Here's YA Cola. Tomorrow, she starts out her job as a Scientist, her rolled career, at Level 4 due to me spending her childhood aspiration points on the Connections trait. I read the rules and while it bans wishing for career progression with the well in generations like hers, it said the aspiration reward traits can be bought freely, without specifying.
Also, I randomised her last trait and she came out as a goofball, which adds onto Self-Assured and Genius
Cola: Yeah, I'm hilarious.
Just get a breakthrough and go to bed, Missy. You have 8 until your next promotion.
Real nice, Nix.
Lux and Nicola: Yeah, she is.
Cola: This sci-fi book is giving me a lot of ideas...I'm ready to head for the lab!
Cola: Seriously, Mum? One day out of your generation and you're being a standards-less layabout? You're not even uncontrollable. I know the Watcher can still make you be useful.
Lux: Yeah, and she's not, dear. What does that tell you?
Cola: The Watcher's an idiot?
Lux: Can't argue with that.
Cola walks into work with her usual confidence.
Cola: These bitches don't know they're about to meet their future boss.
I'll let slip the generational goal...it's Perfect Careers. Everybody in the generation with a job needs to top their career. So I'm gonna have Cola go as quickly as possible, that's why I bought the reward trait.

Cola: That little stash of metals you have? I need one.
Kaylyn: Hey, do I know-
Cola: I don't have all day, ma'am. The metal? It's very important for my work.
Kaylyn: Oh - ok!

Cola: 'Hypothesis', 'experiment plan', what do they know? Real science is just pouring one thing into another and seeing what you make of it.

Cola: Holy shit it's exploding with bubbles...this is exactly what science should be. Fun!

Cola: I made something cool. I think it's gonna be like a fake meal...the only thing you should be drinking on the job, haha. OK, enough kidding around. Drink?
Kaylyn: Did you put that metal I gave in there?
Cola: Nah...just cherries and some of the stuff I found at the workstation. Have a go!
Kaylyn:...Sounds legit.
Cola: Oh. It is. Everything I do is legit.

Kaylyn: *glug glug*
Cola: Bottoms up love. You're gonna have a really fun night. Bring a notebook to the bathroom, results to me in the morning.
The serum was obviously tainted. Very very tainted. RIP Kaylyn.

Cola: Fiiiiine, I'll upload a 'better schematic'.

Cola: Good boy.
Invention Constructor:...I'm a highly sophisticated piece of technology, not a simple animal!
Cola: Well SOMEONE said I couldn't get a pet after Sugar is gone, so you're the closest thing I've got!
Hey, blame the dice, not me.

Ivy: You, I like you. You're exactly the kind of personality we need at this lab. Fun. Daring. Willing to take a damn risk.
Cola: I mean, thanks, but I'm doing fine. With or without your praise.
Ivy: Of course you are. Makes you even better.
...I very much like Ivy. Damn, there's lots of good options for Cola.

Ivy is very gay. Good.

Cola: I bet Momma Lux and her buddies will pay out the ass for a freeze-ray like this.

Cola: Firing my laserrrrr.
IC: I'm company property, Miss Sutherland.
And that was Cola's first day of work. Three inventions and one screwing-over of a coworker. I'm proud.

When Cola got home her mothers were in the kitchen doing this. I guess Lux really did just bum around in her underwear and play video games. Ah well, she's earned it.

Stacy: Um.
Cola: Mum this is so embarrassing and uncalled-for, why are you like this.
Stacy: Your mom's pretty good-looking though, Cola.
Cola: Stop. Both of you.

Later that night she had her fourth breakthrough, for the Red Hot serum.
Cola: OK, can I go to bed now? I'm about to sleep like a damn horse.

Two of the teens from Cola's clubs grew up to marry each other. Aw. Sweet.
Cola: See, their happiness is all down to me. I really am great.

Sugar is still doing stuff like this.
Sugar: How dare they? I'm gonna go fight a mud puddle?
Lux: I'd prefer if you just left the bathroom and went to shit in a box or something.

Sugar: This weak body...what am I worth to my Mistresses now? And I never caught my tail.
You never needed to. And they will always love you.
Sugar turned into an elder and I am so upset.

Nicola: Of course, you silly-billy! We still adore the hell out of you, you weirdo. But stop watching us pee, it's getting weird.

Cola woke up, did about 2 hours of messing about on her science lab thingy, and got her fifth breakthrough. She is already an extremely accomplished YA.
Cola: I know exactly what I'm going to do at work today.

