Gill: Maccy! Love fun yum!
Steve needs an heir, dear. But there aren't succession rules or anything, and these apartments are limited on size, so you'll probably just have the one.

Steve: I call it Rita in the Clouds!
Dammit, how can I sell that now? We need money.
Steve: You're not selling it, it's going over our bed!
And so it did.

Rita: Making the bed? More like 'about to make me puke'! God, this morning sickness...

Rita: And these goddamn mice, running everywhere...I gotta call the landlord later!

Family life.
Gracelyn: I don't wanna hear this!
Rita: Yeah, neither do I.
Steve: Well I'm sorry, I've got work in two hours and this is the only bathroom!

Rita: Oh, yeah, and I have to do all this!
Steve: Sorry babe...
Why is the bathroom so dirty, WTF even happened?

Steve: I'll make it up to you.
Rita: Oh Steve! It's not really your fault anyway. Thank you for being considerate.
Steve: Of course I'd be considerate.

Gillian: I'll BASH them!
Gracelyn: I'll RUN them OVER!
What are you two plotting?
Gracelyn: Well, Mum and one-Dad have mice, don't they?

Rita: Darsh, love, you're a friend but this apartment is a piece of crap. The pipes were leaking, and there's yet more mice. So get up here and fix it, pretty pretty pleeeease?

*Darsh leaves*
Oh for heaven's sake.
These apartments are just like...bad.
Steve and Rita need to make money so we can leave already.

Rita: Finally, time for just me and my art.

Rita: And...now the power's out.

Steve's home!
Gillian: You're never gonna catch meeeeee!
Steve: Seriously, I could smell you from the hallway, please let me change your stinky butt.

Steve: Hey look, I found mould! Quadruple-combo-hit of issues!
Rita: This apartment is a piece of crap, why did you rent it.

D-red-s aka Francis: Come on babe, for old times sake?
Rita: What are you talking about, I never let you even touch me. Plus it's my babies' birthday.

Gillian: Ooooh Grace's gonna get big!
Gracelyn: I'm ready.
Rita: I'm ready for you two to get big too, trust me.
Steve: And we can play with the dollhouse SO MUCH.
Childish sims. Forgot how adorable they were. We didn't have any in the ISBI after Steve, I think.

Rita: Gracelyn your stepdad is an idiot.
Steve: Sorry I'm really hungry and it smells so good-
Rita: I don't wanna hear it. Go make another one.

Rita: Wheee! Let's go, Gill! You're gonna be big like your sister.
Gillian: I wish it would have happened an hour ago. *glare*
Steve: I said I was sorry!

Here's Gill and Grace, newly aged up into Whiz Kid Bookworms. I randomised their traits because they aren't heirs for anything, and picked aspirations accordingly. I'll probably use the Pinstar generator for Steve's kid.
Anyway, because they rolled the same trait I figured I'd keep the twin thing going a bit longer. They're still in the red and blue, but I did change a few small things. They also got different shoes.

Nevaeh: How dare you interrupt my awesome-
Rita: Nothing can be awesome with that outfit.

Steve: I'm a T-Rex, I'm Godzilla!
Gracelyn: Dammit Father Steve, it was my turn.
Gillian: Pls...don't hurt it.

Rita: Darsh, this is seriously getting old. Just fix up your piece-of-crap apartments properly unless you wanna be up here every day!

Rita: This dollhouse is that piece of crap landlord, and the roof is his damn balls!

Steve didn't have work today, and our boy has painted a masterpiece. Nice one, Steve! We need that cash.

The girls had their first day of school.
Gillian: Decent.
Gracelyn: Really? Kids were so mean!
Gillian: That's because you went in your nightdress you idiot.

After homework, they get onto chess. They both need to play 3 games for the first tier of Whiz Kid, and it's skilling and fun! Perfect!
Gillian: I can easily crush someone who wore their nightdress to the first day of school.
Gracelyn: Oh get over it!

Rita: So? Ready for baby days again soon?
Steve:...Hell no.
Rita: Oh PHEW neither was I and-
Steve: Scared to admit it right?
Rita: OMG right?

Rita: MotherFUCKER I am PREGNANT -
For once it's not Nevaeh's door. It's the other door. Too many damn loud neighbours.

