Tosca: NO!
Sahara: Look bitch we've had enough of this passing out crap, so fall asleep already. I know you're exhausted.
Tosca: But I wanna be a pill-bug.
Sahara: No.
Also don't call your daughter that.

Tristan: I don't wanna be alone :(.
Sorry. Your parents went off to make you a sibling.
Tristan: What? No!

Agreed, but just because of this.
Y'all are nasty, you have your own bed.
Sari: Ours smells like baby sick OK! The last couple of days have been HARD.

Sari: I can already taste the bile. And feel the sleep deprivation. What have I done-

While Sari goes to tell her husband of the news, Grandfather of the Year over here...
Tristan: Let me out! Let me ouuuuut!
Mason: Y'all hear something?
Tristan: Seriously? This is RUDE!
Mason:...Y'know, I'm grieving, kid.

Dylan: We WHAT NOW? We can barely handle the twins, how are we gonna handle another kid?
Sari: Yeah, buckle up. It's gonna be a ride and a half while I'm pregnant...on the flipside once the twins grow up we can ignore them mostly. :).
Dylan: YEAH, that helps. That's how my mum and aunt raised me and I turned out great!
Sari: Same here!
Danika: Really, I wake up to this news? I hate it here.

Mason: Eb is dead and life is meaningless and...oh what am I doing, this was my grandma's sex coffin! Why do we even still have this thing?

Mason: Are you sure you're ready for another baby, Sari honey?
Sari: Not at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm not ready. But y'all are just gonna have to deal.
Mason: *sigh* Eb would know what to do.
Sari: Would she? Look Dad, I know you're upset but I've met Cousin Andrew.

Lux and her husband are fighting again. Too much Sutherland in one household I suppose. (EW)

Mason had a Sad Elder Birthday tm. I always put them off and then they get sad.
Danika: Zzzz...I couldn't give less of a shit...zzzz.

Mmmm...no. Absolutely not. She shares a grandmother with your dad, Miles. That's Lana's daughter.

Kai got his wife pregnant. Good going for actually knocking up the woman you married and not someone else, Kai.

As did Cousin Andrew...

And so did Andrew's father.
Andrew: Wait, ew, no!

I decided to fix Miles' situation. I used MCCC to divorce them, and let Giselle keep her pregnancy but changed the father. Miles kind of gets screwed over, but too bad. Next time don't pick your cousin once-removed for marriage and a family.

Sahara: Up and at em, for the love of God please don't starve to death or something. Like, I do need a songwriting topic but that's too dark, you feel me?

Tosca: *sings* YEeeeeeeEEEEeeeT!
Tosca: Mum says it too! She sings all the time. It's bad. But I sound pretty great. YEE-

Mason: O God, I am so sad and old. Now Missy will never let me put my-
Missy: *snore, hasn't happened for like ten years anyway*

What the fuck is up with Tosca's hair in the bath. That's not how this works.
Tosca: Mum bathes me in a wig. Says it 'builds character'.
Sari: Hey, nobody likes an itchy scalp.

Missy's old too.
Missy: This isn't dignified.
When have you ever been dignified, jeez.
Then old Missy and Mason got old people makeovers that will be seen at some point.

Like now.
Missy: Wow, Mason, your hairline just receded like 3 inches at once.
Mason: I was gonna not mention your boob sag but now you say something...
Missy: Never mind, you look good as the day I met you honey.
Mason: Ah, same to you my dear.
Missy: I love lying.

Tosca: I didn't do nuffin!
Sahara: GodDAMMIT Tosca you will sit your tiny ass on that potty and learn to not shit your own pants, because that's not acceptable unless you're a BABY, or like, really old!
Tosca:...But I'm two, I'm still-
Sahara: You're not a baby, you're a pain in my ass! Now let's GO!

Sari: Wh-
Dylan: Demonstration is a valid teaching technique!
Tosca: It would be if I was looking. Which I don't want to do.

Sigh. Tristan.
I mean I know they've both done it before most likely. I just don't count it if I don't catch them. Because that's a pain.

Sari: You need a bath, huh baby boy? That's OK, much love. I'mma write a sweet lullaby-sounding song to you.
Tristan: Mama!
Dylan: Sniff, I smell blatant favouritism.

Dylan: But you don't need to worry about that, lil Tossie. Let's dance!
Tosca: Wheeeee!
Dylan is a good father. He may be lazy and airheaded but he is a good father. That's why he's been kept back from work the last two days.
...Sari has seriously needed the help.

Case in point.
Sari:...Fine. Never use the toilet. Live in a room full of piss. Die in that room. Whatever.
Tristan: I just said 'maybe later'!

