Rivella: What the fucknuggets is this fool doing here?
Grenadine: Come on Rivella, I'm trying to be nice to him.
Gene: Um...
Rivella: Who says I was talking about him, Grena?
Grenadine: >:(
Gene: Why am I here?
Anyway. There is a parameter for Rivella's generation that requires us actually leaving the home lot and visiting the public lots. Every week. They're at a gym for Grena's aspiration. Rivella can go yell at people or something.
Rivella: Perfect, hey Ge-
Grenadine: Not him!

Rivella: I can't believe I have to be NICE to you!
Nalani:...Good afternoon to you too. Jeez.
I made Rivella be friendly to Nalani. Because Nalani is awesome.

Gene, muttering in fear: Oh God oh no why is she near me, what did I do?
Grenadine: Sooo...hey! Wanna go watch clouds with me? It'll bring us closer together.
Gene: I'm good being this far away...
Grenadine: Oh come on, let's let bygones be bygones. Now that I'm older my connection to the pirate has been severed. I no longer have any reason to slap you.
Gene:...OK. I'm still afraid of you though.
Grenadine: Don't be! I'm really nice! My sister's the real freak...I mean yeesh, you do not want to get in her way.

Gene: Clouds are pretty boring, Grenadine. But I'm actually enjoying this. And you've only hurt me once!
Grenadine: That was an accident, I didn't mean to kick you.
Gene:...You won't kill me if I say I don't believe you, right?
Grenadine: Nah. I'm severed from the pirate ship, there will be no plank-walkings from now on!

Rivella: BOO! You're gonna die alone!
Nalani: Why would you say that?
Saya: Can y'all do that somewhere else?

Rivella: Nah I'm kidding girl. You cute.
Saya: Seriously fuck off.

Grenadine: See this, Gene-ius? I'm like three-quarters alien! Did you know that?
Gene: Uh...no, Grena. Never could have guessed.

Saya: Say what about my outfit?!
Nalani: I want to change gyms.
Girl in the back: Haha fiiiigght!
Rivella: I'll fight you next bitch! God this feels good!
Nalani: Can someone say issues or what? Haha.
Lol I love Nalani.

Gene: Yeah, you're not so bad, Grenadine. And I'm gonna be real, you look FINE-
Grenadine: I know. You could probably do better with your clothing, but you cute.
Yeah I'm totally setting them up. My Sims never date as teenagers. In the PG legacy and WYDC there's too many for me to bother, and in the ISBI it's impossible. Rivella and Cola never seemed like the type to date in high school, but I can see Grenadine having a high school sweetheart.

Gene: Hey, look at these. I make an effort sometimes. Anyway it's not like I had time to change when you and your scary sister showed up outside my house and yelled 'beep beep motherfucker, we're taking a trip'.
Grenadine: You need to start brushing your hair, dude.
Gene: It's a style!
Grenadine: It's a mess.

Rivella: Take this!
Saya: What is this? It stings!
Rivella: The blood of the last bitch who crossed me! Nah, I'm kidding, it's cranberry juice.
Nalani: She's got...anger. And some spunk, I guess. But mostly anger.
Rivella: Ooh look, I've cleared out the whole area.

Gene: Bye Grenadine.
Grenadine: Why, do you-
Gene: No, I wanna hang out with you. I just think you might need to get your sister home. She's running out the door chased by the trainer here. Something about 'get out now, also you're banned'?
(The trainer is Saya. Not Riv's wisest move.)

Grenadine: I'll meet her round the back so no-one sees us together. I'll be off then. It was really nice to see you, though...
Gene: Anytime, Grenadine.
Grenadine: You can call me Grena.

We return home to find Cola reading a romance novel on the porch. Thank you for being the first person to use this chair.
Cola: Shhhhh...I need to know if they can finally be together...I've never been so invested in something in my life!
You have three daughters and a successful career.

Grena: I don't give a fuck what you do, but we ain't close enough for you to get me banned from half the time.
Rivella: Hey, I didn't plan to do that. Grandma can always hack you back into the member's database anyway.
Grena: Yeah. She already did that. Just don't drag me into your bullshit, Rivella.
Rivella: *sigh* I dunno. I'm just angry. A lot.
Grena: No shit.

Nicola: You know, sometimes you have a thriving scheme and tons of friends who buy everything you say hook, line and sinker! And then sometimes they die, and try to make you come out to bars, but you're stuck playing chess with yet another grandchild that you had to raise and...
Gin-Fizz: Stop making that face at me. Stop giving the sob-story. I got your queen fair and square. I want Rivella back and I never thought I'd say that.

Cola:...Oh no. I know what this is. Fuck fuck fuck. I said I didn't want to do this again! Why didn't you listen, aliens?
Ivy: Welllll shit. You still good to run with me, Cola?
Cola: Yeah. There's gotta be a way to give him back...you good with that? Either option...

