Gin-Fizz: So. Why does Rivella get control of the house? She's your least favourite kid.
Rivella: Shit, you really gotta say it like that, huh...
Cola: Wait, what was that? Grenadine is calling me! I must go.
Rivella:...Why are you lying, Mum?
Gin-Fizz: Yeah I wanna know. This shit's suspicious.

Rivella: Y'know, my dear little sidekick-
Gin-Fizz: Don't.
Rivella: Mum has the right idea about some stuff. But she never took it far enough.
Gin-Fizz: Y'know she's still right here, don't you? What are you even babbling on about?

Cola: Today's the day, Ives. Let's get married!
Ivy: Here?
Cola: Oh, if you want, darling,
Ivy: Why not? Who else am I gonna invite? Our colleagues?
Cola: Psh, as if.

Ivy: Right. The rest of our lives together. Let's do this.
Cola: God I'm so ready, babe. I've wanted to run away with you for years.

Rivella:...Didn't you always say you couldn't get married because of some rule?
Cola: Nah this is just a gift exchange, don't think anything of it.

And Cola, having finally married the love of her life, yeeted herself right out of the Sutherland house, because she knew perfectly well things were gonna get fucked up with Rivella in charge.

Rivella: Right, OK. Mum just left for work 2 hours early. I don't know what's going on, but I do have a plan. At being better than my life-giver.
Go for it.
Rivella: Mum had three kids and did only OK at raising them? I'll have four and do great! She chained herself to the house and lab? I'm gonna explore so many different lots! She only annoyed and mildly inconvenienced people? Well I'm gonna see death!
...What's that now?
Rivella: I'm gonna see death again. That incident with the old cat never quite left my mind...
So yeah, Rivella needs four kids. She also needs to go to a new community lot every week. This is gonna be a headache of a generation, I can tell.

Pepsi: Ah...sweet air that I haven't breathed in a thousand times before. This house is sweet. I will quite enjoy Cola's life...or at least, what I'm gonna make out of it!
Rivella, downstairs: Granny? Did you say something?

Rivella: Yeah. OK, Ivy. This isn't my mother's house anymore. It's mine. And I say, it's time for you to go. Don't cross me.
I'll never let Rivella harm Ivy so no worries there
Lux: Oh lordy lord, Riv, you're really going hard into this 'evil heiress' thing.
Lux is supposed to move out because her grandchild took over, according to Randomcy rules. But like...I'm not getting rid of her when she's close to death already. Just feels too cruel. My founder will die surrounded by her screwed-up family and that's that!

Pepsi: Today is going to be an excellent day! I will start it by hanging out with my new daughter!...New, adult daughter. The clone life is weird.

Rivella is at the park, meeting people and everything! Look, she's even being civil.
Alika: Ah, you remind me of my daughter.
Rivella: Well, that's not great. You won't suit.
Alika: Suit what now?
Rivella: Ah crap did I say that out loud?

Rivella: Hey, are you single?
Elsa:...No. Why?
Rivella: Eh, who says it matters?
Elsa:...Nice to meet you too, weird park lady.

Pepsi: Wow it feels good to be in fresh air - and hello, handsome!
Edgar: Cola?
Pepsi: Yeah, that's me, Cola. Same old woman you've known for...some amount of time, I assume.
Edgar: Really? Cos you seem a little different. ...The dress is nice though.

Rivella: I think I have made a choice. It is time to go home. Justin, come with me.
Justin:...Well screw it, OK then!
Elsa: You sure that's wise?
Julia Wright's head and Alika's shoulder: Hoe.

Rivella: Don't you feel lucky?
Justin: Um....
Justin's wedding ring: Hoe. To the both of you.

Pepsi: A girl after my own heart!
What, hitting on married men in their 60s?
Rivella:...Mum? Is that you? What the Christ are you wearing?
Pepsi: Y'know, sometimes a woman needs a new look, dear...I didn't say anything about all of those tattoos.
Rivella: I'm a young adult! I'm allowed to do stuff like this! But whatever, just don't make ME deal with your midlife crisis.

Justin: What is that delightful smell, Miss Rivella?
Rivella: Oh thank Watcher. This will all go off without a hitch! He was probably more handsome before, but it's good he's this old.

