child was almost halfway through her teenage years when we hit Chapter 7? And how Chapter 7 was the last of generation 1?
Well Aperol is gonna be a teen during this chapter, but still. We're behind, even if he's heir. Which he might not be.
I mean I know who's heir. Y'all just don't until I see fit to reveal it.
Anyone remember how last generation, the first child was almost halfway through her teenage years when we hit Chapter 7? And how Chapter 7 was the last of generation 1?
Well Aperol is gonna be a teen during this chapter, but still. We're behind, even if he's heir. Which he might not be.
I mean I know who's heir. Y'all just don't until I see fit to reveal it.

Rivella: Three down, one to go! No more babies for me. Come on Sangria, time to learn to shit!
Sangria: Oh, that's such a distasteful word.
Rivella: Really? What have I produced now?
A child with standards?

The other kids are back from school. Aperol is bringing his little friend Kristine, of the glowy eyes.
Bellini: She's gonna sacrifice you in a demon ritual.
Aperol: Shut up, Bell.
Bellini: I'm just telling it like it is. She's totally gonna sacrifice you to whatever makes her eyes do that.
Aperol: Now, that's genetic, we don't have to be racist.

Bellini: I bet Aperol's gonna get fuckin' stabbed!
Sprite: Oooook, you're freaking me out today, sis.
Bellini: I freak you out everyday. I freak SOCIETY-
Sprite: Nope.

Sprite: So did she harvest your blood?
Aperol: Wh - no! Bell stop telling her stupid shit. Kris, come meet my sisters!
Sprite: Ooh, people!
Bellini: How are you my sister?

Rivella:...What happened to the other books?
Sangria: I asked for The Story of Flopsy, unedited!
Rivella: But there's no bloodstains drawn in this one! This isn't gonna be fun for you, Sanny!
Sangria: 'San' is fine, thanks, Mum. And...I'm OK with that.
Look at that little face. A few hours into toddlerhood and this is what our little angel thinks of her evil mother.

Aperol: Oh, YEAH, you're a vegetarian! Tell her, Kris. Tell Bell you're a vegetarian.
Kristine: Aperol, she knows. Jesus. We met the other day.
Sprite: Hey, hey, it's a person. Hiiii, I'm Sprite and I'm gonna take over the world!
Kristine: Your family's weird.
Aperol: You don't have to tell me. I live with them.
Bellini: Stop pretending you're normal, bro. Your dad is a ghost.

Sprite: I've got it! I know where those eyes are from! Kristine is a VAMPIRE!

Aperol: Well that's just nonsense!
Bellini: Hey, that's way better than my other theory. Aperol! Kristine is gonna suck your blood!
Kristine: I'm a vegetarian, so that's impossible!

Sprite: -and one day, I'm gonna be the most popular girl in school!
Kristine: Ambitious for a first grader isn't she?
Aperol: Tough words for someone whose dinner is this apple puree, Sprite.
Sprite: But that's yours!
Kristine: Oh, you tried.
Aperol: Goddammit I hate sisters sometimes...

Kezia: Right. You seem sad. Let's play Kezia's way.
Sangria: This doesn't sound good...
Kezia: In just two minutes, you'll be so dizzy you won't even be able to feel emotions! That's the Kezia guarantee!

Kezia: Right. You wanna know how to make people get away from you?
Bellini: What do you know, oh slavish devotee of my mother?
Kezia: I mean, I am sure that in my other life, I once beat up my brother's wife.
Sangria: That RHYMES! But you probably shouldn't've done it.
Bellini: Shush, two-shoes. I'm listening...?

Mikayla: Hey, scram, lady. I own this bitch.
Pepsi: You are a child and own nothing. But now that you say that...I think you'd get along really well with my...let's just call 'em grandkids.
Mikayla: Did you kidnap a bunch of children? Because it sounds like you kidnapped a bunch of children, and I'm scared, and I'm leaving now.

Sprite: Apple puree...I'm not a baby. I'm having the dinner of champions!
Sprite: Yes!
These kids need more parenting, methinks.

