Uh, hey, excuse me, what the fuck.
Rivella: Something feel hot to you?
That's an unholy graphical issue. Fits Rivella tho.
Y'know, because she's going to hell.

Gin-Fizz came home with an A.
Gin-Fizz: See, that little childhood blip meant nothing.
Aperol: But it did still happen.

Aperol: What are you gonna do about your *whispers* lil problem, Auntie Gin-Fizz?
Gin-Fizz: Ugggghhh. HEY WANKERS! Remember that half-naked girl at the park yesterday? Well she kind of followed me home so don't let her in!
Aperol: She's outside! What if she hears you?
Gin-Fizz: Literally ran out of fucks to give, little dude.

Yep. This girl really did come home with Gin-Fizz. I hit yes thinking 'oh she's got a friend', but maybe not.
Ella: These people are so fucking rude, not even answering their door!
Onyx: Shit even I can't look at her.

She got in.
Ella: It's just been really hard for me since the death of-
Rivella: Oh God, I'm not in the mood. Hey KEZIA, go see her out-
Kezia: *can't hear her, painting in the shed*
Rivella: Goddammit.

Pepsi: Ahhhh that's my shit.
Carly: What is it?
Pepsi: You'll see, gorgeous.
Gin- Fizz: For fuck's sake not again. Can I at least finish my food before you start?

Rivella: Well, looks like I just threw some paper.* Then again, that's been happening since I grew up. I've got better things to do.
(*Whoever threw that paper, your mom's a...)

Gin-Fizz: Welp, once I'm gone you might be screwed, kid. At least you'll have Aperol. He's got like, ten braincells all to himself. That's a record for this family.

Carly: Your daughter is as lovely as you, Cola.
Rivella: Ha! Three kids and I've still got it!
Pepsi: *sigh* Get out, Carly.
Rivella: Wow Mum, your ego really is that fragile.

What the fuck is wrong with this family.
First you have Grenadine's father-in-law carrying on an affair with her 'mother'. Now you have Rivella's father's ex-wife marrying Rivella's baby daddy.

And I'm lowkey pissed these two married each other before Gin-Fizz could enter the marriage pool. They're very cute.
...There's always next generation's partner/s I suppose.
Roxanne: This is so creepy. I'm not even pregnant.
Well get on that or I'll make it so.

Justin: *sniff* I threw my life away...I had such a fat pension coming in. I could have retired to a houseboat and cheated on Supriya with a stripper or something!
...Real nice. Get a new shtick dude.

Justin: Hee hee! Revenge!
Gin-Fizz: Yeah yeah, you were my sister's victim, but it wasn't my fault and I seriously just wanna pee.

Justin: More revenge! Rivella's roommate, do you know what she did to-
Kezia: Like most people, you were likely a waste of space in life. Rivella is very special to me, and nothing you say will change that.

Gin-Fizz: Y'know, Kezia, I've always been curious about what you do here, and your devotion to my sis-
Kezia: Kid. Get outta my shed.
Gin-Fizz: I mean, there's no way you're an actual Sutherland who crossed time and dimensions to be with her.
Kezia: I dunno what to tell you. It's what happened, that's been established.
Gin-Fizz: Uh, and it has also been established that I do not believe you.
Kezia: I guess we're at an impasse then. So...get out of my shed.

Rivella: Hi Bell! Sorry it's been so long. I'm pretty busy these days.
Bellini: Ah yes, my favourite. Being carted around like a useless lump.
Rivella: But I swore I wouldn't be like my mother, so we are going to have mother-daughter bonding time!
Bellini: Joy.
Pepsi: I'm right here! Not that I actually - wait, shit.
Rivella: You say something, Mum?

Oh, side note, here's the Cowberry. She is still quite small, but Rivella and I await the day she grows to her full size.
Rivella: Hmm, yeah, it's been a while since I had a hit of that good shit.
(Which is death, if you didn't remember)

Rivella: Right now my good shit is Kala tho. Damn girl, you fine!
Kala: Well thanks a lot, dear. You're so much more exciting than my husband, y'know?
Rivella: Well you're a lot cuter than any man I've been with.

Gin-Fizz: Right, beep-beep, out you get. Do this somewhere else, we have homework.
Aperol: Uhh...yeah. That would be nice. Good luck tho Mum!
Kala: Your kids are about as weird as mine.
Rivella: The teen's not my kid. Just my kid sister who's still here for some reason.
Gin-Fizz: I don't want to be.

