Welcome back! Last time, Lux met Nicola, a glitchy, squeamish alien who has turned out to be her soulmate, and they had their kid, Cola!
...I just realised what I've done with the two names. They look like each other but aren't pronounced that similarly.
Oh well.

Lux: Yes, child. Feeeed.

Nicola: Hey, it's your Mama...Cola? Seriously Watcher?
I liked it as a name OK!
Nicola: Well. Despite the stupidity of your name you will live a lovely life, little one. My scheme and your Mum's job will do that.

Wow Dominic...thanks.
Dominic: It's Lux. Even if she hadn't just had a baby that woman needs all the help she can get.

When you pause at the wrong moment during a friendly cheek kiss...
Seriously, that's all this is.
Lux: Unlike my grandma and dad's at the Bluffs that one time!
Dominic: Jesus your breath is awful.
Lux: I just gave birth, Dominic.
Dominic: Did you give birth through your mouth?
Lux:...Shut up.

Lux: What if I told you you were awesome?
Dominic: I'd say that I think you and your girlfriend are trying to make me give money towards her bullshit cause again...considering she just walked in here. Flattery gets you nowhere with this guy.
Lux: You're a cheeky shit, Dominic.
Dominic: Probably why we get on so well, huh blue girl?
Lux: Dammit, you're right.

Dominic: So is this just your favourite thing to do or...
Lux: Just lie back and enjoy, Dommy dear.
Dominic: You are not allowed to call me that.
Lux: I won't if you don't call me 'blue girl'.

Dominic: You know, I did end up taking that second job. There was a problem with my bank account...
Nicola: Ah, we knew it. I'll tell Lux.
Dominic:...You two are really weird. Did you know that? But you are perfect for each other, I will admit.

Nicola: May you grow up well, Cola.
Both of them are...morally questionable...but it doesn't hinder them from being good parents.

Nicola: Could you maybe stop singing while I do my speech practice?
Lux: If you wanna be my lover...
(Couldn't think of any other shower songs, lol)

I had to take the hat off the default work outfit because Lux's hair isn't hat-compatible...and I ended up changing everything.
I quite like it though.
Lux: I am one sexy crimelord.

Lux: Ugh, scamming is so hard nowadays.
At least you got a promotion!
Lux: Yeah, whatever.

Lux: Suck it, Marcus Flex! I know my virus just fucked up your day!And I have some of your money...wait why am I doing this at 5am?
Because your job is now 1-9am so I'm trying to adjust your sleep schedule.

Nicola: Uh...what a welcome? We are on the street, though, Lux-
Lux: Shhhh. Shh shh shh. Are you tense?
Nicola: Yes actually...are you suggesting-
Lux: Yup!
Nicola: But our kid's in the room!
Lux: Bush?
Nicola: *nods* Bush.

Lux: Nic you did such a good job convincing that guy to give us money.
Nicola: Ah, don't flatter me. I think he had dementia.
Lux: Now, now. Money is money, remember?
Nicola: Well I suppose...you always know how to make me feel good :).

Lux: *pant* You wish - *puff* - you could be dis...
You're not very good at being an Active Sim, are you?

Lux: Just one more firewall...
Nicola: A little more pink...how's it going?
Lux: Perfect, dear. Just perfect. And you?
Nicola: What you said.
Lux: Nice!

At like 5am (again)...
Cola: Mom.
Lux: Kid.
Cola: You ready for dis?
Lux: I can handle anything, so don't you even try me.
Cola: Oh, but I will.
She is SO CUTE. I love her! Anyway, she has the Wild trait and looks a lot like Lux, I think. Hair, eyes and facial features.

Lux: Come on, sit on the potty. Just do it!
Cola: Dis lady srs?

Cola: I won't I won't I won't!
Lux: I already regret you.

Lux: Luckily I'm bigger than you.
Cola: D:

Lux: You made me.
Cola: If I put my arms around her neck she'll put me back on the ground, right?
Lux: As if, little one, as if.
Cola: God I can't wait to get bigger.

Cola: Soaring, flying, breaking free!

Nicola: This Earth movie is amazing! That guy is such a good parent.
Lux: $camming.