Cola: First of all though...Kaylyn! Did you do that work?
Kaylyn: Since when did you give orders-
Cola: Oh, it was a simple request dear! Did you do it?
Cola: Great! Now type it up into a formal report. Have it at my workstation by 12. I'm gonna throw three screwdrivers, an energy-saving LED and a squeaky toy into the Invention Constructor.

Vivian: Please, it's a very delicate solution and if I don't take it off the heat in time-
Cola: Less talky, more icy!

Ivy: Hello, Cola. What're you up to today?
Cola: Making sure things get done around here.
Ivy: That is quite important, isn't it? You really are a woman after my own heart.
I love Ivy's sly smirks. She seems like Nix's type of woman as well.
Cola, muttering to me: Probably because she went to damn high school with them,
Ivy here is already an Adult, so not too much younger than Cola's mothers. But I'm considering it anyway.

Cola: Hey man. Noticed you've been a bit down today. This should help.

Cola: Hey, Ivy. Could you get Kaylyn to hand me that report.
Ivy: With pleasure.

Cola: Kay, thanks for that data! Very helpful. Now, I've whipped up a little something else-
Kaylyn: Do you think I'm gonna fall for that again?
Cola: This time it's different. Ivy and I worked very closely. She's an expert in the basil family of serums. You'll feel great.
Ivy: It's true. We followed the formulae perfectly.
Ivy: Look, Kaylyn. I'm your damn ride. Take one for science, OK?
Kaylyn: FINE.

At home...
Cola: Mother? I have a business proposal for you.
Lux: Ooh, pray tell. You're getting very wise.
Cola: I've been wise my whole life.

This picture of Cola's new elemental rack is illustrating the information that Cola's generational fun parameter is 'I finds it, I keeps it' - she has to find a new collectible a week and display it in the home. Gonna do it with elements, though obviously as we burn through the common ones we'll have to find more. Should be way easier than Lux's though.
Lux: I know right. I never wanted to act like I care for those townie idiots, let alone actually care!

Cola: Today is going to be the best day. Three days in and I'm already due a promotion.
Cola got her eighth breakthrough yesterday, and her work performance is on 'Excellent'. She's doing pretty well so far.

This means she finally has time to hang out a bit with Sugar before work.
Cola: Yeah, I've been busy girl. Sorry. But don't worry, I'm all Gucci. I've been kicking ass at that lab!
Sugar: As long as First Mistress is happy...
Cola: 'Course I am. Kicking ass is exactly what I do.

Cola: Hey, IC, I've got a real fun idea today - hey don't try and run away from me! I know that's my password.
IC: *sigh* Fine. But this time, no squeaky toys, OK?
Cola: I have a recipe for this one and everything, it's going to be fine.

Kaylyn: That little pest...why my chair...oh I can't even look.
Cola: This is gonna be FUN!

Ivy: Love the new chair, Cola. Maybe I should have you decorate my home.
Cola: The SimRay is currently a liiiiitle unstable, but I'd quite like to see your home.
Ivy: Hm. I'll think about it. Bye bye now.
Cola: Of course, we have work to do.

Cola: Oh, cheer up, Leonel.
Leonel: You're not good at cheering people up, Cola! Yesterday's potion told me that.
Kaylyn: I think this is just how things are now. Just say yes every so often and you might live.
Cola: Come on now. I'm not lethal. I'm just confident!

Leonel: Be confident in your work before you start giving it out willy-nilly.
Cola: I like to live life on the edge.
Leonel: So test out that shit on yourself!

Cola: Maybe I can ask the aliens why my mother is so glitchy.
IC: Do you ever stop chattering, Miss Cola?
Cola: Meh. Sometimes. But I just have a lot of thoughts.
IC:...I can see that.
Cola: Don't you mean I can C that?
IC: I hate you.
Cola: Mwah.

After work, Cola hangs out with her mum because their friendship has fallen a bit, and Lux is supposed to keep her friends until one of them dies.
Cola: Better not be me first.
Lux: Hey!

Cola: Why thanks for coming out, Shayne. My job can get a little stressful,
Shayne: I meant what I said, y'know. You look good. Now let's dance.

Shayne: Yeah yeah, Cola. You look good.
Cola: Oh wow...what a charmer.
Shayne: But you know you look good, don't you?
Cola: That I do. But it's nice to hear it.
Max: Can't they do that...IDK anywhere else? Other people are also trying to distract themselves from their shitty jobs.

Cola: So let's be clear here, you want a piece of this?
Shayne: Obviously.
Cola: Let's do it

DJ: Just disrespectful.

