Cola: Hey y'all, I'm a bit tired - oh, really, you're only availabe today? Alright, fine, beam me up.
I don't really feel like building Rivella a room because we're saving for the Oasis Springs house, so she sleeps in the kitchen.
Rivella: I feel so loved.
Just go to sleep.
Nicola: Seriously? Why did we even build a room for Cola then?
Rivella: Yeah, preach, Grandma.
Nicola: Oh, don't say that. I'm too young to be a grandma.
Rivella: Nope.
Cola: Holy shit, I'm sparkling! Damn, am I Twilight? Or maybe it's the aliens! Ooh this is so cool!
Yeah, so the aliens knocked her up, it seems. I was going to get her to have her second child soon anyway so this is actually kind of convenient.
Rivella: Rrrrr! I am the supreme Cat, and I will destroy you, Sugar Cube.
Sugar: But...I just want to protect my mistresses.
Rivella: Well, there's only room for one cat in this house!
Sugar: :(
Rivella: Mark my words, I'm going to own you all one day!
Oh God why does this kid look like she hates everyone, like all the time.
Rivella: Because I DO!
Cola: I call it...Ghost Goo! Hey guys, I made something.
Terry: Ohhhh FUCK.
Cola: It works!
Ivy: Oh Cola. What have you and your brilliant mind done now?
Cola: Don't worry. I'll be back to normal soon. Can you help me out with something?
Ivy: Yah sore, 'ou can ha' mah DNA.
Cola: Oh, Ivy, you're my favourite person here.
Leonel: Oh my God, why are you a ghost?
Cola: Because I'm the most innovative person who works here and I had a cool idea. But don't worry. This-here thing won't do that.
Leonel: OK, I've seen the stupid shit you pull on everyone else, convince me I should drink this.
Cola: It's strawberry-flavoured!
Leonel: The best flavour! Sold!
Cola: Lol whoops.

So. I took a week-long break after that work day and after I unpaused Sugar started dying.
Sugar: I have lived a long life protecting my mistresses, and now I shall go to Valhalla. Goodbye, mistresses. Goodbye, house. Goodbye...life.

Nicola: How can she be dead? Surely human pets shouldn't live a fraction of the life of a human!
Lux: 'Tis the way. She lived long enough. But I'll miss the fool.

Cola: But...how do I go on without you? God I'd take you whirling around for your tail for the rest of my life but...
Nicola: IT HURTS
Lux: OK, we don't need to be this dramatic!
Nicola: No, she's stabbing me with her plate. Dammit, Cola. Stop that.
Rivella: Why aren't you getting up, cat?
Cola: Because she's dead, Riv, she's not getting up again.

Rivella: Eh. I guess I'm supposed to feel bad about this. Well, I'll take a watch anyway.

Grim: Can one of these hoes move out the way so I can do the proper reaping process for the creature?! Damn people have no respect!

Nicola: Well...this sucks.
Cola: Mum can you put on some clothing now, for real.
Lux: I'm too sad.
Cola: Oh bullshit, I know you've been in your underwear all morning.
Nicola: Leave your mother alone, she's grieving.
Cola:...Yeah, so am I.

Nicola: And I suppose this is all that is left of you, dear Sugar. Just rotting in the ground. What a sad waste.
RIP Sugar. The first pet I've ever got attached to in the Sims. She fiercely loved her owners and she will be missed a lot by both the family and I.

The next morning...
Cola: What am I supposed to do without you, Sugar? God, now all I have left are these dumb kitchen babies.
Rivella: zzzzz...Thanks Mum....zzzzz
Cola's showing a little. Wonder what the alien kid will look like.

Rivella: Grammy Nic...can you not cry all over me? I have enough on my plate.
Nicola: But *sniff* Sugaaaaaar! And my best donor, I mean best friend.
Unfortunately Elise passed too. Hopefully Nicola will be able to reach the top of her career without that lifeline.

Rivella: I demand to be cared for!
Cola:...Still prefer the cat.
Rivella: I don't care about that! I'm just bored! Now read me a story, peasant mother.

Cola: Mum, was I this bad as a kid?
Nicola: Now, we're all grieving, so I'll tread carefully but-
Rivella: HEY. This is MY story. Read faster!

