Rivella: Yesss. Feed, my child. You will grow up strong and perfect.
Bellini:...Kind of just wanna eat here, Mum.
Get used to this shit, kid. Rivella is just...like this.

Demetrius is over so Pepsi can make more progress on her slutty, slutty aspiration.
Pepsi: Take this rose and be suitably grateful that you can gaze on this perfection.
Demetrius: Once again, I have a wife...

Demetrius: But you are actually really hot and I was wrong last time.
Pepsi: Now we're talking.
Kezia: Nope. I'll drink this on the stairs. CanNOT be arsed.

Demetrius: That...
Pepsi: Filled a need, hehe.
Gin-Fizz:...Do I want to know?
Demetrius: Probably not, little lady.
Pepsi: Little lady? Seriously? Let's not do this again.

Rivella: No it's not me! I'm not my mother, I just gave birth, take her-
Nicola: Hey your mother's experience proved that they don't care if you just gave birth. Have fun up there kid.
Rivella: I'm not a kid, I'm a mother of two and I'm really good at video games!

Grenadine and Gene are having a baby. Hopefully MCCC marries them. I was wondering why nothing was happening and then I realised it's because they were a played household.
But I fixed it before this chapter started.

Kezia: Uh, hi, you sure choose some public places to-
Pepsi: Oh, I'm sorry. The living room is just where I have my, ahem, 'special incense'.
Kezia:...Cola if you're drugging people I really don't want to know.
Pepsi: No, it's just a romantic smell. Gets 'em in the mood.
Kezia: Did I ask?

Kase: Howdy hot stuff, sweet place...now how do we know each other again?
Rivella: Sick and expensive pets.

Kase: Thank you, this is wonderful...almost as wonderful as you.
Rivella: Ha, my mother's tips are working. Guess she's good for something.
Kase: Why are you talking about your mother?
Rivella: Oh forget that, let's do it.
Kase:...Fucking already?
Rivella: How do you mean that?

Does it matter?
Kase: Wait Rivella I need to get my clothes off!
Rivella: Don't worry you're fine, this animation is just lazy!
Damn he thicc tho.

Rivella:...Wow already. Maybe this was a bit soon. But I will still be a perfect mother to it, just like I have been to the other two.

Rivella: Meh, time to freak out a guy. Hey dude, I'm pregnant.
You have sex with a guy and call him dude, really.
Kase: What...
Onyx: Goddammit you already don't brush me enough.
Kase:...I get it! Funny joke, Rivella, there's no way you're-
Rivella: Not a joke, look at my stomach.

Kase: Big breakfast?
Rivella: No. What can I say except congratulations, Daddy!
Onyx: OK this is a bit funny. That's why I love her - DAMMIT.

Rivella: This is a good day...newly pregnant, disrupted a guy's life and I have new SimScuffle cheat codes at the ready for this tourney!

Gin-Fizz:...What was that? Did you just say congratulations auntie?
She ran into Kase on his way out.
Gin-Fizz: GodDAMMIT Rivella.

Gin-Fizz: Hehe, look at this, it's a DUCK! *quacks along with the book opening*
Bellini: I am unamused.
Gin-Fizz: Yeah thought so. I just really don't wanna do this homework.

Aperol: Mum look it's a miracle!
Rivella: Hm?
He's right. A cat is actually sleeping in the sleeping object purchased for it. Incredible.

Aperol:...Who threw away a whole-ass frying pan?
Who indeed.

Gin-Fizz: My sister says that random people who show up to our doorstep shouldn't be helped.
Chaya: You're telling me this why? I just need one bus fare.
Gin-Fizz: Wow, chill out girl. I'm not my sister.

Chaya: Yo, what's the password?
Kezia: We don't invite sticky-fingered, strange teenagers in to use our very expensive and delicate computers, miss. Let me see you out.

Pepsi: Smell that beautiful smell, my dear.
Rudy: Uh...yes ma'am.
Pepsi: Oh come on, don't call me that. Makes me feel like I'm old.
Rudy: Well I'm 21 and you are...I don't wanna say.
Pepsi: Call it 30.
Rudy: Uhhhh...

Gin-Fizz: Seriously Mum? You're still doing this midlife crisis shit? I remember seeing Rudy in school a couple years back!
Rudy: Oh, even if she's actually 40 it doesn't matter, I'd totally do-
Gin-Fizz: Haha, I can tell you she ain't 40.
Pepsi: Shut it.

Aperol: Morning, father. Can you help me for once in your life, considering you haven't-
Justin: I'm a ghost. Six nighttime hours at random days I can come out. You're lucky you met me, it was your mother who did this.