Nicola is also a good parent when she's not captivated by the TV.
Cola: Be careful, I might barf.
Nicola: Well, I'll close my mouth. Human vomit is so fascinating!

I can control you, so GET OUT OF THERE, COLA.
Cola: But it's so fascinating!

Lux is sleeping, while her girlfriend and daughter skill.
Cola: I'm a monster and I'm biting your little head off, Mrs Red!
Nicola: '-so, give to this cause. It's for the most deserving of all!' Nah, I need a better inflection on those last couple'a words...

Lux got invited over by Dominic, who is to be her second good friend.
Dominic: What, are we going to lie on the floor again?
Lux: I'm not in the mood for your shit, Dominic.

Lux:...but yeah, we're cloudgazing.
Dominic: I knew it.
Lux: Shut up.

Lux: I lied! There is no party.
Dominic: But - what - why -
Anyway, that's her good friend for this week! Woot!

These two children just made me laugh for some reason.
Julianne: I swear if you're going to try anything gross-
Wilson: *cough* As if.

And Lux arrives home to this.
Nicola: How dare you? Humans excrete into there; that is disgusting!
Cola: *worst puppy-face ever holy shit* But MAMA-

Nicola: And Rex Treks went up to the king and -
Cola: Why'd you stop?
Nicola: These pictures are far too simple. My child will not be a simpleton. Therefore, I must fetch the encyclopedia! To the bookshelf!
Cola:...Help, Watcher. Help.

Lux is now very good at being an Active Sim. She's also slimmed down a little.
Lux: Winning.
You're lucky I'm already in too deep with your generation, or I'd have you expelled from every Sutherland universe there is.

After her workout, Lux squeezes in some time with her Nic.
Lux: Ya know my Uncle Felix names his AU kids after these things?
Nicola: My homeland is like...right over there.

Lux: National Sims Security Agency, here I come. I'm gonna find out so many government secrets...
You do that, Lux, you do that.

Lux: Mayor of Windenburg's doing WHAT with his properties? And taxes? Damn, this is good. So good. So much blackmailing material here.

Cola: Pay aTTention to me MoTHeRR!
Lux: Nic! Nic? Should I call an exorcist?

Cola: Jeez, I just needed some food. You're not you when you're hungry, right?

Lux: -c'mon Nic you know that stuff's my thing-
Nicola: I wanted to get closer to you by engaging in your thing but apparently not!
Lux: You're just...kinda bad at it...

Cola: Yo, what gives? I've been in here for a damn while!
Your mothers are fighting in a wet bathroom.
Cola: Meh. Not surprised.

Lux: We shouldn't fight. I used to love fighting. In my home universe I probably still do, but this version of me...doesn't want to fight with her family.
Nicola: OK, but next time don't jump down my throat!
Lux: Got it! No more fighting, Nic. I love you more than I could ever love fighting.
Nicola: Yeah! And...thanks...
Cola: Really? You're gonna deprive me of that kind of entertainment?

Lux: Now, a happy family is the best kind of entertainment.
Nicola: We should all keep that in mind.

Nicola: I gotta go to work, but we could really...celebrate this agreement-
Lux: If you wanna have sex with me you can just say it.
Nicola: Fine. Let's have sex when I get home. We can celebrate my imminent promotion too.

Lux: I shall help you get through the work day with this memory!
Nicola: You can be sweet.
(All autonomous BTW. I just love these two)

Lux: I have the power to make everyone's life hell! It's in my job description!
Mila: That- that can't possibly be true. Fuck why am I here?

Lux: And that's how I'm getting the keys to the city.
Mila: Psh. No way do you have enough dirt.
Lux: Don't you underestimate me...do you know what I know about you?

Mila: Please! Don't tell the restaurant about that...it was one time...I just needed 100 to cover my water bill!
Lux: Oh, look. I can't have enough dirt, right? Listen lady, I get info on everybody in my contacts. Apart from my girlfriend and daughter.

Lux: Now imagine if I could really profit from someone's information. Think of how hard I'd work to find that stuff.
Mila: OK, OK, I get it! I get it! What do you want anyway?
Lux: Your friendship. When I call, you come over, and we gain friendship points for the Watcher. You will be my friend until you die.
Mila: *sniff* Fine.
Lux: Pleasure doing business - I mean friendship - with you.