These two are actual friends now. They were playing on this thing all evening.
Kristine: Even if you're a bit lame and your sisters could kick your ass in a millisecond, you're not bad, Aperol. See ya!
Kristine:...Well, bye.

Sprite: I am the queen.
Eh I'm being lazy with your aspiration rn.
Sprite: I will be the queen.

Pepsi: Goddammit, really?
Yes! You've been here too long. Cola Mark I has been old for ages now!
Pepsi: I need another makeover.
That you do. CAS, let's go.

She actually makes quite a sweet-looking old lady.
Kezia: Yeah, you'd think that until she steals your husband.
Pepsi: Aw you know me so well, Kezia.
Kezia: Not a compliment, and not by choice.

Onyx shows up for the first time, looking possessed af.
Onyx: Mistress spends too much time with the computers...and not enough with me!

Justin and Alejandra are out.
I think you two are gonna have a lot to talk about.
Justin: She killed another? That witch!
Alejandra: And there's dirty plates in that painting shack! Despicable.
One of these things is not like the other...

Bellini: A ghost just walked in on me using the toilet. And y'all wonder why I hate it here.
Justin: Sorry, revenge is revenge! *haunts the shit out of that shower*
Bellini: Ugh.

Just found out that Rivella apparently has another half-sibling. Jaxen Goth, who's an adult by now. Shayne's quite a bit older than Cola (as in, I'm pretty sure he's only alive due to his Active trait) so I guess he had another kid before Riv here.

Alejandra: Just logged them all out of Netflix! I bet they don't even remember their password.
*cough* This isn't based on my real life at all, what do you mean?

Sprite: Ready to start taking over the school!
Btw that's Grenadine's old bed. Fits her, doesn't it?

Aperol: Dad, get out of the bathroom!
Justin: But there's such a mess, and so much for me to tell you-
Aperol: I'll hear you out one day. I need to. But for now, I just want to shower.

Sangria: Blueffy. You seem wiser than any adult in this house.
Blueffy: Aye, young miss.
Sangria: So. How do I get that awful, skunk-smelling cat off my bed?
Onyx: Trololololol
Side note: Sangria's little pyjamas are one of my most recent downloads, and they are the cutest ever.

Kezia: Well, I guess it's Invade Kezia's Room day!
Sprite: You have the good potpourri in that there bathroom!
Pepsi:...I just need your opinion. Do I really look that old?
Sprite: Yes.
Kezia: Yes, and you came to the wrong person for flattery.

Berry: Now that is what I'm talking about. Lots of meat on her bones. She makes a good meal.
Kezia: I, uh, slipped into the mud.
We live in a desert. There is no mud. For SHAME.

Rivella: Right. I'm wise, I know things. Time to teach you lessons.
Sangria:...I don't trust this.
Rivella: Hey, you never know when you might need to falsify a police report.
Sangria: Dear God.

Rivella: So, you're my kid, you're smart. I bet you know 'bed' already.
Sangria: Uh...yeah. Bed.
Rivella: Now can you say 'deathbed'?

Sangria: ...No thanks.
Sangria is the cutest baby ever.

Kezia maxed painting.
Kezia: Obviously. I am the backbone of this family.
Considering they have 6.5k bills, yeah. Pepsi gets a decent enough wage in the science career, and as for our heiress?
Riv is busy raising her hellions and messing around with death, and currently makes fuck-all as a professional gamer.

Rivella: I think my toddler hates me, Kezia.
Kezia: I mean there was always a chance of that. You and me, we're not always likeable. She'll learn. You can make her.
Rivella: I don't want to make her something else! She's my little darling and she's perfect. Too perfect, that's the problem.
Kezia: Sigh, I forget you actually like your kids and that shit.

Sangria: SCARY
Onyx: Hey RIVELLA, you've produced a huge wimp!
Sangria: No hurt me, please!

Sangria: Actually, maybe you're not so bad.
Onyx: Hiss, piss, I'll bite you!
Sangria: Nahhhh you're just a big softy!