Justin: Handsome?
Rivella: Yes.
Justin: Supriya hasn't said that in years! Maybe I still got it after all!
Rivella: Mhm, sure.

He then immediately wanted to screw her. Flirty incense for the win. I dunno where they're about to do this, especially because Riv's room only has a single bed right now, but this is happening.

In Pepsi's room, I guess.
Rivella: Guess Mum changed her sheets too...
Justin: This is your mother's bed?
Rivella: What, no, I'm an adult with my own double and everything, definitely.

Rivella: That was definitely really good and stuff. Go again?
Justin: I don't have the stamina I used-
Rivella: I said go again.
Justin: Oh - ok!

Rivella: Observatory?
Justin: Seriously, why-
You should have probably guessed what's happening here. Miss Rivella does aspire to see death.

Lux:...What the heck is she trying to do?...Hell, both me and her are too old for me to stop her.

Justin: My heart's not feeling great...
Rivella: ...
Justin: Rivella!
Rivella: ...
Justin: Call the ambulance!
Rivella: This is the last thing you're ever gonna hear in your life. No.
Justin: I've fucked up haven't I.
Rivella: Indubitably...Now perish.

Pepsi: Oh my God, he's-!
Lux: Cola you say my mind's going but you've had that observatory since you were in high school. It shouldn't be shocking anymore.

Rivella: Come on Grim. Do your thing now. I need to see this. *stomps on Justin's heart*

Pepsi: Oh God, death! I've never seen death before!
Grenadine: So soon after Grandma Nic! Why this man? Do we know him?
Lux: Oh Rivella. What did you do. Maybe I should have stopped this.

Grenadine: Rivella! Do something, don't just stand there!
Rivella: It is already done.
Grim: This one. I like her. She doesn't whine, like you did.
Grenadine: That was my GRANDMOTHER!

Justin: Oh God. I threw my entire life away to have sex three times with some random girl I met in a park!
Rivella: Yes. Yes you did. It wasn't even good. But don't worry, there should be a little piece of you left here.
Justin: Yeah! My gravestone!
Rivella: Sure, your gravestone.

Grenadine: Why is there so much *sniff* deaaaath lately?
Pepsi: Oh shit what do?
Grenadine: Well, you've never been that available Mum, I don't know why I expected anything from you!

Pepsi: Grim get your scaly little rat claws off my novels, mmk? You'll leave your rotting skin everywhere!
Grenadine: Seriously, this is what you care about? After a man died?
Pepsi: Nobody even knew the man. It's shocking, but it'll pass.
Grenadine: Yeah, well I'm pretty sure Rivella knew the man!
Lux: *sigh* I think so too.
Grim: *turns page* Oh come on, just get together already! You guys are perfect!

Meanwhile, Rivella...
Rivella: That was a rush. I wanna do it again!...But first, time for another gaming contest. I've got those secret cheats perfect, I'm sure of it!
Yes, let's wait until your family gets over this death to plot your next one, dear.

Rivella: Great text, Dad. Let's never do that again.
Shayne: But - I -

Gin-Fizz: That was horrible. All of that is horrible.
Pepsi: You're telling me, kid. She didn't even call an ambulance...why?
Grenadine: Don't you guys get it? Rivella killed a guy, and did it in a way that they had to put 'Heart Attack' on the autopsy report.
Pepsi: No...Cola can't have handed over the house to such a person.
Gin-Fizz: What do you mean, 'Cola'? That's you. And what's with the new look?
Pepsi: Yeah that's me...and the new look is...grief?
Grenadine: Just admit it's a midlife crisis!

Grenadine: I mean my sister may have killed someone so...no? Just come over or something.

Rivella took over Nix's old room, but there was the small issue of Lux being alive for a few more days. So she gets to live in the old clone prison cell.
Lux: Cola spruced up her old project room quite nice, huh? Hope I don't get radiation poisoning!

This is hilarious considering that Shayne has not seen his daughter once. Also she's like 20, so why would this bother them?

Rivella: Ohhhh I still feel the thrill of it!
But no more old man sex ok.
Rivella: I have moved far beyond that overnight! I had a really cool dream last night!

Oh also updated rules for the Randomcy say we can use pregnancy tests. So I had Rivella use one, and like, duh.
So this is Baby 1. Out of FOUR. Ugggghhhh.

