YA Sahara. It took me forever to settle on a style for her, but I like what I came up with.
Sari took over Zen's old room. Thank God the pink eyesore is gone.
Zen, somewhere: H E Y
Anyway, she's got kind of a dramatic look going, with the very extra bed and mirror. And she's got her own personal guitar and stereo.

(I changed Sari's jacket swatch and couldn't be bothered to take another photo)
Kai: I can't believe Sari got heir.
Mason: Meh, calm down son. You'll escape the family curse.
Sari: I can already hear your voices, Dad! They speak of love!
Mason: They're not my voices. Mine are telling me to go to the nearby pond.
Kai: Ew, not again, you always come back smelling like pondslime!
Sari: Well, I will definitely find love. And Kai, you can die alone!

Glen: Heh heh, move your hand up a little, b-
Sari: Uhm...that's not love, is it?
Old woman: Girl it better not be, that boy is 16!
Orange shirt kid: Dammit how come Glen is getting laid before me?
Old woman:...Sigh.
Dylan (black hair): I hate this fucking family so much.
Good thing we're about to take you away from it then!

Dylan: Hi, girl who just felt up my underage cousin.
Sari: That was an accident! And it's in the past now, ain't it, gorgeous?
Dylan: That was like two minutes ago. But whatever, it's not like I care about these losers.

(I changed Sari's jacket swatch and couldn't be bothered to take another photo)
Kai: I can't believe Sari got heir.
Mason: Meh, calm down son. You'll escape the family curse.
Sari: I can already hear your voices, Dad! They speak of love!
Mason: They're not my voices. Mine are telling me to go to the nearby pond.
Kai: Ew, not again, you always come back smelling like pondslime!
Sari: Well, I will definitely find love. And Kai, you can die alone!

Glen: Heh heh, move your hand up a little, b-
Sari: Uhm...that's not love, is it?
Old woman: Girl it better not be, that boy is 16!
Orange shirt kid: Dammit how come Glen is getting laid before me?
Old woman:...Sigh.
Dylan (black hair): I hate this fucking family so much.
Good thing we're about to take you away from it then!

Dylan: Hi, girl who just felt up my underage cousin.
Sari: That was an accident! And it's in the past now, ain't it, gorgeous?
Dylan: That was like two minutes ago. But whatever, it's not like I care about these losers.
Yeah, so Dylan is Sari's intended. I found him in town when he and the girls were kids and changed his colouring to black hair, turquoise eyes. No more brown hair, brown eye sims coming into this family. I'm done with that. As you can see, he managed to knock a girl up in the three days he was a YA before Sari. Thanks dude.

Sari: So yeah, this is my family home! I live with my dad and my mum and two brothers, oh and my little great-aunt. She's just turning eight. Ain't it swell? *punches Dylan in the side*
Dylan: You're so awkward. It's adorable.
Sari: Oooh, you think I'm awkward, wait until you meet the others.
Dylan: Can't be worse than my folks.
These two are already chatting about half an inch away from each other. Ship.

Dylan: Not that I don't want to be near you but I don't wanna get punched.
Sari: Yeah, this is fine. Anyway, the voice says I gotta vet a potential lover. So, first question-
Dylan: You see us being lovers? Interesting.
Sari: Why not? Anyway, how do you feel about popular music? My favourite right now is Katy Perry's old stuff-
Dylan: Well yeah, I love pop music. Nothing better to dance to.
Sari: Right answer.

Mason: Sari's already on the ball, huh? Better not be a loser like Eb and Lux's father...
Danika: I wanna know what love is. So I'm just gonna watch this whole conversation.
They aren't even friends yet, calm down.
Sari: I told you we shouldn't enter the house before they all go to bed.

Dylan: You guys have a lot of art here, that's pretty cool.
Sari: No it's not! All I wanna do is lose myself in the muuuusic. Also, my eyes are up here, dude.
Dylan:...Come on, you're sticking 'em out right at me.

