Sahara: Lol get used to it. Do you know maths yet, kid?
Miles: What's a maths? I don't like the sound of that.
Sahara: Well get ready then.
She is doing her extra-credit work. We only stan a legend.
Miles: I've escaped! Now, where is the food and bed?
At home. Turn around, little man.
Miles: *sigh* Fine. Just you wait until I grow.
Tamsin: I have so many lessons to teach you, new brother. You must know the futility of this world-
Miles: Begone, peasant. I have no need for you.
Tamsin: Ha. What are you gonna do? Use the toilet by yourself? I think the fuck not. And you'll learn one day.
Missy also got aged up because there's already a cake right there.
Tamsin: Who gives a-
Then quit being in the kitchen when these pointless birthdays happen.
Sari: Kid's movie soundtrack hits are the best! Can't stop the feeling-
I feel like I should stop milking the joke of 'music lover with taste ranging from basic to terrible' but I don't want to.
Mason, talking to literal weeds: Get some, get some! On today, my wedding day, you will NOT disrupt my lovely plants.
Lol I love that super-extra weedkiller thing.
Missy also got an Adult makeover. Those plaits just weren't working for her anymore. I kept her previous aesthetic but grew it up a bit. She is after all a forty-year old mother of four.
Missy: Nope.
I said that you're forty, not dead.

Missy: The puddle won't go away, I've been mopping forever! Oh God, is this hell?

Missy: The puddle won't go away, I've been mopping forever! Oh God, is this hell?
Again, you're not dead.

Mason: Uh...one wedding please. Yeah. One wedding. For today.
Planner: I can't believe I can actually pull that off, but yeah. Sure. Let's go.
Kai: Wheeee, dad is an idiot who doesn't know how stuff works.

It's wedding time!
Mason: My love-
Missy: Eeee put me down I'm dizzy!
Our lovely couple.

Roberto: Why the fuck am I here? I don't know these people.
Because Mason knows nobody, that's why.
Roberto: At least I can practice my filleting. And show off my cool new nose ring.

Felix's daughter aged up to a teen, and she looks like a Felix clone with slightly darker skin. Fun.

Ebony: Couldn't he do this in his own time? I'm a busy woman. And why do I still have the same formalwear I had at Mum's wedding forty years ago?

Andrew's here too.
Tamsin: Who are you again?
Andrew: Why, cousin Tamsin, I'm your cousin! Ebony's son.
Tamsin: And who the fuck is that? Get out of my kitchen, squatter, or I'm going to stain these lame pants.
Andrew: Oh please, with what?
Tamsin: This very oily dressing?
Andrew: God you're a little turd.

GROOT you useless fucking schlub get back in the kitchen, you're a caterer for a reason.
Missy: Seriously? Did the kids really mean that everybody forgot us apart from that old man?
Roberto: Lady, I keep saying, I don't know you guys.
Mason: But you know Aaliyah, right?
Roberto: Oh GOD you were at her shitty unbirthday party, weren't you? There were so many people that the trailer now carries permanent structural damage!
Kai: I'm gonna eat that entire bowl of cake mix you left in the kitchen.

Summer: Little Eb.
Ebony: Skank.
Summer: Again, the both of them are dead now. Get over it before you wrinkle and die which will be pretty damn soon, you're fifty-four-
Ebony: Yeah but the point is, I'm still not gonna end up sleeping with my kid's partner!
Summer: What did I just say about getting over it?
Danika: Oh fuck's sake, not again. I'm taking a nap.
There's a wedding on.
Ebony: I need to check Facebook.
Summer: Playing the Sims.
Danika: Naptime!

Aaliyah: Huh. Haven't been touched like that in five years.
Missy: Ouch. Glad you're having fun at our wedding then!
Aaliyah:...But I'm not!

Tamsin: Ugh. I was gonna hide in here all day, what are you losers doing?
Sahara: Well Dad didn't hire a DJ so now I don't wanna go. What's a wedding without bumping to some Flo Rida?
Tamsin: Ugh. You?
Kai: Why, I have to make plans, dear.
Sahara: UGH. You always say that but you never -
Kai: Anyway what about you Tamsin?
Tamsin: Do you think I care about the institution of marriage at all?
Sahara: God you two are weird. I've got some Twinkies though, who wants?