What the fuck is that reaction.
Kala: Aw Riv, you shouldn't have. Seriously, I'm allergic. *sneezes*
Rivella: Still works. I did learn some things from my mother.

Kala:...I think I want a divorce!
Boom, got 'em. But don't get divorced just yet, Kala, I'm not pulling an Ivy situation this generation.

Rivella is pictured here actually doing work on her aspiration, once Kala left.
Rivella: Lol you don't have hair.
Alejandra: That all you got?

Cola: You're my representative in this town. Could you at least shower?
Pepsi: Ehh, I'm still fiiine!
Cola: You're rapidly ageing is what you are. Please go shopping.

Rivella: I've got - oh who froze my throwing drinks?
Gin-Fizz, inside somewhere: *smirk*
Alejandra: I'll ask again, love...that all you got?

Rivella: Screw you I have dust and my fists! I call 'em - oh fuck it *slap slap slap*
Alejandra: You're a crazy bitch!
Rivella: You didn't figure that out before?!

I didn't even catch Rivella winning the fight, but she won it. There is no proper picture of her triumph because Alejandra immediately started another one.
Alejandra: For disrespecting me, you DIE!
Rivella: Oh you got that beatdown fair and square!

Seriously? Again? Come on Rivella, you kicked her ass twice, leave it.
Rivella: RAAAARGH die bitch!
Shaowen: Oh I'll miss curfew to watch this!
What happened to YOU Shaowen. You were such a cute kid. Now you look like a fucking neckbeard. Without the...neckbeard. But still, you get what I mean. Look at him, real m'lady vibes right there.

Alejandra: I seez a lotta stars.
Rivella: That's perfect. Run along now. I'll keep you safe.

Alejandra: Wait, hang on, don't I hate y-
Rivella: Have fun, darling.
Berry: *just chilling in the corner*

Alejandra: Mwahahahaha! I have her exactly where I want her!
Are you sure about that.
Also, I guess she's evil too. Maybe that's why they had to fight THREE TIMES.
Berry: I'm ready for this.

Thanks for breaking our shit, Lux. She broke the shower too.
Lux: If I can't have this bathroom nobody can.

Oh and here's YA Gin-Fizz.
Gin-Fizz Thanks for getting a shot of me blowing out my candles!
It's 1 in the morning tho so she's staying the night.
Gin-Fizz: The what now? God I need to get out of here.
Anyway, she grew up with the Loves Outdoors trait. She looks quite a lot like her mother Ivy, which is cool. She definitely doesn't look much like her sisters, but genetic diversity is good, so I'm happy with that.

She got a nice little makeover as a reward for her suffering.
Gin-Fizz: But everybody gets one.
And with that, she was moved in with Grenadine, and out of my hair.

Kezia: Well this was a rude awakening.
Rivella: Why does this ALWAYS have to happen...
Aperol: There's one...two...when did Sprite grow up, Mum?
Rivella: She's still a baby... I dunno who that is.
Rocio: I think I got the wrong house.
Pepsi: No shit, kid.

Rivella: So, wanna seal this - oh what is it, Bell?
Bellini: Nothing I just like being in the way.
Kala: Lol she seems sassy. Kid after my own heart.
Rivella: Hmmph.

Onyx: You're the most beautiful thing in the world, ain't ya?
Pepsi: Why th - what the fuck? There's no-one of mine here! What the - wait, cat, is that you? Weirdo.
Onyx: *staring at the fridge handle*

Kala: Just one hot fling with a younger woman and then home to my husband...after all I've got a reputation to keep!
Rivella: Oh my GOD quit killing the mood and get in this very steamy shower already.
Kala: Don't mind if I do, darling!

Rivella: Stay one more round?
Kala: It's been two times already though...
Rivella:...I still have some moves left to show you.
Yeah, my MC Woohoo settings were wrong and she wouldn't get knocked up. But now she can I think. I fixed it.

Lowkey feel bad for ignoring Bellini practically her whole toddlerhood so far.
Bellini: Meh. I'm just vibing.

Rivella, mad-eyed and mud-covered, has conceived her last child.
Rivella: I finally did it!
Kala: Gimme a sec, I just need to...clean and not look at you. We were in the shower. How did that even happen?
Rivella: Beats me!

Alejandra here is making a friend. The cowplant has grown and hopefully it'll eat her soon.
Alejandra: I am your new mistress, Cow-cake!
Berry: As if.

