Tamsin: Having fun over there, bro? Have you hit Level 50 yet?
Miles: Nah, I keep dying at 20. But I'm like 10 years younger than you, I just need the practice!
Tamsin: Yeah, you'll get there.
You love him.
Tamsin: Shut up.

Tamsin: Still can't believe you had Miles, Dad. Two shitty little siblings were enough, but a third? Inexcusable.
Sari: Bullshit, he's your favourite. I could understand if you want Kai gone, but I'm actually pretty neat, so-
Tamsin: You're not neat. Your clothes are all over our floor AND you're constantly blasting your shitty music everywhere.
Mason: Can you two argue somewhere else, I'm trying to bring your great-aunt back to life.

Kai: The 'Flora Poison' storefront goes live soon. I did quite enjoy that vacation to the woods. But I think this will be my last venture of this type.
Probably for the best.
Kai: But what of my PURPOSE?

Missy: Hey, look now, you can't say I never help you out.
Mason: When have I ever said that, dear? But it is this surface I'm at is really dirty right now-
Missy: Oh yeah. I saw that. Heeeellll no, that's way too much for me. I'll just do this and go eat a doughnut in bed or something.

Bentley: My dear Zen would never let the kitchen get to this state. That's why I'm trying to get to Hell, to be with her.
Aw. That's so sweet. In a twisted way.

Mason:...Maybe I should have wiped the stove last night.
Danika: If you're gonna cook something to bring me back to life, don't cook it on that grime.
Mason: Shhh you brat.
Danika: I'm your aunt.
Mason: And you're in third grade, argument over.

Sari: Wheeeeee! I'm playing Eye of the Tiger in my head right now!

Tamsin: Y'know, I just found my clothes. They were actually in my backpack, thanks for forgetting it.
Mason: I brought that backpack to the woods. Maybe if you'd just checked in the other tent...

Missy: Listen young man, if I find one more 'weapons exchange' on my account, you're going to be grounded until you're 30!
Kai: But MUM-
Miles: DAMN, dude, you need to keep this shit on your own login.
Missy: Exactly! You have two online storefronts and you're still this much of a rookie?

Missy is up to her old habit of being up all night and napping on the chair before work. Which is just not enough sleep.
Missy: Huhzzzzz...?
You have no excuse. There are no toddlers, no babies, no nothing. Sleep in your bed woman!

This is all Mason did while everyone was out at school/work. Just cook endless meals.
Mason: Woo! I love it when two sharp knives fly right at my face.
Not NOW, Mason, none of the kids are YA yet!

Tamsin: I'm uncomfortable.
Danika: So am I.
Sahara: I don't even wanna look!
Tamsin: OK, but I drew the short straw here.
Kai: *muffled* Wh' but mmm?

Sari: Something isn't right here.
Tamsin: I refuse to have sympathy for you. In fact, I might stand here and simply complain about how bad seeing you like this makes me feel.
Sari: OK, I get it! I'm sorry! I'll play you loads of Justin Bieber when we get inside. I got new speakers!
Tamsin: Haha, now I'm definitely not helping you. I have my distractions from the curse of life, of course, but they're not that.
Kai: I must tell Mercy of my achievements.
Danika: Lol by what, making out with a hedge?
Kai: I'm not-
Danika: From this angle it looks like you are. I'll get Mum to put this picture all over the web.
Tamsin: Aren't you two estranged?

Summer reached Level 10 in the Social Media career a loooong time ago. I'd imagine she'd still have clout. She is also very much estranged from Danika.

Mason: Kniiiiives!
Use a cutting board you peasant.

Kai: And there is the answer...love! Nobody I currently know can possibly understand me. But if I find my Soulmate...
Mason: *snicker* Good luck son.
Kai: I find I have also gained...game!

Tamsin, hearing this through the wall: Yeah right, you're delusional. I could have liked you, but then you went and had goals.
Actually he's spot-on. Kai is Romantic with an aspiration of Soulmate.
Sari, wherever she is right now: Copycat.

Kai pretty much keeps the same style he had as a kid. There's actually a better hair for him but I figured it fit him to go a bit ham on the styling gel as a teenager.

