Danika: Yeahhh, I love that song. Now, kid, lemme show you what we listened to in MY day.
Sahara: My ears are always open, Aunt Dani! Let's go!
Tamsin: Can you guys shut up and let me do my algebra?
Danika:...what are you?

Kai woke Sari up before Mason could get to him, and thus she is headed to play outside at eleven.
Sari: I must hear the song of my people.
You could at least stay in the living room.

Missy woke up at ass o'clock to use the loo and have a breakthrough.
Missy: What if - that lightbulb but real, and it FLEW!
(Hover lamp)

Tamsin: Uh Dani? The strong STAND.
Danika: God you're annoying.

Mason: Holy shit you got big this time, Missy!
Missy: Don't say that. Never say that.
Mason: There might even be twins in there.
Missy: Please don't say that.

Missy: *gets possessed* KILL
Mason: *laughing nervously* I'm in danger.
You deserve to be.

Mason: I - I'm sorry. That was thoughtless. It was the vines in my head, you see.
Missy: Oh, blue boy. You fool. Don't worry about it though. I got thicker since we met but I know I'm still hot.
Mason: Hell yeah! You're even more beautiful with our baby inside you.
Missy: Sure, thanks, but I'm not doing this again.
Mason: Nope.
Missy: Well, that's that! See ya babe, I gotta go to work.
You are a lucky man, Mason.
Mason: I know.

Mason: Yeah this is the life.

Kai: I still exist, right?
Uni: Probably?
Dino: Meh.
Sorrryyyy. Mason's been travelling off the home lot for the past couple days to do his fishing. Plus like I said last chapter, Kai spends a lot of time happily doing random crap by himself because of his independence.

I used Tamsin's child action to make her do her homework. She has a few days left of school and pretty good shot at that A if she does it tonight.
Tamsin: So this invisible hand just overrode my free willed action of idly standing in front of the movie screen nobody uses...interesting. I was sure there was no God.
OK Nietzsche, just go do your sixth grade English homework or something.

Sahara: Hey Dad! I kind of forgot you existed.
Mason: You too. You children are pretty self-sufficient so you can do your own thing. But good to see you, Sari!
Sutherland parenting lol. Mason is well-adjusted considering his family history, but he is still part of the family.
Mason: What's new with you anyway?
Sahara: I like music now!

Mason: There's more to life than the Top 40 stations, honey.
Sari: Well you never showed me it.

Danika: Moron.
Eh. I dunno. Third trimester is hard on an NTH.
-5 -_-

Missy: Never again! I mean it!
I agree. As tempting it is to have another one, the age gap between the eldest and youngest is getting too big and you really can't handle another pregnancy.

Missy: ...Ok I really didn't go through all that crap to give birth to nothing.
Give the game a secooooond...

Missy: Sweet, he's blue too!
Everybody meet Miles, wh-
OK, after a few Simhours of replay in which everything was basically the same (I save often because this save is a bit bloated right now), except for...

Sari doing her homework autonomously this round, which was nice. These girls are good scholars!

Missy re-had Miles the blue baby, who makes up the first generation with the same or more boys than girls since Gen 6. +5.
*whacks the save button immediately*

And I noticed Missy did this! Another +5.

Lol the fisherman from the other day was Lana's husband, who she is currently having marital problems with.
Lana: Right, you're gonna bitch all night because I 'bit' you.
Guy: You DID!

Mason: Sweet, I went three for four on the blue.
Since when was it a competition?
Missy: I'm fine with that if there aren't any more!
Mason: Definitely not, babe. Get some sleep!
Missy: Don't have to tell me twzzzzz...

Mercy and her sunspot are rage-facing up the waterslide.
And is that Zen's old bikini?
Mercy: I stole it off her! It looks better on me than her saggy old tits!
I mean...true.
Zen, somewhere: HEY

Danika: Mmmm! Mrrrph! Msssnnn!
Mason: Serves you right. Don't interfere with my babies. You can't help them.

Tamsin: What's the deal with these toys anyway? I wanna grow up and do drugs. Makes you forget how pointless-
That's enough. Play with the jungle gym and skill up. You're at a B and doing enough homework for an A, but you're no higher than a Level 2 in anything.
Tamsin: I don't have to follow your rules!
...I just...hope you do, dear.

Kai: And Dolly went into the library to be alone...forever, and ever. She knew there was no escape.
Uh, kid?

He then went to go meet his new baby brother.
Kai: No! I'm the baby! I'm going to get bigger today and then I shall throw you off the balcony!

Missy took her family leave. She's been awake most of the night because babies.

