Deanna welcomes you back to the PG legacy. She is currently very pregnant with Generation 2's seventh kid.
Deanna: I'm not welcoming shit! I'm sucking this old coot's blood!
Vela: Why am I stuck with my most boring brother?
Aldebaran: See, and then Llama Man flies upwards, unicorn horn in hand, and-
Vela: I don't care about your show. At all.
Aldebaran: I KNOW!
Orion: Ugh, this is not what I meant when I said I needed fresh air.
Too bad. You complain about being inside, you can go outside and help out your father.
Orion: That's the last thing I wanna do - oh God, soil all over my favourite jeans.
Vela: Why the hell are you guys dressed the same?
Pollux: I wish we weren't.
Aldebaran: I chose this outfit first!
Pollux: But I wear it better. Right Vel?
Vela: Don't involve me in this stupidity.
Pollux: But I wear it better. Right Vel?
Vela: Don't involve me in this stupidity.
Deanna: Alsephina! My pride, my joy, my...well, one of my many children! But, I have to say...that painting is uninspired as hell. I mean a single sunflower?
Alsephina: Aw. That would hurt so much if I cared an ounce about your opinion, Mother.
Deanna: I mean...just saying!
Vela: Why am I here? I hate these people.
Pollux: I still think you should change your athletic outfit, Aldebaran. After all, I'm the one who'll actually use it!
Aldebaran: Like I said I picked it first.
Alsephina: This argument is so stupid it's funny.
Orion: Oh...come on! No! How did I lose again?
Vela: Because you somehow suck worse than my other brothers. And just listen to them right now!
Alsephina: Yeah, screw you Mum. My sunflower is awesome.
Alsephina: Can't you do this somewhere else, Orion, you're kind of in my space.
Pollux: Y'all hear something?
Felix: Ahaha. Yeeeeeees. More of these little fools moving out.
Orion: Thanks a lot, guys.
Also Felix, you're having more and they're gonna be toddlers. Remember?
Damn Orion turned out really cute. Felix and De have some good genes in 'em. He added Bookworm to Hot-Headed and Loves Outdoors.
Orion: Right, now that all the damn sparkles have gone...you guys are all assholes!
Pollux: Still don't hear anything, bro.
Felix: What do you want, a cookie? Go do the dishes or something. And then get out of my house.
He stayed for a bit because I couldn't be bothered to move him out yet.

Orion: Hey, look what the cat dragged in everyone! Our criminal, pregnant-and-single older sister! Say hi Tucana.
Tucana: Fuck you.

Tucana: Oh God, baby things really are expensive! Too bad Gavin won't take my calls for help. Literally. I stand outside his house at night and do bird calls.

Alsephina: Finally some peace and quiet to watch my stories...oh, and they're done airing. And Vela fucked with the DVR so I can't even watch a recording. Right. Fuck this, I'm going to bed.

Deanna: Owwww...and of course Felix is sleeping.

Felix: Please Watcher, I don't want to do this again!
Deanna: Now I wish he was asleep. Can't win, can I?
Felix stop being an asshole, you're not the one pushing out a human being.

Yay! He's blue.
Deanna: Hope he doesn't come out with my hair and eyes.
Amen, De.
Anyway, this is baby Dipper Sutherland, named after the Big Dipper (and also Gravity Falls).

Dipper was being a fussy whiner. Deanna doesn't need sleep so I figured she could deal with it. But Felix decided to wake up for his baby anyway. Maybe he's becoming a good father.
Felix: I mean I literally can't sleep through this.
Anyway you two are having another one. Orion's finally gone so...just in case?
Deanna: NO-
Too bad, pixels.

Deanna: PLEASE be the last one!

Deanna: Well...shit.
Felix: *obnoxious sobbing*
Deanna: Oh grow up you know the drill. And you're not the one carrying these things!

Vela: *hiss* The computer...you will not be insolent, OBJECT! Don't talk to me like that!
Deanna: That girl. So like her idiot father...what am I doing with my life? Why am I incubating these genes?

Deanna: For the last time, being my lunch does not mean you can come inside my house!
Masato: But my love!
Deanna: I have...ugh, seven...kids with my husband, you are not even close to calling me that! Out!
Felix, from work: What, is this just the Deanna show now?
Yes? I like her more than you, sorry dude.

Orion: Lolololol I don't miss this.
Aldebaran: As leader of the combination today, I'm gonna tell you to shut up and fuck off.
Vela: Excuse me? Leader?
Pollux: Ohhh fuck I think you've done it now Al.