Pepsi: See, it's definitely me, Cola! I can do this cool handshake!
Edgar: I mean all with alien blood can...but you do look like Cola. Your hair grew real fast though.
Romantic incense: *just chilling in the background*
I like Edgar and I considered getting Cola to have a child with him. But I ended up going with Ivy instead. Pepsi, even though she's not having children (unless Risky WooHoo decides to fuck with me), is going to romance a bunch of people because of her Serial Romantic aspiration.
So yeah, Edgar is no 1. Even though he's married.

It is so easy to make Sims be unfaithful in this game. Elin's challenge is proof of it ain't it.

Rivella: Tournament over, competition crushed. Now I'm up for some real life crushing! Of souls.

How is fishing crushing people's souls? I've fished, and in my experience it's more like crushing your own.
Rivella: Did you hear souls? I said skulls. I wanna find that cool lil plant that will let me crush someone's skull.
Side note: this is my favourite outfit that I gave Rivella.

Kezia: You're the one, huh? *sigh* You remind me of my niece.
Rivella: From your tone I don't think that's a good th - wait what the fuck, who are you?
Kezia: My name's Kezia. I've been sent through some time-space-dimension portal to help you out. I think it's you anyway.

Rivella: SO, you're a crazy person. That's cool. People call me crazy, so clearly they don't know shit.
Kezia: I mean, I'm telling the truth. We both share the cursed blood of the Sutherlands, so...
Rivella: Look, I do NOT have secret relatives kicking around in the world. My Granny Lux would have found them.
Kezia: But I am a Sutherland.

Rivella: *snicker* Did they send a passport with you through your little portal? ID card? Drivers license?
Kezia: Nope. Kind of dumped me unceremoniously at this random house with nothing but a couple changes of clothes. And hair extensions. I think?
Rivella: Cool so you have no proof of your Sutherlandness or whatever. Neat.
Kezia: Look bitch, why would I bother lying to you? You really don't seem like a prize yourself!
Rivella:...I like you.

Rivella: Humble abode, huh?
Kezia: Don't sugarcoat it. It's a shithole. I told you everything and I told you about how I didn't choose it.
Rivella: Yes and I told you about how I do not believe you, we don't need to go through it again.

Rivella: Hey Kezia, there's someone at your house.
Thomas: What? Why are you two lying on the ground on my property?
Kezia:...I'm gonna get out of here.
Rivella: Just come with me, girl.

Grenadine: Uh, hey. Don't hang out with my sister. She's dangerous. Like killer crazy. I think she killed a-
Rivella: Hey I really enjoyed it, doesn't mean I did it on purpose!
Kezia: That's cute dear. Run along and play now.
Rivella: You couldn't prove it in a court of law, didn't happen!
Kezia: Exactly.
Grenadine:...I hope you two end up killing each other.

Rivella: Uh. I, um, yeah so a guy did die here yesterday-
Kezia: It doesn't matter. I am here to help you, Rivella. In whatever you need.
Rivella: Then you really are nuts. There's a lot of ideas kicking around in the old brain.
Kezia: Please share them.

Rivella: For one thing, I wanna find that cow-plant thing. It can crush a person's head like a soda can!
Kezia: Yeah, I'm down for that. People are pretty stupid anyway.
Grenadine: Do you guys have to talk this disturbing crap right here? I have a History paper due tomorrow.
Kezia: Shush unless you want your sister to make you cowplant food.
Grenadine: I'm so glad I'm moving out.

Kezia: I mean, yeah. Death is pretty interesting.
Rivella: Oh, I don't care if you're crazy, you can just...stay!
Grenadine: Stop.
Lux: Y'know just because something's interesting doesn't mean you should do it.
Rivella: She shouldn't be so high and mighty. You know she was a criminal back in the day.
Lux: There's a difference between murder, and extortion, bank fraud, tax evasion, plain ol' cyber-theft - OK maybe I don't have too high a high ground.

Gin-Fizz: Must study self-defence, must-study self-defence.
Ever since the death of Justin, Gin-Fizz has pouted and hidden around the house. Poor kid must be scared.