The ladies went for a run.
Kezia: But seriously, don't worry, Riv. You've created a great home for your four darling weirdos.
Rivella: Even with the ghosts?
Kezia: Yeeeaaaahhh! They add character!
Also I'm proud of Rivella's new athletic wear.

Kristine: Hiiii Aperol.
Aperol: Hi, Kris. Y'know it's my birthday today?!
Kristine: Oooh. Well, I'll be there in like 3 days. So wait, and don't start dating too soon.
Aperol: Eh. I'm not really thinking about that yet.
I ship these two a lot if you couldn't tell.

Aperol: Yaaayy teenhood!
Kristine: Yaaaayyy Aperol!
Onyx: Meh.

Why hello there, mini Justin.
Aperol: I'm the same height as that pissy ghost now, so don't!
Why did he grow up bald tho.
Anyway he's also a Vegetarian (and a nerd brain). I randomised it and...yeah, too perfect.
Aperol:...But we're gonna just not until she's also a teen.
Right. Cos ew.
Anyway let's get you to CAS.

Sprite: Lol you look like an egg. I bet I can get this allll over Instagram.
Aperol:...God you're such a little brat.

Aperol: Fixed in an instant!
Sprite: Haha as if I didn't get that shot. Enjoy your first day of highschool with that circulating, egg-boy.
Aperol: Who taught you to be like this?
Sprite: You know the answer to that.

Sangria: You know you're disturbing me right?
Bellini: Yup!
Sangria: Why is this my family.

Who made this call? His ex-wife? His son Gene?
Joking aside, I will actually miss this fool and Pepsi misses him too it seems. Her aspiration will be paused.

Rivella: I think my toddler hates me, Kezia.
Kezia: I mean there was always a chance of that. You and me, we're not always likeable. She'll learn. You can make her.
Rivella: I don't want to make her something else! She's my little darling and she's perfect. Too perfect, that's the problem.
Kezia: Sigh, I forget you actually like your kids and that shit.

Sangria: SCARY
Onyx: Hey RIVELLA, you've produced a huge wimp!
Sangria: No hurt me, please!

Sangria: Actually, maybe you're not so bad.
Onyx: Hiss, piss, I'll bite you!
Sangria: Nahhhh you're just a big softy!

The ladies went for a run.
Kezia: But seriously, don't worry, Riv. You've created a great home for your four darling weirdos.
Rivella: Even with the ghosts?
Kezia: Yeeeaaaahhh! They add character!
Also I'm proud of Rivella's new athletic wear.

Kristine: Hiiii Aperol.
Aperol: Hi, Kris. Y'know it's my birthday today?!
Kristine: Oooh. Well, I'll be there in like 3 days. So wait, and don't start dating too soon.
Aperol: Eh. I'm not really thinking about that yet.
I ship these two a lot if you couldn't tell.

Aperol: Yaaayy teenhood!
Kristine: Yaaaayyy Aperol!
Onyx: Meh.

Why hello there, mini Justin.
Aperol: I'm the same height as that pissy ghost now, so don't!
Why did he grow up bald tho.
Anyway he's also a Vegetarian (and a nerd brain). I randomised it and...yeah, too perfect.
Aperol:...But we're gonna just not until she's also a teen.
Right. Cos ew.
Anyway let's get you to CAS.

Sprite: Lol you look like an egg. I bet I can get this allll over Instagram.
Aperol:...God you're such a little brat.

Aperol: Fixed in an instant!
Sprite: Haha as if I didn't get that shot. Enjoy your first day of highschool with that circulating, egg-boy.
Aperol: Who taught you to be like this?
Sprite: You know the answer to that.

Sangria: You know you're disturbing me right?
Bellini: Yup!
Sangria: Why is this my family.

Who made this call? His ex-wife? His son Gene?
Joking aside, I will actually miss this fool and Pepsi misses him too it seems. Her aspiration will be paused.
Not out of respect or anything, just because she's too sad to flirt effectively.