Ebony: So, Mason, why did you invite our slag grandmother-?
Mason: Because I don't know anyone, apparently!
Aaliyah: He really doesn't. He invited my weird roommate, for God's sake.

Why do you decide to be helpful for once on your actual wedding day, Missy? Not really the time.
Missy: Because everybody here is Mason's family, and I am not about that shit.
Danika: Right? That's why I'm gonna just clean all the bathrooms.

Lux: OMG guys I'm actually kind of happy for you.
Lux has apparently totally lost her mind.

Andrew: Huh. I might really grow up to look like this random dude.
Roberto: Well that says something good - oh who am I kidding, you're doomed kid.
Groot: Nah you'll be worse. You're a Sutherland, aren't you kid?
Andrew: Why don't you shut it and keep cooking for Uncle Mason, kitchen bitch?
Groot: Y'know I'm family too-
Roberto: He's not really is he?
Andrew: Hell no. He came to the door the other day and Mum spat on him.

Vows are finally starting.
Missy: I hope you washed your hands, blue boy.

Aaliyah: Lol I'm gonna look at this pond instead of your wedding.
Missy:...Mason I think I hate your family. It was funny when we first met but it's been twenty years of this shit. I hate them.
Mason: Ohhhh trust me so do I!

Aaliyah: Ugh fineeee I'll look.
Ebony: Can they get this over with? My back hurts.
Sahara: I'm never forgiving Dad for not hiring a DJ, so once they're done I'm going to push them into this pond.
These are currently the only people watching.

Mason: Don't worry about these assholes. This is our day, it's about us.
Missy: So why couldn't we get married in our pyjamas, in our bedroom or something?
Mason: ...

Andrew: Yo, glad I got back on time. Went for a long jog and everything!

OK, people are coming to watch even if the vows are half-done by now.
Kai: Once my parents get married, it's all over for you, old man.
Roberto: Don't @ me, I'm armed.
Tamsin: Maybe I should boo, just for a change.

Aaliyah: This kid still makes me sad.
Danika: What did I do to you, Aaliyah?
Ebony: How long do fucking vows take, Jesus Christ? And is Lux still talking to that plant?
Roberto: Uuuugh, I would be gone by now if Aaliyah wasn't my ride.
Kai: People are unhappy. So I'm happy.
Sahara: Hi cousin Andrew.
Andrew: Hey. Hopefully you're less of a little shit then your sister.
Sahara: Of course I am, it's hard not to be!
Tamsin: I heard that, Sari!

Addisyn: Fuck all of you assholes, now I've ruined my best boots walking in this weirdly sharp pond!
Tamsin: Why am I here? I'm going to bed again. This dress itches.

Aaliyah: I can't even pretend to care. Roberto, got the car keys?
Roberto: I've had them in my hand this whole time, Aaliyah, let's go.
Kai: Ugh, they're happy. I don't want to see them happy.
Tamsin: What do you want to say? Bed? Cos yeah, still going to bed.
Andrew: I thought Mum was rude but wow. Just WOW.

Mason: Oh Missy, I'm so glad to finally marry you - what do you WANT, Eb?
Ebony: Have you seen my damn wallet? My Uber's here, I wanna go!

Groot: So? Did I do a good job? Can I cater the next one or even *gasp* attend as a guest?
Mason: Shut up, Groot.
Danika: Now I know what it's like to meet a Sutherland more hated than me.

Mason: Well...I'm sorry about today, Missy. It wasn't really what I wanted.
Missy: Aww. It's sweet you tried. Plus - ooh, is that cake? Gimme!
Mason: I think we'd all like Groot better if he opened a bakery or something, this shit is good. Oh, and our daughter's actually being friendly over there...
Missy: Tamsin?
Mason: Oh hell no. Sahara. But it's something.

