Lux: And then I marched right up to him, shoved the phone screen in this face and told him he HAD to pay up!
Nicola: Hahahaha! That's brilliant, Lux! I just love stories about your job!

Lux: That's me and my coworkers taking out that programmer, that's me hacking into a bank, me on the side of a building...ooh, us getting ice-cream at the 24-hour parlour post-heist.
Nicola: God I wish that were me.
Lux: Yeah...yeah! No-one else gets it! I am ENVIABLE.
OK, it's settled. I want Nix to happen, so that's gonna happen this chapter. Screw Caleb, J and Marcus. Don't need em.

Like mother, like daughter.
Lux: I really hope not...I don't want my first partner to cheat on me.
At least it can't be with a family member - none of them are in this universe.
Lux: Whatever...

What is wrong with this picture?
Lux: The fact that you took it? I'm eating here, man! And I don't look good!
That is true, but actually, the wrong thing is that you are standing up when I BOUGHT A TABLE AND CHAIRS for you.

Post-flirty text...
Nicola: You aren't as subtle as you think you are...
Lux: Did you have a problem with my text? If you did, I don't think you would have taken us up here.
Nicola: No shit. The cover charge was really expensive.
Lux: Right?
Nicola: And...I didn't say I had a problem with your lack of subtlety...

Lux: W-what the fuck?
Nicola: Just probed you, Lux! Sorry for the itsy bitsy invasion of privacy, but I wanted to just...check on your intentions.
Lux: Well damn, you're a genius too! God I wish that were me.
Nicola: You're not mad? Good.

Nicola:...Because I think you're amazing.
Lux: Wow...I've never been told...that.

Lux: This is where I carry my guns at work. I can just pull one out, and-
Nicola: Do go on, darling.
Lux: We're doing pet names now? OK...

Lux: Goons are like...'noooo Lux I can't do it 'cos my wife just had a baby, and I might die' - like who cares? Do your job, RANDY.
Nicola: Randy? Randy Nicholson? I think I know that guy!
Lux: Well slap him for me.
Nicola: With pleasure!


Lux: You didn't - but I thought -
Nicola: No I...that's how you show affection on Earth? Icky!
Lux: I'll wash my lips for you next time.
Nicola: Just make sure you don't have any illnesses and we'll be fine! :)
Lux: Cool...
Nicola: And move in with me!
Lux: Yeah...but you gotta live at mine. Don't worry, you don't have to live with my parents or anything...
Nicola: Great. Let's do this.

After I moved her in with Lux, THIS was the first thing she did. I guess she changed her stance on kissing pretty quick, huh?
Lux: Mmmph!
Nicola: Not so icky!

Lux: And mouths aren't the only things you can kiss...
Nicola: Wow...this is...fun! And where else can you put mouths?
Lux: You'll find out tonight *wink*...actually not tonight. I have work. How does Sunday sound?

<3 I love them. I didn't expect Lux's love life to go in this direction but I'm oh-so-glad it did. Thank God for Nicola walking past the museum yesterday!

Nicola is a very glitchy alien. This is her 'alien' form. It's a bit annoying but I don't mind 'cos I like her genetics anyway. I'm kind of mad they only get to have one baby.
She has the Good Vampire aspiration, which I'm changing (according to the rules that's fine) to one of the family ones. She is Cheerful, Squeamish, and NonCommittal, so I probably won't marry them.
Anyway, the secondary career roll was Politician (Charity Branch), so she's going to become one of them (a politician dating a criminal, I love it).

Lux: I'mma criminal mastermind!
Nicola:...Yeah you are, honey, yeah you are.
Lux:...I forgot that doesn't freak you out.
Nicola: I shacked up with you, nothing can freak me out.
Too true.

Nicola: I choose...Simoleons for Everyone!
Nicola: I will help Lux steal from all of the humans and give the revenue to my friends!
Slow your roll, Robin Hood.

Nicola: This human food smells AMAZIIIIING.
Cheese:...Well I'm freaked out now.

The career I rolled for Nicola doesn't offer extra moneymaking opportunities, and she has nothing to do. So I bought her an easel - there are NO rules saying she can't paint, we just can't sell the paintings. We can decorate the house I guess.

(2am extra wooing because they wouldn't sleep in the same bed)
Nicola: Mouths on hands, right? Am I doing this correctly?
Lux: *swoon*
Nicola: I guess that's a yes.