Tamsin: Dipshit, I don't give a shit about your traits. You're a Sutherland. You're not gonna do shit.
Kai: And you don't KNOW shit. If you're content to be goalless and unfulfilled, so be it. But don't project onto me, dear, it's not helpful.
Tamsin: You little fucking-
Mason: Once again, if you kids are gonna argue can you do it somewhere else? That goes doubly for you, Tamsin.
Kai: Haaaaa you're in trouble.
Tamsin: Ugh, this is why Miles is my fave - oh just fuck off already!

Kai: I think every woman appreciates a man who can dabble in a little DIY.
Good start there, Kai. Also thank you for being the only teen so far to repair anything.

Missy passed out. Good going there.
Missy: Who's the stranger? One of the girls invite a friend home or something?

Kai: Ha, watch her take away my computer access when she doesn't even know who I am. Peon.

Round numbers make brain go ':)'
And yeah I haven't been counting this money. I simply could not be asked. I will tally it all up at the end of the generation.
Fun (?) fact: At its peak Mason's garden was worth about 100k a day. But of course it wouldn't have been possible without Summer finding and growing the plants, and Zen tending them. The power of a legacy.

Eb got old :(.
Andrew: Great now my mother is a senior!
Ebony: Oh shut it Anthony.
Andrew:...It has already begun.

At least her kid is already a YA. Hey Andrew, when are you gonna have kids and stuff.
Andrew:...I just graduated high school!

Mercy: Sunspot and I are very proud of my young nephew. So much potential. I'd wipe away a tear except I don't know how to cry. Never did it.
That I can believe.
Mercy: To reward him, I will fix this broken gaming mat.
Pretty sure it was Sari who broke it earlier. She is the one who uses it.
Mercy: Oh, the silly one carting around a Beats pill? Now I regret doing this.

Mercy: Sunspot realises that it was incorrect to make fun of you for being dead forever.
Danika: Well...thanks for the...apology? Oh whatever, it's still big coming from you.
Mercy: Not an apology. A literal mistake. Like, it was not correct, because I've heard you're about to be resurrected.
Danika: Yeah. I actually have faith in Mason which is weird for a member of this family.
Mercy: Mmm. He's a good kid. Maybe even too good. At least he produced wonderful Kai.
Danika: Mason's like 45 now.
Mercy: Huh. I've been gone a while, haven't I?
This was when I decided that I was going to have Mason catch a second angelfish, cheat Mercy into the house, have her eat ambrosia and then set her free in the world again.

Mercy: Oh, but my husband has passed and I wouldn't want to leave - haha, jk. That fucker got remarried real quick, and I don't give a shit about him no more. Just keep me in the afterlife long enough to stab him with this old thing, and that sounds good!

In the morning, Tamsin is cheerful as ever.
Tamsin: Life is bullshit.
Cheerful as ever.

Sari: Er...is it supposed to sizzle like that? It's really loud...hmm, not a bad bass for a beat.
If you ever produce music you will be so bad at it. But the fruit's probably fine.
Sari: Oh. Also, is it supposed to smell all smokey?

Sari: So little brother. First day of high school. How are you feeling about it?
Kai: Quite fine. I have many lines prepared. Love is my purpose now. I have found it.
Sari: Slow your roll, you're fourteen, dude.
Kai: It's a better purpose than listening to Top 40 stations for the rest of my life.

Sari: I have other ambitions!
Kai: Do you?
Sari: ...Do I?

Mason is finally planting a cowplant.
Mason: Just gonna say again, never agreed to this, it seems dangerous.

Mercy: *sniff* Sunspot, I do wish you hadn't murdered me.
Missy: What is she doing here, it's 10am?! God I hate this family.
Mercy: Well screw you too bitch!

He did it. This took WAY less time than I expected. Now we just have to get Cooking up by half a level and Operation Ambrosia is good to go!
If he maxes fishing too, Mason will officially be the most accomplished TH of this whole legacy. That would be four skills maxed in his lifetime.
Heck maybe he already is considering the massive amounts of cash he made in the garden, but a lot of that is owed to his mother and grandmother.

Mason: Hmmm, looks kind of like a big eraser-
Just cook the ambrosia, literally everything has been leading up to this.