Tucana: Hello losers.
Pollux: So how's your daddy issues baby cooking?
Aldebaran: Heh heh heh....
Tucana: We have the same dad you idiot. And don't spout what Vela tells you to, it doesn't work for you.

Vela: But...I am right.
Tucana: Shut up!

Vela: You. Usurper. So weak and tiny.
Dipper: I'm afraid now.
Maybe I should have had one of the other siblings do this.

Tucana: You. You think you're better than me, don't you?
Pollux: I said I was sorry. Vela gave me a cookie for saying that! Of course, now that you found out she'll probably take it back but...
Alsephina: We never said that, sis.
Tucana: Your smug aura mocks me.

Felix: Mm...oh, ow FANG!
Deanna: *muffled* Sorry!

Orion: She has a...good personality!
She has grandchildren your age.

The kids are up and at 'em.
Alsephina: High scoooooooore!
Pollux: I don't have a cookie anymore...
Aldebaran: Just buy your own. Or does Vela get your allowance as well as your balls? *snicker*
Pollux: ...

Alsephina: Getting my gains on! And one...two...seven...
Vela: And people call me the freak. We have a workout balcony for a reason, sis.

Deanna got invited to the spare house.
Orion: Wow Mum you wasted no time replacing me huh?
Deanna: Maybe I won't trounce this one every time at chess, hm?
Orion:...Hey, I wasn't that bad!
Yes he was.

Deanna: Aw, it's kicking. Oh, and there goes mine!
Tucana:...Why are we having babies at the same time?
Deanna: I know, and with men of the same age?
Tucana: Touche.

Minerva: And then...I turned that ungrateful bastard into a FROG!
Deanna: Well son, I can't say she doesn't belong in this family.

Vela: Pollux. My loyalest sidekick. We must find a way to depose the new usurper of my birthright...
Pollux: Goddammit Vel, I'm not going to harm our baby brother! He's a baby!....Just fight him for it when he's older or something.
Vela: To the death?
Pollux: NO!
Alsephina: Our siblings are idiots, right Aldebaran?
Aldebaran: That's why I"m studying so hard. Y'know the further you bend over your homework, the more you learn?
Just a typical afternoon at the Sutherland PG house.

Vela: Mum's lunch? Tough luck, guy.
Pollux: She's not normally this empathetic.
Don: 'Tough luck, guy?' That's nice? How is she normally?

Vela: I am the #Queen!
Alsephina: How does Pollux put up with enabling that?
Aldebaran: It's probably for the best, for us at least. He keeps her at bay. Maybe we should be nicer to him for it?
Alsephina: Nah.
Aldebaran: Oh yeah, hell no. I was kidding

Felix got promoted.
Felix: And yet I come home to deal with a shit-covered screaming baby.
Yes. That is your life, you should be used to it.

Deanna: Oh fuck.
Dipper: Hi to you too Mother.
Deanna: It's not personal. Let's just hope your little sibling has lighter hair.
Dipper: What have I been born into?
Deanna: Oh, all my children ask this.

Dipper gets this cute CC bed that I love. He also gets his own room unlike all of his siblings.

Failures aside he's cute af and I'm glad he exists. I peeked at teenage him and he looks a bit like his brother Orion with different colouring. Anyway he's Independent, thank fuck.

Vela: He has not usurped me. He is safe for now.
I mean he might still be heir. Idk yet.
Felix:...Anyone wanna tell her that Deanna's having another damn baby?
Pollux: Dad that is your fault.
Felix: Nah. Nothing bad is ever my fault. I'm too awesome.
Dipper: Can one of y'all just feed me, Jesus Christ.

Dipper: My mother is a scary winged creature and I do not like it.
Deanna: Ah that's just my bat form dear. You'll get used to it. You'll have to. I'm the only competent person in this house.
Dipper: But there's so many, it can't be true.
It usually is.

Aldebaran: Idiots.
Vela: Indeed. And don't start with that Team Blue crap-
Aldebaran: I wouldn't dare, after all our dear brother Dipper isn't here after all, is he?
Pollux: Why did he have to mention that?
Alsephina: You just spat INTO my face. Like I feel it inside my cheek. I am disgusted.
Now that all of them have As I officially do not care what they do. Go, be free, have fun children!
Vela: Not likely.

Aldebaran: He is the chosen. He will fulfil my new dream - Team Blue Boys!
Dipper: Zzzz....in your dreams. And maybe in my nightmares.

