We open this chapter with more MCCC notifications. The Al twins have had their children.
Kaci:...Aldebaran stop crying, I actually gave birth to him. That shit hurts.
I got to choose this one's name. I figured out that the setting only lets you name the children of female spares, basically. My mum picked the name.
Mercury: I don't feel appreciated.
Felix: Christ, kid, I already told you 'thank you for having my colouring and stopping the endless stream of children leaving my wife's vagina', what else do you want from me?
Mercury: Whatever, you're gonna get old and die anyway.
It is almost Felix's birthday.
Mercury: Oh thank goodness, someone to play with me.
Deanna: Oh my poor baby boy! Wheee, let's go!
Liar. Felix played with him just before I took the last picture. He's like a fat cat meowing to be fed.
Eirene: Oh, hi Mum! I thought you forgot I existed.
Deanna: Of course not Vela. Switch to news, please?
Eirene:...Never mind, you can go paint or something.
Eirene: She called me Vela. Vela!
Dipper:...I mean you and her do look a bit similar.
Eirene: But she's nuts. And a vampire. It's not fair, I can't ever be a vampire-
Dipper: Are you kidding? Mum made the twins. She loves making offspring, especially if she doesn't have to birth and raise 'em.
Deanna: I would be happy to make you one of us, my dear. Right now you and your father are outnumbered in the house.
Dipper: Cool, outnumber him further.
Eirene:...Ew you just compared me to Dad.
Deanna: Ah, he's not so bad.
Dipper: You just say that because you guys kiss a lot. He's a husk of a man.
Deanna:...How much of my work task do you two see?
Eirene: Your marriage is a work task? I made a joke about divorce earlier but now I'm a bit worried!
Deanna: No no no. We got married because we wanted to...I'll explain the work thing when you're older. And your father isn't so bad, he's gonna take you the park once your brother's grown up.
Dipper: Haha, seriously don't lie to us Mum.
Eirene: Why would you even try that? We know we can't leave the home lot!
Deanna: No, you two are going.
Eirene: Who says we want to?
Felix, muttering to himself: Who says I want to take you ungrateful brats...

Here's Mercury!
Felix: Nice hair, you're like a fierce little lion. Rawr.
Mercury:...Bring me the scissors, I no longer want this haircut.

And here's our little Mercury! He's Erratic from the start like his father and his sister Vela, and he also has the Scamp aspiration.
That's why we're going to the park. So they can all play on the jungle gym for their aspirations. I'm hoping I can get Mercury to complete his.

Oh, apparently the muddy water glitch is hitting exactly 1 bath-shower. Weird.
Anyway, all the kids are having bubble baths because they need to be playful. Mercury is upstairs.
Mercury: Yes, in the nice special bath, because I'm spec-

Felix: Right assholes. I feel like jogging so I'm jogging. Don't bother me unless one of you is about to die. Got it?
Dipper: Yeah, don't care, already got my eyes on that sweet jungle gym-
Mercury: Hey, I'm the-
Eirene: Oh my God, let's just play!

Mercury: See! I'm above you all! I command you to-
Dipper: Um...you're lookout. You're new to the game!
Eirene: So quit ordering us around.
Dipper: That's not what I'm saying, I'm saying...you can be captain later. You gotta learn first.
Mercury: Unacceptable!

Mercury: Ugh, none of these idiots give me any respect.
Chase: I feel that. Cool shirt, dude.
Mercury: You think? Dad was laughing at me the whole car ride over here.
Chase: That fool doesn't know what he's talking about.
Mercury: Aw. Thanks for the validation.

Chase:...Shit you're breaking your phone.
Mercury: It's cool. Mum will just get me a new one.
Chase: Damn you are pretty spoiled.
Mercury: Yeah, I guess. It's pretty neat tho.

Felix: Surrounded...completely surrounded! Fuck 'em kids!
Ulysses: So, I'm guessing that dude wigging out is your dad, blue girl?
Eirene: *sigh*...Yeah. He's an embarrassment.