Ebony: One of y'all's asshole children stole my-
Missy: Let's just ignore her, dear. This cake IS damn good, y'know.
And that's the wedding over. One of the best parts was Groot, who'd'a thunk.

Lux: *hic* I'm already there!
Mason: Seriously? You missed my wedding to get drunk?
Lux: Nahhhh...I was on 'at sidewalk-
Mason: OK. Goodbye, call me when you sober up. Or don't. I don't care anymore.

Look at my little baby Miles, using the potty all on his own. The independent trait is a godsend in this ISBI.
Miles: Doesn't stop you from ignoring me all day.
Toddlers don't come to weddings, Miles. Sorry.

What are you doing, Tamsin?
Tamsin: Considering the value of cake and whether I should even bother consuming it.
*sigh* Do you have to do that at midnight?
Tamsin: Yes.

Lux's night out apparently ended with her husband (whom she is quite often fighting with) getting her knocked up.
Cohen: Congratulations, babe, I thought you were too cruel up there to make a baby stick, but we did it!
Lux: I hate you.

Tamsin:....I have made a discovery.
Oh God, the slide? Are you gonna be like your grandfather Bentley?
Tamsin: How can life be pointless if - eh, let's not go there. This is just more mindless fun to distract oneself, isn't it?

Miles: I need attention and sleep and I'm sleepy and - *tantrums all over the place*
Danika: See Sari, this is the bullshit you used to do to me - oh seriously? How do you not even hear this? I bet it's that shit music you blast constantly, your ears must be fucked.

Sari: Sorry kid, can't help. I heard what that no-good undead bitch said about my tunes! And I'm going after her!

Mason: Holy shit, I did it. I created a plant that provides this family with infinite protection against death-Sari, look at this, I did it-
Sari: Wheeee, sliding is fun.

Kai: Oh, Auntie Mercy. The way they tell it you were a mastermind! Why couldn't you be around to help me with my plots?
Mercy: *hiss* Go away, sunlight! I'm back in the ghost realm, don't follow me! You already gave me Sunspot, isn't that enough? Why, why?
Kai:...Who the hell is that idiot by her gravestone?
I have bad news for you Kai.

Kai:...Oh God there is really nobody worthy in this world.
Mercy: Get away from my final resting place, kid.
Mercy, why are you still here? It's 7.30.

Mason just because you are home alone doesn't mean you can sit your bare ass on the communal sofa.
Mason: That's not FAIR, my clothes need to render!

Mason: Really, you bitched about coming to my wedding, but now you wanna hang out with me?
Aaliyah: Oh get over it, it was a bad vibes day.
Mason: HOW?

Tamsin didn't get her A. I'm disappointed.
Oh well, time to grow her up. Let's see how much of a Mason clone she really is.

Tamsin is creative, as well as a music lover. I guess she'll grow up to be a musician or something.
Tamsin: Nope! Vampires! I want to be a vampire and have a coven who will watch the world burn with me.
Tamsin: Creative doesn't just have the one meaning, sweetie.
Fine, I get it. Whatever. Her aspiration is Vampire Family, and *spoiler* unless she's the only kid with the Erratic trait she's not heir. I'm not doing vampires again.

Here's her new everyday.

And here's a face pic. She has those annoying brown eyes, but she has got Missy's nose and mouth. So she isn't a clone, which is good.

Thanks Danika. Thanks a lot.

Mason: I think Sari's the coolest child.
Sari: Dad quit talking like I'm not even here. And you know that's not a compliment. You know my siblings.
Sari is 100% the coolest. I kind of love her.

Miles: Fuck off, Dad! I'll use Kai's bombs, I swear I will.
Mason: Dammit, what are the other ones telling this kid?

Kai: Score! That fake ID worked! Now I can have all the bleach and knives I want!...Oh, it's Aunty Mercy's old site. That checks out. It'll work for me.

Kai: ...even if the woman's a fool. Still, when you're seven, you take what you can get.

Tamsin: OK kid, there's a lot you need to know. Firstly, the world is trash and everything is pointless. All your innocence will be crushed out of you by the time you're 5 because you live here.
Miles: Kk sister. Can I have my Cheerios now or-?

