Since his adoption, Onyx has kind of just been hanging around the fridge.
Onyx: Mmmm they keep that good shit in there, I need to get iiiiin.

Onyx: Piss off, piss off, piss off!
Gene: I was invited...finally. Thought Grena went off me or something.

Gene: Grenadine did you stop liking me? Is it because I'm trapped in a vortex of shiny?
Grenadine: What? No! I still like you plenty, Genie-
Gene: Let's not make that nickname a thing.
Grenadine: -it's just that things around here have been, how do I put it, fucking crazy. We have a new roommate, a new cat, and my sister is having a baby.
Gene: Lol RIP that kid.
Grenadine: Right?

Grenadine: Still think I stopped liking you, you fool?
Gene: No ma'am!
WHY is it always in Pepsi's bed? There's a shower.
Rivella, somewhere: Aaaaand this is why I keep a single bed.

Gin-Fizz: Has everybody in this house like...forgotten I existed or something? Like I don't mind, but damn.
Nicola was really the only one who gave a shit about you kids, sorry girl.

Grenadine: Now it's been established you still like me and stuff, you have to do something for me. Please.
Gene: What is it then, Grena?
Grenadine: The second, and I mean SECOND, I graduate, you gotta take me away from this place. Like seriously. Help.

Gin-Fizz: Hey, there's someone. Hi, lady.
Kezia: It's Kezia, dear. Now run along and get out of my face. This is Rivella's generation, where is Rivella?
Gin-Fizz: Why do you care so much about my crazy sister?
Kezia: It is my purpose, lovey.
Gin-Fizz: Can we stop with the patronising nicknames?

And here is Miss Rivella, by the way, Kezia.
She's been playing in this tournament all afternoon.
Rivella: High score, high score! Suck it, noob, you can't get on my level! H a c k z.

Pepsi is home. She works in the scientist career at Level 4 as of now. Because she's basically Cola's replacement, she can make money as a scientist, I assume.
Gene: Mrs S, you look...different.
Pepsi: A lot has happened since Cola's - my - daughter saw you last. Give your father a call for me?

Edgar: Even if my son is dating your daughter, I'm still down for a hot fling with you, Cola.
Pepsi: Mhm, sure. Like a Lifetime movie, those are fun.

Cola: Really. This is what you do to my name?
Pepsi: Crap.
Edgar: Why didn't you introduce me to your twin earlier, Cola? Or wait...are you the twin?
Pepsi: What, nobody's a twin, we're not related. I don't even know who she is!
Cola: How is my clone such a moron?

Rivella: You guys don't have to worry. I'm gonna be a great mother! I'll be home all day to care for the kids, I'm gonna, y'know, look out for their wellbeing, actually learn to cook-
Lux: Well...that's nice, dear-
Grenadine: Are we ignoring the fact that she sexed this one's father to death?

Pepsi: How about you just...forget all that talk.
Edgar: Look I don't care about whatever you - whichever of you - did. Let's just do this. I've been waiting long enough.
Pepsi: And here I was thinking that our friendship was based on you genuinely wanting to know me as a person.
Pepsi: Hahaha no. Yeah, let's do it.
They're on a date. Because of this stupid aspiration. I'm sick of dates from playing Gen 10 of the main ISBI.

Onyx: Oh man I should not have eaten all that cheese.
Those turds are like half his body weight.

Lux: Really? I'm like 90! What if my hips, back, legs, head...etc. don't survive the beaming up?
At least she can't get pregnant. House is too full. Seriously, six people + one cat + one foetus = full house. It is chaos around here.

Edgar: Damn girl, you ready to seal this-
Pepsi: Not now, I'm tired and have work in the morning. Run along home now.
Edgar: Ooh, you're a damn hot tease, you make me-
Grenadine: Why do I have to overhear the most disturbing stuff.

Nicola came out (and broke a sink). She and Lux are having some nice alone time.
Lux: Remember when I had the goons burn down that representative's house for you? I'd do it all again. No regrets, baby.
Nicola: Oh Lux. How lucky I was to find you. Now hurry your ass up, it's boring without you.

Gin-Fizz: Why do you have to watch this?
Onyx:...Morbid curiosity.
Gin-Fizz: Well you're definitely Rivella's cat, that's for sure.

