Rivella: Hello, sibling. We're going to have lots of fun together!
Grenadine:...Should I be worried?
Rivella: Why does everybody always ask me that?
Nicola:...Why do my donors keep dying on me? Useless fuckers.
Nicola a man has died.
Nicola: A man who was one of my main donors!
Invention Constructor:...Miss Cola, why are you putting a function labelled 'eat' into your SimRay device?
Cola: Might make it easier for me to get people to try my new serums, duh. As I've said, for an AI, you aren't very smart.
Invention Constructor:...Why oh why can't somebody else use me?
Cola: Lunchtime, Leo!
Leonel: Nice try, Cola. I'm not going near that shit.
Cola: Funny thing is, I am your boss, and you do have a family to support, sooo....
Leonel: God you're messed up.
Cola: Seriously. It's just a nice lunch liquid. I even made it strawberry-flavoured.
Leonel: I don't trust you but also...strawberries.
Leonel: Haha.
Cola: Zzzzz....I'll get you for this Leonel...zzzzz
He didn't do anything. You made and then drank that serum.
He didn't do anything. You made and then drank that serum.
Ivy: Hello, dear. I walked past you in the reception. Are you quite alright?
Cola: Oh don't worry about me, a simple scientific mishap.
Ivy: Good. How are the children?
Cola: They're fine. Rivella's a bit off, but Grenadine's super-cool. She's purple!
Ivy: Oh, Cola, you and your aliens.
Cola: Hey, I like humans just fine.
Ivy: Mhm, I'm sure.
Cola: That woman...infuriating.
She's your best friend at this lab.
Cola: I suppose. But she's infuriating. And attractive. Did I say that out loud?
Cola: Huh well I don't pull punches. She's damn hot is what she is. But still infuriating.
Cola: Huh well I don't pull punches. She's damn hot is what she is. But still infuriating.
Kaylyn: -I still hate that bitch. As if she has authority over us, 'Lab Leader' or not!
Terry: Uh, Kay honey, she's-
Cola: Hello there! Right, so have I got you on to try my next 5 serums, right after you squeeze out that last-minute baby, right Kaylyn?
Terry: I mean...
Kaylyn: I guess I gotta say yes.
Cola: Fun! I'll see you tomorrow.
I imagine that Rivella kind of just...does whatever during the day, if she's not at school. I'm sure her mother and grandmothers love her very much, but they very much prioritise doing their own thing.
Rivella: Yeah, you say they love me but I haven't spoken to another human in twelve hours. But that's fine. Who needs people? I just need video games and pancakes.
Sugar: I smell strange, Mistresses.
Lux: Grumble grumble, I'm too old to deal with this shit.
Cola: Oh, Sugar, old girl. Which mean spirit sprayed you with its nasty ass smell?
The next morning...
Nicola: Why am I doing this instead of your irresponsible mother, Grenadine? I should be mourning the loss of my favourite donors, I mean friends.
Grenadine: Oh get over it grandma.
Nicola: You're lucky you're cute. Cuter than your sister actually.
Grenadine is an Angelic tot, and she's a hybrid due to my MCCC settings. But that's OK, she's adorable, even if she does have the hard-to-shake red/green combo that Lux and Cola have.
Lux: Yeah, we're on a hunt, Grena! Say 'where's my deadbeat mother?' Because seriously, you're hurting my old back. She should be doing this.
Cola: I call it Embiggen! The opposite of the Slimify...yeah I won't be drinking this one. Maybe I'll give it to Terry, he'll barely be able to tell the difference.
Ivy: Yeah, sounds good, just keep that shit away from yourself.
Cola: I may have to test it eventually. But I'll do my best. Why do you care so much about my body changing?
Ivy: You know why. Goodbye, dear.
Cola: Haaaaaaiii Vivian.
Vivian: Oh God. What do you want? I'm already without my protective clothing for some...reason...would you stop using that SimRay, Cola?
Cola: Nah, it's too much fun. But seriously, I just want you to analyse some snapdragons.
Vivian: That's - that's it?
Cola: That's all.
Vivian: I'll count my blessings and go.
Terry: Ivy, you hear something about Cola's new invention? The Biggening or something?
Ivy: It's a wonderful serum. Not to worry.
Terry: Thing is, I think she might want me to try it.
Ivy: I can't possibly think of why. What difference would it make? Don't worry.
Terry: Oh, well, thanks Iv - HEY.
Cola: Dammit, I wanted Kaylyn's chair to look way worse! Stupid SimRay.
IC, somewhere: I built in a failsafe, Miss Cola.
Cola: Well I consider this transformation a failure, how about that?
Cola bsically spent the rest of her workday mining for collectibles. She needs to find more elements by Sunday, and it's already Thursday.
Cola: Hey kid.
Rivella: Oh hi Mum, been a while. You know I've been working on potions too-
Cola: You seen your sister? Alien DNA could really help me out with my latest experiment.
Rivella: Grena is outside shitting herself because she is a baby. I'm much better.
Cola: Mmm...nah.
Cola: Seriously Shayne? You're 43. You could just come hang out with the kid, keep her off my hands for a while-
Rivella: Mum I'm still...right here.
Shayne: How about no? I mean, she is yours...and I've never met her in my life. So why start now?
Cola: God you're one of my biggest regrets.
Lux: Ah, Riv. Don't mind your mother. She loves you, she's just very busy. And outspoken. Says stuff you're just supposed to think.
Rivella: Whatever. I have your bishop now, old woman.
Nicola: Shit that feels bad! *cracks back*
Grena:...What was that sound? That's terrifying.

