Elin has shocked herself on her new robotics workstation.
Therefore, in order to avoid electrocution she has been called upstairs to help her boys with their homework.
Elin: Why oh why can my idiot children not do calculus?
Jordan:...I'm still in the 5th grade, Ma,
Honduras: I just grew up, cut me some slack!
Elin: Not in that outfit I won't.
Jordan: Hee hee!

Tomax: Nice of you to finally invite me back!
Elin: Bitch you're lucky I'm dizzy enough to not throw you out on your ass for that. Don't be fucking rude.
Tomax: Don't have sex with me, lead me on, and ignore my calls then!
Elin: Whatever. Wanna have sex again?
Tomax: Obviously.

Kiri: See how I'm over here? I'm better than all of you.
India: But do you have a sandwich?
Honduras: This is gonna get fuckin' old.
Kiri: What did you say to me?

Gunther: Another friend over, Elin?
Elin: I know what happened today and I'm giving myself a hall pass. Don't bitch.
Tomax: Do I wanna know what's going on?
Elin: It really doesn't concern you, just give me some spellcaster genes and get on your way.

Elin: Y A Y
Spellcaster baby on the way.
Tbh it might disappoint me and be a human. But...I might take Honduras to the Magical Realm because his aspiration is the potions one. So...we can always try again.

The next morning...
Gunther: Oh fuck, oh fuck, eggs on fire-
You have a maxed cooking skill, what is wrong with you.
Gunther: *cough*

Clarissa the Cult Lady: Ugh. Children. Playing outside. Disgusting.
Funny thing is, Clarissa (non-cult version) is actually a Sim I've extensively played before, and this definitely isn't her regular personality.

Jordan: Well not for long, lady. I'm free!
That he is. Now, it's time to focus on Kiri and Honduras. I didn't skill them last night at ALL...at least there's the weekend!

Elin: So...noticed anything different about me?
Gunther: 'Big breakfast', huh?
Elin: Yeah. Well. There's new magic about and I intend to raise a user of it in my own home. Plus, I saw you in the observatory yesterday-
Gunther: See, the thing is-
Elin: I ain't mad. But like I said, I gave myself a hall pass. Wait, two. Let's make that two. I haven't decided about the other guy yet, but, two.
Gunther: Well, it'll be business as usual then, El.

Elin has an interesting approach to robotics.
Elin: Oh for fuck's sake just WORK! *whack whack whack*
Chatter Bot: *quiver*

Gunther: What are you doing down here, Libby?
Liberia: Well. You're actually sounding kind of good. So I came to listen and watch.
Gunther: Well I...I don't know what to say! Thank you, that means so much.
Liberia: Just don't tell the others. I'm warning you. Or I'll make your life hell.
Gunther: You already do.
Liberia: Hmmph.

Kiri: So easy to rid myself of her when she's so pathetic and tiny in her nappies...this will be fun!

Jordan: So are we ignoring her rambling over there?
Honduras: Well I'm not looking to make my tension headache worse.
Jordan: Ignoring it. Got it. If Libby goes, then I hope she kills you first.

Elin: Ah, I do love being at the head of this table...knowing that I'm better than all of you.
Jordan: Nope. You can't even see me.
Honduras: She really did create a mini-her in Kiribati, didn't she?
Gunther: Yes, we should all be scared.

Honduras: This is bullshit. I wanna be a SPELLCASTER. Not a vampire!
Jordan: La-di-da, on my way to bother our sister.
Honduras: She'll eat you.
Jordan: Nah, the other one. The one who barely appears in pictures because she's boring.
Honduras:...I wanna say Isla?

Elin: Are electric shocks bad for the baby?
Probably. Since when have you cared?
Elin: Hhhh, no, this is my precious spellcaster child and I cannot allow it to be tampered with-
You did this to yourself. Just go to bed, you're tired.