Onyx: Hear the song of my people! *mews obnoxiously*

Rivella: N'awwww. You're my favourite little sidekick.
Gin-Fizz: Who says that's what I want? You were cool when I was younger but...sis, since you aged up you went straight off the deep end.
Rivella: Look behind you and see who I am talking about.
Onyx: Hiisssssss

Kezia: Damn girl you look like a boulder.
Pepsi: Will I look this big if I get pregnant or-
Rivella: Don't do that again. Please?
Kezia: Didn't you say your mum had three kids?
Four, but one of them lives somewhere else. Sorry Martin.

Lux: That's it. Channel your energy into hacking and cheating at games competitions if anything. Enough with the death stuff. Look at you, you're going so well.
Rivella: Mmm, what are you gonna do grandma? I'mma do what I WANT.

Lux: Who's an adorable little kitty baby? You are!
Onyx: Mewwww, no, I am dark and cool and evil cat!

Rivella: Yes, don't listen to her. You are my fluffy little prince of darkness, aren't you?
Onyx: You are both so annoying in such different ways.

Gin-Fizz literally gets left to her own devices. This is why she is literally my first (controllable) Sim-kid in years who isn't gonna get a Grade School A. This should have been easy. But clearly it wasn't.
Gin-Fizz: I'm still pretty awesome.

Shaowen: Right, so I missed the bus home, and somebody shaved off my eyebrows so I'm wearing stick-on ones from the drama department...I just need help, OK?

The mailman is cute so I sent Kezia to introduce herself. Whether she or Rivella will get in his pants is to be determined.
Brad: Damn girl you thicc.
Kezia: Mm. Yeah. I get that. But my friend, who you probably want to meet, is quite the stringbean-
Brad: Hmmm, I don't discriminate.
Kezia: Well. Great!

Gin-Fizz: -I mean, stick on eyebrows from the prop closet ain't great. But at least you aren't wearing an obnoxious red giraffe-print coat.
Shaowen: Hmmm, yeah and at least I don't need six buttons to keep my trousers from splitting apart.
Gin-Fizz: Yeah it's not like you have that fat an ass.
Caleb: You little brats are not at all funny.
Gin-Fizz: Why are you even here, dude?
Caleb: I mean I knew your grandma back in the day-
Shaowen: I do not want to talk about this boomer bullshit. How about you step off her porch, man?

Brad: Right, so I'm meeting this girl's skinny friend...
Pepsi: Yeah, c'mere gorgeous-
Edgar: Wait, hang on I wanna get down to this sick beat.
Pepsi: Seriously, I'm about to give you what you've wanted and-
Caleb: Listen up you little brat. I've been alive for three hundred years. I sharpen my fangs every night.
Gin-Fizz: Can't hear anything over your obnoxious coat, dude.
Do you see what I mean about this house being chaos?

Brad: She said you were, and I quote, 'stringbean'.
Rivella: Yeah, when I'm not pregnant, jag-off. Why is Kezia trying to set me up with guys anyway? I'm still pregnant. Is this a 100 Baby Challenge or something?

Rivella: Oh. EW. Seriously, why does my mum's midlife crisis involve her making out with guys in the living room.
Brad: That's pretty nasty, dude. You're into gaming, right? Show me your PC.
Rivella: Yeah sure. I need to get out of here.
Kezia's ponytail: Shiiiippppp.
Yeah he's a geek. So maybe Rivella will like him.

Gin-Fizz: -so yeah Grandma, this is Shaowen and he's actually pretty cool. We totally roasted this vampire who apparently knows you, and-
Lux: Hold up, you can't date one of my relatives! Look at that skin!
Shaowen: Uhhh
Gin-Fizz: Grandma what. You don't have any boy relatives. That's...just impossible.
Lux: Sorry, thought I was back in the other world for a second.
Pepsi: Mmm, let Mama take care of that-
Shaowen: What's wrong with your family and how can I stop it?
Gin-Fizz: Wish I knew.
Complete. And utter. Chaos.

Oh. Hi Justin.
Pepsi: I think you're gonna be a father.
Justin: Ugh, I already am a father. I don't need this again.
Pepsi: Pfft. It's fine. I don't think Rivella's gonna need you.