Lux: You're the best person I've ever met, Nic.
Nicola: Thank you, Lux.
Not much of a compliment, considering the people you have interacted with, Lux...
Lux: Hey Watcher, y'know what? Shut up!
Nicola: Yeah! Shut up, Watcher!
Lux: So annoying...
Nicola: That'll take some time to get used to.

Lux: I'm sorry about her, but I can make it up to you.
Nicola: No apologies needed, I'm sure you didn't ask for her, but I won't refuse!

I guess you guys are fine with sharing the bed now?
Nicola: Um, excuse me, a little busy?

I'm not allowed to use a pregnancy test which is driving me crazy.
...Guess I'll wait then.
Lux: Uggggh you did it to me? Why couldn't Nicola have the stupid kid?
Well, the thing is, with my current settings pregnancy freezes your age, and for some reason, you're three days older than you should be, therefore, I am freezing your age for three days. Actually four, but never mind.
Also, way to walk around in your underwear again, Mini-Zen.
Lux: Shut up!

Lux: *bleurgh*
Lux: It'll disappear, I know how this world works! I didn't want to mess up the toilet.
You make a good point but still...ew.

Lux: Hey Vivi!

Vivian: NOW what do you want?
Lux: Stay for my requisite eight mischief interactions and then you get your watch back!
Vivian: My - oh goddamn you, Lux.
Lux: Compliment taken!

Vivian: I can't believe I let my guard down around you for even a second, FRIENDO.
Lux: Hahahahahaha...wow this is fun.
Vivian: Get your head out of my arm!
Lux: NO!

Vivian: So, you're the madwoman mad enough to date my 'friend' Lux-
Nicola: Hi, I'm Nicola, representative of the Simoleons for Everyone movement. We, as an organisation, incorporate different industries and fundraising tactics than those pathetic normal charities-
Vivian: What is this?

Nicola: So, whaddya think?
Vivian: If I sign up will you stop talking?
Nicola: Sure!
Vivian: Fine then. I sign up!
Nicola: Task completed!

Lux is making her first virus!
Lux: Everybody will want to download OSFixer, won't they? Little do they know...that means we can hack all of their Facebooks!

Nicola: What the hell is 'OSFixer'...right, right. I'm just gonna...close all of that down, and play some Blicblock.

Lux: Oh, I see...I work all night helping your shady charity fund, and then you're asleep-
Nicola: *sleepily mumbles* Thanks Lux...
Lux: Now you say it, huh?
Lux, quit bitching.

Nicola: Are you still salty?
Lux: Yeah...I'm sorry about that! It was just hormones from...well...maybe you should sit down.
Nicola: Why?
Lux: Just sit down and look at my belly!
Nicola: Why?
Lux: Just DO IT.

Nicola: I...I...
Lux: Isn't it amazing? We're having a baby!
Nicola: Is that even poss - never mind! This is awesome!
D: Stupid dice rolling only letting them have one kid...
Oh and they both got promotions today. Nicola's at Level 2 and Lux is at Level 5 now.

Lux: Wh-what happened?
Beats me. How did you get that dirty in 4 and a half hours of pure sleep?
And underwear while pregnant, you're really doing well at emulating your mother.

Lux: So...how many months?
Audra: Girl. Look at me. Look at this, and then ask your disrespectful questions. Do I look pregnant? Of course not, but I can think of a certain someone else who looks like they're making life, so-

Lux: Ahem, but I am actually pregnant.
Audra: Suuuure, show me in a few months then, lolololol-
Lux: You're going to regret that?
Audra: Ha! How will I regret that? You just try me, little girl.

Audra:...Dammit, you're hot.
Lux: Ooh, I have a long-term girlfriend but validation and attention always turns me on!

Audra: What the hell is wrong with you! Get away from me, I'm married and have two kids!
Lux: What is wrong with you?
Audra and Lux, friends forever?
Lux: NO!
Audra: Yeuch!

Lux: Why the hell are you laughing?
Audra: 'Cos you're a loser! You really thought you could find my wallet? Get out of my house!
Lux: This is my house you dowdy old bitch!
Audra:...Right! Well let me leave this crapshack.
So I'm going to have Lux find a new friend for this week...

