Gunther: Aww, Kiri! Ain't you sweet?! And there's a pretty good chance you're mine!
You might be singing a different tune if she comes out blonde.

Jordan: Ooh, pancakes and sparkles and - OW, think I'm blind now. Oh well.

Elin: Oh, you would like a bath? That's sweet. See, Honduras, not all of my children despise me.
Honduras: If you paid more attention you'd know that he blinded himself with pancakes this morning.
Jordan: Yeah! Clean me, person!
Honduras: He doesn't know who you actually are.
Elin:...With pancakes? Oh whatever, I don't need you, Nine.

Elin: Much better. Breakfast with my favourite girls!
India: Aw, thanks-
Guatemala: We're the only vaguely functional ones, sis. Bosnia and Fiji both got with Vlad Straud so they're out. And Cambodia...I mean, looks like she has daddy issues.
Elin: We don't need to think about them, they are irrelevant to our lives.
India: Will I be irrelevant too one day Mum?
Elin: Indubitably.

Elin's working out. She got thicc again. Not that she really needs to lose weight at this size, I just want her to maintain it.

Jordan: Oh, God. I'm being taught by this loser.
Gunther: I guess you can see again kid?
Jordan: Haha. Yeah. Are you pregnant now?

Back on Sixam!
Elin: You'll do.
Tyrell the alien:...Charmed.

Elin: Um. I mean, I have waited so long to...be with one of your kind. Let me take your hand.
Tyrell: Take both! I can always grow new ones.
Elin: Ah...well we'll see how I feel. Maybe if my hus - housemate has sharpened my knives.

Tyrell the alien was E A S Y. So I had Elin go in for the kiss, no time to waste and all that.
And then she sneezed in his face.
Tyrell: I better look up what that sound was. Hope it's nothing bad!
*cough* COVID *cough*

Elin: I shall sex every alien I find!
Honestly I'd rather vampires.
Elin: Fine! Then I'll bang Ali Benali! Mwahahahaha!
I was gonna have her wait until Mala moves out (I know, I'm upset about that too). But then I realised that could lead to twins. I don't want twins.
So get over here, Tyrell.

I tried my best for a strategic camera angle here, I swear guys.
Why are you two climbing into the new basement hot tub like this? It doesn't show but there's so much space round the other side.
Tyrell: Hot d - OW.

The fuck.
India: Please move your hand, Mr Stranger sir.
Guatemala: This is why we run after we leave the bus, right Honduras?
OH, also Guatemala is staying until we need the house space. I can always use a capable pair of hands around.

Meanwhile Tyrell is being a FUCKWIT and making Elin chase him all over the house. Luckily Gunther is locked up in the nursery skilling Jordan.

Apparently this happens when two sims do it in the hot tub.
If she gets pregnant, sure. Whatever.

Well, it worked.
Elin: Crap.
Elin: What if it turns out blue? What am I gonna say - wait, hang on. Got it.

Gunther: You what now on Sixam?
Elin: I got probed! You know it is up there! So yeah, this one isn't yours but it's totally not my fault! This time.
Gunther: Ugh. Fine. Whatever. Just paint it if my mother comes over, she'll be weird about the whole thing.
Nice one, El.

Honduras: Does Mum think I'm part dolphin or something?
Just one and a half more skill levels! Then you're done!
Honduras: *sigh*

Elin: You really do make our lives easier, Gunther. Even if I'm not very good at showing it.
Gunther:...Where's this coming from? Oh God, what did you do?
Elin: I mean, I went to outer space and hacked into one of the biggest social media sites in the world today! But that's old hat. I guess I'm feeling a little vulnerable. Because, y'know, I got probed.
Gunther: Of course! I am so sorry for even doubting your sincerity!
This would be kinda sweet if she wasn't lying her ass off.

I guess that's an upgrade? Considering Cambodia's other men have all been ancient....

Denmark gave in and married his baby-mama. Poor noncommittal fella. And he's still got those stupid glasses.
Denmark: Yeah, well I superglued them to my face the night I knocked the Mrs up!
Just how drunk were you?
Den:...You cannot even imagine.