Aaliyah: So now my shithead brother picks up my calls and actually wants to see me? Huh.
And yet you still came. Anyway, Mason's been busy.
Aaliyah: Ugh, excuses, excuses. With what?
...Discovering how to literally resurrect someone?
Aaliyah: *shakes head and tuts* Excuses.
Oh whatever, just get in there and chat to the guy.

Ugh sometimes I forget that Aaliyah is one of the most beautiful Sims I've seen, and I actually love her.
Hhhh I need to find something to do with her. Maybe after Elin wraps her challenge up.

Ebony: Seriously, Aunty Mercy? Just stay dead 'n' gone, bitch.
Mercy: About that...

Miles: Haha. He had decent lines today, but the stench killed it.
Kai: It's not that bad! *kicks Mason*
Mason: Why did you do that for? I'm not even involved in this!
Kai: Cos you're in my way!
Miles: Yeah, damn guys, get off the pavement. I'm pretty sure I saw a dog turd right there yesterday!

Danika:...What in the Christ is this? But Mason did leave a note telling me it'll work, and I do have faith in the guy so...*sigh* what do I have to lose?
Oh also it's Tamsin's YA birthday soon, crazy right-
Danika: Can't I just have ONE moment?
Right. Sorry, Dani. You know I wouldn't have put Mason through all of this crap if I didn't love you.

Tamsin: Yo, Dani, can you cover that food up or something, it's hurting my eyes-
Danika: Seriously piss off, this is important for me!

Sahara: Ugh, speaker's out of charge again-
Danika: Charger's under your horrorshow of a bed now PLEASE just let me enjoy this moment.
Sahara: What moment?
Danika: Y'all are all so self-centred.
Tamsin, across the room: What was that? I wasn't paying attention.

Danika: Wow, being corporeal is WEIRD. I almost forgot what it was like!

I gave her a celebratory makeover (and slimmed her down a little). Even though it hasn't been too long since her last one.
Anyway, yay for human Danika who can grow and move out soon!

Miles:...Pretty sure Danika was uglier than that.
Danika: Really? Fucking really? What the hell is wrong with you people? The only person not to make a snarky comment is Kai. KAI!
Miles: I was kidding! You're fine.
Danika: I literally came back to life and all you can say is 'you're fine'?

Mason:...I'm uncomfortable.
Blonde lady: Mmm, he's cute, makes me want to - *sticks hands into dress*.
Mason: *runs faster*

Kai: Girl, you from Tennessee? Cos you're the only 10 I -
Miles: Boo! That's terrible! Also get out, I need to pee.

Ritu: Well hellooooo, hot, blonde and filthy!
Missy: Look, I'm sleep deprived and covered in filth from gardening at work, what do you want?
Ritu: Just to introduce myself to you, you fine specimen!

Missy: Listen up, I have a husband and four...kids. Four very weird kids. But I've got a family all the same. Go find one for yourself! I'm taking a shower.

Kai is doing his homework.
Kai: I have learned that those with the answers curry a certain favour at school.

Danika: *retch* I haven't been so close to real human stench in a while!...Not that these Sutherlands haven't tried.

Tamsin: Miles, I hope you find no joy in your breakfast today. Because I don't like you.
Missy: Aw, sweetie. Don't listen to her.
Miles: Since when did you decide to get all maternal?
Missy: Hush you. Anyway, you know-
Miles: Tamsin loves me? Yeah, it's obvious.
Tamsin: *splutter*

Danika: Moving up to fourth grade today!
Tamsin: Dad finally did that paperwork, huh. Shut up, Miles.
Miles: I didn't even say anything. Just admit I'm your favourite.
Tamsin: No point getting too attached to anything. None of it will matter. So you're actually not my anything.
Danika: You can despise your own existence but still love people. That's what I did.
Miles: Who do you love then?
Danika:...Well, um...I'll find them! And I actually like existing now, I have a real body and everything.

Tamsin: Good God, Kai, really? That's the most stereotypical sleepwear you could have chosen.
Kai: At least I have distinctive style. Isn't yours one of Mum's old pillowcases?
Tamsin:...OK but it was altered!
Kai: Ha. Don't hate me cos you ain't me.

Sari: Oh God...I already don't want to go downstairs. Music is better than people - or maybe just my siblings. There must be fun people somewhere in this world, right?