Rivella: God you're a throwback to my recently departed sister. I hope you're not actually like her though, what a drip.
Sprite: I've been in this new body for one second, give me a break!

And here's lil baby Sprite! She's a Silly little creature, which isn't made obvious by her outfit at all. So far, she looks a lot like Rivella in the face.

Sprite: Why did you leaaave meeeee
Rivella: Uh...did my sister drop you on your head a lot? She regrettably had a large part in raising you.

Rivella: Ah, just me and my kiddo, having our healthy lunch. What a perfect afternoon.
I mean your other daughter's also around.
Rivella: That one rejected me. The new one is important now.

And your darling son is home.
Rivella: Him. I like him.
Aperol:...Why are you looking at me like that, sir?
Jeff: I lost all my hair in a freak accident. I know you've got some under that hat, you dirty little hippie! Give it!
Aperol: What's wrong with this neighbourhood?

Sprite: You think I wanna read your books? You think I wanna play by your rules? LOL no sucka.
Bellini: Yeeees, little sister, rebel, rebel!
Rivella: Oh why can't you girls be like your brother?
Aperol: Don't bring me into this, sheesh.
Rivella: But I just wanna give you love!

Kezia: It's OK, Riv. They'll grow to love and listen to you. I'll make sure of it. Hey Bellini, potty, now!
Rivella: Aw you do know how to handle my babies!
Kezia: I support you in everything you do, remember. Now chop chop, Bell, time to get trained!
Bellini: I'm gonna shit in her shoe.
Sprite: Lmao nice.
Two toddlers and a pregnant woman. Uggghhh. Luckily Bellini grows up soon.

Pepsi is home. Tonight her real target is Alika.
Alika: You. And your daughter. Both hoes. But, both cute.
Pepsi: All I hear is cute.
And that's why you have no standards.
Pepsi: Ignore the cranky baby behind me.

Sprite: But I don't WANNA-
Rivella: Look kid do you wanna grow up stupid?

Kezia: Hope I'm not interrupting anything.
Alika: Wow there's babes out the wazoo around here!
Kezia: What are you doing with your life, Cola?

Rivella: Pretty sure that guy called me a hoe in the park that one time.
To be fair you were seducing Justin that morning.
Pepsi: Yeah, l remember that.
Rivella: You make great choices, Mum.

Pepsi: So there's this lovely bath-shower combo just behind me-
Alika: Awww yeah-
Rivella: Uh, so you might wanna give that an extra clean before - wait, why do I care? I hate you people.
Pepsi: What was that sweetie?
Rivella: Nothing!

Alika: Damn Cola that move was amazing - oh, there's some little guy here!
Pepsi: Hey kid. You need something?
Aperol: My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Wait, it was already ruined when that creepy old man tried to steal my hair.
And this is how Sutherlands are ruined. He's fast running out of sweetness.
Pepsi: Y'know that's my grandson. I know, I don't look old enough to-
Alika: I mean, you look pretty good, but it's not that hard to believe.

Kezia: Uh, not a hotel dude. Get out. Why was I sent through time and space to do crap like this?!

This exhibit is titled: Lady In Existential Crisis.
Kezia: I mean, I had to kick out my best friend's mother's hookup, and now I'm making fucking nachos at 2.30am. How would you be doing?

Sugar: Wassup bitches, heard there's a stranger to get rid of.
Kezia dealt with that. But thanks, Sugar. You're still my favourite.
Onyx: HEY

Alejandra is still here. And our cowplant appears to have had a meal since I last checked. Hopefully this bitch goes for it a second time and then that's death 2 done.

Sprite: Now that I'm not wearing my cool glasses, the Watcher wants to show off my eyes, but I'll just stay blind.
Bellini: Lol nice, fight the man sis.
Sprite: Right! I'll start with getting my cool glasses back!
Bellini: OK seriously they're not that cool.

Alejandra: No please, I'll be good, I definitely won't hire a hitman to finish the job with - I mean, I'll leave you and your family alone-
Rivella: No can do. This isn't - OK, well it's kind of personal. Either way, you're gonna stay. You can watch me open the door and then lock it back up!

Rivella: Who's my good girl? Crush her skull today please, my sweet berry!