Eirene: Whatever you're doing I'm doing it better.
Felix: Look, I'm trying to get back into my old hobby of being a novelist, I don't need this.
Eirene: And I don't need to hear about how much you hate us but-
Felix: That's different. I am awesome, you need to prove yourself. My opinions are justified.
Eirene: But - that doesn't make any - what - oh I see where Mercury gets it from!

Meanwhile, the boys hang out downstairs.
Mercury: Still staring into those drains?
Dipper: *quickly stands up* No, I, uh, dropped my toy.
Mercury: Sure. Y'know, your life is gonna go down those drains one day.
Dipper: Why do you have to say things like - GAAAAH.

Mercury: Mmm. I'm pretty great.
He is so like his father. I just realised I gave them similar clothing styles.

Deanna maxed out her secret agent career. Felix, meanwhile, is a Level 8 Scientist.
Deanna: Oh please, we've known I'm better than Felix for along time now. Bless him, but he can't measure up.

The next morning...
Mercury: See, look, I'm doing this homework, bro, get on my level-
Dipper:...I already finished mine, plus extra credit, on Friday night. You do know we have school in 2 hours? This is not impressive.

Dipper: Kind of a lazy way to weed, dad.
Felix: This machine could suck up your head along with all the weeds. Now get to school.
Dipper:...Yes sir.

Deanna: Maybe I could be a bartender next. I'd be personable and fun. And drunk people are so easy to drink from.

Aldebaran: What's with the black cloud?
Deanna: A new ability I gained. Your dad can train all he likes and he'll never beat me in a race again!
Aldebaran: Lol nice.

Mercury: Hey look, I'm doing homework over here because I'm better than you.
Dipper: *heavy sigh*
Eirene: So Dad had to produce a personality-clone of himself too. What a shame.

Mercury:...Why? You don't like us. All the birthright stuff. Well, I guess it's my birthright for good now-
Vela: I just wanna talk.
Mercury:...Hanging up now.

Alsephina: So. You're my little brother, huh? How are you living in this trainwreck of a house?
Mercury: You came back here. I bet you're jealous.
Alsephina: Goddammit, you just proved Aldebaran and Pollux right about how annoying you are, and that really grinds my gears.
Deanna:..I think we may have gone overboard in our happiness for his existence, Mercury is getting a little-
Felix: Nah, he's cool. So confident, definitely the most awesome of our lot, huh De?
Alsephina: Dad never talked about me like that...
Mercury: Jealous! I knew it.

Felix:...yeah, let's steam up that shower real good.
Deanna: Hell yeah, gotta practice for work-
Felix: You have sex with other people on your missions?
Eirene: LORD when will you two learn to do your 'work tasks' in the bedroom?!

Hey look the animation is a bit less lazy.
Felix: Ow, what did you do? I think you threw out my hip.
Deanna: I didn't do anything different, you're just 60 tomorrow and you're weakening.
Felix: Oh don't say that.

Felix: Yeah, he's my best kid. My last kid, which makes him my best. Plus he's like a little mirror of me.
Alsephina: Yeah, in more ways than visual...
Felix: Pretty great, right?
Mercury: Maybe you're not bad after all, Dad. Every other sibling of mine hates you, but what do those failures know?
Alsephina: Well I'll give you this, you got one on your side.

Deanna:...You really don't want my help huh?
Vela: You are weak. Bet you can't even catch me.
Deanna: Oh you haven't heard?

Pollux's first daughter was born.

Felix your birthday notification came through.
Felix: Nope nope nope! *runs faster* I'm young and healthy and fit as the day I arrived in this world!
Santos: Lol as if dude, I can already see the Zimmer frame and creamed corn.

Mercury: Those trees, they contain the blood of my species! *hiss* Help me break in, Chase!
Chase: Oh. That's...
Dipper: Yeah, our brother's pretty special.

Eirene: Yeah. Quick, while he's distracted let me tell you just how much of a piece of work our Mercury is.
Alsephina: Hey littlest sis. Oh, and hey, new kid. We don't get a lot of non-family around here.
Chase: Yeah, people at school are cowards.
Alsephina: You remind me of this kid we used to know. Channing Bheeda?
Chase: That's my brother, genius.