Lux: *whispers* For you, Cola.
Cola: What are you doing now, Mum?
Lux: *steals some bills*

Cola: *cough* Does nobody do the cleaning around dis place?

I'm in love with her sassy faces.
Cola: What the heck is that random thing? And why am I so dirty? C'mon, my mothers know I can't clean myself, where're they at?

Nicola: Soooo...should I feel bad about exploiting the elderly?
Kabir: My dear, is that you?
Nicola:...But it's just so dang easy!

Kabir: Anything for you!
Nicola: Yeah yeah, whatever old man, I take cash or cheque, I'm certainly not fussy.

Cola: You're a great dancer, Mum!
Lux: Yeah, yeah. Quit trying to butter me up, I know you must want something.

Kabir: She did always love to dance...
Lux: Child, do not look behind you. I'll deal with the trash.
Cola: Ohhhh snap, someone's gonna get cut right?
Lux: Why, not with you in the room.

Kabir: No, the pain!
Lux: Mhm...Cola don't touch those papers.
Lux: And don't go in there, it's dusty - look dude, neither I nor my girlfriend is your wife, so just go home-
Kabir: What? What about that? I'll find her later! It's my WRIST!
Lux: Oooohhh...be right back, Cola, I gotta drive this old man to the hospital.

Lux: You were right, Nic. This totally beats taking care of the kid. I love her but...damn.
Nicola: Of course I was right. Now, let's have a great date.

This is Sugar!
Sugar: O__O How did I get here?
Look at those little blue whiskers.
Sugar: I don't think I'm natural.
Yeah, you're really not. I made her because...that's fun.
Sugar is Affectionate, Skittish, and something else I forgot. But from the first two it can be inferred that Sugar is smol, even for a kitten.

Cola was made over due to a glitch in which no-one could put her in the highchair. I figured it was one of her CC's fault so now she's wearing a cat dress.
After a bit of testing it turned out it was our CC sofa's fault. So that got kicked out.

Lux: I dunno who you are or how you got here but like...how are you?
Sugar: I mean, I don't know your or how I got here either but I freaking love you! Look at all this swag you got me!
Lux: I deem you...affectionate!
Sugar: Works for me!

Lux: Is it wrong if I love this thing more than the kid?
Nicola, from the other room: YES!
Sugar: *the most adorable mew ever holy shit*

Cola: Hey, kittyyyy, you kinda match my dress.
Sugar: Thank you for the love, child.
I can't with this, so very cute, I die.

Cola: You don't have to worry, Mum, this cat's love is real easy to get!
Nicola: So this is the thing Lux wanted to love more than you?
Cola: Well it's the one new thing in this - wait, Mama said what?

Sugar: The highest of mountains!

Sugar prefers chasing her tail though.

Sugar: I must guard this child - with my best noises! *high-pitched and adorable yowl*
Cola: Look, I appreciate it but I really can't sleep with you yelling all over the place.
Cola: So like...get out.

Sugar: *'Everybody Hurts' playing in head* So rejected.
She was eventually 'accepted' and spent her night sleeping at the foot of Nicola and Lux's bed, even though I bought her her own bed. Freaking cats.

Sugar: I love you, third mistress!
Nicola:...Same to you, cat, same to you.

SHE HAS. TO CLIMB. ON HER FOOD BOWL. I cannot take this cuteness.
Sugar: I thought this was Lux's legacy. I'd quite like to just...get on with things.
Meh. All she's doing is being a cybercriminal while raising a child with her alien politician girlfriend. Cat spam is way more interesting.
(But I promise to get back to the actual humans at some point)

Cola: Good morning to my fave kitten!
Sugar: That's not quite people.

Cola: Wow, look at that...I've got a hand-wich! Zing!

Lux: Cat, I love you very much and you're the best thing I've ever owned but you wake me up and you will pay.

When you want to practice conning people but your cat and toddler are in the same room.
Nicola: The money will always go to those who -
Sugar: Aieeeee my tail!
Cola: Hot damn I need to learn how to do that. I'd give money to you and I KNOW your deal, Mum!
Nicola: I'll tell you when you're older.
Sugar: You guys gotta help me catch my tail.
Nicola: I do NOT have time for this mess, both of you get out!

