Tucana: I'm sick of being around these little brats all the time!
Pollux: Please Seph, let me go eat my breakfast.
Alsephina: It's just one dare. Pull Vela's hair.
Pollux: Why would you ask that? I thought you liked me!

Felix: Getting...strong! Isn't this good, 'Rion, just exercising in the sun, treating our bodies right-
Orion: Better than you treated us as kids.
Felix: Oh get over it, I don't get pissed off when you're around me ANYMORE-
Orion: I'm getting pissed off now. Less talking, more lifting.

Vela: Aha! I am becoming so strong and respected that you are even drawn to me when I enter a bathroom to plot my plots!
Alsephina: Uh, no. I want a shower. And Aldebaran's hogging the other bathroom.
Vela: Hmm.
Alsephina: So can you leave please?

Tucana: I won't stop until this room runs red with your blood.
Bearcula: I hate yall. Also I'm made of stuffing, Jesus woman.

Felix, Deanna, Tucana (and me) all appreciate the extra set of hands around, Orion. Time to pull your weight.
Orion: This is bullshit.

Pollux: Why. To all of it. Why Tuca - ow!
Alsephina: This food is pretty decent.
Aldebaran: I like walls.
Tucana: BE MORE UPSET! Cry, you rats!

Tucana: I bet you have CHILDREN, you idiot! Well you'll never be on Tucana TV!
Ratna: What the hell, aren't you in my class? Who let you out of the local asylum and into my SCHOOL?
Tucana: This is my house we're in front of!
Ratna: Well it looks like the local asylum!
-__- I worked hard on that. Fuck her up Tucana.
So yeah, I figured that to keep Tucana away from the kids, we'd have her do some aspiration work. She wants to be a Public Enemy.

Old Lady: EXCUSE YOU? I can definitely still pull these jeans off.
Tucana, mimicking her: I can definitely still pull these jeans off.
And that's milestone 1 down. Can't be asked to do the rest, especially because she has to be an adult and join the criminal career for part of it.

Alsephina: When will she learn that this just doesn't work on us anymore?...Apart from Pollux. But he's the weakest link.

Vela: It is you. You are weak.
Tucana: Look kid, it's taking all my willpower to not dropkick you across the kitchen. And I might let go of that willpower soon enough.
Vela: Oh please. Willpower my hat. You don't have the balls!

Orion: Look, Pollux. Run along and be grateful I'm not like Tucana or Dad. Because I don't hate you, but I also don't want to hear 30minute stories about your dolls.
Pollux: But you should. I made a Dad-doll. Then I threw it out the top floor window. And we all laughed!
Orion: Um.

The Al twins are having a birthday.
Aldebaran grew up with the Renaissance Sim aspiration, and added Good onto Bookworm. Very like his mother. But he's actually a pretty good mix of his parents genetically. And he's cute!

He got a makeover because he grew up in a weird sweater.

Pollux: Woo! Go Sephy!
Aldebaran: Me no care.
Orion: I love pancakes more than my sister.
Alsephina: Why is this my birthday.

And here's Seph! She's Good as well, with the Neat trait from childhood, and a new Mansion Baron aspiration. Hence the formal, buttoned-up look. She's also very cute.

Felix: Who the hell are you? I thought none of my original relatives are in this AU.
Aldebaran: I'm Aldebaran. I'm your son, lived here my whole life?
Felix: Oh hell, kid, tell me when you're gonna get bigger, OK? I don't need this kind of scare!
Aldebaran:...I tried to. You were asleep! Also Seph's grown up too, so I'll tell you to just leave her alone. She's my favourite.
Felix: Why's that?
Aldebaran: She's my twin!
So starts this edition of Felix Is A Bad Father (tm)!

Orion: Oh look, Dad's messing around in the dirt again.
Tucana: I hope you stay there and get buried in it.
Felix: Sooner you two than me and my awesome. Plus hey, you're alive, I'm not that bad a father. Now get out of my sight.
So ends this edition of Felix Is A Bad Father (tm)!

