Sugar welcomes you back to the Sutherland Randomcy.
Sugar: No I don't! I'm sleepy! It's a harrowing trip under that fridge!
Lux: I'm busy!
Nicola: Me too!
Cola: *is at school*
Lux: Did I not just say I was busy? If I do this right, sans distractions, there will be a headline about a government security breach in the morning. And probably some incriminating stuff on the Governor of Windenburg.
See Lux, you're plenty cool. Although cool might be the wrong word...
(Note: I do not condone fucking with government systems)
Lux: Don't you fucking dare.
Sugar: Is this the way to speak to a-
Lux: I don't care what you call yourself, stop ruining our kickass new bed.
Sugar: It's only a bed, First Mistress.
Lux: Stop it, and get out. I need to sleep.
Sugar:...Damn, this bed is good though.

Cola: You know I'm right.
About WHAT

Lux: Hey bestie, what's up?
Mila: Last time I was here you threatened me and stole my money.
Lux: That doesn't sound like me. Wait. No. Haha. It absolutely sounds like me. Water under the bridge?
Mila: *eyeroll*

Cola: You wish you could be dis.
What, locked in my room and sucking hard at violin?
Cola: -__-

Lux: Aren't we such good friends?
Mila: If you ask me to look at the stars one more damn time...
Lux: Yeah, yeah, I know. Your old back can't take it.
Mila: I swear to GOD-
Lux: Such good friends!

Mila: OMG who's gonna win?
Sugar: Oh noes, the big scary screen machine! And this lady won't let me hide under her skirts!

The Morning...
Cola is making a new tradition.
Cola: This bed IS really cool!
Honestly between Lux's loud typing and Cola eating in here all the time, I wonder how Nicola gets any sleep.
Nicola: I don't! I don't get sleep!

Cola: It's a bird, it's a plane-
Sugar: I'm on the GROUND.

Due to Lux's stupid work hours, Cola doesn't get out, because if we leave the house Lux will ruin her sleep schedule. I felt bad about Cola's pathetic relationship panel and set her up with a club, the Creative Children (I'm so inventive).
Colette: This sucks ass.
The gathering is off to a great start.

They're all here, I think.
Cola: I will serenade the lot of you so hard-
Tim: Can't hear you over the coolness of me and my DOLL!
Delaney: That's Cola's doll, fool.
Pierce: No, Blueni, YOUR hat is stupid.
Colette: Do you want me to say something, bear?

Tim: Oh God, it burns! It burns! This child...has no swag.
OK Tim, just because you're like 2 days older than the next oldest person doesn't mean you can call them children. And you don't have 'swag' either.
Cola: -I took it, and threw it on the GROUND!
Pierce: That's just a song lyric.
Colette: Ugh, a baby could draw those pictures.
Cola: I wanna throw her on the ground.
Pierce: Now that I'd be down for.

Colette: This violin is of very poor quality-
Cola: Actually Colette, you're just terrible at violin! How about that? Blueni agrees!
Blueni: O__O Do not bring me into this..

Colette: Seriously, a horrible violin-
Delaney: Just admit it, blue dude. She's fine.
Stacy:...Well yeah, I do have a lot of hairclips and old homework in my locker. Doesn't everyone?
Oh God it's a kleptomaniac. Get it out of the house!
Lilith Vatore's child btw.

Well...I guess IT is out of the house now.
Cola: Don't hate on Stacy OK. She's a vampire. That's cool!
Stacy: Yeah...don't tell my mum I told you that.
Cola: Yeah, because snitches get stitches BRUH. My lips are zipped.

Cola: Yeah, that's my dumb cat. She's dumb. Don't pay attention to her.
Sugar: It seems as if Second Mistress is having...company.
Chill out Sugar, they're like seven.

Lux and Nicola are trying to have some lunch.
Nicola: If these kids get any louder I WILL go insane!
Lux: Hahahahaha I cut my finger!
Nicola: *false laughter* Oh God! You're already broken!
She was from the start, dear. And she's a Sutherland. It doesn't take them too long to break crazy.

