India: Uh, Jordan? There's one, Kiri....and two and three? Did Mum get some extra kids?
Jordan: I wanna say she would have told us.
Ashlie (dungarees): Someone take me home! I lost!
Trenton: What an ugly house.
India: Right?
Gunther finished his writer aspiration a while ago. He is now doing the music one, and is learning violin in the basement.
This is why I listen to my own music when playing Sims.
Elin: Hahahahaha! I have enough kids for an ARMY!
Most of them want nothing to do with you, El.

Jordan: Got sent back out here, huh?
India: *sigh* Yeah. But I'm closer than you. I don't know why I couldn't just finish up tomorrow.
Jordan: At least you got let in at some point. I've been out here so long I'm considering eating our new pizza floatie.

Honduras: Mala's gone...
Jordan: Yeah I bet you miss your big sissy tons, you wimp.
Honduras: What...no. Definitely not. Uh, I just don't want yet another baby around here. The blue one is bad enough.
Jordan: We don't have to be xenophobic about her now, do we?

There's exactly one update from the adult kids tonight. And it's this.
Good going Fiji.

Dijbouti's wife had twins. They're his own this time.

Kiribati: Who would leave these weapons out, in such an easy place to reach? Fools.
Jordan: Goddamn it, why'd Mum have to basically birth herself? And why do I have to grow up with her?

India: So their rumours were true! Why did I think Honduras and Jordan were just making stuff up again?
Yeah who would make up a blue baby?

India: So. I've officially finished....what is my purpose now?
You have no purpose...until you age up into a teen and have to do something else.

Gunther:...I just think I may be a natural, kid. I mean, I practiced 2 hours last night and sounded great!
Honduras: Uh...I tried to make a noise complaint but I was told to 'sort it out amongst yourselves'. Who knew you can't complain about the people in your own house?
Gunther: Oh.
Honduras: Yeah, so that's how bad you sounded.

Kiri: Play with me bitch. I need to kick something in the head.
Gunther:....Can I say no?
Kiri: No.
Gunther: I don't know how you're scaring me...then again, you are very much your mother's daughter.

Elin: Y'know, son, it's not personal but I kind of can't wait for you to grow up and then get out of my damn hair!
Honduras: Haha. Same.
Elin:...You really are an ungrateful little shit. That's why I want you out.
Honduras: But - what -
Elin: Now begone from my sight.

Elin: Need me to rock your world, handsome?
Tomax: Oh, God, a girl, what do I do?
Elin: Now lemme see that face...that wonderful spellcasting visage.

Jordan: Great. I'm the only one stuck in the pool and I have to swim while listening to my mum hit on some random guy who isn't Gunther. Maybe I should tell him...nah. What if he cries? Disgusting. Can't take that risk.

Tomax: Heheh...well I guess I am a wizard. How did you know?
Elin: I always know things. Got a special conduit in my brain that tells me stuff. She's a pain though.
Tomax:...I guess some of the hot ones really are crazy.
Elin: Aw, you think I'm pretty?
Tomax: Um...

Tomax: How am I still here?
Elin: They all say that.
Jordan: I wish I could just keep swimming. Away. Forever.

Gunther: Another friend of yours, huh El?
Elin: We're discussing spellcasting, actually. Need a quiet place with all the kids running around and that.
Gunther: Hm.
Tomax: Who are you anyway dude?
Gunther: I'm her husband. Who the hell are you?
Tomax: Haha, just as she said! Your friendly neighbourhood wizard.
Elin: Right. Now you two are introduced. Would you please go downstairs and watch Kiri or something?
Gunther: *sigh* On my way...

Liberia: Why.
Spellcasting talk, huh?

India: Uhhhh...get out dude. Mum says so.
Tomax: But - wha - how many children are there?
Liberia: Since when do you care about children lolololol, you must know what I just witnessed.
India: Ignoring the ramblings of my new baby sister from hell, there are more children than you could ever imagine, and this is more awkward for me than it is for you.
Tomax: I mean, your mum and I are just friends, I-
India: No you're not. I know exactly what happened here. Now leave discreetly! I don't want Gunther to like, cry or anything.

How have I never seen this?
Elin: God, makes it so obvious.
Shush you. Go do an 'evil workout'.

India:...I hate being part of this family. That was some harrowing shit I just had to do.
Jordan: Hey, my life's not a picnic right now either! I think my hands just shrivelled for good.
India: I understand the PoolLife too, bro. It's a rough one.

Honduras: Just no.
Gunther: But come on! The leakage adds character to this place. You can sing and dance like it's a real shower.
Honduras: Is that what you do in the shower?
Gunther: Uhhh
Honduras: Anyway. No. Now fix it or I'm throwing that violin into the basement hot tub.