Rita: Listen up, just because you're bumming around in terrible clothing doesn't mean we all need to hear the shit tunes you use to drown out your own thoughts. Get some headphones, damn!
Raj: Now, dear-
Rita: I will end you. Don't even!

Like several pregnant Sutherland wives/girlfriends before her, Rita wet herself in front of the toilet.
Rita: I've never been so embarrassed.
Good thing this isn't the ISBI so it doesn't matter. No points here.
*sigh* Just get in the shower.

Apparently in this universe, Vladislaus Straud A) is married to fucking Marcus Flex and B) dresses like that. In other words, he dresses like someone who works with Steve and Rita.
Steve: I know, right? That guy...it's Randy, isn't it?
Rita: Fucking Randy!

Rita: There's a fucking fly infestation now.
Steve: That's in your head, let me wooork! We need money!
Rita: What? Am I crazy? I'm carrying your child and now I'm crazy, huh-
Steve: *fear*
Steve may be a cranky hothead, but Rita is also that way. Peas in a pod, birds of a feather, other cliched description of two people who are the same.

Rita: Must be the fly bites.
Steve: No, Gillian brought a bug home from sch - I mean. Yes.

These two are constantly rolling whims for each other. Plus I figured I'd let them spend time with each other before baby hell starts again.

Steve: Good day, Gill-?
Gillian: Leave me BE, fool!
Steve: Teenager phase?
Gillian: I made a mistake filling in my test and then I had to fill it in AGAIN!
Steve: That's the way it goes sometimes, kid.

Family dinner with four different kinds of food.
Steve: Culinary adventure!
Gillian: He's extremely lame, right Grace?
Gracelyn: Leave me out of this and get over it, Gill, that screw-up was your fault.
Rita: These are the most basic recipes available though...we're many things, Stevie, but we aren't cooks.
Gillian: You're also not in any real clothing. Do you two have to walk around in your underwear all day?
Rita: Your sibling needs to breathe.

Rita finally gave birth. Maybe she'll be less pissy.
Anyway, this is baby Gabriel Sutherland. Steve will 100% be dead before this challenge is up, so if I stick to my plan of only one baby for Steve and Rita (though if he's a clone then we're not sticking to that plan), he will take over!

Added some stuff to the living room to fill it out a bit.

Steve and Rita are still very much in love.
Gabriel: Right here. Really, do you have to? Right HERE?!

Gracelyn: *pained smile* I love wet slippers in the morning!
Yikes. Feel your pain, dearie.

Gillian: Grace, Grace, look. He's going so fast there's lines of smoke comin' off him!
Caleb: Run gotta run gotta run run run
Gracelyn: This elevator is just really fascinating.
Gillian: *sigh* Whatever. Is this what it's like to be an adult? Is mail that urgent?

Steve: Hi girls! Good to see you're doing your homework.
Gracelyn: I think God made us.
Steve: Nah that's just the Watcher. She likes it when we're productive. Anyway, I'mma lock myself in the bedroom to paint, knock if you need anything.
Gillian: Fine. At least you and Mum aren't doing that in your underwear.
Steve: Well, I had to go to work today.
Gillian: If there's people who would go to work in underwear, it would be you two.

Steve: Darsh, my man, there's mice again.
Rita: Oh God the smell of those traps...then again, mice. We need to get out of this crapshack soon?
Steve: Yeah, for sure. I'm planning on it once Gabe grows up.
Darsh: I'm still on the phone.
Steve and Rita: Don't care!

Grace: I don't WANT a brother.
Gillian: Holy shit we have a brother?
Where have you two been?
Gillian: Anyway, Grace, shoving a chess piece into your ear isn't going to do anything about the little bugger.

Steve and Rita are...painting in their underwear now.
Gillian: TOLD YOU
Steve: My dear, I am imagining us on this scene of a hike that I am painting.
Rita: But probably not like this.
Steve: No, but damn, you're fine.

The next morning...
Gillian: Seriously I still haven't seen this baby brother.
Gracelyn: And you call me spacey.
Gillian: You are. I'm simply logical.
Gracelyn: Just go into Mum and Dad One's room.
Gillian: Yeah, no. We both know what they're like.

