First things first, which one of you heathens left a dirty plate by the bathroom sink?
Mason: So. You two are growing up soon. Any plans?
Sari: I dunno. Music?
Mason:...Can you play an instrument?
Sari: Haven't touched one! But I can hack it!
Mason: Glad you're optimistic. Tamsin?
Tamsin: What do you expect, fool?
Anaya: Urgh, this tastes like a bird shat in it!
Maybe it did. After all that burger is spoiled and has been outside a loooong time.
Danika: So much more relaxing now that I'm alive again...
Don't fall asleep in there, you could die again.
Danika:...Shit what?
Danika: Meh meh meh, I'm Tamsin and I have no goals or life!
Miles: Look at me, I'm Kai. I have mediocre pick-up lines and a weaponry fetish!
Danika: I'm Sari and all I do is play music and SMILE everywhere!
Miles: Danika was talking bad about you.
Tamsin: You're still not my favourite.
Miles: Yeah I am. I was actually going to say, as your favourite, I have advice for you, dear sister.
Tamsin: Ugh, what?
Miles:...Get a hobby or something. This can't be healthy.
Tamsin: Meh. I mean, I'm thinking of becoming a vampire and all. Then it's not pointless to start something. I won't ever run out of time.
Miles: I mean, unless you're Aunty Mercy.
Tamsin: You did see what Dad did for Danika, right?
Sari: My poor child. Who has violated you in this way? Don't worry, I'll get the newest chart up and running on here soon enough.
Mason, you just caught another-
Mason: Angelfish, yeah. I'm very awesome. OK, let's cast the line again-
I'll probably have him cook up another ambrosia just in case. It can be a family heirloom.

Andrew just married this girl. She's cute!

Five hours later she birthed someone else's baby. I know it wasn't Andrew's. He was still a teen 2 days ago.

Mercy: Um, I'm a vampire and it's morning.
You can't die again, Mercy.
Mercy: Not that! Sunspot and I were sleeping? Do you have no respect?!
Quit bitching, you're getting your life back.
I cheated to add her ghost to the household. Got bored of waiting for her.

Tamsin: Ugh, Mum, I think that food's off. It smells pretty bad.
Missy: Oh no, that's you dear.
(It's both).

Mercy: God this tastes bad.
Tamsin:...I think you should just push through it.
Kai: Aunty Mercy! It's you!
Mercy: I've seen your storefronts, kid. Not too shabby. Just don't get distracted.
Kai:...Well...always best to have goals and stuff.
Tamsin: Please Aunty, convince him to stop practicing those corny lines.

Sari: *contented humming*
I really do like Sari, she just doesn't show up in a lot of pictures. She's kind of happy doing her own thing.
Sari: Earbuds in, of course! *keeps humming*
You do you, girl.
Sari: I'm about to start my homework!
It's 7.50!

Missy: Did I inhale something at the lab?
You haven't been in two days!
Mercy: *chokes on umbrella*

Look at my girl! I was gone for so long after she died that I kind of forgot what she looks like when she's alive. You wear it well, my dear.
Mercy: Good to be back. I'mma stab some bitches. But first, I'm gonna sleep in the coffin. It's not fun to resurrect with 0 vampire energy.
Oh yeah, and she got the makeover because I felt like she should have a more mature look now she has a grown-up daughter.
Mercy: Wait, Shannon's grown up now? HELL yeah, I missed most of the shitty years!

Sari: Why did I have to sit between you two on the bus?
Tamsin: Do you think I'm happy?
Miles: You're never happy.
Kai: So many potential loves on that bus...alas, they are potentials no more.
Danika: I did tell you guys not to go to that part of the field, it's fenced off for a reason.

Miles:...I guess Aunt Dani's having a hard time adjusting back to life.
I would be mad but I recently checked her stats. This is only her fourth time passing out in almost three generations.
I'm OK with taking the -5.

Tamsin: Oh Cowsy! Do you want tomorrow's ham sandwich?
Sari: Hey, those are our lunches!
Tamsin: Not my problem. I'm growing up.

Mason: I've got a grown-up kid! Crazy, right?
Miles: Dad I don't care about your existential crisis, just wanna eat my toast.
Tamsin: This moment isn't about you people.
Miles: I bet you're sad to leave me, huh Tams?
Tamsin: In your dreams you little shit.
Mason: Angelfish, yeah. I'm very awesome. OK, let's cast the line again-
I'll probably have him cook up another ambrosia just in case. It can be a family heirloom.

Andrew just married this girl. She's cute!

