Pre-chapter note: when I was going through the townies and deleting them, I noticed that for some reason there was a trait-less, aspiration-less lone version of Bronson in the world. Deleted him, though it would have been nice to have the dude around again. I miss the old ghosts that got deleted at the start of Mason's generation :(.

Anyway, here are our Gen 10 (!!) couple, having a dance party in their bedroom.
Sari: Raindrop, drop top-
Dylan: I mean it's not the most danceable is it?
Sari: Melody...
Dylan: Dammit I thought we weren't bringing that up!

Dylan: You'll never have to worry about anything when we're married, Sari! I'll protect you!
Sari: Aww, that's so sweet.
Dylan: Including your siblings who are trying to get in on our moment!
Sari: Wh-

Kai: Whaddup hoes.
Dylan:...Ew, dude, that's your sister.
Sari: Don't worry about me, I know how to deal with these fools. *pokes arm through Danika's face*
Danika: Haven't I suffered enough?
Kai: If I can't have love, neither can Sari. So I'm here to ruin your romance!
Dylan: You idiot. I'm already marrying her.
Sari: Yeah he is! Wedding's today!
Dylan: Wait what?

Sari: Dani honey, I know you just stopped being a ghost but get out or I will NOT hesitate to make you one again.
Dylan: That's my fiance right there!
Danika:...We know.
Kai: I'm gonna get you for this, Sahara Sutherland!
Sari: Don't worry dear, he's not gonna do anything. I've watched him our whole lives and he's never coming close to killing anyone.
Kai: Directly.

Sari: This shit is eaaaaasy. I've watched Dad do it - even though he'd always yell at me to get out and throw whisks - so I should be able to do it pretty well!

Missy: So my daughter, I see you are finally being responsible.
Sari: You say that like you were ever responsible. Anyway who cares about that, what's important is that I'm getting MARRIED.
Missy: HA, as if, it took your father years to propose to-
Sari: I proposed! This morning, and the wedding's gonna be this afternoon-
Missy:...Goodbye daughter. I'm gonna go speak with your Dad now, OK?

Sari: Mum might use freaky chemicals to kill you.
Mason: I didn't even do anything.
Sari: She heard I proposed today and I think she wishes you'd followed the same timeline. Right Dyl?
Dylan: I don't wanna get involved in this.

Aaliyah's also back here, for some reason.
Aaliyah: Anything to escape my children...

Mason, in the bathroom: Uh...occupied. Use the other one.
Dylan: GASP! I nearly walked in on my future father-in-law in the bathroom. That is AS BAD as actually doing it!
Ah, I knew you belonged here, Dylan.

Sari: I think I'm getting better!
Aaliyah, using the computer behind that wall:...Is Mason keeping a feral cat in Mum's old room or something?
Sari is doing music practice for her new job. It starts tomorrow, and if all goes well by then she'll be on the third aspiration tier. I also made Mason a painter because I don't feel like having him hang around the house all day, keeping the eventual Dylara kids from going to daycare.

Oh, and these two ladies died. They were the daughters of Mariska and Lana respectively, which probably means Eb and Lux aren't too far away from dying themselves which...makes me sad.

Aaliyah: Ahhh, so this is the feral cat! What have you done with my mother's room, disguised feral cat?
Sari:...Aunty Aaliyah, are you getting early dementia? Cos it's Sari, this is my room now, you've definitely met me and I don't sound that bad OK!

Mason: Now I know you're an adult, Sari, but I have to ask...is that boy the best for you? I mean, he's airheaded, lacks common sense and his only ambition seems to be listening and dancing to pop radio - holy shit, he's perfect for you isn't he?
Sari: What's that, Dad? Oh yes, I know Dylan is perfect!

Sari: Seriously Aunty Aaliyah, can you not be in my space? And what is it with everyone trying to third-wheel us?
Aaliyah: Oh, hush. Why shouldn't I meet your fiance? He is a fine little slice, isn't he?
Dylan: Uhm. No, don't say that. Pls.

These are the only people in Sari's relationship panel available for invite to the wedding.
Maybe Aaliyah really doesn't know her. But somehow she knows one of Aaliyah's kids. Just the one.
And yeah there's only gonna be the household, and cousins Andrew and Mikayla. Mercy and Tamsin can't come because I don't want them to burn.