Ivy: I'm with you always and forever, babe. Speaking of children, where's our little girl?
Cola: Mmm, not sure. Probably being purple on that damn toy ship - wait, wrong one.
Gin-Fizz, still at the chess table: I'm behind you you idiot!

Grenadine: Haaaah. It's so good to feel love. I like love. I like Gene Woods-
Cola:...You gave that kid a bruise last time he was round here!
Grenadine: Well, we've both changed.
Ivy: Hey. Let her have her little crush. at least she tells you things about her life.
Cola: True. Rivella hasn't talked to me in two years.
Grenadine:...Really? Damn that explains so much.

I used some of the new Island Living stuff to update the pool area. I think it looks cool.
Lux: *snore* Can my skin even burn? *snore*

Rivella: *gets splashed with fruit juice* Oh FUCK! That's gonna take forever to get out of my hair!
Grenadine: Seriously, we have to eat her shitty cooking because Mum was too busy getting laid last night?
Rivella: Ew don't talk about that!

I saw her bump and even though I knew this was happening last night, I just had to ask WHY
I'm sticking to my guns on this one. Cola can leave with Ivy and most likely return this baby to the aliens. I have *insert number* of Rivella's kids to raise already next generation, and this kid already exceeds the parameter for this generation.
Cola: Actually. Can I leave it here? Please.
No can do. Nicola and Lux will soon be gone, and do you really trust your daughters with this child?
Cola:...I do not.

The clone prison cell was unlocked so that Pepsi could clean this sink. Everyone is downstairs anyway.
Pepsi: I don't think this is gonna be worth it. I've heard things from behind that door and Cola's life is a hot mess!
Too late.

Grenadine: I really don't wanna face this but....
Rivella: Oh I 100% do not want to talk about this either!
Grenadine: So let's just say Mum got fat?
Rivella: Yeah I'm good with that.
Cola: I wish that was the case too, girls.

Grenadine: Come on! Why won't you lift? I'm strong!
You're fitness level 2 and built like a string-bean. Lower your weight setting.
Grenadine: *screaming* YOU WILL NOT DEFEAT ME!
I'll leave her to it.

Shit. I didn't lock Pepsi back in the clone prison cell.
Nicola: Did you do something different with your hair, dear?
Pepsi:...No? It's always been like that!
Nicola: Ah, I suppose it has.
Rivella, while gaming: *eyebrow raise*

Cola got this awesome computer for hitting Level 10 of her career. It has a focusing aura so it's good for Riv to do her video gaming. She's in a novice tournament right now.
Rivella: And yet you're making me play off-brand Tetris.
Hush, you're only Level 4 and that's the easiest game/tournament.

(I changed Pepsi's sleepwear because I kept thinking young Cola returned to the house or something. Plus, they're pretty different even if they're the same, lol.).
Cola: Seriously? Go back in your cell. I told you you have to wait. It's only three days now.
Pepsi: But I'm booooored-
Cola: And I'm pregnant for the fourth time, looks like neither of us are happy.
Pepsi: Ooh shit girl, wanna talk about-
Cola: Go back in your cell!
Pepsi: Fine. Be like that. Just watch how well I treat your stinkin' reputation...
Foreshadowing? Never.

Grenadine got chosen to test out the new lounger/lilo/whatever things. Also I wanna see how her skin looks when it tans or burns.
(Spoiler alert: nothing)
Grenadine: Glad to be your sacrificial lamb then.

Shayne:...I'm not here.
Nobody in this house even wants to see you anymore, move along!

Keri: Get that camera out of my face.
Sorry girl. You're just really pretty.
Anyway Cola's on the alien world because...it's crazy that she hasn't been yet. And I need some alien stuff for some of her new breakthroughs.

Back home, Grenadine invites Gene over again.
Grenadine: This is a better look for you. I like it. Now let's look at clouds again, OK?
Poor dude's really just along for the ride. Grenadine is a force of nature. All these girls are, really. After all they are Cola's daughters.

Cola: What? I deserve this.
That you do, dear.

Gin-Fizz: Good game, Grandma. Sorry you lost AGAIN and you SUCK, but-
Nicola: Girlie, you'll regret those words when I'm dead.
Gin-Fizz:...Holy shit.

I looked away for one second, and suddenly these two were about to 'Mess Around' in here, but then Grenadine cancelled the action. I think she remembered at the last minute that her mother was conceived in this bed.
Gene:...Can I sit somewhere else then?

Stacy: So I drag my ass through town, almost setting myself on fire, and she's still not at the door...how do you deal with her being like this?
Ivy: I'm an independent woman. And Cola will always prioritise me.
Stacy: Well duh, you're her fiancee. But I don't see her right now.

Nicola: You horny little brats better not have been messing about in my bedroom!
Gene: Weeeelllll...
Grenadine: Shush! And seriously Grandma, I'm only just 14. We haven't even kissed!
Nicola: Then get on with it, boy. Just not here. I wanna sleep.
Gene: God your family's weird. Then again I already knew that.

Gene: Oh God oh God I feel her chest and lips what do I do?!
Nicola, yelling from behind her bedroom door: I SAID NOT HERE!