Mercury: Push me.
Chase: Wow that's bold. Why should I?
Mercury: Because I asked you. Now come on, push me.
Chase: Kind of respect the directness.
Mercury: Are we friends now then?
Chase: Sure.

Felix: Too much...detestable little creatures...I am surrounded!
Mercury: You hate those freaky plants too, huh dad?
Felix quit being dramatic you only have three children in the house right now.
Felix: Three more than I wanted! Get out of here Mercury.
Mercury:...Actually maybe you're just a dick.

Deanna's going to university.
I picked Fine Arts at UBrite. Four classes a term, because she doesn't sleep. Good luck De.

Dipper: What are you doing, Mum?
Deanna: Homework. I'll be home a lot more often to parent you little darlings. I'll watch everything you get up to, and you know just how fast I run!
Dipper:...Oh. Great. Just in time for my teenage years.
Deanna: Ohhh, you're not breaking curfews with me around!

Happy elderhood, Felix!

Felix: I don't like these new outfits, they don't properly show off my awesome.
Tough shit.

Dina: Right, even though you've used me as a blood bag twice I believe in this! Where's my prize?
Deanna: Sigh, I almost feel bad.

Pollux: So, how's the brat?
Deanna: He's very important to me, as you all know. And sweet enough.
Eirene: Are you sure about that?
Deanna: He does have dear Felix's eccentricities though. But i'm sure he'll grow out of them.
Pollux: Dad turned 60 and he's still spewing the same shit, surely that proves-
Deanna: Shush, darling.

Felix: You're in the way. How dare you stand in my awesome path.
Pollux: Boomer energy, dad, Boomer energy.
Felix: Don't you dare.

Dipper managed to complete the Scamp aspiration. Eirene is on the last tier and Mercury the second. Hope all three can do it...especially Mercury, the actual heir here.

Deanna's first day of classes hasn't even started, and she's already done all her homework and completed the first 'draft' of one of her class presentations.

Pollux's second child was born.

Felix: A simple jog has me just about to have a heart attack. I'm looking up symptoms for DEATH.
Calm down you dramatic goose. Go do the gardening.
Felix: I said I'm dying! I can't!
Sigh. At least Dipper is ageing up, he can do it.

Hi blue Orion.
Dipper: S'up, ready for that beach life bro.
He's Outgoing and has the Beach Life aspiration from the Island pack...one problem, Dips, you are a vampire.
Dipper: Yeah, that's a problem.
...If it wasn't for the Ultimate Vampire Cure, lovingly made by your mother and placed in the fridge for this day.

Mercury: Wheee! It's almost as if Chase is pushing me! Well. He is so far the only one I have deemed worthy as a friend.

Dipper: Bro. These roses are kinda thorny.
Felix:...Who is this douchebag in my precious garden?
Dipper: Wow Dad. Boomer energy.
Felix: Enough with that!

Dipper spent most of the morning doing this, trying to tan himself for his aspiration. Probably not gonna finish it but oh well, might as well try.
Dipper; It's not like I need to do my homework, bro.
Thanks for reminding me, you actually do!
Dipper: Shiiiit.

Dipper: Heyo, madre.
Deanna:...What happened to my sweet little boy when I was at school? Oh well, at least I have Mercury.
Dipper: Whatever. Help me out with this algebra?
Deanna: No can do, d-bag, got my own homework.
Dipper: Huh, both of you parental units have called me that.
Deanna: And doesn't that say it all?

Deanna: Well, that one's gonna be a bum. Good thing there's so many others.

Deanna: Hello children. Your brother has morphed somewhat since you were at school.
Eirene: Yeah I could tell just by looking at him.
Chase: Yeah, terrible dress sense. Where's Mercury? I wanna see him.
Eirene: Really now.
Deanna: That's one more friend than you have, don't be snarky.

Dipper: Alright then little dude. Gimme your feedback, start with the posi-
Chase:...Right. The positives. I have those.
Come on, it's not that bad.

Chase: I bet you can't swing as high as me.
Mercury: You'd really bet against me? Is that wise?
Chase: Oooh. You just look where you're at right now, and tell me if it's wise.
Mercury: Fine! You'll regret this action, Chase Bheeda!

