Welcome back to the WYDC, this is a four-day interlude because Honduras is taking that long to grow up, after that there'll be a new baby etc.

Kiribati: Liberia.
Liberia: Shit.
Kiribati: That's what you're doing, isn't it?
Liberia:...Good one. What do you want?
Kiribati: I've received reports from our siblings that you might not be as much of an usurper as feared. So I'm just going to watch you and figure out what to do.
Liberia: That does not reassure me.
Kiribati: It's not meant to.
Honduras: Leave her alone. She's no threat to you. She complimented GUNTHER.
Liberia: Way to sell me out, bro!
Elin completed her first proper robot - the Cleaner-Bot.
Elin: Hey, Gunther, you're being replaced!
Liberia maxed out her thinking skill and has 3 in all the others so...birthday time!
Honduras: Gotta keep studying, can't look up.
Jordan: I have nothing to do but I still don't care.
Gunther: When, oh when will he realise that being an edgelord all the time is not a proper personality?
Jordan: I can hear you.
Gunther: I know.
Liberia: Awwwww snap.
Liberia: You mad bro? Cos I am! Heheheheheh!
She's Hot-Headed. That's 3/5 of the most recent kids who've got the trait upon ageing up.
Liberia seems to be a blue Elin. But she's still cute. She got the Whiz Kid aspiration, so she can start working on the Mental skill now.
Do we know you, Hugo? I'm pretty sure nobody in this house has even met you.
Jordan: Yeah dude, if you're here for my mum-
Hugo: What? No! Shut up!
So why are you here?
Hugo:...Shut up!
India: Hello, little brother. Has your mum even touched you since you were born?
Mauritius: Well...she picked me up, put me in the crib and...yeah, good point.
Kiribati: Let's play chess, sister. We can see who is superior.
Liberia: I mean, I just grew up and you're Level 8-
Honduras: Just do it sis. For your own safety.
Liberia: Well, anything to get away from Gunther's playing.
Elin: Heeeeeh.
Again? You're Level 5, surely you should be a bit better at not giving yourself electric shocks.
Honduras maxed out Vampire Lore.
India: Right, I'll be taking that book. You've been hogging it way too long.
Honduras: What do now?
Kiribati: Check! Ha-ha! You're so bad at this.
Liberia: Must...not...strangle!
Kiribati: Well you can't! You are too weak!
Liberia: I'm the same size as you now, sister.
I've found Honduras something to do. Entertaining his baby brother!
Honduras: You like Candy Crush, Mauri?
Mauritius: Why is this my family.
Ice King: *pisses soap all over the counter*
You can't tell me that's not what this looks like.
Also why is it Ice King? Because it's Gunther's replacement, so, Adventure Time etc etc
Libby: Uh...stranger danger? Then again you're probably still not as dangerous as Mum.
Cam: Mum hasn't changed, then?
Libby: What?
Cam: You have a lot of siblings you haven't met, little girl. Hi. I'm Cambodia.
Libby: I don't care.
Elin: Did you meet the latest little rats I've produced?
Cam: Oh. I met the blue one. How'd you spin that to Gunther?
Elin: We've reached an impasse. He knows about some things.
Cam: Huh.

Gunther: You are weak.
India: *sniff* I just wanna be one with the ocean...if I sweat enough it'll be like the real thing! And at least I'm not wearing green football socks! And are those Mum's old shorts?
Gunther: No. I bought them like this!
India: Why tho?

Elin: Come to Mama, lil spellcasting beauty!
Mauri: So now you care. I see how it is.
Libby: Wasn't I supernatural enough for you, Mum?

Meanwhile, Kiri maxed her mental skill, impressively quickly.
Kiri: And now I eat my dinner of champions.
A single bowl of peas?
Kiri: Naturally.

Elin: I can't believe I'm asking you to do this.
Gunther: I knew you were attracted to me. Pregnancy hormones where?
Elin: That's not happening for a while, thanks.
Gunther: Yeah. Don't get pregnant. Not in the mood.
Elin: I'll try my best.
Just following her whims here.

Honduras: I wonder WHY I can't get to the FRIDGE?
India: Trololololol. And they call me the hot-headed one?
Honduras: Go fuck yourself India! Get out the way!

Guatemala: Shit.
Evan: I'll call it at 10.30 and 10.30 only!
Yeah so this is Bosnia's dad. I don't know why these children insist on making it weird. There are plenty of people in the world who haven't slept with Elin or Gunther.

And the next morning lag was everywhere.
Kiri stood there for two hours without moving no matter how much I reset her or tried to teleport her.
India came to wash a dish.
India: Lol you make a good tattoo.
Kiri: I'm uncomfortable.