Elin: Can you feel your sibling?
Jordan: No, but I can feel your tits in my eye....please move them, this is awkward.
Elin: Oh no problem...I wanna say Jake?
Jordan:...Maybe I deserve that. For forgetting the other one.
Elin: Which one?
Jordan: I think it's a girl?

Kiribati: Soon...soon I will have all the chemicals I need, and my plans can go into action!

The next morning, Elin runs into the 'other one'...
Elin: Good morning, Irrelevant.
India:...Thanks Mum.

Elin: Spellcaster babies must have a really weird and strong hormonal effect because y'know what? I really wanna have sex with you right now.
Gunther: I can't believe I'm actually gonna say yes.

India: What are you doin' out here, Lib?
Liberia: Well Kiri is looking up stuff on an incognito tab and muttering to herself.
India: Oh, she does that a lot anyway.
Liberia: Yes, because she wants me gone.
India: Psh, not everything is about you!
Liberia: Ha you're just bitter.

Meanwhile, Elin and Gunther basically trapped Jordan in their ensuite.
Jordan: This is bullshit.
Yep, this sucks for you. Sorry little dude.

Gunther: What? I've been with Elin long enough to know how to stare at the void! God!

*I missed the flames in her face but it happened*
Elin: *cough* It's a spellcaster baby, should be fine.
I'm not sure if that's how it works.
Can't believe pregnant Sims can't do yoga, but this is a-OK.

Liberia: Waaah! Why have I been staring at a wall all day to do thinking skill? And why is it working?
Gunther: Void. It's the void.
Liberia: What the fuck?!

The kids are home!
Kiri: I will destroy you....
Jordan: Lol.
This kid really does not care about anything.
Anyway, Jordan and Honduras got their As, and India's had 3 school days with hers.

Which means...
India: Behold!
Kiri: I have better things to do.
Jordan: Meh.
Honduras: We've known since you were a baby that you were gonna grow up to look like Mum.
India:...What, no.

Miss India got the Child of the Ocean trait. So I gave her slightly beachy look. Not full beach. After all, they do still live in Newcrest.
Anyway, India is officially a clone apart from the fact that her irises are slightly smaller than Elin's.
That's it.

Seriously I'm pretty sure neither of them have cheated. What the fuck is this.

Gunther: SHIT
Jordan: Goddammit Gunther can you do that somewhere else?
Kiri: God I'm glad he's not our dad.
India: Too right.
Gunther: What was that, kids?
Kiri: I'm gonna tell him-
Jordan: Yeah, let's-
India: Not today! I need to do this homework.

I'm pretty sure all babies do that, El.
Even though she hasn't had a lot of morning sickness.

India and Honduras are both on the vampire lore.
Honduras: This is so painfully irrelevant to what I want to do...
India: Too right. I just want the ocean.
Honduras: Even after living the PruneLife?
India:...It's different.
Honduras: Are you sure about that.

Elin: What're you doing here?
Guatemala: Meh, 'm drunk and just thoughta herezzzz....
Elin: Mmm, nvm, I'm pretty dizzy...gotta robot shock.
Guatemala: Le-tric shock? But you're pregananat...
Elin: Mmmmhm
Guatemala: God I fear for me siblings...
Elin: Weeeelll you're alive aren't ya

Fiji's also skulking about. Still pregnant, still sad.
Fiji: I've made a huge mistake.
We already been knew, dear.

The next morning...
Gunther: Will I help you? Hmm. I'll stand here and think.
Liberia: Clean me I smell like my own nappy!
Gunther: Will I tho?
Liberia: Yes. Yes you will. Or I tell Mum you disrespect her alien baby!

Honduras: Ah, yes, plasma, so interesting-
Jordan: Clam chowder for breakfast is bullshit. Life is bullshit.

Kiribait: AT lesat you're not being usurped by some little blue imposter.
Jordan: Oh please. You haven't done anything yet.
Honduras: Someone's pissy today.
Kiribati: He and India are pissy every day. It's in their nature.
Jordan: And apparently it's not in yours to have bite, not bark!
Kiribati: It's in my nature to make everything perfect. So just you wait.
Jordan:...God this smells so bad.
Honduras: So stop sniffing it directly, what's wrong with you two?