Kristine: Oh, you grew up kind of handsome, Aperol.
Bellini: Oh brother I'm not in the mood for this.
Sprite: Handsome? As if!
Aperol:...What did I do to you, Sprite?
Sprite: Existed.
Kristine: Haha, your sisters are really funny.
Bellini: Thanks, I'm not trying.

Onyx, in the bush: MOTHERF-
So he got bitten by a squirrel, but that's normal for him.
Stupid cat.

Bradley: Heard the woman living here collects baby daddies and uh-
She's off the market. Missed your chance, love.
Bradley: What chance? I just graduated high school.

Kezia: Hi kids and...who're you?
Sprite: Lol, stranger danger, kick his ass.
Aperol:...Seriously, you've known me all my life.
Kezia: Knowing and caring are two different things. But you do sound like Aperol. Happy birthday!
Kristine:..Seriously Bellini your family has issues.
Bellini: Tell me some shit I don't know next time.

Pepsi: So, just you and me then, cat.
Onyx: The family's inside.
Pepsi: I speak of my wishes. I kind of just wanna hang out with you alone for a bit.
Onyx: Fair enough...but I'd pick Rivella over you. Sorry.
Pepsi: No you're not.
Onyx: No I'm not.

Bellini: Why do you think I'd take an active interest in his life, Kristine?
Kristine: You really know nothing?
Sprite: Look, I need to take over the elementary school. The high school is not on my radar, and I won't even make an exception for my own-
Bellini: Forget wannabe queen bee over there and read my lips. We don't give a shit, just talk to him.

What has our esteemed heiress been doing this whole evening?
Rivella: I didn't win anything in that game tournament, but at least my children are perfect.

Kezia: Grenadine, would you please leave my shed?
Grenadine: Well, it's just that you two - you and my sister - have quite unconventional standards and-
Kezia: Kids are alive, they're healthy and doing schoolwork-
Grenadine: Mhm, and are they emotionally stable or-
Kezia: Don't act so high-and-mighty, you're still a Sutherland.

Sangria: Peas? But it's midnight!
There are no standards around here and your hunger bar is orange.
Also why is she the cutest baby ever? Seriously, I wanna go be a Sim so I can pinch her cheeks.

Grenadine: Hello, dear. I'm your Auntie Grenadine. You look like you could use a positive role model.
Sangria: Uh, yeah, probably.

Gin-Fizz is knocked up!
...Still gunning for more Grenagene children.
Gin-Fizz: Uh, thanks a lot.

Kristine: Oh, you grew up kind of handsome, Aperol.
Bellini: Oh brother I'm not in the mood for this.
Sprite: Handsome? As if!
Aperol:...What did I do to you, Sprite?
Sprite: Existed.
Kristine: Haha, your sisters are really funny.
Bellini: Thanks, I'm not trying.

Onyx, in the bush: MOTHERF-
So he got bitten by a squirrel, but that's normal for him.
Stupid cat.

Bradley: Heard the woman living here collects baby daddies and uh-
She's off the market. Missed your chance, love.
Bradley: What chance? I just graduated high school.

Kezia: Hi kids and...who're you?
Sprite: Lol, stranger danger, kick his ass.
Aperol:...Seriously, you've known me all my life.
Kezia: Knowing and caring are two different things. But you do sound like Aperol. Happy birthday!
Kristine:..Seriously Bellini your family has issues.
Bellini: Tell me some shit I don't know next time.

Pepsi: So, just you and me then, cat.
Onyx: The family's inside.
Pepsi: I speak of my wishes. I kind of just wanna hang out with you alone for a bit.
Onyx: Fair enough...but I'd pick Rivella over you. Sorry.
Pepsi: No you're not.
Onyx: No I'm not.

Bellini: Why do you think I'd take an active interest in his life, Kristine?
Kristine: You really know nothing?
Sprite: Look, I need to take over the elementary school. The high school is not on my radar, and I won't even make an exception for my own-
Bellini: Forget wannabe queen bee over there and read my lips. We don't give a shit, just talk to him.