Miles:...Why is my sister lying on the floor with a stranger? God this entire family really just wants to ruin my love for the outdoors.
Dylan: That bunch of stars looks like a musical note. I bet they're shaped like that for you.
Sari: Yeah, stars can do that, right? Never paid attention in science class.
Dylan: LOL neither.

Dylan: Your house is pretty sweet, y'know.
Sari: Yeah, and you're cool. You like my music and you think I'm pretty.
Dylan:...All of that is damn true, yes. More beautiful than the starry sky I see above me!
Sari: Aw, you artist, you!

Sari: Soooo these are the pics from our terrible vacation. I nearly burnt my face off in this one. Uh...we could see the stink coming off my brothers, and here's Cousin Andrew getting hit in the face with a horseshoe...the bush my parents 'got jiggy' in.
Dylan:...Maybe your family are worse than mine.
Sari: Yeah. They're the kind of the worst.

Dylan: Well you're part of your family, so how bad can they really be?
Sari: That's so sweet. And also stupid. If you stick around you'll find out.
Dylan: Hey, I know how to block out annoying people plenty. Just blast your tunes, hum and sing along, throw a dance party...
Sari: OMG great minds think alike!

Sari: So. You like dancing and music and fun. And you like ME. There must be something off about you, or you wouldn't even entertain being part of this family.
Dylan: Well...I kind of hate doing things sometimes. A lot of the time.
Sari: Aw crap you're like my mother.

Dylan: Is that...bad? Oh crap Sari, don't say it's bad.
Sari: I mean, she's alright. Probably better than my horrible grandma.
Dylan: Aw snap, tell me all about it.

Sari: Never met her, ask my dad. But we can talk more about other things...tomorrow.
Dylan: Uh, yeah, OK. It must be getting pretty late. I'mma head out.
Sari: Come again!
Dylan: Duh.
It was like midnight, so I let Sari sleep. Dylan wanted to go anyway. This will be continued tomorrow.

Danika: So, what do you think about the new dude that's definitely gonna be moving in here?
Miles:...I mean, Sari might-
Danika: No, I know this family's pattern. Heirs pursue a poor soul and then drag them into this mess. Sari's chosen the guy so we're gonna have to deal with him.
Miles: Eh. Seems like a fool.
Danika: But not mean. Which is good, I guess. Sari deserves that the least out of all you lot.

Miles: Oh CRAP, my eyeballs!
Mason: Lol serves you right for all your disrespect.
Miles: I'm sorry for telling y'all the truth about your sad lives, now help me!
Mason: No thanks.
Danika: God how come you're still the best Sutherland parent I've seen, huh Mason?
Mason: Low bar.
Danika:...You're not wrong.

Miles: OK so my eyes are fine. But seriously, how is my Dad such an idiot? He took so long with his nature crap that you're technically younger than ME.
Danika:...He literally did bring me to life and never actively bullied me, so he's pretty cool in my book.
Miles: Damn your standards are low.
Danika: All standards are low in this house.
These two have just been hanging out together, being awake all night. I think they have a special bond from being the two young kids of the generation...even if Danika's actual generation is dead (except the vampires)

Kai: Right, time to practice the smouldering...Sari will NOT get her first love before me.
She already has, methinks. Even if Dylan is still technically just a friend...the way they look at each other tells me everything.

Sari: YES, I'm working on it! Dylan will be my love, my dear new inherited voice! Nooooo, give me time-
It's fine. You're not having a job until this deal is sealed, so it should be pretty quick-going.
Sari: *hisss*

Sari: Oh God...I'm gonna feel compelled to eat this, aren't I?
Kai: Yup, enjoy puking it out of the school bus window.
Sari: I'm not in school anymore, Kai...dammit I'll end up throwing it up in front of Dylan, won't I?
Kai: Haha, no love for you either way.
Er, no. Pick something else, Sari. I can tell you to do that now.

Sari: Ooh yay! You actually came back!
Dylan: Yeah well my aunt was nagging me to get a job again.
Sari:...Good enough!

