Kai: Y'know, it actually is funny you're dead.
Danika: Yeah, try harder, little man.
Kai: I'm technically older than you. Because you're dead and frozen as a five year-old. How's that for a burn?
Danika: You didn't meet Zenobia. You don't have shit on her.
Tamsin: Dammit Sari, get those stinky noodles Dad made away from me! I can't be bothered with your shit today.
Sari: Apparently you can't be bothered to do anything today. We didn't see you on the bus.
Tamsin: I have a lot going on, you wouldn't understand!
Kai: I understand completely. You mask your confusion and lack of ambition with nihilism.
Tamsin:...Oh fuck off!
Sari: Daaaaaamn son, you didn't have to go so hard at her.
Tamsin: Oh God you're that Zenobia.
Zenobia: You're the only grandchild I have a relationship with and I'm boooooored.
Tamsin: Nah. I have better things to do. Like anything.
Zenobia: Little brat...
Miles: Owwww Dad whyyyyy.
Mason: Come back to my arms and we can make this right!
Kai: Why couldn't I have been born sooner so I could bully you, Grandpaaaaa?
All your needs are dealt with and these children need sleep or they'll pass out more.
Sari: Hey, knocking my head on the hard wood floor multiple times made me who I am today! That's not the point. The point is that I was fucking sleeping and I'm about to punt this shit through the window.
Tamsin, mumbling: Pleassesss...do ittttt

Sari: I'm producing my first ever beat! *squeaks sponge against the floor*
Danika: Fuck that's annoying. Why is this my life?
Sari: Well it's not a life is it?

Miles: Why am I always abandoned.
Do you want someone to watch you shit or something?
Miles: But seriously, does anyone even notice me? Like ever? I mean I know I'm independent but I still exist!

Danika: Flyyyy my dollies fly...ugh, not doing it for me. Childhood gets boring when you experience it for over a century.

Missy: Your daughter is lecturing someone in our room.
Mason: She's your daughter too.
Missy: Whatever, right now she's your problem.

Tamsin: Y'know, I don't know why you're tripping about being proper human again, Danika. Life's pretty pointless.
Danika: Wow, sure, just crush my dreams why don't you Tamsin?
Tamsin: Dreams are stupid.

Sari: So. Kid. Do you have a minute to hear about the music of my soul?
Miles:...I guess this is what I wanted!
Sari: Perfect! Lemme play you my entire playlist! It's 3 days long, we'll have a great time in here together!

Danika: Your ideas are trash.
Tamsin: Oh sweet little Danika, you'll learn I'm right.
Danika: Bitch I was born before Mason's mother! The one who died when you were just a tiny squalling infant. I have knowledge.
Mason: Mmm...I hate podiums...and I hate these girls and their soapboxes.

Mason: Hmm yes I did a good parent.
There's a whole nursery upstairs and you literally brought him down here to nap in the living room. The loud living room where Missy and the girls like to play music?
For fuck's sake Mason I control you and you're still stupid.

Missy is actually doing pretty well recently.
Missy: Well duh *struts to the basement to play video games for hours*

Oh, hi Kai. What have you been up to?
Kai: I am learning the secrets of Aunt Mercy...from what's left from when she was in her prime. I don't even know what happened. Maybe her brain got cooked with the rest of her.
Oh. Great. You going with being a mini-Mercy then?
Kai: Oh, not exactly. Vampirism isn't for me, and I have ideas aside from selling weapons on the black market.

Mason: No, my garden, I will return I swear! Don't send the vengeance vines after me! I'll growl and shrug 'em off, just you wait-
Missy: Hm. Mason and his plants. And his Sutherlandness. Do you still expect it to phase me?

Mason: Look kid, when I was your age I would have probably killed one of my sisters for quality Froot Loops like that. So just shh and eat 'em, OK? Take what you get.
Miles: But they're so sugary, do you want my teeth to fall out?
Mason: *mutters* Maybe if that meant you couldn't speak you little brat.

Sari: How does anyone do anything after school? It's so exhausting. I need a nap!
Danika: I mean I'm just gonna....go cry in bed so like...I guess I agree with you, Sari.
Kai: *yawn* You are all so boring.
Sari: What are you doing then Kai?
Kai:...I actually might sleep too, I'm actually pretty tired.
Well maybe if you guys didn't stay up all night and then start napping three hours before school starts, it wouldn't be like this.

Missy got a promotion to Level 4.
Missy: Wasn't worth all that work.

When Missy whispered something to Mason and then they headed downstairs, I thought they were just gonna do it in the sauna again.
Missy: Hell no, last time I got pregnant.
Mason: Y'know that's not why you-
Missy: Shhhh just let my fingers do their magic. I'm a qualified masseuse.
Mason: Really?
Missy: Not at all but you can trust me!

