Sugar: I fought all my life for my Mistresses...but that thing. It scares me.
I'm pretty sure they had it when you were alive, Sugar.
Cola: Pfft, even in death you still never learned to leave me alone when I'm in the bathroom.
Sugar: Must watch and protect my Mistress.
Rivella: Why do I keep working out, it just makes me too tired to argue with people in the morning!
That's a good thing, Rivella.
Also I forgot that I gave her all this hair. It's a wonder how she gets it into those plaits.
Grenadine: Ahoy, maties! Time to school the fools living in that house over there.
This is basically all Grenadine does apart from taking care of her needs.
Grenadine: Yaaaarrr! I wanna be away from that lot!
I don't blame you.
Cola: Look Gin-Fizz, my new bone-bending fluid worked! I don't feel a thing!
Gin-Fizz: Why. Just why.
Aaaand it's Collections Day. Hope we can at least keep something cool from it. For example, something that will get us the last damn ELEMENT. Or the last metal. It's common for fucks sake.
The girls got their As.

Cola: Why am I analysing this mushroom? I know it's not the fun kind. It's the kind my mothers would put in a stew.
So, poisonous?
Cola:...That's a good point. But no, it's not even that interesting.
This was an extremely boring work day. Three pictures, and we stayed late. Psh.

Apart from the alien one from GTW which is a pack I obviously have.
But honestly, I can't be arsed, and if the game says it counts it counts, goddammit!
That completed Cola's collector aspiration. She's gonna work on Nerd Brain now, cos she's nearly maxed Logic from her career alone, but we'll see what she does before Generation 3 starts.

So I started a display of MySims trophies (14/20 so far!), because the parameter says you have to display the collection you're collecting for. So, yeah. Technically because the element was supposed to be last week's, I'll do another trophy for this week.

Nicola: You know, I am proud of you Cola. Even if you couldn't handle your kids, used some questionable scientific methods...
Cola: Stop talking now Mother. Please.

Gin-Fizz: I demand a sandwich.
Lux: Huh. Forcefulness like that will get you somewhere in...certain lines of work....so yeah, I'll reward you with one sandwich.

Nicola: Alien powers GO! I'm harvesting your brain now!
Cola: Dammit Mum, I need that thing! God are you losing your mind? Riv help-
Rivella: Y'all hear something?

The next morning...
Lux: So. What are we thinking about, Riv?
Rivella:...The slapping I'm gonna give that one bitch at school.
Lux: You wanna hop on that treadmill again, dear?
Rivella: I'm not even angry yet. It's just thoughts...

Rivella: SERIOUSLY, why did my idiot mother put carpet in the damn nursery?
Gin-Fizz: *still trying to sleep, sighs*

Nicola:...And I've ended up looking after you. Again. Cola's promises are bullshit.
Gin-Fizz: Hey, I didn't ask for any of this, y'know.
Nicola: Well, at least you grow up today, and then I can go back to...what do I do anymore?
Nothing. You and Lux do nothing. There are six Sims in this house, so you two get lost in the shuffle.

Cola: Heeeyyyyy, Leo! I see you've given up the ol' front desk.
Leonel: Yeah, I finally got promoted, Cola, and that idiot Demetrius has my old job. I'm gonna ask you not to ruin this for me.
Cola: Oh, I wouldn't dream of it, dear. But can you go sort these mushrooms out?
Leonel: But I'm uploading this schematic for-
Cola: I'm your boss, dude. Just do what you're told.

Cola: *muttering* Useless little shit...I'd promote Demetrius, but all that guy does is browse the internet. Weird taste in subreddits too.

Cola: I need this entire room to test out these new smoke bombs so...I'm just gonna make everyone need the bathroom.
Colette: -yeah, so I've finagled my way in, and I skipped the reception duty! Plus I've got more responsibilities than my husband*, that loser. But meh, I'm only in it for the life insurance.
Kayla: Oh my God I don't care.
Cola: Neither. Satellite, do your thing!

Cola: Listen up skeptic, look who I just found.
Teresa: I don't feel comfortable being used for proof like-
Kayla: Psh, that's some impressive costuming, please tell me where you bought that body paint, but really, Cola? Do you really think I'm gonna fall for this?
Teresa: I hate it here.
Cola: Why'd you come then?
Teresa: Hhhh, I drew the short straw. Just bad luck, y'know.

Daniela: Do all Earth receptionists lack access to a toilet or something? Well I'll help you out.
Vivian (blonde lady): Ew, Demetrius! I'm definitely not going in there now.
Nixon: Yeah it's like a slide here!
Demetrius:...I-I don't know w-what happened! Suddenly my bladder was full and there was such a line for the bathroom and-
Cola, somewhere: Heh.