Sari: Anyway. We shall now have a date. My life goals - and the voice in my head - dictate it.
Dylan:...Good enough!
Oh lord these two. They're so damn weird. I adore them.

They went to the old Arts Centre I put in Newcrest that no-one's been to for a million years. Also I used MCCC to get them to wear their party outfits on dates. Not sure if these are the best looks for a 10am museum date but let's roll with it.

Sari: Don't you like art? We can go inside and look at it.
Dylan: The only art I want to look at is you.
Sari: Oh please...
Dylan: Anyway, I'm sorry none of the dance clubs were open to have the date you really wanted.
Sari: Meh, at least we can hang out.

Dylan: She really is the woman of my dreams...

Sari: You like your - I mean my - face? Well I like my face! I mean I like your face.
Dylan: Oh, you're not funny. I mean, so funny. You're cool.
Sari: Shit. Let's just move on.

Sari: Let's have some fun, this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your-
Dylan: There's no music playing but I like the sound of that. Don't think too much, just bust-
Sari: Down, Thotiana!
I guess they do better just...quoting pop songs.

Dylan: I'm nailing this date!
Sari: Hahaha you said it out loud. But you ARE nailing it so don't even worry about it!

Dylan: Come a little closer pls.
Sari: Do ywou lwike my lwipstick?

Dylan: I'm so glad you showed up at my house, talking about love and the voice in your head, and almost feeling up my teenage cousin.
Sari: Stoooop talking about that! And stop making out with my hair!

Sari: Be my boyfriend?
Dylan: I'd love to! Just don't tell me thank u next.
Sari: That's not how we do it in my family. Just ask my aunty. She's only eight but very wise. She knew my horrible grandma!
Dylan: Oh, should I come home with you and meet her?
Sari: Ooooooh I forgot this part. You can stay forever too. Move in with me.
Dylan: Hell yes, I really need to get away from my family.
Sari: Makes sense. I mean I briefly met them and I know they're freaks.

Dylan: Which sets me up perfectly to deal with your family!
Sari: Yeah it might be out of the frying pan and into the fire, dear...

Miles hit an A in school while they were wrapping up the date and moving Dylan in and all that. Good on ya kid. Now you can age up.

Once we got back, the house value fixed itself so Mason finished his aspiration. +15.

So I gave him this one. Now he gets another +30.

So I gave him successful lineage, the one his mother had. +5. It's not showing properly but he did finish this milestone.
Holy shit Mason.

So this is approx 3,100,000. That is 31 lots of 100,000. Before I was only counting 10. So that gives us 21 new 100,000s, which is +420.
(Blaze it).

One more...
I didn't pick Dylan for this aspiration and subsequent points. But I guess they're nice. +30.
He gets soulmate, and can hopefully complete it alongside Sahara.

For the second date of the day (and the first tier of Soulmate), they go home.
Dylan: -rawr XD.
Sahara: Hee hee *blush*
I don't even want to know what's going on with you guys anymore.

Kai, by contrast, isn't feeling great.
Kai: Apparently ladies like someone who cooks. And TAMSIN told me that!
Kai: TAMSIN both gave me advice and said she pitied me! I don't want to be in a place where Tamsin pities me!

Meanwhile Sari and Dylan are having a date at the little tiki bar/dance area, but they can probably still hear Kai's bitching.
Dylan: Wow your brother's obnoxious.
Sari: We can drink it all away!

Miles grew up. He also has an A now :). +5.
Danika: I just love being the only child again, feels great-
Miles: I grew up FINE.
Kai: Haha Miles grew up into a stupid outfit.
Miles: Bitch take a look at your CHOSEN outfit.
Danika: Kai, I fucking hate you, but Miles, you don't look great. Ugh you're both awful.
He will be made over once this date is done

Sari: See, we're sophisticated and dignified adults, right Dyl?

Danika: Loooool I'm gonna cockblock them so hard.