Side note: Nicola de-glitched recently. Her alien form is cute but considering she's a politician, she'll be keeping up the disguise.

Side note: Nicola de-glitched recently. Her alien form is cute but considering she's a politician, she'll be keeping up the disguise.
Grena: Stranger! Dunno you!
Nicola: Come on, kid, I don't even look that old yet right?...Right, Luxy?
Lux: I mean, you do look different. No wonder the kid's confused, you changed your entire hair colour. Who asked you to bust out the dye?
Rivella: Granny, I got your queen!
Lux: You can't just take random pieces off the board Rivella, that isn't how this works.
Grena: Heelllpp.
Nicola: Who else is gonna help you? Your mother? Ha.
Cola: Hmmm...that good old romcom got me thinking. Don't I deserve something like this in my life?
Rivella, in the same room: No.
The next morning...
Leonel: Ooh! Another strawberry concoction, huh? Bottoms up.
Cola: Wow, you sure trusted me again real quick.
Leonel: What was that?
Cola: Nothiiing!
Cola: He looks pretty much the same. Quite disappointing. But that means I'll have a better chance at having him on the hook for the next one.
Leonel: Oh GOD I think I have serum poisoning.
He's uncomfortable now. I think Cola might have mixed it wrong.
Cola: Or maybe he drank it wrong?
Cola: Hm. Haven't played Elsa in a while. This might be fun!
Kaylyn: Oh, God, please no, Terry, my husband, my darling, please help-
Terry: Haha this cat vid is so funny.
Cola's almost done with the elements collection. She's got her collectible for the week, but we're still going for it.

Cola: Come on, it's easy!
Rivella: No! No it's not! I'm seven! Why do I have to do your junior-year Chem exam?
Cola: So you'll grow up smart and successful. Like your mama.
Rivella: Meh, I'd rather not be like you. I wanna be like Grandma Lux. I bet I could do hella crimes.

Nicola: Sigh. Why am I mothering you, Grena?
Grena:...You're not my mum? Well I guess that makes sense. You're not purple.
Nicola: Hey, your mother ain't purple either. Oh well, let's read some more about dinosaurs.

Rivella: You really mean it, Granny? You'll teach me how to cheat at video games?
Lux: And a lot more, sweetie. If you ever want it. You can have all the bank accounts and classified security details you like.
Rivella:...At this point I'm just after the games.