Vivian: Nope. I'm not Leonel. I can't be convinced by some cheap artificial strawberry flavouring.
Cola: No. This is real, harvested strawberry. And haven't you always wanted to lift Demetrius up like the Hulk and yeet him towards an actual work-station?
Vivian: I admit...that is pretty tempting.
Cola: So why say no, girl?
Vivian: The everything that you've done in your past 20 years of working here?

And it only took about that long for her to finally max the damn career. Well done, girl.

Which completed Nicola's aspiration for her.
Nicola: I guess I got that successful lineage now. I mean, Cola's a hot mess, Rivella has disturbing tendencies and the 'G' girls don't care about anything at all but....meh, I'll call it good, at least there's an entire science lab in the family now or something.

Grenadine: I care about things! I care about this pirate ship! My crew is really whipped into shape by now. Literally. When that kid Gene was here I slapped him and then he listened to me real good.

Vivian: I've got a bone to pick with this bitch. She didn't tell me her 'Ox-Strength' serum would make me look like I've been on the 'roids for five years!
Oh Vivian.
Cola, yelling at everyone in the house: Get down, don't answer the door! Pretend we don't live here!
Vivian:...She is not smart. I can definitely hear her. Then again, I fell for it. Maybe I'm even less smart. Shit.

Stacy: Oh, and bring your swimsuit-
Lux:...Please stop. And I'm not going to a party with you! That would wreak total havoc on my back!
Stacy: I get it, you're not where you used to be.
Lux: I didn't even party when I was young.

Vivian: Well, thanks for the info, girlie. Your mum will be hearing from my lawyers, and thanks for not forcing me to beat information out of you!
Rivella: #mumsgettingsued!

Cola: Right, Gin-Fizz. Let's grow you out of this annoying stage. I'm never doing this again.
Gin-Fizz: Good. I envy my possible unborn siblings. They won't have to deal with you.
Cola: Right, shut up you. I won't have you turning into another Rivella. Happy birthday.
Gin-Fizz:...Hmm, yeah the happiest birthday.

Gin-Fizz: Independence! School! And all the grownup books I could possibly want!
Cola: Yeah I didn't expect you to turn out normal. But fine, at least you like something. Just stay away from Mum's 'special bookshelf'.
(Cola chooses romantic TV and books quite a bit, it seems. I feel bad that the generation's parameters force her to hold Ivy at arm's length right now.)
Gin-Fizz: Ay ay, cap'n.
Cola: Oh, and don't play with Grenadine. She's protective over that silly toy ship. You will get smacked.

Gin-Fizz here is a Bookworm, so I gave her the Whiz Kid aspiration like her older sister Rivella. She definitely looks different from the other kids - so not like Cola. She's cute!

Gin-Fizz: That was a really boring book. I would have wanted to start my proper reading career with a bang.
Cola: I told you not to go near my shelf!
Anyway, Gin-Fizz, you've got to 'read' that every night.

What's got you so happy, Rivella?
Rivella: Maybe now that Gin-Fizz isn't so whiny and tiny, Mum might actually speak to me.
Rivella: Nah, kidding. I thought of a good joke about aliens.
Rivella is still a goofball, she's not all gloom and darkness and death.

Rivella: I'm gonna buy you a robe, Grandma. I can't stand this anymore.
Nicola: No need. I'll be dead by the weekend.
Rivella:...That's dark. And that's me saying it.

Rivella: Like seriously. Just chill out and play some SimRacing with me or something. But put on pants first.

Nicola: -The kid's got a point, Cola. Let her look at your damn books, what harm will it do? She's old enough to know about this stuff.
Gin-Fizz: Yeah Mum. Grandma Nic's real wise. You should listen to her.
Cola: She's five, Mum. Are you losing your damn mind?
Nicola: No! Just let her know things if she's so curious. We let you!
Cola: Yeah, and now I have three kids by three different people and a girlfriend who I haven't seen properly in 3 days.
Nicola: No dear, that's all on you and your own personal failings.
Gin-Fizz: Awwww snap.
Cola: Shut up and eat your breakfast.

Nicola: Don't tell her to shut up. That was a very 'oh snap' moment...don't look like that, Cola, I'm only telling the truth!
Cola: Is now the time, Mum?
Grenadine: Oh shit. I wish I'd just eaten in the kitchen.

Cola: It's not my fault, it can't be...I'm awesome cool Cola. Smart and successful...and totally failing at a personal life. Huh. I guess everyone has a weak point. *sigh*

Nicola: I know I was harsh, but I was just trying to help her.
Lux: Oh Nic. I know! You love our dear daughter. As do I. But the thing is....Sutherlands come with a stubborn streak. We tend to dig our heels in.
Nicola: But you left a lot of that behind when you came to this world. Just as I left behind those aliens and their ways.
Lux: Yep, but she's our daughter. Runs in the blood. We'll just have to see.