Dylan: Sari, you're the most beautiful, fun and talented woman I know!
Sari: Aw babe...
Danika: Seriously? You're talking about this same Sahara who once played Barbie Girl ten times in a row?
Dylan: Oh, you don't know what you speak of, small child. Sari is all I said, and more!
Danika: OK dude, I'm just gonna wait for the honeymoon phase to wear off, and then we can talk.
Sari: Don't mind her. She's bitter from being a child for three generations.

Sari: Seriously, I'm sorry about that. We should be grinding on the dance floor by now but Aunty Danika had to go and make things awkward...!
Dylan: Oh don't worry about that. We'll have plenty of time in our life together, Sari. Plus I'm used to shit like this, my little siblings and cousins were such a pain when I was with Melody.
Sari:...Sweetie? Who's Melody?
Dylan: ...Fuck.

Sari: Explain to me! Or I really will say thank u next.
Dylan: Well...before you graduated, and I was celebrating being a YA, I kind of messed around with a woman. But it's all over now. And I've never been serious about anyone but you!

Sari: Well. Good. Anything else you want to tell me?
Dylan: ...Nope.
Are you sure about that.
Sari: My Watcher-voice hints that you're lying. Don't lie to me. My mother is a scientist, my brother sells weapons and my dad is really good at digging.
Dylan: She might be pregnant?

Sari: That's all? Well, have the kid round or don't, I don't care. Just don't lie to me. Also don't bring it to live here. You've met Danika, you see what happens to random kids who live here. Ours might be doomed, but don't doom one who has a chance.
Dylan:...Is that all?
Sari: Yeah, just make sure that I'm the only queen of your heart, OK?
Dylan: That's already true.
Sari: Then we don't have a problem, do we?
Sari isn't the jealous type, I don't think.

And that's that date over! Also +5.

Mason has spent nearly all his time since Sari's birthday standing in one place staring uselessly.
Mason: What am I doing again? God, if this is what it was like for everyone no wonder they were all so useless.

Tamsin is actually sweet and supportive for once.
Tamsin: Hey, she's doing better than me. I still haven't seen the dude who knocked me up. And Aunty Mercy threatened to dropkick this kid out of a window if it's too annoying, and I do NOT think she's joking.

Dylan: Are you just gonna...stand there?
Sari: *humming* Sorry whawas that Dyl?

Here's Missy for the first time this chapter.
Pawel: Please ma'am, I have not known the touch of a woman in so many years.
Missy: Well, good to know I still got it!
I think he's just desperate, Missy.
Pawel: Yes. I am.
Missy: ...

Sari: So, I've got a cool new room upstairs and it has a STEREO!
Dylan: Ooh so you're saying you wanna 'dance under the covers', hehehe...
Sari: I bet you can really move, if you know what I'm getting at!
Mason: I don't want to hear my daughter saying this! And who broke the dishwasher?!
You did.
Mason:...Oh yeah.

Tamsin: Mum why I'm suffering enough.
Missy: I just wanna be the first to meet my grandchild!
Tamsin:...Why did I come back here?

Sari, our precious little devotee of musicians, has actually picked up an instrument.
Sari: Wow, this is way harder than it looks. How do Imagine Dragons pull it off?

I didn't forget about Miles I swear.
Miles: Really you use this picture? God these noodles are disgusting!
*sigh* Stop eating the...fuck it never mind.
Anyway, he gained the Romantic trait and the Big Happy Family aspiration. He also grew up hella cute, and he's the best genetic mix of the generation. I love him. He may be my favourite. Sorry Sari.

Dylan is dancing outside. Because he is a Dance Machine. Also Lazy and Art Lover. I tried to convey that during the rest of the chapter. but if I did badly, here it is.

Miles: FUCK, I think I just broke my back.
Why are you all so BAD at this.
Miles *gags bc spoiled food*

Miles is the cutest. Spoiler alert, if he was on track to roll Erratic, Mason's generation would NOT be over yet. But I do love Sahara, so I ain't mad about it.
Miles: That's a better picture!