Lux: Where am I again? This isn't Windenburg...or is it?
Stacy: Uh...kid? Does she need some help? Or some clothes?
Gin-Fizz: The name's Gin-Fizz, thanks, Mum's freaky vampire friend. And she's fine. Hey Grandma! Read me a story! And put on a robe for heaven's sake!
God Nix are such old ladies.

Lux: Come inside now, Cola dear. It isn't good for you to be half-naked on our porch at 10pm.
Cola:...God Mum you really have lost it.
Stacy: But she still got it going on.
Cola: Goddammit Stacy. Stop. Why are we even friends?

Nicola: You'll regret messing with me, Gin-Fizz! Oh, and I love my wife and family and stuff.

Grenadine: Grandmaaaa I'm sorry for makin' out with Gene in front of your room!
Gene: Did we kill her?
You two are stupid.

Lux:...Something is wrong. I can't watch this. If I win this match maybe she won't...*sigh*

Gene: Oh my God ew, he's so close to me. Smells like a graveyard.
Rivella: I don't want you here, Grim! This is not the death I wanted! Begone THOT-
Grenadine: Now now. Grim, I think we can work something out.
Gene:...Holy shit, she's so strong, so composed-
Rivella: Would you stop drooling over my dumb sister? Our beloved grandma/surrogate mother is dying!
Grim: Shut up and let me get on with this. It's her time.

Grenadine: Not yet! She has so much life left to live!
Grim: Why do you say that? She's raised a child and watched two of her grandchildren grow into adolescence! She topped a difficult career. What else does she need?

Grena:...Fine! We just need her! I can't say goodbye yet! Please Grim!
Grim: That's your problem! Now get out of the way, I'm on a schedule.

Grena: *sobbing outside*
Gene: That is a sick-ass grave tho.
Grim: Seriously dude? Go comfort the girl, jeez!
Gene: OK OK, I'm going! But it is way past my curfew...

Stacy: Well that's just how life is, friendo. People get older and then they die. Heck, I'm gonna live to see you die one day.
Cola:...Thanks, Stacy.

I realised it was probably time for Lux to finally retire when she was scheduled to work just after Nicola died, while sleepy.
Lux: *talks as she types* Hell no, I just became a widow. You hoes can pull off this heist by yourself, and if you can't then you deserve to be arrested. *sends* That should do it.

Pepsi got hit with the sadness too.
Pepsi: I wanted to meet my clone-mother! It's not fair! I've been in this stupid cell forEVER!
Three days, Pepsi.

Gene: Grena, I brought you some food. It's cold and honestly doesn't look very good, but-
Grena: Thanks, Gene. But I think I need to be alone right now. See you soon.
Gene: *sigh* I understand. Night.

Now it's light I can show off the graveyard I made. The trees are there because of fencing issues, hope it looks OK.
Cola: Cool, now I can do science and overlook my mother's grave.
You're leaving in two days!

Our heir has the capacity to grieve too, despite the evidence to the contrary.
Rivella: After the death of that cat I was intrigued. But I didn't want this.

Gin-Fizz: Who is going to play chess with me now?
Rivella: Nobody. You finished that milestone. Ain't no-one got time for that.

Lux: *sniff* I don't like this bed without her.
I mean, you guys kept opposing schedules for a very long time. You almost never shared it.
Lux: Yeah...pillow still smells like her. I used to sleep easy 'cos of that. Now it just makes me sad.

This is gonna be the entire day. Nobody is happy and nothing is going to get done.

Grenadine: No Gene, I don't want to go to a beach bar at 11am the morning after my grandma died! You were there, how do you not realise this?
*insert joke about teenage boys being emotionally clueless*

I decided Cola needed a collectible for the week, and considering that she had 44 unopened capsules in her inventory I figured she'd get at least one.
After going through all of them we got one uncommon and 2 rare. So we only need two more to do the whole collection.

Lux: Seriously? You had that coming, you left your castle so completely exposed!
Gin-Fizz: Damn! I wish I could play with Grandma Nicola. She was bad at chess. And winning is fun.
Lux: Oh no dear, she was good at chess! She just let you win. *sniff* That was my Nic...she had her edges but she was so good with all the children...*sob*
Gin-Fizz: And now I am definitely gonna win. She is way too sad to beat me. And that's a master chess plan!
You manipulated your dementia-ridden, newly-widowed grandma to win at chess?
Gin-Fizz: Gotta channel the grief into something!

Gene came over in a bad mood.
Gene: I'm in trouble for being late home because I was supporting you! How bullshit is that! I mean, I explained but they just wouldn't listen!
Grenadine: I can't listen to this. Let's just look at the sky. It's beautiful today.

Cola is once again reading a book.
Rivella: So are you gonna say anything or not?
Cola: No.
Rivella: I miss her too, y'know. You're so damn self-absorbed.

Caroline: Hey, aren't I pretty?
Lux: Shops are across town, darling. I don't have time for this. There's lines of code swimming through my head and I have to crack them.

