Mala: I still can't believe you're knocked up again. How many babies can one woman have, Jesus.
Elin: Trust me, the powers that be insist on finding out. And do I look fucking thrilled about it either, Guatemala?
Mala:...I guess not.
India: Make me a sandwich, you scrub!
Gunther: *sigh* Who taught you that?
India: No. I learned it myself by list'ning to them!
Gunther: That checks out.
Look who showed up at the door at 10pm. Bit creepy, but it's the kind of challenge where we can let it slide.
Elin: Well hello, dark fanged and handsome.
Ali Benali: O shit, a woman. What do you think of my shades, gurl?
Elin:...A wonderful look.
Ali Benali: A rose? Me and my shades and my rat-stache say yes!
Elin: (Why are you making me do this....)
Oumaima: Hoe.
Elin: Ugh...don't tell me that's your wife.
Ali: I have never seen this woman in my life.
Elin: Bet you can't see anything through these shades.
Ali: That's true.
Oumaima: Yeah, I don't know this man. But I know about you. And so, I repeat, hoe.
I told them to both go away after this. It was getting late, and Elin was getting tired. Ali, come around again some time, vampire kids ftw. Oumaima, you can leave for good.

Honduras: Seriously, how have you people not learned to feeeeed meeeee!
India: I dunno what I'm supposed to do about it, bro.

Elin: Seriously kid, do you have to just stand there and stare like a little freak at my existential despair?
Honduras: I guess not. But I choose to!
Elin: Hey, maybe I'll at least raise a proper little me with this one. Doubt it though, if Gunther has any influence.
You could actually actively participate in his upbringing instead.

Mala: So. You got older, little one.
India: Yeah. Not sure how I feel about it yet, but...
Mala: Don't worry about it. Every age transition is one step closer to getting out of this house.
India: That's a good point!

Mala is actually a very good big sister. She gave India food and then started teaching Honduras, without a single bit of prompting from me.
Mala: Hey, who else is gonna teach him?
Honduras: Get that horrendous thing away from me!
Mala: It's a vegetable. You kind of need to eat those.
Honduras: NO!

Elin: Why am I doing Gunther work? This is not how things are supposed to be - oh SHUSH, child, you're talking too loud.
India: I've been in this prison for 100 years...
Elin: Look I know people who have been to prison and it's not as cushy as this!

India: Hey look, I'm above you!
Gunther: I've been suffering you kids' lack of respect for thirty years so it isn't going to phase me now.

Gunther: Y'know...no one's watching. What if I just...dropped him?
Honduras: I may be in danger.
Gunther: No, no, that's madness...I couldn't possibly...but the chance is still there.
Honduras: Please put me down now Gunther.

Fiji's here so she's getting roped into the skilling.
Fiji: Better than job-hunting. It really is going pretty badly. Tough world out there, little bro.
Honduras: Literally couldn't care less.

Elin: Mwahahahaha! I may be doing Gunther work, but Gunther's Gunther work is much more unpleasant than mine!
Gunther: How does it smell this bad...

Mala: It's like I tell the sibs. You just have to take one more step, and you get closer, and closer...
Mala hit an A today. Which is good because it's Friday and it would piss me off if we had to wait the weekend. She's still only a 3 in Vampire Lore so her weekend will be spent skilling.

Mala: Hey, homework sounds like music too. *shakes book* Ruffle ruffle ruffle. Hehehe.
Honduras: *just trying to sleep, the poor kid*

India! Why the face?
India: Got pee on Gunther's shoes and I am slightly afraid now.
Don't worry. Everyone will just find it funny.
Gunther: *sigh* Yep.

This teen is cute. But I'm not sure whether to use him (obviously when he grows up, Elin's many things, she's not a good person but she's not a pedo) cos a quick MC check showed me that he is Cambodia's half-brother.

Guatemala: Hell yeah. This concert Cam invited me to might be shit, but at the same time...
Gunther: She gets to leave? No fair!

The next morning...
Gunther: Good morning you little shits.
Honduras: See that, Indie? He thinks he's better than us.
India: Not true!
Gunther: Just let me have my lil walk, OK....

Elin: So glad you're learning your vampire lore...Guatemala, look at me when I talk to you.
Guatemala: I don't wanna look at your boobs flopping out of that top, Mum.
Elin: Well, have it your way. If you hate living here so much, read faster and get out.
Guatemala: Kind of the plan.

Honduras's skills. I think he's ready to be aged up now.
I've decided on my new policy, which as you can see is: max potty and one other skill, Level 3 in all the others.
So yeah time for him to be a child now.