I added a little outdoor area to the house while the kids were at school (+ a third bathroom and one more computer). Vela gets to be the first to try it out.

Aldebaran: I think I heard him say something about that new diving platform?
Alsephina: Pollux is about to make a biiiig fool out of himself.
Aldebaran: If only we had a better window setup, then we could see it.
Or y'all could get your lazy asses up and outside?

Felix: I want a vacation! From everything in my life right now!
Not gonna happen. Now go inside and take care of your needs.

Felix: Uuuugh work was boring and this movie is boring, why do you have such shit taste in movies, kid of mine.
Pollux: I love how you don't know my name. Brings joy to my heart.
Dipper: And apparently I am whiny.
Felix: God, you are! You're such a pain! Why can't you do anything for yourself?
Pollux: Like change the channel? I don't care about this film either, Dad.

Vela: Off to the opera, losers! Well, Orion invited me so we're probably in the cheap seats and I'm gonna have to watch him do PDA with his weirdly old wife, but still. Counts for something
I forgot I gave Vela this formalwear. I love it.

Aldebaran fell asleep on this thing.
Aldebaran: Team Blue...assemble...that was totally my own catchphrase...

Pollux: Don't kill me don't kill me!
Alsephina: I probably should, considering you disregarded me yelling occupied. But I'm not Vela. Just press my blouse for tomorrow morning and we're all good.

Deanna: Right, now that's taken care of, let's go push this sucker out!
You know you're Neat when you go into labour and your first instinct is to put some dirty plates in the dishwasher.
Deanna: Who else is gonna clean up after these pigs? Oh, and don't wake Felix up. He makes it worse.

Felix: Hoooooohhhhh my god I'm not ready babe, can you keep it in there like one more day?!
Deanna, through very gritted fangs: See what I mean?
I didn't wake him up.

This is Eirene, named after one of the moons of Jupiter, and she may be a success! I guess we'll have to see. I feel bad for De so I probably won't get her pregnant right away. Maybe after two days when we find out if Eirene is the heiress or not.
Deanna: Oh, I'm honoured.

Felix: Phew...I need to relax after that ordeal.
...You're such an asshole.

The Al twins are leaving the nest. First up is Aldebaran.

Aldebaran adds Hates Children onto Good and Bookworm. There's something of his father in him after all.
Sorry honey, them's the rules. Next up is Seph!

Pollux: Stop trying to punch my scapula, Seph.
Alsephina: There's a crease in this blouse, brother!
She got music lover, which adds to Neat and Good. She and her twin are now gonna go live with Tucana and Orion.

Deanna: Sometimes I wonder, why are we still together, you asshole?
Felix: Uh, cos you love me? And I do help with the kids, y'know, even if I don't like it. Or them.
Deanna: I suppose that's something. And you better love me too!
Felix: I thought that was a given.
Deanna: Ohh, Felix...*soft sigh*
So functionally dysfunctional.

Vela: Usurper. If Dad doesn't produce a child with that blasted brown hair, you better believe that I will be the boss around here. Capiche?
Dipper: Do you think I'm scared of you huh? HA.

Dipper: Y'know what? I don't like you, Father.
Felix: And I don't care, now sit your brat ass down and learn or you're having crackers and water for lunch.
Dipper: Ooooh if I could just use the fridge...
Deanna: He does have a way of handling them when they're being little shits...

...Your wish is my command, dear!
Deanna: It was a momentary thought! I don't want to - oh godDAMN IT, you're gonna make me have a 'safety baby' aren't you, even though there's a perfectly good one in the crib!
For sure. We know nothing of Eirene's hair and eyes now, do we?

It didn't take, so I had them try again in the shower.
Felix: OW turn it down!
Deanna: Well I'm sorry, my vampire skin can't feel like yours can!
Felix: Your vampire skin is dumb then!
Deanna: Screw you! *tackles into kiss*
This is the only way I can imagine this. But why I'm even imagining this is probably a more pressing question.

Spoiler alert: NOW she's pregnant.
Dipper: Lol you dumb.
Deanna:...I know.

Deanna: Congratulations!
Felix: I don't want those. I want condolences.

Orion: I will take care of this new baby.
Felix: Mmmmph! MM!
Orion: I do not trust.
Fair enough.

Vela: Oh YIKES that doesn't feel good.
Pollux: I did tell you that probably wasn't cocaine you found behind your bus seat.
Vela: Shut up!

Dipper: Hold up, give me all the rest of that food!
Pollux: Nope. I'm not getting walked all over by a toddler.
Dipper: You should be used to it from Vela.
Pollux: God you're a mean kid.
Dipper: Learned from the best! Now gimme that last rasher of bacon!