This is still the cutest animation ever in this game.
Onyx: Curse this small height. If I had seen the lack of food, I would not have bothered to climb!

Rivella: Hi, Justin. Happy pappyhood.
Justin: Screw you bitch!
Rivella: You still mad because I let you die?
Justin: YES!
Rivella: Hmmm. Good talk, Justin.

Kezia: Hey! Cat! You are what you eat. So don't eat trash!

Pepsi: Thanks for the rude awakening!
Rivella: This is the only available place in the house! And I'm not cleaning your floor!

Hey, look, it's an actual boy born in this challenge (a boy who we're gonna keep). This is Aperol. He looks much darker than his parents but that might change when he gets older? Who knows. Or maybe he has Shayne's skintone.
Rivella: Who the f is Shayne?...Oh, right. My father, ugh.

Rivella: Aw, look at you, my little boo-boo. If anyone lays a finger on you I'll smash their skull in, don't you worry about that!

Brad: I know Rivella invited me over, but damn...that grandma I just saw in the window can git it.

Brad: But you're pretty damn fine yourself, girl!
Rivella: Oooh, ta...but why the 'but'?
Brad: What butt? Your butt? It's sweet but-
Rivella: Do not fuck with me, Brad. See these finger guns? I can always get some real ones.

Brad: Wait what.
That was some mood whiplash. Also? Easy.

Aaaand she immediately wanted to do this. Rivella definitely knows what she wants, that's all I can say.

Directly behind the porch wall...
Kezia: I'm a great matchmaker, I knew he'd be perfect for my girl Rivella.
Lux: I don't want to hear my granddaughter making those sounds!
Kezia: She's clearly made them before and that's why you have a great-grandson.
Lux: Oh come on Kezia, you don't have to say that!

Onyx: What is this crap, I wanna watch MasterChef!

Aperol: Oh hell no get me out of here.
Will do, kid. So sorry. I was about to tell them to do it in the shower but SOMEONE disregarded the fact that this is her (clone) mother's bed.
Rivella: Unf, do the Geralt voice-

Brad: Sex is cool but I kinda...wanna play some video games...
Rivella: Awesome, me too, good thing we've got two computers.
Can this game, like, stop generating matches for my sims during the single generations. Like, excuse me, this is just rude.

Justin: Suck it, I can't even pay child support.
Rivella: Yeah I'll cry myself to sleep lying in my 50k trust fund plus mansion, bai bitch.

Grenadine: Dude, I know it's awkward, but seriously do not go near-
Rivella: Do not ruin this for me or it'll be your body next to the observatory!
Brad: What?
Rivella: What?
Grenadine: And there you have it. Stay safe, dude. If you come out unscathed I'll invite you for a dinner party.

Rivella: You know I couldn't do anything to him, right?
Grenadine: What, you actually care about him? Impossible.
Pepsi: I think my clone's daughters are weird.
Grenadine: Mum, what?
Rivella: Uh, no. I couldn't. Literally, Justin had a weak heart because he was old and it was all an accident. It would not work on Brad, dear. Keep up.

Onyx grew up.
Grenadine: Huh, this family produces so many skinny bitches.
Pepsi: Yeah, well that was Cola's body type wasn't it?
Grenadine: Mum. You are Cola. Right?
Onyx: Don't you call me bitch, bitch. You couldn't even try to be this fabulous.

Onyx, inside the bushes: me-OW! What the-
Squirrel: You broke into my home!
He literally has been an adult for one second and is already getting into bullshit. He's gonna be way more trouble than Sugar.

Demetrius: Y'know, Cola, I never thought you actually liked me-
Pepsi: Muuum, get out of the room, I need it for...ahem, you see that incense stick down here-
Lux: Yeah, I'm out. Just so you know, y'all are hoes.
Gin-Fizz: Yeah, you're telling me!

Demetrius:...Wait, I have a wife. You're gonna need to do better than 'my legs look good in this dress'.
Pepsi: I mean, they do.
Demetrius: I mean, yeah. That doesn't make this worth it.
FHDSDFJSFDJ DEMETRIUS. Well, fuck you, Onyx has the squirrel flu so Pepsi can go troll for hot people at the vets.