Cola: Wow. What are those?
Sugar: You dare come near our family, peasant?
Stacy: O__O

Lux: *hiss* The Oracle will destroy you all!
Nicola: Not in front of the guests, honey.
Stacy: It's OK. Me and my mum are vampires too....oh no. Oh no. Should not have said that.

The gathering was ended but Stacy stuck around to do some homework.
Stacy: Yeah, that and my mother will actually kill me! Cola's mum put a picture of me on her website...all to pander to the vampire vote. Why did I come here?

Lux: So...darn...sick of this rule!
Me too, girl. Although you are low on money so I'd probably still make you repair this thing. It's expensive.

Lux: I have the power. I will feel this burn.
Sugar: Evil black belt...stop trying to throw Mistress OFF! Don't worry, I'll get rid of the demon.
Lux: Will you now.

Darling: You only ever invite me here to GET SOMETHING. So what the hell do you want, Nicola?
Nicola: No, no, Dear. I value our friendship.
Darling: And could you get your stupid yowling CAT out of here?
Nicola: Hey, don't bring her into this-
Donations were given in the end. Nic is getting way too good at this.

I was watching Cola play with her cat toy when I got a notification saying that Darling found out that Nic's an alien. Then one displaying all of Darling's traits.
Darling: An alien huh...aha, how the tables have turned. I might ask for some money...I'm looking for a honeymoon fund.
Nicola: Fine. I can give you some money. But my girlfriend will destroy you.
Darling: What, is she part of the government too? I haven't seen Miss Lux on TV-
Nicola: Lux can do what she does without appearing on TV at all, Darling. So yeah...I'll fund your two-bit trip to Granite Falls or whatever. But you'll pay later.
Darling:...Fine. I'll keep it shut. But you've got one chance.

Nicola: The unicorn...rainbow shooting...magic of friendship...yeah, never mind this drivel. Do you want to hear about how Ma intimidated a woman into NOT blackmailing us?
Cola: Yes please!

What do you mean 'you should never miss leg day' Vivian, you are a GHOST.
Lux: Took the words right out of my mouth, Watcher. Thanks.

Yes, Sugar, I bought you a cat tree. Please USE IT.

Nicola: So the one time I'm awake while you're having breakfast, you DON'T come into my room, sit on my bed, and disturb me?
Cola: Yup. That's right. :)
Nicola:...Little shit.
Cola: Love you too, Ma.
Nicola:..To be honest, same.

Lux: Wow....that was stressful! Like, that performance bar was cutting it REAL fine.
Mood. She literally maxed it with 45 minutes of work to go.
Lux: Anyway, meet the Oracle's newest Anonymous Ghost, I guess.
She has Wednesdays off now, which is good. Nic also has Wednesdays off so they can hang out.

Nicola: How do you like it, Cola?
Cola: I'm sorry, did someone say something?
Sugar: WOW, SASS!

Lux: Lemme give you the rundown, Mila. I need to be official good friends with you in twelve hours. Now lie on the floor. We're doing cloudgazing. Stat!
Mila:...Hi, Lux.
Cola: *giving Sugar all the love*
Honestly, it's 12pm on a Sunday and I should have done this earlier because the deadline is supposed to be 8am Sundays...I fail. But not officially...yet. I've made the executive decision to not fail myself unless it's Monday and she still isn't good friends with Mila.

Ohhhh thank God. This is fine, right? It's been literally 5 hours. I don't want to fail my randomcy in Gen 1 and have to quit because of 5 measly sim-hours.

Sugar: I challenge to a fight, doorfr-MFFMFMFWFWEF

Mila:...What? It's all I can do. Seriously...that woman is a disaster.

It's Stacy's birthday. Lux's schedule is already a bit fucked today and Nicola isn't doing anything important so I left them at home and allowed Cola to come over here.
Cola: I'm truly grateful.

Mila: Dammit Lucas I hid your bus pass for a reason.
Jesminder: O__O
Why is this party at the Spencer-Kim-Lewis house? I checked MCCC and Stacy's parents are Lilith Vatore and some generated townie named Santino Mims. So like...why does she live here?