Rivella: Right. If you're really here to be my helper, hear this! I want at least two more dead on this lot because death is COOL. I want four kids and I want to love them lots and be a really good mother! Basically, I'll be a Cola Sutherland who actually commits!
Kezia:...So there's a history of harm in this family? I mean, if somebody asked me where my brother's descendants got to, I'd hazard that guess.
Rivella: Noooo, she just went round giving out these stupid potions. I'm the real deal.
Kezia: That you are, my dear.

Kezia: Right, this has been lovely but I suppose I should be off. Can you call me a car? Maybe I can get that old man to give up the bed at that house!
Rivella: What, no. You can stay here.
Kezia: I thought you meant, like, stay in your life. As a friend.
Rivella: Stay in my house as a friend, obviously. You might think, who would ask this random woman to live with me the same day we meet? But that's me.
Kezia: Yeah, and you're a bit nuts. But you make more sense than my idiot niece from that other world.
Rivella: Bitch you think you're a time traveler from another world, don't go throwing round the nuts accusations here.

Pepsi: Who are you?
Kezia: Kezia Sutherland. I suppose you could call me a relative.
Pepsi: OK. Cool. A relative. If this is another clone, first of all Cola lied about this deal, second of all she did a bad job.
Kezia: Clones, huh. This house just gets more and more interesting.
Pepsi: Oh we are very interesting around here.

Anyway. Rivella needs a 'helper' for her generation - this is a non-romantic housemate type deal. So I thought - why not resurrect a Sutherland for this? And who else but Kezia, the woman who beat up her sister-in-law for literally no reason.
Yes that happened for real.
Rivella's job is videogaming - competitions and livestreams. It is a good thing that Lux and Cola saved so much money, and that Kezia rolled to be a freelance painter. Otherwise...we'd be in deep shit with the bills.

Kezia: Sigh...I did tell her to stop going onto weird hack websites.

The next morning...
Lux: *singing* I've got a blank space baby....!
Rivella: Do you have to do that as this foetus completely wrecks my body? I feel crap.
Lux: I shake it off, shake it off!
Rivella: Seriously grandma I'm gonna puke on the floor if you don't move!

Aside from...that, Lux is still the best.
Lux: What, do you think I'm gonna trust Rivella to keep her sisters fed? Also I have a new roommate and I don't like it.
Kezia sleeps in the clone prison cell too. For now at least.

Kezia: Sorry you feel this way, but Rivella owns this house. She owns all of you. And she says I'm her new housemate - ouch!
Lux: Woe is us! She cannot even cut fruit correctly!
Kezia: Look hag, I don't tell you how to live your life!...Now can you get me a plaster?

Lux: I worry for my great-grandchild, Rivella. At least be a good parent?
Rivella: Mum never taught me, but I'll try...not enough? OK, I know what to do. Give me a couple hours.

Lux: Hey look, she chose my food, Kezia.
Kezia: That makes her as nuts as you. Who has chilli for breakfast?
Pepsi: Seriously stop it, I just grabbed the first thing I found.
Lux: You voluntarily moved in with my granddaughter, you've clearly got some screws loose dear.
Kezia: I heard you talking and singing to yourself in the bathroom this morning!
Pepsi: STOP

Rivella: Dance, monkey! Oh, you are so fun. I see why Mother loved her old cat so much.
Adopting a cat using the proper option on the computer this time. Rivella needs one for her generation.

Onyx: You are quite fun too. Now please take me away from this boring hell known as the 'shelter'.

Rivella: Uh, yeah. I bet you wanna get away from that mewling dolt over there.
Ingrid: *sniff* So many cats dieeee....!
Yes yes, RIP Sugar.

Onyx: I am a worm, a wriggly wriggly worm!
Rivella:...I love you! Huh that was weird to say.

Onyx: I may love you too one day, human, but I do not want your friendship.
Rivella: You're gonna be like that, hm? Fine. This isn't over. You will love me and despair.
Onyx: Maybe I will, stuck with you.

Onyx: Your hand smells like blood and electrics.
Rivella: Awww, you noticed. We really are best friends aren't we?
Onyx: Nice try bitch.

Rivella: Don't push it, I'm lots bigger than you. Now, meet your soon-to-be friend. The first of four.

Rivella: Aww, seriously don't worry about anything! I couldn't hurt you if I tried.
Onyx: Is that supposed to help?

Kezia: I think I'm onto something with this-here style of art!