Five hours later she birthed someone else's baby. I know it wasn't Andrew's. He was still a teen 2 days ago.

Mercy: Um, I'm a vampire and it's morning.
You can't die again, Mercy.
Mercy: Not that! Sunspot and I were sleeping? Do you have no respect?!
Quit bitching, you're getting your life back.
I cheated to add her ghost to the household. Got bored of waiting for her.

Tamsin: Ugh, Mum, I think that food's off. It smells pretty bad.
Missy: Oh no, that's you dear.
(It's both).

Mercy: God this tastes bad.
Tamsin:...I think you should just push through it.
Kai: Aunty Mercy! It's you!
Mercy: I've seen your storefronts, kid. Not too shabby. Just don't get distracted.
Kai:...Well...always best to have goals and stuff.
Tamsin: Please Aunty, convince him to stop practicing those corny lines.

Sari: *contented humming*
I really do like Sari, she just doesn't show up in a lot of pictures. She's kind of happy doing her own thing.
Sari: Earbuds in, of course! *keeps humming*
You do you, girl.
Sari: I'm about to start my homework!
It's 7.50!

Missy: Did I inhale something at the lab?
You haven't been in two days!
Mercy: *chokes on umbrella*

Look at my girl! I was gone for so long after she died that I kind of forgot what she looks like when she's alive. You wear it well, my dear.
Mercy: Good to be back. I'mma stab some bitches. But first, I'm gonna sleep in the coffin. It's not fun to resurrect with 0 vampire energy.
Oh yeah, and she got the makeover because I felt like she should have a more mature look now she has a grown-up daughter.
Mercy: Wait, Shannon's grown up now? HELL yeah, I missed most of the shitty years!

Sari: Why did I have to sit between you two on the bus?
Tamsin: Do you think I'm happy?
Miles: You're never happy.
Kai: So many potential loves on that bus...alas, they are potentials no more.
Danika: I did tell you guys not to go to that part of the field, it's fenced off for a reason.

Miles:...I guess Aunt Dani's having a hard time adjusting back to life.
I would be mad but I recently checked her stats. This is only her fourth time passing out in almost three generations.
I'm OK with taking the -5.

Tamsin: Oh Cowsy! Do you want tomorrow's ham sandwich?
Sari: Hey, those are our lunches!
Tamsin: Not my problem. I'm growing up.

Mason: I've got a grown-up kid! Crazy, right?
Miles: Dad I don't care about your existential crisis, just wanna eat my toast.
Tamsin: This moment isn't about you people.
Miles: I bet you're sad to leave me, huh Tams?
Tamsin: In your dreams you little shit.

Miles: You're sooooo gonna miss me...why are you so happy?
Tamsin: I heard Aunty Mercy's in the house!
Yep. Not for long though.

Mercy: -so. You and I in the Hollow. How does it sound?
Tamsin: Can't be worse than living with these fools, let's do it.
Mason: Mercy I'd quite like to see my younger children grow into adulthood, get that away from my neck.

Mercy: YES! Drink my from my veins, offspring!
Tamsin: *obnoxious slurping sounds*
Miles: Neat.
Literally nothing fazes this kid, I love him lol.

And here is YA Tamsin. She gained the erratic trait, but as you can see she's not sticking around. So it's one of the other kids.
I love her a lot but Vampire Family is not the aspiration I'm looking to complete right now.
Maybe I'll do something with her and Mercy, they'd be a fun duo.
(She says like she doesn't have a million spare adventures + further ideas kicking around her head and blog).

I bought them the old Straud mansion (and kicked out the other family living there). Without cheats. Which leaves us with 2.5million. Seriously the cash made this generation has been insane.
I hope they're very happy there. Or as happy as these two can be lol.

Roberto, Aaliyah's old roommate who was at Mason and Missy's wedding, has died! RIP you grumpy bastard.
And Groot is old. Not sure if I've shown this before, but now I definitely have.

Miles: Well that was easy. I don't know what the others complain about.
Danika's brain decayed from about 150 years living with the Sutherlands. And the others are in high-school, that's a whole different ballpark.
Anyway, Miles is awesome because he just did his homework. And he already has a B. Maybe he can be the first kid this generation to actually get an A.

Sari: OW, my EAR!
And quite a lot else, dear.
Sari: Where else am I supposed to put the music?

While I was in Manage Worlds, I took a look at Lux and her family, just cos we never see her. Which I don't feel bad about because she has her own challenge.
Anyway, Lux lives with her husband Cohen, their son Hector, and her sister-in-law Malia.
This is Cohen's family tree. Do you see who his grandma is?