Stacy: You do NOT yell at my stuffed toy!

Lilith: Ah, my darling daugh-
Stacy: Crapcrapcrap, hide me Wolfgang.
Wolfgang: Lol no.
Jesminder: Y'all are weird.

Stacy: Happy birthday to me....

*cricket chirp*
Fucking wow.
Jesminder: Cake, cake, must make cake.
Cola: *watching a blank TV*
Everybody else, including Stacy's parents: *off somewhere else doing weird shit*

Not bad, Stacy. Not bad.
Stacy: I still wish SOMEONE watched.

Stacy:...Hi twerp.
Cola: Sorry. I didn't realise it was happening. I was trying to find your parents.
Stacy: I saw you trying to work our TV...
Cola: Never mind that! I love ya really. Heh...I can't wait to grow up!

J: Stepdaughter...
Stacy: Oh God, not you...
I made Stacy over. I really like her, if you couldn't tell.
And THAT'S why they live here. Lilith is married to J, who was married to Vivian, so he lives here and moved Lilith and her kid in. Because that's something that would happen. -__-

Olivia: Y'aaalllll, I just grew up!
Aaand her birthday was even worse than Stacy's.
Ok bye bye now, Spencer-whatevers. See ya most likely never again.

These kids were hanging around outside the house when Cola got home. I had her introduce herself to them. The first one took off pretty quickly but Cola and the second one began to chat.
Cola: Nice style, girl. Purple cardigans, huh?
Augustus:...I'm a boy.
Cola: Then nice style, boiiii!
Augustus: Oh my god.

The next morning...
Nicola: Ugh...UGH...
Sugar: Wow, Second Mistress is actually doing the cleaning.
Nicola: Disgusting! Why can't I wear rubber gloves?
I'm more interested in what the fuck just happened to your torso.

Lux: CAT! What do you WANT?
Sugar: Foooooood!
Lux: There's food right in the living room, you've eaten from there before, if you wake me up again I will put you up for adoption!

Cola: Celebratory picture! Today, I have won a great victory-
What happened?
Cola: I got a B! I am now solidly average...in school work, of course. Even as a C student I was above average in pizzazz and amazingness.
...Whatever kid.

Nicola: We at 'Simoleons for Everyone' are looking to expand outside of Windenburg, and for that we need funding! Every little helps!
Marcus:...Nope. I'm done with this. I feel like our friendship is just about you getting money for your damn cause...you are such a politician!
Nicola: Thank you!
Remember, she's not from Earth. Lol.
Eventually, a donation was gained from Darling. Somehow.

Then she helped Cola with her homework.
Cola: I can do this stuff. I'm a B student.
Nicola: OK I'm not even from Earth and I know that's nothing special.

Sugar: Wow, First Mistress is so productive.
Lux: Shhhhshshhhh I don't wanna lose at
(Cat had a point. She was late for work because I didn't start her on the daily task in time)

Cola: Dang, I come into her room and she's already awake! That's not fun at all!
Nicola: God maybe she is a little shit.
Cola: You looooove me.

Nicola: Hello, I'm here to talk to you about 'Simoleons for Everyone', my cause that, uh, improves the lives of poor people.
Kallie: I guess I support that because I'm not like...a dick.
Nicola: Would you donate then?
Kallie: Well...my guilt says yes!
Nicola: Whatever. I don't care why! Just give over the cash!

Oh, Summer
Summer: Why sure it sounds like a great cause! Let me empty my wallet!
Nicola: Yeeeesss...I mean, thank you for your support and very kind donation, Miss Holiday.

I do rip on this cat, because she's a little weirdo, but she's an affectionate weirdo. Which is better than most Sutherlands.
It's 11.30am and she's been in Cola's room for hours. Even after Cola went to school.
Sugar: I will watch her things and sniff her scent. She is First Mistress after all.

That doesn't mean that she never does anything wrong.
CAT. Look behind you! Please stop using our very nice sofa as a scratching post. I BOUGHT YOU A CAT TREE.