Honduras: Yeah. Video games all weekend. Wouldn't you love that life?
Elin: Why aren't you in the pool, Jordan?
Honduras: Yeah why aren't you in the pool? You haven't finished your skill, unlike ME.
Jordan: I have to eat you idiots!
Elin: Say sorry. Now.
Jordan: Fine, I'm sorry Mum, sorry Honduras!
Elin: Not to him, he is an idiot!
Honduras: HEY!

Honduras: Dunno why you're rushing for this toilet. You could always just go...in the pool!
Jordan: Why I oughta-
Elin: One of you idiots just needs to use the downstairs, it's so easy. God! I'm really wasting all my energy raising fools, huh?
Honduras: I think Gunther raised us.

The next morning...
Honduras: Ugh! Gunther raised us! I can't stop thinking about it.
Jordan: Bro please get over it.
Gunther: I'm not happy about raising you little shits either, especially since statistically one of you isn't even mine.

Kiri: YEET! Have fun cleaning this up, LOSER! *yelling up the stairs*
Little demon.

Elin started the freelancer programmer career because I felt like it.
Elin: I love causing chaos amongst the local government when I haven't even got dressed for the day.

Downstairs, Gunther gets a little bit of revenge.
Kiribati: No. Pls. Seriously, why can't I just go? It's like there's an invisible force locking me into place, watching and hearing this trainwreck!
(She needs thinking skill so I did make her do this)
Gunther: Nonsense, you are just entranced by my sick bowing!
Kiri: I mean I'm definitely about to be sick.

Fiji: Perhaps if I dance like a gorilla I can be OK with having a baby with that crusty vampire I'm stuck with.
Gunther: Take it from me, Fij, you learn to live with-
Fiji: Did I ask for your advice, Gunther?
I mean...he's not talking out of his ass.

Elin: Oh, bless you.
Tomax: But...what...I thought you'd be happy to hear from me!
Elin: I will, if I need you. Right now, I don't. You'll know when I do. Don't lose my number, sweetie.

Jordan: Extra homework, huh India?
India: Well, at least I'm past the swimwear. Literally. I brought it to school and put it in a paper shredder today.
Jordan: Ooh! Good idea!

Honduras: *sniffle* I never even got to meet the loser.
India: Nope nope nope, getting away from this, not in the damn mood.
Honduras: How does my sandwich sparkle as my life feels so sad?
India: That's not deep at all.
Honduras: India, I can hear you! My damn father died!

Here's Liberia. God she looks so like India, which means she looks like Elin but blue.
Libby: Who is this loser?
Gunther: Great. Already.
She's also fussy. This isn't gonna be fun.

Elin: So. You're sorted, right?
Libby:...I'm still hungry. You didn't feed me.
Elin: You can sort it out yourself, can't you?
Libby: Uhhh
Gunther, across the room: Just give her some mush out of the fridge or something, jeez!
Libby:...I'm good actually.

Libby: The panda demands a story. De-pands it, you could stay.
Gunther:...How is this my life?
Libby: Yeah yeah, it's been five hours and I've heard that out of you three times. Story now.

Honduras: *sniff*
India: Bro you gotta get over it, you didn't even know the guy.,
Honduras: I know! And he was my dad!
India: I don't have time for this..
Maybe India's like her mother in personality as well as looks.

Honduras: Abandoned baby in the bathroom? Check.This place sucks.
Liberia: I'm actually quite happy in h-
Honduras: S U C K S

Liberia: I've changed my mind this does suck! Honduuuurrraaasss!
Jordan: That ain't me, so...see nothing, hear nothing etc etc.
Elin: How does Gunther drop so many dishes again? This isn't even hard.
1. You're washing one plate not a stack and 2. he's Clumsy.

Honduras: My life is as blank and meaningless as that wall-
Gunther: Why is that?
Jordan: W -
Elin, across the room: *draws finger across throat*
Liberia: Give me attention, give me attention, I want attention-
Jordan: Aw hell no, I'm not kowtowing to this!
Gunther: It's too early for this shit.

Elin: Now, what should birds we celebrated for?
Kiribati: They can peck out eyes!
Elin: Very good!
Maybe Elin shouldn't be parenting.

Gunther: Maybe if I...play this well, I'll get some respect from the kids?
Gunther, that is sweet and sad but you are a Clumsy sim, you will not do well against the three kids who have spent their entire life honing their physical skill.

India: Just don't tell him I started that spitball campaign.
Jordan: Will do! Serves him right for taunting us all weekend!
India: Ooh, speaking of which, I got an A today...so no homework, unlike you!
Jordan: What did we just discuss?

Elin: You're raising those girls too soft! They're my best hope since Fiji and you can't ruin it!
Gunther:...Is this because they're little brats?
Elin: How dare you?!
Gunther:...I mean it's true, isn't it.
Elin: Ooooh you really do wanna die today don't you?