Grena: It hurts so much! It's like a big hole in my heart!
So nobody is taking this well.
Gene: Uh...wanna play video games or something?
And nobody is dealing well with those who aren't taking it well.

Grena: So in case you didn't get the hint, I don't want to play Party Frenzy with you.
Gene: I got the hint.
Gin-Fizz: If this is what romance is like I want no part of it.

Rivella: This was a mistake. Grena's talking bullshit, this does not help.
Side note: I don't know why I dressed Riv and Grena so similarly. They've both got jumpers with a logo and slightly cropped trousers for everyday, and both have black hoodies for athletic.
But Grena's athletic is all 'I am serious about working out and this cost way more than it looks like' and Rivella's is 'these were at the bottom of my dresser but they're all I got'.

Clearly it did something, because after the workout was done she became flirty for the very first time in her life. Weird time to experience that but...OK.

Gene: Oh FUCK, sorry-!
Rivella: Like what you see?
Rivella no.
Rivella: What? I'm feeling flirty!
Gene: I'm just gonna go.

Cola: What are you pouting for?
Pepsi: She was my mum too.
Cola: It's different. She raised me, you didn't even know her.
Pepsi: But I wanted to. You didn't let me. It's lonely here, Cola.
Cola: Come on, you knew the deal...
When did this save start making me feel things? I never wanted that.

Cola: Are we ever going to be happy again, girls?
Gin-Fizz: I'm pretty sure this is not what you're supposed to be telling me, a child, after a death in the family.
Grenadine: Why are you so dramatic, Mum. Like please, isn't it supposed to be me with the raging hormones and stuff?
Rivella: And this is why I'm over here right now.

Keeping Lux alive is DIFFICULT. The others only have a +3 moodlet which makes it a bit easier because sometimes they stop being sad if the fates/moodlets align right, but Lux has +7 which means total unrelenting sadness. Poor thing is so unhappy.
Lux: This book just reminds me of her! She read it to all the children!

Cola actively went to work for the final time. I didn't even want to send her because she's so pregnant and sad but I left the cloning machine here last time, and I wanted to pick it up so that maybe the next generation can use it.
Anyway she has to go the alien world today.

I took basically no pictures because I could not be bothered. Rivella takes over tomorrow morning and I kind of just want to get to that. So Cola's literally about to go home here.
Cola: One last question...how do y'all feel like taking back this baby you gave me? Because I did not ask for this. Quite the opposite actually.

Back at home, Rivella is contemplating her life over a bowl of peas.
Rivella: I can't say I'm thrilled about taking over the house. My plans will have to change, I suppose.
Rivella: People are just like these peas. Tiny and easily destroyed by yours truly. Yeah. I can do something with this.

Meanwhile Grenadine and Gene 'messed around' in the science shower upstairs.
Cola, next door: *literally just sleeping through this shit*

Gene: I am the man!
Grenadine: Eh. Why are we fully clothed again?
Gene: Because this animation is hella lazy, babe!
Grenadine: What? Who's putting words in your mouth?

Gene: I think I might just spend my life with Grena...if she'll have me.
Lux: Never fall in love kid. You'll grow old together and then one of you will die. So you either cause a pit of depression, or you spend your last days in a pit of depression.
Gene:...I'm not thinking about that part right now, OK Mrs Grena's Grandma?
Lux: More fool you.

Grenadine: So...I kind of need to clean up the shower, because-
Cola: Look, it cleans itself, just don't talk to me about this. I know why that boy was over.
Gin-Fizz: Awww snap are they talking what I think they're talking?
Grenadine: What do you guys think I'm saying? It's muddy because I went for a jog and fell over! Jeez!

Lux: Colaaaaa I miss your mother.
Cola: Get over it, we all did about...2 hours ago.

Nicola: God I finally feel safe to come out, now that they've finally stopped crying all over the place. Sugar told me she slipped in a puddle of tears last night!

Cola: God, your eyes are like big black voids. Freaky. Grena never looked like this...yeah, back you go, the aliens can have you. I don't need this shit.
This is Martin. Everybody say hi. Now say bye.

I didn't end up sending him to Sixam because that basically deletes him and that's kind of sad. I just cheated to get him taken away, and due to my MCCC settings, he got adopted by another family in the world.

Rivella: Ugh. I guess my birthdays are still really sad. Lemme just blow these candles out, I wanna do my plans.
What are those?
Rivella: You'll find out!

Rivella: Hahaha...hahahahahaha! I have been imbued with a whole new power!

Lux: She's talking like my Aunty Mercy.
Lux: Well shit this family is doomed. Rivella honey, what are you gonna do?