What has our esteemed heiress been doing this whole evening?
Rivella: I didn't win anything in that game tournament, but at least my children are perfect.

Kezia: Grenadine, would you please leave my shed?
Grenadine: Well, it's just that you two - you and my sister - have quite unconventional standards and-
Kezia: Kids are alive, they're healthy and doing schoolwork-
Grenadine: Mhm, and are they emotionally stable or-
Kezia: Don't act so high-and-mighty, you're still a Sutherland.

Sangria: Peas? But it's midnight!
There are no standards around here and your hunger bar is orange.
Also why is she the cutest baby ever? Seriously, I wanna go be a Sim so I can pinch her cheeks.

Grenadine: Hello, dear. I'm your Auntie Grenadine. You look like you could use a positive role model.
Sangria: Uh, yeah, probably.

Gin-Fizz is knocked up!
...Still gunning for more Grenagene children.
Gin-Fizz: Uh, thanks a lot.
But her husband is actually an alien so I'm excited for this kid too.

Lux: Huh. I've been dead a while, they've multiplied.
Aperol: Maybe if I had a spy-watch nobody would make fun of me.
Bellini: I wanna get on a dragon and ride away from this mess.
Lux:...These grandchildren are disappointing. I'll just hit the treadmill.

Bellini: Drawing in this dark corner is almost an escape!
Kezia: Lololololol he's still going with that chess thing? It's not a personality!

Aperol: Just let it go, Aperol. Water off a duck's back!

Kezia: That's right Sprite! Play 'em from both sides! Loyalty is for chumps!
Rivella: I adore how you give lessons to my children, Kezia.
Kezia: I know it's not conventional but-
Rivella: Oh, don't let my uptight sister get to you!

Sprite: I'll be the most popular girl in school. They won't even see it coming.
Aperol: Hope y'all know you're creating a baby sociopath.

Rivella: Onyx! Out, I saw a skunk back there, so come here before you get - too late.

Onyx: Keziaaaa I don't feel good.
Kezia: You sure as hell don't smell good either.

Rivella: Blah, sigh, yeah do your business in that plastic pot, San...
Sangria: Your heart doesn't seem to be in this, Mother.
Rivella: Oh, could you tell?

Rivella: Ah, Onyx, the things I do for you! Stinking and I still brush you out-
Onyx: Don't try and manipulate me, you just want the hairballs to stop.
Rivella: You're too clever by half, cat.
Onyx: Thank you. I'll hack extra hard in a bit.

Sangria: Yay, octopus! Let's go on an adventure! What's that, you want to go back to the ocean? I can do that!

Aperol: That was underhanded, Sprite.
Sprite: But oh-so-fun.
Bellini: I love a good cafeteria punch-out.

Aperol invited a friend over.
Blake: So, this is your house, huh Aperol? Thanks for inviting me.
Sprite: Yeah, thanks for inviting him. This'll be fun.
Aoerol: I regret my optimism from an hour ago.

Sprite: Ugh, you gotta stop taking trash baths.
Onyx: You think I did this on purpose?
Sprite: Why not? Self-aware trash is better than the alternative.

Sprite: One more bubble noise and I'm taking that thing apart.
Sangria: You'll get in trouuuble.
Sprite: Mum and Kezia will praise my problem solving skills, methinks. Wanna bet?
Sangria: NO - can't you do work at the table? This is my room! Lordy-lord, Octopus, we gotta get out of here.

Blake over here is a little flirty. Maybe he's caught feelings.
Blake: Uh, haha, so, you looked kinda hot doing homework-
Aperol:...You better not be talking to Bellini.
Bellini: Aw, thanks Aperol. But you don't have to defend me. I can stab his eye out with this pencil!
Aperol:...Good to know, Bell.
Blake: What - no! No, I meant y - uh, never mind!
Poor kid.

Blake: I'm an idiot.
Gin-Fizz: Oh, don't worry. It was probably my nephew's fault!
Aperol: What did I do?

