Lux: So I'm getting married soon, huh? At least there's no parent of mine around for Nicola to decide to sleep with.
She wouldn't do that. But well done, Lux. You got what you wanted.
Lux: Don't I always, dear Watcher.

What a nice family breakfast.
Cola: Well, Ma's in her underwear, and I don't need to hear about other Ma blackmailing that guy the other day.
Nicola: You listen to your mother, Cola. She's a brilliant woman.
Cola: Ugh, I almost wish you guys were on the rocks again.

Lux is making a start on her next good friend.We have picked Bjorn Bjergsen, because he is old and that's a shorter amount of time that we have to maintian the friendship.
Bjorn: Why am I here? Everyone I know kind of hates you.
Bjorn: And they're scared of you. Like quite scared of you. I'm actually a bit scared of you. Hey look that cloud looks like a tricycle.
Lux: Awww. Bless you.
Bjorn: Uhhh...
Lux: Look at that lot, they all look like sheep.

Lux: Now that you're here, there's a nice little cause my fiancee and I would just love to get you onto.
Bjorn: If I say no, will you still let me leave?
Lux: Maybe.

Bjorn: Hey...you OK, Lux?
Lux: *hisses* Sorry, cat's got in my head again. Voices and all. Anyway where were we?
Bjorn: ...

Lux: *sees self in phone screen* Oh crap, what did that blithering idiot give me?
Also, that picture of Sugar sums her up better than I could hope to.

Nicola changed her tune pretty quick.
Nicola: Uh, tax benefits? I also...love Lux very much, yeah. I love her.

Cola had her new club of teens over. I'm trying to figure out who she likes (and therefore figure out who she should get with) for her generation.

I don't think it is Pierce Delgato, unfortunately for him.
Cola: Uh, no. You haven't even begun to prove yourself.

Colette and Delaney (who were in the Creative Children, if you remember) seem to be hitting it off.
Kolby is just standing there watching.

Cola: I prefer my girl Stacey over these numbnuts.
Huh. I could have you two get together. We'll just see where it goes.

Nicola: Cola, this one isn't worth your time. But while he's here...young man have you heard of the cause Simoleons for Every-
Cola: Muuuum, not with my club, please.

The next morning...
Cola: Ugh. No. I could do that wayyyy better.
What are you up to?
Cola: This spy in this spy movie is such a shit spy.
Hate to break it to you but that is not in your future.

Lux: No! Stop following me! That's my engagement ring!

Nicola: Wanna make your little heart sing? Try Simoleons for Everyone - yes Watcher?
We're going out. Time to practice IRL again, Nic.

First maxed skill of the legacy. Well done, Lux! Plus now she can get that final promotion soon. But for now, she has to make her good friend for the week.

Nicola: Hello young man!
Wolfgang: I'm 37. And...oh no.
Nicola: Oh no?
Wolfgang: You know my mother Mila, don't you Ms Wu? She'd told me a lot about you.

Bjorn: You'll tell my workplace what?
Lux: Exactly, little man. So be my good friend or else!
Bjorn:...This is no way to socialise.
Lux: It's my way.

Nicola: Hellloooooo.
Charisma is the slowest skill ever I swear. I ran into this problem with Zenobia.
Lux: Don't talk about my-
Does anyone know how to do it faster? Any tips or tricks?

Nicola: Hello, Miss! Now, there's nothing to be sad about on this fine day-
Blue girl: My father just died!
Nicola: Ah. Well I'm sure he would have loved you to donate to a good cause such as Simoleons for Everyone...

Nicola: I am the superior politician, old man.
Victor Feng:...This doesn't convince me.
Nicola: It should, you miserable husk of a human.

Lux: You passed my test!
Bjorn: Good. Can I go yet? With my intact job and pension scheme.
Lux: One last thing!

Bjorn: Fuck you Lux!
Lux: *blows a kiss*

Cola: Awww, frogboi. Do you stink or is that just me?
Definitely you. Hurry up and dig your collectibles so we can go home.