Mason: Happy birthday Kai!
Kai: I am ready to obtain the power!
Mason:....What the fuck.

Kai: What a snivelling fool. I'm glad to be free from needing his help. Watch out, world. I'm here.
As I'm sure my incredibly clumsy foreshadowing clued you onto, Kai grew up evil. Welcome back, gene I thought we basically eradicated from the main line after Gen 6.
Kai: I'm a Sutherland, aren't I?
Mason: Well, yes-
Kai: Who said you could talk?

Here is Kai! As well as being evil, he also rolled social butterfly. I think his 'wannabe suave kid' look works quite well. For once I like the hairstyle a Sim aged up in, lol.

Kai: Silly thing, you are so defenceless.
Missy, I know you're in the room. Please protect Miles.
Missy: Nah, I know a demon when I see one, and I might need to save myself.
RIP Miles I guess.
Kai: Not yet. I can think more clearly right now. I don't think the girls will listen to me-
Tamsin, no. Sari, maybe.
Kai: So this one could be quite useful.
Oh dear God.

Missy: I think I just figured out a formula for a potion that will make people horny.
(Rose Serum)
Mason: In the bath? OK, whatever works, sweetie. Also, I just planted a pomegranate.
One of the spliced Apple/Cherry trees produced a single pomegranate. But that's all we need! In a few days we'll have a spliced Orchid/Pomegranate plant, and that will give us a death flower soon! Mason has the potion of youth in his inventory and we're going to keep fishing around Willow Creek for that angelfish.
So maybe we can do it soon. If Mason doesn't get good enough at cooking this gen, we can always do that next gen. The TH cooks enough after all.

Mason went to fish behind the library, and brought Kai to wreak some havoc.
Kai: Not yet, my dear. I'm making plans.
Missy was left at home due to her shit needs.
Kai: My mother is unfortunately...stupid.

I brought the girls to the library when they got out of school. Tamsin is making good progress and Sari got a B.
They apparently went on a field trip to Sims 1 today.
Danika was left at home because A) she wouldn't give a shit and B) her needs are a bit crap

Kai has been 'making plans' for three hours.
Kai: You wouldn't understand, my dear.
Stop calling me that, are you 50?

Sari is out here instead of in the library.
Sari: Why...the sounds of nature are music in themselves. The babbling of the river, the swish of the blades of grass dancing in the wind, the fish splashing, birds tweeting...
I suppose you're right. That's actually kind of beautiful, Sari.
Sari: Also I'm blasting the new Uzi album. Librarian kicked me out.

Nice one Mason!

Even nicer!

The nicest of all! What a day! Seriously, he just caught them one after the other. It was great!
Danika, you're almost alive again!
I know she's just a random Sim kid, but I'm actually feeling genuine happiness for this poor long-suffering ghostie. May you have a wonderful life, Dani...even if you are still a Sutherland.

Mason: I think I did good. She deserves it. I mean...putting up with us for so long.
1) Yeah and 2) Yeahhhhh
OK, go home and spam gourmet meals until we can make ambrosia.

Danika: You promise?
Mason: I swear. Even if I don't manage to do it, one of your grand-niblings will do it. They've got every ingredient they'll need.
Danika:...Thanks, Mason. I...ugh, it's weird to say this to one of you lot...love you?
Mason and Danika don't interact a lot, so with this hug...it's like they knew.

Mason: Hush, Miles, come on, your mum and I wanna...kiss.
At least you censored yourself in front of the child, most of the heirs have not.
Kai: Was I that whiny and annoying, Mum?
Missy: Oh hell yeah, Kai. You were so annoying...probably not as bad as your sisters though. You kind of just did your own thing and played prisons with the dollh - yeah maybe we should have seen all of this coming.

Mason: He's sleeping now. Do you wanna...kiss?
Kai: Ew, no, not in here.
Missy:...Get out of our room, Kai.
Kai: What are you gonna-
Missy: Out, or no access to your Word documents for a month.
Kai:...Night Mum, night Dad.
Mason: That was amazing.
Missy: I am amazing.

Missy autonomously cleaned. This chapter is full of good things! (I hope the title makes sense now lol).


Mason: Oh come on! Sari, I just got you away from him!
Sari: But I wanna show him early Ke$ha!
Mason: No, he's too young for that! Tamsin, get away from there!
Tamsin: He needs to know the Truth.

Because I want Mason and Missy to get married on Sunday (it's currently Saturday), I went into CAS and made sure the kids had nice formalwear. Danika got an outfit and hair change, it's been a while.