Deanna: I got that power. Seriously, where have I been? Am I not 'awesome' anymore?
You're the most awesome, always have been. <3.
Seriously, that's why there's no pictures of you. You're nice to your kids and you get your skilling done.
Alsephina: Instead of talking to me about vampirism and awesomeness, could you just help me figure out algebra?

Deanna's having breakfast now.
Deanna: *muffled* You don't have to show pictures of me out of pity.

The Al twins are skilling up in their chosen skills. Well, I made Seph do painting. But Logic makes a lot of sense for Aldebaran.

Lilith broke up with Malcolm Landgraab.

Deanna: Aldebaran sweetheart, can you get my breakfast to leave please?
Aldebaran: *sigh* Yeah, whatever Mum. Come on dude, let's get you an Uber. I'll see you out.

Felix: Who? Oh right, my son. Yeah, I guess we're friends? I dunno.
Don: Well he's a good kid! Called me an Uber and everything!

I finally put a TV in the house. That's about all the seating I could fit. Oh, and there's a games console too.

Do I have to lock you out of the boys room too? I already locked you out of the nursery. I'm sick of this shit.

Channing asked to come over so I had her destress with video games instead of destruction.
Tucana: You're gonna DIE TODAY!
(Maybe there's a little destruction still involved).
Channing: I'm afraid.

Meanwhile Deanna trounces her second son at chess.
Aldebaran: This isn't fair, Mum! You can't just surprise me by turning into a bat and then, while I'm surprised, move pieces around!
Deanna: Get on my level noob.

Felix: Good evening, my love!
Deanna: In the bathroom, Felix? Really?...Bedroom?
Felix: I was gonna take you there, darling.

Siobhan: This was a mistaaaaake...
Deanna: Mmm, tasty lunch!

Alsephina: Get out, Aldebaran. This is unsettling!
Aldebaran: I'm...uh, yeah, I'm stuck.
Orion: God you people sadden me.
Orion and the kid twins got their As today. Well done to them.

Vela: Behold! I have finished my schoolwork, while our siblings still toil, isn't that right Pollux?
Pollux: Well...I mean, they're in high school, Vel.
Orion: Just you wait, kid.
Aldebaran: Yeah high school's a crapshoot. Some kid tried to shove me into a bin!

Seph? I would appreciate it if you didn't.
Seph: Ugh, but I must learn to cook...even if I'm sleep-deprived and kinda ill. It'll be fine, I'm just making a grilled cheese.

Felix got promoted. Hopefully Deanna will too, but it isn't looking good.
Felix: Sorry. I'm the one who did awesomely, pay ME attention!

While everybody else sleeps (it's midnight), Deanna is doing some work on her vampirism.
Deanna: Vlad, dear, that's nice but I can already do it, I'd like to learn something new-
Vlad: Shhhhhshshhh I'm getting in the zone!
Deanna:...Are you just stuck in the house? *sigh* I'll get a wrench.

Vlad: I'll show you stuck in the house!
Fuck you too, Vlad.

This morning (Wednesday) was complete chaos so no pictures of the kids. Methinks we need a third bathroom.
Anyway, they've all gone and Deanna is stocking the fridge. They all had to have quick meals this morning.

I think he likes her.
Channing are you a masochist?
Channing: So...have you ever....done a kiss? That's a thing right? A kiss?
Tucana: No, so what asshole? I'm stuck in this house with my idiot siblings all the time! My TV show SUCKS!
Channing: Do you mean...just your life?

Felix: No! Away, foul voice. I am still cool!
Deanna: Are you having one of your moments again, dearie?...I'll wait.

Tucana: Can I not have one minute alone?
Pollux: C'mon Tuca, you're about to leave! You'll have all the time in the world!
Vela: Ah...one down, four to go.
Tucana: Again, Vela, you're not gonna own jack shit!
Vela: That's what you say.
Tucana: It's what I know.
Pollux: Oh, not this again.

