Nicola: *grumble* Why do I have to repair everything? Maybe if Lux's weird obsessive ass didn't work nights I wouldn't be stuck with this shitty grunt work - she's the expert anyway! Ha. Repair. Like our relationship. Well, fuck it. I'm not getting married!
Eva: So. Why are we all gathered in your hallway?
Nicola: Hush, I'm getting there, dear. Now, I have an opportunity for you-
Marcus: Oh God, I know exactly what this is. Why did we let her in?
Jade: That was actually your call, dummy.
Marcus: Oh shit, really. Wow I must have been drunk.
Eva: Yeah, you said it was because you wanted to hook-
Marcus: Shh! Just shh!
Nicola: About my opportunity, my dears-
Nicola: I'll stop impaling Marcus's chest if you give me some money for my cause. It's for poverty and inequality and stuff. Simoleons for everyone!
Jade: Well...I guess...
Marcus: Please just say yes Jade this hurts so bad.
Nicola: So sorry sweetie, it's just a clipping issue...
Eva: Hmm. I like how you do things, girl.
Nicola: Now, I don't pretend to know everything about Paolo. But I'm 99% certain that he wants his daughters to grow up in a fairer world.
Paolo: OMG! I do!
Nicola: As do I, my dear. And you can help with that, by contributing to Simoleons for Everyone!
Paolo: Why, how much do you need?
Nicola: Heard you got paid last Wednesday?
Paolo: Yeah,what about it?
Nicola: Whatever's left from that will do us nicely!
Sugar: First Mistress is hoooome!
Eva: Owww, my fucking feet - goddammit Cat!
Nicola: Lux!
Lux: Oh, hi - excuse the smell.
Nicola: Don't mind that. I do really want to talk now-
Lux: Yeah, yeah, just let me take a shower-
Nicola: One more donation and I leave you alone forever.
Darling: Now that is tempting.
Sugar: Out out out! None of that terrifying flat box pls!
Darling: Shut the hell up, cat. I just wrote one of your owners a cheque for £100, I'm gonna get something from them too.
Darling: Nicola I swear it's all I can spare this month-
Nicola: Tells me she wants to talk and then falls asleep...that woman just...ugh!
Lux: Kid.
Cola: Hey. Who are you again?
Lux: Very funny, Cola.
Cola: Meh. I just don't see you much. But Ma's glued to her mirror so-
Lux: I have an idea...
Cola: Ooh.
Lux: Not gonna tell you.
Basically, Cola is going to be Lux's good friend for this week. They never reached that status and there's no rule saying the new good friend can't be somebody the heir already knows.

*almost-year-long hiatus*
Lux: Adulthood, blam!
Cola: Lol you got wrinkles.

Sugar is being as weird as ever....
Sugar: Tail! Tail! Tail!

...and Nicola is practicing speech. She's most likely thinking about how to sass her girlfriend instead of having an actual conversation.
Nicola: What? No!
So what are you talking about then?
Nicola: Well...um....uh...


Sugar: I love you, Mistress.
Lux: You're sweet, cat. I almost think you would give me your undying devotion in a ceremony of some kind...
Nicola, from the hallway: I can hear you!

Lux got a bit of a makeover.
Lux: I may have wrinkles but nothing's gonna change :).

Cola, do you wish Sugar could fly or something?
Cola: Well now I do, shit Watcher!
Sorry, not happening
Cola: Not even to distract me from the sound of my parents' relationship falling apart?

Nicola: Why can't you take no for an answer? You ageing and looking WORSE isn't going to help anything!
Lux: Wowwww just kick ya girl when she's down, huh?

Sugar: I'm a trained marriage counsellor! Hiss!
Lux: Oh crud, don't say marriage, kitty-
Nicola: Is this what you tell our beloved pet, Lux? You are unbelievable!
Lux: Would it really be so bad-
Nicola: Because it's a lie! I don't wanna marry you!

Cola: Yoooooo girl.
Augustus: I keep telling you, soda chick, I'm a boy.
Cola: Meh, I don't see it. Wanna go see fun shapes in the clouds?