Elin: Hey, look, Gunther, your workload is being reduced by half!
Gunther: I mean, it would already be reduced if you helped out with-
Elin: Shush, dear. Just sit there and be grateful.
Gunther: I can't sit. I'm running around all day-
India: Stop babbling and make a sandwich bitch.
Elin: Have fun with our daughter, dear!

Honduras: Hey look mum, I--
Elin: Goodbye son, I'm off to do literally anything else!
Honduras: I mean what did I expect.
Honduras is a Cat Lover with the Creative aspiration, which I proceeded to ignore because he already nearly has a 3 in motor skill. So he can do that skill instead.
But for now, homework.

India: This is fine.

Elin: There's no way to detect me, right? Right? Ugh I don't WANNA blackmail another DA. It's EFFORT.

Elin: Fuck you Ray, you douchebag! If this kid turns out like you I'm punting it through a window...ow, ooh, ouch.

India: Hmmm. Who is 'Ray' and why is Mummy yelling his name?
Gunther: *sigh* She did it again, didn't she? At least the other two are likely mine.
Honduras: There's soooo many possibilities - nah I'm fucking with you, Indie, there's only one option.
Gunther: *heavier sigh*

Elin: Well...you're painfully average. As all babies are.
Jordan:...Wow, thanks.
Elin:...Jordan? Wait, are you naming my kids normally n - oh.
Yeah, we're still on countries. The last two are just also names.
My frontrunner name for Baby K is Kiribati.
Elin: Figures. Still, with names like these most of 'em will grow up tough. They'll have to.
They could be called the most ordinary names in the world and they'd still grow up tough because of you, El. Come on now, time to find the next dad.

Elin: Oh. Finally I can use this thing.
Mhm. Come on, it's Sixam time.

Elin: Well, that was a huge bust.
You're telling me. The entire time we were here only one alien spawned, and she was a woman. Oh well, we'll be back, there's plenty of babies left.
Elin: Joy. Thanks for reminding me.

Elin: *sigh* Hello, good sir.
Geoffrey Landgraab: How did you get this number? Who are you?
Elin: You'll find out soon enough.

Geoffrey: How did I - ooh, damn, that ass tho.
Elin: All according to plan. You can keep looking, Geoff.
Geoffrey: -get here?
Elin: I simply sent an inconspicuous car to your desert home, and here you are!

Geoffrey:...I feel like you're more thorns than rose.
Elin: Roses have a lot of thorns, Geoff. Those bastards will cut you. Now stop trying to be smooth and accept this flower.

Geoffrey: Not like my marriage can get any worse.
Elin: Look man, I'm married too but you don't see me discussing my husband. Cut the bullshit.

Elin: Meh.
Geoffrey: Holy shit the touch of a woman's lips!
Elin: His moustache is overgrown.

Honduras: I regret ever looking out of that window. I regret windows. I never wanted to see that.

Geoffrey: Y'know what, I'm actually OK with the fact that you basically hired someone to drag me over here. Boosts the confidence to know that you wanted to sleep with me so badly.
Elin: I have goals that don't concern you, and that you don't understand. So just keep walking, and deflate that ugly head.

Elin: Get out now. I can get that inconspicuous car to drag you back along the road, or you can leave by yourself. Just go home and ignore this ever happening.
Geoffrey: *doesn't matter, nailed Elin*

And Elin got nailed once again.
Elin: Uuuuugh, I'm tired.
Gunther:...Love you too, honey, so happy to be doing this.

Elin: Haha, cucked again! No hints for him this time, he'll be none the wiser.
Unless it turns out blond.

Lots of updates tonight.
Cambodia continues to sadden me with her choice of men, Az and Bos are having their first kids with their spouses (not the first for Bos but we can forget about her tryst with Vlad Straud), and Denmark knocks up some poor girl.

Gunther: So. You're saying I knocked you up.
Elin: It's old hat by now, isn't it? I've kind of lost count.
Gunther: And you're sure-
Elin: Yes! Do you remember a belly in the way last night?

Gunther: So why were you outside for so long last night?
Elin: Working on the rocket. It needed maintenance. Are you done questioning me? Because I have my own life, Gunther.
Gunther: Yeah...of course...don't hurt me.

Guatemala, why are you sticking your teeth into Jordan's head?
Guatemala: Mum told me all the best kisses hurt...wait since when do I listen to her?