Nicola is home, with another promotion! Two in two days! She is now level 3.
Nicola: Donate or so help me God, I have contacts who will cut you-
Darling: Fine, you can have my lunch money! How do I even know you, lady?
Nicola: And I want those donations to keep coming in or I'll ruin all of your basketball scholarship opportunities!
Darling: You wouldn't.
Nicola: Is this the face of a woman who's kidding?
Nicola: Exactly. Pay up.

Nicola: That woman Audra you were trying to befriend looked like a right piece of work.
Lux: Being around you helps though, Nic.
Nicola: I'm glad to hear it...
Lux: And considering we're both a bit low on fun, and pregnancy is giving me urges...
Nicola: I like where this is going!

Nicola: Just warming up!
Lux: Yessss.

Lux: It's just my MOTHER-
Nicola: Yes dear.
Lux: -just such a selfish bitch, did you hear what she did back in the other universe?
Nicola: No, and I'm actually fairly confused when you say the other-
Lux: The nerve of that woman, for real, now lemme tell ya-

They sure love their autonomous passionate kisses!
Lux: Remember when you did this? My turn!

Lux: No! It's not true! Screw the traits, she'll do it! I know she will, we-
What are you plotting now, Lux?

My question remains no matter how much you pout.
Lux: I'm not doing anything, you nosy idiot!
I don't believe you.
Lux:...I wanna marry Nicola but we know how she is...
Oh...sorry I needled you. But don't worry. Maybe once your relationship is REALLY HIGH.

Dominic: What the hell is this, blue girl? There's no gathering.
Lux: Shut up, I don't care what you think, shut up.
Dominic: That's not an explanation!
Lux: You're not gonna get one!

Dominic: Whatever. If you won't let me leave I'll just be immature about cloud shapes with you then!
Lux: It's not immature if the cloud really does look like a dick.

Lux: I predict that you'll take a second job by tomorrow.
Dominic: Uh...just the one is good, thanks-
Lux: We need to handle our financial situation!
Dominic: W-we? Wait, are you just shouting random things from Hamilton now?

Lux: You think I gave Fyres too many hints about his account at Landgraab Banking?
I think you just confused him.
Lux:...Eh. He thinks we're friends, but I'm gonna steal from him... that's pretty amusing, so success I guess?

Nicola: More donors...more donors. Hm. How does 'it's a nonprofit group dedicated to fighting poverty' sound?
It sounds like a lie, Nic. But if it works for you, work it!

Nicola: So, Lux, I've had a pretty tough day at work-
Lux: Oh, don't play around. I know what you're after. Even if I am a whale...?
Nicola: Whale or not, you're still my beautiful girlfriend!
Lux: To the bed, I suppose then!

...Moira that is your own husband.

Nicola: But why do you have to touch the old food with your own bare hand? Can't I wear gloves or something? Ugh!
That's not charisma, is it?
Nicola: -And then I have to feel those soggy crumbs of LUX'S fucking sandwich and EW! Why do humans do this?

Lux: Ugh. Time to buy a new computer then, I guess.
Hahahaha nope! One of this generation's parameters is that nothing gets replaced; you fix it. And we don't have enough money anyway.
Lux:...But I'm pregnant?
Using your condition as an excuse to get out of basic work? That is something your mother did.

Lux: Fine! Fine! I'm doing it!

The next morning...
Nicola: I hate human domestic work!
Sorry. Your pregnant girlfriend needs her sleep, and she'll wake up hungry soon!
Nicola: Why is she always hungry? *rageface* And why is my blood so freaking orange? That is not natural!

Lux:...I-I smell and I look like I swallowed all of Sixam. Fuck this shit, I want out!
Too late. And look a bit angrier, why don't you? You're not even trying?
Lux: I will PUNCH-
No you won't.

Lux: So...I guess the fruit salad was a lot of work, Nic?
Nicola: Ohhhh you betcha. I put blood sweat and tears into that!
Lux: Um...
Nicola: OK, that was an exaggeration. I didn't. ...It was only blood and tears.
Lux: Right...
Nicola: You better keep eating it.

They got invited to GeekCon (well Lux did, and then she brought her girlfriend)
Nicola: You're gonna have fun here, right?
Lux: Sure. You're never too pregnant to enjoy GeekCon. Come on, play me on one of these Hackathons.
Nicola: Now that isn't a fair fight...
Dominic: Y'know I was the one who arranged this whole outing-
Lux: Shush, Dominic.