Honduras: A fight. I could use a good fight. Hey, what if I told Gunther about why I'm sad?
Don't. We just need to get to your birthday without disaster.
Honduras: My whole existence is a disaster. All of us. We shouldn't even be alive.

Elin: You throw that food again and you'll wait a while for the next one!
Libby: Try me weak one!

Here is Honduras releasing the last of his angst.
Honduras: I can't believe I had to have YOU as a Dad!
Gunther: Well I wish I didn't have this as my life, but we can't always get what we want, can we?
Honduras: I mean, there's consequences for your actions, isn't there?

Gunther: You don't get it! Your mother is an evil harpy who trapped me-
Honduras: No, I get it. But you chose to come near her, we didn't choose to be born.

Kiri: I sense I have been upstaged...by my new roommate. And I don't like it. There's only room for one fussy princess in this house!
Liberia: *mutters* I'll kill you...
Kiri: See that? That's my thing! I'll kill her!
Please don't.

If we don't see Elin for a bit, she's doing this.
I haven't properly gone into the Robotics skill yet so I'm excited.
Elin: I'm gonna sew this Chatter Bot into Gunther's pillow. It'll drive him mad.
You do you, girl.

Liberia: Heard somebody talking shit.
Kiribati: I tell the truth. There's only room for one of us.
Liberia: Well this is who I am.
Kiribati: I see how it is. We can fight to the death when we're older, I suppose.
Liberia:...Wait what?
Kiribati: I said what I said.

India: You're so close. You'll be finished soon. And then...freedom.
Jordan: Just as you loose yours. Teenager in 2 days, is it?
India: Naturally. But hey, at least that puts me closer to leaving.

Gunther: Right, I'm gonna start with my scales-
Jordan: Oh God, evacuate, evacuate!
India: Right behind you little bro!

Kiri found her way upstairs.
Kiri: Help me rid myself of the blue one.
Honduras:...you OK, do you want a cookie or something?
Kiri: No fool, I crave death.
Honduras: Right, well I've just gotta go to school and maybe just stay there. A while.
Kiri: Coward.

Liberia: I'm coming too!
Gunther: Y'know that's not a half-bad-
Honduras: Get her out of our faces, Gunther.
Gunther:...OK! I love being walked over by a group of children every day.
Honduras: I like this arrangement too. Funny that.

Elin: Well hello there. Cool...earring!
Asa: Thanks, I put it in myself.
Elin:...Who else would have done it? Mailmen don't have servants! You guys are too poor!
Asa: Uh...nice to meet you too, lady.
Elin: Right, right. I'm Elin, yours doesn't matter. Wanna come by sometime in the future?

Gunther: Aww, you seem sad. Marriage going wrong? Yeah mine too, before it even started.
Hannah:...Huh? Who even are you?
Gunther: Is it something else?
Hannah: My father died!

Hannah: He may be a socially maladjusted weirdo, but at least he isn't a dick like my actual husband!
Gunther: I knew that was it!
Hannah: OK, but mostly my father. I've made my peace with the marriage thing, we've got kids.
Gunther: Same!

Gunther: There there, you'll learn to live with it.
Hannah: Is this supposed to be comforting?
So yeah, if you haven't guessed, it's high time Gunther had a little affair of his own again.

Gunther: Come in, I have something to show you!
Hannah: Aight.

Cowboy Ricardo: Damn, they really ain't give a fuck.

Hannah: Well, that happened.
Gunther: I'm like Dua Lipa on that one song. I'm Levitating.
Hannah:...I'm gonna go now.

Mortimer: Lol she's still a hoe.
Ricardo: Eh. Marriage is just a piece of paper.
Elin: You. I like you.

It's Kiri's birthday.
Elin: Take over the world, baby girl.
Kiri: Planning on it.Starting with the blue one.
Elin: Yes, keep your enemies close and all.
Elin: What? Libby can hold her own.

Good job Elin.
Elin: SORRY!
Kiri: I'll get you next!
Elin: N-no! Focus on your goals one at a time! Remember, the blue one?
Libby: You'd seriously throw me under the bus like that? She already stuck me in the wall!
Elin:...I'll just leave. Come here!
Libby: I can't. I'm stuck.

India: Free time!
Honduras: Freeeee time!
Jordan: I hate y'all.

Free time?
Honduras: Fuck, I forgot-
Time for you to grow up!

Jordan: How's the free time going then, bro?
Jordan: Stop asking that, I forgot OK!

Here is Kiribati. She got Perfectionist, which is one of Elin's traits and thereby makes her more terrifying. She is also a Whiz Kid, so she won't live the PruneLife like her three older siblings.

And here's Honduras. He got Unflirty. This makes him an unflirty cat lover. So I figured I'd dress him like a cat guy who isn't going to get laid.
Honduras: Is that supposed to bother me? Unflirty, remember?
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