Deanna is back with a promotion, and doesn't seem very happy.
Deanna: I'm thrilled about the promotion. But why is that flask out there? It's bothered me for years now!
Well, it's not clickable and it's outside the boundaries of the lot. So there it stays.
Deanna: *hiss*

Felix: *cough* Goddammit De you gotta do that further away from me!
Deanna: Heheheh!

Aldebaran knocked up one of the sages. Good going dude.

Deanna: *throws up in the toilet that shares a wall with this tub*
Pollux:...Lovely, relaxing bath.

Dipper: I wanna juice box too!
Deanna: No you don't.
Pollux: Vela you can't kick him off an armchair for taking the last meatballs, for God's sake-
Vela: Ungrateful little shit. I'll show him juice. Like red juice. Like bl-
Deanna: Yeah, we know. Just go to school already, you two.
Dipper: I'm afraid.
Pollux: It's 7.15, Mum.

Deanna is doing romantic interactions as her daily task.
Deanna: Um, ah, oh yeah, this is my body-
Felix: Aw babe. you'd make such a bad stripper!
Deanna: God I hate you sometimes.

This is what the twins do when they're in charge of looking after their baby siblings for four hours.
Vela: I have a new plan to make sure I receive my birthright!
Pollux: Goddammit, Vel, can't you just let me work out?
Vela: Hm, is that defiance I hear, minion?

Eric Lewis: Do these fuckers even know how bad they are at being neighbours?
Yeah, sorry, Sutherlands drive down property values in any neighbourhood they invade. Sorry about that, Eric.

Eirene is being a needy little shit.
Pollux: I literally just took care of you, didn't I? Well, better me than Vela.

And Felix is just, as usual, being a little shit.
This is why your wife is two career levels ahead of you despite having fewer work days and being pregnant seven times.

Pollux: Hey Dad, been a while.
Felix: Shush just sit there and play and don't bother me and preferably lose.
Pollux: How could I lose? You're terrible - oh FUCK!
Felix: You're also bad! I mean, you're bad. The only who is b - dammit, how did that happen?!

Aldebaran: *stamp* Damn that feels good!
Dipper: Bitch, what. Why?

Aldebaran: Yeah! She's pregnant! I'm gonna get used to it and love this witchy baby! Yes! *twitch*
I guess he might be a little angsty about the L.Faba situation.

He proceeded to join his dad and younger brother.
Pollux: Oh screw you Aldebaran! Why me?
Felix: Heh. While you two destroy each other I'll just quietly and awesomely win-
Aldebaran: Not so fast, I'll get you too.
Felix: So ungrateful...
Pollux: For what? You are not a good father.
Aldebaran: *shudder* DON'T SAY THAT WORD!

Don turned into a vampire on the front lawn when Deanna invited him over. So she can train him now, she needs to do that.

Alsephina has...
OK so it's not just Tucana with the daddy issues I guess. Maybe Vela will get with Mitchell Kalani or something.
Vela: Or maybe I'll do literally anything else with my life?

Aldebaran married someone who is not his baby mama. I hope they're happy.

Deanna: Nooo, don't knee your baby sibling.
Eirene: Hehehehehe!

This is Eirene. She's cute and I like her but she's frustrating. She has the exact colouration of Aldebaran except for the lighter blue skin. That's failure eight.
She is clingy, which means she'll probably hang around her parents more than Dipper, who literally just does whatever by himself and is happy about it.
Oh she's a human too.

Eirene: *sniff* Why's Mummy a cloud?
Sigh. You'll get used to it dear.

Siobhan:...This all seems incredibly dodgy.
Deanna: Oh hush. You get your prize when this baby stops kicking me in the bladder.

Oh I also fixed her Dark Form. Finally.
Siobhan: Wait I've been here before...why did I come again?
Deanna: I grant you the prize of...eternal life!

Deanna: Haha! Take that, invisible opponent!
Siobhan: She does realise....
Vela: Maybe, maybe not. A lot of us have been touched by my father's crazy gene.
Siobhan: That works for his kids, not his wife.
Vela: Oh can it, Mum's lunch.

Dipper: I'm a PLANE, motherfucker!
Deanna: Who's teaching you that sort of-
Vela, just offscreen: Hah.
Deanna: Of course, why did I even ask. Just don't repeat it at daycare, mmk?