Kiribati: Oh good God, they let it play outside of the mole people's room.
Gunther: Well Lib - I mean, oh dear. Yeah. I shouldn't.
Kiribati: And yet you are. Wait, did you mean...Liberia's idea?
Gunther: Uh.
Kiribati: I'll use that.

Liberia: Holy shit! You sound terrible today!
Gunther: Sigh. Kiri inspire you to say that?
Liberia: Haven't spoken to her once today! But good LORD you sound bad.

Kiri has a low social bar and needs mental skill, so the one sibling without skilling to do was roped into playing chess with her.
Kiri: Ha! Check! You fool.
Jordan: This game is bullshit!
Kiri:You say that about a lot of things.
Elin: You're just bad at it, darling.

Elin: And you dear, are just not talented at the violin.
Gunther: But I'm Level Six!

Liberia: More like Level Sucks!

Elin: Good one, Lib. Now, could somebody tell me why I'm doing Gunther work in my third trimester?

Jordan: He actually sounds alright!
Gunther: But...I'm not actually playing, I'm just practicing bowing techniques.
Jordan: Oh. That explains it.
India: HA

Elin: Well, here it is. The fruits of my Gunther work!
Honduras: Mum you have twelve kids, you should expect to do some housework.
Elin: I don't see you doing much! Don't question me around here, OK?
Liberia: Shit bro, take cover. Wanna borrow my hat?
Honduras:...How would that even help?
Liberia: Can you see me right now?
Elin: My children are idiots.

Gunther: I don't get it. You liked my violin playing yesterday!
Liberia: Shhhshshhhh!
Honduras: Lol you what, sis? Lame.
Liberia: How dare you, you have broken my trust and ruined me socially. I will never forgive you.
Gunther: Yeah, OK, kid. Do you want to look at the new flashcards?

Yes again.
Sigh, let's go do something else for a bit.

Jordan: OW! Stupid robot ran into my head.
Gunther: You...moved it like that.
Honduras: Really? But it's one of Mum's weird new robotic things, it has a brain!
India: I'm gonna tune y'all out, finish my reading and head straight to the ocean!
Honduras: From Newcrest?
Gunther: Maybe I should talk to Elin about having you kids focus on mental skills.

Jordan: Let me guess, you're here to cheat on my wife with my mum?
Baako: What, no, I'm here to...look at this house. Thinking of buying it-
Jordan: It's not on sale. Look, I don't care if you are, dude. Come right in, cause some drama.
Baako declined and ran his ass home.

India: Garlic braids...
Honduras: Sunlight reversal...
Kiribati: So I saw a nice constellation today. Draco. I relate to it-

Honduras: Wow, he sounds good...wait, shit-
Gunther: Why, thanks-
Honduras: Don't tell the others! Especially Liberia!
Gunther: You're afraid of a four-year old giggling at you?

I don't even know what happened, but the two hot-heads must have engaged in some serious yelling, because their relationship bar is almost totally emptied out and they're having an 'Offensive Conversation'.
India: You suck!
Jordan: Is that all you got, dumbass?
India: I have a lot more, you whiny, pathetic little piece of shit!
Jordan: I'm not the one who thinks the ocean is near Newcrest!

Elin: You better be a spellcaster imbued with electricity...otherwise you'll just be a messed-up human.
You specialise in messed-up humans, Elin. Look what you've already produced.
Elin: SHUT UP!

Elin: You look disappointingly normal.
So yeah, this is Mauritius, probably will be shorted to Mauri at some point, son of Tomax and Elin. The house is also full, so...one more interlude until the next baby.

Gunther: Oh, rats, my wife's affair baby is being born!
Elin, yelling from upstairs: He's already born, you moron!
Elin: So come feed him, he's crying!
Gunther: Why is my life like this?!
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