We got home!
Sugar: Oh COLA, my mistress, the pain is so great, pray release me-
Cola: Oh whoa whoa whoa, I didn't ask for any of this!

Sugar continues to insist on sleeping in one of the bedrooms. She loves her Mistresses.

Lux: Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey, give me some fuckin' cash.
No Lux, you're gonna have to try a bit harder.

Nicola: Aw, aren't you good?
Sugar: Kill her enemies...protect...find that tail...
Nicola: And silly. You're also pretty fucking stupid, huh?

Sugar: Come HERE!

Lux: Don't you DARE-
Sink: Bitch please don't tell me what to do.


Sugar you look like a goddamn crackhead. What is going on with this cat, honestly.

As Cola comes closer and closer to ageing up, I'm trying to find her someone. For babymaking and such. Stacy Vatore is a possibility for sure. So is Pierce Delgato, even if they didn't really vibe last time.
It's not gonna be Tim Luther, who's in this picture along with Miss Cola. I mean...they're sitting like that.

Shayne Mims is also a possibility. He's cute, but he's already a YA, so they don't know each other yet. But Lux does so I had her invite him over.
Cola: Quick intro question: who's the awesome one here?
Shayne: I'm guessing the answer you want is...you? But I'm pretty awesome myself, Miss.
Cola:...That's a pretty good answer.

Cola: So how do you know my Mum? She's into some pretty shady shit so I really only see a few possibilities...
Shayne: Oho, do you really want to know?
Cola:...Yes. That's why I asked.
Shayne: Meh. I freelance at home. She's my hacking buddy. Well, online mentor. She's talented.
Cola: She's talented at being a huge pain in the ass that's what.
Shayne: Don't tell her I said this, but I pretty much agree.

Shayne: Bust down, Thotiana.
Cola, still outside with her food: You talking to me?

Nicola got a promotion to Level 8.
Nicola: Hey Sugar. Wanna help me scam even more fools?
Sugar: Whatever Mistress wants.

Nicola: So, boys. I'm the director of charitable endeavours at the Windenburg Town Hall, and if you just give me five minutes...
Tim: Sure, I can do that, Mrs Sutherland!
Shayne: I'm guessing you need a credit card too, huh lady?
Cola: Don't act so high and mighty, Shayne, we all heard your song choice.

Shayne: So...why do you live at home anyways? Surely Lux would-
Cola: Because I'm still in high school? What kind of question is that? I'm almost seventeen, but-

Shayne:...Typical Lux. Trying to jailbait me with her own kid.
Cola: Probably. Sorry about that. You're alright though.
Shayne: Yeah. But...you can call me when you can legally drink, OK?
Cola: With that attitude, I might not.
Yes you will.

Lux: Why am I suddenly developing a mobile game? Like, making money legally? Ew. That's not what we do.
Well now it is.
Anyway, it will net you 500 satisfaction. I can get you the connections reward trait, and then do the other parameter of your aspiration - Lvl 3 in the Tech career. Pretty sure that I can get that automatically and not break the rules by having you make money from it.

Sometimes Nicola decides to use her alien powers.
Cola: MUM
Nicola: Now I know all of what you are thinking...and wow, you haven't been rebelling at all. Pretty boring, huh?
Cola: What do you even want from me? How could I even rebel against you two, you have weird standards!

Cola: Mum, I don't appreciate you using me as bait-
Lux: What bait? I just thought you'd like the man. And I think the man likes you, honey.
Lux: Was I right? I think I was right. I truly am a genius.
Cola: Whatever. I also don't appreciate having to see your literal ass crack-
Lux: It's my bedroom dear, you just walked into it.

Nicola: Hello, Bjorn. I need your help today.
Bjorn: Oh God. Hello, trouble.
Nicola needs to get like 3k in donations for her next promotion. Cola is being sent on a collectibles run. And Lux is still chugging away with her mobile app.

Bjorn was a massive ass about the whole thing - guess he knows them too well - but these three suckers did nicely for Nicola. Over 500 simoleons.