Miles: I think that eating those weirdly green noodles out of the fridge and then engaging in multiple forms of exercise was a bad idea!
He did clean up his puke, so Miles is still best boi.

Dylan: Why did you turn on the radio, Sari? It's 5.30.
Sari: The Top 40 is the soundtrack to our lives, Dyl. Anyway, you've had enough sleep and I'm really excited to ask you something!

Sari: Marry me, babe!

Dylan: Well...yes, of course dear!
Sari: There, I've done it. Are you happy, voice of my head?

Dylan: I just can't believe you want to marry me, y'know, cos I hate doing work, and I'm having a child with another woman...
Sari: We don't have to talk about all of that! I just want you. Besides, the voice tells me it was always meant to be this way. We're destiny, baby.
This was a pretty successful chapter, right?
Well it was a PAIN to play. So much lag. This save has been bloated for a while, but it got worse after I updated my computer to a new OS. I could move saves but I don't want to lose all the family members at the last generation of the legacy. So I'll probably just delete a bunch of townies and hope that helps.
Hopefully next chapter is a proper wedding. But if the lag doesn't get better they're just gonna elope on the dance floor and that will be that.
Pass Out (126) -630

Sari: So yeah, this is my family home! I live with my dad and my mum and two brothers, oh and my little great-aunt. She's just turning eight. Ain't it swell? *punches Dylan in the side*
Dylan: You're so awkward. It's adorable.
Sari: Oooh, you think I'm awkward, wait until you meet the others.
Dylan: Can't be worse than my folks.
These two are already chatting about half an inch away from each other. Ship.

Dylan: Not that I don't want to be near you but I don't wanna get punched.
Sari: Yeah, this is fine. Anyway, the voice says I gotta vet a potential lover. So, first question-
Dylan: You see us being lovers? Interesting.
Sari: Why not? Anyway, how do you feel about popular music? My favourite right now is Katy Perry's old stuff-
Dylan: Well yeah, I love pop music. Nothing better to dance to.
Sari: Right answer.

Mason: Sari's already on the ball, huh? Better not be a loser like Eb and Lux's father...
Danika: I wanna know what love is. So I'm just gonna watch this whole conversation.
They aren't even friends yet, calm down.
Sari: I told you we shouldn't enter the house before they all go to bed.

Dylan: You guys have a lot of art here, that's pretty cool.
Sari: No it's not! All I wanna do is lose myself in the muuuusic. Also, my eyes are up here, dude.
Dylan:...Come on, you're sticking 'em out right at me.

Miles:...Why is my sister lying on the floor with a stranger? God this entire family really just wants to ruin my love for the outdoors.
Dylan: That bunch of stars looks like a musical note. I bet they're shaped like that for you.
Sari: Yeah, stars can do that, right? Never paid attention in science class.
Dylan: LOL neither.

Dylan: Your house is pretty sweet, y'know.
Sari: Yeah, and you're cool. You like my music and you think I'm pretty.
Dylan:...All of that is damn true, yes. More beautiful than the starry sky I see above me!
Sari: Aw, you artist, you!

Sari: Soooo these are the pics from our terrible vacation. I nearly burnt my face off in this one. Uh...we could see the stink coming off my brothers, and here's Cousin Andrew getting hit in the face with a horseshoe...the bush my parents 'got jiggy' in.
Dylan:...Maybe your family are worse than mine.
Sari: Yeah. They're the kind of the worst.

Dylan: Well you're part of your family, so how bad can they really be?
Sari: That's so sweet. And also stupid. If you stick around you'll find out.
Dylan: Hey, I know how to block out annoying people plenty. Just blast your tunes, hum and sing along, throw a dance party...
Sari: OMG great minds think alike!

Sari: So. You like dancing and music and fun. And you like ME. There must be something off about you, or you wouldn't even entertain being part of this family.
Dylan: Well...I kind of hate doing things sometimes. A lot of the time.
Sari: Aw crap you're like my mother.

Dylan: Is that...bad? Oh crap Sari, don't say it's bad.
Sari: I mean, she's alright. Probably better than my horrible grandma.
Dylan: Aw snap, tell me all about it.