Aperol: Sorry, I cannot believe you. Mum is not evil like that, she calls me Appy and gives me lots of hugs and love. Thank you for the sandwich though.
Justin: But - hey, you, Rivella's sister. Tell the kid I'm right.
Gin-Fizz: Oh lord, I'm not getting involved with this mess.

Rivella: Now baby, don't listen to the mean man. He is your father and I was there when he died, but it was a tragic accident. I kept him here so you could know him...unfortunately he is salty and not the man I thought he was. OK?
Aperol: OK Mama!
Rivella: That's my boy. Gimme hugs!

Onyx: Maybe you should listen to-
Rivella: Hush or I'm locking you in the house, there'll be no prowling for a week.

Pepsi: Hi, hot stuff - no, I'm not in a bathroom, just washing dishes-
Aperol: Welp, I'm gone.
Pepsi: Why do you kids always say that...no, you're not a kid for crying out loud, you're retired.

Rivella: See this? Our mother is a thot. Do better, please.
Gin-Fizz: Already planning on it. Grenadine is gonna be the real tough one to beat.

Aperol: Yay, I'm a child and stuff-
Rivella: I think I'm gonna throw up.
Aperol: Oh come on, not on my head.

Aperol is Neat and a Whiz Kid. He doesn't look like anyone else in the family, so he must take a lot after his dad Justin. I love him.

Rivella: Ready for another round of trying to catch this accursed plant seedling?
Kezia: And ignoring your family while doing it? Absolutely.

Hey look it's Sierra, Shayne's daughter.
Rivella: Who is-
Your half-sister.
Cash: Are you lost little girl? Need a snack? Or a ride?
Sierra: Uh..stranger danger.

Vivian: Hoe. I still want that cure, Cola!
Cash:...You need to deal with that?
Pepsi: I don't know what she's talking about! Crazy people, y'know.

Makoa: Y'know I just saw her macking on that creepy gardener-
Pepsi: That's nonsense, but anyway, why shouldn't people all get a piece of this?
Makoa: You say that like you're so in demand.
Ivy: That's just the clone...don't look, don't look.

Randolph: Is that my w - no, never mind, keep going.
Pepsi: *doesn't care, just needs that kiss*

Pepsi:...Right, shall we find somewhere more private.
Julia: Slow your roll we just met. At least buy me dinner first, amirite?
Pepsi: There's veggie burgers on that table if you're hungry.
Gin-Fizz: Mother, your abject lack of romance kind of explains why things fell through with you and my other mother.
(Did they tho.)
Aniyah: Pretty sure that bitch is the one fucking my husband...
Aperol: Really? Ew, sin, disgusting!

Gin-Fizz: Let's leave 'em to it and go play chess.
Aperol: Did grandma-
Gin-Fizz: Haha yeah, 100%. That's also Auntie Grenadine's mother-in-law. Nice family we have, right?

Rivella: Yeah, spill all the tea. Testimony from my mother's coworkers about how much of a nightmare she is would be great! I'm writing a memoir.
Kayla: Ooh, really? Maybe we could finally get her fired.
Vivian: Nah, I'm pretty sure this chip off the old block just wants gossip.
Rivella:...I mean who wouldn't?

Mehdi: Ooh yeah, start making out-
Pepsi: Pretty sure my foremothers had to deal with this asshole.
Julia: Well, maybe when you're dead, old man. Keep walking!
Pepsi: Ooh, you're feisty.

Shaowen: Ooh, this looks fun. I'm gonna go find stuff on the internet!
Julia: Two types of kids, hm?

Rivella: Feel your new sibling, darling. One more after this!
Aperol: Oh God...
Pace: Hey sweet stuff-
Gin-Fizz: Nope. I've really had quite enough of this world's general horniness.
Rivella: Come on now, he's cute.
Gin-Fizz: Then you use him for your 'one more'.
We're going home now.
Gin-Fizz: Oh thank g-

Gin-Fizz: HOW did you get in my house?
Pace: We're outside. And your sister invited me. I think she wants this to happen.
Gin-Fizz: Uggggh.

Bellini's birthday is here already. More red hair, sigh.
Bellini: Put me down immediately, I must be independent and free!
Rivella: Oh, but aren't you mummy's little girl-
Bellini: No I want to be FREE!

Bellini looks a lot like Rivella as a toddler as well. Nothing of Brad except the eyes. Fat sigh. This is not a Perfect Genetics legacy, and I do not require this hair colour and skin tone to stay in this randomcy until the end.
Oh, and she's independent. That's fun. Seriously, it's fun. No potty training required.

Pace: So, what do you know about your sister, little dude?
Aperol: Wh - Bellini's just a baby, why do you care?!
Pace: What, no! The girl in my maths class! Fringe, glasses-
Aperol: Gin-Fizz? That's my aunt, dumbass. Hey, there's a start, you know that about her now. Can I just go to bed, I'm uncomfortable.