Sari: Hiss...can't take it, need music that isn't made by the Wiggles...*growl* away with thee, I have BABIES now! Babies, so many babies, too much work, somebody play me some Drake-
Tosca: Heheh, I love it when Mum has a mental breakdown.
Tristan: I won't die from peeing too much will I? Will I?

Tosca then wandered her ass out of the house.
Tosca: Hooooohhh my God it's so big outside, why did I think I was big just 'cos Tris is younger DADDYYYYYY!

Hey, Danika's home. Hi Danika.
Danika: God when was the last time this place was decorated? Nobody since my mother's time has bothered to purchase a new vase?! Heathens.
Bye Danika.

Sari: Seriously? I'm pregnant and now you just made me step in your pee! Thanks a lot.
Tristan: D: I mean, if you changed you would - I'm gonna shut up now.
Sari: Good!
Go to work Sari. I think you need it.

Tristan: I don't like the strange man holding me. Danger, danger!
Mason: My hairline hasn't receded that badly...has it? Tristan, has it?
Tristan: How do you know my name?

Missy: You're always so absorbed in whatever bullshit you're doing, it's been a problem for this whole relationship - are you seriously not listening right now?
Mason: I got corn.
Missy: Congratulations dicknuts!

Dylan: We're not gonna end up like this, right son? Your mother and I, it won't end like this, right?
Tristan:...Why are you asking me this, I just wanted to play airplanes, damn.

Sari came home in her second trimester, with a promotion to the Musician branch of her career. She's also falling asleep standing up like a horse.
Poor thing. Her life is exhausting.

Danika: I'm your Great-Great Auntie Danika, and I'm here to help you out, because it appears like no-one else will!
Tristan: *whimper* Strangers...strangers everywhere.
Danika: Yeah don't even try to know me. I want nothing to do with you little brats.

Miles decided to marry again! And I'm gonna let him keep this one. She looks cute and she's NOT RELATED TO HIM.
...I mean she's related by marriage because Dylan's mother is her grandmother but I don't give two shits about that anymore, at least it's not his cousin like ew dude.

1. You couldn't just go in the pool?
Sahara: I cannot disrespect Neptune's mark on the-
2. You really took that long to get out? You had 2 hours when I checked your moodlet. What the fuck.
Anyway, -5, and Sari doesn't get to sleep in the pool when she's pregnant anymore.
Sari: Awww-

Sari then got in the bath and tried to drown herself before she remembered she was a mermaid.
Nah, kidding, but her tail did take an assload of time to render. Glitchy bloated saves, gotta love em.

Dylan is a good father even to the detriment of his own needs. He has 2 hours before he pisses himself.
Tosca: This is favouritism.
I would hope he comes back to get you but if he does he's definitely wetting himself so...let's hold out hope for Missy, the only other one awake. She is currently in the observatory.

Sari: Hang in there by the back of your wig!
Tosca: This is bullshit. I still don't see why I have to wear this thing.

Missy: Gonna pretend I'm not stepping in suspicious liquid down there and just help out my daughter.
That's actually sweet, Missy, thank you.
Missy: God knows she needs it, that little twit.
She's right behind you.

Tristan: I didn't ask to do it together, Mum.
Sari: Well, your little sibling is taking a bounce on my bladder, OK?
Tristan: Don't say that like I asked for it. I didn't!

Miles:...I leave for like two days and then there's a pantsless person on my first visit. Cool. Very cool.
Susana: Don't hate, there's been a CC purge and I just wanna visit my brother!
Dylan: I know nothing about this.
Miles: Kind of seems like you do, mate.

Dylan: Hey, you like kids and family stuff, don't you, maybe you could help with-
Miles: Not a chance in hell. They don't have computers this good at Tamsin's.

Sari: Is Tosca freaking out in the hallway? Are my family idiots? Yes.
Dylan: Oh, should I go get her or-
Sari: No dear. She can handle herself. We need some us time. It's not like you can knock me up again.

Dylan: Goodbye, sweet dance floor. I sense that the children need me. But one day, love...one day Sari and I will dance and drink wine again. Like the old days.
Parenthood has really changed Dylara.

Tosca: Dad you smell like rotting garbage
Dylan: Yeah sweetie, but I'm the only one here.
Tosca: I hate my life.
Dylan: Ah, you are a Sutherland after all. Comes with the title.
Aw he's so good at being part of the family.

Sari: Ta-da!!!! What if this like, spread to the whole house-
We're not doing that, just fry your fish.

Missy: You really gotta walk around like that, hm? Like, this is a common area.
Sari: Shush Mum. Pregnancy makes me run hot. And lazy. You'd know all about that.
Missy: Touche.