Sari: Never met her, ask my dad. But we can talk more about other things...tomorrow.
Dylan: Uh, yeah, OK. It must be getting pretty late. I'mma head out.
Sari: Come again!
Dylan: Duh.
It was like midnight, so I let Sari sleep. Dylan wanted to go anyway. This will be continued tomorrow.

Danika: So, what do you think about the new dude that's definitely gonna be moving in here?
Miles:...I mean, Sari might-
Danika: No, I know this family's pattern. Heirs pursue a poor soul and then drag them into this mess. Sari's chosen the guy so we're gonna have to deal with him.
Miles: Eh. Seems like a fool.
Danika: But not mean. Which is good, I guess. Sari deserves that the least out of all you lot.

Miles: Oh CRAP, my eyeballs!
Mason: Lol serves you right for all your disrespect.
Miles: I'm sorry for telling y'all the truth about your sad lives, now help me!
Mason: No thanks.
Danika: God how come you're still the best Sutherland parent I've seen, huh Mason?
Mason: Low bar.
Danika:...You're not wrong.

Miles: OK so my eyes are fine. But seriously, how is my Dad such an idiot? He took so long with his nature crap that you're technically younger than ME.
Danika:...He literally did bring me to life and never actively bullied me, so he's pretty cool in my book.
Miles: Damn your standards are low.
Danika: All standards are low in this house.
These two have just been hanging out together, being awake all night. I think they have a special bond from being the two young kids of the generation...even if Danika's actual generation is dead (except the vampires)

Kai: Right, time to practice the smouldering...Sari will NOT get her first love before me.
She already has, methinks. Even if Dylan is still technically just a friend...the way they look at each other tells me everything.

Sari: YES, I'm working on it! Dylan will be my love, my dear new inherited voice! Nooooo, give me time-
It's fine. You're not having a job until this deal is sealed, so it should be pretty quick-going.
Sari: *hisss*

Sari: Oh God...I'm gonna feel compelled to eat this, aren't I?
Kai: Yup, enjoy puking it out of the school bus window.
Sari: I'm not in school anymore, Kai...dammit I'll end up throwing it up in front of Dylan, won't I?
Kai: Haha, no love for you either way.
Er, no. Pick something else, Sari. I can tell you to do that now.

Sari: Ooh yay! You actually came back!
Dylan: Yeah well my aunt was nagging me to get a job again.
Sari:...Good enough!

Sari: Anyway. We shall now have a date. My life goals - and the voice in my head - dictate it.
Dylan:...Good enough!
Oh lord these two. They're so damn weird. I adore them.

They went to the old Arts Centre I put in Newcrest that no-one's been to for a million years. Also I used MCCC to get them to wear their party outfits on dates. Not sure if these are the best looks for a 10am museum date but let's roll with it.

Sari: Don't you like art? We can go inside and look at it.
Dylan: The only art I want to look at is you.
Sari: Oh please...
Dylan: Anyway, I'm sorry none of the dance clubs were open to have the date you really wanted.
Sari: Meh, at least we can hang out.

Dylan: She really is the woman of my dreams...

Sari: You like your - I mean my - face? Well I like my face! I mean I like your face.
Dylan: Oh, you're not funny. I mean, so funny. You're cool.
Sari: Shit. Let's just move on.

Sari: Let's have some fun, this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your-
Dylan: There's no music playing but I like the sound of that. Don't think too much, just bust-
Sari: Down, Thotiana!
I guess they do better just...quoting pop songs.

Dylan: I'm nailing this date!
Sari: Hahaha you said it out loud. But you ARE nailing it so don't even worry about it!

Dylan: Come a little closer pls.
Sari: Do ywou lwike my lwipstick?

Dylan: I'm so glad you showed up at my house, talking about love and the voice in your head, and almost feeling up my teenage cousin.
Sari: Stoooop talking about that! And stop making out with my hair!