Tamsin: Alright. Quiz time. True or false: are people gonna help you?
Miles: Dad kind of helps...
Tamsin: Not forever. You know everybody dies, right?
Miles: ...
Mason: Dammit Tamsin, go to bed and quit traumatising your brother.
Tamsin: They didn't listen to Jesus, now, did they-?
Mason: Deflate your head or I'll pop it. With a pin. I will stick a pin into your head, don't test me.

Shannon, Mercy's daughter, got married to this guy who seems kinda handsome from this tiny picture. I genuinely hope she's happy.

Sahara: How could you tell him all this stuff before he's heard my playlist. Miles, you're gonna love Justin Bieber. Ooooh, or good ol' Florida Georgia L-
Tamsin: Don't listen to her, she's a simpleton. Only we know the truth, Miles-
Miles: Can I go to bed now, Jesus.

The next morning...
Danika: How much longer until the bus gets here?
Kai: About an hour. Write faster.
Danika: It's not my fault. My ghost fingers find it really hard to hold pens!
Kai: Is that why you're only in the third grade?
Danika: Oh, that's general neglect.

Nice! Now we have everything except the 5 regular cooking and 6 gourmet cooking levels Mason needs to pull this off.
Mason: Oh for f-

Missy: Waterslides! Once you pop, the fun don't stop!
I swear that's a Cards Against Humanity black card.
Anyway. I swear that once an NTH finds this thing, they're addicted for life.

Tamsin skipped school for yoga.

And Danika skipped to have a heart-to-heart with Mason.
Mason: Why aren't you at school?
Danika: It's just so boring, I've been in the third grade for ten years now, Mason.
Mason: You knocked out about a hundred years in kindergarten, Danika. Just hang in there while I do that paperwork.
Danika: Ugh, but you're so slow.

What is wrong with these ghosts? Bentley it's 9.15. What the fuck.
Bentley: I've played so much football I lost my feet!

Mason: *sigh* I'll pass the message onto...who are you trying to get with, Grandma? Wait, no, don't answer that.
I don't know WHY THIS IS HAPPENING. Again, Summer is many things but she's not a grandson-fucker so...there's my explanation.
Seriously what the fuck, this has happened twice now. She still shows up in Mason's relationship panel as his grandmother, so...

Kai: Really? Damaging my precious liver-
Sari: Whatever Kai, just get out of me. You stink.
You two (and Miles too I guess) are the good children. Much love.
Kai: I don't need your love. Anyway Sari, what if it's you that stinks?
Sari: Just shut up and move!
And that ends that. Next time, Sari and Miles grow up.
Pass Out (124) -620

Mason: Uh...one wedding please. Yeah. One wedding. For today.
Planner: I can't believe I can actually pull that off, but yeah. Sure. Let's go.
Kai: Wheeee, dad is an idiot who doesn't know how stuff works.

It's wedding time!
Mason: My love-
Missy: Eeee put me down I'm dizzy!
Our lovely couple.

Roberto: Why the fuck am I here? I don't know these people.
Because Mason knows nobody, that's why.
Roberto: At least I can practice my filleting. And show off my cool new nose ring.

Felix's daughter aged up to a teen, and she looks like a Felix clone with slightly darker skin. Fun.

Ebony: Couldn't he do this in his own time? I'm a busy woman. And why do I still have the same formalwear I had at Mum's wedding forty years ago?

Andrew's here too.
Tamsin: Who are you again?
Andrew: Why, cousin Tamsin, I'm your cousin! Ebony's son.
Tamsin: And who the fuck is that? Get out of my kitchen, squatter, or I'm going to stain these lame pants.
Andrew: Oh please, with what?
Tamsin: This very oily dressing?
Andrew: God you're a little turd.

GROOT you useless fucking schlub get back in the kitchen, you're a caterer for a reason.
Missy: Seriously? Did the kids really mean that everybody forgot us apart from that old man?
Roberto: Lady, I keep saying, I don't know you guys.
Mason: But you know Aaliyah, right?
Roberto: Oh GOD you were at her shitty unbirthday party, weren't you? There were so many people that the trailer now carries permanent structural damage!
Kai: I'm gonna eat that entire bowl of cake mix you left in the kitchen.