Aaliyah's gonna be a grandma...her son basically just graduated high school and got this woman pregnant.
Aaliyah:...Yeah. Hella proud.

Tristan: I think this sandwich is my only friend. And now I have to eat it. And you've used this shtick before haven't you?
Sari will be back it's fine.

Sari: DAAAAD I think there's like a huge lump of dirt on top of this toilet, can you help me clean it out?
Mason: Is she messing with me or is she really this stupid?
The world will never know.

Missy: Ooh, yeah Dylan, give my pregnant daughter that di-
Dylan: 'M unc'mf-ble.

Dylan: I'm so glad I met her.
Sari: *screeches like a mean-ass seagull*

Sari: And I'm glad I met you too, babe. Top 40 forever.
Dylan: As long as you include the dance charts too!
Danika: Y'all are so sappy I could puke. Also, I sent Tosca to cockblock you a while ago. Have fun with that.
Sari:....Some things don't change.
Dylan: Considering how fast that kid can run, I'd say we've got about a minute.
Sari: Wanna just make out in front of my great aunt?
Dylan: Do I ever!

Well, she finally finished the aspiration. There we have it, the face of a woman who has found her soulmate.
Dylan: Uh...
Sari: No, not you, I love you, stupid. I just really want a cookie and nap right now.

I then gave her Musical Genius (obvious pick is obvious) and she's got this far already. So +5.

Tamsin came over and immediately hopped on the free computer. Like all the spares when they come round.
Tamsin: Why don't I get off my ass and invest in one of these...

Missy is actually spending time with her grandkids.
Missy: Say 'evil green fake tree from hell'!
Missy: You are my greatest disappointment.

While Mason catches up with his eldest daughter.
Mason: So good to see you here, Tam-
Tmasin: Wow, everything about your hair got so much worse since I last saw you. That's the thing with humans - you think you're important and then you shrivel up and die.
Mason:...So how's little Elvira then?

Tosca: Oops. Feel like I just messed up.
Yeah, I caught you, missy. -5.
Missy, wherever she is: WHAT?
But then I checked back on Sari and she completed the second tier of her aspiration. So that's 5 back.

Tristan: Ooh, yes, this is fun and glidey!
Missy: What, Mason, should I not rub butter on my shoulders before playing with the kid? Don't look at me like that!
Mason:...I'm just saying, if something goes wrong and Sari asks what happened, I'm telling the truth.

Tosca: Cool, a vaccuum bag!
Sari: I've done my part, the kid's fed. Need a nap now.
Tosca: *chokes on dust*

Kid: Can these people call me a taxi or something? I'm lost.
Well sure, little girl, just come inside and-
Kid: My name is Liam.
Could have fooled me.

Danika: You're still the only bitch I respect in this house.
Mason: Straight upppp.

Tosca: Dad this is fun and all but I'd learn more if I could stand nearer-
Dylan: This is not about you, now shush and let me bust down Th - my moves.

In other news, Mason is rediscovering painting, finally. I brought out his new easel (promotion reward) and it awakened something in him I guess. This is his second painting in a row.

Sari: HURGH, Dylan, feed Tristan or something and - OW, WHY-
Labour time.

Sari: Haha your head is so floppy. Like a little ragdoll, hm, can I name you Ragdoll?
Anyway this is baby girl Catalina. I have absolutely no idea if she is a human or a mermaid, we will find out.

(Sorry about the gratuitous walls-down, I couldn't get the shot otherwise)
Dylan: No no no, it's your birthday, let's not wake up your grandparents. Out now, Tris.
Mason: Zzz...I suddenly like that boy a lot more....
Missy: Zzzz...you didn't like him before?
Dylan: Psh, and after I told her all that great advice about hiding your food in bed?
I don't know if Mason would appreciate that, Dyl.

Sahara: Look, your sister's grown up and in the pool, I just had a baby and I'm so tired my eyes hurt. Please make this easy for me.
Sorry Tosca for not getting a birthday picture of you.

Tosca grew up cheerful with the Artistic Prodigy aspiration, and Tristan grew up Active with the Whiz Kid aspiration. This is completely at odds with how they were as toddlers, but maybe twins are so close they can randomly switch personalities. IDK.
Anyway, they are both cute, Tosca is way more Dylan in the face than her brother, and next time Catalina grows up, and the last baby of the generation is conceived and probably born.
Score Sheet- 645
Single Births (31) +155
Twin Births (5) +50
Aspiration Tiers (94) +470
Aspiration (16) +160
Grade A (8) +40
Randomising everything for 1 gen (6) +60
Not using spare's satisfaction points (7) +70
Every 100,000 simoleons (31) +620
Immortalise TH (2) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (132) -660
Self Wetting (40) -200
Fires (16) -160
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