Orion: -y'know what, I do resent you Mum! You ignored us, and neglected us, all to become a VAMPIRE! Why couldn't my life be normal?

Vela: La-di-da, my day of ruling comes closer!
Pollux: Oh my loooooord.
Aldebaran: A is for Al twins! And also our grade, hellll yeah.
Orion: God why are y'all so happy all the time?
Tucana: Right?

Tucana's last trait is lazy. Real winner, this one.
Bye bye wacko.

Now she's a YA, it's clear that Tucana inherited Felix's cheekbones and eyelashes. So those aren't Deanna's. I thought she was a complete clone but she's not. So that's good.
Tucana: Finally I'm free from this house and I can do CRIMES!
I got her a criminal job. It's what she wants after all.

All of the original kids, together at the table one last time before Tucana leaves.
Alsephina: This essay is just really hard.
Orion: You've been doodling for an hour, Seph.
Aldebaran: I mean I finished it.
Tucana: Where the hell is my car? I wanna leave.
Pollux: We aren't gonna be the youngest anymore, Vel, hm?
Vela: But I'm still the best. You - I'd take it or leave it, you feel me?

Deanna got promoted and could pick a branch. She is now a spy captain and her daily task is romance interactions.
Deanna: I am the female vampiric James Bond. Sans occasional rapey vibes.

Deanna: The watcher said we had to. So, ready for baby hell again?
Felix: No. Not at all. But at least this time I know we've got each other for support.
Deanna: Oh, Felix. That's very sweet. Come on, let's put this baby in me.

Deanna: Why did I choose this life.

The next morning...
Pollux: How I love having a bit of space to actually read quietly in!

Aldebaran: Lol this window looks like a door, Seph.
Alsephina: Yeah, I don't really care right now, I'm trying to process the idea of Mum and Dad's next child.

Vela:...The what now?
The next child. You know, we could get a true PG heir. And then I'm gonna unceremoniously kick you out like your siblings.
Vela: Heh....hahaha....no it can't be.

Alsephina: You heard the news?
Pollux: Yeah...Vela's not taking it well. I'd be afraid.
Alsephina: Shouldn't you be afraid? You're closest to her after all.
Pollux: Yeah but now you sleep in the same room as her. God I love this new house.
Alsephina: Right. Yeah. Thanks a lot, Dad.
Felix: As you can see I'm not jumping for joy either. But such is the way.

Deanna: I'll love you forever, Felix. Even as I remain young and you...well, age is doing certain things to your looks.
Felix: Was that supposed to be a compliment? I thought I aged pretty damn well considering the chaos my YA life was.
Deanna: Yeah of course, just fuckin' with you.
Felix: Only you would get away with that, my dear.

Alsephina: How dare they.
Orion: How DARE they!
Pollux: I dunno guys, it might be alright having a new baby-
Vela: Watch your words, twin brother. We came into this world together but I won't hesitate to end you first.
Pollux: I mean, how dare they.
Kids still aren't happy about their newest sibling.

Oh also, it's the twins' birthday to teen. I feel like they've barely been kids because I played these last couple weeks in a very short amount of time.
Vela: Meh. I've outgrown this tiny body.

Here's Pollux, with a new Active trait, which is added to Bookworm, and the Outdoor Enthusiast trait.
Oh, and he actually grew up with a pretty solid look. I'll probably keep most of it, it suits him.

Vela on the other hand...
Aldebaran: *snicker* Nice outfit, sis.
She also got the Active trait, and, like her sister Alsephina, the Mansion Baron aspiration.
I then immediately went to add more exercise gear to the upstairs balcony.

Vela: Orion if you boo at us one more time, I will throw you off the exercise balcony.
Orion: Ugh, but you guys suck at calculus so much!