Sari: Be my boyfriend?
Dylan: I'd love to! Just don't tell me thank u next.
Sari: That's not how we do it in my family. Just ask my aunty. She's only eight but very wise. She knew my horrible grandma!
Dylan: Oh, should I come home with you and meet her?
Sari: Ooooooh I forgot this part. You can stay forever too. Move in with me.
Dylan: Hell yes, I really need to get away from my family.
Sari: Makes sense. I mean I briefly met them and I know they're freaks.

Dylan: Which sets me up perfectly to deal with your family!
Sari: Yeah it might be out of the frying pan and into the fire, dear...

Miles hit an A in school while they were wrapping up the date and moving Dylan in and all that. Good on ya kid. Now you can age up.

Once we got back, the house value fixed itself so Mason finished his aspiration. +15.

So I gave him this one. Now he gets another +30.

So I gave him successful lineage, the one his mother had. +5. It's not showing properly but he did finish this milestone.
Holy shit Mason.

So this is approx 3,100,000. That is 31 lots of 100,000. Before I was only counting 10. So that gives us 21 new 100,000s, which is +420.
(Blaze it).

One more...
I didn't pick Dylan for this aspiration and subsequent points. But I guess they're nice. +30.
He gets soulmate, and can hopefully complete it alongside Sahara.

For the second date of the day (and the first tier of Soulmate), they go home.
Dylan: -rawr XD.
Sahara: Hee hee *blush*
I don't even want to know what's going on with you guys anymore.

Kai, by contrast, isn't feeling great.
Kai: Apparently ladies like someone who cooks. And TAMSIN told me that!
Kai: TAMSIN both gave me advice and said she pitied me! I don't want to be in a place where Tamsin pities me!

Meanwhile Sari and Dylan are having a date at the little tiki bar/dance area, but they can probably still hear Kai's bitching.
Dylan: Wow your brother's obnoxious.
Sari: We can drink it all away!

Miles grew up. He also has an A now :). +5.
Danika: I just love being the only child again, feels great-
Miles: I grew up FINE.
Kai: Haha Miles grew up into a stupid outfit.
Miles: Bitch take a look at your CHOSEN outfit.
Danika: Kai, I fucking hate you, but Miles, you don't look great. Ugh you're both awful.
He will be made over once this date is done

Sari: See, we're sophisticated and dignified adults, right Dyl?

Danika: Loooool I'm gonna cockblock them so hard.

Dylan: Sari, you're the most beautiful, fun and talented woman I know!
Sari: Aw babe...
Danika: Seriously? You're talking about this same Sahara who once played Barbie Girl ten times in a row?
Dylan: Oh, you don't know what you speak of, small child. Sari is all I said, and more!
Danika: OK dude, I'm just gonna wait for the honeymoon phase to wear off, and then we can talk.
Sari: Don't mind her. She's bitter from being a child for three generations.

Sari: Seriously, I'm sorry about that. We should be grinding on the dance floor by now but Aunty Danika had to go and make things awkward...!
Dylan: Oh don't worry about that. We'll have plenty of time in our life together, Sari. Plus I'm used to shit like this, my little siblings and cousins were such a pain when I was with Melody.
Sari:...Sweetie? Who's Melody?
Dylan: ...Fuck.

Sari: Explain to me! Or I really will say thank u next.
Dylan: Well...before you graduated, and I was celebrating being a YA, I kind of messed around with a woman. But it's all over now. And I've never been serious about anyone but you!

Sari: Well. Good. Anything else you want to tell me?
Dylan: ...Nope.
Are you sure about that.
Sari: My Watcher-voice hints that you're lying. Don't lie to me. My mother is a scientist, my brother sells weapons and my dad is really good at digging.
Dylan: She might be pregnant?

Sari: That's all? Well, have the kid round or don't, I don't care. Just don't lie to me. Also don't bring it to live here. You've met Danika, you see what happens to random kids who live here. Ours might be doomed, but don't doom one who has a chance.
Dylan:...Is that all?
Sari: Yeah, just make sure that I'm the only queen of your heart, OK?
Dylan: That's already true.
Sari: Then we don't have a problem, do we?
Sari isn't the jealous type, I don't think.