Sahara: Thanks for coming to the wedding, Dad!
Mason:...I kind of had to, didn't I? But seriously, I'm very happy for you. Shall we leave this bathroom and actually have this wedding?
Sahara: I'd like that, yeah.

Mikayla: I'm fuckin' angry and your dollhouse is gonna be my target!
*sigh* Maybe you were a mistake, Mikayla.
Mikayla: I know I was! Mum's told me all about how she mistook me for her other daughter, and then couldn't give me back to the foster home!
Mikayla: You should be, it's a sensitive topic!

Dylan: I'm gonna be a married man!
Andrew: Which one of them is it again? Either way, good luck man. *snort*

Mason: Remember our day, dear?
Missy: Yeah, I do actually. Because it really wasn't that long ago!
Mason:...Right. Yeah. Well, I can't change the past but-
Missy: Ugh, yeah, but what am I gonna do? Find another husband at fifty-two with all these extra pounds and wrinkles? Of course not. I'm way too lazy.
Mason:...Love you too.
Missy: Ta. One more question, why did you style your hair like Sari's groom? That's just a bit creepy.
Mason: Oh fuck, I didn't realise.
Missy: Might wanna fix that, honey.

Kai: -so what do you think of those lines?
Missy: One, don't use them here, it's only family. Two, I'm real glad Sari's having a wedding otherwise I might never attend a wedding as a mother of the betrothed.
Andrew, overhearing: But true.
Sahara: Oh come on now Andrew! That's no way to talk on my-
Andrew: I went on vacation with you freaks. I know everything. Everything.

Sari: OK. This wedding is going pretty well, considering it's a Sutherland wedding. But why do you guys have the same hair?
Dylan: I had it first! *sassily sips*
Mason: Heh...well...I thought it would be cool?
Sari: DAD. You've never been cool.

Dylan: You're beautiful...you're beautiful...you're beautiful, it's true.
Sari: Aw, thanks, you look good yourself, Dyl!
Mason: All that pop music and he can't think of a better line? *grumpily sips*
Dylan: And I saw your face in a crowded place..and luckily, you knew exactly what to do!
Sari: Hehe, yeah. Nobody can say I don't get what I want.

Mason: Hey, I don't mind helping out a hungry kid but you need to tell someone you're in the house, OK urchin?
Sari: Uh...apparently that's our cousin? Yeah I dunno. She's got Aaliyah's last name so-
Mikayla: Mum said I had to come, OK? To replace her being here.
Sari: Psh, who says I wanted her? You can go home.
Mikayla:...Can I at least finish my macaroni?

Kai: Two successful online storefronts, a barrage of excellent romantic lines and still my life is empty...God I do sound like Tamsin. That's not good.

Andrew was having a beer Sari made, alone.
Andrew: God why can these people never clean up their food? I thought they would have learned from the camping trip after two of them threw up rotten eggs during the van ride home, but no. Apparently no.

Le vows are due to begin!
Dylan: She's beautiful like diamonds in the sky! Shiny!
FUCKS SAKE GAME/CC, why would you break on me now?

A quick trip to CAS produced a new wedding dress for Sari. I could have used the default but...that's not fun. That dress doesn't fit her personality.
Sari: I knew this wedding would be kinda shit in some way. But I still wanna marry you, so vow away Dyl!

Dylan: The moment I saw you, a complete stranger, somehow appear outside my door, I - uh-
Sari: Dad get out of our space, we're trying to vow!
Mason: Sorry, I'm just so proud and happy *sniff*

Sari: Well of course I showed up at that house, the voice said to! That means we were meant to be, baby-
Mikayla: I HATE marriage! All Mum and Dad do is snipe at each other and then they go in the bedroom and-
Andrew: I hate this too kid.
Mikayla: Yeah, marriage sucks!
Andrew: Oh, no, I don't hate marriage, I just hate attending this branch of the family's events.
Dylan: Your family really is something, Sari.
Sari: Right? They're a bit nuts. But I ...well I don't really care for most of them. Just ignore them like I do. I'll get you earbuds!