Cola: The sooner I complete these serums, the sooner I can pack up to a bigger house. And maybe spend some time further away from the kid. I mean I love her, but damn.
I'm considering the making and selling of serums as a legitimate way for a scientist to make money. I hope that's OK with the money rules of the Randomcy and such.

Lux is busy hacking (I really want that house for this lot), so Rivella's care falls to Nicola.
Nicola: Joy.
Rivella: You are kind of whiny and pathetic, aren't you Grammy?
Nicola: Just learn to use the toilet before I stuff you down one.

New house in Oasis Springs time!
This is a shell I found on the gallery and placed into town for them to move in with their furniture.

Lower floor with kitchen, dining room, living room, nursery, and the only bathroom. It's pretty bare due to lack of money after moving. There's a pool out back, and the exercise equipment is near it, with Cola's observatory right outside the wall. Her science equipment is on one of the lower balconies.

Half-complete upper floor with 2 bedrooms and study. Eventually I'll add bathrooms and a kids' room up here.

Rivella: Above you, in my rightful place!
Nicola:...Did I hear that right?

Nicola: Feel like pure shit just want Sugar ba - *retch*
Is grief-puking a thing now? Or it this just Nicola barfing at doing the slightest thing because she's squeamish? (more likely).

Once Cola was more free, she actually took over the care of her own kid, while her mothers broke in the new swimming pool.

Cola: Dammit - why are you sparkling so much, weird child? I feel like I'm about to explode.
Rivella: Can you just help me use this thing?
Cola: How hard can it be? Besides, you could show me a bit of care, Riv.
Rivella: Nah.

Rivella: I told you I didn't want yoghurt!
Cola: Well that's what you got, why do you have to make my life harder?
Fussy children. Can this little shit just grow up.

She threw her second bowl of food. There isn't even anything wrong with her, she's in a playful mood. More like demon mood.
Cola: Oh, you gonna cry now? Please. Crying is for babies.
Rivella: I am a baby.

Nicola: I think you're right, Lux. I'll find another Elise. Hopefully their pockets will be even deeper.
Lux: That's the spirit, babe.

The next morning...
Cola: I'm telling the aliens never again. I just threw up a bunch of glowing wriggly things so...let's only run this experiment the one time.

Nicola: Nope. I'm out.
Rivella: But I didn't even do anything yet!
Lol I actually felt a bit sorry for the little terror here.

Cola's doing some collecting.
Cola:...Why are you making me do this?
Because it's Sunday and you're not at work, so you have nothing else to do.

Cola: Oh, hey neighbour. I'm not feeling as awesome as usual, which is why I look like someone killed my cat. Well my cat is dead, but that was old age.
Edgar:...Hi, I'm Edgar. Welcome and congratulations.
Cola: Yeah. Aliens. Not fun.
Edgar:...Aliens, you say?

Martin: Ma'am...I've lost my parents and my wallet and I don't think I can get back home.
Nicola: You'll have bus fare if you give me your parents' details for my mailing list.
Martin:...Um...they really don't like -
Nicola: Oh, I'm kidding. I'll get you a fiver, kid. I do have a heart.

Rivella: You are sad. Maybe your parents left you on purpose.
Martin: I'm never coming to this house again.

Nicola: If you don't donate, children will die.
Hugo: Yeah, I don't believe you. Try again.
Nicola: How about, 'your son is abandoned in front of my house asking for money, give me some donations and take his ass home'.
Hugo: Or what?
Nicola: I'll report you for neglect and abandonment?
Hugo:...Here's my credit card.
Nicola: Thank youuu!
Nicola's back on form!

Anahi: My husband and I aren't interested in your little cause.
Jeremy:...I've never met this woman in my life. Did you forget your glasses, Ana? I mean you have a husband but I ain't it.

Nicola: Don Lothario...I'm sure my wife has mentioned your name. Something about you co-founding her entire family?
Don:...I think I'd remember that. Is the local asylum having visit day or something?

Lux is taking care of Rivella right now. Cola's been pouting around the house all day because the alien pregnancy is making her uncomfortable.
Rivella: I guess you'll do.
Lux: That's nice, kid. You're not so bad.
Rivella: Hmm. Yeah. I think I respect you the most here.
Lux: Well. That means a lot. And I am pretty badass. Come on, let's get you on the potty.