Nicola went straight to the bar anyway.
Regina: Sorry about the tears, it's justCC tears enabled for random that my boyfriend...
Nicola: Make it a double, on the house, and I'll listen!
Regina: FINE!

Yellow Llamawoman AKA Audra: You're suffering? Good.
Lux: At least I'm doing something useful and bringing new life!
Audra: I've got two kids already!
Blue Llamaman AKA Geoffrey Landgraab: Can't beat that, Miss, can you?
Lux: Whatever. I can beat both your asses in this hacking competition!
Audra: We will see about that!

Nicola: Ooh, look what you made me do, look what you made me do-

GeekCon is pretty helpful. Nicola can find people to promote her cause to, and Lux can hack at the computers and make money! So they'll stay there until it's over, because she needs to be there at the end to get a prize (if she won one).

Nicola: Listen dude, you gotta sign up. It's a joint effort with me and my girlfriend-
Bartender: Girlfriend, huh? Do you two make out or-
Nicola: OK, screw it. Give me money or I'll get you fired.
Bartender: Ha! For what?
Nicola: Sexual harassment!

Bartender:...Right, right. What do you want?
Nicola: I knew you'd understand, good sir. Now, I expect your next paycheck in two weeks.
Bartender: Deal...

Lux won a computer!...We already have the same kind but it could fetch us some money!
(Technically she earned that by hacking, which is allowed in the rules, so I say this is fine!)

Another cute reminder Nicola and Lux are very much in love. This pic is to commemorate them reaching Soulmate status.

Nicola has time to paint again. Her last painting was solid bathroom art (i.e. not very good, and banished to a place people don't spend time in).
Nicola: Bathroom art? I'll show you bathroom art...*mutters*

Six hours later...
Lux: Seriously? Now I gotta do the laundry again!...Oh, and the pain. Fuck this is painful.

Lux: This is going to be awful!
Lux: What did you think having a child together was going to entail?

And at long last, everybody can meet Nic and Lux's ONLY baby (yes I'm still salty about that dice roll), Cola Sutherland!
The naming theme is drinks - so that can be types of drink (e.g. Milk, or Apple Juice), or drink brands (e.g. Pepsi) or even cocktail names (like Mojito).
Nicola: Hahahaha! That's brilliant, Lux! I just love stories about your job!

Lux: That's me and my coworkers taking out that programmer, that's me hacking into a bank, me on the side of a building...ooh, us getting ice-cream at the 24-hour parlour post-heist.
Nicola: God I wish that were me.
Lux: Yeah...yeah! No-one else gets it! I am ENVIABLE.
OK, it's settled. I want Nix to happen, so that's gonna happen this chapter. Screw Caleb, J and Marcus. Don't need em.

Like mother, like daughter.
Lux: I really hope not...I don't want my first partner to cheat on me.
At least it can't be with a family member - none of them are in this universe.
Lux: Whatever...

What is wrong with this picture?
Lux: The fact that you took it? I'm eating here, man! And I don't look good!
That is true, but actually, the wrong thing is that you are standing up when I BOUGHT A TABLE AND CHAIRS for you.

Post-flirty text...
Nicola: You aren't as subtle as you think you are...
Lux: Did you have a problem with my text? If you did, I don't think you would have taken us up here.
Nicola: No shit. The cover charge was really expensive.
Lux: Right?
Nicola: And...I didn't say I had a problem with your lack of subtlety...

Lux: W-what the fuck?
Nicola: Just probed you, Lux! Sorry for the itsy bitsy invasion of privacy, but I wanted to just...check on your intentions.
Lux: Well damn, you're a genius too! God I wish that were me.
Nicola: You're not mad? Good.

Nicola:...Because I think you're amazing.
Lux: Wow...I've never been told...that.

Lux: This is where I carry my guns at work. I can just pull one out, and-
Nicola: Do go on, darling.
Lux: We're doing pet names now? OK...

Lux: Goons are like...'noooo Lux I can't do it 'cos my wife just had a baby, and I might die' - like who cares? Do your job, RANDY.
Nicola: Randy? Randy Nicholson? I think I know that guy!
Lux: Well slap him for me.
Nicola: With pleasure!