Mercury: Told you!
Chase: Oh alright, do your worst. I underestimated you.
Mercury: Lemme think.
Aw look, they have the same boots.
Mercury: Pretty sure you dressed us both, Watcher.
Chase:...What's a Watcher? You OK my guy?

Chase: This is your worst?
Mercury: I'll think of something. Let's just do more swinging, it's fun.
Chase: At least you got rid of those boots. That was such a faux pas.
Mercury: Right? Hey, I just thought of something. Change your boots.
Chase:...That wasn't my smartest move.

Chase: One piece of advice, Mercury's 'bro'. Dressing and acting like a douchebag isn't gonna fill the void of being less important than Mercury.
Dipper: I...
Mercury: Holy shit that's so true! Dude you're my best friend! You're awesome!

Chase: Hey man, I didn't know your granddad lived with you!
Felix: See, this shit is why I don't want other kids hanging round! Enough live here already!
Mercury: Oh my gawd Daaaad you're embarrassing me!
Chase: That's your fath-...I am so sorry, Mr Sutherland you don't look ol-
Mercury: Ugh, don't be. He's being a prick and deserved it.

Felix: Did you hear that little-
Deanna: Yes dear, I heard everything. Vampiric senses, remember?
Felix: And?
Deanna: And? You were being a prick and you deserved it.

Chase: Hee hee...bye Mercury, see you at school tomorrow.
Mercury: Bye Chase.
Eirene: Holy shit he actually hung out with you for eight hours. Even I can't do that.
Dipper: Sis. The kid's wrong about this look, right?
Eirene: No. We're all in agreement that it's bad. Stop.

2 of Deanna's classes involve the violin so she gets to pick it up as her next skill.
Deanna: How am I not perfect at this already? I don't like it.
Spoken like a true perfectionist. I mean, technically she isn't one but she's Neat and a Bookworm so, pretty close.

This picture shows that De and Felix's (mostly Felix's at this point) room got a big makeover, and it also shows that when Mercury is really tired he gets to sleep in their new bed. With Felix.
Felix: I'm gonna throw a ball at this kid's face if he kicks me one more damn time.
Mercury: Zzz, why does he smell like garlic, I bet it's that stupid garden-

Deanna: So, my presenta-
Felix: I could have done it better!...Carry on.
Deanna: It's days like this when I want a divorce.
Felix: You wouldn't divorce an old dying man.
Deanna: Please. You ain't dying. Yesterday you're still 'young at heart' when I tell you to take off that ridiculous shirt and now you're elderly and decrepit. Make up your mind.

Dipper: I'm over this school bullshit.
Mercury: It's OK if you're not as good as me, you know.
Dipper: We'll see. High school is a whole different beach, bro.
Mercury:...Eirene just mercy-kill me already.

Eirene: Ha, as if. Why do you think I'm this far away from you two? I'm done with both your asses today.
Mercury: Eirene. Please.
Eirene: Oh look. Actual politeness. Answer's still no.

Eirene: OW why
Mercury: Mrffsavsvvffsfjv

Dipper: Hey. Who are you?
Tucana: Your eldest sister. You replaced me, y'know.
Dipper: Good trade I guess. I'm pretty neat and you...
Tucana: That's what my brother-in-law said after our daughter was conceived.
Dipper:...Say what now?

Tucana: God I miss this! Well, I miss getting to do this without being threatened with divorce. Still, what a rush!

Eirene: Mum, why are you writing so aggressively? You're gonna break the pen.
Deanna: Your father is home.
Eirene: Ah, he done fucked up, I see.
Felix: I'm...I"m not afraid of my wife. She's still wearing the ring at least. Ha. *tremble*

Deanna: You're helping out Dipper with his homework, huh? Do you think you can 'do it better' than him?
Dipper: He probably can, I'm really stuck.
Felix: Hey, I said I was sorry. It kind of just slipped out!
Deanna: Why did THAT slip out?
Dipper: Can you guys stop like, messing up my vibes?

Felix: I'm super sorry, can't you see? I'm making chilli!

Deanna: How is that supposed to help? I don't even eat anymore!