Fucking sink broke, and I can't even replace it because of this generation's goshdarn parameters.

Lux is the only one with any handiness skill but it started bothering me so much I had to have Nicola fix it.
Nicola: At least there's only one small, mewling thing bothering me this time.
Sugar: Hurry, I'm terribly afraid of water!

Cola get the fuck out of there.
Cola: Dis water is reeallly fascinating.

Nicola: Hey hun...I feel like we haven't talked in a long time.
Lux: Yeah, that's why I hate having a night job...work all night, sleep all day, and miss time with my family...but I've got a few hours now, Nic. We could even discuss-
Nicola: Uh, let's just...catch up, and all, I really-
Lux: Well, I guess so...

Cola: My mothers say some weird ish when they're having...
Lux: Private time, it's called private time, Cola, so...
Nicola: Yeah, she should definitely leave.
Lux: *giggle*

Nicola: Space books...so much better, right?
Cola: *eyebrow raise* Mmmmmm-hm.
Nicola: Don't be cheeky. Anyhow, the Snorlap-
Cola: What are these animal names.
Nicola: Technically it isn't an animal, not as you would understand it living here on Earth, little Cola...

Tonight, Sugar guards Cola.

Cola: I'm a bird, mother-
Blueffy: Whoa whoa whoa, at least wait until you're older for that sort of language.
Blueni: Shhh, the kid doesn't want our guidance.
Cola: Right you are. I just wanna flyyyyy, cos I'm a bird, mother-
Blueni: It is unsettling when she's about to swear, though.

Sugar: I love these guys...but this is horrifying.
Cola: Yo, Sugar, I'm being you! Mew! Mew!...Too lazy to run around in circles like you do though.

Cola: Soarin', flyin', there's not a star in heaven - OK, stars can wait until I get biggerer!
I guess this is one disadvantage of having the parents work opposing schedules, meaning Lux is looking after Cola alone, but is actually sleeping.
Cola: Eh. I'm good raising myself. 'S all fine, Watcher.

Lux: So...kid...do you like cats?
Cola: Well of course I do Mother, also what kind of question is that? I'm three.

Lux: Well I know I don't like you right now.
Cola: Hurtful.
Sugar: Well you did just fling-
Cola: Aren't you supposed to be all loving and stuff? Stay that way pls.
Lux: You little shit.
Cola: Heh.

Sugar: I'm gonna climb these mountains now.
Kittens are only kittens for like 2 days so Sugar is now an adult cat! It's good timing too; she won't get old until Cola takes over (which is a looong way off, at least it seems that way)
Good time to end, no? Next time, Cola's gonna become a child.
...I just realised what I've done with the two names. They look like each other but aren't pronounced that similarly.
Oh well.

Lux: Yes, child. Feeeed.

Nicola: Hey, it's your Mama...Cola? Seriously Watcher?
I liked it as a name OK!
Nicola: Well. Despite the stupidity of your name you will live a lovely life, little one. My scheme and your Mum's job will do that.

Wow Dominic...thanks.
Dominic: It's Lux. Even if she hadn't just had a baby that woman needs all the help she can get.

When you pause at the wrong moment during a friendly cheek kiss...
Seriously, that's all this is.
Lux: Unlike my grandma and dad's at the Bluffs that one time!
Dominic: Jesus your breath is awful.
Lux: I just gave birth, Dominic.
Dominic: Did you give birth through your mouth?
Lux:...Shut up.

Lux: What if I told you you were awesome?
Dominic: I'd say that I think you and your girlfriend are trying to make me give money towards her bullshit cause again...considering she just walked in here. Flattery gets you nowhere with this guy.
Lux: You're a cheeky shit, Dominic.
Dominic: Probably why we get on so well, huh blue girl?
Lux: Dammit, you're right.

Dominic: So is this just your favourite thing to do or...
Lux: Just lie back and enjoy, Dommy dear.
Dominic: You are not allowed to call me that.
Lux: I won't if you don't call me 'blue girl'.