Rita: Feeeeed my dear.
You just had to make it sound creepy.
Anyway Gabriel grows up tonight. It's been pretty quiet in the Sutherland-Cardwell house recently, so not many pictures. And Gabriel is a good baby.

Steve maxed painting. I think Rita's at a Level 7 or something. But she should be there soon enough.
Steve: Can't get enough of the hiking imagery.

Rita is off work today. That's OK because yesterday she got a promotion.

Rita painted, Gabriel slept. That was literally most of the day.
In this pic she's about halfway through her first masterpiece, so well done Rita.
Rita: Please, everything I do is a masterpiece.
Even the twins' father?
Rita: That was a low blow.

Steve got home with a promotion. He is now Level 7 and working in the Patron of the Arts Branch. Rita will of course go into Master of the Real.

Gillian: Wow, how lazy.
Gracelyn: We're all up here working, and Father Steve is just on the TV-
Rita: Speak for yourself, Grace, I'm just eating this good-ass sandwich I made.

Steve: Sooo you wanna 'paint naked' later-
Rita: You're showering before I even think about that, Steve.
Steve:...Fair enough. Back in a sec!

Rita: Dammit Steve, don't leave me hanging like that-
Steve: Trust me, I absolutely want to make sweet love to you but the bath-shower broke-
Rita: Oh, forget it, dear. What's the worst that could happen? One of the kids falls over? Whatever.

Rita: Who are you again?
D-red-s: Oh, that hurts Riri.

You look a lot like your mama, Gabriel.
Gabriel: WOOOOOO getting older!
Steve: Shit, calm down kid.
He's the kid of you and Rita. Neither of you have ever had any real chill.
Here is my lil Stevie boy, moving us on up yet again!
Steve: Please can this next apartment make everybody happier, I don't want to raise my children around rats.
The next apartment is actually next door...so...
Steve: Shit.
Well, at least we can kick out Nevaeh, who as you may recall has spent every night pissing off Rita. And the rest of them, but mostly Rita.
Gill is a cute kid, but I'm glad she and her twin are growing up soon. I can't take this anymore.
Rita: And yet you got me pregnant.
Steve needs an heir, dear. But there aren't succession rules or anything, and these apartments are limited on size, so you'll probably just have the one.

Steve: I call it Rita in the Clouds!
Dammit, how can I sell that now? We need money.
Steve: You're not selling it, it's going over our bed!
And so it did.

Rita: Making the bed? More like 'about to make me puke'! God, this morning sickness...

Rita: And these goddamn mice, running everywhere...I gotta call the landlord later!

Family life.
Gracelyn: I don't wanna hear this!
Rita: Yeah, neither do I.
Steve: Well I'm sorry, I've got work in two hours and this is the only bathroom!

Rita: Oh, yeah, and I have to do all this!
Steve: Sorry babe...
Why is the bathroom so dirty, WTF even happened?

Steve: I'll make it up to you.
Rita: Oh Steve! It's not really your fault anyway. Thank you for being considerate.
Steve: Of course I'd be considerate.

Gillian: I'll BASH them!
Gracelyn: I'll RUN them OVER!
What are you two plotting?
Gracelyn: Well, Mum and one-Dad have mice, don't they?

Rita: Darsh, love, you're a friend but this apartment is a piece of crap. The pipes were leaking, and there's yet more mice. So get up here and fix it, pretty pretty pleeeease?

*Darsh leaves*
Oh for heaven's sake.
These apartments are just like...bad.
Steve and Rita need to make money so we can leave already.

Rita: Finally, time for just me and my art.

Rita: And...now the power's out.

Steve's home!
Gillian: You're never gonna catch meeeeee!
Steve: Seriously, I could smell you from the hallway, please let me change your stinky butt.

Steve: Hey look, I found mould! Quadruple-combo-hit of issues!
Rita: This apartment is a piece of crap, why did you rent it.

D-red-s aka Francis: Come on babe, for old times sake?
Rita: What are you talking about, I never let you even touch me. Plus it's my babies' birthday.