Once all the kids left, Elin got to pretend her life was in order.
Elin: Just me and my beautiful home with included basement lab!
Mauri: *upstairs crying*

And Gunther tried to pretend he has a normal marriage.
Gunther: These omelettes are amazing, El.
Elin: Of course they are. Why are you here?
Gunther: Just wanting to chat, see how you're getting on with your work.
Elin: Great. Thanks. Leave.
Gunther: Come on-
Elin: If you end up fucking burned by this blowtorch, I take no blame.

India: Why did you superglue them all to your arm, Honduras?

Honduras: It wasn't me! This is Jordan's idea of a prank!
Kiri: I didn't even do anything, I don't know why I have to be involved.
Jordan: OK, so I used stuff from Mum's lab and it went wrong. Sue me!
Liberia: I'm thinking about it tbh.

Gunther: I will play my first live show...the homework session!
Honduras: Shit, I have to admit he's not actually that bad.
Kiri: shhhhshshsh we can't tell him that!
India: I still wish he wasn't, calculus is hard enough without that racket going on.

Liberia; Uggggh fuck y'all fuck this-
Kiribati: Woooow. Anger!
Honduras: Thanks, Captain Obvious.
Kiribati: That lack of control will make her weak and-
Honduras: I wish you would stop. Talking about this to me, that is. Duke it out, I don't care.
Liberia: Keep talking and I'll beat both your asses!

Liberia: She smells worse than a horse's ASS!
Kiribati: Why you insolent little-
Liberia: You're gonna take over everything but you can't even get in the shower?
Honduras: What did I just say? Stop this! I don't care! Shut up and do your work, you too!
Elin: Ah. He learned this stuff from me. I'm almost proud.
Jordan: Fight fight fight!
India: Wow Mum.
Elin: Seriously, how do y'all work like this?

India: You could expand the study and get us proper desks and-
Elin: I hope you know none of that is going to happen, dear.

Elin: I can do some motherly things well! Look, I will hack you into any database you need in your future-
India: Ooh, I could use that one.
Honduras: Seriously?
India: Get off your high horse, Honduras. I need to get to the ocean, and tickets to Sulani are not cheap.
Elin: That's what I'm talking about, mini-me! Who says crime doesn't pay?
Honduras: This is the woman who called you irrelevant last week.
Elin: So? At the time, she was!

Honduras has kind of become a cook. He restocked the fridge over the weekend while Elin messed around with robotics and Gunther ran around after Libby.
Honduras: Hey everyone, I made dumplings!
Everyone: *intense lack of care*
India: Even Gunther doesn't care. Yikes.
Gunther, just off-screen: *low-key killing it on violin*

Kiri: Well noooow who smells worse than horse ass?
Libby: Still not me!
Jordan: It's...it's...
Honduras: Just shower. And you two, knock it off. Or at least wait until I'm gone.
Jordan: But I'll get caught in the crossfire!
Honduras: And that is...sad, but ultimately not my problem.

Elin: Hello, children.
Honduras: Welp, I'm out. Good luck, Libs.
Liberia:...Don't leave me.
Elin: You've got nothing to worry about. I just wanna test you on your maths skills, and see if you are worthy.
Liberia: Yeah, the ones I definitely remember, sounds great!
Gunther: *still crushing the violin*

Elin: Oh he's perfect! My little spellcaster baby!
Gunther: But I still have to raise it, don't I?
Elin: Naturally.
Mauri: Glad to know I'm loved.

Here he is all madeover in his sleepwear. He's a cute little thing, even though he may be another Elin clone. That nose especially is very familiar because ALL the kids seem to get it lately.
Oh he's also independent, yay.

Here is the prime reason that India is actually the biggest troll of all the kids in the house.
Every time. She stands here every time, meaning EVERYBODY ELSE is blocked from the fridge. The amount of times I've had to tell her to get her dumb ass to the table so the others can eat? It would be funny if it wasn't such a pain on busy school mornings.
India: Haters gonna hate.

Well that's interesting.
Elin: No, it's funny. Cos the house is full and it's never gonna take! Oh, but when Honduras is gone...

Damn Liberia really is in a pissy mood lately.
Liberia: Screw you!
India; But what did I even do?
(You know exactly what you did)
Honduras: Lol enjoy this when I'm gone.
Liberia: You too! You just left me with Mum last night! I swear I heard her say 'dismemberment'!

Elin: Must I waste time making this stupid thing? 'Gardener-bot'...the garden gardens itself!
No. Gunther gardens it.
Elin: ...Huh.