Rivella: Gonna pretend my mum isn't macking on literally the first random lady she saw at the vet while this cat pisses and pukes everywhere. I would have rather had Ivy around forever than this.
Pepsi: That's such a gorgeous dress...over such a gorgeous body.

BUT WAIT Blaire over here is unflirty which means she's all like...
Blaire: Hell no, you were hitting on me? Absolutely not, away with you.
Pepsi: I thought I made it pretty obvious.
Old lady: Yeah I think she made it pretty obvious.
Sick pets: *puke*
Masami the vet and Rivella: I hate it here.

Vihaan the vet: That's your owner, huh kitty? Rough life.
Onyx: Dude you are literally kicking me in the balls, that's way worse than whatever the hell she's doing.
Rivella: Hahahaha...you are all gonna burn if you don't take care of my sweet precious sidekick!

Pepsi: Hello good sir, do you like romance?
Brantley: I mean, my cat needs emergency surgery and it's 11.30 so not right now I don't...
Pepsi: Yeah, cool, might call you tomorrow.
Brantley: Wait wh-

Back at home!
Gin-Fizz: Bitch stop eating my birthday cake. I'mma sick the squirrel on you again. I will I swear to God. I wanna grow up already.
Onyx: What, on a Grade B? *licks icing*

Gin-Fizz: One step closer to leavin this madhouse!
Onyx: You look like a trashy flea market stallholder.
Gin-Fizz: What did I ever do to you, cat, seriously?

And here is the lovely Gin-Fizz! She randomised herself into the Gloomy trait and Computer Whiz aspiration (makes sense) and looks a lot like her mother Ivy.
Oh and she grew up with actual curves so that's something lol.

Grenadine: WHY?!
Well maybe if you didn't have the incline set to like, vertical over there...

Sugar: I have been replaced...by a STINKY INTERLOPER.
Sorry girl, that's Onyx. He can't stay out of those bushes, which, aside from being home to a rabid squirrel, are also home to a skunk so.
Sugar: Get him out. I am the one true protector. Look, it's 2.30am and he isn't even protecting a Mistress!

Rivella: Don't whine at me, you hack one more hairball into Mum's pots of pasta and I swear I will - oh I can't be mad at you! Just let me brush you.
Aperol:...Feeling kinda neglected here.
Rivella: Hush, how was I supposed to know you'd crap yourself the second I put you down and dealt with my other baby.
Onyx: Hisss, not your baby.

Gin-Fizz has just been hiding out in this room doing her homework.
Gin-Fizz: Well yeah thanks to everyone's neglect I have a fair bit to catch up on. Plus, I get to watch the Kezia woman. She says messed up crap in her sleep.

Gin-Fizz was then forced to come into the study and program, alongside her perpetually-losing-at-competitions sister.
Gin-Fizz: Bitch you thought you were Grandma's favourite? Well take a look at my new hobby.

Onyx is such a little SHIT. Kezia told him off for jumping on the counters so he went on top of the fridge.

Pepsi is trying with her aspiration again.
Pepsi : You might have only appeared in one screenshot, but that's enough for the world to know you fiiiine, girl.
Belle: That's pretty cheesy.

Belle: But it totally worked, let's fuuu-
Pepsi: Whoa, hold on a second! Damn that's moving fast!
Belle: Why did you invite me then?

Rivella: I think my mum's midlife crisis just hit a new low.
She's only on tier 2 of the aspiration, it can get a lot lower.
Rivella:...Great. Love that for us.

Pepsi: I invited you to do this!
Belle:...Fuckin' lame.

Rivella: See, I'm a good mother to you, Aperol. You don't need your grandmother - my mother - to raise you like my grandmother did for me. Granted, I'd rather her hoe ass didn't come near you so...I guess we're all better off!
Aperol: Damn you have stuff to work out, I kind of just want food.

Lux: Wait - that's Belle! I saw her at that high school reunion we infiltrated back in the day! Belle, what brings you here?
Belle: Nope I'm out, definitely wasn't kissing your daughter-
Kezia: Damn you really have lived an interesting life, huh roomie?