Augustus: No way! You say I look like a girl? Well fine, you look like an ugly snot-nosed mess.
Cola: Oh, forget you. I have a club gathering to start if you're going to be a dickhead.
Augustus: Bitch please, I'm in that club.
Cola: Fuck.

Evie: Sweet hat, where'd you get it gir-
Augustus: I'M A BOY!

Evie: What a loser.
Camron: Right? Some of us are secure in our masculinity. Right? Aren't I? Aren't I Evie, right?
Evie: Boys.
Cola, yelling from the kitchen: Hey, my parents are lesbians and they're having maaaaad problems right now.

Sugar: Does Third Mistress require assistance with her ablutions?
Lux: Why. Why is everybody in my family like this?

Cola: Wow, he's a shit violin player too.
Evie: Right? I feel like he's giving himself ear damage.
Cola: I oughta punt dis bitch. Right out the window.

Evie: Hey look, I'm Augustus and I bitch and whine!
Camron: She got it down pretty good, huh?
Cola: Oh hell yeah.

Cola: What is that prairie crap you're wearing, Ma?
Lux: Take it up with the Watcher, kid. Also, Jesus Christ this violin playing sucks.
Camron: I told you we weren't being mean for the hell of it, Augustus!
Cola: We kind of were. This boi plain sucks.

Cola: Aight, it was fun, but time to go mofos! Yeet urselves out the door and come back only when I tell ya, mmmk? Also Augustus, you're banned. You have no creativity whatsoever!

Nicola: Oh blah blah blah, when are you and that alien girlfriend of yours getting ready? My boss shouldn't even ask me that! And I'm the alien, not LUX! This relationship is even stifling my ability to scam people!

Lux: *hisssss* Yes I know, I know I don't deserve her! But it makes me MAD.

The next morning...
Sugar: Whyyyy won't physics let me eat my tail?
Lux: Every morning you do this, cat. Every morning. Just let me hack in peace?
Nicola, half-asleep: Maybe turn the damn light off and let me SLEEP in peace.

Nicola: Good morning, kid.
Cola: You look happier! You and Ma finally bang it out?
Nicola:...Nah, just a good morning.
Cola: So definitely? Cool, keep it down tho.
Nicola: That was the cat, dear.
Honestly Sugar is such a weirdo that it probably was.

Lux: Dammit cat, we will have playtime if you chill the fuck out, like damn!

Nicola: Well hello, beautiful.
Mila: Don't play with me Nicola, I know I look like shit. Now tell me what you want.
Nicola: You see, the cause could use-
Mila: *sigh* How much? Just for you to leave me alone.

Nicola: $100. Also, kid, those sunglasses don't look as cool as you think.
Tim: Who says I'm wearing them for your approval?
Mila: Heh. I like this kid. Here's your cash, leech. I'm off!

Sugar: I must deduce whether this fool is good enough for First Mistress!
Cola: Whoa, Sugar, we're just chilling over here.
Mila: Why am I still here.

Cola: Yeah, so, my fam's pretty weird and all-
Tim: Oh pray tell. I love tea.
Cola: Let's get a-sipping!

Tim: The Simfenders? You've got good taste in shows, lady. So are you Cola's grandma?
Mila: Nope.
Tim: ...
Mila: ...
Tim: I still wanna watch the film. We don't have cable at home.
Mila: Neither do I.
Mila: Let's watch.

Cola: It's you and me against the world, cat. I haven't seen my parents in two days.
Sugar: I will always support my First Mistress.
Cola: Bless you, kitty.

Nicola: Dammit, I aged. I don't think I like these new face-lines.
Now you're home, it's time for Cola's birthday!

Cola: Hey, Moms-
Lux: So do you want to go over things, or...?
Nicola: Can't hear you over this grilled cheese, Lux!
Cola: Wow. Just wow.
Lux: Oh cry me a river, nobody celebrated my birthdays either!