Gillian: Ooooh Grace's gonna get big!
Gracelyn: I'm ready.
Rita: I'm ready for you two to get big too, trust me.
Steve: And we can play with the dollhouse SO MUCH.
Childish sims. Forgot how adorable they were. We didn't have any in the ISBI after Steve, I think.

Rita: Gracelyn your stepdad is an idiot.
Steve: Sorry I'm really hungry and it smells so good-
Rita: I don't wanna hear it. Go make another one.

Rita: Wheee! Let's go, Gill! You're gonna be big like your sister.
Gillian: I wish it would have happened an hour ago. *glare*
Steve: I said I was sorry!

Here's Gill and Grace, newly aged up into Whiz Kid Bookworms. I randomised their traits because they aren't heirs for anything, and picked aspirations accordingly. I'll probably use the Pinstar generator for Steve's kid.
Anyway, because they rolled the same trait I figured I'd keep the twin thing going a bit longer. They're still in the red and blue, but I did change a few small things. They also got different shoes.

Nevaeh: How dare you interrupt my awesome-
Rita: Nothing can be awesome with that outfit.

Steve: I'm a T-Rex, I'm Godzilla!
Gracelyn: Dammit Father Steve, it was my turn.
Gillian: Pls...don't hurt it.

Rita: Darsh, this is seriously getting old. Just fix up your piece-of-crap apartments properly unless you wanna be up here every day!

Rita: This dollhouse is that piece of crap landlord, and the roof is his damn balls!

Steve didn't have work today, and our boy has painted a masterpiece. Nice one, Steve! We need that cash.

The girls had their first day of school.
Gillian: Decent.
Gracelyn: Really? Kids were so mean!
Gillian: That's because you went in your nightdress you idiot.

After homework, they get onto chess. They both need to play 3 games for the first tier of Whiz Kid, and it's skilling and fun! Perfect!
Gillian: I can easily crush someone who wore their nightdress to the first day of school.
Gracelyn: Oh get over it!

Rita: So? Ready for baby days again soon?
Steve:...Hell no.
Rita: Oh PHEW neither was I and-
Steve: Scared to admit it right?
Rita: OMG right?

Rita: MotherFUCKER I am PREGNANT -
For once it's not Nevaeh's door. It's the other door. Too many damn loud neighbours.

Rita: Listen up, just because you're bumming around in terrible clothing doesn't mean we all need to hear the shit tunes you use to drown out your own thoughts. Get some headphones, damn!
Raj: Now, dear-
Rita: I will end you. Don't even!

Like several pregnant Sutherland wives/girlfriends before her, Rita wet herself in front of the toilet.
Rita: I've never been so embarrassed.
Good thing this isn't the ISBI so it doesn't matter. No points here.
*sigh* Just get in the shower.

Apparently in this universe, Vladislaus Straud A) is married to fucking Marcus Flex and B) dresses like that. In other words, he dresses like someone who works with Steve and Rita.
Steve: I know, right? That guy...it's Randy, isn't it?
Rita: Fucking Randy!

Rita: There's a fucking fly infestation now.
Steve: That's in your head, let me wooork! We need money!
Rita: What? Am I crazy? I'm carrying your child and now I'm crazy, huh-
Steve: *fear*
Steve may be a cranky hothead, but Rita is also that way. Peas in a pod, birds of a feather, other cliched description of two people who are the same.

Rita: Must be the fly bites.
Steve: No, Gillian brought a bug home from sch - I mean. Yes.

These two are constantly rolling whims for each other. Plus I figured I'd let them spend time with each other before baby hell starts again.

Steve: Good day, Gill-?
Gillian: Leave me BE, fool!
Steve: Teenager phase?
Gillian: I made a mistake filling in my test and then I had to fill it in AGAIN!
Steve: That's the way it goes sometimes, kid.

Family dinner with four different kinds of food.
Steve: Culinary adventure!
Gillian: He's extremely lame, right Grace?
Gracelyn: Leave me out of this and get over it, Gill, that screw-up was your fault.
Rita: These are the most basic recipes available though...we're many things, Stevie, but we aren't cooks.
Gillian: You're also not in any real clothing. Do you two have to walk around in your underwear all day?
Rita: Your sibling needs to breathe.