Here's the Mum of the Year.
Elin: *hack* *retch* Might kiss Gunther to give him a mouth rash or something.

Gunther: Say 'bribe' - what?
India: Are you sure these are the vanilla need flashcards?
Gunther: Nah, your mother wrote on them with angry red and black scribbles.
Guatemala: Yeeeah, I learned from those and I turned out fine!
India: We'll see about that!

Elin: Oooooh, no, that's not a good feeling-
Gunther: Don't throw up on that computer, my drafts are saved there.
Elin: Well that's considerate.
Guatemala: You deserve that, Mum.

Elin: Hmm...Mala, you're leaving soon. If you get someone, get someone who can be programmed to do the cleaning without even being asked.
Mala: Thanks but no thanks, Mum, all of your advice is really cruel.
Honduras: Should I be writing this down?
Gunther: I resent being treated like a line of code!
Who's telling him?

Due to less chaos, Guatemala is able to do things that her siblings could never do.
Like leave the house for theatre-shows.
Honestly, she has Level 14 vampire lore so I figured she could have her fun.

Later that night...
Guatemala:...I think I am finished! I've learned all there is to know!
India: Cool. Get out of my room and turn off the lights, then. Why couldn't you sit, I don't know, anywhere else?

The morning....
Honduras: Seriously? Is Mum trying to turn me into a prune with these instructions? How long must I swim for?

Elin: I'd rather have these cold pancakes than eat your cooking. Hehehe!
Gunther: If you're gonna be mean to me at least make it make sense. I do most of the cooking around here anyway.
Elin: Maybe that's why all the kids are so screwed up.

Gunther: Stop getting soap all over me, India, seriously.
India: That outfit was ruined when you put it on.
Elin, outside: It was ruined when you conceived of it.

Mala: I still can't believe you wore that to school.
Honduras: It's not my fault Mum is trying to turn me into some pruny fish!
Mala: Nah. She just wants you out of this house. I mean...don't you want out? This is the only way. I still have scars on my fingers from those hours of violin playing.

I genuinely think Elin's favourite child is India. She rarely seems happy around the other ones, or even wants to be around them.
Elin: Right, I know we've only got a few blocks to work with, but I wanna test you. Build a gun!

Jordan: This woman...she scares me.
Elin: Well, you better get used to me, kid, I'm the only parent you're gonna have in your life.
Look at these big blue eyes. He's precious! And also a Charmer kid, which is nice. So he'll max out communication which is easy.

Elin: Why did you follow me out here?
Jordan: I'm hungry. And you're my only parent!
Elin: Ugh, right. If you need stuff, ask the oddly proportioned man in a bad outfit. He'll do anything you need.
Jordan:...K. Next time! For now can I get a sandwich?
Elin: No, I'm busy.

Elin: Mum's got things to do...
Justin: Oh, you talk to your baby too? Supriya did that with our kids.
Elin: Why don't you forget about your wife for a couple hours, Justin?
Justin: Nonsense! I could never-

Elin: You wish, douchebag. I'm busy.
Ray: Ah no, I think you wish you weren't busy, honeysuckle.
Elin: Ugh you're so weird! *hangs up*

Justin: How did I get here?

w H y? FIJI
Can't y'all at least pick Caleb? He's cute at least.

Early next morning, Gunther takes a run.
Gunther: I don't like how this feels.
Nobody does dear.

Gunther: Actually I'm feeling pretty gr - *door closes on him* - never mind.
Elin: It's because the world hates you, dear.
Honduras: Yeah that's why he ended up married to you, Mum.
Elin: You're lucky I'm too pregnant to wring your neck you little shit.

Gunther: Alright, lunchtime-
Jordan: No, peasant. *kicks knee*

India: Cryyyyyyy freedom.
Get back here Missy it's time for your birthday.

India: Ugh, not worth it.
India here is so far a complete clone of her mother. She is Hot-Headed with the Scamp aspiration.

Elin: Not in those glasses you can't.
Denmark: Aw, come on Mum I haven't had a proper meal in weeks! And they were free OK?

Gunther: I really hate you kids sometimes.
Jordan: I didn't ask to be booooorn!

Honduras: So you've been sacrificed to the PruneLife? Welcome, welcome, make yourself at home and prepare to be wrinkly.
India: God you're so dramatic.
Honduras:...But Mum did tell you to swim until nighttime, right?
India: Yup.

Gunther:...Elin isn't here. How do you even know her?
Mortimer: None of your business! How do you know her?
Gunther: Wh - this is my house. We're married!