Lux: You didn't - but I thought -
Nicola: No I...that's how you show affection on Earth? Icky!
Lux: I'll wash my lips for you next time.
Nicola: Just make sure you don't have any illnesses and we'll be fine! :)
Lux: Cool...
Nicola: And move in with me!
Lux: Yeah...but you gotta live at mine. Don't worry, you don't have to live with my parents or anything...
Nicola: Great. Let's do this.

After I moved her in with Lux, THIS was the first thing she did. I guess she changed her stance on kissing pretty quick, huh?
Lux: Mmmph!
Nicola: Not so icky!

Lux: And mouths aren't the only things you can kiss...
Nicola: Wow...this is...fun! And where else can you put mouths?
Lux: You'll find out tonight *wink*...actually not tonight. I have work. How does Sunday sound?

<3 I love them. I didn't expect Lux's love life to go in this direction but I'm oh-so-glad it did. Thank God for Nicola walking past the museum yesterday!

Nicola is a very glitchy alien. This is her 'alien' form. It's a bit annoying but I don't mind 'cos I like her genetics anyway. I'm kind of mad they only get to have one baby.
She has the Good Vampire aspiration, which I'm changing (according to the rules that's fine) to one of the family ones. She is Cheerful, Squeamish, and NonCommittal, so I probably won't marry them.
Anyway, the secondary career roll was Politician (Charity Branch), so she's going to become one of them (a politician dating a criminal, I love it).

Lux: I'mma criminal mastermind!
Nicola:...Yeah you are, honey, yeah you are.
Lux:...I forgot that doesn't freak you out.
Nicola: I shacked up with you, nothing can freak me out.
Too true.

Nicola: I choose...Simoleons for Everyone!
Nicola: I will help Lux steal from all of the humans and give the revenue to my friends!
Slow your roll, Robin Hood.

Nicola: This human food smells AMAZIIIIING.
Cheese:...Well I'm freaked out now.

The career I rolled for Nicola doesn't offer extra moneymaking opportunities, and she has nothing to do. So I bought her an easel - there are NO rules saying she can't paint, we just can't sell the paintings. We can decorate the house I guess.

(2am extra wooing because they wouldn't sleep in the same bed)
Nicola: Mouths on hands, right? Am I doing this correctly?
Lux: *swoon*
Nicola: I guess that's a yes.

Lux: You're the best person I've ever met, Nic.
Nicola: Thank you, Lux.
Not much of a compliment, considering the people you have interacted with, Lux...
Lux: Hey Watcher, y'know what? Shut up!
Nicola: Yeah! Shut up, Watcher!
Lux: So annoying...
Nicola: That'll take some time to get used to.

Lux: I'm sorry about her, but I can make it up to you.
Nicola: No apologies needed, I'm sure you didn't ask for her, but I won't refuse!

I guess you guys are fine with sharing the bed now?
Nicola: Um, excuse me, a little busy?

I'm not allowed to use a pregnancy test which is driving me crazy.
...Guess I'll wait then.
Lux: Uggggh you did it to me? Why couldn't Nicola have the stupid kid?
Well, the thing is, with my current settings pregnancy freezes your age, and for some reason, you're three days older than you should be, therefore, I am freezing your age for three days. Actually four, but never mind.
Also, way to walk around in your underwear again, Mini-Zen.
Lux: Shut up!

Lux: *bleurgh*
Lux: It'll disappear, I know how this world works! I didn't want to mess up the toilet.
You make a good point but still...ew.

Lux: Hey Vivi!

Vivian: NOW what do you want?
Lux: Stay for my requisite eight mischief interactions and then you get your watch back!
Vivian: My - oh goddamn you, Lux.
Lux: Compliment taken!

Vivian: I can't believe I let my guard down around you for even a second, FRIENDO.
Lux: Hahahahahaha...wow this is fun.
Vivian: Get your head out of my arm!
Lux: NO!

Vivian: So, you're the madwoman mad enough to date my 'friend' Lux-
Nicola: Hi, I'm Nicola, representative of the Simoleons for Everyone movement. We, as an organisation, incorporate different industries and fundraising tactics than those pathetic normal charities-
Vivian: What is this?

Nicola: So, whaddya think?
Vivian: If I sign up will you stop talking?
Nicola: Sure!
Vivian: Fine then. I sign up!
Nicola: Task completed!

Lux is making her first virus!
Lux: Everybody will want to download OSFixer, won't they? Little do they know...that means we can hack all of their Facebooks!