Cola: Ohhh, this is gonna be fun.
Shayne: *fumbling with the door*
I wonder what Ms DJ would say about this.

Shayne: I have to help your mother hack PlumBook tomorrow morning, let's call it a night.
Cola: Yeah, I'm beat.
Shayne: Well...call me again sometime?
Cola: Ehhh...yeah...prolly.

Cola: That was fun. But there's other fish in the sea.

Lux: OK seriously Elise, it's 2am and it's a bit weird you're still here-
Elise: What do you mean dear? This is my home?
Lux:...Your mind's going like that, huh? Maybe you shouldn't be friends with Nic and I...I'll call you a cab.

Nicola: Oh, don't worry, darling. We can drain that bank account...but also make sure she has enough for the rest of her retirement, and maybe even a care h - dammit, I'm going soft too!
Lux: I went softer the day I met you. Plus, we're getting older too.
Nicola: Yikes, don't say that, dear.

Cola: Ohhhhh, I feel like crap. Am I hungover?
You barely even drank. So no.
Cola: So why I am so sick?
Take a guess. You must know how a legacy works.
Cola:...Nah, I probably ate something bad.
Sure. If that's what we're going for now.

Nicola: Screw these human illnesses! I love Lux but she needs to like...sleep outside if she's sick..

Elias: Are you sure you should be out in he world and all that, with...
Nicola: It's a skin condition. A non-contagious skin condition.
Elias: OH. I am sorry, how may I help you today, Nicola?
Nicola: I assume you've heard of my charity..

Meanwhile, Cola fishes and thinks about all the science stuff she's going to do.
Breakthrough no 9!

Ivy: Your daughter tells me a lot about you, Mrs Sutherland. I admire your work ethic.
Nicola: Thank you, will you be-
Ivy: No dear. I will not be donating. Try it on the elderlies next to us.
Victor: I think that's actually very rude towards us-
Krishna: Speak for yourself, I'm pushing 80! What can I do, Miss Nicola?
Ivy: Ha! I'll leave you to it.

Cola: So are you just gonna stand over there?
Ivy: Want me to come closer?
Cola: Um-

Cola: So. Big-ass hecking tree. What's the point of that?
Just do the requisite interactions and all.

Rebeca: Simoleons for Everyone? Who's everyone? What are the logistics behind that?
Nicola: Congratulations, you're the first person to ask that.
Rebeca: Really? People are idiots.
Nicola: Right?
Cola was about to reach the glade. But then we had to go home. Because she needed to pee.

While Cola took care of herself (and had her tenth breakthrough washing goddamn dishes of all things), Nicola and Lux hung out with each other.
Nicola: You're doing so well, honey!
Lux: *wheeze* Love you too Nic!

Then two of her friends, Bjorn and Mila, died. Good, we don't have to keep up the friendships anymore.
Lux: Yeah! I hate them all anyway! I mean, sad for their families but good for me! Hahahahaha!

OK, next time the first Gen 3 baby is born.

Cola: That little stash of metals you have? I need one.
Kaylyn: Hey, do I know-
Cola: I don't have all day, ma'am. The metal? It's very important for my work.
Kaylyn: Oh - ok!

Cola: 'Hypothesis', 'experiment plan', what do they know? Real science is just pouring one thing into another and seeing what you make of it.

Cola: Holy shit it's exploding with bubbles...this is exactly what science should be. Fun!

Cola: I made something cool. I think it's gonna be like a fake meal...the only thing you should be drinking on the job, haha. OK, enough kidding around. Drink?
Kaylyn: Did you put that metal I gave in there?
Cola: Nah...just cherries and some of the stuff I found at the workstation. Have a go!
Kaylyn:...Sounds legit.
Cola: Oh. It is. Everything I do is legit.

Kaylyn: *glug glug*
Cola: Bottoms up love. You're gonna have a really fun night. Bring a notebook to the bathroom, results to me in the morning.
The serum was obviously tainted. Very very tainted. RIP Kaylyn.

Cola: Fiiiiine, I'll upload a 'better schematic'.

Cola: Good boy.
Invention Constructor:...I'm a highly sophisticated piece of technology, not a simple animal!
Cola: Well SOMEONE said I couldn't get a pet after Sugar is gone, so you're the closest thing I've got!
Hey, blame the dice, not me.

Ivy: You, I like you. You're exactly the kind of personality we need at this lab. Fun. Daring. Willing to take a damn risk.
Cola: I mean, thanks, but I'm doing fine. With or without your praise.
Ivy: Of course you are. Makes you even better.
...I very much like Ivy. Damn, there's lots of good options for Cola.