Who let this happen. Who gave them a child.

Dji's actually having a kid of his own.

I just do not understand Cambodia's life anymore. I don't even remember Dennis dying.

Gunther: Ooh, sorry babe did I miss something?
Elin: You're changing every possible nappy tomorrow, Gunther.
Everybody meet Kiribati, Geoffrey Landgraab's child! 15 to go, Elin.
Elin: Mmm, fuck you.
Elin: Ugh...don't tell me that's your wife.
Ali: I have never seen this woman in my life.
Elin: Bet you can't see anything through these shades.
Ali: That's true.
Oumaima: Yeah, I don't know this man. But I know about you. And so, I repeat, hoe.
I told them to both go away after this. It was getting late, and Elin was getting tired. Ali, come around again some time, vampire kids ftw. Oumaima, you can leave for good.

Honduras: Seriously, how have you people not learned to feeeeed meeeee!
India: I dunno what I'm supposed to do about it, bro.

Elin: Seriously kid, do you have to just stand there and stare like a little freak at my existential despair?
Honduras: I guess not. But I choose to!
Elin: Hey, maybe I'll at least raise a proper little me with this one. Doubt it though, if Gunther has any influence.
You could actually actively participate in his upbringing instead.

Mala: So. You got older, little one.
India: Yeah. Not sure how I feel about it yet, but...
Mala: Don't worry about it. Every age transition is one step closer to getting out of this house.
India: That's a good point!

Mala is actually a very good big sister. She gave India food and then started teaching Honduras, without a single bit of prompting from me.
Mala: Hey, who else is gonna teach him?
Honduras: Get that horrendous thing away from me!
Mala: It's a vegetable. You kind of need to eat those.
Honduras: NO!

Elin: Why am I doing Gunther work? This is not how things are supposed to be - oh SHUSH, child, you're talking too loud.
India: I've been in this prison for 100 years...
Elin: Look I know people who have been to prison and it's not as cushy as this!

India: Hey look, I'm above you!
Gunther: I've been suffering you kids' lack of respect for thirty years so it isn't going to phase me now.

Gunther: Y'know...no one's watching. What if I just...dropped him?
Honduras: I may be in danger.
Gunther: No, no, that's madness...I couldn't possibly...but the chance is still there.
Honduras: Please put me down now Gunther.

Fiji's here so she's getting roped into the skilling.
Fiji: Better than job-hunting. It really is going pretty badly. Tough world out there, little bro.
Honduras: Literally couldn't care less.

Elin: Mwahahahaha! I may be doing Gunther work, but Gunther's Gunther work is much more unpleasant than mine!
Gunther: How does it smell this bad...

Mala: It's like I tell the sibs. You just have to take one more step, and you get closer, and closer...
Mala hit an A today. Which is good because it's Friday and it would piss me off if we had to wait the weekend. She's still only a 3 in Vampire Lore so her weekend will be spent skilling.

Mala: Hey, homework sounds like music too. *shakes book* Ruffle ruffle ruffle. Hehehe.
Honduras: *just trying to sleep, the poor kid*

India! Why the face?
India: Got pee on Gunther's shoes and I am slightly afraid now.
Don't worry. Everyone will just find it funny.
Gunther: *sigh* Yep.

This teen is cute. But I'm not sure whether to use him (obviously when he grows up, Elin's many things, she's not a good person but she's not a pedo) cos a quick MC check showed me that he is Cambodia's half-brother.

Guatemala: Hell yeah. This concert Cam invited me to might be shit, but at the same time...
Gunther: She gets to leave? No fair!

The next morning...
Gunther: Good morning you little shits.
Honduras: See that, Indie? He thinks he's better than us.
India: Not true!
Gunther: Just let me have my lil walk, OK....

Elin: So glad you're learning your vampire lore...Guatemala, look at me when I talk to you.
Guatemala: I don't wanna look at your boobs flopping out of that top, Mum.
Elin: Well, have it your way. If you hate living here so much, read faster and get out.
Guatemala: Kind of the plan.

Honduras's skills. I think he's ready to be aged up now.
I've decided on my new policy, which as you can see is: max potty and one other skill, Level 3 in all the others.
So yeah time for him to be a child now.

Elin: Hey, look, Gunther, your workload is being reduced by half!
Gunther: I mean, it would already be reduced if you helped out with-
Elin: Shush, dear. Just sit there and be grateful.
Gunther: I can't sit. I'm running around all day-
India: Stop babbling and make a sandwich bitch.
Elin: Have fun with our daughter, dear!