Lots of twin girls being born. First Cambodia and now Denmark.

Bosnia had her kid, as did Azerbaijan.

Mala: It's total injustice, isn't it? She promised me I could leave!
Honduras: Disgusting.
Mala: Right?
Honduras: What? I don't care about what you're rambling about. I just hate that bowl. Disgusting.

Gunther:...How would my Elin let herself get probed?
Jordan: Seriously? Even I've figured out what happened.
You're three, you probably shouldn't have been able to...but this house has always messed up its kids.

Elin: Kid doesn't know what he's talking about. You know those ungrateful brats have it out for me.
Gunther: I mean, he has a good-
Elin: Why don't you go to space and see how well you do, Gunther?

Elin is very much enjoying her programming job.
Elin: This code will fail in a year, and then they'll have to pay me again!

Leland: DAMN son, you seem unhappy.
Mala: Hey man, don't talk to strange kids.
Leland: That's literally my son next to you, lady.
Honduras: You're my dad?...Great.
Mala: It's not just you. Mum has shit taste in men. My dad is a klepto cop after all.
India: Ugh...I can't even look at this house. It hurts too much, I just want to leave.
Mala: How do you think I feel?
Guatemala is the best older sibling this family is ever had. Low bar, but still. Counts for something.

Honduras: Seriously Fij, you're here again? You still don't have a job?
Fiji: Shut up you little brat. Do you want me to help you with your algebra or not?
Honduras:...I do, Fiji. I'll be good.

Elin was feeling confident after one of her programming jobs so I sent her to meet a new man. Ain't this a flattering picture.
Elin: *coughs* Uh don't mind me, it's an alien disease. I go to space and all that, you see.
Baako: Hmm, maybe if I don't look at her, I can ignore risk of infection and get laid!
Baako was already flirty when she went to talk to him. This should be easy.

Baako: So when can I-
Elin: Later.

Brant Hecking: Y'all are hoes.
Baako: Well, that's not quite the situation-
Elin: Mhm. Seriously Baako?
Brant: Hey, you too. I know you're married.
Elin: Yeah, and I said 'mhm'. I'm self-aware, that makes me better.
Brant: Mmm....nah. I don't think that's how it works.

Then I remembered that Justin Delgato is still on the hook to father one of Elin's spawn. So I invited him over to make sure that when she's un-pregnant, it can be quick.
Justin: Yeah you're still hot even when it looks like you have a blimp under that dress. We're good. Oh, and don't tell Supriya.

Baako went home and knocked up his wife. Real winner, this one.
Perfect for Elin.

Mala: Yay, time to age up now, Kiri! I'm so happy to be doing this job that's definitely my own, not like I was supposed to be out and free as a YA by now!

Kiribati: Your sarcasm is so boring.
Mala: Christ what did Mum produce this time?

Kiri here is a Fussy little monster, and while she has Elin's colouring she has a completely different face, i.e. her dad's.
To be blunt, she's probably not gonna grow up very pretty. Geoffrey Landgraab's features don't lend themselves well to daughters.

Gunther: When did Mala get a kid? She's still a teenager.
Elin: I 'unno.
Gunther: We could get her an apartment or something, do the supportive thing.
Elin: Yeah, I'm not raising another one.

Mala: Wow, you two just a hit a new low. I worry for you two, dear little sisters.
India: You say that, but the second you're allowed you will leave still...right?
Mala:...Most likely.
India: This is why I look after myself.

Honduras maxed the motor skill!
Honduras: Not worth it.
Worth it for Elin and I. You need to grow up soon.
Honduras: I didn't ask to be born.

Jordan:...How about you, Blueffy? Will you protect me from the L-Monster?

Elin: So what do you mean by that, kiddo? What's an 'L' got to do with a monster?
Jordan: It's you!
Elin: L...El...Elin. Very funny. Were it not for me you'd be stuck with Gunther and Gunther alone.
Jordan: Mala can help me!
Elin: Please. The second she's allowed to grow up, she's out. It's me or nothing, kid. Well, or Gunther.