Cola: Crap. I don't think the aliens are happy with my treatment of Grenadine. I'll do better with her, I promise...now please let me go to bed.
And Rivella.
Cola: She's not from the aliens is she? And she's fine. Ma loves her. I just need to save my own neck here.
Aliens: Well that's not honourable at all *beams up*

The next morning...
Rivella: Yeah. This is my ideal Saturday. Hanging out with my half-naked stinking grandma.
Nicola: You just don't understand, child. My friends have died.
Rivella: Bullshit. You, Granny Lux and Mum don't have friends.
Nicola:...Donors then. But they think they're my friends.

Lux: Yeah, your actual mother'll hang out with you soon. Those aliens knocked some sense into her. But that means she's also kinda sleepy.
Grenadine: Can I just look at anything but you, Granny?
Lux: Sure. I've got a cool book. How's Hacking For Dummies sound?

Grena: Are you my mummy?
Cola: I sure am! I'm just super busy at the lab, making serums and feeding them to people, negotiating with your other mother's people...but that's all in the past. Let's hang out!
Rivella: Hmmph.

It's double-story time!
Cola: And the flower said-
Lux: In order to modify that sort of firewall, you must have a good knowledge of-
Cola: Stop talking over me! What are you reading to my daughter?
Lux: Bitch please she's practically my daughter at this point.
Grena: Pls I just want one story.
Rivella: *sigh* I'll never learn how to mod Skyrim at this rate.

Nicola: Well. I suppose you do still have it, huh Lux?
Lux: I mean I work out twice a day, why are you surprised?
Nicola: Guess I shouldn't be. You're certainly not going soft, in either way.

Zackary Ivy: Yeah, fine, I'll blow another week's allowance on your little cause. Guess I should give back to the community and all.
Nicola: Sure you should. You seem an upstanding young man. I would say you should meet my granddaughter, but that girl herself is the result of when my wife had someone meet our daughter so-
Zackary: Yeah, I don't care, can you please get this over with, I have a concert to get to.
Nicola: Ugh. Fine. £250? Fork it over, rich boy.

Grenadine: Granny play with me!
Lux: Shush, Grena. I already detect too much sweetness in you. You will not make use of my lessons.
Rivella: Yeah, go play with your Mummy!
Lux: She's your mother too.
Rivella: Sure but who's raising me right now?

FUCKING. FINALLY. This took so damn LONG.

Cola: Oh, what. You were 'just passing by'? I'm sorry, but that's not the case. I looked at your employee record and I know you live in San Myshuno!
Ivy: Ah, well, first of all those are confidential. I suppose you learned from your esteemed mother. The blue one.
Cola: That isn't the point! What do you want?

Ivy: You're a smart woman, Cola. You know. I didn't said anything real for a long time, because you were so young.
Cola: Oh please. I've always been able to handle myself.
Ivy: Of course. But you had a lot of adventure ahead of you during those years. I had that experience, and I wouldn't dare take it away from someone I care for so deeply.

Cola: Look where that got me. I'm still single and I've got two kids. And the life I basically chose for myself makes sure that I stay that way.
Ivy: Now, Cola. You seem agitated. Let's just lie down and look at the clouds.

Cola: Cloudgazing was decent. Ma's nuts but she's onto something. Listen, I have a busy life and career. I don't have time to be intense.

Cola: Come on, it's easy!
Rivella: No! No it's not! I'm seven! Why do I have to do your junior-year Chem exam?
Cola: So you'll grow up smart and successful. Like your mama.
Rivella: Meh, I'd rather not be like you. I wanna be like Grandma Lux. I bet I could do hella crimes.

Nicola: Sigh. Why am I mothering you, Grena?
Grena:...You're not my mum? Well I guess that makes sense. You're not purple.
Nicola: Hey, your mother ain't purple either. Oh well, let's read some more about dinosaurs.

Rivella: You really mean it, Granny? You'll teach me how to cheat at video games?
Lux: And a lot more, sweetie. If you ever want it. You can have all the bank accounts and classified security details you like.
Rivella:...At this point I'm just after the games.