Honduras: Hey look mum, I--
Elin: Goodbye son, I'm off to do literally anything else!
Honduras: I mean what did I expect.
Honduras is a Cat Lover with the Creative aspiration, which I proceeded to ignore because he already nearly has a 3 in motor skill. So he can do that skill instead.
But for now, homework.

India: This is fine.

Elin: There's no way to detect me, right? Right? Ugh I don't WANNA blackmail another DA. It's EFFORT.

Elin: Fuck you Ray, you douchebag! If this kid turns out like you I'm punting it through a window...ow, ooh, ouch.

India: Hmmm. Who is 'Ray' and why is Mummy yelling his name?
Gunther: *sigh* She did it again, didn't she? At least the other two are likely mine.
Honduras: There's soooo many possibilities - nah I'm fucking with you, Indie, there's only one option.
Gunther: *heavier sigh*

Elin: Well...you're painfully average. As all babies are.
Jordan:...Wow, thanks.
Elin:...Jordan? Wait, are you naming my kids normally n - oh.
Yeah, we're still on countries. The last two are just also names.
My frontrunner name for Baby K is Kiribati.
Elin: Figures. Still, with names like these most of 'em will grow up tough. They'll have to.
They could be called the most ordinary names in the world and they'd still grow up tough because of you, El. Come on now, time to find the next dad.

Elin: Oh. Finally I can use this thing.
Mhm. Come on, it's Sixam time.

Elin: Well, that was a huge bust.
You're telling me. The entire time we were here only one alien spawned, and she was a woman. Oh well, we'll be back, there's plenty of babies left.
Elin: Joy. Thanks for reminding me.

Elin: *sigh* Hello, good sir.
Geoffrey Landgraab: How did you get this number? Who are you?
Elin: You'll find out soon enough.

Geoffrey: How did I - ooh, damn, that ass tho.
Elin: All according to plan. You can keep looking, Geoff.
Geoffrey: -get here?
Elin: I simply sent an inconspicuous car to your desert home, and here you are!

Geoffrey:...I feel like you're more thorns than rose.
Elin: Roses have a lot of thorns, Geoff. Those bastards will cut you. Now stop trying to be smooth and accept this flower.

Geoffrey: Not like my marriage can get any worse.
Elin: Look man, I'm married too but you don't see me discussing my husband. Cut the bullshit.

Elin: Meh.
Geoffrey: Holy shit the touch of a woman's lips!
Elin: His moustache is overgrown.

Honduras: I regret ever looking out of that window. I regret windows. I never wanted to see that.

Geoffrey: Y'know what, I'm actually OK with the fact that you basically hired someone to drag me over here. Boosts the confidence to know that you wanted to sleep with me so badly.
Elin: I have goals that don't concern you, and that you don't understand. So just keep walking, and deflate that ugly head.

Elin: Get out now. I can get that inconspicuous car to drag you back along the road, or you can leave by yourself. Just go home and ignore this ever happening.
Geoffrey: *doesn't matter, nailed Elin*

And Elin got nailed once again.
Elin: Uuuuugh, I'm tired.
Gunther:...Love you too, honey, so happy to be doing this.

Elin: Haha, cucked again! No hints for him this time, he'll be none the wiser.
Unless it turns out blond.

Lots of updates tonight.
Cambodia continues to sadden me with her choice of men, Az and Bos are having their first kids with their spouses (not the first for Bos but we can forget about her tryst with Vlad Straud), and Denmark knocks up some poor girl.

Gunther: So. You're saying I knocked you up.
Elin: It's old hat by now, isn't it? I've kind of lost count.
Gunther: And you're sure-
Elin: Yes! Do you remember a belly in the way last night?

Gunther: So why were you outside for so long last night?
Elin: Working on the rocket. It needed maintenance. Are you done questioning me? Because I have my own life, Gunther.
Gunther: Yeah...of course...don't hurt me.

Guatemala, why are you sticking your teeth into Jordan's head?
Guatemala: Mum told me all the best kisses hurt...wait since when do I listen to her?

Here's the Mum of the Year.
Elin: *hack* *retch* Might kiss Gunther to give him a mouth rash or something.

Gunther: Say 'bribe' - what?
India: Are you sure these are the vanilla need flashcards?
Gunther: Nah, your mother wrote on them with angry red and black scribbles.
Guatemala: Yeeeah, I learned from those and I turned out fine!
India: We'll see about that!