Rivella: Uh...eat this delicious cereal? Get better at cheating in video game tournaments? Don't look like that Grandma.
Lux: Don't play dumb, child. I heard you in the kitchen.
Rivella: Well I'm not a child am I? Plus since when did you become the harbinger of moral standards?
Lux: I suppose you're right, dear...
Next time, we start Generation 3 with Rivella's makeover, and reveal the parameters as needed...
Gene: Um...
Rivella: Who says I was talking about him, Grena?
Grenadine: >:(
Gene: Why am I here?
Anyway. There is a parameter for Rivella's generation that requires us actually leaving the home lot and visiting the public lots. Every week. They're at a gym for Grena's aspiration. Rivella can go yell at people or something.
Rivella: Perfect, hey Ge-
Grenadine: Not him!

Rivella: I can't believe I have to be NICE to you!
Nalani:...Good afternoon to you too. Jeez.
I made Rivella be friendly to Nalani. Because Nalani is awesome.

Gene, muttering in fear: Oh God oh no why is she near me, what did I do?
Grenadine: Sooo...hey! Wanna go watch clouds with me? It'll bring us closer together.
Gene: I'm good being this far away...
Grenadine: Oh come on, let's let bygones be bygones. Now that I'm older my connection to the pirate has been severed. I no longer have any reason to slap you.
Gene:...OK. I'm still afraid of you though.
Grenadine: Don't be! I'm really nice! My sister's the real freak...I mean yeesh, you do not want to get in her way.

Gene: Clouds are pretty boring, Grenadine. But I'm actually enjoying this. And you've only hurt me once!
Grenadine: That was an accident, I didn't mean to kick you.
Gene:...You won't kill me if I say I don't believe you, right?
Grenadine: Nah. I'm severed from the pirate ship, there will be no plank-walkings from now on!

Rivella: BOO! You're gonna die alone!
Nalani: Why would you say that?
Saya: Can y'all do that somewhere else?

Rivella: Nah I'm kidding girl. You cute.
Saya: Seriously fuck off.

Grenadine: See this, Gene-ius? I'm like three-quarters alien! Did you know that?
Gene: Uh...no, Grena. Never could have guessed.

Saya: Say what about my outfit?!
Nalani: I want to change gyms.
Girl in the back: Haha fiiiigght!
Rivella: I'll fight you next bitch! God this feels good!
Nalani: Can someone say issues or what? Haha.
Lol I love Nalani.

Gene: Yeah, you're not so bad, Grenadine. And I'm gonna be real, you look FINE-
Grenadine: I know. You could probably do better with your clothing, but you cute.
Yeah I'm totally setting them up. My Sims never date as teenagers. In the PG legacy and WYDC there's too many for me to bother, and in the ISBI it's impossible. Rivella and Cola never seemed like the type to date in high school, but I can see Grenadine having a high school sweetheart.

Gene: Hey, look at these. I make an effort sometimes. Anyway it's not like I had time to change when you and your scary sister showed up outside my house and yelled 'beep beep motherfucker, we're taking a trip'.
Grenadine: You need to start brushing your hair, dude.
Gene: It's a style!
Grenadine: It's a mess.

Rivella: Take this!
Saya: What is this? It stings!
Rivella: The blood of the last bitch who crossed me! Nah, I'm kidding, it's cranberry juice.
Nalani: She's got...anger. And some spunk, I guess. But mostly anger.
Rivella: Ooh look, I've cleared out the whole area.

Gene: Bye Grenadine.
Grenadine: Why, do you-
Gene: No, I wanna hang out with you. I just think you might need to get your sister home. She's running out the door chased by the trainer here. Something about 'get out now, also you're banned'?
(The trainer is Saya. Not Riv's wisest move.)

Grenadine: I'll meet her round the back so no-one sees us together. I'll be off then. It was really nice to see you, though...
Gene: Anytime, Grenadine.
Grenadine: You can call me Grena.

We return home to find Cola reading a romance novel on the porch. Thank you for being the first person to use this chair.
Cola: Shhhhh...I need to know if they can finally be together...I've never been so invested in something in my life!
You have three daughters and a successful career.

Grena: I don't give a fuck what you do, but we ain't close enough for you to get me banned from half the time.
Rivella: Hey, I didn't plan to do that. Grandma can always hack you back into the member's database anyway.
Grena: Yeah. She already did that. Just don't drag me into your bullshit, Rivella.
Rivella: *sigh* I dunno. I'm just angry. A lot.
Grena: No shit.

Nicola: You know, sometimes you have a thriving scheme and tons of friends who buy everything you say hook, line and sinker! And then sometimes they die, and try to make you come out to bars, but you're stuck playing chess with yet another grandchild that you had to raise and...
Gin-Fizz: Stop making that face at me. Stop giving the sob-story. I got your queen fair and square. I want Rivella back and I never thought I'd say that.

Cola:...Oh no. I know what this is. Fuck fuck fuck. I said I didn't want to do this again! Why didn't you listen, aliens?
Ivy: Welllll shit. You still good to run with me, Cola?
Cola: Yeah. There's gotta be a way to give him back...you good with that? Either option...

Ivy: I'm with you always and forever, babe. Speaking of children, where's our little girl?
Cola: Mmm, not sure. Probably being purple on that damn toy ship - wait, wrong one.
Gin-Fizz, still at the chess table: I'm behind you you idiot!