Gin-Fizz: Leave my nephew alone, he's the only innocent person in this house. Speaking of this house, get out of it, it's 11pm and I'm tired.
Pace: Sure thing. Will I be invited back?
Gin-Fizz: We'll just have to see, don't push your luck.

Gin-Fizz:...Holy shit how long have you been up here, Bell?
Bellini: I dunno. But I found a cookie, a plug socket and a fork so-
Gin-Fizz: Yeah I'm just gonna lock you in the nursery before I sleep.

So. When Aperol aged up there was a problem. The nursery was still required but there was no kid room for him. So Kezia finally gets the painting haven of her dreams, just outside the main house. Like a little shed.
Pepsi got put in the box room, and Aperol and Gin-Fizz are bunking together in her old room. Aperol's siblings will join him in there when they get old enough. Solutions!

Gin-Fizz: Sometimes I go to sleep and forget that I'm just a kid, and life is a nightmare.
Yeah well you'll be out of our hair soon, and I'll be glad for it.
Gin-Fizz: Rude!

Bellini: Livin' happy, livin' free. Away with my parents!

Kezia: Damn I love having my own space! Rivella even said I could punch the walls!
Pepsi:...Way to rub it in. I'm not a fan of being in my old prison cell, but here we go.
Kezia:...Prison cell?
Pepsi: Never mind, do you think I could claim PTSD and kick out the kids?
Kezia: Do you really think Rivella is going to buy that.

Pepsi: Well at least Cola's - my - daughter makes amazing food!
Kezia: That's my best friend, she's pretty badass.

Aperol: So Grandma, about that Edgar dude-
Pepsi: So, Kez, what kind of underwear do you like best on a man?
Kezia:...Fucking what now.

Aperol: I guess Granny really is just kind of a slag.
Kezia: HA!
Pepsi: Who taught him that?
Kezia: Rivella weaved some weird stuff into her lullabies.

We're back at the park, still looking for the blasted cowberry.
Gin-Fizz: Quick, Aperol. Nothing that happens is gonna be good so let's just play chess, mmk?
Pepsi: Oh, won't someone show up for me to kiss?

Rivella: Seeing as your the type of person to walk around sans pants, would you like to meet my mother?
Paisley: Yeah, always looking to cheat on my husband with something.
Rivella: Whatever...nice ass tho.

Gemma: These hoes again? I'm going to a different park.
Good choice, Gemma.
Gemma: Nice ass tho.
I don't get y'all, that ass is flat.

Pepsi: Hello boys.
Chaz: D-don't come closer please ma'am, I'm just seventeen.
Duane, who is actually a YA: Ooh MILF alert.

Meanwhile, Aperol was crushing his auntie in chess.
Aperol: Round 2?
Gin-Fizz: Ugh, you cheated, you little prick.
She actually loves him. Seriously. They're really good friends.

Vivian's here too.
Vivian: I might just use these muscles for something. And break Cola's skinny ass over my leg.

Pepsi: Hands off, fisherlady. Find another cute boy.
Kennedy: You put your hands on my ex-husband!
Duane: Ooooh snap.

Paisley's actually cute. If I wasn't set on Kala I might consider her for Rivella's fourth baby.
Paisley: Damn girl, you just caught the angelfish. Life-fish, some call it.
Rivella: Yaaaay it's the opposite of what I wanted!

This guy's just giving Gin-Fizz a reeeallly creepy once-over.
Samuel: How much for you to drop the kid at an orphanage and run off with me, huh babe?
Gin-Fizz: First of all, I'm in high school, and also he's not even my kid.
Samuel: Oh, is his mum dead or something? Don't worry about it then, if he loses you too it won't be that big a deal.
Aperol: Mum's dead?
Gin-Fizz: No sweetie. Make your move. And as for you, make your move, away from this table, or I'm busting out the mace.

Pepsi: Ugh I'm so sick of being told that!
Duane: But you DO kinda look like my mom!

She finally did it! But we're gonna stay longer so maybe we can get a couple more. Also Duane's being a pain and I'm determined to get that kiss out of him.

Ella: I feel like I got a raw deal.
Katy: Holy shit I didn't know this place had strippers!

Duane: You're boring me now, hot sixty year-old. I will be on my way.
Pepsi:...Sixty? I'll get you for this.
Duane: Yeah yeah, go have a meal through a straw.
It was at this point I decided upon a different purpose for Duane.