Danika: I really am happy to be a real girl again, Mason. And thank you for finally doing the school paperwork.
Mason: I mean I also grew death-defying flowers, fished for hours on end-
Danika: Hmmm, yeah but you were already all about that stuff. But nobody likes paperwork.
Mason: Well, thanks kid. Hope you grow up well.
Danika: Would probably have a better chance of that away from this house.
Mason: Oh. Right. Do you wanna live with Aaliyah and her many roommates in her trailer? Old Ebony? Lost-it Lux? Your mother?
Danika:....I'm good here.
Thought so.

Sahara: Kai you look like you're gonna go and tell random women to smile.
Kai: Hey if they don't smile when they see me, it's their problem.
Sahara: I'm just saying, I bet Drake doesn't have to try this hard.
Kai:...You know none of these songs are real, right?
Sahara: Of course. But they're better than any of you lot :).

Missy: What are you doing in your good sweater? You're gonna put fish guts all over that?
Mason: Oh, but I'm not fishing today. Heard you've got a day off, so...would you go on a date with me?
I haven't taken a Sim on a date in ages. But I've been feeling inclined to spoil Mason after what he's achieved.

Missy: It's been a while since I heard one of your stories, Mason. Well, I say that but we've been together long enough that I know they're true.
Mason: Did I ever tell you about why so many of us are blue...?
Missy: Go ahead, blue boy.

Missy: You're my best friend, Mason.
Mason: Your hair smells like corn. Oh, and you're also my best friend.
Missy:...You are still so weird.

Librarian: Y'all really gotta do that in front of me?
Missy: Mmmm...mmmhm.
Staci: *manic giggle* Haha, if only I got touched like that every so often...!
Kengo: I mean, you're not bad so I'd-
Staci: Hold it, Kengo, you went to high school with my eldest son, don't go there.

Mason: Want me do that again?
Missy: Would love to, but...look behind you.
Aaliyah: Hey Mason, date with the wife?
Staci: Yes, please break that up. I don't want to see what I can't have.
Kengo: I'm still-
Staci: Be quiet, Kengo.
And that was the date over.

Now Mason is back in his outdoor jacket, hunting down that second angelfish. That's why we came to the library in the first place, cos this is where you find them.

Mason: Hey little guy. Thank God I found you!
Lol that took no time at all. Home now!

Where we find the kiddos.
Kai: Hmmm, profits are down for 'Poison Flora'...but I guess people love blades. Hmmm. Maybe bitches love blades.
Sari: Would rather watch all of the Spice Girls music videos than write my history essay.

-10. Thanks Tamsin. I was thinking it'd been too long since a fire.
Missy: If that fire doesn't kill your idiot sister, I'll kill her myself.
Tamsin: I'm already handling it, if I burn I burn!
Miles: Mum get out of me!

Missy: You're lucky I came to help you!
Sari: I mean...she was already putting it out, I'll give her credit for that.
Missy: Shush! I'm important!
Sari: Yeah right.
Missy: I'll get to you next, mark my words!
Sari: *sigh*
And that's this chapter over. Next time, both of the girls are gonna grow up. We'll see if either of them become TH.

Oh, and here are some spare children. The one on the right is Madeline, Aaliyah's daughter. This picture of her is shit, but she's 100% an clone of her mum. Her brother Dale looks more like their dad though.
The two pale blue girls are Lana's teenage twin daughters, Roxanne (left) and Giselle (middle. They're not quite clones but they have nearly all of Lana's facial features. They're pretty though.

This is Blanca, the late (in this save) Felix's daughter. She's recently grown up to YA and is very beautiful. She could be one of his Perfect Genetics kids - I think her mum had Deanna's nose.
Score Sheet- 135
Single Births (31) +155
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (75) +375
Aspiration (12) +120
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (6) +60 (I realised I was behind on this)
Not using spare's satisfaction points (7) +70 (Ditto)
Every 100,000 simoleons (10) +200
Immortalise TH (2) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (126) -630
Self Wetting (38) -190
Fires (15) -150
Yay for Danika! I'm excited for when Mercy comes back to life as well :)
ReplyDeleteLol yeah that was long-overdue. Mercy will be coming back in the next one.