Summer: Little Eb.
Ebony: Skank.
Summer: Again, the both of them are dead now. Get over it before you wrinkle and die which will be pretty damn soon, you're fifty-four-
Ebony: Yeah but the point is, I'm still not gonna end up sleeping with my kid's partner!
Summer: What did I just say about getting over it?
Danika: Oh fuck's sake, not again. I'm taking a nap.
There's a wedding on.
Ebony: I need to check Facebook.
Summer: Playing the Sims.
Danika: Naptime!

Aaliyah: Huh. Haven't been touched like that in five years.
Missy: Ouch. Glad you're having fun at our wedding then!
Aaliyah:...But I'm not!

Tamsin: Ugh. I was gonna hide in here all day, what are you losers doing?
Sahara: Well Dad didn't hire a DJ so now I don't wanna go. What's a wedding without bumping to some Flo Rida?
Tamsin: Ugh. You?
Kai: Why, I have to make plans, dear.
Sahara: UGH. You always say that but you never -
Kai: Anyway what about you Tamsin?
Tamsin: Do you think I care about the institution of marriage at all?
Sahara: God you two are weird. I've got some Twinkies though, who wants?

Ebony: So, Mason, why did you invite our slag grandmother-?
Mason: Because I don't know anyone, apparently!
Aaliyah: He really doesn't. He invited my weird roommate, for God's sake.

Why do you decide to be helpful for once on your actual wedding day, Missy? Not really the time.
Missy: Because everybody here is Mason's family, and I am not about that shit.
Danika: Right? That's why I'm gonna just clean all the bathrooms.

Lux: OMG guys I'm actually kind of happy for you.
Lux has apparently totally lost her mind.

Andrew: Huh. I might really grow up to look like this random dude.
Roberto: Well that says something good - oh who am I kidding, you're doomed kid.
Groot: Nah you'll be worse. You're a Sutherland, aren't you kid?
Andrew: Why don't you shut it and keep cooking for Uncle Mason, kitchen bitch?
Groot: Y'know I'm family too-
Roberto: He's not really is he?
Andrew: Hell no. He came to the door the other day and Mum spat on him.

Vows are finally starting.
Missy: I hope you washed your hands, blue boy.

Aaliyah: Lol I'm gonna look at this pond instead of your wedding.
Missy:...Mason I think I hate your family. It was funny when we first met but it's been twenty years of this shit. I hate them.
Mason: Ohhhh trust me so do I!

Aaliyah: Ugh fineeee I'll look.
Ebony: Can they get this over with? My back hurts.
Sahara: I'm never forgiving Dad for not hiring a DJ, so once they're done I'm going to push them into this pond.
These are currently the only people watching.

Mason: Don't worry about these assholes. This is our day, it's about us.
Missy: So why couldn't we get married in our pyjamas, in our bedroom or something?
Mason: ...

Andrew: Yo, glad I got back on time. Went for a long jog and everything!

OK, people are coming to watch even if the vows are half-done by now.
Kai: Once my parents get married, it's all over for you, old man.
Roberto: Don't @ me, I'm armed.
Tamsin: Maybe I should boo, just for a change.

Aaliyah: This kid still makes me sad.
Danika: What did I do to you, Aaliyah?
Ebony: How long do fucking vows take, Jesus Christ? And is Lux still talking to that plant?
Roberto: Uuuugh, I would be gone by now if Aaliyah wasn't my ride.
Kai: People are unhappy. So I'm happy.
Sahara: Hi cousin Andrew.
Andrew: Hey. Hopefully you're less of a little shit then your sister.
Sahara: Of course I am, it's hard not to be!
Tamsin: I heard that, Sari!

Addisyn: Fuck all of you assholes, now I've ruined my best boots walking in this weirdly sharp pond!
Tamsin: Why am I here? I'm going to bed again. This dress itches.