This is the purest shit I've ever seen in this legacy.
Eirene: Yay! Read more!
Pollux: And the bunny rabbit...morphed into a baby? What kind of book is this?

Vela: You are the only person who could make me do this, Mother. And I think I respect you a little bit for it.
Deanna: Fangs work every time. Don't teach your little siblings to swear anymore, OK?

Alsephina: Did they literally wait until we moved out to install this shit?

Dipper: Save me! I have been abandoned in here ALL DAY!
Alsephina: That checks out. I'll help you out kid, what do you want?
Dipper: Independence! I must do things on my own! Leave me be!
Alsephina: Why don't you make any sense?

Alsephina: Maybe you do need to learn to fend for yourself?
Felix: Are we forgetting something Dede?
Deanna: Nah...

Pollux: Le gasp! Dad is actually holding one of his children!
Felix: Well how do you think you were raised, you idiot?
Pollux: By Mum and thin air?
Deanna: He's got a point dearie.
Felix: Hmmph! I helped too!

Tucana's kid aged up to toddler the next morning. And with that, we move onto Week 7. Still without an heir.
Orion: Right, now that all the damn sparkles have gone...you guys are all assholes!
Pollux: Still don't hear anything, bro.
Felix: What do you want, a cookie? Go do the dishes or something. And then get out of my house.
He stayed for a bit because I couldn't be bothered to move him out yet.

Orion: Hey, look what the cat dragged in everyone! Our criminal, pregnant-and-single older sister! Say hi Tucana.
Tucana: Fuck you.

Tucana: Oh God, baby things really are expensive! Too bad Gavin won't take my calls for help. Literally. I stand outside his house at night and do bird calls.

Alsephina: Finally some peace and quiet to watch my stories...oh, and they're done airing. And Vela fucked with the DVR so I can't even watch a recording. Right. Fuck this, I'm going to bed.

Deanna: Owwww...and of course Felix is sleeping.

Felix: Please Watcher, I don't want to do this again!
Deanna: Now I wish he was asleep. Can't win, can I?
Felix stop being an asshole, you're not the one pushing out a human being.

Yay! He's blue.
Deanna: Hope he doesn't come out with my hair and eyes.
Amen, De.
Anyway, this is baby Dipper Sutherland, named after the Big Dipper (and also Gravity Falls).

Dipper was being a fussy whiner. Deanna doesn't need sleep so I figured she could deal with it. But Felix decided to wake up for his baby anyway. Maybe he's becoming a good father.
Felix: I mean I literally can't sleep through this.
Anyway you two are having another one. Orion's finally gone so...just in case?
Deanna: NO-
Too bad, pixels.

Deanna: PLEASE be the last one!

Deanna: Well...shit.
Felix: *obnoxious sobbing*
Deanna: Oh grow up you know the drill. And you're not the one carrying these things!

Vela: *hiss* The computer...you will not be insolent, OBJECT! Don't talk to me like that!
Deanna: That girl. So like her idiot father...what am I doing with my life? Why am I incubating these genes?

Deanna: For the last time, being my lunch does not mean you can come inside my house!
Masato: But my love!
Deanna: I have...ugh, seven...kids with my husband, you are not even close to calling me that! Out!
Felix, from work: What, is this just the Deanna show now?
Yes? I like her more than you, sorry dude.

Orion: Lolololol I don't miss this.
Aldebaran: As leader of the combination today, I'm gonna tell you to shut up and fuck off.
Vela: Excuse me? Leader?
Pollux: Ohhh fuck I think you've done it now Al.

Tucana: Hello losers.
Pollux: So how's your daddy issues baby cooking?
Aldebaran: Heh heh heh....
Tucana: We have the same dad you idiot. And don't spout what Vela tells you to, it doesn't work for you.

Vela: But...I am right.
Tucana: Shut up!

Vela: You. Usurper. So weak and tiny.
Dipper: I'm afraid now.
Maybe I should have had one of the other siblings do this.

Tucana: You. You think you're better than me, don't you?
Pollux: I said I was sorry. Vela gave me a cookie for saying that! Of course, now that you found out she'll probably take it back but...
Alsephina: We never said that, sis.
Tucana: Your smug aura mocks me.

Felix: Mm...oh, ow FANG!
Deanna: *muffled* Sorry!

Orion: She has a...good personality!
She has grandchildren your age.

The kids are up and at 'em.
Alsephina: High scoooooooore!
Pollux: I don't have a cookie anymore...
Aldebaran: Just buy your own. Or does Vela get your allowance as well as your balls? *snicker*
Pollux: ...