Lux: Come on heart, just give out!
Pepsi, Grenadine and Gin-Fizz: *at work/school*
Next time, the G girls have their birthdays, Lux is probably gonna finally kick it, and the first Generation 4 kid shall be born.
Cola: Wait, what was that? Grenadine is calling me! I must go.
Rivella:...Why are you lying, Mum?
Gin-Fizz: Yeah I wanna know. This shit's suspicious.

Rivella: Y'know, my dear little sidekick-
Gin-Fizz: Don't.
Rivella: Mum has the right idea about some stuff. But she never took it far enough.
Gin-Fizz: Y'know she's still right here, don't you? What are you even babbling on about?

Cola: Today's the day, Ives. Let's get married!
Ivy: Here?
Cola: Oh, if you want, darling,
Ivy: Why not? Who else am I gonna invite? Our colleagues?
Cola: Psh, as if.

Ivy: Right. The rest of our lives together. Let's do this.
Cola: God I'm so ready, babe. I've wanted to run away with you for years.

Rivella:...Didn't you always say you couldn't get married because of some rule?
Cola: Nah this is just a gift exchange, don't think anything of it.

And Cola, having finally married the love of her life, yeeted herself right out of the Sutherland house, because she knew perfectly well things were gonna get fucked up with Rivella in charge.

Rivella: Right, OK. Mum just left for work 2 hours early. I don't know what's going on, but I do have a plan. At being better than my life-giver.
Go for it.
Rivella: Mum had three kids and did only OK at raising them? I'll have four and do great! She chained herself to the house and lab? I'm gonna explore so many different lots! She only annoyed and mildly inconvenienced people? Well I'm gonna see death!
...What's that now?
Rivella: I'm gonna see death again. That incident with the old cat never quite left my mind...
So yeah, Rivella needs four kids. She also needs to go to a new community lot every week. This is gonna be a headache of a generation, I can tell.

Pepsi: Ah...sweet air that I haven't breathed in a thousand times before. This house is sweet. I will quite enjoy Cola's life...or at least, what I'm gonna make out of it!
Rivella, downstairs: Granny? Did you say something?

Rivella: Yeah. OK, Ivy. This isn't my mother's house anymore. It's mine. And I say, it's time for you to go. Don't cross me.
Lux is supposed to move out because her grandchild took over, according to Randomcy rules. But like...I'm not getting rid of her when she's close to death already. Just feels too cruel. My founder will die surrounded by her screwed-up family and that's that!

Pepsi: Today is going to be an excellent day! I will start it by hanging out with my new daughter!...New, adult daughter. The clone life is weird.

Rivella is at the park, meeting people and everything! Look, she's even being civil.
Alika: Ah, you remind me of my daughter.
Rivella: Well, that's not great. You won't suit.
Alika: Suit what now?
Rivella: Ah crap did I say that out loud?

Rivella: Hey, are you single?
Elsa:...No. Why?
Rivella: Eh, who says it matters?
Elsa:...Nice to meet you too, weird park lady.

Pepsi: Wow it feels good to be in fresh air - and hello, handsome!
Edgar: Cola?
Pepsi: Yeah, that's me, Cola. Same old woman you've known for...some amount of time, I assume.
Edgar: Really? Cos you seem a little different. ...The dress is nice though.

Rivella: I think I have made a choice. It is time to go home. Justin, come with me.
Justin:...Well screw it, OK then!
Elsa: You sure that's wise?
Julia Wright's head and Alika's shoulder: Hoe.

Rivella: Don't you feel lucky?
Justin: Um....
Justin's wedding ring: Hoe. To the both of you.

Pepsi: A girl after my own heart!
What, hitting on married men in their 60s?
Rivella:...Mum? Is that you? What the Christ are you wearing?
Pepsi: Y'know, sometimes a woman needs a new look, dear...I didn't say anything about all of those tattoos.
Rivella: I'm a young adult! I'm allowed to do stuff like this! But whatever, just don't make ME deal with your midlife crisis.

Justin: What is that delightful smell, Miss Rivella?
Rivella: Oh thank Watcher. This will all go off without a hitch! He was probably more handsome before, but it's good he's this old.

Justin: Handsome?
Rivella: Yes.
Justin: Supriya hasn't said that in years! Maybe I still got it after all!
Rivella: Mhm, sure.