Cola: Mum, can you not walk around with your big blue Hulk body just...out?
Lux: Jealous, huh? Don't hate me cos you ain't me.

Monday morning...
Nicola: Your goons always get you down, don't they?
Lux: Yeah...but I know something that can help me get over-
Nicola: We've been married too long to be coy. I have work soon. Spit it out.
Lux: Wanna fuck?
(They did)

Cola: Back at the lab, just gonna pry into this DNA I stole from...which colleague was it again?

Cola: Hey, work wife.
Ivy: Aw, that's nice. But why are you pregnant again? Do you even want a future?
Cola: Eh. My parents help me out. Also it wasn't my fault this time! It was the aliens.
Ivy: Huh. Well that's what happens when you mess with the extraterrestrial. And don't start singing that Katy Perry song.
Cola: Wouldn't dream of it.

Cola: What's the problemo, IC my boi? In awe of my awesome idea?
IC: Why yes, Miss Cola...but not in the way you may think. I am astounded that you think the idea of strange wormholes is a good one!
Cola: Spare me the lecture, just follow your programming and build my blueprint.
IC:...Yes, Miss Cola.
Cola: Didn't know robots could sigh.

Leonel: That thing again? Do you really think it's gonna work for the n-billionth time?
Cola: It always does work, Leo dear.

On the whole today wasn't a great day for poor Cola, though. She had to stay late and ended up sleeping on the sofa once she'd done all the required tasks.
Baby should be out in a few hours.

She did get a promotion so I say it was worth it. Level 7 already!

Cola: Well, this sucks!

Cola: But you're pretty cool, kid. Way cooler than your sister.
Don't play favourites.
Cola: Why, it can't possibly have repercussions.
Are you being serious?
Anyway this is baby girl Grenadine. One more kid to go.
Cola: Ah, shoot.

Nicola: Ah yes, I adore taking care of my daughter's latest child while she fucks around in the kitchen.

Rivella: I bet you miss food, right dead cat? Well. Can't have any now, can you?
Sugar's ghost: I see...I must defend a cruel mistress. Well, you're definitely fourth.

Jayden: Nah, Nic. You're a friend but I'm never giving you that full grand.
Jayden: Keep going on like that and you're getting nothing.
LOL I like Jayden. At this point the only person who can kill Nicola's vibe.

Rivella: Come back MUM I want ATTENTION!
Cola, somewhere: Brb, cooing over how cool this purple baby is.
Rivella: NO! I am the baby!
Not anymore.

Cola:...I mean, that's what I told her. Should take her down a peg.
Lux: Uhhh I mean I'm not saying I was perfect, but I'm not sure that's the best parenting...

Cola: Oh. Hello Edgar. I wasn't aware they were letting non-employees in today. I mean, they are quite alien to our work, aren't they?
Edgar: Heh...
Cola: Oh, I'll save it. I know there's some of my alien pals floating around today, and I guess you're one of 'em.

Cola: You sum'bitches got this stuff on Sixam?
Jeff: Much more complex than that, please-
Edgar: Jeff they never let you near any of that. Because you aren't smart.

Cola: Hmmm, let's see how this lot can dance!
Terry: Excuse me what now?
Satellite: *just chilling in the background*

Edgar: Wait, you know the handshake? How?
Cola: I may look human but I have alien DNA myself. Thing is, Mum 1's only got the blue skin and this point, and Mum 2 is just reallllyyyy glitchy.
Edgar: O...K....?

Jayden:....Fine. There's your £250.
Nicola: Another one bites the dust!
Jayden: Great. Will you leave me alone now?
Nicola: Yeah sure...for a bit.

Lux: Oooooooow holy shit this doesn't feel good.
Rivella: Hehe, Granny go too!
Lux: God you're freaky, kid.

Cola: My beautiful perfect alien syrup drink child.
Grenadine: None of that makes any sense.

Rivella isn't tired yet, but it is her birthday and I want her to get Happy Toddler. So Grandma Lux is helping her out.
Lux:...From a distance.
Rivella: Nooo, it's OK grandma, come closer.
Lux: No thanks!

Lux: Really not sure how happy I am about this.
Rivella: Time to groooooow!

Here is Rivella. She is a Geek and a Whiz Kid, and also not a complete Cola clone. They are very similar but she has a different nose shape, and different eye colour.
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