Alsephina: Getting my gains on! And one...two...seven...
Vela: And people call me the freak. We have a workout balcony for a reason, sis.

Deanna got invited to the spare house.
Orion: Wow Mum you wasted no time replacing me huh?
Deanna: Maybe I won't trounce this one every time at chess, hm?
Orion:...Hey, I wasn't that bad!
Yes he was.

Deanna: Aw, it's kicking. Oh, and there goes mine!
Tucana:...Why are we having babies at the same time?
Deanna: I know, and with men of the same age?
Tucana: Touche.

Minerva: And then...I turned that ungrateful bastard into a FROG!
Deanna: Well son, I can't say she doesn't belong in this family.

Vela: Pollux. My loyalest sidekick. We must find a way to depose the new usurper of my birthright...
Pollux: Goddammit Vel, I'm not going to harm our baby brother! He's a baby!....Just fight him for it when he's older or something.
Vela: To the death?
Pollux: NO!
Alsephina: Our siblings are idiots, right Aldebaran?
Aldebaran: That's why I"m studying so hard. Y'know the further you bend over your homework, the more you learn?
Just a typical afternoon at the Sutherland PG house.

Vela: Mum's lunch? Tough luck, guy.
Pollux: She's not normally this empathetic.
Don: 'Tough luck, guy?' That's nice? How is she normally?

Vela: I am the #Queen!
Alsephina: How does Pollux put up with enabling that?
Aldebaran: It's probably for the best, for us at least. He keeps her at bay. Maybe we should be nicer to him for it?
Alsephina: Nah.
Aldebaran: Oh yeah, hell no. I was kidding

Felix got promoted.
Felix: And yet I come home to deal with a shit-covered screaming baby.
Yes. That is your life, you should be used to it.

Deanna: Oh fuck.
Dipper: Hi to you too Mother.
Deanna: It's not personal. Let's just hope your little sibling has lighter hair.
Dipper: What have I been born into?
Deanna: Oh, all my children ask this.

Dipper gets this cute CC bed that I love. He also gets his own room unlike all of his siblings.

Failures aside he's cute af and I'm glad he exists. I peeked at teenage him and he looks a bit like his brother Orion with different colouring. Anyway he's Independent, thank fuck.

Vela: He has not usurped me. He is safe for now.
I mean he might still be heir. Idk yet.
Felix:...Anyone wanna tell her that Deanna's having another damn baby?
Pollux: Dad that is your fault.
Felix: Nah. Nothing bad is ever my fault. I'm too awesome.
Dipper: Can one of y'all just feed me, Jesus Christ.

Dipper: My mother is a scary winged creature and I do not like it.
Deanna: Ah that's just my bat form dear. You'll get used to it. You'll have to. I'm the only competent person in this house.
Dipper: But there's so many, it can't be true.
It usually is.

Aldebaran: Idiots.
Vela: Indeed. And don't start with that Team Blue crap-
Aldebaran: I wouldn't dare, after all our dear brother Dipper isn't here after all, is he?
Pollux: Why did he have to mention that?
Alsephina: You just spat INTO my face. Like I feel it inside my cheek. I am disgusted.
Now that all of them have As I officially do not care what they do. Go, be free, have fun children!
Vela: Not likely.

Aldebaran: He is the chosen. He will fulfil my new dream - Team Blue Boys!
Dipper: Zzzz....in your dreams. And maybe in my nightmares.

I added a little outdoor area to the house while the kids were at school (+ a third bathroom and one more computer). Vela gets to be the first to try it out.

Aldebaran: I think I heard him say something about that new diving platform?
Alsephina: Pollux is about to make a biiiig fool out of himself.
Aldebaran: If only we had a better window setup, then we could see it.
Or y'all could get your lazy asses up and outside?

Felix: I want a vacation! From everything in my life right now!
Not gonna happen. Now go inside and take care of your needs.

Felix: Uuuugh work was boring and this movie is boring, why do you have such shit taste in movies, kid of mine.
Pollux: I love how you don't know my name. Brings joy to my heart.
Dipper: And apparently I am whiny.
Felix: God, you are! You're such a pain! Why can't you do anything for yourself?
Pollux: Like change the channel? I don't care about this film either, Dad.

Vela: Off to the opera, losers! Well, Orion invited me so we're probably in the cheap seats and I'm gonna have to watch him do PDA with his weirdly old wife, but still. Counts for something
I forgot I gave Vela this formalwear. I love it.