Also there's something pretty weird with Orion's current wife, Audra. She is a human sim, almost at the end of her adult stage (I guess Orion still likes 'em older) and one of her children is dead of old age...
I do not understand.

Dipper: Yeah, I'mma throw a bitching kava party. They're all the rage in Sulani.
Eirene: I don't know why you think I'm even close to caring.

Dipper: Right. Ate a coconut. Now, time to party.
Hhhh that was a pain. You guys can stay a bit longer at the beach though.

Eirene finished her aspiration. Mercury still has one level to go.

Felix: I'm still pretty cool, right?Like I'm still strong, tough-
Oliana: Lol as if. I could break him over my knee.

Back at home...
Felix: Why are we doing this again?
Deanna: For our idiot son's life goals. He wanted this party and can't even make kava, figures.
Felix: Well it's not like I wanted him.

Tucana: Really? I was all ready to have an afternoon to myself but then you go and invite the damn KID!
Dipper:...Tucana, he's right here.
Emil: That's OK, I get this a lot. :)
Dipper: Are you alright, kid? Serious question.

Deanna: Hey everyone, come get your juice!

Aldebaran:...Tuca why is your weird son doing sit-ups at this party?
Tucana: Do you expect me to know?
Orion: He is your weird son.
Mercury: Yeah, I don't know why you're invited to this party.
Chase: Eh, better than hanging out with my family
Mercury: Really? How bad can they be?

Vela:...Don't get all flirty, Seph, this is our baby brother's party.
Alsephina: Can't help it...my husband may be old but he gave it to me GOOD before I came here.
Dipper:..Seph. Was that really necessary?
Vela: What did you expect? This stuff is known to loosen your tongue.
Dipper: How come you're OK? You drank two cups of the stuff.
Vela: Vampirism. Shouldn't have given that up, bro. How much did you have?
Dipper: I actually...can't.
Yeah so this party was a bust for Dipper because teens can't have kava. But the adults are having fun.

Vela: Haaaaahahaha that's the funniest thing I ever heard. Priceless. Pass me another cup.
Pollux: Still doesn't negate the effect of all these children.
Dipper: Why is my life like this.

Felix: To Dipper and his party that he can't even enjoy! A toast!
Chase: Your dad is actually pretty funny sometimes.
Mercury: Yeah. Mum says we're not supposed to tell him though.
Meanwhile at the table...
Aldebaran: I'm about to strangle your kid, Tucana.
Tucana: I get the feeling.
Deanna: Stop fanning yourself Alsephina, this is a family party.

Deanna: Haha the dishwasher sounds like a lil train.
Dipper: Well I guess this shit does affect vampires after all.
Side note: Not being able to cook Kava has inspired Dipper to learn the cooking skill. He's about to make grilled cheeses here.

Tucana: And set a fire too, come on bro we've seen this episode.
Mercury: My family are fucking idiots.
Dipper: Haha stove smells smokey...
Tucana: I know you didn't have any kava, quit dicking around and get the fire extinguisher.

Deanna: I'll do it!
Dipper: Really? Nobody else?!
Pollux: I'm not getting near that, I don't love you that much!
Dipper: First the kava thing and now this?
Alspehina: Yeah yeah, Alexa play despacito.

The fire is out now but everyone's still being stupid.
Pollux: TUCANA! Don't you dare leave this kid with me!
Emil: I'm starting to think nobody in this family gives a shit about me-
Felix: Haha you look like that blackened bass I made the other day.
Dipper: Shut up Dad, I think I lost a nipple. This is serious.

The next morning...
Eirene: Is this performance supposed to be my birthday present or something?
Deanna: Nah, I completely forg- I mean, yes.
Eirene: Well it's not a good one.

Eirene: I'm finally ready to achieve my dream of vampirism!
Felix and Dipper, singing to the tune of Jolly Good Fellow: Well isn't this iroooonic, now isn't this iroooooooniccc.
Eirene: Also I want to get out of this godawful outfit.

Eirene: Step 1, new look.
Dipper: Huh. Am I a stereotype too?
Eirene: You know the answer, Dipper.
Next week, Mercury grows up and I think Dipper will too? We'll see.
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