Ivy is very gay. Good.

Cola: I bet Momma Lux and her buddies will pay out the ass for a freeze-ray like this.

Cola: Firing my laserrrrr.
IC: I'm company property, Miss Sutherland.
And that was Cola's first day of work. Three inventions and one screwing-over of a coworker. I'm proud.

When Cola got home her mothers were in the kitchen doing this. I guess Lux really did just bum around in her underwear and play video games. Ah well, she's earned it.

Stacy: Um.
Cola: Mum this is so embarrassing and uncalled-for, why are you like this.
Stacy: Your mom's pretty good-looking though, Cola.
Cola: Stop. Both of you.

Later that night she had her fourth breakthrough, for the Red Hot serum.
Cola: OK, can I go to bed now? I'm about to sleep like a damn horse.

Two of the teens from Cola's clubs grew up to marry each other. Aw. Sweet.
Cola: See, their happiness is all down to me. I really am great.

Sugar is still doing stuff like this.
Sugar: How dare they? I'm gonna go fight a mud puddle?
Lux: I'd prefer if you just left the bathroom and went to shit in a box or something.

Sugar: This weak body...what am I worth to my Mistresses now? And I never caught my tail.
You never needed to. And they will always love you.
Sugar turned into an elder and I am so upset.

Nicola: Of course, you silly-billy! We still adore the hell out of you, you weirdo. But stop watching us pee, it's getting weird.

Cola woke up, did about 2 hours of messing about on her science lab thingy, and got her fifth breakthrough. She is already an extremely accomplished YA.
Cola: I know exactly what I'm going to do at work today.

Cola: First of all though...Kaylyn! Did you do that work?
Kaylyn: Since when did you give orders-
Cola: Oh, it was a simple request dear! Did you do it?
Cola: Great! Now type it up into a formal report. Have it at my workstation by 12. I'm gonna throw three screwdrivers, an energy-saving LED and a squeaky toy into the Invention Constructor.

Vivian: Please, it's a very delicate solution and if I don't take it off the heat in time-
Cola: Less talky, more icy!

Ivy: Hello, Cola. What're you up to today?
Cola: Making sure things get done around here.
Ivy: That is quite important, isn't it? You really are a woman after my own heart.
I love Ivy's sly smirks. She seems like Nix's type of woman as well.
Cola, muttering to me: Probably because she went to damn high school with them,
Ivy here is already an Adult, so not too much younger than Cola's mothers. But I'm considering it anyway.

Cola: Hey man. Noticed you've been a bit down today. This should help.

Cola: Hey, Ivy. Could you get Kaylyn to hand me that report.
Ivy: With pleasure.

Cola: Kay, thanks for that data! Very helpful. Now, I've whipped up a little something else-
Kaylyn: Do you think I'm gonna fall for that again?
Cola: This time it's different. Ivy and I worked very closely. She's an expert in the basil family of serums. You'll feel great.
Ivy: It's true. We followed the formulae perfectly.
Ivy: Look, Kaylyn. I'm your damn ride. Take one for science, OK?
Kaylyn: FINE.

At home...
Cola: Mother? I have a business proposal for you.
Lux: Ooh, pray tell. You're getting very wise.
Cola: I've been wise my whole life.

This picture of Cola's new elemental rack is illustrating the information that Cola's generational fun parameter is 'I finds it, I keeps it' - she has to find a new collectible a week and display it in the home. Gonna do it with elements, though obviously as we burn through the common ones we'll have to find more. Should be way easier than Lux's though.
Lux: I know right. I never wanted to act like I care for those townie idiots, let alone actually care!

Cola: Today is going to be the best day. Three days in and I'm already due a promotion.
Cola got her eighth breakthrough yesterday, and her work performance is on 'Excellent'. She's doing pretty well so far.

This means she finally has time to hang out a bit with Sugar before work.
Cola: Yeah, I've been busy girl. Sorry. But don't worry, I'm all Gucci. I've been kicking ass at that lab!
Sugar: As long as First Mistress is happy...
Cola: 'Course I am. Kicking ass is exactly what I do.

Cola: Hey, IC, I've got a real fun idea today - hey don't try and run away from me! I know that's my password.
IC: *sigh* Fine. But this time, no squeaky toys, OK?
Cola: I have a recipe for this one and everything, it's going to be fine.

Kaylyn: That little pest...why my chair...oh I can't even look.
Cola: This is gonna be FUN!

Ivy: Love the new chair, Cola. Maybe I should have you decorate my home.
Cola: The SimRay is currently a liiiiitle unstable, but I'd quite like to see your home.
Ivy: Hm. I'll think about it. Bye bye now.
Cola: Of course, we have work to do.