Grenadine: Haaaah. It's so good to feel love. I like love. I like Gene Woods-
Cola:...You gave that kid a bruise last time he was round here!
Grenadine: Well, we've both changed.
Ivy: Hey. Let her have her little crush. at least she tells you things about her life.
Cola: True. Rivella hasn't talked to me in two years.
Grenadine:...Really? Damn that explains so much.

I used some of the new Island Living stuff to update the pool area. I think it looks cool.
Lux: *snore* Can my skin even burn? *snore*

Rivella: *gets splashed with fruit juice* Oh FUCK! That's gonna take forever to get out of my hair!
Grenadine: Seriously, we have to eat her shitty cooking because Mum was too busy getting laid last night?
Rivella: Ew don't talk about that!

I saw her bump and even though I knew this was happening last night, I just had to ask WHY
I'm sticking to my guns on this one. Cola can leave with Ivy and most likely return this baby to the aliens. I have *insert number* of Rivella's kids to raise already next generation, and this kid already exceeds the parameter for this generation.
Cola: Actually. Can I leave it here? Please.
No can do. Nicola and Lux will soon be gone, and do you really trust your daughters with this child?
Cola:...I do not.

The clone prison cell was unlocked so that Pepsi could clean this sink. Everyone is downstairs anyway.
Pepsi: I don't think this is gonna be worth it. I've heard things from behind that door and Cola's life is a hot mess!
Too late.

Grenadine: I really don't wanna face this but....
Rivella: Oh I 100% do not want to talk about this either!
Grenadine: So let's just say Mum got fat?
Rivella: Yeah I'm good with that.
Cola: I wish that was the case too, girls.

Grenadine: Come on! Why won't you lift? I'm strong!
You're fitness level 2 and built like a string-bean. Lower your weight setting.
Grenadine: *screaming* YOU WILL NOT DEFEAT ME!
I'll leave her to it.

Shit. I didn't lock Pepsi back in the clone prison cell.
Nicola: Did you do something different with your hair, dear?
Pepsi:...No? It's always been like that!
Nicola: Ah, I suppose it has.
Rivella, while gaming: *eyebrow raise*

Cola got this awesome computer for hitting Level 10 of her career. It has a focusing aura so it's good for Riv to do her video gaming. She's in a novice tournament right now.
Rivella: And yet you're making me play off-brand Tetris.
Hush, you're only Level 4 and that's the easiest game/tournament.

(I changed Pepsi's sleepwear because I kept thinking young Cola returned to the house or something. Plus, they're pretty different even if they're the same, lol.).
Cola: Seriously? Go back in your cell. I told you you have to wait. It's only three days now.
Pepsi: But I'm booooored-
Cola: And I'm pregnant for the fourth time, looks like neither of us are happy.
Pepsi: Ooh shit girl, wanna talk about-
Cola: Go back in your cell!
Pepsi: Fine. Be like that. Just watch how well I treat your stinkin' reputation...

Grenadine got chosen to test out the new lounger/lilo/whatever things. Also I wanna see how her skin looks when it tans or burns.
(Spoiler alert: nothing)
Grenadine: Glad to be your sacrificial lamb then.

Shayne:...I'm not here.
Nobody in this house even wants to see you anymore, move along!

Keri: Get that camera out of my face.
Sorry girl. You're just really pretty.
Anyway Cola's on the alien world because...it's crazy that she hasn't been yet. And I need some alien stuff for some of her new breakthroughs.

Back home, Grenadine invites Gene over again.
Grenadine: This is a better look for you. I like it. Now let's look at clouds again, OK?
Poor dude's really just along for the ride. Grenadine is a force of nature. All these girls are, really. After all they are Cola's daughters.

Cola: What? I deserve this.
That you do, dear.

Gin-Fizz: Good game, Grandma. Sorry you lost AGAIN and you SUCK, but-
Nicola: Girlie, you'll regret those words when I'm dead.
Gin-Fizz:...Holy shit.

I looked away for one second, and suddenly these two were about to 'Mess Around' in here, but then Grenadine cancelled the action. I think she remembered at the last minute that her mother was conceived in this bed.
Gene:...Can I sit somewhere else then?

Stacy: So I drag my ass through town, almost setting myself on fire, and she's still not at the door...how do you deal with her being like this?
Ivy: I'm an independent woman. And Cola will always prioritise me.
Stacy: Well duh, you're her fiancee. But I don't see her right now.

Nicola: You horny little brats better not have been messing about in my bedroom!
Gene: Weeeelllll...
Grenadine: Shush! And seriously Grandma, I'm only just 14. We haven't even kissed!
Nicola: Then get on with it, boy. Just not here. I wanna sleep.
Gene: God your family's weird. Then again I already knew that.

Gene: Oh God oh God I feel her chest and lips what do I do?!
Nicola, yelling from behind her bedroom door: I SAID NOT HERE!