He then immediately wanted to screw her. Flirty incense for the win. I dunno where they're about to do this, especially because Riv's room only has a single bed right now, but this is happening.

In Pepsi's room, I guess.
Rivella: Guess Mum changed her sheets too...
Justin: This is your mother's bed?
Rivella: What, no, I'm an adult with my own double and everything, definitely.

Rivella: That was definitely really good and stuff. Go again?
Justin: I don't have the stamina I used-
Rivella: I said go again.
Justin: Oh - ok!

Rivella: Observatory?
Justin: Seriously, why-
You should have probably guessed what's happening here. Miss Rivella does aspire to see death.

Lux:...What the heck is she trying to do?...Hell, both me and her are too old for me to stop her.

Justin: My heart's not feeling great...
Rivella: ...
Justin: Rivella!
Rivella: ...
Justin: Call the ambulance!
Rivella: This is the last thing you're ever gonna hear in your life. No.
Justin: I've fucked up haven't I.
Rivella: Indubitably...Now perish.

Pepsi: Oh my God, he's-!
Lux: Cola you say my mind's going but you've had that observatory since you were in high school. It shouldn't be shocking anymore.

Rivella: Come on Grim. Do your thing now. I need to see this. *stomps on Justin's heart*

Pepsi: Oh God, death! I've never seen death before!
Grenadine: So soon after Grandma Nic! Why this man? Do we know him?
Lux: Oh Rivella. What did you do. Maybe I should have stopped this.

Grenadine: Rivella! Do something, don't just stand there!
Rivella: It is already done.
Grim: This one. I like her. She doesn't whine, like you did.
Grenadine: That was my GRANDMOTHER!

Justin: Oh God. I threw my entire life away to have sex three times with some random girl I met in a park!
Rivella: Yes. Yes you did. It wasn't even good. But don't worry, there should be a little piece of you left here.
Justin: Yeah! My gravestone!
Rivella: Sure, your gravestone.

Grenadine: Why is there so much *sniff* deaaaath lately?
Pepsi: Oh shit what do?
Grenadine: Well, you've never been that available Mum, I don't know why I expected anything from you!

Pepsi: Grim get your scaly little rat claws off my novels, mmk? You'll leave your rotting skin everywhere!
Grenadine: Seriously, this is what you care about? After a man died?
Pepsi: Nobody even knew the man. It's shocking, but it'll pass.
Grenadine: Yeah, well I'm pretty sure Rivella knew the man!
Lux: *sigh* I think so too.
Grim: *turns page* Oh come on, just get together already! You guys are perfect!

Meanwhile, Rivella...
Rivella: That was a rush. I wanna do it again!...But first, time for another gaming contest. I've got those secret cheats perfect, I'm sure of it!
Yes, let's wait until your family gets over this death to plot your next one, dear.

Rivella: Great text, Dad. Let's never do that again.
Shayne: But - I -

Gin-Fizz: That was horrible. All of that is horrible.
Pepsi: You're telling me, kid. She didn't even call an ambulance...why?
Grenadine: Don't you guys get it? Rivella killed a guy, and did it in a way that they had to put 'Heart Attack' on the autopsy report.
Pepsi: No...Cola can't have handed over the house to such a person.
Gin-Fizz: What do you mean, 'Cola'? That's you. And what's with the new look?
Pepsi: Yeah that's me...and the new look is...grief?
Grenadine: Just admit it's a midlife crisis!

Grenadine: I mean my sister may have killed someone so...no? Just come over or something.

Rivella took over Nix's old room, but there was the small issue of Lux being alive for a few more days. So she gets to live in the old clone prison cell.
Lux: Cola spruced up her old project room quite nice, huh? Hope I don't get radiation poisoning!

This is hilarious considering that Shayne has not seen his daughter once. Also she's like 20, so why would this bother them?

Rivella: Ohhhh I still feel the thrill of it!
But no more old man sex ok.
Rivella: I have moved far beyond that overnight! I had a really cool dream last night!

Oh also updated rules for the Randomcy say we can use pregnancy tests. So I had Rivella use one, and like, duh.
So this is Baby 1. Out of FOUR. Ugggghhhh.