Cola: Ohhh...shit, why did nobody tell me portal travel was so hard to configure?
Ivy: I'd love to be near her...but I value my own life too. *steers clear*
IC: I did warn-
Cola: Dammit IC, this is on you! Why didn't you tell me?
IC: But-

Cola: Well, looks like IC freezes in the face of my awesome and rightness!
IC: *creaky old person voice* Noooo...I'm broken...help...

Cola: No Demetrius...I didn't want a hug ...get your chin off my chest!
Demetrius: I'm helping!
Cola: You're harassing!

Cola: Serves you right!
Ivy: Oh you're still playing your little Elsa game.
Cola: You're one to talk about games...and also it's not a game, it's totally serious adult revenge!
Ivy:...OK, Cola.

Cola: I'm finally gonna do it...
IC: I'm begging you, please don't, so much could go wrong, how have you still not seen movies, Miss Cola, no-
Cola: Nothing can change my mind! This is a good and cool plan and I'm doing it.
IC:...That I believe.

Pepsi: Mwahaha...exactly as I planned. Soon I will have your life, DNA-giver!
Pepsi: Nah I'm fucking with you. I was a great success. We're exactly the same! I even have your skills and reward traits!
Cola: Alright then...I believe I know what to do with you.
Pepsi: Who says I want-
Cola: Well, even if you're not an evil clone, if all goes to plan you really will have my life.
Pepsi: I'm listening...

Cola: So, alien handshake on it?
Pepsi: Alien handshake on it! They won't know a thing. I'll be so good at being you.
Cola: I know you will, silly. You are me. Now, sit quietly like a good little clone and I'm gonna go and speak to someone.

Cola:...I just thought maybe you've been overwhelmed! My home is full of strangers to you, they're my family! But we can run away together, Ives! To your big apartment in the city! They won't even know it.
Ivy: Now look. You're right. This relationship is intense. You have two other kids, and your family is a lot. I just...was a little insecure of my place in your heart, and I'm sorry if I upset you. But you're talking crazy now, they will know if you run away. Don't break their hearts.
Cola: Apology accepted! I know we're a lot. Besides, I'm crazy for you, Ivy, just can't stay mad. I made a perfect clone. They really won't know. We chatted and she's willing. It's best for everyone.

Ivy: Well, if you're sure. Just make sure my daughter's in good hands.
Cola: She'll be fine.You can still visit her....I just can't. Besides, Rivella's a mess but Grenadine is almost a teenager and she'll take good care of our little girl, Ives.
Ivy:...Screw it. Why not.
Cola: I knew you'd see it my way.

Cola: *mumbling against Ivy's lips* Fuck these parameters. I'm marrying this woman.

Cola: I said 'fuck these parameters, I'm marrying this woman'!
Ivy:...You are now?
Cola: If you'll have me, Ives.
Ivy: Yes, yes! Absolutely yes, oh COLA!

Ivy: Let's run away together!
Cola: Now?
Ivy: NOW!
Cola:..I need to wait until Rivella grows up at least. Can you wait five more days, Ives?
Ivy: I've been waiting a lot longer than that, babe. I can do five days.
And that's how to get someone on board with a plan.

Kaylyn: *muttering* I'm not gonna tell that bitch to put on her protective gear...I hope she gets injured.
Pepsi: *cheerfully* Fuck you, Kaylyn, never gonna happen, and also? I'm literally just on Twitter.

Pepsi: Hi! I'm P - Cola! Hope you're having a great and sciencey day!
Demetrius:...We've worked together for nearly twenty years. And you're never this nice to me. Did one of your experiments backfire?

After that Pepsi was sent out to collect rocks for the remainder of the workday.
Pepsi: Why is this so fun? Maybe I'll ask Cola Mark 1!

Pepsi: You ready? Don't get cold feet. I don't want your girlfriend like that, so you gotta go!
Cola: Don't go evil clone on my ass, I swear. And why did you have to change your look, you're supposed to be replacing ME!
Pepsi: Whooooaaa, I'm a person too! And I look like you still, just more awesome!
Cola: Whatever. You can deal with how they take this when I'm sitting on a San Myshuno rooftop sipping a cocktail and kissing my fiancee.
Pepsi is like the younger, more cheerful Cola, before life hit her. With less cynicism since she wasn't raised by Nix.

Cola: Right, you have to sneak up those stairs real quickly. There's a lot of family around and it wouldn't do to have them clued onto my ruse.
Pepsi: I'm very good at sneaking!

Nicola: Cola dear? Is that you? Did you get new shoes? You sound different.
Pepsi: Uhhh...yes, Mother Nicola. And that is a new dress, I mean, shoes. Bye now, I'm sleeping.
Nicola: Mother Nicola? I mean, I've heard weirder from that girl. Still, strange though.
Rivella: Mum be quiet on your way in, I can't hear my show!
And where are the other members of the house?