Mason: Oh, I am happy for her.
Mikayla: I hope they get divorced.
Mason: We said you could go home, kid.
Sari: Dylan Haynes, I promise you equal control of my radio. That is the most important thing of all. You should be honoured because I don't give many people that.
Dylan: Oh Sari, I am honoured. I trust you to choose all my dancing music!
Sari: Awwww!
Mason:...What the fuck kind of vows are these?

Miles: Ugh I woke up from my nap for this?!
Andrew: Seriously dude, your sister's getting married. And that's me saying that. I don't even wanna be here, but STILL.
Sari: People may call it stupid but you were always my destiny, Dyl. I believe in love and fate and soulmates, and you're all of those for me.
Dylan: I'm your fate?
Sari: Shhh I'm trying to be romantic and shit.

Dylan: It's working! That's a great phrase! You're my fate too!
Missy: Well I can't say they don't support each other. For better or for worse.

Kai: Yeah, I'm missing Sari's vows. I told you she'd pay for finding love before me, the true romantic. Pretty evil right?
I don't think she noticed, darling.
Kai:...Shit. Now I just look like an asshole for no reason.
(you are tho)

Kai: I missed most of them at least.
Missy: I didn't want the shiny glitch and I also don't wanna see these two tonguing it up. Though I suppose we may have been like that if we got married younger, huh Mason?
Mason: Come on, you said you'd let it go!

Sari: I'm so happy we're married, Dylan! In fact, I'm happy about a lot of things. I'm happy with LIFE!
Dylan: It's a good way to be.
Sari: Right? Dad's pretty cheerful too, but my siblings always decried me! And now...well look at them, and look at me. I'm the only one whose life is going ANYWHERE!

Missy: Ugh I'm tired, haven't they heard of a daytime wedding?
Miles: Mine'll be then. It's definitely gonna be better than Sari's.
Missy: Boy, with that mouth on you you'll never get close to the altar.
Sari: Wanna defile the new family observatory?
Dylan: Boy do I ever!
Missy They better not be doing what I think they're doing.

They did.
Sari: Come on, why aren't you happier about our first post-wedding sex-a-thon?
Dylan: Don't call it that.
Sari: Aw, don't be like that. You did well!
Dylan: Despite the fact that there was a button up my ass!

Dylan: I just can't be mad with you tho! Let me get that knot out of your shoulder!
Sari: You really are the best.
Bless these two. They're both such dorky, enthusiastic pop-heads. And really in love.

Sari: You're also my best friend. Because seriously, you've met my family already, you know there's no-one better for the title than you.
Dylan: Samesies!

That's Level 2 done. The rest of Level 3 should be a walk in the park.

Sari: *humming contentedly* Ooh, gnocchis, what do you think of the new Dua Lipa? Wh - *shakes head* Oh right you can't hear me! Silly insanity.

Mason: Wheeeee! Finally out of that stuffy old sweater! And the voice hasn't let me do this in a LONG time!

Sari: *loudly and aggressively strums through the boys' bedroom wall* Oh KAI I have a purpose and ambitions now...I'm gonna be a great musician and wife and I'm gonna raise awesome kids on the works of the Black Eyed Peas!
Kai, probably: Bitch I hope you end up divorced and alone with only a broken radio for company.
Miles: *puts pillow over head*

Mason: Ah, my wife is actually asleep. What a blessed life.
Missy: Zzzz...no let me sleep I don't wanna fight a dragon...zzzzz.
(Based on a speech bubble that did not show up in this picture)

Bentley: Oh, my love...we have been reunited once more!
Pretty sure Zen's ghost isn't here...right, you're in front of the water slide.
Bentley: My beautiful, slippery-
I'll leave you to it.

Bentley: I was quite a romantic back in my day, kid. Lemme tell you what love is all about.
Miles: No way you experienced real love. You spent all your life with our horrible grandma. Dad says so.
Bentley: Well, what does Aaliyah's husband know? And yes, Zenobia...was imperfect. Prickly. I guess you could say horrible. But I loved her despite her flaws. How is that not real love?
Miles: That's either really deep - wait, did you say Aaliyah's husband? No. My dad is Mason. Your son.
Bentley: Right, him.