Sprite: My brother was definitely an idiot. I don't know what happened but it was on him. Anyway, wanna hear about how I totally destroyed Priscilla's standing?
Blake: Uh, aren't you six-
Sprite: Just a couple of well-timed words and texts!
Kezia: Aw, you used my advice, I'm so proud.

Rivella: This has been fun, but Sprite told me what happened earlier and snitches get dropped!
Sangria: Oh come on-
Rivella: Sike! I'll lift you back up now, lil' San. Funny, right?
Sangria: Not really!

Aperol: I think I hurt his feelings...
Gin-Fizz: We're Sutherlands, honey, don't worry about that!
Sprite: Leave my mopey brother and let's talk about my school day!
Gin-Fizz: Yeah, I'll listen. I'm having a baby of my own and I need to know what not to do-
Sprite: Your kid should come to Kezia for advice, she's great!
Gin-Fizz:...Right, sure.

Aperol: Mu-um, your idiot cat's sick again. By the way, I was meaning to ask about my dad-
It was at this moment I decided that Rivella can learn the vet skill. And hopefully craft healing treats for Onyx, because I'm sick of vet trips.

Pepsi: God, she sucks at this. Her play is even sadder than the death of my favourite lover.
Bellini: Don't care...I can't hear any of the conversation in the kitchen and I like it that way!

Grenadine we don't need you to be a stalker spare. What happened to running into the sunset with Gene and starting a new life?
Grenadine: Yeah, well I didn't realise my sister would have three more kids, did I?

Hey look, Kasey got married!
Rivella: Who?
Sprite's father.
Rivella: Kasey...still not ringing any bells.
Fair enough. Anyway, she looks quite pretty, so...half-siblings on the way for Sprite, perhaps? She probably won't like that, with her need for attention and all that.
Sprite: It's not like he gives a shit about me without other kids around.

I went looking around the family tree for other half-siblings. Aperol and Sangria have three apiece, and Bellini has all of her grandfather's ex-wife's kids as stepsiblings.
I think this makes Shayne a stepfather of sorts to his own granddaughter. But worse, Bellini is stepsisters with her own aunt.
Fucks sake Brad.

Speaking of Aperol and Sangria, apparently Kala and a Delgato offshoot adopted a kid together. Just another way this family tree is a bit weblike.

Ghosts are out as always. How're we going, Nicola?
Nicola: Embarrassed at what this family has become.
It was founded by two scammers. You were one of them.
Nicola: Yeah, but at least I had class.

Lux: Huh. I've been dead a while, they've multiplied.
Aperol: Maybe if I had a spy-watch nobody would make fun of me.
Bellini: I wanna get on a dragon and ride away from this mess.
Lux:...These grandchildren are disappointing. I'll just hit the treadmill.

Bellini: Drawing in this dark corner is almost an escape!
Kezia: Lololololol he's still going with that chess thing? It's not a personality!

Aperol: Just let it go, Aperol. Water off a duck's back!

Kezia: That's right Sprite! Play 'em from both sides! Loyalty is for chumps!
Rivella: I adore how you give lessons to my children, Kezia.
Kezia: I know it's not conventional but-
Rivella: Oh, don't let my uptight sister get to you!

Sprite: I'll be the most popular girl in school. They won't even see it coming.
Aperol: Hope y'all know you're creating a baby sociopath.

Rivella: Onyx! Out, I saw a skunk back there, so come here before you get - too late.

Onyx: Keziaaaa I don't feel good.
Kezia: You sure as hell don't smell good either.

Rivella: Blah, sigh, yeah do your business in that plastic pot, San...
Sangria: Your heart doesn't seem to be in this, Mother.
Rivella: Oh, could you tell?

Rivella: Ah, Onyx, the things I do for you! Stinking and I still brush you out-
Onyx: Don't try and manipulate me, you just want the hairballs to stop.
Rivella: You're too clever by half, cat.
Onyx: Thank you. I'll hack extra hard in a bit.