Cambodia: Still here, huh? You really are a pathetic little man.
Gunther: Oh hush, don't you have another old man to sleep with?
Cambodia: nO

Elin: Of course I'll read to you! Anything for my precious!
Mauritius:...This is not what the others told me to expect.
Elin: What do they know?
Quite a bit, El, they all get As in school after all.

Kids are home.
Liberia: So Kiri's been saying weird shit behind my back AGAIN-
Kiri: Death...shredding...rip her apart...
Jordan: Lol yeah bro you got truly humiliated.
Honduras: You don't have to say that AGAIN!
India: I'm so glad I'm getting out of here.
She got an A. Woo.
Mauritius: Mum?
India: Of all the faces in the world, why did I have to have hers?
Mauritius: Uh...'please have an existential crisis on your own time!'. Libby taught me it!
India: Of course she did.
Gunther: So, heard it's your last night as a kid-
Jordan: Last night where I can't beat you up for this shit. Step away.
India: Urrrgh.
Mauritius: Why is everybody in this house so messed up?
Mala: I want to make sure you kids are alive. After all, I'm one of the only kids with empathy.
Kiribati: Lol you're weak.
Mala:...And thus, my point is made.
Elin: Ow, my FACE! I will destroy your bloodline-
Ice King:...I'm a ROBOT, what exactly are you going to destroy?
Ice King is having a tune up.
Kiribati: That sounds like a you problem, don't blame food.
Honduras: You've been here an hour and none of that omelet is gone.
Kiribati:...So it isn't, what of it?
Liberia: Hey, guess what, I saw that wilted salad is gone from the back of the fridge: Which one of my fool siblings ate that?
Elin: Oh, darling, I have no *gag* idea.
(Elin ate it, Elin ate the spoiled food of her own volition. Shame on her.)
Guatemala: Oh, screw this!
Libby: Ooh, so you were throwing up! Was it you who ate the salad?
Guatemala: No! Why would I ever eat here? I'm morning-sick you little cretin!
Elin: Somebody's cranky.
Guatemala: Ohhh, that's just typical isn't it?
Libby: Aight, I'mma head out.
Honduras: Must you leave me with her?
Mala: I'm sure you'd love to hear about my stretch-marks.
The next morning...
India: Ugh...i think I'm losing myself. I didn't even block the fridge!
How is this your personality.
India:...Fuck now I have even more to think of! Goddammit Watcher!
Kiri:...And that's why the penguin went skating!
India: That was the worst joke I've ever heard.
Kiri: Still a better joke than your life.
Gunther: Wow, you look nice today, El. Any reason for it?
Elin: Does there have to be?
Gunther: I'm just saying, if you need another spellcaster baby, you should go for it. I know it's cheating technically, but I'll happily accept it.
Elin: Well that makes it less fun, Gunther.
Justin: It's been a while, huh.
Elin: Well. We've both been busy, haven't we?
Justin: I'm sure you have. That new toddler I saw through the window certainly ain't your husband's.
Elin: You understand then.
Justin: Wow, this is the most romance I've had in five years.
Elin: Dude, you're married, that's really sad.
Justin: Reminding me of Supriya isn't gonna help your seduction quest.
Elin: Just take the rose you pleb.
Mauritius: How long can it take one man to get me my sammich?
Gunther: I don't like.
Mauritius: Oh, bite me. Or don't. I don't care.
Mauritius is just a deadpan little freak. Whenever I check on him he looks like this. Strange kid.
Mauritius: It was just a hug.
Elin: Yeah. It was odd.
Elin has a new gig.
Elin: I think I know enough about romance to do this well.
Quantity? Yes. Quality? Hmmmm...
Kiribati: You smell like a dirty nappy and I'm glad you're leaving.
Honduras: I'm glad I'm leaving too...but I would like one last spin in the jacuzzi tub.
India: He texted me back!
Liberia: Hahaha you're revealing your weaknesses, we could totally use this against you.
Jordan: I'm about to be big enough to slap Gunther's stupid face!
Oh, and Kiri hit an A. And the boys are growing up.
Mauritius: Yes please.
Here's teen Jordan. He's cute! Probably the cutest of Elin's kids so far.
His dad Ray is probably off somewhere being smug about that.
Jordan: I wanna be a vampire.
He got the Vampire Family aspiration. I'll do him a solid and get him turned at some point. He also got the Bookworm trait.
Honduras ain't too bad himself, though I'm not sure why I let him keep those eyebrows.
Honduras: Wait shit I have to be an adult now.
India: Kiri can you get your foot out of Mauri's stomach?
Mauritius: Meh.
Kiri: There will be only one Supreme!
Honduras:...On balance, I'm still good to go. India, Kiri, get my suitcases!
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