Aldebaran fell asleep on this thing.
Aldebaran: Team Blue...assemble...that was totally my own catchphrase...

Pollux: Don't kill me don't kill me!
Alsephina: I probably should, considering you disregarded me yelling occupied. But I'm not Vela. Just press my blouse for tomorrow morning and we're all good.

Deanna: Right, now that's taken care of, let's go push this sucker out!
You know you're Neat when you go into labour and your first instinct is to put some dirty plates in the dishwasher.
Deanna: Who else is gonna clean up after these pigs? Oh, and don't wake Felix up. He makes it worse.

Felix: Hoooooohhhhh my god I'm not ready babe, can you keep it in there like one more day?!
Deanna, through very gritted fangs: See what I mean?
I didn't wake him up.

This is Eirene, named after one of the moons of Jupiter, and she may be a success! I guess we'll have to see. I feel bad for De so I probably won't get her pregnant right away. Maybe after two days when we find out if Eirene is the heiress or not.
Deanna: Oh, I'm honoured.

Felix: Phew...I need to relax after that ordeal.
...You're such an asshole.

The Al twins are leaving the nest. First up is Aldebaran.

Aldebaran adds Hates Children onto Good and Bookworm. There's something of his father in him after all.
Sorry honey, them's the rules. Next up is Seph!

Pollux: Stop trying to punch my scapula, Seph.
Alsephina: There's a crease in this blouse, brother!
She got music lover, which adds to Neat and Good. She and her twin are now gonna go live with Tucana and Orion.

Deanna: Sometimes I wonder, why are we still together, you asshole?
Felix: Uh, cos you love me? And I do help with the kids, y'know, even if I don't like it. Or them.
Deanna: I suppose that's something. And you better love me too!
Felix: I thought that was a given.
Deanna: Ohh, Felix...*soft sigh*
So functionally dysfunctional.

Vela: Usurper. If Dad doesn't produce a child with that blasted brown hair, you better believe that I will be the boss around here. Capiche?
Dipper: Do you think I'm scared of you huh? HA.

Dipper: Y'know what? I don't like you, Father.
Felix: And I don't care, now sit your brat ass down and learn or you're having crackers and water for lunch.
Dipper: Ooooh if I could just use the fridge...
Deanna: He does have a way of handling them when they're being little shits...

...Your wish is my command, dear!
Deanna: It was a momentary thought! I don't want to - oh godDAMN IT, you're gonna make me have a 'safety baby' aren't you, even though there's a perfectly good one in the crib!
For sure. We know nothing of Eirene's hair and eyes now, do we?

It didn't take, so I had them try again in the shower.
Felix: OW turn it down!
Deanna: Well I'm sorry, my vampire skin can't feel like yours can!
Felix: Your vampire skin is dumb then!
Deanna: Screw you! *tackles into kiss*
This is the only way I can imagine this. But why I'm even imagining this is probably a more pressing question.

Spoiler alert: NOW she's pregnant.
Dipper: Lol you dumb.
Deanna:...I know.

Deanna: Congratulations!
Felix: I don't want those. I want condolences.

Orion: I will take care of this new baby.
Felix: Mmmmph! MM!
Orion: I do not trust.
Fair enough.

Vela: Oh YIKES that doesn't feel good.
Pollux: I did tell you that probably wasn't cocaine you found behind your bus seat.
Vela: Shut up!

Dipper: Hold up, give me all the rest of that food!
Pollux: Nope. I'm not getting walked all over by a toddler.
Dipper: You should be used to it from Vela.
Pollux: God you're a mean kid.
Dipper: Learned from the best! Now gimme that last rasher of bacon!

Deanna is back with a promotion, and doesn't seem very happy.
Deanna: I'm thrilled about the promotion. But why is that flask out there? It's bothered me for years now!
Well, it's not clickable and it's outside the boundaries of the lot. So there it stays.
Deanna: *hiss*

Felix: *cough* Goddammit De you gotta do that further away from me!
Deanna: Heheheh!

Aldebaran knocked up one of the sages. Good going dude.

Deanna: *throws up in the toilet that shares a wall with this tub*
Pollux:...Lovely, relaxing bath.

Dipper: I wanna juice box too!
Deanna: No you don't.
Pollux: Vela you can't kick him off an armchair for taking the last meatballs, for God's sake-
Vela: Ungrateful little shit. I'll show him juice. Like red juice. Like bl-
Deanna: Yeah, we know. Just go to school already, you two.
Dipper: I'm afraid.
Pollux: It's 7.15, Mum.