Grenadine: Oi, first mate, why aren't you shooting your cannon...yeah I know I'm not shooting mine, it's cos I'm the captain and I give you orders, you idiot...what did you just say to me? Walk the plank now! Now!
It's good she grows up tomorrow. I think she's getting a little too into this.

Gin-Fizz: Rivella says she wants to help me. I am suspicious af.
Rivella is gonna help Gin-Fizz with the chess games she needs for her Whiz Kid aspiration.

Lux: Hell yeah, these old guns still got ammo left in 'em! That's it, lil Luxy, run throuuuugh the chest pain!

Rivella: That was a good cheat move you pulled off there, little sis. I'm impressed.
Gin-Fizz: So can I do it again?
Rivella: Sure. But if I catch you, I'm going to beat your ass.

Gin-Fizz: Oh, y'know, we've all moved into my old nursery. We're bunking together until you grow up, Mum says.
Rivella: That was my nursery actually. And no way. You're just saying this to get me riled up so I lose.
Gin-Fizz: That's why I'm saying it now. But it is true. Ask Grandma.

Gin-Fizz:...Or ask them.
Rivella: Love how they act like we're not even here.
Gin-Fizz: Yeah especially cos I'm their real kid together.
Rivella: Hey, don't talk about real kids!

Cola: Mum, could you tell the girls they're all moved in together due to...ahem...my new project. It's classified and has to be kept here.
Ivy: *wink*
Lux: I want no part in this. I don't want to know about your project, and I'm not breaking the news. Be a parent and do it yourself.
Ivy: Shit, she's got you there.
Rivella: For the last time Grenadine, you can't play as the 'horsey'. That's not how any of this works.

Cola: Hey kiddos? You're all bunking together for a bit. I'm keeping a project in the old room.
Ivy, just offscreen: *wink*
Rivella: Smooth, Mum. Anyway, Gin-Fizz already overheard and told me.
Grenadine: Why am I always the last to know about things?
Cola: Because you spend your whole life pretending to be a pirate!

Cola is getting another visit from the aliens.
Cola: Yeah, what about my clone, what do you care...yeah I've seen movies, why do people always ask me this?

Sugar: There is something wrong in this house. The human traces on this food are unfamiliar to me, and I have even learned to identify the things young Gin-Fizz has touched. My mistresses need me more than ever. Curse this ghostly form.
Those are Pepsi's. She managed to escape even though I locked the door.

This is the clone prison cell aka Grenadine and Rivella's old room (maybe the latter is resentful because she's been sleeping in a box for years) aka Pepsi's home for the next five days.
Which is when Rivella takes over.
Yeah, so she's our randomly determined heir. I knew it back when she was born, I didn't just make it her so I could have Cola run off with Ivy quicker. But it works out pretty nicely.

Rivella got another sister. I have MCCC set to let me rename non-active relative's babies, and this baby is definitely related to the family, even if they wish it weren't so. So I don't know why the mod didn't let me.
Anyway when this kid grows up she's going to be Sierra. Like Sierra Mist, but less obviously named after a drink, because she's related to our heir but she's not Cola's child. So she gets a halfway-name.

Sugar: Those pancakes are wrong! Meow, meow!
Grenadine: Uh, yeah. I know they're wrong.
Sugar: Oh, thank goodness, please protect-
Grenadine: Cool kids have meatballs for breakfast!

Minus f - wrong challenge.
But I think it may be time for Lux to retire.

Grena: Why am I back here?
Because it's your birthday but you already went to school. And because you have an A and are about to age up, it doesn't matter if you skip.
Grena: Seems kind of irresponsible, but I ain't complaining.

In between ageing up Grenadine and making over Grenadine, I got Discover University (and Island Living but it's not really her style). So her outfit is all from that pack. Honestly my other attempts at athleisure were really sad.
She got to keep her hair though. She aged up in it and I took it as a sign that she liked her childhood style.
Anyway, like I thought, she's purple Cola with a different nose. But still gorgeous.

Grenadine sits down to do her homework.
Grenadine: I've figured it out! First, I've gotta pick up this writing stick.
Cola: Oh good lord.
Nicola: I would have thought you'd produce brighter kids, dear.
Cola: Trust me Mum, same.

Grenadine: Uh...fake pirates? Help me with this algebra...please.

Then she gets started on her aspiration. Bodybuilder, of course. She's also Active and a Perfectionist.

The other two are back from school.
Gin-Fizz:...I said I was sorry!
Rivella: You nearly ripped my hair out! And all so you could read my assigned reading?
Gin-Fizz: You could have just said yes, you've been procrastinating on that essay for weeks!
Rivella: That doesn't mean you can take my shit! Who raised you?
Gin-Fizz: Same who raised you, big sis.
Rivella: Ugh. Touche.
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