Cola: Oh, cheer up, Leonel.
Leonel: You're not good at cheering people up, Cola! Yesterday's potion told me that.
Kaylyn: I think this is just how things are now. Just say yes every so often and you might live.
Cola: Come on now. I'm not lethal. I'm just confident!

Leonel: Be confident in your work before you start giving it out willy-nilly.
Cola: I like to live life on the edge.
Leonel: So test out that shit on yourself!

Cola: Maybe I can ask the aliens why my mother is so glitchy.
IC: Do you ever stop chattering, Miss Cola?
Cola: Meh. Sometimes. But I just have a lot of thoughts.
IC:...I can see that.
Cola: Don't you mean I can C that?
IC: I hate you.
Cola: Mwah.

After work, Cola hangs out with her mum because their friendship has fallen a bit, and Lux is supposed to keep her friends until one of them dies.
Cola: Better not be me first.
Lux: Hey!

Cola: Why thanks for coming out, Shayne. My job can get a little stressful,
Shayne: I meant what I said, y'know. You look good. Now let's dance.

Shayne: Yeah yeah, Cola. You look good.
Cola: Oh wow...what a charmer.
Shayne: But you know you look good, don't you?
Cola: That I do. But it's nice to hear it.
Max: Can't they do that...IDK anywhere else? Other people are also trying to distract themselves from their shitty jobs.

Cola: So let's be clear here, you want a piece of this?
Shayne: Obviously.
Cola: Let's do it

DJ: Just disrespectful.

Cola: Ohhh, this is gonna be fun.
Shayne: *fumbling with the door*
I wonder what Ms DJ would say about this.

Shayne: I have to help your mother hack PlumBook tomorrow morning, let's call it a night.
Cola: Yeah, I'm beat.
Shayne: Well...call me again sometime?
Cola: Ehhh...yeah...prolly.

Cola: That was fun. But there's other fish in the sea.

Lux: OK seriously Elise, it's 2am and it's a bit weird you're still here-
Elise: What do you mean dear? This is my home?
Lux:...Your mind's going like that, huh? Maybe you shouldn't be friends with Nic and I...I'll call you a cab.

Nicola: Oh, don't worry, darling. We can drain that bank account...but also make sure she has enough for the rest of her retirement, and maybe even a care h - dammit, I'm going soft too!
Lux: I went softer the day I met you. Plus, we're getting older too.
Nicola: Yikes, don't say that, dear.

Cola: Ohhhhh, I feel like crap. Am I hungover?
You barely even drank. So no.
Cola: So why I am so sick?
Take a guess. You must know how a legacy works.
Cola:...Nah, I probably ate something bad.
Sure. If that's what we're going for now.

Nicola: Screw these human illnesses! I love Lux but she needs to like...sleep outside if she's sick..

Elias: Are you sure you should be out in he world and all that, with...
Nicola: It's a skin condition. A non-contagious skin condition.
Elias: OH. I am sorry, how may I help you today, Nicola?
Nicola: I assume you've heard of my charity..

Meanwhile, Cola fishes and thinks about all the science stuff she's going to do.
Breakthrough no 9!

Ivy: Your daughter tells me a lot about you, Mrs Sutherland. I admire your work ethic.
Nicola: Thank you, will you be-
Ivy: No dear. I will not be donating. Try it on the elderlies next to us.
Victor: I think that's actually very rude towards us-
Krishna: Speak for yourself, I'm pushing 80! What can I do, Miss Nicola?
Ivy: Ha! I'll leave you to it.

Cola: So are you just gonna stand over there?
Ivy: Want me to come closer?
Cola: Um-

Cola: So. Big-ass hecking tree. What's the point of that?
Just do the requisite interactions and all.

Rebeca: Simoleons for Everyone? Who's everyone? What are the logistics behind that?
Nicola: Congratulations, you're the first person to ask that.
Rebeca: Really? People are idiots.
Nicola: Right?
Cola was about to reach the glade. But then we had to go home. Because she needed to pee.

While Cola took care of herself (and had her tenth breakthrough washing goddamn dishes of all things), Nicola and Lux hung out with each other.
Nicola: You're doing so well, honey!
Lux: *wheeze* Love you too Nic!

Then two of her friends, Bjorn and Mila, died. Good, we don't have to keep up the friendships anymore.
Lux: Yeah! I hate them all anyway! I mean, sad for their families but good for me! Hahahahaha!

OK, next time the first Gen 3 baby is born.
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