Cola: Crap. I don't think the aliens are happy with my treatment of Grenadine. I'll do better with her, I promise...now please let me go to bed.
And Rivella.
Cola: She's not from the aliens is she? And she's fine. Ma loves her. I just need to save my own neck here.
Aliens: Well that's not honourable at all *beams up*

The next morning...
Rivella: Yeah. This is my ideal Saturday. Hanging out with my half-naked stinking grandma.
Nicola: You just don't understand, child. My friends have died.
Rivella: Bullshit. You, Granny Lux and Mum don't have friends.
Nicola:...Donors then. But they think they're my friends.

Lux: Yeah, your actual mother'll hang out with you soon. Those aliens knocked some sense into her. But that means she's also kinda sleepy.
Grenadine: Can I just look at anything but you, Granny?
Lux: Sure. I've got a cool book. How's Hacking For Dummies sound?

Grena: Are you my mummy?
Cola: I sure am! I'm just super busy at the lab, making serums and feeding them to people, negotiating with your other mother's people...but that's all in the past. Let's hang out!
Rivella: Hmmph.

It's double-story time!
Cola: And the flower said-
Lux: In order to modify that sort of firewall, you must have a good knowledge of-
Cola: Stop talking over me! What are you reading to my daughter?
Lux: Bitch please she's practically my daughter at this point.
Grena: Pls I just want one story.
Rivella: *sigh* I'll never learn how to mod Skyrim at this rate.

Nicola: Well. I suppose you do still have it, huh Lux?
Lux: I mean I work out twice a day, why are you surprised?
Nicola: Guess I shouldn't be. You're certainly not going soft, in either way.

Zackary Ivy: Yeah, fine, I'll blow another week's allowance on your little cause. Guess I should give back to the community and all.
Nicola: Sure you should. You seem an upstanding young man. I would say you should meet my granddaughter, but that girl herself is the result of when my wife had someone meet our daughter so-
Zackary: Yeah, I don't care, can you please get this over with, I have a concert to get to.
Nicola: Ugh. Fine. £250? Fork it over, rich boy.

Grenadine: Granny play with me!
Lux: Shush, Grena. I already detect too much sweetness in you. You will not make use of my lessons.
Rivella: Yeah, go play with your Mummy!
Lux: She's your mother too.
Rivella: Sure but who's raising me right now?

FUCKING. FINALLY. This took so damn LONG.

Cola: Oh, what. You were 'just passing by'? I'm sorry, but that's not the case. I looked at your employee record and I know you live in San Myshuno!
Ivy: Ah, well, first of all those are confidential. I suppose you learned from your esteemed mother. The blue one.
Cola: That isn't the point! What do you want?

Ivy: You're a smart woman, Cola. You know. I didn't said anything real for a long time, because you were so young.
Cola: Oh please. I've always been able to handle myself.
Ivy: Of course. But you had a lot of adventure ahead of you during those years. I had that experience, and I wouldn't dare take it away from someone I care for so deeply.

Cola: Look where that got me. I'm still single and I've got two kids. And the life I basically chose for myself makes sure that I stay that way.
Ivy: Now, Cola. You seem agitated. Let's just lie down and look at the clouds.

Cola: Cloudgazing was decent. Ma's nuts but she's onto something. Listen, I have a busy life and career. I don't have time to be intense.
Ivy: Ah, but who says that's what I'm after?
Cola: I didn't. It's better that way, in fact.

Ivy: Perhaps an understanding has been reached.
Cola: Hell yeah, no come here and-
Ritu: Hey neighbour, you know anything about houseplants? Mine keep dying.
Ivy: Ma'am does this really seem the time?
Cola: We are not far from the house. Let's go. Not you, Ritu.

Cola: You're gonna finally stop playing around, work wife?
Ivy: Duh.

Nicola: Look Grena, I'm very tired of being your default babysitter, so I'm not gonna stop you going in your Mum's room. I'd just advise you not to.
Grena: Why?
Nicola: Trust me.

Good advice Nicola.