And that's that date over! Also +5.

Mason has spent nearly all his time since Sari's birthday standing in one place staring uselessly.
Mason: What am I doing again? God, if this is what it was like for everyone no wonder they were all so useless.

Tamsin is actually sweet and supportive for once.
Tamsin: Hey, she's doing better than me. I still haven't seen the dude who knocked me up. And Aunty Mercy threatened to dropkick this kid out of a window if it's too annoying, and I do NOT think she's joking.

Dylan: Are you just gonna...stand there?
Sari: *humming* Sorry whawas that Dyl?

Here's Missy for the first time this chapter.
Pawel: Please ma'am, I have not known the touch of a woman in so many years.
Missy: Well, good to know I still got it!
I think he's just desperate, Missy.
Pawel: Yes. I am.
Missy: ...

Sari: So, I've got a cool new room upstairs and it has a STEREO!
Dylan: Ooh so you're saying you wanna 'dance under the covers', hehehe...
Sari: I bet you can really move, if you know what I'm getting at!
Mason: I don't want to hear my daughter saying this! And who broke the dishwasher?!
You did.
Mason:...Oh yeah.

Tamsin: Mum why I'm suffering enough.
Missy: I just wanna be the first to meet my grandchild!
Tamsin:...Why did I come back here?

Sari, our precious little devotee of musicians, has actually picked up an instrument.
Sari: Wow, this is way harder than it looks. How do Imagine Dragons pull it off?

I didn't forget about Miles I swear.
Miles: Really you use this picture? God these noodles are disgusting!
*sigh* Stop eating the...fuck it never mind.
Anyway, he gained the Romantic trait and the Big Happy Family aspiration. He also grew up hella cute, and he's the best genetic mix of the generation. I love him. He may be my favourite. Sorry Sari.

Dylan is dancing outside. Because he is a Dance Machine. Also Lazy and Art Lover. I tried to convey that during the rest of the chapter. but if I did badly, here it is.

Miles: FUCK, I think I just broke my back.
Why are you all so BAD at this.
Miles *gags bc spoiled food*

Miles is the cutest. Spoiler alert, if he was on track to roll Erratic, Mason's generation would NOT be over yet. But I do love Sahara, so I ain't mad about it.
Miles: That's a better picture!

Miles: I think that eating those weirdly green noodles out of the fridge and then engaging in multiple forms of exercise was a bad idea!
He did clean up his puke, so Miles is still best boi.

Dylan: Why did you turn on the radio, Sari? It's 5.30.
Sari: The Top 40 is the soundtrack to our lives, Dyl. Anyway, you've had enough sleep and I'm really excited to ask you something!

Sari: Marry me, babe!

Dylan: Well...yes, of course dear!
Sari: There, I've done it. Are you happy, voice of my head?

Dylan: I just can't believe you want to marry me, y'know, cos I hate doing work, and I'm having a child with another woman...
Sari: We don't have to talk about all of that! I just want you. Besides, the voice tells me it was always meant to be this way. We're destiny, baby.
This was a pretty successful chapter, right?
Well it was a PAIN to play. So much lag. This save has been bloated for a while, but it got worse after I updated my computer to a new OS. I could move saves but I don't want to lose all the family members at the last generation of the legacy. So I'll probably just delete a bunch of townies and hope that helps.
Hopefully next chapter is a proper wedding. But if the lag doesn't get better they're just gonna elope on the dance floor and that will be that.
Score Sheet- 655
Single Births (31) +155
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (88) +440
Aspiration (15) +150
Grade A (8) +40
Randomising everything for 1 gen (6) +60 (I realised I was behind on this)
Not using spare's satisfaction points (7) +70 (Ditto)
Every 100,000 simoleons (31) +620
Immortalise TH (2) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (126) -630
Self Wetting (38) -190
Fires (15) -150
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