Lux: Where am I again? This isn't Windenburg...or is it?
Stacy: Uh...kid? Does she need some help? Or some clothes?
Gin-Fizz: The name's Gin-Fizz, thanks, Mum's freaky vampire friend. And she's fine. Hey Grandma! Read me a story! And put on a robe for heaven's sake!
God Nix are such old ladies.

Lux: Come inside now, Cola dear. It isn't good for you to be half-naked on our porch at 10pm.
Cola:...God Mum you really have lost it.
Stacy: But she still got it going on.
Cola: Goddammit Stacy. Stop. Why are we even friends?

Nicola: You'll regret messing with me, Gin-Fizz! Oh, and I love my wife and family and stuff.

Grenadine: Grandmaaaa I'm sorry for makin' out with Gene in front of your room!
Gene: Did we kill her?
You two are stupid.

Lux:...Something is wrong. I can't watch this. If I win this match maybe she won't...*sigh*

Gene: Oh my God ew, he's so close to me. Smells like a graveyard.
Rivella: I don't want you here, Grim! This is not the death I wanted! Begone THOT-
Grenadine: Now now. Grim, I think we can work something out.
Gene:...Holy shit, she's so strong, so composed-
Rivella: Would you stop drooling over my dumb sister? Our beloved grandma/surrogate mother is dying!
Grim: Shut up and let me get on with this. It's her time.

Grenadine: Not yet! She has so much life left to live!
Grim: Why do you say that? She's raised a child and watched two of her grandchildren grow into adolescence! She topped a difficult career. What else does she need?

Grena:...Fine! We just need her! I can't say goodbye yet! Please Grim!
Grim: That's your problem! Now get out of the way, I'm on a schedule.

Grena: *sobbing outside*
Gene: That is a sick-ass grave tho.
Grim: Seriously dude? Go comfort the girl, jeez!
Gene: OK OK, I'm going! But it is way past my curfew...

Stacy: Well that's just how life is, friendo. People get older and then they die. Heck, I'm gonna live to see you die one day.
Cola:...Thanks, Stacy.

I realised it was probably time for Lux to finally retire when she was scheduled to work just after Nicola died, while sleepy.
Lux: *talks as she types* Hell no, I just became a widow. You hoes can pull off this heist by yourself, and if you can't then you deserve to be arrested. *sends* That should do it.

Pepsi got hit with the sadness too.
Pepsi: I wanted to meet my clone-mother! It's not fair! I've been in this stupid cell forEVER!
Three days, Pepsi.

Gene: Grena, I brought you some food. It's cold and honestly doesn't look very good, but-
Grena: Thanks, Gene. But I think I need to be alone right now. See you soon.
Gene: *sigh* I understand. Night.

Now it's light I can show off the graveyard I made. The trees are there because of fencing issues, hope it looks OK.
Cola: Cool, now I can do science and overlook my mother's grave.
You're leaving in two days!

Our heir has the capacity to grieve too, despite the evidence to the contrary.
Rivella: After the death of that cat I was intrigued. But I didn't want this.

Gin-Fizz: Who is going to play chess with me now?
Rivella: Nobody. You finished that milestone. Ain't no-one got time for that.

Lux: *sniff* I don't like this bed without her.
I mean, you guys kept opposing schedules for a very long time. You almost never shared it.
Lux: Yeah...pillow still smells like her. I used to sleep easy 'cos of that. Now it just makes me sad.

This is gonna be the entire day. Nobody is happy and nothing is going to get done.

Grenadine: No Gene, I don't want to go to a beach bar at 11am the morning after my grandma died! You were there, how do you not realise this?
*insert joke about teenage boys being emotionally clueless*

I decided Cola needed a collectible for the week, and considering that she had 44 unopened capsules in her inventory I figured she'd get at least one.
After going through all of them we got one uncommon and 2 rare. So we only need two more to do the whole collection.

Lux: Seriously? You had that coming, you left your castle so completely exposed!
Gin-Fizz: Damn! I wish I could play with Grandma Nicola. She was bad at chess. And winning is fun.
Lux: Oh no dear, she was good at chess! She just let you win. *sniff* That was my Nic...she had her edges but she was so good with all the children...*sob*
Gin-Fizz: And now I am definitely gonna win. She is way too sad to beat me. And that's a master chess plan!
You manipulated your dementia-ridden, newly-widowed grandma to win at chess?
Gin-Fizz: Gotta channel the grief into something!

Gene came over in a bad mood.
Gene: I'm in trouble for being late home because I was supporting you! How bullshit is that! I mean, I explained but they just wouldn't listen!
Grenadine: I can't listen to this. Let's just look at the sky. It's beautiful today.

Cola is once again reading a book.
Rivella: So are you gonna say anything or not?
Cola: No.
Rivella: I miss her too, y'know. You're so damn self-absorbed.

Caroline: Hey, aren't I pretty?
Lux: Shops are across town, darling. I don't have time for this. There's lines of code swimming through my head and I have to crack them.