Lux: Oh God, you look like me, which means you look like your terrible AU grandfather! Just great.
Cola: Can't hear the hate, too busy bein' the super-awesome Cola 2.0!
Lux:...You need a makeover.
Cola: I know! This ugly granny cardigan belongs on someone OLD. Like one of you-
Lux: Hey, we're early forties!
Nicola: Now I know you aren't planning to make me a grandmother at this age, Missy!

Here's teenage Cola. She's cute, though still facially a complete Lux clone. However, Nicola comes through in the skin tone, and also her lack of the Sutherland curves, which have been pretty standard since Glass joined the family. Her new trait is Genius and her aspiration is The Collector, which I picked based on the Gen 2 parameters...which will be written here when she grows up properly.

Cola: How does it feel to have a daughter more put-together than you?
Lux: Meh. I expected it to happen one day.

Nicola also received a makeover.
Nicola: Really? There was no better time for a picture?

Stacy: Uh, if Cola's asleep, why am I here at 10pm, Mrs Sutherland?
Nicola: I'M NOT - oh whatever. That's not the reason. I'm here to offer you a great opportunity, to support the cause of 'Simoleons for everyone'-
Stacy: Don't bother. I nicked some money off my stepdad. You can have it.
Nicola: Thanks, Stacy! Now get out of my house.

Lux: Oh, greetings Anas. Vampire, right? Heard through the grapevine that your wife is pregnant! Now if you don't want all that child-raisin' money gone from your account, you'll get out of here without a single drop of blood.
Anas:...Yes, ma'am, please and thank you, sorry.

Cola:...This room is for babies.
OK, I'll redo it!
Cola: But keep the drawings I drew, anyone who comes in here has got to know of my awesomeness.
Yes yes, sweetheart, you're very talented.

Cola: Sooooo if you guys split, can I get two weekends?
Nicola: Look, I may be an alien but I know that isn't how this works.

I sent Cola to get collectibles She's pretty good at it; she went 3 for 4.
While she was out Lux was promoted to Net Demon, which is Level 9.

Cola: Slimyyyyyy.
She did the first tier of her aspiration already. I like you, Cola.
Cola: Oh darling, how could you not?

When Cola got back, Nicola had gone to work and Lux needed to do her daily task. So they were like this for hours.
Yeah, so apart from Nix being on the rocks, this family aren't the most interesting right now.
Lux: Bitch please, are you releasing sensitive government information at this very second?

Sugar: You...you are a fearsome enemy, but for the Mistresses I hunt anything.
Sugar is still a fabulous little weirdo of a cat.

Lux: Do you have to do that when I'm trying to sleep?
Cola: Sorry, when inspiration hits me, I just have to let it out. U know it's gonna be worth it.
Lux: I know it won't be!

Lux:...Wow I love my family, this is ideal.
Sugar: I have vanquished the enemy!
Nicola: You scratched up the damn couch again, didn't you?
Cola: Mum how dare you not appreciate my work?
Lux: Ugh, who are you Cola? Kanye West?

Sugar: The touch of my First Mistress, as affirming as ever-
Cola: OK you're making this weird, cat.

I normally change work outfits but this...
Lux: Come on, I look like a badass. You know it.
Yeah that's working for you.
Except you're not supposed to have a fringe anymore so I'll just change that.
Lux: Perfect. I'm gonna go destabilise a local election now :)

Nicola: The cat does know we bought it a bed, right?
Sugar: Protectionzzzzz....

Sugar: *meowing loudly* Come back here you long white piece of litter!
Lux: Sometimes I wish I still lived alone.
Nicola: *passive-aggressively chopping fruit for fruit salad*

Nicola:...Hello Darling. I have a proposition.
Darling: Oh GodDAMMIT.
Nicola: We do this often, don't we? And don't I normally convince you?

Darling: How much do you want from me?
Nicola: A cool £250.
Darling: Oh you're taking it too far, forget it!
Nicola: I can always ask my dearest girlfriend to help convince you. You know Lux, don't you?
Nicola: So now what do you say?
Darling: £100 and you leave me alone for a week.
Nicola: Four days and I'll take it.
Darling: It's a deal.