Much later, when Tamsin is tired and should in be bed like the rest of her family...
Mercy: Wow you're trash at running.
Tamsin: Bitch you burned alive, don't even try to come for me.

Mercy: Well I would have given you some tips for your brother, but now I'm not going to. You're rude. And very unfit.
Tamsin: You think I care for the little freak? There was potential for him to see the truth but he has...hopes and beliefs.
Mercy: Well, what's life without those? Every Sutherland needs a 'thing'. Mine, as you can see, is katanas!
Tamsin: I can't see actually. Your hand's stuck in the wall.
Mercy:...God you're all such little brats.

Kai: When I attain my goals, there will be no place for snivelling worms such as-
Danika: Please, I've heard enough of this crap in my literal century of watching this family's cursed-ass children grow up.
Kai: And maybe I'm different?
Danika: I don't buy that. You speak of plans and goals and have never once said what they are? I mean shit, at least Mercy had a thing, y'know?

Mason: Right. Hi kid. Almost forgot you.
Miles: I think my stomach is gonna start eating itself, Dad.

Mason: Do you have to splash me this much? This is my favourite jacket!
Miles: Should have thought of that before you decided to be you!
Mason: Well...that's...kinda deep, actually.
Is it now?

Lol a father-son toilet session.
Mason: I would have been lucky to even have this with my own father...he didn't know who I was! That's not even an exaggeration...
Miles: Dad can you work that out in your own time, like damn.

Danika: You're so covered in dirt that I'm actually embarrassed FOR you.
Tamsin: Yeah, well people throw stuff at you when you let them know that it doesn't matter what university they attend or job they do, they'll all die and be forgotten anyway.
Danika: God you're an edgelord. I'm even more embarrassed for you now.

Mercy: Good sleep, Sunspot? Yeah, the coffin was totally part of our glory days as a truly alive vampire. Well...not truly alive, heh heh heh-
Why are you here, it is 3.30pm. Go to your grave.

Tamsin: Ohhh. Hello Miles! I have a little question - what is it that you need?
Miles: I dunno. Love? Not that we get much of it.
Tamsin: Hey, we get more than most of Dad's family. He tries his best even if it's pointless.
Miles:...Where are you going with this? I dunno about you but I just want love, you feel me?
Tamsin: Psh. No. All you need is to accept the fruitlessness of-
Miles, singing: All you need is love, doo doo doo-doo doooo...

Mason: So, you're set on learning from Aunty Mercy, huh? Y'know-
Kai: Dad you're wasting your time.
Mason: There's just a lot of other inspirations and mentors and-
Kai: Don't bother telling me them. I'm not gonna listen because I don't respect you as a person!
Mason: We don't need to say things like that, OK?
Kai: Miles told me last night that you hoped his teeth would fall out!
Sahara: Hey, assholes? I'm having a birthday? Ah well, I've got AirPods in and wouldn't actually be able to hear these bitches. But like, I want them to at least look at me.
Kai: Sari's absolutely YELLING that. I'm gonna go stare at a wall to piss her off.

Here's Sari, with the Soulmate aspiration, and the Cheerful trait. I think she's really cute, even if she almost a complete copy of her older sister.

But I think she has Missy's facial structure and not Mason's, which is the one difference between her and Tamsin. Oh, and the differing eye colours.

Tamsin: I'm gonna ask you again...
Miles: Who hurt you? Why are you like this.
Sari: Maybe you should do one of your assignments, just saying. I'm writing my English essay on how the works of Post Malone fit in with Jane Austen's!
Tamsin: That's a terrible idea for an essay, Sari.
Sari: But unlike you I'm doing one.
Tamsin: Meh. Who's gonna take care of this kid anyway? Certainly not our actual parents.

...Got a point there, Tam.

Mason: Meheheheheh! Just sneezed in the food I'm making for my FAMILY! That'll teach these kids to shit-talk me to my face!
Hey that is a Sutherland staple. Extremely sassy and disrespectful children.
Also, channelling a little Scarlett, are we?
Mason: I know a lot about this family and I'm pretty sure we don't have a Scarlett. Wait. Is that a kid? I thought there was only four, goddammit!
That's your...great-great-great grandmother. Damn there's been a lot of Sutherlands.

Missy: Hey kid. Sorry about leaving you with your weird older sisters. Mum's busy. But I'm here now, what do we need?
Miles: Nothing except to DANCE forever. Feel the power of the music!
Missy: Sari teach you that? Cos she had this phase...and I guess she's still kind of in it. *sigh* I need to pay more attention around here.
Miles: Ya don't say.

Miles: Whoa! I'm not going near those flashcards, that ain't music, that ain't dance.
Missy: There's better people to copy than your sisters. Now, say toilet.
Miles: Dad's potty!
Missy: I mean...I guess...why your dad's? Weird kid.