That's Summer's sister if you don't remember. So yeah.
This is why I do not feel bad about ignoring Lux in this save file. She is a cousin-fucker. Second-cousin, but still.

Last family tree pic I promise.
Anyway, grumpy and dead Roberto was apparently the adoptive child of Yasmin the vampire, aka Dahlia's mother, aka Kale's once-wife.

It turns out that Mariska's son's husband adopted a kid with...Blanca? She's Felix's daughter. What the fuck is going on with the extended family?

Sari: I want that...cake, cake, cake-
No. One of the worst songs ever. And don't eat that.

Sari: Ugh. Tasted like sour milk.
Stop flashing the cowplant and clean yourself up.

Kai: God sis, you smell like trash.
Sahara: You are trash. And after yesterday, it's a bit rich coming from you!
Mason: What have I told you people about places to argue? This house is huge. Go somewhere else in it!

Fuck off Mason. I've been indulging you a bit lately, but I'm not gonna go that far.

Danika: I keep telling you lot to not go to that part of the field.
Sari: Ugggh, but I thought I was special, and Tamsin and Kai are very stupid.
Miles: Pot to kettle, sister?
Danika: Hehe.
Sari: Oh shut up you little brat, go yell it at that banister you're practically making out with!

Mason: Yes, yes, Watcher. Almost finished.
He hit Level 9.
That's what I love about Mason. He's very quietly awesome.
Honestly, at the start of his generation I kind of regretted not making it Aaliyah, but I don't anymore. Aaliyah is not cut out for legacy/ISBI life. And Mason, like I said, is awesome.

Kai, why so happy doing homework?
Kai: I'm writing down my best lines.
...Yeah I've given up on anyone making it to a high school A.

Sari: Splishy, splashy! *hums*
It's almost her birthday, which means it's basically almost Kai's cos the oldest three are so close in age.
Good thing my bb Miles will be around a while.

Missy: I can't believe both my daughters will be growing up and maybe moving away...
Sari: I mean, it's all up in the air; I might stay! But if not, I can just come over and be like 'knock knock, can't do laundry, help me pls' and get some of Dad's good food, and use the cool shit we have alllll night-
Missy:...Yeah, maybe I'm more OK with you growing up than I thought.

Blanca married this guy, who despite the grey hair is a YA. Eh, at least it's not her old cousin's old husband. Yeuch.

The morning....
Mason: Something feels different...
Miles: Mmmm! Mmmmmmmmph! Dad!

Sari: Hmmm. Nice sour smell. These are gonna make a good-ass breakfast.
Stop eating spoiled food! Just stop it!

Kai: You better not puke there. I have bare feet right now!
Sari: Why would I *gag* puke?
Kai: I could literally smell your food from up here.

Missy: Ah, a nice breakfast with my sons!
Miles: Seriously let me go please, the smell alone is gonna make me hurl.
Kai: If you're eating that, Mum, I'm out.
Missy: Well, I tried!
Miles: Did you tho?

Stick to the music, girl.
Sari: Shiiiiit! Glad I already threw up that breakfast!

Sari:...Ohhhh God I don't think I got it all out yet!

Miles: So...what did we learn today, sis?
Sari: Shut up Miles. I'm not Tamsin, I'm not taking your bullshit.
Miles: Just saying, maybe you should pay attention to more than the VEVO channel on Youtube.
Sari: Look, if you don't shut up I'm going to break this glass over your obnoxious little head.
Miles: I mean, violence is a good place to start! Kai's independently wealthy now, y'know!

Missy: Who the fuck's putting oil on this thing?
The family is not having a very good morning.

Danika: Now Kai, you're actually OK as far as Evil Sutherland spawn go, so I'll give you some advice.
Kai: Oh. Go ahead.
Danika: See, you didn't tell me to fuck off. You're better already. So, you're all about love now, right? That's fine. Just make sure you don't find someone who ends up getting with one of your parents, OK?
Kai:...Where'd you get that idea?
Danika: The history of this family is pretty damn strange. Heck, I saw this whole thing happen...of course, that was when I was a little younger.
Kai:...How many lifetimes in this house have you led?

Missy:...Now this doesn't feel right. Are my arms supposed to stretch like this?
What exactly do you think you're doing?

Kai: Y'know, Aunt Danika has some really fucked-up stories.
Miles:...Bro, all the shit you've seen and done and that's what gets you? I don't understand any of you people, I swear.