Dominic: You know, I did end up taking that second job. There was a problem with my bank account...
Nicola: Ah, we knew it. I'll tell Lux.
Dominic:...You two are really weird. Did you know that? But you are perfect for each other, I will admit.

Nicola: May you grow up well, Cola.
Both of them are...morally questionable...but it doesn't hinder them from being good parents.

Nicola: Could you maybe stop singing while I do my speech practice?
Lux: If you wanna be my lover...
(Couldn't think of any other shower songs, lol)

I had to take the hat off the default work outfit because Lux's hair isn't hat-compatible...and I ended up changing everything.
I quite like it though.
Lux: I am one sexy crimelord.

Lux: Ugh, scamming is so hard nowadays.
At least you got a promotion!
Lux: Yeah, whatever.

Lux: Suck it, Marcus Flex! I know my virus just fucked up your day!And I have some of your money...wait why am I doing this at 5am?
Because your job is now 1-9am so I'm trying to adjust your sleep schedule.

Nicola: Uh...what a welcome? We are on the street, though, Lux-
Lux: Shhhh. Shh shh shh. Are you tense?
Nicola: Yes actually...are you suggesting-
Lux: Yup!
Nicola: But our kid's in the room!
Lux: Bush?
Nicola: *nods* Bush.

Lux: Nic you did such a good job convincing that guy to give us money.
Nicola: Ah, don't flatter me. I think he had dementia.
Lux: Now, now. Money is money, remember?
Nicola: Well I suppose...you always know how to make me feel good :).

Lux: *pant* You wish - *puff* - you could be dis...
You're not very good at being an Active Sim, are you?

Lux: Just one more firewall...
Nicola: A little more pink...how's it going?
Lux: Perfect, dear. Just perfect. And you?
Nicola: What you said.
Lux: Nice!

At like 5am (again)...
Cola: Mom.
Lux: Kid.
Cola: You ready for dis?
Lux: I can handle anything, so don't you even try me.
Cola: Oh, but I will.
She is SO CUTE. I love her! Anyway, she has the Wild trait and looks a lot like Lux, I think. Hair, eyes and facial features.

Lux: Come on, sit on the potty. Just do it!
Cola: Dis lady srs?

Cola: I won't I won't I won't!
Lux: I already regret you.

Lux: Luckily I'm bigger than you.
Cola: D:

Lux: You made me.
Cola: If I put my arms around her neck she'll put me back on the ground, right?
Lux: As if, little one, as if.
Cola: God I can't wait to get bigger.

Cola: Soaring, flying, breaking free!

Nicola: This Earth movie is amazing! That guy is such a good parent.
Lux: $camming.

Nicola is also a good parent when she's not captivated by the TV.
Cola: Be careful, I might barf.
Nicola: Well, I'll close my mouth. Human vomit is so fascinating!

I can control you, so GET OUT OF THERE, COLA.
Cola: But it's so fascinating!

Lux is sleeping, while her girlfriend and daughter skill.
Cola: I'm a monster and I'm biting your little head off, Mrs Red!
Nicola: '-so, give to this cause. It's for the most deserving of all!' Nah, I need a better inflection on those last couple'a words...

Lux got invited over by Dominic, who is to be her second good friend.
Dominic: What, are we going to lie on the floor again?
Lux: I'm not in the mood for your shit, Dominic.

Lux:...but yeah, we're cloudgazing.
Dominic: I knew it.
Lux: Shut up.

Lux: I lied! There is no party.
Dominic: But - what - why -
Anyway, that's her good friend for this week! Woot!

These two children just made me laugh for some reason.
Julianne: I swear if you're going to try anything gross-
Wilson: *cough* As if.

And Lux arrives home to this.
Nicola: How dare you? Humans excrete into there; that is disgusting!
Cola: *worst puppy-face ever holy shit* But MAMA-

Nicola: And Rex Treks went up to the king and -
Cola: Why'd you stop?
Nicola: These pictures are far too simple. My child will not be a simpleton. Therefore, I must fetch the encyclopedia! To the bookshelf!
Cola:...Help, Watcher. Help.

Lux is now very good at being an Active Sim. She's also slimmed down a little.
Lux: Winning.
You're lucky I'm already in too deep with your generation, or I'd have you expelled from every Sutherland universe there is.