As is obvious by now, I adore Cola and Ivy together. They've always seemed drawn to each other. However, Cola's generation parameter requires she is single for the entirety of it.
I think she can be moved out after the Generation is complete, and I'd assume I can have her take a partner with her buuuuut Ivy is a whole life stage ahead of Cola so it was at this point I decided to freeze her age via MCCC. We'll see where things go with these two.

Ghost Sugar is out.
Sugar: A new object! It must have invaded this house by force. And I was not there! My poor Mistresses. Well, I will make up for my transgressions! Sugar attaaaaack! *pounce, scratch*
Sigh. Still miss you though.

Ivy: Damn I'm stiff and tired. I did not anticipate two rounds last night. Oh, to be a younger woman.

Rivella: Ugh. Don't things stay dead? How disappointing.
Sugar: You are not please to see me back, fourth Mistress?
Rivella: Look, cat, I barely knew ye. Leave me to my 5am Mac and Cheese.

Rivella: Death is a funny thing. I suppose Mother and Grandmothers like having a little piece of Sugar left. I want to understand why the dead leave themselves behind. I'd love to meet a real ghost.
...I dunno. I'm lowkey concerned right now.
Rivella: Whatever. I'm gonna go apologise to the cat. She didn't deserve my hangriness.

Nicola: So kid. Did you go in there or not last night?
Grenadine: No Grammy. I went to bed!
Nicola: Good girl. I wasn't in the mood to explain that sort of trauma away.

Nicola: Let's imagine! You're a baby and I'm sending you back to the aliens! Wheeee!
Grena: No I don't want that!
Nicola: Well I kinda do! When is your mother gonna wake up, I'm 62 years old and not much in the mood for tossing you about.
Grena:...You started it Grammy.

Rivella: It really shows love when you text your Mum that you're dying of stomach cramps in the observatory, and then she dumps a beaker of brown sludge outside the door and literally books it back inside.
Aka Rivella is sick and I transferred her a Snake Oil serum.
Let's hope it works.
(It didn't)

Grenadine: This block is ocean-themed. It makes sense. Everybody in this family is very salty.
Too right, child.

Nicola: Seriously Cola. Take care of those kids. They need a mother's love.
Cola: Damn, I'm getting to it OK!
Nicola: Are you? Where do you think they are right now?
Cola: I mean I haven't seen Riv in two days. Grena's in her nursery though, I've got that down.
Nicola: Meh, good enough.

Cola: Hmm. That piss I took gave me much clarity. I know what my next invention shall be!
She literally had a breakthrough on the toilet. LMAO.

Cola: Right. Hanging out with the kidlet. First lesson, Grena. This isn't normal. Get your ass out of my face Mum.
Grena: I know.
Nicola: *too old to care*

Rivella: Right. I see how it is.
Cola: It's practicality my dear. You can teach yourself things. She can't yet.
Rivella: You just love her because she's from your precious aliens.
Grena: Don't involve me in dis beef.

Nicola: Don't worry, dear. It's not your fault you're the child of an idiot.
Rivella: I never cared about my father and I'm not about to start now.
Nicola: That's my girl.

Rivella: I mean, I've seen Dad's Insta. I'm unimpressed.

Rivella: So, you do crimes, right Granny Lux?
Lux: Sure. Don't you snitch.
Rivella: I wouldn't! Have you ever seen a man die?
Lux:...Not in my line of the crime business, kid. That's a rabbithole this family isn't going down into.
Rivella: Who says? I mean, you're nearly 70, you're gonna be gone soon enough.

Lux:....And you're feeling how about this?
Rivella: Hmm. I'm still deciding. It's interesting though, isn't it?
Lux: Weren't you into video games just yesterday?
Rivella: I can do both. I saw the ghost of your old cat last night. It brought up an old memory.

Cola: And the sisters said to the baby-
Grena: I'm the baby!
Cola: I already had this with your sister when you were born. Get over it and get used to being the middle child.

Grena: No!
Cola: It's happening whether you like it or not. I nearly threw up in the shower this morning. Ivy knocked me up.
Grena: Who's that?
Cola: Shit. Never you mind kid.