I woke Lux up to fix it, since Nic was busy. Success! She learned not to scratch up the VERY NICE AND EXPENSIVE sofa.
Sugar: I won't do it again.
Lux: You better not.
Sugar: Your fingers are my joy.
Lux: OK, that's enough, get away from me now.

Cola: Whoa! Sugar! Sit down and listen to my performance! It's a song of beauty, played by a beauty, amirite?
Sugar: But I just want my tail back! I'm in a vortex of agony!

Nicola: I love you!
Lux: I love you more!
Nicola: I love you more!
Lux: OK, so what about marriage-?
Nicola: Eh....heh heh. Uhhhh....
Nicola. Level 6 charisma. Use it.

Nicola: I'm gonna go watch TV.
Lux: Oh wow, great conversation, Nic.

Nicola: I hate the institution of marriage, so fuck off-
Nicola that is not the way to talk to your girlfriend about this! Try again.
Nicola: Goodbye peasant...well, not goodbye, I don't wanna break up, but-
Nicola: Let's discuss this later! I'm busy.
You have three consecutive days off coming up.
Nicola: Fuck off, Watcher, I'll deal with it!

What a great mother.
Lux: All in good fun.

Nicola: Ugggghhhh...I'll never get a full eight hours at this rate.
Sugar: MY TAIL
Lux: *typing as loudly as possible out of spite*

Nicola: OH MY there's a fire!
Sugar: Wow. Good going. Now I know why you're THIRD mistress!
Nicola: Just shut up! Shut up and get out of here! Oh God, Cola, Lux...

Cola: Seriously? My violin music was akin to the song of the gods. And now you've ruined it, Ma.
(All was well and I got a better stove because I'd been meaning to anyway)

Lux: Just a normal morning hacking the National Security Agency...

Nicola: Hi! Mila! I have something to ask you!
Mila: Oh...joy...!
Frankie:...You're invading my personal space!
Nicola: I'll get to you too, Frankster.
Frankie: I don't look forward to it.

Sugar: C'mere you!
She's been doing this for two hours...

Frankie: Your cause sucks and I'm 80% sure it's a scam...here's £100!
Mila: You don't make sense...but she's leaving me alone now so thanks, dear.
Frankie: Who are you?

Sugar: You touch my face, peasant?
Nicola: Fuck 'im up, Cat.
Mila: Hur hur hur I didn't have to pay you.
Nicola: You just did!

Lux: What the hell cat, I'm just trying to piss here-
Sugar: That white thing is so interesting...can I try First Mistress? Please? Please? Please?

Nicola: Great. I blame this cat picture. It's gotta be cursed.

Nicola: Damn I need to talk to Lux...
Cola: About what? Can you talk to her about keeping the cat out of my dang room?
Nicola: Oh, no, nothing can prevent that. Actually it's, well, honey-
Cola: Oh my God I don't care. Is there any food in the fridge or what?
Nicola: Phew...

Lux: Hi sweetheart...
Nicola: Um...

Nicola: Hey, hey, remember the time you hacked into an airport and helped your crew get all that cocaine into-
Lux: Yeah. I am rather awesome. But that's not what I want to talk about.
Nicola: Oh, it isn't?

Lux: No, silly. You know exactly what's up! I want us to get married! We have a kid together, we love each other-
Nicola: And we don't need a piece of paper to prove it! Stop pressuring me!
Lux: Well hinting does not seem to work!
Nicola: I'm letting those hints go on purpose, Lux, I'm not stupid!

Lux: Wouldn't it be so lovely though? Affirming our love, forcing people we've blackmailed to attend for shits and giggles-
Nicola: We could have a regular party for that-
Lux: And wouldn't Cola be so sweet, like a little flowergirl and-?
Nicola: No, Lux. She wouldn't want to do it. She's eleven now, she's too old - and what's your obsession with this anyway? I'm going to bed.
Lux: Wait, Nic-
Nicola: Good night.

Sugar: If I sit here real quiet and don't say anything do I get a bit of sandwich.
Lux: No.
Sugar:...Is that gonna turn into a yes or-?
Lux: No.
Next time, hopefully Nix come to an understanding, and Cola will grow up!
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