After her workout, Lux squeezes in some time with her Nic.
Lux: Ya know my Uncle Felix names his AU kids after these things?
Nicola: My homeland is like...right over there.

Lux: National Sims Security Agency, here I come. I'm gonna find out so many government secrets...
You do that, Lux, you do that.

Lux: Mayor of Windenburg's doing WHAT with his properties? And taxes? Damn, this is good. So good. So much blackmailing material here.

Cola: Pay aTTention to me MoTHeRR!
Lux: Nic! Nic? Should I call an exorcist?

Cola: Jeez, I just needed some food. You're not you when you're hungry, right?

Lux: -c'mon Nic you know that stuff's my thing-
Nicola: I wanted to get closer to you by engaging in your thing but apparently not!
Lux: You're just...kinda bad at it...

Cola: Yo, what gives? I've been in here for a damn while!
Your mothers are fighting in a wet bathroom.
Cola: Meh. Not surprised.

Lux: We shouldn't fight. I used to love fighting. In my home universe I probably still do, but this version of me...doesn't want to fight with her family.
Nicola: OK, but next time don't jump down my throat!
Lux: Got it! No more fighting, Nic. I love you more than I could ever love fighting.
Nicola: Yeah! And...thanks...
Cola: Really? You're gonna deprive me of that kind of entertainment?

Lux: Now, a happy family is the best kind of entertainment.
Nicola: We should all keep that in mind.

Nicola: I gotta go to work, but we could really...celebrate this agreement-
Lux: If you wanna have sex with me you can just say it.
Nicola: Fine. Let's have sex when I get home. We can celebrate my imminent promotion too.

Lux: I shall help you get through the work day with this memory!
Nicola: You can be sweet.
(All autonomous BTW. I just love these two)

Lux: I have the power to make everyone's life hell! It's in my job description!
Mila: That- that can't possibly be true. Fuck why am I here?

Lux: And that's how I'm getting the keys to the city.
Mila: Psh. No way do you have enough dirt.
Lux: Don't you underestimate me...do you know what I know about you?

Mila: Please! Don't tell the restaurant about that...it was one time...I just needed 100 to cover my water bill!
Lux: Oh, look. I can't have enough dirt, right? Listen lady, I get info on everybody in my contacts. Apart from my girlfriend and daughter.

Lux: Now imagine if I could really profit from someone's information. Think of how hard I'd work to find that stuff.
Mila: OK, OK, I get it! I get it! What do you want anyway?
Lux: Your friendship. When I call, you come over, and we gain friendship points for the Watcher. You will be my friend until you die.
Mila: *sniff* Fine.
Lux: Pleasure doing business - I mean friendship - with you.

Lux: *whispers* For you, Cola.
Cola: What are you doing now, Mum?
Lux: *steals some bills*

Cola: *cough* Does nobody do the cleaning around dis place?

I'm in love with her sassy faces.
Cola: What the heck is that random thing? And why am I so dirty? C'mon, my mothers know I can't clean myself, where're they at?

Nicola: Soooo...should I feel bad about exploiting the elderly?
Kabir: My dear, is that you?
Nicola:...But it's just so dang easy!

Kabir: Anything for you!
Nicola: Yeah yeah, whatever old man, I take cash or cheque, I'm certainly not fussy.

Cola: You're a great dancer, Mum!
Lux: Yeah, yeah. Quit trying to butter me up, I know you must want something.

Kabir: She did always love to dance...
Lux: Child, do not look behind you. I'll deal with the trash.
Cola: Ohhhh snap, someone's gonna get cut right?
Lux: Why, not with you in the room.

Kabir: No, the pain!
Lux: Mhm...Cola don't touch those papers.
Lux: And don't go in there, it's dusty - look dude, neither I nor my girlfriend is your wife, so just go home-
Kabir: What? What about that? I'll find her later! It's my WRIST!
Lux: Oooohhh...be right back, Cola, I gotta drive this old man to the hospital.