Nicola: Hey Lux?
Lux: Yeah?
Nicola: We already make a pretty good team, don't we? Even without the writing?
Lux:...Look I'm trying to eat my damn sandwich, leave me alone on this one.

Nicola: -your name is enough to strike fear into the hearts of my potential donors. That's worth everything to me!
Lux: Oh Nic...that's one of the sweetest things I ever heard. I love you...and those tip-offs you give me about where to attack.
Nicola: I don't want this issue to get in the way of us taking over Windenburg.
Lux: Never, my love.
Nicola: I suppose I should say I love you too?!

Nicola: Hmm. Let's see how 'awesome' you are at maths.
Cola: Come on, that's my worst subject!

Cola is cooking. Well, 'cooking'. There's no way I'm letting her near the stove.
Cola: Please. You wish you could chop tomatoes like me.
You're doing alright but you are still not allowed to use the stove.

Sugar: Tail you are the most cursed enemy! You are attached to me and yet I can never BITE you like you deserve.
This is all Sugar does anymore. Stand in one place and run around in circles.

She still sleeps on Cola's bed quite a bit though, which I find incredibly cute.
Sugar: First Mistress snores but it's worth it!
Cola: You do have a bed.
Sugar: Worth it.

Nicola: Why can't that child do the dishes right? And why do I have to do this? And why does Lux have to wash her boots in this sink?

Nicola: You have got to hear about this cause I'm heading...

Lux: I've toppled governments, exposed CEOs, hacked-
Waiter: That's nice ma'am but I'm still not giving you free pastries.
These two have skilling to do, so I brought them outside. Yeah, they can actually go outside. I'm shocked too.

Ulrike: Little old me? You think I can help your wonderful cause?
Nicola: Yes, I just need your email, signature and bank numbers!

Travis: God you're annoying! What is wrong with you?
Lux: I'm a Sutherland, baby.
They're doing well.

Ulrike: Oh come on...I don't look pregnant, do I? Do I?
Lux: Well...first impressions are everything, sweetie.

Mehdi: Well hellooooo hot stuff.
Nicola: No. Do you want to donate to my cause or something?
Mehdi: I'd donate your cause anytime.
Nicola: I hate human men...I suppose I am lucky to have Lux.
Mehdi: Is that your girlfriend? Do you guys make out?
Nicola: I mean you're never gonna see anything. Can you spare some change or not?
Mehdi: I'd sign up to an OnlyFans.
Nicola: Goodbye!

Ulrike: I did tell you not to shake her hand.
Lux: You fucking idiot Carlos!

Nicola: That's the guy.
Lux: Thaaaat's the guy? Don't worry Nic. I've got this.
Carlos: I'm so lost.
Lux: Carlos why are you even still here.

Mehdi: Ow. OW! Stop it!
Lux: I'll stop when you get some respect for women.
Mehdi: I'll - OW! Stop!
Lux: Ha! I love this!

Nicola: Well, this is nice...but what's it for?

Nicola: What are you doing, Lux?
Lux: What I've wanted for nearly twenty years...proposing to the woman I'm in love with.
Nicola: I love you too but this is all so much.
Lux: You said it yourself yesterday, we're a team!

Lux:...Also, tax benefits. There's a few tax benefits.
Nicola: Why didn't you say that before? Yes, yes, a hundred times yes!

Nicola: More money for the cauuuuse!
Lux: Whatever makes you happy dear.
Glad you guys worked this one out.

Cola: A is for Awesome.
I have to admit it is pretty cool that you got your A on your second day of school.

Cola: Wow Sugar, that's exactly what a queen wants to see when she's eating.
Sugar: Forgive me, First Mistress, but you doing your business is not exactly nice for me either.
Cola: I never asked you to come in the bathroom-
Sugar: And I never asked you to come in here.

Cola: Aww, I can't stay mad at you.
Sugar: I love all my mistresses...but you the most.
Cola: Of course. My Mums are pretty cool, but nobody's this awesome.
And that's that! Next time Nix finally marry, and we will finish Cola's teen years and bring on Gen 2! I'm so ready.
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