Rivella: I'm sure playing with this chemistry set will make Mum care...I mean, I don't care. Who cares? Not me.
Poor kid.

Stacy's coming out.
Stacy: My uncle's asking after you, y'know.
Cola: I don't think I know your uncle, Stace.
Stacy: Pretty sure you do know Uncle Shayne. And he knows you. 'Curly hair, shiny lipstick, built like a bamboo stick'.
Cola: I guess that is me then. Psh. Does he wanna take Rivella out for the day or something?
Stacy:...He didn't mention your kid. Wait, you slept with my uncle? And he got you pregnant?
Cola: *sigh* Yup.
Stacy: Yikes.

Shayne's last name is Mims, and see the name of Santino, Stacy's father? She's not lying.

Stacy: You had what now with the aliens?
Cola: My second child!
Stacy: Damn you need to text me more often girl! I didn't even know you got pregnant again.
Cola: Oh by the way I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant right now!
Stacy: What the fuck, how do you do this much with your life? I guess when you're mortal...

Nicola: Ooh, ouch-
Stacy: Oh, God, please don't die in front of me, Mrs Cola's Mum.
Nicola: Don't worry, I'm golden. I could use a ride to my hip replacement tomorrow?
Stacy: Yeah, alright.

Stacy: But seriously, how and why did you hook up with my uncle?
Cola: Please stop reminding me he's your Uncle, my life is weird enough already. Hell, I met him because my mum maybe tried to use me as jailbait when I was younger.
Stacy: Ha! Classic Lux.
Cola: Right?

Cola: See. I knew it. I wonder if Ives is the mothering type or not?
Well we'll have to see next chapter. Grenadine will also grow up.
Cola: I didn't. It's better that way, in fact.

Ivy: Perhaps an understanding has been reached.
Cola: Hell yeah, no come here and-
Ritu: Hey neighbour, you know anything about houseplants? Mine keep dying.
Ivy: Ma'am does this really seem the time?
Cola: We are not far from the house. Let's go. Not you, Ritu.

Cola: You're gonna finally stop playing around, work wife?
Ivy: Duh.

Nicola: Look Grena, I'm very tired of being your default babysitter, so I'm not gonna stop you going in your Mum's room. I'd just advise you not to.
Grena: Why?
Nicola: Trust me.

Good advice Nicola.

As is obvious by now, I adore Cola and Ivy together. They've always seemed drawn to each other. However, Cola's generation parameter requires she is single for the entirety of it.
I think she can be moved out after the Generation is complete, and I'd assume I can have her take a partner with her buuuuut Ivy is a whole life stage ahead of Cola so it was at this point I decided to freeze her age via MCCC. We'll see where things go with these two.

Ghost Sugar is out.
Sugar: A new object! It must have invaded this house by force. And I was not there! My poor Mistresses. Well, I will make up for my transgressions! Sugar attaaaaack! *pounce, scratch*
Sigh. Still miss you though.

Ivy: Damn I'm stiff and tired. I did not anticipate two rounds last night. Oh, to be a younger woman.

Rivella: Ugh. Don't things stay dead? How disappointing.
Sugar: You are not please to see me back, fourth Mistress?
Rivella: Look, cat, I barely knew ye. Leave me to my 5am Mac and Cheese.

Rivella: Death is a funny thing. I suppose Mother and Grandmothers like having a little piece of Sugar left. I want to understand why the dead leave themselves behind. I'd love to meet a real ghost.
...I dunno. I'm lowkey concerned right now.
Rivella: Whatever. I'm gonna go apologise to the cat. She didn't deserve my hangriness.

Nicola: So kid. Did you go in there or not last night?
Grenadine: No Grammy. I went to bed!
Nicola: Good girl. I wasn't in the mood to explain that sort of trauma away.

Nicola: Let's imagine! You're a baby and I'm sending you back to the aliens! Wheeee!
Grena: No I don't want that!
Nicola: Well I kinda do! When is your mother gonna wake up, I'm 62 years old and not much in the mood for tossing you about.
Grena:...You started it Grammy.