Aaliyah: I can't even pretend to care. Roberto, got the car keys?
Roberto: I've had them in my hand this whole time, Aaliyah, let's go.
Kai: Ugh, they're happy. I don't want to see them happy.
Tamsin: What do you want to say? Bed? Cos yeah, still going to bed.
Andrew: I thought Mum was rude but wow. Just WOW.

Mason: Oh Missy, I'm so glad to finally marry you - what do you WANT, Eb?
Ebony: Have you seen my damn wallet? My Uber's here, I wanna go!

Groot: So? Did I do a good job? Can I cater the next one or even *gasp* attend as a guest?
Mason: Shut up, Groot.
Danika: Now I know what it's like to meet a Sutherland more hated than me.

Mason: Well...I'm sorry about today, Missy. It wasn't really what I wanted.
Missy: Aww. It's sweet you tried. Plus - ooh, is that cake? Gimme!
Mason: I think we'd all like Groot better if he opened a bakery or something, this shit is good. Oh, and our daughter's actually being friendly over there...
Missy: Tamsin?
Mason: Oh hell no. Sahara. But it's something.

Ebony: One of y'all's asshole children stole my-
Missy: Let's just ignore her, dear. This cake IS damn good, y'know.
And that's the wedding over. One of the best parts was Groot, who'd'a thunk.

Lux: *hic* I'm already there!
Mason: Seriously? You missed my wedding to get drunk?
Lux: Nahhhh...I was on 'at sidewalk-
Mason: OK. Goodbye, call me when you sober up. Or don't. I don't care anymore.

Look at my little baby Miles, using the potty all on his own. The independent trait is a godsend in this ISBI.
Miles: Doesn't stop you from ignoring me all day.
Toddlers don't come to weddings, Miles. Sorry.

What are you doing, Tamsin?
Tamsin: Considering the value of cake and whether I should even bother consuming it.
*sigh* Do you have to do that at midnight?
Tamsin: Yes.

Lux's night out apparently ended with her husband (whom she is quite often fighting with) getting her knocked up.
Cohen: Congratulations, babe, I thought you were too cruel up there to make a baby stick, but we did it!
Lux: I hate you.

Tamsin:....I have made a discovery.
Oh God, the slide? Are you gonna be like your grandfather Bentley?
Tamsin: How can life be pointless if - eh, let's not go there. This is just more mindless fun to distract oneself, isn't it?

Miles: I need attention and sleep and I'm sleepy and - *tantrums all over the place*
Danika: See Sari, this is the bullshit you used to do to me - oh seriously? How do you not even hear this? I bet it's that shit music you blast constantly, your ears must be fucked.

Sari: Sorry kid, can't help. I heard what that no-good undead bitch said about my tunes! And I'm going after her!

Mason: Holy shit, I did it. I created a plant that provides this family with infinite protection against death-Sari, look at this, I did it-
Sari: Wheeee, sliding is fun.

Kai: Oh, Auntie Mercy. The way they tell it you were a mastermind! Why couldn't you be around to help me with my plots?
Mercy: *hiss* Go away, sunlight! I'm back in the ghost realm, don't follow me! You already gave me Sunspot, isn't that enough? Why, why?
Kai:...Who the hell is that idiot by her gravestone?
I have bad news for you Kai.

Kai:...Oh God there is really nobody worthy in this world.
Mercy: Get away from my final resting place, kid.
Mercy, why are you still here? It's 7.30.

Mason just because you are home alone doesn't mean you can sit your bare ass on the communal sofa.
Mason: That's not FAIR, my clothes need to render!

Mason: Really, you bitched about coming to my wedding, but now you wanna hang out with me?
Aaliyah: Oh get over it, it was a bad vibes day.
Mason: HOW?

Tamsin didn't get her A. I'm disappointed.
Oh well, time to grow her up. Let's see how much of a Mason clone she really is.

Tamsin is creative, as well as a music lover. I guess she'll grow up to be a musician or something.
Tamsin: Nope! Vampires! I want to be a vampire and have a coven who will watch the world burn with me.
Tamsin: Creative doesn't just have the one meaning, sweetie.
Fine, I get it. Whatever. Her aspiration is Vampire Family, and *spoiler* unless she's the only kid with the Erratic trait she's not heir. I'm not doing vampires again.