Nicola: What the hell is 'OSFixer'...right, right. I'm just gonna...close all of that down, and play some Blicblock.

Lux: Oh, I see...I work all night helping your shady charity fund, and then you're asleep-
Nicola: *sleepily mumbles* Thanks Lux...
Lux: Now you say it, huh?
Lux, quit bitching.

Nicola: Are you still salty?
Lux: Yeah...I'm sorry about that! It was just hormones from...well...maybe you should sit down.
Nicola: Why?
Lux: Just sit down and look at my belly!
Nicola: Why?
Lux: Just DO IT.

Nicola: I...I...
Lux: Isn't it amazing? We're having a baby!
Nicola: Is that even poss - never mind! This is awesome!
D: Stupid dice rolling only letting them have one kid...
Oh and they both got promotions today. Nicola's at Level 2 and Lux is at Level 5 now.

Lux: Wh-what happened?
Beats me. How did you get that dirty in 4 and a half hours of pure sleep?
And underwear while pregnant, you're really doing well at emulating your mother.

Lux: So...how many months?
Audra: Girl. Look at me. Look at this, and then ask your disrespectful questions. Do I look pregnant? Of course not, but I can think of a certain someone else who looks like they're making life, so-

Lux: Ahem, but I am actually pregnant.
Audra: Suuuure, show me in a few months then, lolololol-
Lux: You're going to regret that?
Audra: Ha! How will I regret that? You just try me, little girl.

Audra:...Dammit, you're hot.
Lux: Ooh, I have a long-term girlfriend but validation and attention always turns me on!

Audra: What the hell is wrong with you! Get away from me, I'm married and have two kids!
Lux: What is wrong with you?
Audra and Lux, friends forever?
Lux: NO!
Audra: Yeuch!

Lux: Why the hell are you laughing?
Audra: 'Cos you're a loser! You really thought you could find my wallet? Get out of my house!
Lux: This is my house you dowdy old bitch!
Audra:...Right! Well let me leave this crapshack.
So I'm going to have Lux find a new friend for this week...

Nicola is home, with another promotion! Two in two days! She is now level 3.
Nicola: Donate or so help me God, I have contacts who will cut you-
Darling: Fine, you can have my lunch money! How do I even know you, lady?
Nicola: And I want those donations to keep coming in or I'll ruin all of your basketball scholarship opportunities!
Darling: You wouldn't.
Nicola: Is this the face of a woman who's kidding?
Nicola: Exactly. Pay up.

Nicola: That woman Audra you were trying to befriend looked like a right piece of work.
Lux: Being around you helps though, Nic.
Nicola: I'm glad to hear it...
Lux: And considering we're both a bit low on fun, and pregnancy is giving me urges...
Nicola: I like where this is going!

Nicola: Just warming up!
Lux: Yessss.

Lux: It's just my MOTHER-
Nicola: Yes dear.
Lux: -just such a selfish bitch, did you hear what she did back in the other universe?
Nicola: No, and I'm actually fairly confused when you say the other-
Lux: The nerve of that woman, for real, now lemme tell ya-

They sure love their autonomous passionate kisses!
Lux: Remember when you did this? My turn!

Lux: No! It's not true! Screw the traits, she'll do it! I know she will, we-
What are you plotting now, Lux?

My question remains no matter how much you pout.
Lux: I'm not doing anything, you nosy idiot!
I don't believe you.
Lux:...I wanna marry Nicola but we know how she is...
Oh...sorry I needled you. But don't worry. Maybe once your relationship is REALLY HIGH.

Dominic: What the hell is this, blue girl? There's no gathering.
Lux: Shut up, I don't care what you think, shut up.
Dominic: That's not an explanation!
Lux: You're not gonna get one!

Dominic: Whatever. If you won't let me leave I'll just be immature about cloud shapes with you then!
Lux: It's not immature if the cloud really does look like a dick.

Lux: I predict that you'll take a second job by tomorrow.
Dominic: Uh...just the one is good, thanks-
Lux: We need to handle our financial situation!
Dominic: W-we? Wait, are you just shouting random things from Hamilton now?

Lux: You think I gave Fyres too many hints about his account at Landgraab Banking?
I think you just confused him.
Lux:...Eh. He thinks we're friends, but I'm gonna steal from him... that's pretty amusing, so success I guess?