Grena: It hurts so much! It's like a big hole in my heart!
So nobody is taking this well.
Gene: Uh...wanna play video games or something?
And nobody is dealing well with those who aren't taking it well.

Grena: So in case you didn't get the hint, I don't want to play Party Frenzy with you.
Gene: I got the hint.
Gin-Fizz: If this is what romance is like I want no part of it.

Rivella: This was a mistake. Grena's talking bullshit, this does not help.
Side note: I don't know why I dressed Riv and Grena so similarly. They've both got jumpers with a logo and slightly cropped trousers for everyday, and both have black hoodies for athletic.
But Grena's athletic is all 'I am serious about working out and this cost way more than it looks like' and Rivella's is 'these were at the bottom of my dresser but they're all I got'.

Clearly it did something, because after the workout was done she became flirty for the very first time in her life. Weird time to experience that but...OK.

Gene: Oh FUCK, sorry-!
Rivella: Like what you see?
Rivella no.
Rivella: What? I'm feeling flirty!
Gene: I'm just gonna go.

Cola: What are you pouting for?
Pepsi: She was my mum too.
Cola: It's different. She raised me, you didn't even know her.
Pepsi: But I wanted to. You didn't let me. It's lonely here, Cola.
Cola: Come on, you knew the deal...
When did this save start making me feel things? I never wanted that.

Cola: Are we ever going to be happy again, girls?
Gin-Fizz: I'm pretty sure this is not what you're supposed to be telling me, a child, after a death in the family.
Grenadine: Why are you so dramatic, Mum. Like please, isn't it supposed to be me with the raging hormones and stuff?
Rivella: And this is why I'm over here right now.

Keeping Lux alive is DIFFICULT. The others only have a +3 moodlet which makes it a bit easier because sometimes they stop being sad if the fates/moodlets align right, but Lux has +7 which means total unrelenting sadness. Poor thing is so unhappy.
Lux: This book just reminds me of her! She read it to all the children!

Cola actively went to work for the final time. I didn't even want to send her because she's so pregnant and sad but I left the cloning machine here last time, and I wanted to pick it up so that maybe the next generation can use it.
Anyway she has to go the alien world today.

I took basically no pictures because I could not be bothered. Rivella takes over tomorrow morning and I kind of just want to get to that. So Cola's literally about to go home here.
Cola: One last question...how do y'all feel like taking back this baby you gave me? Because I did not ask for this. Quite the opposite actually.

Back at home, Rivella is contemplating her life over a bowl of peas.
Rivella: I can't say I'm thrilled about taking over the house. My plans will have to change, I suppose.
Rivella: People are just like these peas. Tiny and easily destroyed by yours truly. Yeah. I can do something with this.

Meanwhile Grenadine and Gene 'messed around' in the science shower upstairs.
Cola, next door: *literally just sleeping through this shit*

Gene: I am the man!
Grenadine: Eh. Why are we fully clothed again?
Gene: Because this animation is hella lazy, babe!
Grenadine: What? Who's putting words in your mouth?

Gene: I think I might just spend my life with Grena...if she'll have me.
Lux: Never fall in love kid. You'll grow old together and then one of you will die. So you either cause a pit of depression, or you spend your last days in a pit of depression.
Gene:...I'm not thinking about that part right now, OK Mrs Grena's Grandma?
Lux: More fool you.

Grenadine: So...I kind of need to clean up the shower, because-
Cola: Look, it cleans itself, just don't talk to me about this. I know why that boy was over.
Gin-Fizz: Awww snap are they talking what I think they're talking?
Grenadine: What do you guys think I'm saying? It's muddy because I went for a jog and fell over! Jeez!

Lux: Colaaaaa I miss your mother.
Cola: Get over it, we all did about...2 hours ago.

Nicola: God I finally feel safe to come out, now that they've finally stopped crying all over the place. Sugar told me she slipped in a puddle of tears last night!

Cola: God, your eyes are like big black voids. Freaky. Grena never looked like this...yeah, back you go, the aliens can have you. I don't need this shit.
This is Martin. Everybody say hi. Now say bye.

I didn't end up sending him to Sixam because that basically deletes him and that's kind of sad. I just cheated to get him taken away, and due to my MCCC settings, he got adopted by another family in the world.

Rivella: Ugh. I guess my birthdays are still really sad. Lemme just blow these candles out, I wanna do my plans.
What are those?
Rivella: You'll find out!

Rivella: Hahaha...hahahahahaha! I have been imbued with a whole new power!

Lux: She's talking like my Aunty Mercy.
Lux: Well shit this family is doomed. Rivella honey, what are you gonna do?

Rivella: Uh...eat this delicious cereal? Get better at cheating in video game tournaments? Don't look like that Grandma.
Lux: Don't play dumb, child. I heard you in the kitchen.
Rivella: Well I'm not a child am I? Plus since when did you become the harbinger of moral standards?
Lux: I suppose you're right, dear...
Next time, we start Generation 3 with Rivella's makeover, and reveal the parameters as needed...
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