Kezia: *yawn* W-what are you doin', Riv-
Rivella: I just need to be close to you.
Kezia: Oh whatever I've heard creepier out of you. *rolls over*

Rivella: How are you doing, Appy darling?
Aperol: Scarred for life.
Rivella: How bad can it be?
Aperol: Well, a creepy man tried to steal my hair and then I walked in on Grandma having sex. I'm even kind of wondering what happened to my fa-
Rivella: Heart attack, love. It was tragic. Haven't we discussed this?

Rivella: Bellini. I will take advantage of your rare closeness to me-
Pepsi: Lol you're not salty at all.
Rivella: To give you your birthday present!
Bellini: Am I getting walls around my bed?
Rivella:...No. But you are getting a whole day free of Watcher control! Congratulations on finishing your skilling early!
Independent trait FTW.

Sprite: Ooh, the pink stuff smells kinda good-
Aperol: But it doesn't mean anything good. Stay in the nursery. Go now, Sprite. Or you'll regret it. I'm off to school, keep yourself safe <3.

Bellini: Hey. Cat. What is going on? I don't know this lady.
Phoebe: Damn I'd like to see under those pyjamas.
Onyx: *could not give one less of a solitary fuck*
Pepsi: Dammit Kezia. Why can't I be the only snack in the house?
Bellini: Don't touch my animal crackers Grandma!

Rivella: I mean sure. If you want. There was a Hillock tournament I was thinking about so...yeah, babysit my kids!
Gin-Fizz: Nvm I'm good.
And she never showed up.
This reminded me that Grenadine must have glitched up and not given birth. Because it's been forever. Where is this baby.

Grenadine: Still in me. It's been two days of straight labour. Please help.
She wears pregnancy well. I miss her.
Grenadine: Aw. But I'm still not coming round more often. I'm really not a fan of my dear older sister.
I don't want to play her family right now because it might mess with the hostage situation. But if Alejandra dies and this kid still isn't born I'll take matters into my own hands.

Bellini: I think I'm gonna start a revolution.
Sprite: Can it wait until I'm done with my fish stick?
Onyx:...The hell do you think I care for? Unless it's about those squirrels. I really hate the squirrels.

Sprite: Have you left forever, Mama? Am I to be parented by plates, my sister and the cat?
I don't think Sprite is cut out for the rebel life like her sister.

Rivella: OK, I need lunch. Onyx, darling, babysit my other darling. Make sure she doesn't fall down stairs. I'm sure you'll do great!
Onyx:...Like how am I supposed to babysit? I'm smaller than this one!
Sprite: Meow I'm a cute kittycat!
Onyx: Well at least this one's a bit smarter than your other one. Though I do prefer sleek predator-
Sprite: You're a cute kittycat!
Rivella: Lol get wrecked.

Onyx: Boo! Fuck you gaming rig!
Apparently he's scared of it. But he honestly just seems more pissed. Typical Onyx.

Alejandra: Ooh *yawn* That cake looks gooooaaaaa *thump*
Berry: Tease.
Rivella: Patience, sweetie.

Sprite: Dance with me, Prince of Darkness!
Onyx: Can't think of anything I'd like to do less. Unless, of course, you want to dance-battle with the squirrels-
Sprite: You're kind of obsessed with those things, aren't you?
Onyx: Wh - what? No, they're obsessed with me, ME!
Sprite: Lol sure.

Hey look she's doing it. Girl's about to get EATEN.
Rivella come watch.

Rivella: I don't need to. I can...hear the sounds. The beautiful beautiful sounds.
Sprite:...Is Mum OK, Appy?
Aperol:...Don't even ask. I don't even know what she is anymore.
Rivella: Haha cronch cronch.

Rivella: Did I miss the show, Grim my love?
Grim: No, you've got a front row seat! I assume you have no objections.
Rivella: Heh heh heh, not at all. Take it away, this is my shit.

Rivella: Awww yeah, it was everything I dreamed of!
Grim: You have issues, lady.
Rivella: You're the one taking a soul. Stones and glass houses, Grimmy-boy.
Grim: Don't.

The cowplant glitched, but Rivella could still milk her. So. Essence of life. Here we go.

Really Rivella? You're gonna fight with Grim?
Rivella: He started it! He said it looks like I swallowed a melon! Like, I'm creating life you crusty bitch!
Grim: That's very ironic. I fear for your children, you demon!
Rivella: Don't you dare! I am a stellar mother! And who are you calling a demon?
Woo, 2/3 of the generational goal completed, let's end this chapter, it's too long. And this baby is still not born. This generation, man...way too much is happening.
Next time, births and birthdays and stuff. Idek anymore.
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