Rivella: It really shows love when you text your Mum that you're dying of stomach cramps in the observatory, and then she dumps a beaker of brown sludge outside the door and literally books it back inside.
Aka Rivella is sick and I transferred her a Snake Oil serum.
Let's hope it works.
(It didn't)

Grenadine: This block is ocean-themed. It makes sense. Everybody in this family is very salty.
Too right, child.

Nicola: Seriously Cola. Take care of those kids. They need a mother's love.
Cola: Damn, I'm getting to it OK!
Nicola: Are you? Where do you think they are right now?
Cola: I mean I haven't seen Riv in two days. Grena's in her nursery though, I've got that down.
Nicola: Meh, good enough.

Cola: Hmm. That piss I took gave me much clarity. I know what my next invention shall be!
She literally had a breakthrough on the toilet. LMAO.

Cola: Right. Hanging out with the kidlet. First lesson, Grena. This isn't normal. Get your ass out of my face Mum.
Grena: I know.
Nicola: *too old to care*

Rivella: Right. I see how it is.
Cola: It's practicality my dear. You can teach yourself things. She can't yet.
Rivella: You just love her because she's from your precious aliens.
Grena: Don't involve me in dis beef.

Nicola: Don't worry, dear. It's not your fault you're the child of an idiot.
Rivella: I never cared about my father and I'm not about to start now.
Nicola: That's my girl.

Rivella: I mean, I've seen Dad's Insta. I'm unimpressed.

Rivella: So, you do crimes, right Granny Lux?
Lux: Sure. Don't you snitch.
Rivella: I wouldn't! Have you ever seen a man die?
Lux:...Not in my line of the crime business, kid. That's a rabbithole this family isn't going down into.
Rivella: Who says? I mean, you're nearly 70, you're gonna be gone soon enough.

Lux:....And you're feeling how about this?
Rivella: Hmm. I'm still deciding. It's interesting though, isn't it?
Lux: Weren't you into video games just yesterday?
Rivella: I can do both. I saw the ghost of your old cat last night. It brought up an old memory.

Cola: And the sisters said to the baby-
Grena: I'm the baby!
Cola: I already had this with your sister when you were born. Get over it and get used to being the middle child.

Grena: No!
Cola: It's happening whether you like it or not. I nearly threw up in the shower this morning. Ivy knocked me up.
Grena: Who's that?
Cola: Shit. Never you mind kid.

Rivella: I'm sure playing with this chemistry set will make Mum care...I mean, I don't care. Who cares? Not me.
Poor kid.

Stacy's coming out.
Stacy: My uncle's asking after you, y'know.
Cola: I don't think I know your uncle, Stace.
Stacy: Pretty sure you do know Uncle Shayne. And he knows you. 'Curly hair, shiny lipstick, built like a bamboo stick'.
Cola: I guess that is me then. Psh. Does he wanna take Rivella out for the day or something?
Stacy:...He didn't mention your kid. Wait, you slept with my uncle? And he got you pregnant?
Cola: *sigh* Yup.
Stacy: Yikes.

Shayne's last name is Mims, and see the name of Santino, Stacy's father? She's not lying.

Stacy: You had what now with the aliens?
Cola: My second child!
Stacy: Damn you need to text me more often girl! I didn't even know you got pregnant again.
Cola: Oh by the way I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant right now!
Stacy: What the fuck, how do you do this much with your life? I guess when you're mortal...

Nicola: Ooh, ouch-
Stacy: Oh, God, please don't die in front of me, Mrs Cola's Mum.
Nicola: Don't worry, I'm golden. I could use a ride to my hip replacement tomorrow?
Stacy: Yeah, alright.

Stacy: But seriously, how and why did you hook up with my uncle?
Cola: Please stop reminding me he's your Uncle, my life is weird enough already. Hell, I met him because my mum maybe tried to use me as jailbait when I was younger.
Stacy: Ha! Classic Lux.
Cola: Right?

Cola: See. I knew it. I wonder if Ives is the mothering type or not?
Well we'll have to see next chapter. Grenadine will also grow up.
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