Nicola: More donors...more donors. Hm. How does 'it's a nonprofit group dedicated to fighting poverty' sound?
It sounds like a lie, Nic. But if it works for you, work it!

Nicola: So, Lux, I've had a pretty tough day at work-
Lux: Oh, don't play around. I know what you're after. Even if I am a whale...?
Nicola: Whale or not, you're still my beautiful girlfriend!
Lux: To the bed, I suppose then!

...Moira that is your own husband.

Nicola: But why do you have to touch the old food with your own bare hand? Can't I wear gloves or something? Ugh!
That's not charisma, is it?
Nicola: -And then I have to feel those soggy crumbs of LUX'S fucking sandwich and EW! Why do humans do this?

Lux: Ugh. Time to buy a new computer then, I guess.
Hahahaha nope! One of this generation's parameters is that nothing gets replaced; you fix it. And we don't have enough money anyway.
Lux:...But I'm pregnant?
Using your condition as an excuse to get out of basic work? That is something your mother did.

Lux: Fine! Fine! I'm doing it!

The next morning...
Nicola: I hate human domestic work!
Sorry. Your pregnant girlfriend needs her sleep, and she'll wake up hungry soon!
Nicola: Why is she always hungry? *rageface* And why is my blood so freaking orange? That is not natural!

Lux:...I-I smell and I look like I swallowed all of Sixam. Fuck this shit, I want out!
Too late. And look a bit angrier, why don't you? You're not even trying?
Lux: I will PUNCH-
No you won't.

Lux: So...I guess the fruit salad was a lot of work, Nic?
Nicola: Ohhhh you betcha. I put blood sweat and tears into that!
Lux: Um...
Nicola: OK, that was an exaggeration. I didn't. ...It was only blood and tears.
Lux: Right...
Nicola: You better keep eating it.

They got invited to GeekCon (well Lux did, and then she brought her girlfriend)
Nicola: You're gonna have fun here, right?
Lux: Sure. You're never too pregnant to enjoy GeekCon. Come on, play me on one of these Hackathons.
Nicola: Now that isn't a fair fight...
Dominic: Y'know I was the one who arranged this whole outing-
Lux: Shush, Dominic.

Nicola went straight to the bar anyway.
Regina: Sorry about the tears, it's just
Nicola: Make it a double, on the house, and I'll listen!
Regina: FINE!

Yellow Llamawoman AKA Audra: You're suffering? Good.
Lux: At least I'm doing something useful and bringing new life!
Audra: I've got two kids already!
Blue Llamaman AKA Geoffrey Landgraab: Can't beat that, Miss, can you?
Lux: Whatever. I can beat both your asses in this hacking competition!
Audra: We will see about that!

Nicola: Ooh, look what you made me do, look what you made me do-

GeekCon is pretty helpful. Nicola can find people to promote her cause to, and Lux can hack at the computers and make money! So they'll stay there until it's over, because she needs to be there at the end to get a prize (if she won one).

Nicola: Listen dude, you gotta sign up. It's a joint effort with me and my girlfriend-
Bartender: Girlfriend, huh? Do you two make out or-
Nicola: OK, screw it. Give me money or I'll get you fired.
Bartender: Ha! For what?
Nicola: Sexual harassment!

Bartender:...Right, right. What do you want?
Nicola: I knew you'd understand, good sir. Now, I expect your next paycheck in two weeks.
Bartender: Deal...

Lux won a computer!...We already have the same kind but it could fetch us some money!
(Technically she earned that by hacking, which is allowed in the rules, so I say this is fine!)

Another cute reminder Nicola and Lux are very much in love. This pic is to commemorate them reaching Soulmate status.

Nicola has time to paint again. Her last painting was solid bathroom art (i.e. not very good, and banished to a place people don't spend time in).
Nicola: Bathroom art? I'll show you bathroom art...*mutters*

Six hours later...
Lux: Seriously? Now I gotta do the laundry again!...Oh, and the pain. Fuck this is painful.

Lux: This is going to be awful!
Lux: What did you think having a child together was going to entail?

And at long last, everybody can meet Nic and Lux's ONLY baby (yes I'm still salty about that dice roll), Cola Sutherland!
The naming theme is drinks - so that can be types of drink (e.g. Milk, or Apple Juice), or drink brands (e.g. Pepsi) or even cocktail names (like Mojito).
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