Vela: Standing above every sibling I have...my rightful place! How DARE they have another?
Aldebaran: I mean...Orion left to go pout at something, and Tucana doesn't even live here...and-
Pollux: Dude. Not worth it.
Alsephina: You guys really do suck at calculus. Look, I'm already done.
Aldebaran: Good, because you smell, Seph. Maybe I'll finish once I'm not sitting next to you anymore.

Pollux: Come on, Vel! We'll find another place to take over, you can become one of those CEOs-
Vela: Get out of my face, Pollux.
Pollux:...Yes, of course.

Several hours later...
Deanna: Hello, Paolo. How are you finding the vampiric life? I suppose you are in need of training?

Deanna: HI-YA!
Paolo: Should you be doing that to your baby...I mean, I didn't assume you were pregnant, nope, you're not fat, holy shit I'mma die-

Paolo: -and now my old housemates have garlic everywhere, it's hard to visit! And people keep calling me 'Twilight'.
Deanna: Well yes, it can be hard, my dear. But ignore them! I'm your friend now.
Paolo: You used to non-consensually drink my blood until you fucked up and made me one of your kind, Deanna, how are we friends?
Alsephina: Could y'all stop talking over my show, what is wrong with you people?!

Vela: #queenofthecastle
Alsephina: I mean you must know that's not true by now, right?

Orion: I can't believe you broke the dishwasher, Alsephina! God you're the worst.
Vela: She's fixing it you moron!
Alsephina: Uh....thanks, Vela.
Vela: Out of all our siblings, you're the least useless.
Pollux: That's nice, Vel.
Vela: Shut up!

Vela: Who are these ugly morons?
Orin: Ugly? Check out dat ass.
Angelo Landgraab: I'm uncomfortable.
Dana, his twin: So am I...ooh, dat ass tho.
Orion: Now I'm uncomfortable.
Vela: Serves you right. Now can we stop saying this shit out loud?
I had Alsephina form a club of teens for this lot to meet. Now, since these kids mostly exist in their own fucked-up dynamic, it will be interesting to see how they do with some new faces.

Donnie: Hey Dereck, this video says dragons are REAL
Dereck: Shut up, Donnie.

Pollux: Wow, Seph, aren't you glad you're the one functionally in the club? This seems to be going great.
Seph: *grimaces* Mhm.
Angelo: But WHY can't you move, Donnie? Jeez!

Felix: I see you have friends over.
Orion: They're not my friends. Apart from Carmen here.
Felix: Don't care, just don't bother me. :)
Carmen: Uh. I met you today. Like the rest of them.
Alsephina: Well it is so good to have you here, welcome welcome!
Carmen: Why are you talking like a salesperson?
Orion: She's just a freak, Carmen, don't mind her!
Carmen: Weird. All of you.

The gathering went as I thought, with even Alsephina ignoring everyone else to talk to her siblings, while the five new teens actually socialised with each other, and Felix and De got in the way.
So this failed.

Aldebaran: I actually think Vela and I have a special bond, like it's just the two of us being blue-
Vela: Let that die, Aldebaran. I hate you the most right now.
Orion: What is this? Are you trying to die before you escape this house, Aldebaran?
Felix: Come at me, bro, come at me! I am the most awesome of all, you can't step to this-
Aldebaran: Seriously?
Alsephina: Hey Mum, can you get Dad's pills or something?...What do you mean he doesn't have any? How?

Vela: Now that everyone's gone upstairs...you're actually my favourite sibling, Pollux. I mean, we shared a womb!
Pollux: For the hundredth time Vela we all shared a womb, but we were in there at the same time...oh, whatever. Thank you.
Vela: :) Now go get the remote, I don't wanna move.

OK Tucana.
In this save, Gavin Richards is married to Paolo, y'know, Deanna's protege? I have a small affair percentage on, that's how this happened.
I wish it hadn't. But they might have an interesting offspring.
Kinda weird that he's her dad's age but...
Tucana: You really think I wouldn't end up with daddy issues after that childhood?
Next time, Deanna gives birth to at least one baby, plus Orion and the Al twins are getting offloaded.
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