Mason: Father-and-son dance party!
Miles: Why are you making me do this.
Mason: Because I've got one last chance at having one kid achieve at something, so I'm gonna make it happen. Now, keep dancing!
Miles: This is my hell.

Kai: Hell yeah, these moves are smooth, ladies are gonna love-
Sahara: Like the ceiling can't hold us!
Miles: I think my left pinky toe has more musical talent than her. *sigh* Yep, definitely my hell.
Kai: And Dad's still here!

Mason: I think I still got it. Heck, your mother still thinks-
Miles: Yeah. I'm aware. Please help.

Missy: Oooh, honey, you still got it!
Kai: I don't wanna hear this.
Miles: Kill me.
Mason: See, what did I tell you kids? I still-
Miles: Got it, Dad. We know.

Sari: HEY. Don't disrespect the music right now. This is the song of my people.
Missy: Fancy by Iggy Azalea?
Sari: Sure thing!
Missy: ....

Summer picked out her third husband.
And Tamsin got knocked up. Also her name changed because I flagged her household as Ancestral - so she and Mercy don't move out.
But I'll probably change it back.

Well done to Lux for having a toddler son as she enters her elder years.

Flies: *existing, buzzing around*
Sari: Hehehehe. Bzz, bzz! You guys are fun! Come on, let's scrub together!
Very few things can make this girl unhappy, I swear.

I'm so tired of everybody eating spoiled food that I used Sari's free action to clean out the fridge. She's growing up today so it doesn't even matter.

Kai: Dead dude. Could you and your sweater vest get out of the house?
Bentley: :( I knew the sweater vest was bad! *glares at me*
I think it suits you. Also, Kai, that's your grandfather.
Kai: Meh. Don't need him.
RIP Bentley.
Bentley: I mean, I died a while ago, you're a bit late on that.

Bentley: Hello, Mason. Your son is very rude.
Mason: Holy shit you remembered me! And I'm sorry about him, Miles is just like that. Can't be helped. Also, don't give me parenting advice. You forgot me most of your life, so I'm not gonna listen.
Bentley: Oh get over it.

Danika: I mean I'm glad I'm alive, but I just wanna be an adult now.
Sahara: Well I don't!
Miles: Struggling to find reasons to live beyond hot new tracks, Sari?
Sahara: Shut up you little brat!
Danika: Miles, you and your rude precocious ass are lucky this generation of kids is a little tamer than the others I've seen. Otherwise you might literally be dead right now.

Used Miles' free action to make him dance. He's almost Motor Level 4, so he should finally get that elementary A I've been waiting for since Tamsin was a kid.

So, Mason. You've done it.
+15 for completed aspiration. How are we feeling?
Mason: Hmm. Glad I finished. Now, I wanna go back inside and kiss my wife. I know she feels neglected sometimes.
That's sweet. You've got a whim for WooHoo so I'll let you do that too.
Mason:...But I gotta piss like a damn horse first.
Prince Charming here, everyone.

Mason: I'll only be fishing in your pond from now on!
Ew indeed.
Mason:....Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean for that to sound so overtly sexual.
Missy: Whatever. I'm just glad you're done with all that shit.

Mason's next aspiration is Mansion Baron. So that's a +15 right off the bat. Not sure what happened to the house value, but I can fix that next time I'm in build mode.

How many times do I have to say no, Mason? You guys are like 50.

Missy: Sometimes I doubt our parenting, Mason. I mean, Sari still has no musical talent, Tamsin ran off with your crazy aunt, Miles respects nothing and Kai?
Kai: *snifffff*
Mason: It does seem like he is snorting that hollandaise sauce, yes.

Sari: Dad, can you stop? Everything about this is awkward.
Mason: Ah, I'm just trying to make sure you have a clean house to take over.
Sari: To what now?

Sari: So does that mean-?
Mason: Yup. None of the boys are inheriting the particular streak of Sutherland that the Watcher favours. Your reign starts now. Enjoy looking after me.
Anyway, Mason is one of my fave TH's and certainly the most accomplished. This generation was also very efficient; it's the shortest since Wanda's time. But now, it's Sahara's turn! Let's see how she does.
Score Sheet- 150
Single Births (31) +155
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (78) +390
Aspiration (12) +120
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (6) +60 (I realised I was behind on this)
Not using spare's satisfaction points (7) +70 (Ditto)
Every 100,000 simoleons (10) +200
Immortalise TH (2) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (126) -630
Self Wetting (38) -190
Fires (15) -150
Yay Sari! Excited for the last generation :)