Pepsi: See, it's definitely me, Cola! I can do this cool handshake!
Edgar: I mean all with alien blood can...but you do look like Cola. Your hair grew real fast though.
Romantic incense: *just chilling in the background*
I like Edgar and I considered getting Cola to have a child with him. But I ended up going with Ivy instead. Pepsi, even though she's not having children (unless Risky WooHoo decides to fuck with me), is going to romance a bunch of people because of her Serial Romantic aspiration.
So yeah, Edgar is no 1. Even though he's married.

It is so easy to make Sims be unfaithful in this game. Elin's challenge is proof of it ain't it.

Rivella: Tournament over, competition crushed. Now I'm up for some real life crushing! Of souls.

How is fishing crushing people's souls? I've fished, and in my experience it's more like crushing your own.
Rivella: Did you hear souls? I said skulls. I wanna find that cool lil plant that will let me crush someone's skull.
Side note: this is my favourite outfit that I gave Rivella.

Kezia: You're the one, huh? *sigh* You remind me of my niece.
Rivella: From your tone I don't think that's a good th - wait what the fuck, who are you?
Kezia: My name's Kezia. I've been sent through some time-space-dimension portal to help you out. I think it's you anyway.

Rivella: SO, you're a crazy person. That's cool. People call me crazy, so clearly they don't know shit.
Kezia: I mean, I'm telling the truth. We both share the cursed blood of the Sutherlands, so...
Rivella: Look, I do NOT have secret relatives kicking around in the world. My Granny Lux would have found them.
Kezia: But I am a Sutherland.

Rivella: *snicker* Did they send a passport with you through your little portal? ID card? Drivers license?
Kezia: Nope. Kind of dumped me unceremoniously at this random house with nothing but a couple changes of clothes. And hair extensions. I think?
Rivella: Cool so you have no proof of your Sutherlandness or whatever. Neat.
Kezia: Look bitch, why would I bother lying to you? You really don't seem like a prize yourself!
Rivella:...I like you.

Rivella: Humble abode, huh?
Kezia: Don't sugarcoat it. It's a shithole. I told you everything and I told you about how I didn't choose it.
Rivella: Yes and I told you about how I do not believe you, we don't need to go through it again.

Rivella: Hey Kezia, there's someone at your house.
Thomas: What? Why are you two lying on the ground on my property?
Kezia:...I'm gonna get out of here.
Rivella: Just come with me, girl.

Grenadine: Uh, hey. Don't hang out with my sister. She's dangerous. Like killer crazy. I think she killed a-
Rivella: Hey I really enjoyed it, doesn't mean I did it on purpose!
Kezia: That's cute dear. Run along and play now.
Rivella: You couldn't prove it in a court of law, didn't happen!
Kezia: Exactly.
Grenadine:...I hope you two end up killing each other.

Rivella: Uh. I, um, yeah so a guy did die here yesterday-
Kezia: It doesn't matter. I am here to help you, Rivella. In whatever you need.
Rivella: Then you really are nuts. There's a lot of ideas kicking around in the old brain.
Kezia: Please share them.

Rivella: For one thing, I wanna find that cow-plant thing. It can crush a person's head like a soda can!
Kezia: Yeah, I'm down for that. People are pretty stupid anyway.
Grenadine: Do you guys have to talk this disturbing crap right here? I have a History paper due tomorrow.
Kezia: Shush unless you want your sister to make you cowplant food.
Grenadine: I'm so glad I'm moving out.

Kezia: I mean, yeah. Death is pretty interesting.
Rivella: Oh, I don't care if you're crazy, you can just...stay!
Grenadine: Stop.
Lux: Y'know just because something's interesting doesn't mean you should do it.
Rivella: She shouldn't be so high and mighty. You know she was a criminal back in the day.
Lux: There's a difference between murder, and extortion, bank fraud, tax evasion, plain ol' cyber-theft - OK maybe I don't have too high a high ground.

Gin-Fizz: Must study self-defence, must-study self-defence.
Ever since the death of Justin, Gin-Fizz has pouted and hidden around the house. Poor kid must be scared.

Rivella: Right. If you're really here to be my helper, hear this! I want at least two more dead on this lot because death is COOL. I want four kids and I want to love them lots and be a really good mother! Basically, I'll be a Cola Sutherland who actually commits!
Kezia:...So there's a history of harm in this family? I mean, if somebody asked me where my brother's descendants got to, I'd hazard that guess.
Rivella: Noooo, she just went round giving out these stupid potions. I'm the real deal.
Kezia: That you are, my dear.