Sangria: Yay, octopus! Let's go on an adventure! What's that, you want to go back to the ocean? I can do that!

Aperol: That was underhanded, Sprite.
Sprite: But oh-so-fun.
Bellini: I love a good cafeteria punch-out.

Aperol invited a friend over.
Blake: So, this is your house, huh Aperol? Thanks for inviting me.
Sprite: Yeah, thanks for inviting him. This'll be fun.
Aoerol: I regret my optimism from an hour ago.

Sprite: Ugh, you gotta stop taking trash baths.
Onyx: You think I did this on purpose?
Sprite: Why not? Self-aware trash is better than the alternative.

Sprite: One more bubble noise and I'm taking that thing apart.
Sangria: You'll get in trouuuble.
Sprite: Mum and Kezia will praise my problem solving skills, methinks. Wanna bet?
Sangria: NO - can't you do work at the table? This is my room! Lordy-lord, Octopus, we gotta get out of here.

Blake over here is a little flirty. Maybe he's caught feelings.
Blake: Uh, haha, so, you looked kinda hot doing homework-
Aperol:...You better not be talking to Bellini.
Bellini: Aw, thanks Aperol. But you don't have to defend me. I can stab his eye out with this pencil!
Aperol:...Good to know, Bell.
Blake: What - no! No, I meant y - uh, never mind!
Poor kid.

Blake: I'm an idiot.
Gin-Fizz: Oh, don't worry. It was probably my nephew's fault!
Aperol: What did I do?

Sprite: My brother was definitely an idiot. I don't know what happened but it was on him. Anyway, wanna hear about how I totally destroyed Priscilla's standing?
Blake: Uh, aren't you six-
Sprite: Just a couple of well-timed words and texts!
Kezia: Aw, you used my advice, I'm so proud.

Rivella: This has been fun, but Sprite told me what happened earlier and snitches get dropped!
Sangria: Oh come on-
Rivella: Sike! I'll lift you back up now, lil' San. Funny, right?
Sangria: Not really!

Aperol: I think I hurt his feelings...
Gin-Fizz: We're Sutherlands, honey, don't worry about that!
Sprite: Leave my mopey brother and let's talk about my school day!
Gin-Fizz: Yeah, I'll listen. I'm having a baby of my own and I need to know what not to do-
Sprite: Your kid should come to Kezia for advice, she's great!
Gin-Fizz:...Right, sure.

Aperol: Mu-um, your idiot cat's sick again. By the way, I was meaning to ask about my dad-
It was at this moment I decided that Rivella can learn the vet skill. And hopefully craft healing treats for Onyx, because I'm sick of vet trips.

Pepsi: God, she sucks at this. Her play is even sadder than the death of my favourite lover.
Bellini: Don't care...I can't hear any of the conversation in the kitchen and I like it that way!

Grenadine we don't need you to be a stalker spare. What happened to running into the sunset with Gene and starting a new life?
Grenadine: Yeah, well I didn't realise my sister would have three more kids, did I?

Hey look, Kasey got married!
Rivella: Who?
Sprite's father.
Rivella: Kasey...still not ringing any bells.
Fair enough. Anyway, she looks quite pretty, so...half-siblings on the way for Sprite, perhaps? She probably won't like that, with her need for attention and all that.
Sprite: It's not like he gives a shit about me without other kids around.

I went looking around the family tree for other half-siblings. Aperol and Sangria have three apiece, and Bellini has all of her grandfather's ex-wife's kids as stepsiblings.
I think this makes Shayne a stepfather of sorts to his own granddaughter. But worse, Bellini is stepsisters with her own aunt.
Fucks sake Brad.

Speaking of Aperol and Sangria, apparently Kala and a Delgato offshoot adopted a kid together. Just another way this family tree is a bit weblike.

Ghosts are out as always. How're we going, Nicola?
Nicola: Embarrassed at what this family has become.
It was founded by two scammers. You were one of them.
Nicola: Yeah, but at least I had class.
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