Lux: You were right, Nic. This totally beats taking care of the kid. I love her but...damn.
Nicola: Of course I was right. Now, let's have a great date.
Nicola: *thinking* Fuck I hope she doesn't start talking about marriage.
Lux: *thinking* Maybe we should talk about marriage.
Audra: I damn well hope there's some trouble in paradise going on here.
Lux: Oh look, it's that one bitch.
Audra: Nope, wrong, try looking in the mirror.
Nicola: She got you good.
Audra: Mm. Thanks, broken alien.
Lux: At least we're both here, together and happy. Meanwhile you're here alone, sipping on that Sakura Tea and wishing you had someone-
Audra: *laugh* Oh, as if, I've got two kids and a husband.
Lux: So where is he?
Nicola: *giggles into the Sakura Tea*
Audra: I-I-shut up!
Lux: Nah.
Audra: So, Red, what do you think about a second?
Alton: Lady you're in the way...and queue-cutting ain't cool!
Nicola: Oooh, you skank!
Lux: Flowers!
Nicola: What are these papery things?
Lux: Flowers!
Gunner: I wonder if they'd be up for a threeway? Hey, guys-
Lux: Absolutely not, in your dreams!
Nicola: Well...obviously not with him, but I wouldn't mind-
Lux: Haha ew! Wanna do more love stuff?
Ooh, trouble?
Lux: Never!
Gunner: Asking the Guru for advice? I bet she'll say you need some extra d-
Lux: *snort* You're pathetic.
Amiyah: Not just him, m'dear. You know she doesn't want to marry you? I will try to ignore the CC tears that are enabled for random shed tears in your heart's honour.
Lux: C'mooooon! You don't know that! Screw the traits, what Nic and I have is special-
Audra: Ha, she's gonna get bad news. Watch, Alton. Watch with me. Alton!
Alton: *checking out Lux's ass*
Amiyah: Right. Just hold off on the marriage. She doesn't want it. Just shut up about the marriage and you two are gonna be happy together.
Lux: Psh, what do you know?
Amiyah:...A whole fucking lot, why else do you think I'm here?
Audra: Husband! You have arrived!
Gunner: H-hey Auds...
Nicola: He was asking me and Lux for a threeway.
Nicola: Heh.
It was shortly after this that I got Cats and Dogs (yeah, these chapters have been in the works for a while), and I decided to add a random roll for pets. It's not too late! (And, I want pets for some of the Sutherlands, because they're not happening in the Perfect Genetics Legacy, the WYDC or the ISBI).
I decided it as follows:
1 - No pets
2, 3 - Dog
4, 5 - Cat
6 - Cat and Dog
I rolled a (virtual) die and got 4! So Lux and Nicola are getting a cat. Suits them, I think.
Nicola: Heh.
It was shortly after this that I got Cats and Dogs (yeah, these chapters have been in the works for a while), and I decided to add a random roll for pets. It's not too late! (And, I want pets for some of the Sutherlands, because they're not happening in the Perfect Genetics Legacy, the WYDC or the ISBI).
I decided it as follows:
1 - No pets
2, 3 - Dog
4, 5 - Cat
6 - Cat and Dog
I rolled a (virtual) die and got 4! So Lux and Nicola are getting a cat. Suits them, I think.

This is Sugar!
Sugar: O__O How did I get here?
Look at those little blue whiskers.
Sugar: I don't think I'm natural.
Yeah, you're really not. I made her because...that's fun.
Sugar is Affectionate, Skittish, and something else I forgot. But from the first two it can be inferred that Sugar is smol, even for a kitten.

Cola was made over due to a glitch in which no-one could put her in the highchair. I figured it was one of her CC's fault so now she's wearing a cat dress.
After a bit of testing it turned out it was our CC sofa's fault. So that got kicked out.

Lux: I dunno who you are or how you got here but like...how are you?
Sugar: I mean, I don't know your or how I got here either but I freaking love you! Look at all this swag you got me!
Lux: I deem you...affectionate!
Sugar: Works for me!

Lux: Is it wrong if I love this thing more than the kid?
Nicola, from the other room: YES!
Sugar: *the most adorable mew ever holy shit*

Cola: Hey, kittyyyy, you kinda match my dress.
Sugar: Thank you for the love, child.
I can't with this, so very cute, I die.

Cola: You don't have to worry, Mum, this cat's love is real easy to get!
Nicola: So this is the thing Lux wanted to love more than you?
Cola: Well it's the one new thing in this - wait, Mama said what?