Rivella: Hey friendo, sorry it's been a while.
Kezia: Don't say friendo. And don't worry. I've been painting to keep your trust fund balance up, you had that sweet baby...I ain't mad about it. I've picked us a good movie. An old noir.
Rivella: Ooh, yes. It's got everything I like. Gratuitous violence.
Kezia: Exactly!

Lux: I see the whole gang is here.
Pepsi: Ooh, yeah, three generations of the girls, right at this one table.
Grenadine: Guys you forgot Gin-Fizz.
Rivella: I mean she's pretty forgettable!
Grenadine: You shut up, killer! She's still our little sister.
Pepsi: Riv killed someone?
Lux: Where have you been?
Rivella:...Hey, both me and the autopsy know it was an accident!

Grenadine: What, so you had sex with that old man until he died by accident?
Rivella: Sure, why not. You did it with Gene in Mum's bed.
Pepsi:...You what now?
Grenadine: That's off-topic!
Lux: I don't even know why I thought we could have a proud Sutherland legacy. What's wrong with y'all?
Grenadine: This is why I should have taken over.
Lux: Yeah, says the person person who had sex in the bed they were conceived in.

Rivella: Sniff, it's been so long since I got that rush. Why can't you die again, o Sugar? I'm not even close to getting that plant! How has my life gone so wrong?
Gin-Fizz:...Fucking yikes.

Gin-Fizz: Lol, y'all are being blocked, serves you right for ignoring me and having sex in inappropriate places.
Gene: Awww, she grew up cute, Grena.
Grenadine: Boy you better stop talking, or I'mma beat you with this plate once I finish the sandwich.

Gin-Fizz: Finally old enough to read from Mum's 'special shelf'....I'm pretty underwhelmed. I learned more about this stuff from the internet by the time I was ten, for heaven's sake.

Lux: Now, I can't stop you from whatever you plan, Riv. You were always right about that. But I'm moving on soon, so just listen to me-
Rivella: You can't move out, Granny - oh. Oh.
Lux: You'll see that death you were crying about, now don't be upset. I'm ready to join my Nicola. Just...keep your tendencies in check and love your family. Your grandmother and I, we had some of that darkness. That's why we had the jobs we did. Just treat your loved ones well.
Rivella: I understand, Granny Lux...thanks.

Lux: Bye bye little Aperol. I'm so glad I got to meet you. Your mum loves you, even if she is crackers. Grow up well.
You're tearing me apart

Stacy is pregnant again. Maybe we should catch up with her, though with Cola Mark I gone there's not much of a reason to have her round.

Lux: I'm due to join you forever, Nic!
Nicola: Ah, the only ball-and-chain I could ever stand.
Lux: Yeah I made that non-committal trait a LIE!

I repeat. Nix forever.

Lux: Ew, I don't know what smells worse - Gin-Fizz or that bowl of fruit salad?
Kezia: It's the kid. I know she wants to be a gamer and shit, but she needs to shower.
Gin-Fizz: It's the food, Kezia left it out all night.
Lux: Well one of you sort it out, I'm too old for this shit. Anything could kill me.
Kezia: Oh don't be dramatic.

Lux: Well fuuuuck you Kezia, look what's happening now.
Aperol: Wat.
Lux: Oh right. Yeah, I'm dying kid. Don't worry, I barely knew ye, this shouldn't be too traumatising.
Aperol: But it's my birthday!

Rivella: Ooh, Granny. I can see the life seeping out of you. But Death kinda likes me, so I can just plead and-
Lux: No, Riv. I've had long enough. I wasn't even supposed to be here after you took over. Let me go. I miss your other grandma.
Grim: I do kinda like you but I wasn't gonna say yes, she's had long enough.
Aperol: Y'all really have to do this here, huh?

Grim: Right time to go!
Rivella: I miss you already Granny!
Kezia: Oh God, what do I do when she cries, this is not part of our friendship.
Pepsi: So what did I miss?

Rivella: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!
Aperol: I'm traumatised.
Kezia: Hmmm. I miss the old lady already.
Pepsi: Yeah, she was kinda cool.
Grim: Wasn't she your mum? What's wrong with you?
Kezia: Y'know, you've already taken our loved one, Grim, you don't have to hang around and be judgemental too.
Next time, we see Aperol grow up, and the second baby of the generation will be conceived.
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