Sahara: Breakfast date?!?!?!?!?!?
Dylan:...She's got a lot of energy doesn't she?
Sahara: There better not be!

Dylan: Nah, of course not, Sari. You may have woken me up at 6 in the goddamn morning by blasting the radio, but you're still the woman of my dreams!
Sari: Uh...thank you?

Danika: *sniff* I'm so lonely.
Dylan: I think we need to get a lock on this door.
Sari: Or a sock to her jaw! Hey, I think I just started writing my first song!
Dylan: Hell yeah babe!
Danika:...Now I regret coming in.
Sari: Good.

Sari: You're watching the best show ever, heh heh heh...
Dylan: I know I am.
Miles: I'm gonna just eat this mediocre fruit salad and act like I'm not hearing this.
Dylan: Well then sit somewhere else...you guys have all this gorgeous seating and you don't even use it!
They don't. It bothers me too. Also, Danika and Miles still insist on busting Dylara dates, huh?

Missy and Kai are staying out of the way and enjoying breakfast next to some rotting food.
Missy: So. How's that search for a love connection coming, huh?
Kai:...Uh, great. Every girl loves my lines and even if I didn't stop the marriage of Sari, I will still beat Miles!
Missy: For such a little schemer you're a terrible liar. And you probably won't beat Miles. He's more likeable than you in every way.
Kai:...Well, thanks for being honest about your opinions as always Mum.
Missy: No problem son. You know, love isn't a race-
Kai: So this is how you're dealing with Dad's inability to propose at a proper time?

Missy: *sniff* My sons are such losers.
Dylan:...Should we start going out for our dates again, dear?
Sari: I think so.

Sari: Noooo, stop!
Dylan: Dance, sucker, dance!
Sari: Noooooo, I need to feel the music!
These two are cute. And Dylan seems to really love tickling Sari, he's already done it twice.

He went to read epitaphs in the graveyard once everybody went to work. He starts his retail job tomorrow.
Dylan: What the hell is a celebrity mixologist? And he was married to a glass? What?
Then he cleaned up the leftover glasses from the wedding and repaired a broken stereo. I like him more and more.

Our romantic boys came home from school.
Kai: Looks like I win at the quest of love today, Miles!
Miles: You pushed me into a flowerbed!

Danika: Neither of these losers has got close to getting laid. The whole bus ride home, this is what I dealt with. He only won because he managed to SIT NEXT to a girl on the bus.

Kai: She was loving my lines!
Miles: You mean she wasn't actively protesting them...because she was asleep!
Kai: Shut up mudboy.
Danika: *face-hedge*

Kai: How about 'the Kai can give you all you need, baby'.
Danika: Stop practicing these on me! It's weird! And they're terrible!
Kai: How about, 'here I am, what else could you possibly wish for'?
Danika: I hope you die alone. Wait, with these lines you will die alone. At least one of my dreams will come true.

Mason: I don't like working a real job! The plants call to me and they cry!
Sahara: You think you have it bad? All I can hear are violins after today's concert! Where are the synths, the 808s, the electric guitars?
Sari got promoted, immediately. Mason did not. But he's doing OK.

Dylan's actually good at things. Maybe he doesn't belong in this family.

Tamsin: Glad I've got vampiric strength to hold up this boulder.
OH also I accidentally deleted her baby daddy when I was culling townies. So I think I'll pick a new one for her.
Tamsin: Maybe this one'll call me. I won't bet on it though.

Miles: Speaking as your favourite...you look like a bowling ball and your hair is stupid.
Missy: Ooh shit son, you're gonna get bit.
Tamsin: Fine, I admit you're my favourite but you're still really pushing it.

Aw look, all of Gen 10 on the porch together.
Sari: I'm gonna be a great mum to my own one day!
Miles: Lol dream on.
Kai: No, no! I wanted to do it first!
Miles: I'll tell you this time - dream on.
Tamsin: Get out of my face you little disappointment!

WHY is she a Bellamy again? I am sure I changed it SIR.
Anyway that's not the guy I made her new baby daddy, but he looks kind of cute so. Fine.