Kiri: That worse than nothing!
Elin: Aw. Maybe I am raising these kids right.

Kiri: You read me a book, or give me your life!
Elin: Aww! You'll need lots more training to stand behind a threat like that! But I like where this is going. You have a lot of promise, kid!
Kiri: Chop chop!
Gunther: Bosnia. How are you?
Bosnia: Why are you trying to make conversation with me, I've never liked you. But I'll play ball, I am an adult now and all. I just had my new son. His name is Xzavier with an X-Z.
Gunther: With a what now?
Bosnia: An X-Z, did all those cleaning products get in your ears somehow?
Gunther: Har har. Elin, that's your daughter over there, I had nothing to do with that.
Elin: Well, of course, I had her when you met me.

Mala: Goddammit.
India: I so don't care. Just gonna look away from the house for a bit, so I can pretend I live somewhere else.
India got a B, Honduras got an A, Mala is of course holding her A.
Which means India is the only kid who has to do things this weekend. Honduras is finished, I just have to wait a few days.
India: This is bullshit.

India:...Still less bullshit than this.
Mala: Why can't I leave already?
You can leave once the baby is born, now hush.

India: Hope you're not sentenced to PruneLife like your brother and me, Jordan!
Gunther: Shut up and go away, I have a headache!
India: Don't talk to me like that, I'm telling Mum! She likes me cos I look like her.
Gunther: Typical Elin.
Jordan: I just want my birthday...
India: Some birthday.

He in fact was confined to PruneLife. He aged up like his sister: a hot-headed rambunctious scamp.
India: But he's the inferior version.
Jordan: Nah, I think I look pretty great.
Elin: Y'all hear something?
Just your child's birthday.
Elin: Meh, seen too many of those.

I love this kid. He's confident, like his dad. Anyone remember Ray?
Jordan: Who's Ray?
Oh, and he doesn't have the brown eyes, which puts him a cut above the rest of them IMO.

Kiribati: Hmm. Fun. Best thing to happen all day!
Damn that's cold. Man's arms are basically torn off.

The next morning...
Guatemala: Weekend has arrived! I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE GONE.
Honduras: You're complaining? I think this door just tore out my liver!

Jordan: PruneLife treats me quite well.
Honduras: You know nothing! It isn't even 9am yet! She will keep you in that pool the entire day.
Guatemala: *whimpering* I'd booked my moving van and everything...!
India: God y'all are whiners.

Kiri: Haha! Your life SUCKS!
Mala: God you remind me of my brother Denmark. You little brat.
Kiri: Cinderella, Cinderella!

India and Jordan even have basically the same swimwear (randomly generated).
India: You're still the inferior copy.
Jordan: Now you know that ain't true, don't lie to yourself.
India: I will fight you to the death in this pool. I'll do it, I swear to God. Shut up so I can skill, then leave and play games all day like Honduras!

India: See? I'm so done with the pool that I'd rather do the cleaning, sorry, I mean Gunther work.
Gunther: Well I'm sorry, do you think I can control what your mother tells you?
India: You can't control anything about your life. Just look at yourself.
Kiribati: He prefers not to.

Elin is in labour.
Elin: Wish I wasn't.

Elin: Huh. At least you look like you could be worth it. For one thing, you're different to all the others!
This is Liberia.

Mala: Bye bitches!
India: Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
Honduras: No! Stay! I don't want another damn baby in this house!

Mala is absolutely gorgeous. She's one of my fave kids. But of course she grew up to Hate Children. I hope she gets her dream of living alone in a huge mansion with tons of expensive things and 0 kids.
Anyway next time...I guess we'll have a little interlude? Hubris hit me hard and I filled up the house again. Honduras has over a week until he grows up and we have ONE free house slot. So I'm gonna wait until he's a teen, or there'll be a lot of babies and no help.
Mala: HAHA, yeah, cos I'm free, bitchessss-!
Just leave already, Christ.
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