Pepsi: So many beautiful specimens.
Ella: Somebody help me find my clothes.
Samuel: I mean I'd rather not.
Gin-Fizz: Ew.
Aperol: Auntie Gin-Fizz, wasn't the point of this chess game to stay away from all the freaks in this park?
Gin-Fizz: That was the plan, sweetie.
Soon after, they all went home anyway.

Bellini: I feel so amazing and free! Don't even catch me, auntie!
Gin-Fizz:...Are you sure about that.

And of course the cat hasn't changed.
Onyx: Die! Die die die die!
Flamingo: O__O

Dawn: So I thought this house looked really cool and-c
What the FUCK is it with this house and random kids and teens just coming to the house all the time. You don't even go here, Dawn. We don't know you.

Pepsi: Stay away from Cola's daughter, ya prick.
Samuel: Well...if I can hit that and not risk legal trouble...deal!
Pepsi: Ugh. You disgust me.

Rivella: Oh, hi Appy. Wanna do some reading together?
Aperol: Our family is really messed up. Isn't it, Mum.
Rivella: Yeah, but at least you have me!
Small comforts, huh Riv?
Rivella: Shush, I'm doing my best!

Rivella: Well, Mum's still being a hoe. Aperol, get over here and read with me, I have a tourney in an hour!
Gin-Fizz: That guy tried to make me his sugarbaby a few hours ago.
Rivella: What a creep. I could kill him for you.
Gin-Fizz: Please don't!
Rivella: I mean...just joking.

Samuel: God you're hot.
Pepsi: Wish I could say the same, dude.

Gin-Fizz: Get this man away from me.
Samuel: My day just got better. Hey, sweetheart-
Pepsi: You're disgusting. Still scratched an itch.
Gin-Fizz: I hate my life. Now leave, I need to drop a deuce.
Samuel: Still interested.

Kezia: You're here for Rivella, I assume.
Kala: What's it to you? We're just friends...
Kezia: She's told me you're a happily married woman, and I never implied anything of the sort, dear. I'll let you in.
I don't remember making over Kala but I'm glad I did. She looks cute.

Kala: You're pregnant! But-
Rivella: But what? Have a feel!

Kala: So, wanna sign up to my-
Rivella: You know who my grandma is. That's not going to work.
I've honestly just been staring at Kala. She's one of the best-looking premades' offspring I've had in my game.

Bellini: Goodnight hoe!
Pepsi: W-where did you learn that?
Bellini: Aperol taught me! He said Mumma taught him it! Cycle goes on and on.

Gin-Fizz only went and made a plugin all on her own! I stan a legend.

Kezia: We don't hang out a lot, do we kid?
Aperol:...That's by choice.
Kezia: Sassy, huh?
Aperol: I mean, your stories are really weird, Miss Kezia. I worry for you.
Kezia: I travelled through time and space to be here and that's the truth of it, kid. Capiche?
Aperol; OK. But I still don't wanna hang out with you.

The next morning, things are normal.
Rivella: Haha, I love gaming in my pyjamas in the moron and not having to change for school.
Gin-Fizz: Fuck you, you look like a blimp.

Pepsi: Grenadine seems angry! Something about me ruining her in-laws' marriage?
She got a 'congrats on dating Edgar' text. The only way I could read that was sarcastic.

Bellini is just vibing by herself. She can basically skill herself and doesn't get lonely very often.
Bellini: It's just me, myself and I. Oh, and blocks. But blocks are better than people, they don't talk.

I provided Kezia with a mini-fridge, but she often still grabs her meals out of the main house fridge and eats at the dining table. Which is kind of sweet.
Kezia: You think I'm gonna eat standing up? I could eat in bed but...oil. I know I'm a slob but DAMN.

Kezia: Goddamn, this cat's an asshole. I hate it and its asshole face-
Onyx: I can hear you.
Kezia: But we both love Rivella so truce?
Onyx: I...feel depth of emotion towards the woman. I wouldn't call it love-
Kezia: Oh whatever. Truce?
And that's how Kezia and Onyx finally became friends.

I got bored while waiting for Rivella to pop so I sent Bellini to be cute and imitate the cat.
Onyx: You call that cute?
Unfortunately she fucked it up.
Bellini: WOOF! *growl* I'm a big scary doggy!
Onyx: Rivella needs a new kid. Like yesterday.

Rivella: Well...that's not good. My pregnancy boobs look terrible in this coat. ...Oh, also, labour. Let's see what that Kasey dude blessed me with.

Rivella: She looks the same as the other ones.
What did you expect?
This is Sprite, Kid Number 3 and spawn of Kasey, that random dude from the vet.

Downstairs, things are...
Bellini; Don't touch me, peasant.
Kezia: I'm all you got, bitch.
Anyways, next time the last child will be conceived and born, Gin-Fizz is gonna GTFO and Bellini and Sprite will have birthdays.
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