Lana married this guy. I'm pretty sure her other husband didn't die yet, maybe they just got divorced.
Anyways, this is Lana's fourth and possibly saddest husband. If anyone remembers, Pawel met Missy last chapter and explained how he really needs the touch of a woman.
Well he has a pretty damn fine one now.

Tamsin's new husband is descended from Matt. I honestly have no idea what relation this makes them and I kind of don't care.

Missy: Ahhh, this shower is so relaxing. I will post to LazyGirlHacks.com!

Two babies have been born. I got to pick their names. Dylan's son with Melody got a random name I like, and Tamsin's daughter got a vampiric sounding sort of name.

I accidentally left the game unattended for like six sim hours. So when I came back everyone was off to work except Missy, who was about to leave, and Sari, who doesn't work today.
She did this by herself which is nice.

Sari: Right! I'd like one of those massages that gets you more babies! And make sure to blast the Justin Bieber Christmas album as you do it!
Mizuki: Mmm, sure, would love to get my hands on that body...
Sari;...I'm feeling a little unsafe now.

Sari: And then...she licked the priceless artwork!
Dylan: Disgusting! That better just be a story!
It is.
Sari: I've got worse! Wanna hear about my horrible grandma's first partner?
No, he doesn't, please just have a normal date, you two.

Miles: I won today! Spend more time in the shower and less time slicking your hair back, you stinky loser!
Kai: Shut up, it's not my fault Mum keeps falling asleep in the bath...
Miles: Yeah, but I actually got a girl's number.
Kai: For a group project!
I can't with these boys.

Meanwhile Dylara managed a normal date. We know it's normal because I didn't take any pictures. This let Dylan do 2 milestones at once which is a +10, and Sari did Level 3, which is a +5.

My successful boi Mason came home with a promotion to Level 3.
Mason: *hiss* There is an interloper within what remains of my precious garden. I must fight!
That's your daughter!
Mason: *hissssss* I don't trust HER!
Too bad, dude, you've had your turn.

Dylan: Are you seriously serious?
Danika: Yes. These are my peas now, you little bitch. Suffer.
She literally grabbed them as he was at the fridge getting the peas. Never seen anything like that.
Danika: I don't think you fully comprehend how low the level of fucks I can give at this point is.

Kai: Time to grow up and use my charm in the real world!
Dylan: Lol what charm. I hope you don't use that face on dating apps.
Yeah so Kai's leaving, which leaves us two free house slots. Might be crazy, but I'm going for twins.
Probably won't happen considering these last couple generations have given us eight single births in a row.

Mason:...Yay, I'm releasing him to the world, oh how proud I am of my son who is definitely a good and productive member of-
Kai: Seriously, fuck y'all.

Here is YA Kai. He is a Romantic Music Lover with the Evil trait, and all he wants is his Soulmate. I don't normally give my male sims facial hair but I think this works for him, especially because he has kind of a feminine face (cos he looks so much like his mother).
Also he gets a new look, because in my headcanon the second Kai grows up he is embarrassed about his teenage behaviour and style, and has decided to be less of a tryhard.
He lives with his Aunty Lux now. Maybe he can help out his little cousin Hector once Lux kicks the bucket.

Back at the house, Missy loses me 5 points.
Miles: Lol. I'm not helping her up.

Danika: This is the best tub. So get out, I'm using it because I deserve to.
Sari: Why are you like this? This was the conception of our first child and-
Danika: I don't care, out out now!
Dylan: *doesn't matter, had WooHoo*

Dylan: That little pesky aunt of yours needs to learn her boundaries-
Sari: Forget that, we're pregnant, Dyl!
Dylan:...Despite the interruption? Shit, should I be lasting longer?
Sari: That's not the point right now.
Next time the first baby is born. And hopefully the second too. Still gunning for twins.
Score Sheet- 665
Single Births (31) +155
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (92) +460
Aspiration (15) +150
Grade A (8) +40
Randomising everything for 1 gen (6) +60
Not using spare's satisfaction points (7) +70
Every 100,000 simoleons (31) +620
Immortalise TH (2) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (127) -635
Self Wetting (38) -190
Fires (15) -150
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