Rita finally gave birth. Maybe she'll be less pissy.
Anyway, this is baby Gabriel Sutherland. Steve will 100% be dead before this challenge is up, so if I stick to my plan of only one baby for Steve and Rita (though if he's a clone then we're not sticking to that plan), he will take over!

Added some stuff to the living room to fill it out a bit.

Steve and Rita are still very much in love.
Gabriel: Right here. Really, do you have to? Right HERE?!

Gracelyn: *pained smile* I love wet slippers in the morning!
Yikes. Feel your pain, dearie.

Gillian: Grace, Grace, look. He's going so fast there's lines of smoke comin' off him!
Caleb: Run gotta run gotta run run run
Gracelyn: This elevator is just really fascinating.
Gillian: *sigh* Whatever. Is this what it's like to be an adult? Is mail that urgent?

Steve: Hi girls! Good to see you're doing your homework.
Gracelyn: I think God made us.
Steve: Nah that's just the Watcher. She likes it when we're productive. Anyway, I'mma lock myself in the bedroom to paint, knock if you need anything.
Gillian: Fine. At least you and Mum aren't doing that in your underwear.
Steve: Well, I had to go to work today.
Gillian: If there's people who would go to work in underwear, it would be you two.

Steve: Darsh, my man, there's mice again.
Rita: Oh God the smell of those traps...then again, mice. We need to get out of this crapshack soon?
Steve: Yeah, for sure. I'm planning on it once Gabe grows up.
Darsh: I'm still on the phone.
Steve and Rita: Don't care!

Grace: I don't WANT a brother.
Gillian: Holy shit we have a brother?
Where have you two been?
Gillian: Anyway, Grace, shoving a chess piece into your ear isn't going to do anything about the little bugger.

Steve and Rita are...painting in their underwear now.
Gillian: TOLD YOU
Steve: My dear, I am imagining us on this scene of a hike that I am painting.
Rita: But probably not like this.
Steve: No, but damn, you're fine.

The next morning...
Gillian: Seriously I still haven't seen this baby brother.
Gracelyn: And you call me spacey.
Gillian: You are. I'm simply logical.
Gracelyn: Just go into Mum and Dad One's room.
Gillian: Yeah, no. We both know what they're like.

Rita: Feeeeed my dear.
You just had to make it sound creepy.
Anyway Gabriel grows up tonight. It's been pretty quiet in the Sutherland-Cardwell house recently, so not many pictures. And Gabriel is a good baby.

Steve maxed painting. I think Rita's at a Level 7 or something. But she should be there soon enough.
Steve: Can't get enough of the hiking imagery.

Rita is off work today. That's OK because yesterday she got a promotion.

Rita painted, Gabriel slept. That was literally most of the day.
In this pic she's about halfway through her first masterpiece, so well done Rita.
Rita: Please, everything I do is a masterpiece.
Even the twins' father?
Rita: That was a low blow.

Steve got home with a promotion. He is now Level 7 and working in the Patron of the Arts Branch. Rita will of course go into Master of the Real.

Gillian: Wow, how lazy.
Gracelyn: We're all up here working, and Father Steve is just on the TV-
Rita: Speak for yourself, Grace, I'm just eating this good-ass sandwich I made.

Steve: Sooo you wanna 'paint naked' later-
Rita: You're showering before I even think about that, Steve.
Steve:...Fair enough. Back in a sec!

Rita: Dammit Steve, don't leave me hanging like that-
Steve: Trust me, I absolutely want to make sweet love to you but the bath-shower broke-
Rita: Oh, forget it, dear. What's the worst that could happen? One of the kids falls over? Whatever.

Rita: Who are you again?
D-red-s: Oh, that hurts Riri.

You look a lot like your mama, Gabriel.
Gabriel: WOOOOOO getting older!
Steve: Shit, calm down kid.
He's the kid of you and Rita. Neither of you have ever had any real chill.
Here is my lil Stevie boy, moving us on up yet again!
Steve: Please can this next apartment make everybody happier, I don't want to raise my children around rats.
The next apartment is actually next door...so...
Steve: Shit.
Well, at least we can kick out Nevaeh, who as you may recall has spent every night pissing off Rita. And the rest of them, but mostly Rita.
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