Sari: Lol good one, nice job lil bro. I think you might be my favourite.
Miles: They're also my siblings. I know the quality of the competition.
Sari: You're too smart for your own good. Now let's celebrate with a good ol' listen of Gucci Gang.

Aaliyah adopted a child. I'm really not sure why.
Aaliyah: So like...I thought that I lost Maddie in a foster home, so I adopted this kid by mistake cos I thought it was her, and like, I need my kid back, right? But no, that was a dream, the real Maddie was just hiding under the trailer and now I have an extra kid. C'est la vie I guess.

Missy: Holy shit, no more toddlers? This day has come? I thought it would never!
Miles: Same. You guys forgot my dinner again. But now I'll be able to feed myself.
Mason: Yeah we're excited too. So blow out those candles and get to it!

This kid is not only cute but there's something interesting about his face. Not sure what that is, I like him already.
He ended up with the Loves Outdoors trait and the Scamp aspiration.

Missy: Ugh, if life was fair you'd have my skintone. Damn Mason and his hypothermic-looking genes.
Miles: Do you really think I care, Mum? Like at all? Maybe I'd care if you ever cared about me, boom.

Bentley: So you're, uh, Lux's kid? I thought she moved out!
Miles:...My Dad's Mason. He sucks.
Bentley: Oh, yes. My dear son Myron.
Miles: You suck worse. I didn't even know that could happen. Seriously, my first journey outside and I'm already questioning if I love the outdoors after all. Cos, y'know, you're outdoors.
Bentley: Shhh you tiny edgelord.

Lux had her kid. Now all of Gen 9 have bred, yippie.

Kai: Once my plans have been enacted, flushing toilets shall no longer be required. It will be done automatically!
Kai: Don't question me, my d - oh fine. I'm just sick of Sari and Tamsin leaving lipstick stains all over the bathroom. I don't wanna touch that crap.

Missy: Which one of you little SHITS broke the stereo?
Kai: Heh heh heh. Phase 1 is complete.
Missy: Kai, I can hear you, and I'm locking you out of the computer. No writing plans for a week!

Tamsin: Ahhh...escapism! To win this game, it means nothing. For once, everybody would agree. And that suits me well. I can pretend I'm not the only one who sees the truth in this pathetic world.

Sari: The music calls to me! I hear you, Cardi! You are truly the voice of my people.
The girls are still themselves.

Sari: Why the fuck was the bus playing that elevator music shit? This won't do. I must soak my worries away.

Tamsin: Sari says something's wrong with the high-school bus, so that's why we're not in school. Obviously the kids could still go, but-
Mason: I know y'all are skipping school, quit bothering me and at least get homework done. I have a lot of cooking left to do.
Why do these two need to skip school so much? Drives me nuts.

Miles: So these dolls have an outdoor pool but we, the richest family in this world, don't? Watcher, you just really don't want me to Love the Outdoors, do you?

Tamsin: Our father is an idiot and we might die today. Do you really wanna die with that hair, Sari?
Sari: Piss off, Tamsin. Let me enjoy my consolation spaghetti.
Tamsin: For the last time, shitty muzak does not warrant an entire sad spaghetti breakfast.

Sari: Heyyyy, check out this new vid that just dropped-
Tamsin: Yet more distractions from the futility of-
Sari: Woooow you really are no fun at all.
Mason: Right?
Sari: I change my mind. I'm leaving to watch this somewhere you can't ruin it.

Miles: Their attempts have failed. I love being outside! In fact, I wanna LIVE right here outside, away from all of, well...them.
You'll get your wish, for a couple days.

Miles:...what does that even mean?
Tamsin: Hmm...I guess we have to go camping or something? Oh, whatever. Glad you've found your lil escapism, kid. Now, as Nietzsche tells us, God is dead, so-
Miles: I just asked you what a 'rhombus' was, Tamsin, skip the lecture.
Tamsin: Then talk to yourself quieter when you're outside, kid. I could hear you yelling from inside the observatory.

Sari: And I was like baby, baby, baby, ohhhhh- don't tell me to shut up, Dad, I'm expressing my inner truth and personality.

Tamsin: Don't listen to anyone's sunshine talk. Sunshine is deadly. Well, if I get what I want the sun will actually kill me, but-
Miles: Why is this my older sister.
Tamsin: -but you should wear sunscreen, Miles. We're like, really pale.

Kai: Got a B today. That stands for Be Afraid. Because plans I am a-making.
Don't even kid, you're grounded.
Kai: There are no rules on vacation. I know that's what we're doing. Danika said so. This girl knows all your patterns, Watcher.
You'd be right about that one.
Score Sheet- 150
Single Births (31) +155
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (75) +375
Aspiration (12) +120
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (6) +60 (I realised I was behind on this)
Not using spare's satisfaction points (7) +70 (Ditto)
Every 100,000 simoleons (10) +200
Immortalise TH (2) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (124) -620
Self Wetting (38) -190
Fires (14) -140
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