Here's her new everyday.

And here's a face pic. She has those annoying brown eyes, but she has got Missy's nose and mouth. So she isn't a clone, which is good.

Thanks Danika. Thanks a lot.

Mason: I think Sari's the coolest child.
Sari: Dad quit talking like I'm not even here. And you know that's not a compliment. You know my siblings.
Sari is 100% the coolest. I kind of love her.

Miles: Fuck off, Dad! I'll use Kai's bombs, I swear I will.
Mason: Dammit, what are the other ones telling this kid?

Kai: Score! That fake ID worked! Now I can have all the bleach and knives I want!...Oh, it's Aunty Mercy's old site. That checks out. It'll work for me.

Kai: ...even if the woman's a fool. Still, when you're seven, you take what you can get.

Tamsin: OK kid, there's a lot you need to know. Firstly, the world is trash and everything is pointless. All your innocence will be crushed out of you by the time you're 5 because you live here.
Miles: Kk sister. Can I have my Cheerios now or-?

Tamsin: Alright. Quiz time. True or false: are people gonna help you?
Miles: Dad kind of helps...
Tamsin: Not forever. You know everybody dies, right?
Miles: ...
Mason: Dammit Tamsin, go to bed and quit traumatising your brother.
Tamsin: They didn't listen to Jesus, now, did they-?
Mason: Deflate your head or I'll pop it. With a pin. I will stick a pin into your head, don't test me.

Shannon, Mercy's daughter, got married to this guy who seems kinda handsome from this tiny picture. I genuinely hope she's happy.

Sahara: How could you tell him all this stuff before he's heard my playlist. Miles, you're gonna love Justin Bieber. Ooooh, or good ol' Florida Georgia L-
Tamsin: Don't listen to her, she's a simpleton. Only we know the truth, Miles-
Miles: Can I go to bed now, Jesus.

The next morning...
Danika: How much longer until the bus gets here?
Kai: About an hour. Write faster.
Danika: It's not my fault. My ghost fingers find it really hard to hold pens!
Kai: Is that why you're only in the third grade?
Danika: Oh, that's general neglect.

Nice! Now we have everything except the 5 regular cooking and 6 gourmet cooking levels Mason needs to pull this off.
Mason: Oh for f-

Missy: Waterslides! Once you pop, the fun don't stop!
I swear that's a Cards Against Humanity black card.
Anyway. I swear that once an NTH finds this thing, they're addicted for life.

Tamsin skipped school for yoga.

And Danika skipped to have a heart-to-heart with Mason.
Mason: Why aren't you at school?
Danika: It's just so boring, I've been in the third grade for ten years now, Mason.
Mason: You knocked out about a hundred years in kindergarten, Danika. Just hang in there while I do that paperwork.
Danika: Ugh, but you're so slow.

What is wrong with these ghosts? Bentley it's 9.15. What the fuck.
Bentley: I've played so much football I lost my feet!

Mason: *sigh* I'll pass the message onto...who are you trying to get with, Grandma? Wait, no, don't answer that.
I don't know WHY THIS IS HAPPENING. Again, Summer is many things but she's not a grandson-fucker so...there's my explanation.
Seriously what the fuck, this has happened twice now. She still shows up in Mason's relationship panel as his grandmother, so...

Kai: Really? Damaging my precious liver-
Sari: Whatever Kai, just get out of me. You stink.
You two (and Miles too I guess) are the good children. Much love.
Kai: I don't need your love. Anyway Sari, what if it's you that stinks?
Sari: Just shut up and move!
And that ends that. Next time, Sari and Miles grow up.
Score Sheet- 150
Single Births (31) +155
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (75) +375
Aspiration (12) +120
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (6) +60 (I realised I was behind on this)
Not using spare's satisfaction points (7) +70 (Ditto)
Every 100,000 simoleons (10) +200
Immortalise TH (2) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (124) -620
Self Wetting (38) -190
Fires (14) -140
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