Deanna is doing romantic interactions as her daily task.
Deanna: Um, ah, oh yeah, this is my body-
Felix: Aw babe. you'd make such a bad stripper!
Deanna: God I hate you sometimes.

This is what the twins do when they're in charge of looking after their baby siblings for four hours.
Vela: I have a new plan to make sure I receive my birthright!
Pollux: Goddammit, Vel, can't you just let me work out?
Vela: Hm, is that defiance I hear, minion?

Eric Lewis: Do these fuckers even know how bad they are at being neighbours?
Yeah, sorry, Sutherlands drive down property values in any neighbourhood they invade. Sorry about that, Eric.

Eirene is being a needy little shit.
Pollux: I literally just took care of you, didn't I? Well, better me than Vela.

And Felix is just, as usual, being a little shit.
This is why your wife is two career levels ahead of you despite having fewer work days and being pregnant seven times.

Pollux: Hey Dad, been a while.
Felix: Shush just sit there and play and don't bother me and preferably lose.
Pollux: How could I lose? You're terrible - oh FUCK!
Felix: You're also bad! I mean, you're bad. The only who is b - dammit, how did that happen?!

Aldebaran: *stamp* Damn that feels good!
Dipper: Bitch, what. Why?

Aldebaran: Yeah! She's pregnant! I'm gonna get used to it and love this witchy baby! Yes! *twitch*
I guess he might be a little angsty about the L.Faba situation.

He proceeded to join his dad and younger brother.
Pollux: Oh screw you Aldebaran! Why me?
Felix: Heh. While you two destroy each other I'll just quietly and awesomely win-
Aldebaran: Not so fast, I'll get you too.
Felix: So ungrateful...
Pollux: For what? You are not a good father.
Aldebaran: *shudder* DON'T SAY THAT WORD!

Don turned into a vampire on the front lawn when Deanna invited him over. So she can train him now, she needs to do that.

Alsephina has...
OK so it's not just Tucana with the daddy issues I guess. Maybe Vela will get with Mitchell Kalani or something.
Vela: Or maybe I'll do literally anything else with my life?

Aldebaran married someone who is not his baby mama. I hope they're happy.

Deanna: Nooo, don't knee your baby sibling.
Eirene: Hehehehehe!

This is Eirene. She's cute and I like her but she's frustrating. She has the exact colouration of Aldebaran except for the lighter blue skin. That's failure eight.
She is clingy, which means she'll probably hang around her parents more than Dipper, who literally just does whatever by himself and is happy about it.
Oh she's a human too.

Eirene: *sniff* Why's Mummy a cloud?
Sigh. You'll get used to it dear.

Siobhan:...This all seems incredibly dodgy.
Deanna: Oh hush. You get your prize when this baby stops kicking me in the bladder.

Oh I also fixed her Dark Form. Finally.
Siobhan: Wait I've been here before...why did I come again?
Deanna: I grant you the prize of...eternal life!

Deanna: Haha! Take that, invisible opponent!
Siobhan: She does realise....
Vela: Maybe, maybe not. A lot of us have been touched by my father's crazy gene.
Siobhan: That works for his kids, not his wife.
Vela: Oh can it, Mum's lunch.

Dipper: I'm a PLANE, motherfucker!
Deanna: Who's teaching you that sort of-
Vela, just offscreen: Hah.
Deanna: Of course, why did I even ask. Just don't repeat it at daycare, mmk?

This is the purest shit I've ever seen in this legacy.
Eirene: Yay! Read more!
Pollux: And the bunny rabbit...morphed into a baby? What kind of book is this?

Vela: You are the only person who could make me do this, Mother. And I think I respect you a little bit for it.
Deanna: Fangs work every time. Don't teach your little siblings to swear anymore, OK?

Alsephina: Did they literally wait until we moved out to install this shit?

Dipper: Save me! I have been abandoned in here ALL DAY!
Alsephina: That checks out. I'll help you out kid, what do you want?
Dipper: Independence! I must do things on my own! Leave me be!
Alsephina: Why don't you make any sense?

Alsephina: Maybe you do need to learn to fend for yourself?
Felix: Are we forgetting something Dede?
Deanna: Nah...

Pollux: Le gasp! Dad is actually holding one of his children!
Felix: Well how do you think you were raised, you idiot?
Pollux: By Mum and thin air?
Deanna: He's got a point dearie.
Felix: Hmmph! I helped too!

Tucana's kid aged up to toddler the next morning. And with that, we move onto Week 7. Still without an heir.
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