Kezia: Right, this has been lovely but I suppose I should be off. Can you call me a car? Maybe I can get that old man to give up the bed at that house!
Rivella: What, no. You can stay here.
Kezia: I thought you meant, like, stay in your life. As a friend.
Rivella: Stay in my house as a friend, obviously. You might think, who would ask this random woman to live with me the same day we meet? But that's me.
Kezia: Yeah, and you're a bit nuts. But you make more sense than my idiot niece from that other world.
Rivella: Bitch you think you're a time traveler from another world, don't go throwing round the nuts accusations here.

Pepsi: Who are you?
Kezia: Kezia Sutherland. I suppose you could call me a relative.
Pepsi: OK. Cool. A relative. If this is another clone, first of all Cola lied about this deal, second of all she did a bad job.
Kezia: Clones, huh. This house just gets more and more interesting.
Pepsi: Oh we are very interesting around here.

Anyway. Rivella needs a 'helper' for her generation - this is a non-romantic housemate type deal. So I thought - why not resurrect a Sutherland for this? And who else but Kezia, the woman who beat up her sister-in-law for literally no reason.
Yes that happened for real.
Rivella's job is videogaming - competitions and livestreams. It is a good thing that Lux and Cola saved so much money, and that Kezia rolled to be a freelance painter. Otherwise...we'd be in deep shit with the bills.

Kezia: Sigh...I did tell her to stop going onto weird hack websites.

The next morning...
Lux: *singing* I've got a blank space baby....!
Rivella: Do you have to do that as this foetus completely wrecks my body? I feel crap.
Lux: I shake it off, shake it off!
Rivella: Seriously grandma I'm gonna puke on the floor if you don't move!

Aside from...that, Lux is still the best.
Lux: What, do you think I'm gonna trust Rivella to keep her sisters fed? Also I have a new roommate and I don't like it.
Kezia sleeps in the clone prison cell too. For now at least.

Kezia: Sorry you feel this way, but Rivella owns this house. She owns all of you. And she says I'm her new housemate - ouch!
Lux: Woe is us! She cannot even cut fruit correctly!
Kezia: Look hag, I don't tell you how to live your life!...Now can you get me a plaster?

Lux: I worry for my great-grandchild, Rivella. At least be a good parent?
Rivella: Mum never taught me, but I'll try...not enough? OK, I know what to do. Give me a couple hours.

Lux: Hey look, she chose my food, Kezia.
Kezia: That makes her as nuts as you. Who has chilli for breakfast?
Pepsi: Seriously stop it, I just grabbed the first thing I found.
Lux: You voluntarily moved in with my granddaughter, you've clearly got some screws loose dear.
Kezia: I heard you talking and singing to yourself in the bathroom this morning!
Pepsi: STOP

Rivella: Dance, monkey! Oh, you are so fun. I see why Mother loved her old cat so much.
Adopting a cat using the proper option on the computer this time. Rivella needs one for her generation.

Onyx: You are quite fun too. Now please take me away from this boring hell known as the 'shelter'.

Rivella: Uh, yeah. I bet you wanna get away from that mewling dolt over there.
Ingrid: *sniff* So many cats dieeee....!
Yes yes, RIP Sugar.

Onyx: I am a worm, a wriggly wriggly worm!
Rivella:...I love you! Huh that was weird to say.

Onyx: I may love you too one day, human, but I do not want your friendship.
Rivella: You're gonna be like that, hm? Fine. This isn't over. You will love me and despair.
Onyx: Maybe I will, stuck with you.

Onyx: Your hand smells like blood and electrics.
Rivella: Awww, you noticed. We really are best friends aren't we?
Onyx: Nice try bitch.

Rivella: Don't push it, I'm lots bigger than you. Now, meet your soon-to-be friend. The first of four.

Rivella: Aww, seriously don't worry about anything! I couldn't hurt you if I tried.
Onyx: Is that supposed to help?

Kezia: I think I'm onto something with this-here style of art!

Lux: Come on heart, just give out!
Pepsi, Grenadine and Gin-Fizz: *at work/school*
Next time, the G girls have their birthdays, Lux is probably gonna finally kick it, and the first Generation 4 kid shall be born.
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