Elin: Oooooh, no, that's not a good feeling-
Gunther: Don't throw up on that computer, my drafts are saved there.
Elin: Well that's considerate.
Guatemala: You deserve that, Mum.

Elin: Hmm...Mala, you're leaving soon. If you get someone, get someone who can be programmed to do the cleaning without even being asked.
Mala: Thanks but no thanks, Mum, all of your advice is really cruel.
Honduras: Should I be writing this down?
Gunther: I resent being treated like a line of code!
Who's telling him?

Due to less chaos, Guatemala is able to do things that her siblings could never do.
Like leave the house for theatre-shows.
Honestly, she has Level 14 vampire lore so I figured she could have her fun.

Later that night...
Guatemala:...I think I am finished! I've learned all there is to know!
India: Cool. Get out of my room and turn off the lights, then. Why couldn't you sit, I don't know, anywhere else?

The morning....
Honduras: Seriously? Is Mum trying to turn me into a prune with these instructions? How long must I swim for?

Elin: I'd rather have these cold pancakes than eat your cooking. Hehehe!
Gunther: If you're gonna be mean to me at least make it make sense. I do most of the cooking around here anyway.
Elin: Maybe that's why all the kids are so screwed up.

Gunther: Stop getting soap all over me, India, seriously.
India: That outfit was ruined when you put it on.
Elin, outside: It was ruined when you conceived of it.

Mala: I still can't believe you wore that to school.
Honduras: It's not my fault Mum is trying to turn me into some pruny fish!
Mala: Nah. She just wants you out of this house. I mean...don't you want out? This is the only way. I still have scars on my fingers from those hours of violin playing.

I genuinely think Elin's favourite child is India. She rarely seems happy around the other ones, or even wants to be around them.
Elin: Right, I know we've only got a few blocks to work with, but I wanna test you. Build a gun!

Jordan: This woman...she scares me.
Elin: Well, you better get used to me, kid, I'm the only parent you're gonna have in your life.
Look at these big blue eyes. He's precious! And also a Charmer kid, which is nice. So he'll max out communication which is easy.

Elin: Why did you follow me out here?
Jordan: I'm hungry. And you're my only parent!
Elin: Ugh, right. If you need stuff, ask the oddly proportioned man in a bad outfit. He'll do anything you need.
Jordan:...K. Next time! For now can I get a sandwich?
Elin: No, I'm busy.

Elin: Mum's got things to do...
Justin: Oh, you talk to your baby too? Supriya did that with our kids.
Elin: Why don't you forget about your wife for a couple hours, Justin?
Justin: Nonsense! I could never-

Elin: You wish, douchebag. I'm busy.
Ray: Ah no, I think you wish you weren't busy, honeysuckle.
Elin: Ugh you're so weird! *hangs up*

Justin: How did I get here?

w H y? FIJI
Can't y'all at least pick Caleb? He's cute at least.

Early next morning, Gunther takes a run.
Gunther: I don't like how this feels.
Nobody does dear.

Gunther: Actually I'm feeling pretty gr - *door closes on him* - never mind.
Elin: It's because the world hates you, dear.
Honduras: Yeah that's why he ended up married to you, Mum.
Elin: You're lucky I'm too pregnant to wring your neck you little shit.

Gunther: Alright, lunchtime-
Jordan: No, peasant. *kicks knee*

India: Cryyyyyyy freedom.
Get back here Missy it's time for your birthday.

India: Ugh, not worth it.
India here is so far a complete clone of her mother. She is Hot-Headed with the Scamp aspiration.

Elin: Not in those glasses you can't.
Denmark: Aw, come on Mum I haven't had a proper meal in weeks! And they were free OK?

Gunther: I really hate you kids sometimes.
Jordan: I didn't ask to be booooorn!

Honduras: So you've been sacrificed to the PruneLife? Welcome, welcome, make yourself at home and prepare to be wrinkly.
India: God you're so dramatic.
Honduras:...But Mum did tell you to swim until nighttime, right?
India: Yup.

Gunther:...Elin isn't here. How do you even know her?
Mortimer: None of your business! How do you know her?
Gunther: Wh - this is my house. We're married!

Who let this happen. Who gave them a child.

Dji's actually having a kid of his own.

I just do not understand Cambodia's life anymore. I don't even remember Dennis dying.

Gunther: Ooh, sorry babe did I miss something?
Elin: You're changing every possible nappy tomorrow, Gunther.
Everybody meet Kiribati, Geoffrey Landgraab's child! 15 to go, Elin.
Elin: Mmm, fuck you.
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