Sugar: The highest of mountains!

Sugar prefers chasing her tail though.

Sugar: I must guard this child - with my best noises! *high-pitched and adorable yowl*
Cola: So like...get out.

Sugar: *'Everybody Hurts' playing in head* So rejected.
She was eventually 'accepted' and spent her night sleeping at the foot of Nicola and Lux's bed, even though I bought her her own bed. Freaking cats.

Sugar: I love you, third mistress!
Nicola:...Same to you, cat, same to you.

SHE HAS. TO CLIMB. ON HER FOOD BOWL. I cannot take this cuteness.
Sugar: I thought this was Lux's legacy. I'd quite like to just...get on with things.
Meh. All she's doing is being a cybercriminal while raising a child with her alien politician girlfriend. Cat spam is way more interesting.
(But I promise to get back to the actual humans at some point)

Cola: Good morning to my fave kitten!
Sugar: That's not quite people.

Cola: Wow, look at that...I've got a hand-wich! Zing!

Lux: Cat, I love you very much and you're the best thing I've ever owned but you wake me up and you will pay.

When you want to practice conning people but your cat and toddler are in the same room.
Nicola: The money will always go to those who -
Sugar: Aieeeee my tail!
Cola: Hot damn I need to learn how to do that. I'd give money to you and I KNOW your deal, Mum!
Nicola: I'll tell you when you're older.
Sugar: You guys gotta help me catch my tail.
Nicola: I do NOT have time for this mess, both of you get out!

Fucking sink broke, and I can't even replace it because of this generation's goshdarn parameters.

Lux is the only one with any handiness skill but it started bothering me so much I had to have Nicola fix it.
Nicola: At least there's only one small, mewling thing bothering me this time.
Sugar: Hurry, I'm terribly afraid of water!

Cola get the fuck out of there.
Cola: Dis water is reeallly fascinating.

Nicola: Hey hun...I feel like we haven't talked in a long time.
Lux: Yeah, that's why I hate having a night job...work all night, sleep all day, and miss time with my family...but I've got a few hours now, Nic. We could even discuss-
Nicola: Uh, let's just...catch up, and all, I really-
Lux: Well, I guess so...

Cola: My mothers say some weird ish when they're having...
Lux: Private time, it's called private time, Cola, so...
Nicola: Yeah, she should definitely leave.
Lux: *giggle*

Nicola: Space books...so much better, right?
Cola: *eyebrow raise* Mmmmmm-hm.
Nicola: Don't be cheeky. Anyhow, the Snorlap-
Cola: What are these animal names.
Nicola: Technically it isn't an animal, not as you would understand it living here on Earth, little Cola...

Tonight, Sugar guards Cola.

Cola: I'm a bird, mother-
Blueffy: Whoa whoa whoa, at least wait until you're older for that sort of language.
Blueni: Shhh, the kid doesn't want our guidance.
Cola: Right you are. I just wanna flyyyyy, cos I'm a bird, mother-
Blueni: It is unsettling when she's about to swear, though.

Sugar: I love these guys...but this is horrifying.
Cola: Yo, Sugar, I'm being you! Mew! Mew!...Too lazy to run around in circles like you do though.

Cola: Soarin', flyin', there's not a star in heaven - OK, stars can wait until I get biggerer!
I guess this is one disadvantage of having the parents work opposing schedules, meaning Lux is looking after Cola alone, but is actually sleeping.
Cola: Eh. I'm good raising myself. 'S all fine, Watcher.

Lux: So...kid...do you like cats?
Cola: Well of course I do Mother, also what kind of question is that? I'm three.

Lux: Well I know I don't like you right now.
Cola: Hurtful.
Sugar: Well you did just fling-
Cola: Aren't you supposed to be all loving and stuff? Stay that way pls.
Lux: You little shit.
Cola: Heh.

Sugar: I'm gonna climb these mountains now.
Kittens are only kittens for like 2 days so Sugar is now an adult cat! It's good timing too; she won't get old until Cola takes over (which is a looong way off, at least it seems that way)
Good time to end, no? Next time, Cola's gonna become a child.
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