What are we up to today, evil little Kai?
Kai: Don't patronise me. I'm speaking to people. Knowing the right people is very important to get ahead in life.
I mean you're right about that.
Kai: Yeah. Tamsin's pretty wise.
Of course you two would get on. Malevolence and apathy are compatible bedfellows.

That's SPOILED. Y'all need to stop.

But you need to keep going with this! Homework at 9am on a Saturday. Who's even that good in real life?
Sari: My new study playlist is great. Endless bops. I'm a Diamond all the way.
It's just MARINA now.
Sari: Diamonds are forever.
Very funny. Keep doing your sums.

Kai: NO! Don't you dare! The world can be changed, and MY existence won't be pointless! You will fall before me.
Tamsin: Jeez Kai...calm down. Whatever. I'm gonna go throw up. That spoiled hot dog was not a good breakfast.
Kai: What complete and utter stupidity!
Well yeah.

Mason: Now kids, listen and listen good. Stop messing around with the baby.
Kai, muttering: Gonna yeet you off the balcony too, Dad.
Sari: But why can't I feed him your old iPod?

Holy shit, already? That means she has literally 1 day in school to get her A. I hope she does it. (But if not, Sari should at least.)
Also, this is why Mason and Missy are stopping now. The age gap between the kids is getting too big and the house will be too full for too long if one of the older kids takes over.

Missy: Oh, Kai, go play or something-
Kai: Nah. I like to watch him suffer.
Missy: Right you're like...this. Fine, just stay ten feet away.

Changed Eb's look up a bit to match her age.
Ebony: Yeah, but I've got plenty of youth left in me.
Ebony: Anyway. Little bro. It is on.
Mason: You don't have the Watcher behind you, there's no way you can win this.
Ebony: Please. What can that bitch do? I raised you. I own you, son.
Mason: You were a good big sister...but seriously, I'm like 38 now. All that matters is who's the better fishersim...and that's me!

Sahara: Of course it'll happen. Why do you think Dad spends so much time completely ignoring us? I mean, he says he loves us but damn, boi.

Mason's done it! He's collected 15(/20 for this aspiration) types of fish and hit Level 6. I can foresee the last level being a slog.
Such a good chapter!

Kai: I have just seen the graves. What a waste. That Mercy especially sounds wonderful.
Of course you'd think so.
Kai: Please. I know so.

The girls are actually being normal children for once.
Tamsin: It's only for the skilling. Plus Sari wants me to figure out how to make this thing part radio.
Sari: It would be the best toy ever.

Tamsin walked in on her mum getting out of the bath.
Tamsin: Holy shit, four kids did you no favours.
Don't bodyshame your mum now, missy.
Missy: What mum? Wait, I have a-?
I meant - oh never mind.

Missy does some Actual NTH Parenting (tm) while Mason spends quality time with the kids in the kitchen.
Tamsin: Blah blah blah, I'm a big old fat cliche!
Kai: Screw you-
Mason: Hey, plants! Bless you! Grow well! I haven't forgotten.
Danika: *sigh* Yeah, bless the plants.

I grew him up. I don't normally bother doing cakes for adult birthdays, but his notification came in this morning (Saturday), and if he ages up without a cake tomorrow morning, he'll be sad for his wedding, so yeah. Adulting time.
Tamsin: I couldn't give less of a shit.
Then get out of my shot.

Mason: Aaliyah, I am a father of four and it is 11pm. What do you think the answer is?
Mason is the most aggressively parental TH since Ida.

Miles: Ugh, I'm already tired.
Mason: Ah, a kid after my own heart.
And mine too tbh.

Here he is in CAS! I kept the dungarees he grew up with cos they're cute.
Miles is an independent kiddo like his big brother was. Hopefully he won't grow up evil too...if anyone remembers the dysfunction of the Gen 6 sextuple sibling set they'll know why. Also, the blond hair and blue skin is a good combo and I'm glad one kid got it.

Mason got a quick adult look. Here he is in all his dorky, outdoorsy-Dad glory. He's gotten a little chunky but that makes sense tbh.
Next time Mason and Missy finally get married (I've just accepted I always take forever to do that), and Tamsin ages up. We can see if she (and Sari as well) is a clone of Mason or not.
Score Sheet- 150
Single Births (31) +155
Twin Births (4) +40
Aspiration Tiers (75) +375
Aspiration (12) +120
Grade A (7) +35
Randomising everything for 1 gen (6) +60 (I realised I was behind on this)
Not using spare's satisfaction points (7) +70 (Ditto)
Every 100,000 simoleons (10) +200
Immortalise TH (2) +10
Autonomous Skill Max (2) +20
Pass Out (124) -620
Self Wetting (38) -190
Fires (14) -140
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