Candy: -yeah, I guess helping out you guys IS a way to keep my rebel spirit alive! I may be 45 and a mother but I can still fight the Man.
Nicola: Yes, by helping my wonderful cause! Simoleons for Everyone!
Lux: Fool.

Lux: What a great day it's been, my love. Celebrate?
Nicola: Yeah I've been wanting to for a few days now.
They both had it whimmed, in fact.

Lux went to sleep, Cola went to skill, and Nicola invited random people over to obtain donations.
Summer: But if I donate to you, how will I fund my dream Holiday?

Summer: Hi kittyyyyyyy!
Sugar: You aren't Mistresses, you aren't worth my time. Begone THOT.

Gretchen: You lousy piece-of-shit scammer-
Nicola: Now, miss, I am no such thing!
Summer: Eh. I'm fifty-fifty either way.

'Call me when you can drink', huh? Yet you're calling at 12am?
What do y'all think happens between two young people in a park at midnight?
(No prizes offered)

The next morning, Cola and Nic got on the workout machines. If I can't be healthy and fit IRL, I can make my Sims do what I'm too lazy to!

Then Cola and Sugar became companions.

Nicola: I'm ready to benefit financially.
Lux: Oh Nicola, you really are the love of my life...besides my hacking and that.
Nicola: Why yes, I'd be nothing without my charity. But this few minutes is about us.
Lux: Yeah, I gotta tweak my virus right after this.
Nicola: Ay, got it. I'll make this quick.

Cola: These are the weirdest vows ever.
And so, Nix finally tie the knot, with Cola and her new observatory for company. I mean, who else do they really care about?

Lux: I promise to put a cut of everything I get into your 'foundation', Nic.

Nicola: Thank you dear! And I will give you and that 'software company' you work for as many ins as I can.

Really now.

After the wedding it's business as usual.
Nicola: Thanks for the hundo, get out now.
Kayleigh: Seriously?

This is Nicola's one friend from all that shilling. I can foresee Elise becoming a very helpful donor.

...But Sugar doesn't like her. Literally started hissing when Elise got near her.

As usual, Lux spends the day at her computer while her wife and daughter are at work and school.
Sugar: Reeeeee I will catch you!
Lux: Can you not do that right by me?
Sugar: P R O T E C T I O N

Cola: Muuuum, can you get your wrinkly donors out of the kitchen? I'm trying to work here!

Elise: Young lady, you should be volunteering to help your mother out with this wondrous cause, sintead of working on your...what is this? Grades?
Cola: Damn she is good.
Victor: You do not have that damn picture-
Nicola: Shall we see about that?

The next morning...(yeah I'm rushing a bit, I want to play Cola's generation)
Lux got her final promotion! Look at that salary!
Lux: I'm so good at hacking I can instantly see people's bank account details. They don't call me the oracle for nothing.

All the food in the fridge went bad so Lux is making a new batch. I'm gonna leave her mostly alone now. I mean, she maxed out Mischief, Programming and her career.
But for now we need leftovers.

Eva: God you're a pain.
Business as usual.

Elise continues to be extremely helpful with the donations.
She's given more than the other people Nic invited over today, who are in the living room having some kind of support group.

Elias (middle): It's bullshit!
Wolfgang: I mean, look at me. Clearly I'm broke.
Eva: You know how many times I've tried to get off her mailing list?

Elise is the best. That's 5,000 simoleons raised, enough for the next promotion.
Nicola, yelling into the living room: Alright, get out losers! My girl Elise did all your work for you. Quit hogging my cable!

Lux: You're never gonna beat MY reign!
Cola: Oh please. I am the most awesome.
Nicola: *mumbling* Is it unethical to ask your grandchildren for scam money?
Lux: Eh. Whatever. Make me proud, kid. And call Shayne.
Cola: 3...2...1...!
Next time, we delve into Cola's parameters and her YAhood. It's been literal years, I am so ready to start on Generation 2!
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